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e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

From the Desk of Chairman of Organising Commi ee

Dear Readers,

It is my privilege and honour to present the e-T FOTECH 2020 Journal.

e pandemic has put most of the business sectors in an unprecedented state
of ux and agility in adapting & responding to the new world order has
become the need of the hour. Amongst the affected sectors, the power sector
has truly emerged as a savior, demonstrating resilience and perseverance,
keeping the lights on amidst nationwide lockdowns in many parts of the
world. Although it seems that the worse is over, I believe that the impact on
society will be long and partly unforeseen. e industry and the people
behind it will have to unlearn and re-learn a new language and grammar.

While we all have been affected in one way or the other and had to adjust our life style drastically, It opened up a
lot of opportunities for the sector by paving way for landmark reforms, policy changes and de ning the future
roadmap towards resiliency, energy transition and the drive to be self-relaint. It gives me immense pleasure to
bring this edition of e-Trafotech journal which is a rich collection of interesting papers around the theme
“Transformers – Today & Tomorrow” that address the challenges & provide possible solutions related with
Power Transformers.
You will nd some high-quality papers on the timely topics such as speci cation enhancement, adaption to
latest standards and trends in transformer design. It also covers the broader spectrum of reliability of the
transformer & its sub-components, emerging monitoring techniques, digitalization and asset maintenance.

Before I say goodbye, I would like to put on record, my sincere thanks to all Authors who have contributed and
entrusted us with the publication of their valuable work. And above all my heartfelt appreciation to all the
members of the Organizing & Technical Commi ees and IEEMA Secretariat colleagues, whose untiring
efforts have resulted in ensuring that the proud legacy of the T FOTECH Conference is sustained and
be ered, year a er year.
ank you all for continuing to support Trafotech and pray that your families & you stay safe and healthy.

Shouvik Bha acharya

Chairman, IEEMA Power Transformer Division
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

From the Desk of Chairman of Technical Commi ee

Dear Readers,

It is my privilege and honor as Chairman of the Technical Commi ee to

present your e-TrafoTech’2020 Journal. During the current pandemic crisis,
companies are forced to rethink their business strategies with a new normal
way of remote working despite several challenges and have affected our
lifestyle drastically. But it has also opened a lot of opportunities for the sector.
e chosen theme of this e-TrafoTech’2020 is “Transformer for Today and
Tomorrow” is more apt in present dynamic grid environment. A glance
through the list of technical papers and keynote speeches will reveal the
diversity of topics wri en by domain experts to align with the theme and
relevance to stakeholders.

Day-1 papers are bid stage and OEMs factory oriented. ey focus on speci cation enhancement proposals, In-
depth design, trends in manufacturing of transformers, emerging trends in bushings technologies to achieve
reliable product performance at the site. Day 2 papers are Sub-vendor and System oriented. ey focus on the
selection of critical components like bushings, tap changers, accessories & emerging technologies of online
monitoring, and digitalization systems for transformers. Day 3 papers are customer and site-speci c. ey focus
on Best practices of site management - right from storage, transportation, site installation, commissioning,
relevant reliability-based maintenance, repair, and case studies of failure restoration. I expect that study of this
conference journal will help in-depth learning on EHV transformer and reactor to enhance our engineering

Before I say goodbye, I would like to put on record, my sincere thanks to all authors & keynote speakers who
have contributed and entrusted us with the publication of their valuable work. Also, I wish to thank Mr. Shouvik
Bha acharya, Chairman of Organizing commi ee and IEEMA Transformer Division for his support and
guidance. Let me thank and appreciate all members of e-Trafotech TC, Advisory Commi ee and OC
commi ee members including Mr. Neeraj Goyal, Co-Chairman, Mr. R Prakash, Mr. Imteyaz Siddiqui and Mr.
Ramachandran and all technical paper evaluators for helping me to shape up the technical papers in the shortest
possible time. My sincere thanks to IEEMA secretariat team under Mr. Pande and Mr. U am Kumar for their
hard work for the past several months in planning and executing this conference.

ank you all for continuing to support Trafotech and pray that your families & you stay safe and healthy.

C. Jayasenan
Chairman, Technical Commi ee, e-TrafoTech’2020
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Organising Commi ee

Mr. Shouvik Bha acharya
Siemens Ltd.

Mr. Neeraj Goyal, Vice Chairman Schneider Electric India Pvt Ltd
Mr. Imteyaz Siddiqui ISA Advance Instruments (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. R. Prakash Easun-MR Tapchangers (Pvt) Ltd.
Mr. Gunjan Agrawal Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd
Mr. Y V Joshi Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited
Mr. Rajib Chaudhary Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Shashi Prasad Cargill India Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Vinamra Agarwal Technical Associates Ltd.
Mr. Manoj Rai Chha isgarh State Power Transmission Company Limited
Mr. P K Patnaik Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited
Mr. Rajarshi Ghosh Calcu a Electric Supply Corporation Limited
Mr. Sameer Gaikwad Doble Engineering Company
Mr. Sharat Chandra Shirdi Sai Electricals Limited
Mr. M Purushothaman Prolec GE
Mr. S K Ray Mohapatra Central Electricity Authority
Mr. Ruchir Mayank GE T&D India Ltd.
Mr. Keyur Shah Yash Highvoltage Insulators Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Sanjay Vyas CTR Manufacturing Industries Limited

Mr. U am Kumar
Organising Secretary
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Technical Commi ee

C. Jayasenan
Siemens Ltd.

Mr. Vikrant Joshi GE T&D India Ltd.

Mr. Anirudh S. Jhala Transformers & Recti ers (India) Ltd.
Mr. Maneesh Jain GE T&D India Ltd.
Mr. Nagarjuna Babu Nannapaneni Shirdi Sai Electricals Limited
Mr. Gautam Mazumder CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd.
Mr. S K Gupta Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Mr. Tarun Garg Hitachi ABB Powergrids
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Advisory Commi ee

Mr. P Ramachandran Sr. Consultant

Mr. Virendra Lakhaini Sr. Consultant
Mr. M Vijayakumaran Prime Meiden Limited
Mr. B N De Bhowmick Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
Mr. B P Soni Gujarat Energy Transmission
Corporation Limited
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Day & Date Topic Author

Technical Session-I: Standard specifica ons and emerging trends
Day 1: Keynote- CEA standard specifica on of EHV Mr. S.K Ray Mohapatra
5th Nov, 2020 transformer & Shunt reactor Chief Engineer - PSETD Division
1630 Hrs. to Central Electricity Authority
Ministry of Power, Govt. of India

Specifica on enhancements and alignment with Mr. Shashank Kulkarni

standards. Team Leader – Electrical Design
Siemens Ltd.

Latest trends in Transformer design & Mr. Vikrant Joshi

Manufacturing. PTR Scien fic Leader
GE T&D India Limited
Effec ve procurement process of EHV Mr. S.K.Gupta
transformer & Shunt reactors AGM
BHEL, Jhansi

Emerging Technology of Bushings Mr. Lars Liden

Product Marke ng Specialist
Bushings and tap-changers
Hitachi ABB Power Grids Sweden

Session Moderator Mr. Tarun Garg

Engineering Manager, Power Trf.
Hitachi ABB Power Grids
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Day & Date Topic Author

Technical Session-II: Reliability of OLTC/Bushings and digi sa on
Day2: Applica on Guideline and fail-safe opera on Mr. Shrikant B. Potnis
6th Nov, 2020 of on Load Tap Changers Chief Execu ve Officer
1630 Hrs. to Easun MR Tap Changers Pvt. Ltd.
Selec on & applica on of Bushings, tap Mr. A.S. Jhala
changers, accessories Transformers & Re c fiers

Role of Digital system for transformer Mr. P.K.Patnaik

applica on- U li es perspec ve Dy. General Manager ( Electrical)
Odisha Power Transmission
Corpora on Ltd.

Digitaliza on & Emerging Online monitoring Mr. Thomas Buijs

devices Hitachi ABB Power Grids

State of art tes ng at factory (including Mr. Rakesh Pa l

remote FAT) for dielectrics, losses, thermal & Chief Manager – Quality Management
emissions Siemens Ltd.

Session Moderator Mr. Vikrant Joshi

PTR Scien fic Leader
GE T&D India Limited
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Day & Date Topic Author

Technical Session-III: Best prac ces in site management
Day 3: Par al Discharge in EHV Transformers and Mr. Stephen Heberer
7th Nov, 2020 Reactors and their monitoring and diagnos cs Vice President System
1630 Hrs. to Altanova Group
Best prac ces in storage, transporta on, site Mr. Adish Kumar Gupta
erec on and commissioning Chief General Manager
Power Grid
Reliability based maintenance & trends in Mr. Gunjan Agrawal
condi on assessment DGM (Engineering-S/S)
Power Grid Corpora on of India Ltd.

Site Repair and Refurbishment Mr. Gautam Mazumdar

Assistant General Manager-
Transformer Service
CG Power and Industrial Solu ons

Restora on & overhauling case studies a er Mr. A J Chavda

major breakdowns Superintending Engineer (Tes ng &
Condi on Monitoring)

Session Moderator Mr. B P Soni

I/C Superintending Engineer (Engg.)
Panel Discussion: One Na on- One Mr. S.K. Ray Mohapatra
Specifica on( Standardiza on of Specifica ons Chief Engineer, PSET&D
of Power Transformer & Reactors) d Central Electricity Authority
Mr. P Ramachandran
Sr. Consultant & Transformer Expert

Representa ve from PGCIL* – Name

to be confirmed shortly
Session Moderator Mr. C Jayasenan
Chairman, Technical Commi ee
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


01 Key Note Papers

e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


S. K. Ray Mohapatra
Central Electricity Authority - Ministry of Power (Govt. of India)

Transformer and reactor are vital and expensive asset in Matching with the installed generation capacity, a vast
power delivery chain. Quality, reliability and availability power Transmission (both HVAC and HVDC) and
of such important assets plays crucial role in achieving Distribution network is spread across the country with
the ultimate objective of delivery of uninterrupted highest transmission system voltage of 765kV AC and ±
(24x7) quality power to all consumers at affordable rate 800kV HVDC (>430,000ckms of transmission network
and smooth operation of Power System. e of 220kV and above voltage levels as on Sept’2020).
standardization of technical speci cation of transformer
& reactor incorporating the best practices & state-of-art e phenomenal growth of Indian Power transmission
technology is the need of hour to ensure quality, system has resulted in the formation of one of the
reliability and long & trouble-free service. ere may be “Largest” Single Synchronous Grids (One Nation One
nancial implication on the overall cost of transformer or Grid) in the world. e transmission system establishes
reactor due to standardization of certain technical the vital link between the generating source and the
parameters, xation of losses, inclusion of certain speci c distribution system connected to the ultimate
construction features and use of speci c component & consumers. A Robust, Reliable and Optimally Planned
material etc. However, if the overall Life Cycle Cost transmission network would facilitate in achieving the
(LCC) is taken into consideration, the bene t will ultimate objective of delivery of 24x7 Quality Power to
ultimately outweigh the initial increase in cost. e all consumers at affordable rate. In coming years, huge
ultimate goal of “One Nation One Speci cation” would generation capacity addition including large scale
be always in the overall interest of the Power System of integration of generation from renewable sources,
the country. expansion of electricity market and power exchange
Key Words: Standardization, Life Cycle Cost (LCC), between India & neighbouring countries would further
One Nation One Speci cation require commensurate expansion & strengthening of the
associated Transmission & Distribution network. e
increase in demand for energy will further require
Growth of Power Sector is crucial for economic and enhancement in transformation capacity as well as
industrial growth of the country. e growth of Indian reactive compensation requirement.
Power Sector is phenomenal. e present installed
generation capacity including generation from e present transformation capacity in substations
Renewable sources, peak demand, energy requirement (≥220kV voltage levels) is about 985GVA (as on
and planned future expansions are as follows: Sept’2020) and is expected to increase to about
Year Installed Peak Energy 1105GVA by the end of current plan period ending on
Capacity demand in BUs 2021-22.
(Renewable) In GW
in GW
India has >600 manufacturers of transformer are there,
Sept’2020 373 (88) 170 ~1400
2020-21 480 (175) 226 1566 out of which about 35 are manufacturers of ≥66kV
2029-30 830 (440) 340 2325 voltage class transformers and 9 manufacturers have the
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


capability and facility for manufacturing transformers STANDARDIZATION
and reactors upto 765kV class. e estimated In present Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB)
manufacturing capacity of transformers and reactors in regime, it is the fact that the focus has shi ed more
India is about 500GVA per annum including distribution towards commercial / nancial aspect. e quality &
class transformer (power transformer about 325GVA reliability has been sidelined, leaving everything at the
per annum & Distribution Transformer about 175GVA mercy of service provider who is supposed to maintain
per annum). the assets for 25-35 years. In such scenario, the
importance of standardization increases manifold and
e complexity of Indian Power System has increased the role of standardization becomes very crucial.
manifold over the years. With operation of multiple
agencies (State Utilities, Central Utilities, and Private Moreover, in order to support “Make in India” (MII)
players) in power sector, high availability & reliable initiatives of Government of India (GoI) with an
operation assumes tremendous importance in present ambitious goal of “Local to Global”, standardization of
scenario. In such a scenario, the major assets of a power speci cation, including stringent quality control,
system would play an important role not only in terms of inspection & testing norms as per relevant national /
investment but also in terms of availability and reliability international standard for equipment & associated
of the system. component / material can only bring quality of
manufactured product and enhance the acceptability in
Transformer and reactor are the vital and expensive International market.
assets in Power delivery system. Reliability and
availability of such assets play important role in smooth ere is no uniform practice across the utilities in the
operation of a power system. Emphasis needs to be laid Country as far as the technical speci cation of
o n i m p roved d es ig n , q u a l i t y co nt rol d u r i ng transformer/reactor is concerned. At present, same
manufacturing, use of right components/accessories, rating/class of transformers/reactors are being designed
maintenance and safety during operation of such vital differently even for the same user. Even for same
assets. Generally, due to poor quality of raw material, speci cations, manufacturer review design for successive
workmanship, manufacturing techniques or due to tenders considering prevailing market condition. is
normal and abnormal stresses of the system during the resu l t s i n u n n ecessar y i n c rea se i n d es ig n &
operation (like frequent system faults, over loading, manufacturing cycle time, cost, human efforts &
environmental effect, unexpected continuous operating inventories. In view of above, there was need to address
voltage and over voltage stresses), and poor maintenance this issue and develop a standard/common design &
practice, transformers/reactors fail much before their engineering speci cation for transformer & reactor
expected life span (expected life span of about 35 years). incorporating the best practices of various utilities, latest
e failure of such vital equipment can have a signi cant technological development and future trends, which
economic impact due to high cost, long lead time in would be followed by utilities & reputed manufacturers
procurement, manufacturing and installation. A failed across the Country.
transformer usually takes a few weeks to replace, if spare
is available, or months to a year for major repair or to is standardization process shall have following
build / procure a new unit. advantages:
• e procurement process will be simpli ed, and
delivery time would be reduced resulting in early
completion of project.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

• Due to standard design, frequent design reviews can be • Standardization of rating and dimension of bushing end
avoided. termination inside the transformer / reactor including
• Standard ratings and standard civil foundation block the space for Bushing Current Transformer (BCT)
would facilitate interchangeability of different make of • Standardization of various technical parameters like
transformer / reactor BIL (including BIL for 230kV and 110kV class) for
• Standard ings & accessories winding and bushings, temperature rise, %Impedances,
• Lesser requirement of inventories tap range & steps and location of taps, oil parameters etc.
• e overall efficiency, quality and productivity in the • Digitalization of Remote Tap Changer Control
entire value chain of transformer / reactor procurement (RTCC) and integration with Bay Control Unit (BCU) /
and operation would be enhanced. Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA)
• Short Circuit (SC) Testing and similarity criteria with
reference to Short Circuit tested transformer as per
AND REACTORS • Design review & mode of design review
Keeping in view above objective and initiative of IEEMA • Basic Manufacturing facility at manufacturer’s works
in above direction, Ministry of Power (MoP), Govt. of • Manufacturer Quality Plan (MQP) and various test
India had constituted a commi ee under the Leadership plans at manufacturer’s works & at site during erection &
/ Chairmanship of CEA with representation from stake commissioning
holders, power utilities and manufacturers. • Transportation, handling, loading-unloading, erection,
e objective of this initiative was to discuss & deliberate testing and commissioning; checks a er receipt at site
in detail to formulate a standard document bringing out and storage at site etc.
critical technical parameters of transformer and reactors • Introduction of Virtual inspection and testing as an
which affects the quality, reliability, efficiency and cost of alternative to conventional practice of physical presence
such assets by adoption of best practices and latest of representative of utility at manufacturer’s works
technological developments. during inspection & testing.
• Interchangeability of transformers & reactors of
Important points considered while preparing this different make on same foundation block
document are as under: • Roles and responsibilities of utility and manufacturer
• Standardization of ratings of transformer / reactor at during the warranty period
different voltage levels and limiting it to frequently used • Condition assessment / monitoring aspect, different
ratings of Power transformers (PT), Generator diagnostic methods / tests to assess the health of
Transformers (GT) and Shunt reactors (SHR) transformer & reactor and for planning of run, refurbish
• Fixation of component losses for transformers (No load and replacement decision.
loss, I2R loss, load loss and auxiliary loss) & shunt
reactors (I2R loss and Total losses) to eliminate the need Brief Highlights of the Document
for capitalization of losses. a) e ratings of transformer and reactor has been
• Provision of tertiary and On Load Tap Changer standardized for frequently / commonly used ratings,
(OLTC) (Conventional & Vacuum type) which includes 17 rating of Power Transformers (765kV
• Use of Resin Impregnated Paper (RIP) / Resin Class: 1, 400kV Class: 6, 220kV Class: 4, 132kV Class: 3
Impregnated Synthetic (RIS) bushings in place of Oil & 66kV Class: 3); 5 ratings for GTs (765kV Class: 2,
Impregnated Paper (OIP) bushings at higher voltage 400kV Class: 3); 8 ratings for Reactors (765kV Class:2,
levels. 400kV class: 4, 220kV Class: 2).
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

b) e xation of maximum permissible loss values for e) e bushing is one of the major causes of failure of
transformers (No load loss, I2R loss, load loss and transformer and in many cases, this has led to severe
auxiliary loss) and reactors (I2R loss and Total losses) consequences like re/burning of transformer/reactors
has been done in consultation with utilities and and explosion. Hence, RIP/RIS bushings have been
manufacturers. e method of calculation of losses has speci ed at various voltage levels in place of conventional
been explained along with a typical example for verifying OIP bushings. RIS would have been a be er/preferred
the guaranteed values and measured value at alternative to OIP, but due to limited manufacturer in the
manufacturer’s works so that all utilities across the world, both RIP & RIS options have been considered.
country get transformer and reactor of similar quality
and efficiency. Manufacturer would be penalized heavily, f ) e technical speci cation covers performance
if losses measured during Factory Acceptance Test parameters like hot spot temperature, suitability to
(FAT)/Routine tests are within +2% of tolerance, withstand various over voltages (TOV, over voltage due
beyond which transformer/reactor would be liable for to Lightning and switching operations), thermal SC
rejection. However, no incentive would be given to withstand capability (2 secs. for ICTs / 3 secs. for GT /
manufacturer for maintaining the losses less than the SAT) & dynamic SC withstand capability, broad
speci ed values. It has been proposed to review the loss construction features of winding, core, tank, bushing,
gures periodically based on the feedback from utilities conservator, other ings and accessories (valves, WTI,
and the manufacturers. OTI, PRD, SPR / PRRR, Buchholz relay etc.), technical
parameters like insulation levels of winding & bushings
c) In general, the tertiary windings have been removed in (LI, LIC, SI & PF), normal current of bushing, type of
case of 3 limbed transformers (upto 200 MVA, 220kV cooling, OLTC (location, range & no. of steps),
class transformer) to eliminate the possible failure due to maximum temperature rise of oil & winding, cooling &
tertiary winding, improve reliability and reduce overall on load tap changing system and associated digital
cost. Unless there is special requirement like loading the control integrated with BCU / SCADA system, oil
tertiary, utilities have been advised to avoid tertiary parameters, and technical parameters of BCT etc. e
winding in transformers up to above mentioned ratings. insulation level of terminal bushings has been considered
as one step higher than corresponding winding
d) Keeping in view the infrequent use of OLTC and no insulation level. e information to be provided on rating
signi cant voltage control/variation is being achieved by & diagram plate and the format listing the Guaranteed &
such use at 400 kV and 765 kV levels, it has been decided other technical parameters to be furnished by the
to have tap less 765/400/33kV ICTs in order to simplify manufacturer have also been included.
the design, eliminate failure due to OLTC, reduce the
overall cost of transformer and improve the reliability of g) e requirement of SC testing has been emphasized in
transformers. Based on the experience & feedback of the line with the provision of CEA (Technical Standards for
manufacturers and utilities, further initiative can be Construction of Electric Plants and Electric lines)
taken to have tap less transformers at lower voltage Regulations and repetition of SC test is not required
level(s) depending on system operation requirement. provided the similarity can be established with reference
Reduction in tap range in case of other voltage class to the SC tested transformer.
transformer will simplif y the tap changer and
transformer connection. Hence, utilities have been h) Emphasis has been given to design review, which is the
advised to explore the possibility of reduction in the tap most important task to be carried out before
range in OLTC depending on their requirement and commencement of the manufacturing of transformer /
system condition.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

reactor to ensure its quality. e design review may be place/developed within the speci ed period of release of
carried out by the purchaser or a consultant appointed by the document.
the purchaser. Design Review carried out by one utility
for a speci c transformer of a particular make, can also be j) Typical Manufacturer’s Quality Program (MQP),
used by another utility for the same design with the Inspection and testing including Stage inspection,
consent of the manufacturer. e standardized Factory Acceptance Tests, testing of ings and
Guaranteed Technical Particulars, submi ed by the accessories, Tank tests and pre-shipment checks at
manufacturer to the purchaser/ utility, would be used for manufacturer’s works etc. are covered in the document.
technical evaluation, design review and veri cation of e key issues relating to transportation, handling,
the similarity criteria with reference to the SC tested l o a d i n g - u n l o a d i n g , E r e c t i o n , Te s t i n g a n d
transformer. commissioning; checks a er receipt at site; storage at
site; safety measures & precautions during erection
e method of calculation of weight of core, ux density, including oil lling; pre-commissioning checks/ tests;
no load loss, load loss, weight of copper, and current and nal commissioning checks before energization are
density etc. along with typical example has been given to also covered. Considering the experience of COVID-19
help the user to verify the corresponding Guaranteed pandemic, virtual inspection and testing has been
values. Introduced as an alternative to conventional practice of
physical presence of representative of utility at
I) Customer / Purchaser always w i shes that manufacturer’s works during inspection & testing.
transformer/reactor manufactured and delivered must
perform trouble free service for its “Speci ed Design k) e manufacturers have different arrangement of
Life”. It is always a challenge for supplier/manufacturer to jacking and different spacing between jacking pads.
keep consistency in material used & manufacturing Hence, it was difficult to standardize the civil foundation
process, which are main cause for variation in quality of drawing based on jacking pad locations / arrangement.
transformer/reactor. Customer practically cannot Design of block foundation based on maximum weight
monitor them and is not expected to do so. e change in of transformer / reactor for a particular MVA / MVAR
sub-vendors and skilled manpower (in the factory) from rating along with speci ed no. of rails with standard
time to time also require due diligence to control and gauge (1676mm) and provision of suitable size of
maintain the consistency of manufacturing process. It is portable metal plate for jacking have been suggested to
also equally very important that transformer/reactor is f ac i l i t ate t h e p hy s i c a l i n te rc h a ngeab i l i t y o f
manufactured in a clean dust free environment with transformers/reactors of different make on same
humidity control. Any compromise on this aspect will foundation block. us, the outage time of replacement
have adverse effect on expected design life of of spare / new transformer or reactor of different makes
transformer/reactor, despite good workmanship and would be minimized as it can be accommodated in the
quality of material usage. e manufacturers are same space with no or minor modi cation in foundation.
expected to develop their manufacturing facility at par e design requirement of soak pit and oil collecting pit
with the global practices/standards to improve quality for transformer / reactor has been clearly speci ed so that
and manufacturing processes for transformer and foundation design takes into account such provision.
reactor. is would enhance the export potential and
international acceptability of the product. e broad list l) It is the fact that during initial 5 years of operation /
of facilities the manufacturers should have are provided operation many transformers / reactors have failed.
in the document. In case the manufacturer(s) do not have erefore, during deliberation, utilities were insisting for
such facilities, it is to be ensured that such facilities are in
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

inclusion of extended warranty / defect liability period (iii) e trend analysis shall be carried out to take further
for transformer/reactor up to 5 years to ensure supply of course of action.
quality product by manufacturer. Manufacturers were of (iv) e utility may employ various diagnostic
the opinion that utilities have a major role to play in long equipment like DGA, winding resistance meter, SF ,
and trouble-free ser vice of such assets. Good capacitance and tan delta measuring units etc. either for
maintenance practice and regular monitoring of health of each substation or cluster of substations depending on
assets is equally important. Successful operation of their assessment or requirement.
transformer/reactor depends on operating conditions (v) Health indexing of transformer/reactor based on
and O&M practices being followed by the utility. e various indicators derived through condition-based
extended warrantee period beyond normal period of analysis shall be done for Residual Life Assessment
warranty would have implication on overall cost of (RLA) and for taking Run/Refurbish/Replacement
transformer/reactor. All utilities may not like to bear the decision.
extra burden on account of extended warranty, rather
such utility may prefer to maintain the health of their e management of such vital assets, when they are in
assets properly for a long & trouble-free service. Being a service/operation as well as when they have outlived
commercial issue, utilities and manufacturer can their expected life/at the end-of-life, is a challenging task
mutually decide about extended warranty/defect for all utilities in a reformed power sector. Residual Life
liability period. However, the responsibilities of Assessment (RLA) would play a vital role while taking
manufacturer and utility have been clearly highlighted in appropriate decisions on "Run-Refurbish-Replace (3
the document. R’s)", investment and future planning of the entire power
m) In general, all necessary steps should be taken to
ensure that proper condition assessment / monitoring For the oil- lled transformers, particularly which are in
and maintenance of transformer/reactor is carried out service for more than 15 years, it is advisable that the
effectively for a long trouble-free service. e condition residual life should be estimated by assessing the extent
monitoring tests include measurement of Insulation of degradation of solid cellulosic paper insulation
Resistance (IR), capacitance & tan-delta for winding & through Furan content analysis of oil and degree of
bushing, magnetic balance, winding resistance, turns polymerization of paper insulation. is would help
ratio, oil Break Down Voltage (BDV), Dissolved Gas utilities in making optimum use of transformers /
Analysis (DGA), thermal scanning, and Sweep reactors and also taking timely decision regarding Run-
Frequency Response Analysis (SF ) etc. e Refurbish-Replacement of transformers / reactors.
frequency of tests and threshold values of various
diagnostic parameters has been given to assess the n) ough the document prescribes uninhibited or
condition of transformer or reactor for reference and inhibited mineral insulating oil, utilities can use Ester
guidance of utility. (synthetic/natural) uid for Transformer/Reactor as per
their requirement. New generation insulating oils may
e utilities have been advised as follows: (i) e also be considered prov ided any National or
frequency of tests may be increased depending on the International standard is available for such oil.
condition assessment of transformer / reactor. Accordingly, the temperature rise of oil over ambient
(ii) e Pre-commissioning test results and the results of temperature may be modi ed.
various tests carried out subsequently at sites shall be
recorded religiously by the utilities.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Abbreviations used
o) e document does not cover transformers suitable ICT: Inter-Connecting Transformer,
for Static Var Compensator (SVC), Static Compensator GT: Generator Transformer,
(STATCOM), traction transformers, welding SAT: Station Auxiliary Transformer,
transformers, testing transformers, mining transformers, BIL: Basic Insulation Level,
furnace transformers and inverter transformer for TOV: Temporary Over Voltage,
Renewable generators LI: Full wave lightening Impulse Withstand Voltage,
LIC: Chopped Lightening Impulse Withstand Voltage
SI: Switching Impulse Withstand Voltage,
Transformer and reactor are vital and expensive asset in PF: Power frequency Withstand Voltage
power delivery chain starting from generation to ultimate WTI: Winding Temperature Indicator,
consumption level. Transformer is a static device and is OTI: Oil Temperature Indicator,
the most efficient equipment in power system (efficiency PRD: Pressure Relief Device,
> 99%). Quality, Reliability and availability of such SPR/PRRR: Sudden Pressure Relay / Rapid Pressure
important assets would play crucial role in achieving the Rise Relay
ultimate objective of cost effective uninterrupted (24x7)
quality power to all consumers and smooth operation of
Power System.

e Standardization of technical speci cation of

transformer & reactor incorporating the best practices &
state-of-art technology is the need of hour to ensure
quality, reliability and long & trouble-free service. is
initiative would support the ambitious goal of “Local to
Global” of Government of India (GoI) under “Make in
India” (MII) program and would enhance the overall
efficiency, quality and productivity in the entire value
chain of transformer / reactor procurement & operation.
ere may be nancial implication on the overall cost of
transformer or reactor due to standardization of certain
technical parameters, xation of losses, inclusion of
certain speci c construction features and use of speci c
component & material etc. However, if the overall Life
Cycle Cost (LCC) is taken into consideration, the
bene t will ultimately outweigh the initial increase in
cost. e goal of “One Nation One Speci cation” would
be always in the overall interest of the Power System of
the country.
[1] CEA’s Dra Standard Speci cations and Technical
parameters for Transformer and Reactor (≥66kV Voltage
[2] Latest IEC 60076 / IS 2026 and Parts thereof
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Shashank Kulkarni
Siemens Ltd, Mumbai

EHV Power Transformers & Shunt reactors (66kV & which has been agreed by all leading manufacturers and
above) are vital national assets in the power system. eir purchasers. As a part of continuous improvement, the
site performance & reliability is most crucial for utilities, speci cation shall address continuous invention in raw
OEMs & transformer sub-vendors. e transformer is a materials, new technology development, digitalization
matured product having more than 13 decades of prospects, eld experiences, change in manufacturing
experience in terms of its design, manufacturing & practices, availability of the indigenous solutions &
successful eld operation. But in Indian context, the last environmental conditions. is paper deliberates some
een years, transformer Industry has seen several of the topics that can be included in standard technical
instances of premature failures. Focus is required on speci cation to build standardized, optimized & reliable
following topics to address the same. EHV Transformers & Reactors.
On account of purchaser:
1. Age old speci cations,
2. Relaxed qualifying criteria, is paper is deliberating on following areas where we
3. Absence of level playing evaluation criteria, can see some potential to generate few ideas for
4. Lack of transparency of data base of failures, be erment of technical speci cation of power
On account of Equipment Manufacturers: 1. Additional speci cation requirements (in terms of
1. Site quality inconsistency, dielectric, Electromagnetic, ermal, noise emissions &
2. Use of outdated design and manufacturing technology, split-up of load loss)
3. High failure rate, Mind set of manufacturers 2. Adherence to latest standards
4. High capacity in transformer factories 3. Quali cation Requirement (QR) for Short Circuit
5. Low pro tability for long term viability proof Designs
4. Manufacturing facility & Processes
On account of Market & competence. 5. Test lab accuracy Requirement
1. High import content, High cost reduction pressures 6. Digitization & Cyber security
due to erce competition However, the roles & responsibilities for maintenance of
2. Limited sub-vendors. the transformer & site activities are treated as beyond the
erefore, these problems must be addressed by original scope of this paper.
equipment manufacturers (OEM’s), equipment
purchasers & sub-supplier ’s through modern
speci cations backed by regulatory interventions. e
speci cation enhancement is an a empt by which these
issues faced by the customers are fully addressed.

Some of the points of Spec enhancement are already

partially covered by CEA standard speci cation [1],
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

In absence of split-up of load losses, unrealistic and wide has to be avoided, with common generic speci cation for
range of stray losses has been observed in the Indian all rating. It is also recommended to remove non-
Transformer industry which results in non-level playing applicable speci cation for be er clarity.
competition. It is recommended that each general speci cation should
Based on the discussion with various manufacturers, I2R be marked with revision index to track the changes made
loss & total load loss has been frozen by CEA dra by all stake holders.
speci cation [1] to address the above challenge. Selection criteria for accessories like PRD, MOG,
e high value critical components like core, winding, Conser vator has been numerically de ned for
insulation and bushings were de ned with stringent harmonized selection by OEMs.
numerical values along with detailed speci cation As per IS2026-2, Temperature limits are given as follows:
instead of generic brief statements, thereby allowing the • Top Oil Rise: 50 °C
purchasers to verify them by measurement. e relevant • Average winding Rise: 55 °C
nomenclatures of CRGO are de ned as per IS 3024. • Hotspot Winding Temperature Rise: 66 °C
e insulation quality has been de ned by the density Above limits are speci ed considering following ambient
values as per IEC 60641 (parts there-of) & as per leading conditions mentioned in IS2026-1:
pressboard supplier’s recommendation. (Pressboard • Yearly average ambient: 32 °C
with 1.15 gm/cc minimum for load bearing and 0.95 • Maximum average ambient: 50 °C
gm/cc minimum for non-load bearing, kra paper with
0.75gm/cc minimum). However, due to greenhouse effect and global warming,
Materials used for Tank construction are de ned as per maximum ambient temperature in some parts of India is
the relevant IS standards. reaching up to 55°C. Hence, it is recommended to reduce
It is observed that various utilities in the country have temperature rise limits by 5°C as follows in line with CEA
been following different limits of operating ux densities dra speci cation [1]:
in the core (up to 1.73T at rated voltage) and current • Top Oil Rise: 45 °C
densities in winding conductors (3.0A/mm2 for main • Average winding Rise: 50 °C
windings & 5.0A/mm2 for Tertiary). Now these values • Hotspot Winding Temperature Rise: 61 °C
are harmonized in the dra CEA dra speci cation [1].
e perineal issues like oil leakage, paint peel-off & Alternatively, thermally upgraded paper can be opted for
aesthetic has been clearly de ned in CEA dra winding conductors to have additional thermal margin.
speci cation [1] with the type of surface preparation Tank hot spot limits (110°C) & its measurement
requirements and minimum DFT requirements (>155 methodology during temperature rise test are de ned
µm) as per ISO 12944-5-2017 for normal corrosion under CEA Dra speci cation [1], to give early warning
category, unlike 80µm mentioned earlier. signal for gassing issues. e value speci ed 110°C is
Lenient noise limits (NEMA+5 dB) have been made more stringent than IEC 60076-7.
stringent to lower limits, especially for shunt reactors, in
line with international practice of leading manufactures.
In some utility speci cation, internal inconsistencies of
the speci cation and different requirement for different
voltage class transformers have to be eliminated. Practice
of following different speci cation for each rating
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


It has been observed that in some utility speci cations, Category A: Transformer is meeting the similar
the switching impulse (SI) withstand voltage level for transformer de nition of IEC 60076-5 [3]. However,
220kV transformer was absent (as per old IEC change in some materials does not affect the short circuit
standards), though it was highlighted by CEA commi ee performance of the offered transformer.
reports. A s per latest IEC 60076-3, technical
speci cations should include SI test values for 220kV Examples of Category A:
class transformers. 1. Change of bushings, & external accessories.
As per bushing standard IEC 60137- 2017, the dry power 2. Change of CRGO grade,
frequency withstand voltage for transformer bushings 3. Change of cooling method shall not impose any
are mentioned as one level higher (approx. 10%) than the restrictions for validation of short circuit. except Oil
w inding insulation levels. e same shall be Directed cooling (OD)
incorporated in transformer speci cations for increased
safety of bushings which are exhibiting higher failure Category B: Transformer is meeting the similar
rates. transformer de nition of IEC 60076-05, but the change
As agreed with bushing manufacturers, more stringent in these aspects may affect the short circuit performance
tan δ of bushing (0.005) is mentioned than IEC 60137 of offered transformer. ese changes can be accepted
speci ed limit of 0.007. during design review stage by checking the calculations
It is recommended to include all abnormal operating OR by tracking the records of the material used.
conditions (altitude, higher ambient, current & voltage
harmonic, seismic acceleration, transport limits, Examples of Category B:
con ned installation etc.) mentioned in IEC 60076-1 1. Change in basic parameters like Voltage ratio, MVA
[2], so that necessary precautions can be taken right from rating, % impedance, losses, vector group, tap range.
design stage. However, the rating is ing into the similarity de nition
Guidelines for location and number of ber optic probes given in IEC 60076-5
as per IEC 60076-2 recommendation have to be 2. Change in cooling from ON/OF to OD: ermal
incorporated in the speci cation. design must be evaluated during design review stage as
OD cooling may change the clamping frame structure
3. QR FOR SHORT CIRCUIT PROOF DESIGN and/or major insulation in winding assembly.
In most of the Technical Speci cation OEMs are asked to 3. All de nitions of similar transformer are matched
submit the successful dynamic short circuit test report of except ‘Type of Operation’: From design point of view
similar transformer as a part of quali cation requirement ‘Generator Transformer’ is quite similar to ‘SVC
(QR). It is also mentioned that the similarity shall be coupling transformer’ in terms of short circuit design.
proved either by test or by calculations with reference Regulation winding may not be present in coupling
transformer. It is proposed that the similarity criteria transformer which shall be accepted a er design review.
shall be strictly checked as per IEC 60076-5 (Annex B). 4. For three phase transformers with 5 limb construction
However, there is o en ambiguity in proving the or 3 limb construction may be accepted a er Design
similarity of offered transformer with the reference Review.
transformer due to different perception & understanding
of reference transformer.
We would like to propose three distinct categories to
differentiate the acceptance criteria of similar
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Category C: e change in these parameters is not • <0.75 weight % for transformers with Um >72,5. ≤ 170
acceptable from short circuit point of view. kV,
• <0.5 weight % for transformers with Um > 170 kV
Examples of Category C: Dew Point value of dry air a er 24 hours of lling inside
1. Change in number of wound limbs compared to transformer is recommended as below:
reference transformer. E.g. one wound limb with two
-38°C at 20°C ambient temperature
return limbs versus two wound limbs & two return limbs. -36°C at 30°C ambient temperature
(Short circuit current magnitude are different & thus the -30°C at 40°C ambient temperature
forces are different). e above values of moisture content and Dew point are
2. Reference Transformer test reports are from factory taken from experience of author’s employer.
having different manufacturing practices.
As per latest IEC 60076-3, IVPD is a routine test for
PROCESS Um>170kV. According to IEC60076-3 standard, the
e advanced step-lap core construction has been test can only be considered valid if the measured
preferred instead of conventional mitred core joints to background PD level does not exceed 50pC at both the
achieve improved performance in terms of losses, noise beginning and end of the test, at the measuring frequency
& magnetizing current. as per IEC 60270. e measurement of PD at high
e dust free environment in the winding area has been frequency above 1MHz shall be avoided. For shunt
introduced to reduce the possibilities of dielectric failure reactors a background PD level of up to 100pC at 100-
for improved reliability. 250kHz to be ensured.
Similarly, Air quality management is critical in terms of
reliability. e particle counts are a good measure to Some of the other criterion mentioned by this standard
ensure air quality of conditioned room. for successful PD test are:
e insulation storage is de ned to have be er shelf life. • none of the PD levels recorded during the one-hour
It is preferred that the manufacturer shall furnish period exceed 250pC; (few Speci cations in India
facilities to measure particle counts in oil at his work, as a require this value shall be <100pC)
quali cation requirement. e particle analysis shall be
• the measured PD levels during the one-hour period do
carried out in factory. Below particle limit shall be
not increase by more than 50 pC
ensured by manufacturer, implying low contamination,
as per CIGRE Brochure 157 of WG 12.17, Table 8 [5]. Considering low value of PD measurement during IVPD
Similarly, a er ltration, the oil is to be ushed and testing (<100pC in India), low background PD shall be
particle count to be measured for transformers and ensured. Following recommendations are given based on
reactors having Um ≥275kV. experience of author’s employer:
Limiting value for the particle count are • EHV lab for FAT must have valid NABL accreditation
1000 particle /100 ml ; particle size ≥ 5 µm. of ISO/IEC 17025.
130 particle /100 ml ; particle size ≥ 15 µm
In the same way dew point gives good indication for the • Low background PD are achievable w ith
moisture ingress in transformer lled with dry air. Dew electrostatically shielded EHV lab.
point measurement of dry air a er 24 hours of lling • Additionally, manufacturer shall have high voltage and
inside transformer before dispatch. e moisture high current lters to reduce background Pds.
content must be:
• PD sensitivity range of 1 to 100000pC
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Accurate loss measurement during Factory Acceptance f. Overload capability of the transformer.
Te s t (FAT ) i s a n i m p o r t a n t . B e l ow a re o u r g. Residual life assessment of the transformer.
recommendations for loss measurement at FAT:
h. Integrated DGA analyser with H2 and moisture
• Winding resistance meter shall have accuracy of +/- indication as bare minimum.
0.05% for measurement scale of 100 mΩ.
I. Integrated Tan delta measurement of bushings.
• Power Analyzer calibrated at low power factors of Unity
PF (FSC 110% voltage and 120% current input to j. e system should be scalable to adapt to new
wa meter according to Instrument Tx) / 0.5 PF Lag / 0.2 technology without any major shutdown.
PF Lag / 0.1 PF Lag / 0.05 PF Lag / 0.01 PF Lag (40-60% e IoT gateway and cloud applications must comply
Voltage and 40%-80% current input to wa meter with the latest international cybersecurity standards (as
according to instrument Tx). applicable). e data storage and visualization shall have
6. DIGITIZATION & CYBER SECURITY following features:
With INDUSTRY 4.0 developments in the world of • Compliant with relevant cyber security standards - ISO
digitization, we can unleash the potential of IoT, digital 27001 and IEC 62443-4-2.
twin & cloud-based computing for asset management of • Compliant with all relevant standards (e.g. EMC
Transformers & reactors. Directive 2014/30/EU, IEC/EN 60529 and IEC/EN
A digitally enabled Power Transformer which provides 61010, IEC/EN 61000, IEC/EN 60068).
end-to-end access to digitalization, incl. the sensor • Cloud based data storage with capacity for the usual
hardware, digital connectivity and cloud-based data transformer lifetime.
storage, including visualization and analytics capability.
e physical hardware shall be designed in a robust way, • Secure cloud-based data storage with SHA1 based
reducing vulnerability and maintenance to a minimum. integrity checks and 2-level user authentication.
e solution should be integral part of the Transformer. • Remote Firmware update via the cloud management
e transformer shall be at minimum equipped with platform has to be supported by the connectivity device.
following measurement sensors: CONCLUSION
a. Oil Level Indicator: indicate the status of the top oil e well-balanced speci cation covering all the best
level global practices will result in reliable transformer
procurement & operation. Standardization of the ratings
b. Oil temperature: PT100 Resistor ermometer.
& its technical speci cation will bene t all the stake
c. Winding current: the integrated current transducer holders. CEA dra speci cation [1] shall be adhered by
with an output between 4-20mA indicates the actual all utilities.
value of the winding current with a galvanic separation
e above paper addresses some of the key technical
between the primary and secondary circuit. A current
requirements which are in line with CEA dra
transformer is mandatory in order to transform the
speci cation [1] . is endeavor will help us to evolve
current value.
with reliable & cost-effective solution along with the
d. GPS location of the asset. focus on streamlined manufacturing, advanced testing
e. Detailed thermal image of the transformer including facilities, upcoming technologies, environmental
Hotspot information. (Digital Twin). changes & harmonized interpretations of various
standards, site experiences.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

[ 1 ] Ce n t ra l E l ec t r i c i t y A u t h o r i t y, St a n d a rd
Spec i cat ions and Technical Parameter s for
Transformers and Reactors (66 kV & above voltage class)
Chapter 2 (Dra 2020)
[2] Power Transformers –Part 1: General, IEC60076-1,
Edition 3.0 2011-04
[3] Power Transformers –Part 5: Ability to withstand
short circuit, IEC60076-5, Edition 3.0 2006-02
[4] Power Transformers –Part 3: General, IEC60076-3,
Edition 3.0 2011-04
[5] Effect of particles on transformer dielectric strength,
CIGRE Brochure 157, WG 12.17, Year: 2000
[6] Security for industrial automation and control
systems - Part 4-2: Technical security requirements for
IACS components, IEC 62443-4-2:2019
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Vikrant Joshi
GE T&D India Ltd.

Transformer design and manufacturing is an evolving Requirement of environment friendly transformers that
eld. e latest trends and developments in the power require more and more use of bio-degradable components,
system and the economy, a new shi towards energy especially the insulating and cooling uid has given a huge
conservation and environment friendliness as well as the demand for transformers lled with ester based (natural or
ever-increasing demand of reliability put new and synthetic) uids. e properties and behavior of these
unprecedented demands on the transformer. e esters is, while quite like the mineral oil, is not exactly like
transformer design needs to address these new demands the mineral oil. In view of this, using esters in transformers
and make a design meeting them at a competitive cost. is a new challenge. Also, the interface of esters and other
For achieving this, the proven, matured technology is components inside the transformer (immersed ends of
complemented by the new techniques which take bushings, tap-changers) is affected by this difference in the
advantage of the developments in materials, IT enabled properties of ester. So designing ester lled transformers, or
tools for accurate performance prediction and improved retro- lling existing mineral oil lled transformers requires
manufacturing processes. ese techniques are also special considerations and state-of-the-art technology.
backed by experimental and analytical research in the
various related elds such as solid insulation, mineral oil, Looking at these important trends, the paper discusses
esters, dielectrics, electromagnetics, magnetostriction to their impact on:
name a few. . e load and no-load loss
. ermal performance
1 INTRODUCTION . Dielectric design
ere are a few major trends that put more and more . Short circuit withstand capability
. Transformers with bio-degradable uids
onerous demand on today’s transformers. ey are:
Efficiency (energy conservation)- requiring reduction in e transformers considered here are the liquid lled core
transformer losses, and very high capitalization/penalty type power/distribution transformers with stacked core
rates on losses. is also requires a compact design of and concentric windings.
transformer active part and tank, leading to more
onerous dielectric stresses. 2 NO LOAD LOSS AND LOAD LOSS
Harmonic loading of transformers due to renewable in- No load loss: Controlling and reducing the no load loss in a
feed tends to increase the transformer losses and noise transformer is of vital importance, especially when the
under service conditions. e transformers of today capitalization/penalty rates are very high.
must be designed keeping in mind that the losses/hot e no load loss mainly depends upon:
spots not only under the acceptance test condition, but . e CRGO grade used (its thickness and metallurgy, grain
also under the service condition are important for a orientation)
reliable transformer. . e operating ux density
Highly interconnected grids that substantially increase . Core mass
the system fault levels as well as cause more faults on the . e type of core (1-phase, 3-phase, 3-limb, 5-limb etc.)
. e type of joint between the limb and yoke (mitred-
interleaved or step-lap)
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

We discuss these factors one by one. Load loss: e 3 components of the load loss are- the I2R
e speci c losses of a core grade are reduced by the core loss, the eddy loss in winding conductors and the stray
manufacturers by reducing the thickness, increasing the losses in structural parts.
resistivity and improving the grain orientation. Today, Reducing the I2R losses is straightforward, by providing
CRGO grades with thickness as low as 0.20 mm, and higher cross-sectional area of the winding conductors.
with laser scribing are available, which can give a very low However, the increased conductor mass due to this, as
speci c loss. Implementing these grades in transformer well as increased dimensions of the single strands would
cores requires special care in manufacture of the increase the eddy losses in the windings, can partly offset
laminations, due to the reduced thickness. the reduction in the I2R losses. Under service
Frequently used CRGO grades Eddy loss = K. f2 X t2
(IEC60404-8-7 2020): Where K is a constant depending on material, geometry
and mass of the winding, f is the supply frequency and t is
Type W/kg at 1.7 T, 50 hz the dimension of the conductor perpendicular to the
M120-27S5 Conventional 1.2
leakage ux.
From the equation above, the harmonics cause the eddy
M100-27P5 High permeability 1.0 current loss in winding conductors to further increase.
M75-23R5 Domain refined 0.75
is would lead to increased load loss, oil temperature
and winding hot-spot temperature in service. In order to
e no-load loss can be reduced by operating on the avoid this, the latest strategy is to use CTC conductors
lower ux density. However, this is not the most wherever feasible. e use of CTC conductors also
economical way of no-load loss reduction, since the eliminates the circulating current losses that may occur
reduction in ux density would increase the mass and when large quantity of parallel conductors is employed
dimensions of the core (for a given volt per turn) and with limited crossovers between them.
would increase the material cost for the core. e ux For accurate estimation of the eddy loss, it is necessary to
density in the core must be chosen judiciously. O en it is accurately calculate the leakage ux. is calculation is
best to work on highest allowable ux density to achieve best performed using advanced computer programs
the required no-load losses in design. based on ROTH or nite element method.
e type of core also in uences the no-load losses. For e remaining part of the load loss, the stray losses in
example, the no -load loss building factor for a 3-phase 5 structural parts is very important, since an ill-designed
limb core may be higher than that of a 3 phase 3 limb core. transformer can have high localized stray loss leading to
e building factor is de ned as: unacceptable hot spots. Especially, the vulnerable
members are the itch-plates, the core steps facing the
No-load loss ÷ core mass ÷ W/kg for the CRGO grade windings, parts of the tank, and structural members near
high current carrying leads and bushings. Today, the
e building factor gets worsened if the handling of the
design engineers rely on 2 and 3-dimensional eld
laminations on the shop- oor is not correct. Multiple
calculations for accurate prediction of structural stray
assembly and dis-assembly of core laminations,
loss and the hot spots.
improper supporting of the laminations during the
manufacturing process can lead to increased losses.
e joint between the limb and yoke plays a vital role in
reducing the no-load loss of the transformer. e latest
trend is to provide a step-lap joint, rather than a
conventional mitred-interleaved joint. e mitred-
interleaved joint not only has a higher wa loss at the
joints, but it also increases the no-load current of the
transformer and so also its noise. Figure-1: 2D Magnetic eld plot- auto transformer
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

With high peak loads and lower redundancy of
substation transformers, today’s transformers operate
close to the nameplate rating for a longer time and are
o en overloaded. Also, the generator step-up
transformers are almost always loaded to its nameplate
capacity regardless of the ambient temperature. While
this may be an acceptable condition, the modern
transformer has a much higher thermal stress. e effects
of operating temperature of uid and the solid insulation Figure-3
have a detrimental effect on the life and reliability of the
transformer and deserves an elaboration here. For a good overload capability, we need a low hot spot
Here the thermal performance is considered in temperature for which a reasonably low hot spot gradient
is necessary to achieve. Ascertaining a low hot-spot
two parts: temperature requires very specialized knowledge of uid
. e internal- cooling of windings dynamics and practical manufacturing difficulties.
. e external- cooling through heat exchangers Optimum quantity and placement of the oil guiding
Cooling of windings: e uid enters the winding from washers, as well as controlling the radial eld eddy loss in
bo om and rises upwards due to the natural/forced the end discs/turns of the winding [3]. Excessive oil
convection and collects the heat from the windings as it velocity in the radial and axial cooling ducts must be
rises upward. Because of this, the winding temperature at avoided, as it may lead to static electri cation.
top is higher than at bo om. Also, at the upper (and In large power transformers, use of CTC conductors
lower) end of the winding, the additional eddy losses helps reduce the eddy current loss. However, the bulging
because of the radial fringing of the leakage ux [7] and a of paper covering on the CTC conductor can cause
worsened oil ow cause a further increase in the winding reduction of the radial oil cooling duct, reducing the oil
temperature at top. IEC 60076-2, annexure B provides a ow. In such a case, it is essential to increase the cooling
guidance on estimating the hot-spot factor for duct dimension. Today, the CTCs without paper
transformers. is is well explained by way of the gure-2 insulation are also available, and they can be used in low
below. Figure-3 provides an example of a bad oil ow at voltage windings (e.g. the LV winding of a GSU). e use
the upper end of the winding. of such special conductors further improves the removal
of heat from the conductors, reducing the gradient.
For transformers with forced oil cooling, it is important
to provide directed oil circulation.
e state-of-the-art today is to use computational uid
dynamics alongside of the practical information and test
results for estimating accurate gradients.
External cooling: e external heat exchangers collect
the heat from the oil and dissipate it to the external
cooling medium (air or water). Large transformers are
o en provided with forced cooling system by way of fans
and pumps. Selecting optimum pump capacity, the
capacity and quantity of fans is an important
consideration. A sub-optimal fan placement can lead to
wastage of the forced air and can lead to high oil
temperature. Here again, the use of computational uid
dynamics alongside the test data are used to calculate the
Figure-2 air ow on the heat exchangers.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Figure-4: CFD calculation of air ow Figure-5: VFTO waveform (CIGRE TB 519)

Where space is a limitation, the compact oil-air heat On the other hand, the transformers are becoming more
exchangers with integrated fans and pumps provides a and more compact, requiring reduced clearances in the
very effective solution. Some of the large transformers, active part as well as from the active part to the tank. is
which are required to be placed in urban areas have phenomena poses a great challenge to the insulation
effectively utilized this solution (e.g. PGCIL, GETCO in design in a transformer.
India). Some utilities even turn on or off the heat e lightning and the chopped lightning voltage
exchangers depending upon the load conditions, thus distribution along the winding length is not easy to
saving on the power consumed by the cooling calculate; simplistic methods based on capacitive voltage
equipment. distribution alone can give very erratic results. For this
Some utilities (e. g. NTPC, India), in collaboration with purpose, the leading manufacturers of transformers have
transformer manufacturers have developed special computer programs that consider the capacitances,
SMART schemes. ese schemes utilize the composite inductances and the non-linear elements (surge arrester
monitoring system for sensing the cooling requirement, blocks across tapping steps etc.) and calculate the
and variable frequency drive for speed control of the impulse voltage distribution at all the points in the
pumps. e compact oil-air heat exchangers are transformer winding [5]. Withstand of the internal
automatically controlled based on the hot-spot winding insulation is then calculated using the semi-empirical
temperature in the transformer winding with least calculations based on electro-static eld calculations and
possible energy consumption in the forced cooling experimental research.
equipment [10].
On the one hand, the grid is becoming more complex
with a higher occurrence of transient overvoltage and has
ever increasing GIS systems causing very fast transient
overvoltage (VFTO).

Figure-6: Electro-static eld plot

e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

e insulation design of high voltage power transformers challenge; the success rates during the short circuit tests
is veri ed by: world over is quite low.
- Evaluating the worst-case equivalent voltage that e design tries to minimize the magnitude of short
appears between the different electrodes. is requires circuit forces and to improve the strength of the
converting the voltages occurring during various test and transformer windings and clamping structure.
service conditions to an equivalent voltage (typically, an e balancing of axial amp-turns is key to reducing the
ac voltage for 60s duration), and choosing the worst case unbalance forces. Designers use magnetic eld
among them. calculation programs to accurately balance the axial amp-
- Plo ing the electro-static eld using 2D or 3D eld turns and minimize the forces. Use of calibrated key-
plo ing so ware as appropriate spacers between the discs and turns helps precisely
- Based on the electric eld levels, calculate the withstand achieve the required axial dimensions of the winding.
on the bare/insulated electrodes, in the oil gaps and e hoop compressive stress on the windings is perhaps
along the oil-pressboard interfaces [6]. is is based on the most onerous, causing radial buckling of the winding.
experimental research on models; years of testing and Here, some customers demand that windings must
analysis goes into this. ere are only a handful withstand the stress without any internal supports. O en
companies, including GE, who have such research this condition cannot be met by plain conductors and
facilities. epoxy bonded conductors are necessary for achieving
In the EHV/UHV systems, the occurring overvoltage in the withstand. In many large transformers, the inner
the system interact with the transformer [2]. If some windings are made using the epoxy bonded conductors.
frequency components of these over-voltages match e accumulated axial compressive forces in the key-
with the natural frequency of the windings, resonance spacers tend to cause tilting of the conductors in the
can occur in some parts of the winding. In the worst case, disc/turn of a winding; in large power transformers, plain
this can lead to insulation failure. It is pointed out that the conductors o en cannot withstand such forces, and the
system overvoltage can create stresses different and use of epoxy bonded conductors is the latest trend.
higher than the standard factory acceptance tests. It is e leads external to the windings are also subject to
important on the part of the customer to identify and severe mechanical forces and vibrations during the short
provide the details of such overvoltage to transformer circuit event, and a rigid supporting arrangement is
manufacturer. Based on this, the manufacturer can provided to prevent their movement.
strengthen the insulation as necessary. e clamping structure in the transformer plays an
In the EHV/UHV systems, the occurring overvoltage in important role of rigidly locating the winding system
the system interact with the transformer [2]. If some against the axial unbalance forces, as well as the dynamic
frequency components of these over-voltages match forces during the short circuit event. Today the design of
with the natural frequency of the windings, resonance clamping structure relies on use of high tensile strength
can occur in some parts of the winding. In the worst case, in critical load bearing members as well as on a detailed
this can lead to insulation failure. It is pointed out that the structural analysis using 3D so ware programs.
system overvoltage can create stresses different and Needless to emphasize that a good design alone cannot
higher than the standard factory acceptance tests. It is ensure a short circuit withstand capability of a
important on the part of the customer to identify and transformer. A big expertise in the manufacturing
provide the details of such overvoltage to transformer process is necessary to manufacture and assemble the
manufacturer. Based on this, the manufacturer can windings precisely in line with the design. e modern
strengthen the insulation as necessary. manufacturing processes like iso-static clamping during
the winding dry-out ensure the stability of the so axial
5 SHORT CIRCUIT WITHSTAND CAPABILITY insulation which is utmost necessary to ensure a short
It is evident from the increasing customer requests for circuit withstand. e manufacturing skills require
short circuit testing all over the world, that the grids have continuous improvement by training and assessment
increased frequency of short circuits. and the necessary infrastructure for this also provides a
Designing a transformer for short circuit withstand is a consistent product.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Natural and synthetic esters are now being increasingly [1] IEC 60076-1, Power transformers- Various parts
speci ed in transformers in view of their higher ash
point as well as excellent biodegradability. [2] CIGRE Technical brochure 577A. Electrical
In combination with solid insulation materials of high transient interaction between transformer and the power
temperature class, esters can allow operation of system. Part 1- Expertise. 2014
transformers at elevated temperatures without abnormal
ageing [4]. [3] CIGRE Technical brochure 659. Transformer
thermal modelling. June 2016
ere are some differences in the characteristics of esters
than those of mineral oil: [4] CIGRE Technical brochure 738- Ageing of liquid
- Esters are generally more viscous- especially at lower impregnated cellulose for power transformers. August
temperature. 2018
- e dielectric withstand capability of esters, for long
gaps is lower than mineral oil and sows a more statistical [5] CIGRE Technical brochure 785- Electromagnetic
sca er. computation methods for lightning surge studies with
- Esters have higher dielectric constant than the mineral emphasis on the FDTD method. December 2019
[6] CIGRE Technical brochure 794- Field grading in
In view of the above, additional care needs to be exercised electrical insulation systems. March 2020
- Cooling ducts in the winding [7] Transformer Engineering- Design, Technology and
- Quantity of radiators to achieve a given temperature rise Diagnostics. Book by S. V. Kulkarni, S. A. Khaparde.
- Electrical clearances for long gaps must be increased or Second edition 2013
these gaps would need to be subdivided
- Usually vacuum type OLTCs are preferred when their [8] MR Brochure- Alternative liquids for tap changers
lling medium is esters. In such cases, the torque
required to drive the OLTC is also higher [9] ABB Brochure- Selecting bushings for ester
- Interface between bushing surfaces and ester as well as insulation uids
the OLTC selector and ester. A derating of the voltage of [10] M/s. Minal Kataria, Venkatesh Vuppuluri. Smart
these components may be necessary to achieve the coolers for future power transformers- Technical paper
required dielectric withstand [8], [9]. Trafotech 2018 Tenth International Conference on
ere are other issues such as material compatibility, Transformers
transformer processing and impregnation, DGA
interpretation etc., which need special a ention.
Manufacturers are recommended to have dedicated
systems for handling and storage of esters.
Today’s power transformers are subject to severe stresses
and the design engineers strive to ensure reliability of the
transformers by a judicious choice of advanced materials,
processes and advanced computation techniques,
supported by basic research. Improved manufacturing
processes are also necessary to ensure high reliability of
the transformer under onerous service conditions.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


S.K.Gupta N.N.Raman
BHEL Jhansi BHEL Jhansi

Since last two decades, there has been many a empts to operational parameters are available on line, which may
standardize the technical speci cation of power be connected to the system for adequate feedback,
transformers & reactors at various forums. Lately Central control & protection and asset management.
Electricity Authority, India (CEA) along with leading Interchangeability is also a very important parameter
manufacturers & utilities of the countr y have towards effective procurement process.
standardized the technical speci cation and xed some
standard ratings of power transformers and reactors. is paper throws light on the basic aspects of effective
Many utilities have already started following this procurement, like how to select and qualify the right
speci cation. However, this is applicable only for some manufacturers, pu ing the right technical
standard ratings and does not encompass the entire speci cation/material as per latest industry practice,
requirements of the Indian subcontinent. As such, there ensuring proper design, manufacturing & testing,
is no such globally acceptable speci cation of all range of selection of proper ings and accessories and
EHV power transformers & reactors in vogue. standardization of losses, basic technical parameters and
interchangeability aspects have also been touched upon.
Presently many utilities have their own set of
speci cation, which not only varies in main technical
parameters, but also in ings, accessories, limitations,
losses, quali cation criteria etc. which are all derived a. Qualifying the right manufacturer
from their own rich eld experience over decades b. e right technical speci cation
On the utility/ industry experience perspective, while c. Effective design review
some utilities are more than 5 decades old, others do not d. Selection of proper ings and accessories
have that wide experience. Coming to the transformer e. Effective control on material, manufacturing and
industry in the Indian subcontinent, many new entrants testing
have also come up in past two decades; while on the other f. Standardization of ratings, losses and basic technical
hand, some have closed their transformer business and it parameters and interchangeability.
is a dynamic scenario.
In this context, it becomes imminent for the utilities to
ensure that they purchase the right equipment, which is
not only reliable in short run, but it should sustain its
integrity in long run. Other important parameter is the
value of purchase. e speci cation must be designed
accordingly and must be neither be too lenient nor too
stringent so as to increase the price without adding any
desirable value. Apart from the basic duties, the product
must be futuristic like it must be digitally compatible
with the power system control system, wherein all the
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers



Qualification of Selection of Interchangeability,
Right optimal fittings Standardisation
Manufacturer and accesories and futuristic


Effective Adherence to
control on raw
Effective control on
materials, standards during
Design Revew manufacturing
fittings & testing
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


e eld experience of EHV class power transformers & towards quali cation of a right manufacturer. Utility
reactors indicates that it is one of the most critical must have at least 5 years successful eld experience for
equipment of an EHV power network and any inherent the rated Voltage kV class and MVA rating must be at least
weakness may result into failure and bring the whole 80% of the proposed transformer/reactor.
power network chain to a standstill. erefore qualifying 2. Short circuit capability: is is one of the most
the right manufacturers is the rst step towards an critical parameter to judge the manufacturer’s overall
effective procurement process. capability. Generally, short circuit test is a costly affair as
ere is CIGRE guide 530 published by working group A well as time consuming since transformer is to be sent to
2.36 titled “Guide for conducting factory capability an outside laboratory. However, to ensure that the
assessment for power transformers”. It expresses the best transformer is suitable for the intended short circuit
practices in the industry to secure high quality of the duties at site, the manufacturer must have successful SC
delivered transformer. e guide can be applied as a pre- test report (TC not more than 5 years old) on similar
quali cation process prior to issuing a tender to avoid transformer (similarity criteria to be as per IEC 60076-
unsuitable factories for being invited to tender. As 5). Utility has also the option to ask for short circuit
minimum requirements, the guide covers many areas capability (instead of SC TC) in line with calculations as
such as commercial risks, design and engineering, per IEC 60076-5.
manufacturing and test facilities, transport capability, 3. Design, Engineering and R&D: e manufacturer
quality control etc. It does not point out speci c must have a dedicated team of experienced designers
solutions or methodologies but aims more at seeking having capability to independently design the EHV
evidence that the methods chosen are proven by testing, power transformers/reactors and a separate R &D wing
measurements or simulations. for analysis, improvement and for development of
Mere theoretical calculations or adequacy may not be transformers/ reactors at par with international practice.
adequate to prove the integrity of EHV power 4. Manufacturing capability and facility: Must have
transformer or reactor under stringent site conditions. It adequate manufacturing facility for core assembly,
is very important to select proper quali cation criteria for complete in-house manufacturing of windings
manufacturers, which must be just right i.e. neither too (controlled environment), its assembly, processing
rigid nor too lenient. If the criteria is open or too lenient, (VPD process plant for 220 kV class & above). e
then there is a risk that new manufacturers not having facility must be adequate for manufacturing the
adequate experience/expertise might qualify which may transformers being quoted.
put the equipment and the utility at risk. On the other 5. Adequacy of testing facility: Must have NABL
hand pu ing very rigid requirements may not ensure accreditation for conducting all routine/type test as per
right competition resulting into higher price of the IEC 60076 for the range of transformers/ reactors being
equipment. quoted. It must have dielectric test set up having impulse
Based on the present scenario of the industry and the generator and other high voltage equipment to test LI, SI,
product in the Indian subcontinent, the following steps LTAC, PD test etc. All test instruments must be duly
are recommended for proper quali cation criteria in calibrated.
order to ensure the entry of right manufacturers: 6. Quality assurance: Must have a separate quality
department to verify raw materials and manufacturing
p ro ces s f o r a p ro p er q u a l i t y co nt ro l d u r i ng
QUALIFICATION: manufacturing. All equipment/measuring instruments
1. Adequate Field experience: is is the rst step must be calibrated and duly certi ed before use.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Having quali ed the right manufacturer, next important all taps along with tap winding. Current density limit of
step is the preparation of the right technical speci cation 3.5 A/ sq mm is technically adequate, with properly
of the EHV transformer/ reactors. In this context, there is designed oil ow channels through windings and hot
a CIGRÉ Technical Brochure 528: Guide for Preparation spot calculation based on manufacturers analysis.
of Speci cations for Power Transformers. Reference may Instead of xing current density, it is be er to specify
be drawn from this Brochure. More importantly, Utilities ma x imum grad ients v i z . 18 / 21 / 24 K for
are suggested to follow the latest CEA speci cation for ONAN/ONAF/OFAF or OFWF cooling respectively.
standard rating transformers and ings. It will facilitate designer to freely choose the most
Based on the present trend of speci cation by utilities, optimum current density and also limit the hot spot
some salient points towards an effective speci cation are temperatures for be er life. e optimum cooling
elaborated hereunder: calculation will result when the gradients of different
Project Speci c Data: Each utility has its own application windings are in the same range.
and basic parameters viz. MVA, kV, Impedance, Tapping If a utility needs lower No Load/ Load losses, then high
range, cooling type, transport/size limitation etc. ese Loss capitalization rates may be put in the speci cation.
parameters are site/customer/system speci c and are In that case, the utility can get a transformer, which has
normally xed. lower losses, but due to be er optimization of core and
Apar t from these, there are cer tain technical winding design, the transformer cost is not increased in
parameters/limitations, put by some utilities based on that proportion.
their experience, although there is no mention by iii. Lower Oil and winding temperature rise limits: IS
national/international standard. Some of these are: 2026 speci es Top oil & average winding rise as 50 & 55⁰
I. Limitation of ux density at rated voltage and K respectively over maximum daily and yearly average
frequency – Some utilities specify limit of ux density as maximum of 50 & 32⁰ C. However, some utilities specify
1.55 or 1.6 tesla, although it is not speci ed in any these limits up to 35 & 40⁰ K. ough this is feasible, but
national/international standards. e present day results into a bulkier cooling equipment design. e
CRGO material is suitable for ux density of even more utility logic is that with lower temperature rise, the
than 1.9 Tesla. Considering 10% margin for over uxing, transformer life will increase. While this may be partially
ux density of 1.7 Tesla approx. is technically acceptable. correct for those large generator transformers, which are
Core hot spot calculation is a routine design affair and expected to run on full load and overloads at most of the
wherever required, oil ducts are provided to limit the core times. However, other transformers like auto and system
hot spot temperature. Specifying a lower ux density transformers are many times lightly loaded and there is
results into costlier and bulkier transformer. It is no need to go for lower temperature rises. e life of
recommended to mention limit of 1.9 T at 110% over insulation is up to 30 years even with the rises of 50/55 ⁰
uxing and also suitability to take care of sudden load K in a well-designed transformer. Many transformers
throw off as per CBIP manual on transformers viz 110% with this design are under successful operation even a er
continuous, 125 % for 1 min, 140% for 5 sec etc. 3-4 decades. However if utility is keen to have margin
ii. Limitation of current density: Some utilities specify then they may specify thermally upgraded paper.
current density limit of 2.0, 2.5 or 3.0 A/sq mm, although iv. Requirement of OLTC: OLTC is the only moving
the electrolytic grade copper is suitable for current part in the transformer and one of the most critical item.
density of even 3.5 A/mm2. In many cases, this Many utilities do not use Tap Changer in their
requirement results into costlier and bulkier requirement transformers either because they are able to meet the
specially if this limit is also applicable for tertiary and at requirements by control through Generator excitation or
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

otherwise. Some utilities like NHPC have already 2.3.3 Each manufacturer has its own safety factors,
deleted it from their speci cation and many transformers depending on internal guidelines, experience, shop
without any Tap changer are already in use. Some other tolerances and the safety factors may vary from
utilities are also working in this direction. is shall manufacturer to manufacturer. However, manufacturer
simplify the transformer to great extent and shall also must be able to demonstrate the suitability in line with
result in cost reduction, more compact and shall also add speci ed parameters.
to reliability on account of OLTC or leads. Elimination of 2.3.4 In the design review, utility may also share their
OLTC will make the transformer a fully static device and experience to have a more fruitful design review.
more robust. Utilities may ponder on this aspect, based 2.4 RIGHT CONTROL ON MATERIAL,
on actual site feedback of OLTC operation, voltage data MANUFACTURING AND TESTING:
Hav ing selected the right manufacturer, right
2.3 EFFECTIVE DESIGN REVIEW: speci cation and adequate design, next critical area is to
Although the onus of a suitable design, meeting the ensure the adequacy of implementation actions wrt right
operational and stringent site requirements falls under materials, adherence to norms during manufacturing and
the purview and expertise of manufacturer. However, a proper nal testing as per IEC-60076.
utility may conduct design review of EHV transformers e manufacturer’s factories must have implemented a
generally in line with CIGRÉ Technical Brochure 529: quality management system that complies with the ISO
Guide for Conducting Design Reviews for Power 9001 Standard as formal quali cation criteria. However,
Transformers. While some utility carry out design review only having ISO 9001 is not sufficient to ensure a proper
on their own, others appoint external consultants: control on material and manufacturing process.
2.3.1 EHV Transformer design is very elaborate process, e utility has to adopt a product speci c process to get
which requires detailed study of electromagnetic the optimum product by having a right control on the
parameters, dielectric design, thermal design, material quality, the manufacturing and the nal testing:
mechanical design etc. Now a days many analysis is done 2.4.1 Control on Raw material and critical items:
through sophisticated FEM so ware and utility uses Ensuring the right quality of materials from right sources
their own design computation tools. It is not possible to is one of the prime requirements. While all materials are
conduct in-depth design review by the utility to the level important, most critical material/ ings are bushings,
of designer. Tap changer, insulation items, CRGO, Winding
2.3.2 However, as a con dence building measure and for conductors, oil etc., which needs to be critically
knowledge of utility, design review may be conducted. monitored. It is also suggested to follow FIFO concept
e main parameters to be veri ed is generally guided by for critical items having shelf life viz gaskets, standard
CIGRE brochure referred above. e adequacy of insulation items order to ensure its be er life,
various technical guaranteed parameters under normal throughout transformer operation. Oil to be used for
operation like losses, impedance, ratio, magnetic circuit, impregnation/ testing needs to be periodically tested
dielectric integrity, SC integrity, thermal ability, and should be periodically replaced whenever
mechanical integrity circuit, mechanical design etc. are parameters violation as per norms is noticed.
generally veri ed. Capability of transformer under 2.4.2 Proper Vendor list: Selection of proper vendors for
onerous site conditions like fault, Short circuit, dielectric accessories/ raw material is a very important activity and
overstressing like Lightning impulse, switching etc. can a comprehensive vendor list should be a part of contract.
be evaluated in line with CIGRE guidelines. While utility Otherwise, contract speci c vendor list may be nalized
team may have access to the calculated vs withstand at the time of contract execution with mutual consent.
values against each technical parameter, however e best approach would be prepare own vendor list for
con dentiality of the documents also needs to be each speci c raw material or ing which should be
ensured. exhaustive and must include at least 2-3 vendors each
from at least 3
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

major manufacturers. is shall bridge the gap between the product. ese are proven by the factory testing of the
the utility vendor list and the manufacturer. e transformer. As such, the adequacy of test laboratory for
performance of each vendor should be evaluated at least testing of all the routine and type tests as per IEC 60076 is
every two years and if there is any repetitive issue then the very important. e test laboratory must be NABL
vendor may be delisted or may be warned. Also in case of accredited and it must have all equipment like Impulse
critical materials like CRGO, insulation items etc. generator for LI/ SI, test equipment for LTAC/ACPD
tracking of mill TC wrt the CRGO rolls/insulation used test, No Load/ Load Loss/ temperature rise etc. for the
must be ensured. range of transformer to be procured. For proper PD test,
2.4.3 Proper manufacturing quality plan/document: e the High Voltage laboratory should be shielded. All the
critical stages of manufacturing are core, winding, test instruments must be of reputed make and duly
insulation shop, assembly and processing. It is suggested calibrated.
to have a quality document i.e. Manufacturing Quality
Plan, which properly addresses all these stages for a
proper control. 2.5.1 Mandatory ings: Fi ings like PRV, Buchholz
e transformer winding shop and the nal assembly relay, OTI, W TI, bushings, conservator etc. are
shop are the most critical areas and this area must be mandatory ings, which are necessarily required, even
sufficiently clean and preferably pressurized or if utility do not specify the same.
controlled especially for 400 kV class and above rating. 2.5.2 Optional ings and state of art sensors: ere are
Brazing of electrical connections, welding of structural some optional ings/systems, which are optional and
items like tank etc. are another critical manufacturing asked by speci c utilities e.g. On line partial discharge
process, which needs proper a ention. Brazer and welder system, maintenance free breather, Online drying
quali cation should also be a part of contract. In system, On Line DGA, On line condition monitoring
addition, manufacturer should have proper tools for system, Fiber Optic temperature monitoring system,
handling core, winding and the transformer assembly. Nitrogen Injection Fire prevention system. While these
e processing of active part and its subsequent oil ings are useful and futuristic too, however its use in all
impregnation are another critical area, which needs the transformers needs to be reviewed by utility based on
proper a ention. However, the quality control document their budget and site requirements. If budget permits it is
should not be so stringent to hinder the manufacturing always be er to go for these state of art sensors/ ings
process ow. viz On Line DGA, ON line oil drying, Maintenance free
2.4.4 Less important activities: Some utilities specify to breather etc. for effective operation and maintenance of
measure the weight of winding, core and active part as a transformer.
part of witness. Normally such facility is not a part of 2.5.3 Speci cation of optional ings: Some utilities
regular transformer manufacturing and hence this calls specify detailed and stringent technical speci cation of
for creation of additional facility in the core/winding and these ings and many times it is noticed that their
assembly area, which is not mandatory, and it also adds speci cation is met only by one or two vendors only,
additional time in the process. It is suggested to use which does not create a healthy competition and it results
physical parameters like measuring core dimensions, into a costly affair. e On Line ings line OLDGA,
winding conductor dimension and other details to arrive OLPD etc. are meant to judge the relative health of
at the desired parameters as per design or nal test values transformer/reatcor and they are not meant for a
like resistance, loss etc. may be used to verify the laborator y precision level measurement. It is
technical adequacy rather than weight. Transformer recommended that utility may decide whether and
being a technical intensive product, must be ve ed by which of these ings are mandatory, depending on their
physical dimensioning/test values rather than weight. budget & eld technical experience and specify
2.4.5 Ensuring the adequacy of Test laboratory: e parameters, which promotes a heathy competition,
adequacy of the transformer to meet the desired duties is maintaining the basic intended duties.
of paramount importance to ensure the right quality of
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

2.5.4 Speci cation of Oil : e current trend of I2R loss in addition to total load losses as a guaranteed
speci cation indicates that there are more than 10 parameter. is has been done with an intent to ensure
different varieties of mineral insulating oil. e that there is fair play with regard to quantum of
speci cations of different utilities vary in chemical material/copper used in transformer. Also with regard to
composition (Naphthenic vs paraffinic vs GTL), standardization of other transformers/ reactors, the
additives (Uninhibited, Inhibited or trace inhibited), following is suggested:
technical parameters viz. oxidation stability, pour point, 2.6.1 Layout standardization with regard to placement of
ash point, Tan delta, impulse withstand, gassing cooling equipment, bushings, ings, marshalling box,
tendency and so many other parameters. PRV etc. Tank mounted coolers/ radiators may be
While latest version of IEC 60296-2020 has been provided by utilities/manufacturers wherever possible,
released, which speci es 2 basic categories of oil i.e Cat A resulting into compact transformers/ reactors and
& B, which can further formulated into many different reduced foundation requirements.
subcategories. In this IEC, a 4 le er codi cation has been 2.6.2 Standardization of basic technical parameters:
assigned to select the desired category of transformer oil Apart from losses, CEA has also nalized the basic
as hereunder: parameters. All utilities are requested to pick the
technical details from the speci cation in the range. It
Table 1 – Identifying 4 letter codes in will be highly bene cial for not only manufacturers but
ordering mineral oil to IEC 60296-2020
(For eg TVAU) also utilities in terms of value for money, delivery,
1 Letter = T – S – - erection, commissioning and even interchangeability.
Equipment Transformer Switchgear 2.6.3 Interchangeability: As a further extension of
2 Letter = V – Unused R – - standardization of basic technical parameters, the
Declaration (Virgin) Recycled
transformer/reactor layout is also standardized. With
3 Letter = A – B–
Type Specification Specification this, it shall signi cantly ease the interchangeability of
Type A (High Type B similar transformers/ reactors. Utilities may select the
grade) (Standard standard layouts, which will result into signi cant bene t
in terms of eng ineer ing/ draw ing approval s,
4 Letter = I – inhibited U– T–
Antioxidant uninhibited trace procurement of materials and delivery and also
inhibited interchangeability between various similar transformers
IEC has been prepared by international experts based on of the same or different manufacturers. It will also
worldwide research and experience. It is recommended improve the overall reliability of the system.
that utilities may select oil from IEC 60296-2020 (rather 2.6.4 Plan for outage- Utility should plan for a faster
than formulating own speci cations), which is overall mechanism, of replacement of the spare
technically suitable and this will result into a healthy transformer wherever available and the location of spare
competition, be er value and be er miscibility/ transformer should be such that it is easy to replace the
replacement. same. In fact, wherever it permits, the spare transformer
may be kept in vicinity in hot condition i.e. with all
2.6 STANDARDIZATION OF LOSSES, BASIC accessories and cooling equipment mounted and with
TECHNICAL PA METERS/LAYOUT AND oil. As soon as there is failure, the spare transformer shall
INTERCHANGEABILITY come into operation through a switching system, which
Standardization by CEA along with a team of leading will rst isolate the failed transformer, and the spare
utilities and manufacturers in the eld of standardization transformer is taken into service without necessitating to
of losses for standard rating transformers/ reactors may physically shi the transformer. is practice is already
be followed. It includes followed by some utilities.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Gas Insulated Transformer (GIT) with SF6 gas is the one Transformer & reactors being one of the most critical
of the solutions for special applications viz. hydropower, equipment of the power system needs not only technical
underground substations, densely populated cities, intervention wrt selection of right manufacturers but
mission critical substations, and offshore substations for also an optimum speci cation, which strikes a ne
be er safety and reliability. Its major advantages are re balance between the selection of right varieties of
proofness, leak proofness, reduced footprint and lower manufacturers and a well-balanced set of technical
long-term maintenance requirements. Transformers limits/performance parameters. ough the onus of
with Voltage ratings up to 500 kV and 400 MVA, have design lies with manufacturer, however for con dence
already been developed. From design perspective, building, design review as per CIGRE guide for all new
cooling calculations for large rating transformers is a designs may be done to ensure that the transformers &
challenge and therefore manufacturers with adequate reactors have adequate margins in the performance and
experience in this eld should be quali ed. integrity parameters. In the present scenario where price
and delivery is a big challenge, it is important to ensure
that there is a well-designed Manufacturing quality plan
to have an effective control on materials, manufacturing
INDUSTRY: and testing. e ings and latest state of art sensors
Now a days many utilities are adopting (reverse needs to be carefully selected, which will result into a
auction), wherein manufacturer has to immediately be er asset management of the eet of transformers. As
respond to the rock-bo om prices by the competitors. far as possible, utilities must use standard speci cation,
While on the short term basis it appears to bene t the which is nalized by CEA for signi cant bene t in the
buyer due to quantum drop in prices. However, many overall effectiveness of procurement process.
times, it results into prices, which are not feasible with the
speci ed technical parameters, materials, speci ed REF:
vendor list and requirement of international standards.
1. CIGRE guide 530 (WG A 2.36) “Guide for
As a result, sometimes manufacturer has to execute an conducting factory capability assessment for power
order, which is very near to material price, adversely transformers”
impacting the minimum level of pro tability to sustain 2. CIGRÉ Technical Brochure 529: Guide for
operations. Conducting Design Reviews for Power Transformers
is causes signi cant erosion in the pro tability of 3. IEC 60296-2020
t ran s f o r m er i n d u st r y es p ec i a l l y f o r rep u ted
4. Toshiba Press release regarding Gas Insulated
manufacturers. Sometimes this could also result in some Transformer, available on internet
unfair practices for sur vival or compromise in
quality/material.. Presently the industry is facing very
stiff challenge due to price erosion and some of the
manufacturers have already closed their business, while
many reputed manufacturers are facing stiff challenges in
operations. It is recommended to rethink about
process so that long-term interests of the transformer
industry as well as purchaser is safeguarded.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Lars Liden
Hitachi ABB Power Grids Sweden

e high voltage condenser bushing is a critical
component found in all electrical networks and whose
failure can have serious consequences. Due to high
electrical stress levels in bushings, failure mechanisms
tend to result in sudden and catastrophic failures of an
explosive nature. A lot is gained if the consequences of a
failure can be reduced hence, we see a shi in
technologies in the bushing designs, mainly with new
materials. is paper will focus on the emerging
technologies with its development challenges, special
testing that the industry been facing during the ongoing
technology transition.
High voltage condenser bushings facilitate electrical Figure 1 – Schematic view of condenser core with coaxially
stress control through the insertion of oating equalizer located aluminum foils in a web of insulating material.
screens made of aluminum or other conducting
materials. e condenser core in which the screens are 2. TRENDS
located decreases the eld gradient and distributes the
Many utilities have realized the bene ts of dry bushing
eld along the length of the insulator. e screens are
technologies as a risk mitigator. Resin Impregnated
located coaxially resulting in an optimal balance between
Paper (RIP) technology is a great contributor in reaching
external and internal puncture strength; see Figure 1
higher performance gures. RIP technology has been in
Condenser cores are generally impregnated with
service for more than 25 years now but is still in many
transformer grade mineral oil and placed inside a
countries to be considered an emerging technology. e
envelope of oil and porcelain, which prevents the
somewhat differently designed condenser core is heated,
bushings oil from mixing with transformer oil. e
dried and vacuum impregnated by a curable epoxy resin
system is called Oil Impregnated Paper (OIP) and
to form a solid unit, free from oil. e step up to the
accounts for more than 75%of all installed bushings.
highest voltage levels, however, has taken time. is due
to both technical challenges as well as the general
conservatism in the power industry. An emerging
technology is the latest step in the dry bushing concepts,
Resin Impregnated Synthetics (RIS), where the paper
web is replaced with a polymeric ber to obtain a dry
insulated solution that does not absorb moisture during
handling and storage. is technology has started to gain
acceptance by the end users and is now moving up into
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

higher voltage levels. e outer insulation can be of two [1] Manufacturers must comply with certain tests to
types, ceramic or polymeric Ceramic insulators have a verify the design as such, as well as, routine testing to
long history and will be used for many years to come, it is verify the quality of the individual bushings Some
likely however, that their role will diminish in the examples are;
foreseeable future as the industry seeks improved Inner insulation:
insulators performance in order to reduce overall costs, • Electrical
and to improve safety, seismic withstand and pollution • Mechanical
performance along with insulator weights. • ermal
e major difference between RIP technology and RIS Outer insulation
technology is, as earlier explained, that the paper is • Tracking and erosion
replaced by polymeric ber. However, there are • 1000-hr salt fog test
differences between the bushing manufacturers both in • Hardness
materials used and ways of manufacturing, for example Additional tests may also be carried out to verify long-
kni ed vs non-woven mesh and lled vs non- lled term performance, or performance under extreme
epoxy. conditions some examples are;
RIS has been in service much shorter time compared to • Various cycling tests e.g temperature and bending
RIP but so far, no differences have been noted when it • Arcing tests
comes to ser v ice performance and reliability. • Seismic tests
Application wise will RIS by time reach the same level as • Hydrophobicity test
RIP has today. • Ageing tests
Fire tests, speci c of interest for dry bushings with
silicone insulators have been carried out by the authors
e bushings are standardized by the international company. e purpose of these tests was to quantify the
standard IEC 60137, with latest edition dated 2017, differences between OIP and RIP bushings regarding re
where RIS have been officially introduced. IEEE resistance.
C57.19.00 and IEEE C57.19.01 is mainly applicable for • Time to ignition in seconds, a critical parameter
the North American market and there are also local in all re testing
standards like IS2099. One must note that the standards
only set the basic requirements meaning that developing
and qualifying new products and materials requires
extensive testing above and outside the standards. Some
of major utilities in the world have stringent quali cation
process with speci c tests outside the standards which
can help the manufacturer in their development efforts.
When writing speci cations especially around dry
bushings with silicone insulators the utility or industrial
customer must have a thorough approach and for • Peak heat release in kW/m2, a given amount of material
example not only write “Dry bushings with silicone can burn slowly or fast and the peak heat release is one of
insulator”. Another important aspect is to follow-up several parameters which describes the effect of a re as
deliveries vs speci cation requirements. well as the possibility to conduct efficient re ghting.
Note that free oil represents more than 60% of the total
energy in an OIP bushing
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


ere are several bushing technologies available on the
market; like OIP with porcelain or silicone insulators,
completely dry RIP with silicone or porcelain insulators,
RIP with small amounts of oil and gas and RIS with
silicone insulators.
e authors company together with a research institute
[3] conducted a full-scale destructive test where three
RIS main advantage is the resistance to moisture different 245kV oil-to-air bushing concepts were chosen:
absorbance have been shown by the authors company in • OIP with ceramic insulator (le in all three pictures)
a test where the bushing was boiled 42 hours in deionized • OIP with composite insulator (middle in all three
water containing 1kg/m3 NaCl. A er the test the pictures)
bushings passed a complete type test in accordance with • RIP with composite insulator lled with gel (right in all
IEC 60137 three pictures)


Two major utilities in Europe have as part of their
homologation process that the bushing manufacturer
must perform an Internal Arcing Test. e authors
company have done that which also have given vital
knowledge for future developments.
To simulate the most serious type of ashover inside a
One of the major utilities in North America have
heavily stressed section, the bushing was ed with very
installations at extremely low temperatures hence they
precisely positioned internal arching gaps that would
require a special temperature cycling test to be
trigger a massive pressure build-up when a short circuit
performed with temperatures below -50 degrees C. is
current was released.
test is very tough for the silicone insulator and it gave vital
information regarding the design of the silicone insulator
when the authors company conducted the test. Please
note that mutual agreements between the utility and the
bushing manufacturer, regarding testing procedures ant
pass/fail criteria needs to be in place before these special
testing take place.
In IEC 60317 clause 9.2.3, table 8 is the speci ed limit for
tan delta for RIP/RIS set to maximum 0,7%. A low value
of tan delta is a sign that the drying process have been
completed in a controlled and quality manner. In India
the utilities have decided to set a maximum limit of 0,4 or
0,5 to assure quality. ese levels are for most of the
bushing manufacturers a normal value measured at
routine test. Specifying lower levels for example below Several types of detectors were used to record the total
0,3 is not viable as it is a major risk for reduction of the received radiative energy and the ux density over time in
bushing life. different wavelengths.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

e investigation included studies of the probability oil problems occurred mainly due to UV-radiation. Todays
ignition, as well as thermal damages of epoxy coating, used silicone material have the correct mixture of
cable insulation and silicone rubber on the transformer. ingredients for a long and trouble-free service life. ere
Test parameters: are three main types:
• Peak current value 102kA • RTV, Room Temperature Vulcanized
• Test currents r.m.s. • LSR, Liquid Silicone Rubber
o 41kA at the beginning of tests • HTV, High Temperature Vulcanized
o 39.2kA at end of tests RTV are sometimes used to improve the hydrophobicity
• Test current time 510ms behavior on porcelain insulators however not suitable to
All tested bushings suffered severe damages and build insulators. LSR is quite commonly used for
illustrated very well the violence of internal ashovers insulators and gives a good long-term performance.
and the risk of damages to adjacent components or HTV has the highest performance especially for
persons. applications in harsh environment such as saline areas,
deserts and in heavy polluted industrial areas.
ere are two main manufacturing methods of silicone
insulators, molding and extrusion. Extrusion gives the
advantage that the tip of the sheds will have a radius
hence reduce stresses and the pro le of the sheds can also
be altered for different applications.

orough studies, analysis and calculations was made on

the test results from detectors to show the effect on
material on transformers.
e conclusions made on the study shows that the
thermal exposure from the two oil- lled bushings will
affect other components in the transformer station; the
epoxy coating, silicone rubber and cable insulations
might not necessarily ignite but will be severely damaged
and the oil released from the transformer main tank is Example of molded insulator shed tip
very likely to ignite. e RIP bushing with silicone
insulator has a radiant heat ux emi ed that is
signi cantly lower than the oil- lled bushings, which
indicates a drastically lower impact.
A signi cant trend is the move from porcelain insulators
to silicone insulators, this to gain the optimal solution on
a RIP or RIS bushing. e rst installations were made as
string insulators for overhead lines. At that time the
materials were not suitable for installation hence Example of extruded insulator shed tip
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Extensive laboratory and eld testing have been speci ed type tests but even more to assure long time
performed to qualify the silicone rubber material and the performance of the RIP/RIS bushings with silicone
way of production to give the long-term trouble-free insulators.
performance required by the industry. is valid both for 8. REFERENCES
normal polluted areas as well as in harsh environments.
Long time service experience is question rightly asked by [1] Lars Jonsson, Ander Holmberg and Ma ias
end users. A CIGRE paper that describes long-terms Lundborg ABB Sweden Dry transformer bushings with
service experience was published 2013 in Auckland, composite insulators – the obvious combination for
New Zealand [2]. is paper describes and proves good increased reliability, Published at TechCon AU, April
service experience. e authors company can con rm 2013
continued good service records both in AC and DC
applications on world-wide basis. [2] Igor Gutman, Christian Ahlholm STRI Sweden. Ulf
Åkesson, Anders Holmberg, Dong Wu, Lars Jonsson
6. HANDLING/STO GE ABB Long-term service experience and inspection
It is strongly recommended to thorough study the results of HV equipment made of silicone rubber
Installation and Maintenance Guidelines issued by the insulators Published at CIGRE in Auckland New
bushing manufacturer in order to not jeopardize the Zealand 2013
lifetime of the bushings Some general comments on
long-term storage (> 6 months). [3] L Jonsson, R Hedlund ABB AB Components,
• OIP – indoor unpacked in safe vertical position. Keep Ludv i ka Sweden. A Andersson, H Skoogh, P
dry, clean and protected from mechanical damage or in Mindykowski, M Försth RISE Research Institutes of
wooden crate protected from water at a certain angel to Sweden, Borås, Sweden. Fire and safety aspects of
cover the complete condenser core with oil. ashovers in high voltage transformer bushings.
• RIP – indoor unpacked in safe vertical position. Keep Published at the 5th International CIGRÉ Colloquium
dry, clean and protected from mechanical damage or in "Transformer Research and Asset Management”, Rijeka -
wooden crate protected from water. Oil side must be Croatia, October 2019.
protected to avoid moisture ingress. Simple method with
silica gel bags in steel container to avoid any complication
like risk of oil or gas leaks from container.
• RIS – indoor unpacked in safe vertical position. Keep
dry, clean and protected from mechanical damage or in
wooden crate protected from water.
ere is a major trend ongoing in the bushing market, the
shi from OIP with porcelain to RIP/RIS with silicone
insulators. e driving force behind this trend is the
increased focus on safety both for personnel as well as for
equipment. RIP and RIS are acknowledged to be the best
risk mitigators.
is paper has described the advantages with the
emerging technologies as well as the need of thorough
testing during product development both to ful ll the
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


02 Key Note Papers

e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Shrikant B Potnis
Easun-MR Tap Changers (P) Ltd., Chennai


On load tap changers (OLTCs) are one of the vital parts Selection of OLTC for a given application must be made
in Transformers, used to regulate the Voltage without de- carefully as per IEC 60214-2, Application guide for Tap
energizing the Transformer. Since on load tap changing changer, for long term reliability of transformers. is
requires switching the power from one tapping to the standard gives complete overview of
other online, it requires complete understanding about
the OLTC operating principle and its methods. is - Type of tap changer
paper highlights the OLTC types, design selection - Location of tap changer
criteria for power & auto transformers, interface between - Insulation level of tap changer
transformer manufactures & OLTC manufacturers, the - Major ing and accessories of tap changer
common challenges along with their possible solutions. - Operation, maintenance, and monitoring methods
e OLTC online diagnostics methods are brie y - Information to be provided by manufacturer
illustrated. - Protection and Safety aspects.
When tap changing technology evolved, it started with Based on type of transfer of load current from the
very limited number of taps and then in the form of Off- connected to the pre-selected tap, it is either achieved
circuit tap changers which offers the luxury of having using by means of “resistor” or “reactors”. In many
required number of tapings, but a time-consuming countries including India, high speed resistor type is
process. When power consumption took a sharp upward used, while reactor transition is common in USA. Both
trend since the year 1920s, voltage regulation by working methods are in Fig. 2
changing the tap on-load became very much essential.
As shown in Fig 1- If we wish to change tap from 1 to 2,
either we have to rst disconnect switch at 1 and then
connect to 2 or we have to bridge the two taps- but in this
process there will be heavy arcing if we disconnect the
load or we will make inter turn shorting if taps 1 and 2 are
bridged and both are not acceptable. Historically, in
OLTCs, this short circuit path is established either with
Resistors or Reactors. Among these, Resistor type is the
widely used technique.

Fig. 1 – OCTC Principle Fig.2 – Resistor & Reactor OLTC Type

e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

In terms of mounting, 2 types of OLTCs “In-tank” &

“External ange” are possible.

Fig.5 – Switching sequence of Diverter-Selector OLTC

Fig.3: In-Tank type OLTC

Based on internal constructions, there are two types of

In-Tank OLTCs available, namely,
a) Diverter-Tap Selector type
b) Selector Switch type.
ough both OLTCs operate on same high- speed
transition operating principles, their structure and
Fig.6 – Selector switch type OLTC
switching principles are different.
In this type, there will not be any dedicated Diverter
switch compartment but the tap selection and switching
will happen in the same compartment, i.e., in Selector

Tap Selector

Fig.4–Diverter–Tap Selector Type OLTC

In diverter-selector types, the next desired tap will be

selected in the “Tap Selector” rst and then the power
will be switched from the previous tap to the newly
selected tap in the Diverter, as shown in Fig.5
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Based on transformer type, winding connection (Star or Based on the location of tap windings, model and
Delta), location of OLTCs are decided by transformer con guration of OLTC also will varies considerably.
designer in consultation with OLTC manufacturer. In auto transformers, many OLTC combinations are
In case of 2 or 3 winding transformers, following voltage possible from most simple to complex.
variations are feasible, Following tapping arrangement (a) to (d) are possible for
- Taps on HV for HV variation auto transformers with HV variation.
- Taps on HV for LV variation
- Taps on HV for Combined variation

OLTC taps location can be any one of the following.

a) Line-end of winding
b) Middle of the winding
c) Neutral end of star connected windings.

Frequently encountered tap windings are,

However, on load tap changer provided at line end of MV
- 3-ph Star with taps in neutral
(U2) to permit HV(U1) voltage over a range of as
- 3-ph Star with taps in line end
speci ed, with constant voltage on MV(U2) is most
- 3-phStar with taps within winding
common. Type “C1” is mostly applied in 315/500MVA,
- 3-phDeltawith taps within windings
400/220/33kV ICT in India with U1 variation.
- 3-phDelta with taps at line end
Similarly, following tapping arrangement (a) to (d) are
- 1-ph with taps at line end
feasible for auto transformers with MV (U2) variation.
- 1-phase with taps within winding

In 2-winding transformers with “star” HV windings,

OLTCs are mostly provided in the neutral end of
winding to permit HV variation, with constant LV
In 2-winding transformers with “Delta” connected HV
windings, OLTCs are mostly provided either “at line
end” or “electric center” of HV winding to permit HV
voltage, with constant LV voltage.
In “Delta” connected windings, number of poles of 2.3 TAP WINDING CONFIGU TIONS
OLTC is decided based on internal dielectric
Technically feasible basic arrangements of taps are linear,
requirements. It can be in single pole, or two poles or 3
single reversing change over selector, double reversing
poles as shown here.
change over selector, single coarse- ne change over
selector & multi coarse change over selector.

But 3 basic tapping con gurations are commonly used

a) Linear
b) Reversing,
c) Coarse- ne
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

- between the beginning of the coarse winding of

different phases.
- between the beginning and end of the coarse winding of
the same phase.
- between the beginning of coarse winding and common
terminal or current carrying contacts.
- between any part of tap changer and ground
e maximum rated through current of OLTC should be
greater than the highest possible current which ows
through the tap winding of the transformer in any tap
position. e selected OLTC should be suitable over-
Fig.7 – Linear, Reversing & Coarse- ne
load speci ed for the subject transformer in accordance
winding con gurations
with IEC 60076-7.
e rated through current (highest tap current) and
e selection of linear, reversing, and coarse- ne
highest voltage per step of the transformer should be
regulation is decided by transformer manufacturer in
withing the values of maximum rated through current
consultation with OLTC manufacturer, a er evaluation
and relevant step voltage of the OLTC.
of appearing dielectric voltages at various location of tap
Similarly, OLTC short circuit withstand current should
changer, step capacity, current ratings, interphase
be greater than the expected short circuit current of the
tap winding of the transformer in any tap position
2.4 INSULATION LEVEL OF OLTC considering transformer impedance.
Following voltages occurring on all tap positions of the 2.6 DISCHARGE WITH
transformers must be veri ed against its permissible CHANGER-OVER SELECTORS.
voltage stresses guaranteed by OLTC manufacturer.
e operation of change-over selector takes place in the
mid-position of OLTC. During this operation, the load
- Power frequency voltage appearing on various parts of
current ow through the tap windings. erefore, the tap
OLTC during transformer testing or service.
windings are temporarily disconnected from the main
- Full wave & Chopped wave Impulse voltage appearing
windings and potential of the winding oats. In such
on various parts of OLTC during transformer testing or
cases, discharge between the opening and closing
in service.
contacts occurs during the operation of the change-over
- Switching impulse voltage appearing on various parts of
selectors. To avoid difficulties regarding the dielectric
OLTC during transformer testing.
stress and possible formation of gases, special precaution
like tie-resistor, potential switches etc., may be necessary.
Review of internal voltages is essential selection of OLTC
e same to be carefully evaluated by both transformer
during transformer testing and site operation.
and OLTC manufacturer during its selection process.
- across the ne-tap winding or between the end of the
ne-tap winding and end of the coarse winding of same 2.7 OTHER SELECTION CRITERIA
phase. In addition to above, mechanical duty needs to be
- between any taps of the ne-tap winding of different considered based on expected number of operations per
phases or between the end of the coarse winding of year, especially for applications like transformers for use
different phases. in rolling mills, electrolytic plants or furnace application.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

e motor drive mechanism requirement should ful l v) Always ensure proper phase sequence before
the end customer requirements including type of connecting supply to Motor Drive unit.
controls agreed.
e expected pressure, vacuum withstand, low vi)Ensure that Motor Drive unit and OLTC pole units
temperature requirement if any should be reviewed are on the same tap positions while coupling connecting
during the selection of OLTC. sha s. Ensure exact mid position of poles as well as
Motor Drive unit while coupling sha s. Pl ensure that
3. FAILURE MODES OF TAP CHANGER Diverter Switches operate almost at the same time as
Following should be evaluated for reliable OLTC far as possible (when 3 poles are gang operated) and also
operation ensure that the number of Hand Crank revolutions w.r.t
- Inspection at regular intervals as per number of the mid position in raise and lower directions are almost
operations equal. (Ref manufacturer’s manual).
- Summary of inspection carried out
vii) Operate OLTC with hand crank starting from the
- Cleaning of diverter and selector switches
middle of the tapping range and ensure that the hand
- Contact wear and tear and its replacement
crank revolutions in raise directions as well as lower
- Re-installation of tap changer
direction are almost equal. Operate OLTC manually
- Condition of oil inside OLTC
through hand crank up to the Lower most position and
- Frequency of operations per day, month, year
ensure that mechanical end stoppers and end limit
- Oil ltration frequency
switches are functioning correctly. en operate OLTC
4. SOLUTIONS TO COMMON PROBLEMS manually through hand crank up to the upper most
At Transformer Manufacturer’s Factory: position and again check mechanical end stopper and
i) Control the rate of temperature rise less than electrical limit switches are operating correctly.
10˚C/hour as some insulating materials are very
sensitive to rapid rise in temperature and likely to get viii) While dismantling the Motor Drive for despatching
damaged. it to site, ensure that you bring OLTC to the mid position
and then dismantle the connecting sha s etc.
ii) A er Vapour Phase Drying, it is very much essential to
clean the Diverter chamber with clean Oil before closing ix)If Tie In Resistor has been recommended by OLTC
the Drain valve. Ensure the Diverter chamber is manufacturer never try to eliminate the same for any
absolutely clean, and no foreign particles are present reason as it is very essential or else problem is likely to
before tightening the drain plug. be faced on Change Over Switch - may not be
immediately but a er a few
iii)Don’t operate either the diverter Switch or tap operations of COS.
selector without rinsing it thoroughly with clean oil. 5. SOLUTIONS TO COMMON PROBLEMS
Kerosene removes all lubrication and the mechanism is
At Site,
totally dry to perform even a single operation correctly. i) Follow all the points mentioned from 5 to 7 earlier
Lubricate with clean oil. under factory checks without fail.
iv) Ensure that O-ring is si ing properly in its groove ii) While ltering Oil either of main Transformer tank or
before reassembling Diverter unit. Use small quantity of of Diverter switch chamber, ensure that Diverter is
silicone grease if required to secure O-ring properly in connected to conservator so that there is a room for oil to
the groove so that it does not pop up and get displaced expand to the conservator. If conservator is not
while reassembling. connected, then lower about 10% oil quantity from
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Diverter chamber allowing oil to expand when oil vi) Operate OLTC regularly; Keeping it idle for a longer
temperature goes up. Remember even when main tank time may create more problems…like coking etc.
oil is being ltered, Oil in Diverter chamber also expands
and we must provide room for its expansion or else the vii)Carry out regular inspection as per manufacturer’s
safety diaphragm of the Diverter Chamber is likely to instruction manual and that too through a skilled person.
burst. viii) It is important to check tightness of all the hardware
iii) In case there is any oil leak in the Diverter Chamber it at a regular interval as per guidelines given in the
is always recommended to repair it as early as possible or operating manual. Ensure tightness of hardware.
else the moisture from atmosphere will enter the ix)It is mandatory to maintain more than 30kV BDV and
Diverter chamber and it is very dangerous. Although moisture content <30ppm in Insulating uid.
there is Oil head of the conservator, moisture will enter
the Diverter chamber and hence it is essential to get the x) Since arcing takes place during every tap change
leak repaired as early as possible. Filter Diverter chamber operation, carry out DGA is not required for OLTCs.
oil a er the leak is repaired to ensure all moisture is 6. ONLINE OLTC FAULT DIAGNOSTICS
removed from the chamber.
Conventional method of OLTC-Transformer diagnostic
iv) While changing the direction of tap change, i.e. while technique involves opening of OLTC, Draining of
you are changing tap from say tap position no. 4 to 6 Transformer and OLTC oil, deputation of manpower
&then if you reverse the direction a er reaching tap and arranging required equipments etc, which is a
position 6 to come back to Tap position no 5 then in this cumbersome process.
case tap selector contacts do not move as the odd moving Dynamic Contact Resistance Measurement (DCRM) is
contact is already on tap no 5 and they maintain their an analytical tool, which can be used to analyze OLTC-
position. Transformer without taking out the OLTC from
Transformer. DCRM can indicate us the nature of fault
v) When you are changing Tap Manually through Hand and fault location in OLTC (if there is any) within an
Crank then you rst complete the tap being changed and hour of testing, which will save lot of money and time.
then only reverse the direction if required. Don’t rotate
Crank Handle for a few revolutions and then reverse
the direction of its rotation in between. is is very
important while operating OLTC through Hand crank
or else you will leave Tap Selector contact at a oating
potential unnecessarily and there may be capacitive
current discharges between contacts.
is is very important especially while changing taps
near mid position of the tapping range when a change
over switch is used as the change over switch
operates while changing tap from mid position to the Fig.8 – Typical DCRM Result
next higher Tap position or lower Tap position. It is not
advisable to keep contacts at a oating potential for a long
time due to possibility of local capacitive current
discharges. While operating OLTC electrically we never
face this problem as it will complete the initiated tap
change operation without fail.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


OLTC being such a vital element in Transformer, due
care has to be given in its functional understanding,
Factory and Site testing, Site operation and its
maintenance schedule. Knowing the Dos and Don’ts
about OLTCs will ensure that there won’t be any
operator and testing related issues which will ensure
unnecessary failures and power outages. It is also equally
essential to have knowledge about the advanced
analytical tools available in OLTC segment.
[1] On-load tap-changers for Power transformers -
Fig.9 - DCRM – Detailed view
Operation principles, applications and Selections by Mr.
With careful study of graphs by competent persons, it is Axel Kramer.
possible to nd if there is any fault in OLTC& its possible [2] OLTC operating manual of Easun-MR
location and the nature of fault.
Before opening of the Transformer Tank for inspection
of Tap Selector to look for any probable fault, it is
advisable to carry out DCRM which gives indication
whether to open the Transformer Tank or not.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


A. S Jhala
T&R India Ltd.

1. ABST CT Category: Monitoring Instruments

Every transformer or reactor is equipped with a variety Magnetic oil level gauge (MOG), Prismatic oil level
of accessories to monitor and protect the equipment. guage, Oil temperature indicator (OTI), Winding
Some accessories are integral parts for cooling, voltage temperature indicator (WTI), Oil/Water ow indicator
regulation or connecting to the outside power grid. (OFI/WFI), Fibre optic sensor (FOS) for winding
Present paper broadly divides commonly used hotspot temperature.
accessories in to ve groups and explains areas of Category: Cooling
application, selection guidelines and relevant reference
Radiators, Pumps, Fans, Oil to air/water heat-
Paper also dwells upon the future developments that may
come up in transformer accessories. Category: Insulating Liquid handling
& preservation
Flexi-separator (Air cell), de-hydrating breather & Valves
International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) de nes
Accessory as, “A device supplementing a main device or Category: Condition assessment & life
apparatus, but not forming part of it, that is needed for its enhancement
operation or to confer on it speci c characteristics” Dissolved gas analyser (DGA), Bushing monitoring
(Reference 151-11-24). Each transformer and reactor is system, Online oil drying system (ODS), Online PD
equipped with a variety of accessories for protection and monitoring system, Transport bushings & Impact
monitoring the performance. Some of them are integral recorder, Core-Frame-Tank earthing links.
parts of transformer for cooling, voltage control or
operational safety.
Accessories in transformers can broadly be divided into Transformer product standards IEC 60076-1[1] and IS
ve categories viz. protection, monitoring, cooling, 2026-1[2] do not cover any recommendations for
insulating liquid handling and preservation, condition mandatory accessories to be provided along with
monitoring and life enhancement. Bushings and tap transformer/reactor. Indian users and manufacturers
changers are directly connected to transformer active generally refer to “Manual on transformer” Publication
part and considered as integral parts of transformers; No: 317 from CBIP[3] for this purpose.
hence these are covered separately. IEEE standard C57.12.10[4] covers standard and
optional accessories and their recommended mounting
Summary of commonly used accessories are, locations. In India, requirement of accessories is mainly
governed by the product technical speci cation prepared
Category: Protection: by purchaser.
Gas/Oil Actuated Relays, Pressure relief Device (PRD),
Rapid Pressure rise relay (RPRR), Fire suppression Indian standard IS 3639[5], published in 1966, covers
system, Conservator shut off Non-Return valves (NRV), speci cations for ings and accessories for power
Bushing current Transformers (BCT), Air cell-rupture transformers. Another Indian standard IS 3637[6]
relay. covers speci cations for gas operated relays.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


EN standard series 50216[7], in twelve different parts OIP (Oil Impregnated Paper) or RIP (R esin
cover speci cations for various accessories and Impregnated Paper) or RIS (Resin Impregnated
components used in transformers and reactors. IEC TC Synthetic) or Solid epoxy cast with polymer covering or
14 commi ee is also working on similar lines to publish Plain porcelain type.
similar standards under series IEC 60076-22[8]
Five parts of the series are already published. For Ur=12-36kV range, plain porcelain bushings as per IS
3347 series[23] is the standard. Solid Epoxy cast
It is understood that IS:3639 standard for ings and bushings are used for indoor applications and in air lled
accessories is under revision by BIS ETD 16 commi ee. cable boxes. Special resin cast bushings with a polymer
(LSR–liquid silicon rubber) housing and a metallic
capacitance screen moulded inside resin are available.
While selecting any accessory under the groups ese are PD free bushings with test tap.
mentioned in Table 1.0, the following general criteria
shall be checked. For Ur>36 kV, for oil to air HV application, OIP
condenser bushings (IS: 12676[24]) are generally used.
a) Degree of Protection (e.g. IP55, IP65 for Outdoor &
Dry type bushings (RIP or RIS) are preferred in this
IP 41 for Indoor application).
b) Level of Corrosion (e.g. C3, C4 or C5 as per ISO range from re safety angle with oil to air medium
12944[9]). application.
c) Environmental conditions (e.g. ambient temperature,
altitude, pollution level etc.). Oil lled cable boxes with oil to oil type bushings are
d) Insulating liquid type (e.g. Mineral or Ester) used sometimes for installations having space
e) Seismic acceleration (zone at installation location). constraints. As far as possible, oil lled cable boxes
f) Auxiliary power supply (e.g. AC/DC, Volts). should be avoided from re safety angle. External,
g) Contact rating of switches (e.g. making/breaking outdoor cable pot head and dry type oil to air bushings in
capacity). transformer linked with a jumper connection is the ideal
h) Cable gland interfaces. solution from re safety point of view. For oil to oil or oil
to SF-6 medium applications, either OIP or RIP
Speci c key selection requirements against Bushing, Tap
bushings are used.
Changer and other accessories in each group are covered
below. 5.2 ELECTRICAL
5. BUSHINGS a) Rated voltage
b) Rated/overload current
IEV de nes Bushing as, “device that enables one or
c) Continuous highest operating voltage
several conductors to pass through a partition such as a
d) BIL rating (Impulse/Power Frequency)
wall or a tank, and insulate the conductors from it
e) Short circuit current & duration (Dynamic / thermal)
(reference: 471-02-01).
f) Insulating uid type used
Bushings are one of the most critical components of
g) Permissible power factor for capacitively graded
transformers and due care shall be taken during
(condenser type) bushings
selection. While selecting bushings, the following shall
h) Tap requirement (test tap/voltage tap, voltage)
be considered.
I) Arcing horns
IEC standard 60137[10] and Indian standard IS
j) Power factor limits for capacitor type
2099[11] covers the product requirements of AC
bushings above 1000 Volts.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


a) Orientation (vertical, inclined & horizontal), Medium a) Vacuum or Oil (with supplements: Continuous Oil
of interfaces (oil to air, oil to oil, oil to SF6) lter device),
b) Cantilever load during operation and test load, b) High speed transition resistor or reactor type
Seismic acceleration
c) Wind velocity
d) Ice load a) Type of connection (linear, coarse ne, reversing)
e) Type of insulators (porcelain, composite or polymer) b) Highest working voltage of tap changer
f) Bus duct temperature de-rating factors c) Maximum test voltage of tap changer contacts (LI, SI,
AC 1min)
5.4 SITE CONDITIONS d) Maximum rated through current, Step voltage
a) Altitude at Installation e) Voltage across tap range (coarse, ne), Number of tap
b) Level of pollutions (Creepage distance: protective and position (operating and run through)
total), f) Type of insulating uid
c) Storage: Short-term or long-term, methods g) Auxiliary control circuits (independent, parallel
5.5INTERFACE operation, local manual, local electrical, remote
electrical, automatic with or without line drop
a) Type of lead connection (draw rod, draw lead, stem
b) Mounting ( ange PCD, hole size, number of bolts 6.3 MECHANICAL
etc.) a) In-tank or ange mounted
c) Interface with bi-metallic connectors b) Conventional or bell mounted type
d) BCT Space
e) Oil end Dimensions (Diameter/length) IEC standard 60214[12} covers product requirements
f) Oil end corona geometries and design options of and application of tap changers. Indian standard
interconnection 8468[13] speci cations for On Load Tap Changers are in
the process of revision by BIS ETD 16.
W hile selecting bushings, in addition to above,
reputation and operational experience of the brand and While selecting tap changers, in addition to above,
make plus availability of valid type test report are reputation and operational experience of the brand and
important. make plus availability of valid type test report are
6. TAP CHANGERS important.
IEV de nes changer as, “A device for changing the 7. CATEGORY: PROTECTION
tapping connections of a winding” (reference: 421-11- Accessories provided for Transformer protection
01). Depending upon the application it may be On Load respond to incipient faults and trip the unit before
(suitable for operation while the transformer is energized developing in to damaging failures.. e devices are
or on load) of De energised (suitable for operation only equipped with switches to either give an alarm signal or,
while the transformer is De-energised). trip signal in case of developing failure, to switch off the
Like bushings, tap changers are critical component in
transformers. While selecting on-load tap changer, below
aspects are checked.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Gas/Oil actuated relay, popularly known as Buchholz of speci cations for Power Transformers[15] has
Relay, is provided in the oil path between tank and mentioned minimum number of PRD as 1 No. each for
conservator with two intended functions: main tank and OLTC, preferable mounting location
being on Top cover. e number of PRD required is
a) Give alarm incase of fault gas evolution. dependent on the total oil volume of the transformer
b) Give trip signal during oil surges in the relay pipe (One PRD for every 40,000liter of transformer oil is
consequent to major inside breakdown. recommended by supplier).

Indian standard IS 3637[6] (under revision) provides Operating pressure of PRV should be less than the tank
speci cations for Buchholz relays. Such relays are oil pressure test values with an intention to avoid damage
available in nominal pipe bore sizes 25, 50 and 80 mm. to transformer tank in case of over pressure situations. Fig
For medium and large rating transformers size of 80 mm 2 shows typical view of PRD.
is popularly being used. Fig 1 shows typical view of
Buchholz relay.

Fig 2: Typical PRD with mechanical indicator

Fig 1: Typical Buchholz Relay Presently there is no Indian Standard for PRD,
When selecting the relay, ow se ings shall be taken to Internationally, EN standard 50216-5[7] and IEC
avoid mal operation of relay while switching operation of standard 60076-22[8] covers product requirements of
oil pumps associated with coolers.[14] PRD.

International standards EN 50216-2[7] and IEC When provided, PRD should have suitable pipe work
60076-22[8] covers product requirements for Buchholz connected to direct the spilled oil towards the base tank
relay. pit.
7.2 PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE (PRD) e disadvantage of PRD is longer operating time.
A ash over or a short circuit occurring inside oil lled During severe transformer faults when fault location is
transformer is accompanied by a dynamic pressure wave far away from PRD device, it may not operate before tank
in the tank due to gas formed by the decomposition of rupture. erefore PRD cannot be relied upon to prevent
the oil. e pressure relief device is provided to release tank rupture for high energy arcing faults on all
the tank over pressure to avoid the tank rupture and occasions.
consequent re.

CIGRE Technical Brochure 528, Guide for preparation

e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Rapid pressure rise relay (RPRR), also known as sudden Pre-Stressed Non Return Valve (PNRV), also known as
pressure relief device aimed to pick up the oil pressure conservator shut off valve is generally ed in the oil pipe
wave in the transformer tank when a serious fault occurs. connecting the conservator and the main tank. It is also
e device is able to distinguish between rapid and slow provided between the conservator and oil lled cable
rates of pressure rise and will give signal if rate of pressure boxes.
increase is faster than speci ed rate. Such device is
generally provided on transformer tanks of large and Typical construction of this valve allows oil ow in both
critical units. Fig 3 shows RPRR ed on 500 MVA, 765 directions (main tank to conservator and conservator to
kV class transformer. main tank) at a ow rate commensurate with thermal
expansion and contraction within the normal operation
of the transformer.

e valve prevents the oil ow (shut off condition) in

case the oil ow from conservator back into transformer
main tank / cable box exceeds the pre-determined
calibrated value say 100LPM and initiates an alarm. Such
situations are likely to come in case of bushing breakage
or rupture of the main tank.

e shut off valve prevents the oil from the conservator

spilling out through a bushing turret, damaged bushings,
Fig 3: RPRR ed on 500 MVA 765 kV ruptured cable box or a minor rupture near the top of the
class transformer main tank. It reduces the amount of oil (fuel) spilling
from the conservator and feeding to a re consequent to
tank rupture.
Earlier such valves were part of re protection systems.
As per Central Electricity Authority (CEA) regulations
Now days, such valves are used right upto 765 kV class
transformers irrespective of usage for re protection
systems. Fig 4 shows use of conservator shut off valve for
a) Transformers or reactors of 10 MVA and higher rating
40 MVA transformer.
or oil lled transformers with oil capacity of more than
2000 Ltrs shall be provided with automatic high velocity
water spray system or Nitrogen injection based re
protection system.

b) e transformers or reactors of 220 kV or higher

voltage may preferably be provided with Nitrogen
injection based re protection system in addition to
water spray system.

Both technologies are widely used and selection of Fig 4: Conservator shut off valve for
technology is to be made by the purchaser. 40 MVA transformer
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Bushing current transformers are used for Conservators of the main tank and tap changer diverter
protection/metering purposes and are mounted in compartments are ed with magnetically operated oil
turret. BCT rating viz. Nos. of cores, ratio, accuracy, level gauge to monitor the oil level in the conservator. In
protection class etc. are decided a er power system and large transformers 250mm dial sized gauges are used for
relay co-ordination studies and is speci ed by visibility from ground level. e indicators are equipped
customers.. It is preferred that BCTs are provided with with signal contacts for high and low oil levels.
test w ind ing to fac i l itate the test ing dur ing
commissioning and service conditions[17]. Fig 5 shows At present there is no Indian Standard for MOG,
typical BCT and mounting arrangement in turret. Internationally, EN standard 50216-5[7] and IEC
standard 60076-22[8] covers product requirements of
MOG. Fig 7 shows typical view of Magnetic oil level

Fig 5 Bushing Current Transformer

Air cell rupture detection relay is used in conservators
having exi separator. is device is intended to detect
Fig 7 Typical Magnetic oil level Gauge
non-functionality of exi separator and gives alarm
signal. Such relays are essential for natural ester uid 8.2PRISMATIC OIL LEVEL GAUGE
lled transformers where proper functioning of air cell is Prismatic oil level gauge is generally provided on main
mandatory to avoid deterioration of esters. Fig 6 shows transformer tank and conservator. It gives visual
typical view of Air cell rupture relay. indication of oil level. Such gauges are useful to read the
main tank oil level during transportation. In absence of
air cell rupture relay, functioning of air cell (whether in
in ated condition) can be judged by checking the gauge
shows always full. Fig 8 shows typical view of Prismatic
oil level gauge.

Fig 6 Typical Air cell rupture detection relay Fig 8 Typical Prismatic oil level gauge
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Oil temperature indicator (OTI) measures the top oil At present there is no Indian Standard for ow indicators,
temperature. W TI simulates winding hot spot International standards EN50216-5[7] and IEC
temperature by sensing top oil temperature and winding standard 60076-22[8] covers product requirements of
current and outcome is displayed on dial. ow indicators. Fig 10 shows typical view of ow
For transformers quantity of OTI is 1 No. Quantity of
WTI generally depends on client requirements of
monitoring single/all winding temperatures.

OTI and WTI are equipped with alarm and trip

contacts. Indicators signals on reaching pre-set
temperature values. For remote indication, inbuilt PT
100 sensor is provided within temperature indicator.
Fig 10 Typical oil ow indicator
Indicators with dial size of 150 mm and angular sweep of 8.5 FIBRE OPTIC SENSORS
270° are commonly used power transformers.
International standards EN 50216-11[7] and Fibre optic sensors are used for measuring directly the
IEC standard 60076-22[8] covers product requirements hot spot temperature inside the winding. Fibre optic
of temperature indicators. Fig 9 shows typical view of sensors when used during the temperature rise test
temperature indicator. enables to nd out directly the winding hot spot
temperature and winding gradient a ained during full
load and overloads. is information can be used for
v a l i d at i n g t h e c a l c u l at i o n s o w a re u s e d b y
manufacturers and for calibrating conventional winding
temperature indicators used in transformers.

Decision of providing bre optic sensors is driven by

criticality of the unit and also preferred when the rating
per limb exceeds 33 MVA.

Fiber optic sensors are useful to monitor the higher

winding hot spot temperatures accurately during
Fig 9 Typical Winding temperature indicator
IEC standard 60076-2[18] w ide Annex ure E
8.4 FLOW INDICATORS (OFI/WFI) recommends the number of sensors for various ratings
Oil and water ow indicators are used to indicate the and cooling types.
oil/water ow in case of forced cooling in transformers.
Such indicators with visual indication of ow give alarm
in case ow rate falls below pre-set values. In both cases
ow values are matched with pump capacity ( ow in
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Depending on the cooling type of transformers, cooling Capacity and pressure head of pumps in both cases are
accessories viz. radiator, pumps and fans are provided. selected by designer for the required heat dissipation and
expected hydraulic pressure loss. Pumps with high
pressure heads o en can cause phantom operation of
Radiator size and numbers are decided by designer for Buchholz relay[14], is shall be taken care during
the required heat dissipation from transformers. For selection.
power transformers pressed steel radiators of width of
520 mm are popularly used. Other technical At present there is no Indian Standard for axial type oil
requirements on radiators such as thickness of panel, pumps, International standards EN standard
diameter of header etc. are covered in EN 50216-6[7] 50216-7[7] and IEC standard 60076-22[8] covers
and IEC 60076-22 standards [8]. In absence of any product requirements of pumps for transformer oil.
Indian standard, IEEMA-9 standard[19] on radiators is
unanimously accepted and followed amongst General trend of cooling in transformers is to opt for
manufacturers and purchasers within India. ONAN or ONAN/ONAF cooling even to the highest
ratings (e.g. 1500 MVA auto-transformer bank) to
Depending upon the environmental conditions, reduce maintenance liability.
radiators with painting or hot dip galvanising (HDG) are
used. Fig 11 shows typical radiators with painting and 9.3 FANS
HDG (hot dip galvanizing). For forced air (AF) cooled transformers fans are used to
increase the heat dissipation capacity of the radiators.
Numbers of fans are decided by designer based on
required air ow (CFM). Fans are contributing towards
noise level of transformer and for low noise transformers
due care i s to be taken w hi le select ing the
type/diameter/noise level of fans.

At present there is no Indian Standard for transformer

fans, International standards EN 50216-12[7] and IEC
standard 60076-22[8] covers product requirements of
transformer fans. Fig 12 shows typical arrangement of
fans mounted on radiators.

(a) (b)
Fig 11 Radiator with HDG (a) and Paint (b)

For forced oil (OF) cooled transformers with radiator
banks, to facilitate the smooth oil ow during natural oil
ow (ON) conditions axial ow type pumps are used.
For forced oil (OF) cooled transformers with unit
coolers and heat exchangers natural ow is not envisaged Fig 12 Typical arrangement of fans
and hence centrifugal pumps are used. mounted on radiators
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Oil to Air/Water coolers are used for dissipation of heat H A N D L I N G / P R E S E R VAT I O N
and occupy very less foot print as compared to radiator 10.1 FLEXI SEPA TOR
banks. Both types of coolers require pump in running Flexi separators (also known as bladder or balloons or air
condition all the time (higher auxiliary losses) cell) are used in conservator of liquid immersed
irrespective of loading. Oil to water cooler requires water transformers and reactors with intention to,
supply (cooling tower). Double tube oil to water heat
exchangers are standard now by which water to oil leak is a) Isolate transformer insulating liquid from contact with
completely eliminated. atmospheric air.
b) Provide in ation / de ation to accommodate oil
Oil to water cooler is used in hydro generating stations in volume displacements due to transformer temperature
view of easy availability of water. variation.

Oil to air cooler is widely used in thermal power stations Dimensions of exi separator are decided by designer
and mobile substations. Such types of coolers has based on conservator dimensions. At present there is no
limitations when the atmosphere is dust laden (e.g. product standard for exi separator. Fig 14 shows typical
Aluminium smelters). view of in ated exi separator.

At present there is no Indian Standard for Oil to Air

coolers. Indian standard IS 6088[21] covers oil to water
heat exchanger for transformers and IS 4503[22] covers
shell and tube type heat exchangers. International
standard EN 50216-9/10[8] cover s product
requirements of Oil to Air/Water coolers. Fig 13 shows
typical view of Oil to air cooler and mounting of Oil to
water coolers.
Fig 14 Typical In ated exi separator

Silica gel breather is provided over the conservator to
prevent moisture ge ing in to conservator. Automatic
regenerating breathers are available today to avoid
frequent maintenance work of drying out of silica gel.

e quantity of silica gel in breather is normally

dependent on the total oil volume of the transformer.
When provided in multiple numbers, breathers are
recommended to be connected in series than parallel.

At present there is no Indian Standard for breather.

(a) (b) International standards EN 50216-5 [7] and IEC
Fig 13 Typical view of Oil to air cooler (a) standard 60076-22[8] covers product requirements of
and mounting of Oil to water coolers (b) breather. Fig 15 shows typical view of silica gel breather.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Interchangeability refers principally to accessories that
are or have been purchased from different suppliers,
expected to have common dimensions and layout, in
order to allow them to be physically interchangeable with
each other. Utilities o en strategically intend to keep
stock of critical accessories for transformers under eet.
Accessories presently offered by various suppliers in
India have different contact ratings, terminations and at
some cases variation in physical sizes.
Interchangeability within accessories from sourced from
different suppliers is essential and much needed.
Fig 15 Typical silica gel breather 12.2 STANDARDISATION
Indian standard IS 3639[5] published in the year 1966,
10.3 VALVES covers the dimensional requirements for Buchholz relay
Oil preservation and handling transformers is supported mounting ange, valve size and ange, threads for
by variety of valves for different applications viz. breather pipes, thermo meter pockets, uid level
draining, ltration, sampling, vacuum pulling etc. indicator dial size, rollers and earthing terminal bolt sizes.
CIGRE TB 528 Guide for preparations of speci cations Another Indian standard IS 3637 [6] earlier published in
for Power Transformers [15] recommends variety of year 1966 covers the performance requirements of gas
valves for different applications in transformers and operated relays.
EN standard 50216 series[7] in 12 different parts have
European standard EN 50216-8[7] covers product covered the construction, performance and test
requirements of bu er y valves. requirements of various accessories. In similar lines IEC
TC 14 commi ee is working to cover transformer
accessories in IEC 60076-22[8] standard wherein
ve parts are already published.
Condition assessment and diagnostic techniques
provide accurate health conditions of the transformer Standardisation in lines with EN and IEC standards is
and help users to minimise forced outages. Some of the much needed in India in order to achieve
online condition monitoring tools commercially interchangeability aspects and maintain performance
available at present include, DGA, moisture in oil, and test requirements within accessories offered by
bushing monitoring, partial discharge monitoring etc. various suppliers.
Requirement of condition monitoring and diagnostic
tools along with new transformer shall be made wisely T NSFORMERS
based on rating, application and criticality of the unit. Smart transformers as part of smart grid, work
IEC standard 60076-1 [1] and CIGRÉ Technical independently and maintain contact with smart grid to
Brochure 343 [20] provide recommendation on supply allow remote monitoring and administration. Such
and provision of various condition assessment tools transformers include smart accessories and monitoring
along with new transformers. devices which sense the various parameters, access the
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

condition of transformer and give intelligent 8. IEC 60076-22 multiple parts, Power Transformers –
recommendations. Power transformer and reactor ings.
9. ISO 12944 multiple parts, Paints and varnishes –
World is moving to digital and in years to come majority Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective
of all substations will be unmanned and centrally paint systems.
monitored/controlled. Smart accessories shall pave a 10. IEC 60137, Edition 7.0-2017, Insulating bushings for
way to make this happen. alternating voltages above 1000 V.
11. IS 2099, Speci cations for bushings for alternating
voltage above 1000 V.
Conventionally, operating manuals of accessories are 12. IEC 60214 multiple parts, Tap changers.
shared as hard copy/electronic format. With increased 13. IS 8468, Speci cation for on load tap changers.
use of smart phones and digitization it is aimed that each 14. Mal functioning of Buchholz relays – Field
accessory is provided with a ached QR code to facilitate experience and learnings, P. Ramachandran, 12th India
immediate retrieval of operating manuals by scanning. Doble power forum – 2014.
13. CONCLUSION 15. CIGRE TB 528, Guide for preparations of
Paper has broadly divided commonly used accessories in speci cations for Power Transformers.
ve categories. Application and selection of accessories 16. Central Electricity Authority (CEA) regulations
for each category is described. Status on National / 2010.
International product standards against each accessory is 17. BCT Testing of Transformers at site and at Test
mentioned. Station – An Approach, A.S Jhala, Malav Shah,
T FOTECH 2012 workshop – 2012.
Author has identi ed that Interchangeability, 18. IEC standard 60076-2, Edition 3.0-2011, Power
standardisation and smartness in accessories are need of Transformers – Temperature rise for liquid immersed
the hour in India which shall be taken up and completed transformers.
at the earliest. 19. IEEMA 9, IEEMA standard for pressed steel radiators
for transformers.
With increased use of smart phones, suggestion for 20. CIGRE TB 343, Recommendations for condition
immediate retrieval of digital manuals by scanning QR monitoring and condition assessment facilities for
codes a ached to accessory is given. transformers.
21. IS 6088, Speci cation for oil to water heat exchangers
REFERENCES for transformers.
1. IEC standard 60076-1, Edition 3.0-2011, Power 22. IS 4503, Shell and tube type heat exchangers.
Transformers - General. 23. IS 3347, Dimensions for porcelain transformer
2. IS standard 2026-1. bushings for use in normal and lightly polluted
3. CBIP Publication 317 – 2013, Manual on atmospheres.
Transformers. 24. IS 12676, Oil impregnated paper insulated condenser
4. IEEE standard C57.12.10. bushings – dimensions and requirements.
5. IS 3639, Speci cations for ings and accessories for
power transformers.
6. IS 3637, Speci cations for gas operated relays.
7. EN 50216 Parts 1-12, Power transformer and reactor
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


P.K. Pa anaik
OPTCL - Odisha

In Power System, Electrical power ow takes the path of with digital sensors and supported intelligent network
four important areas that starts from the Generating is termed as SMART T NSFORMER. Not only the
Station and ends with Load center (Generation, condition monitoring, the digital system could also be
Transmission, Distribution and Load Centre). In each integrated to the total life cycle of the transformer,
sector, T NSFORMER is the inter-linking electro- starting from its inception, successful operation to the
mechanical device that holds the nerve of power system end of the life, even a er math during postmortem also.
dynamics, transforming the electrical energy as per the
stage requirement of voltage to meet the need of the is paper has been focused on the discussion note
utility consumers and plays the pivotal link among the regarding the role of digital system that could be used on
energy stake holders. Considering its importance in the different stages of the transformer life. Various Technical
system, every utility does concern about its healthy status tools, modern innovative concepts have also been
for stable and reliable supply system. described on the consideration of utility’s perspectives.
In the present era of ever-increasing load demand with
the network complexity, this device during its life cycle is Electrical Network is embracing the major disruptive
subjected with various stresses (Electrical, Mechanical, changes. e substantial growth in all categories is
ermal and Chemical) which in turn deteriorate its making the situation bit complex due to huge approach of
condition. In order to protect the transformer from these RE (Renewable Energy) and its integration with the
stresses, various electro-mechanical protection devices ever-increasing load demands. Moreover, the inter-
are generally used like electrical relays, temperature connected GSS (Grid Sub-Station) suffers the challenge
sensors (OTI, WTI), Gas relays (Buchholz Relay), of handling this complex power that ows in different
PRD/PRV etc... ese devices actuate a er occurrence directions aiming towards the system availability for
of the faults, resulting with partial or fully damage of the 24×7 with multiple and multipa ern generators, modern
active parts. e present devices rarely help to indicate concept of prosumers with DER (Distributed Energy
about the pre-hand information to take pro-active action Resources). e other multi-bound practical issues make
on the system. the situation still critical, like running the system with
existing old-ageing infrastructures, reluctant approach of
But, need of the hour is to obtain early information on the end users on the acceptance to the advanced
deteriorating components for quick preventive action. technologies, their over-conscious approach to the
is is possible by using modern digital intelligent technoeconomical aspects etc… Energy utilities being
sensors on the transformer system. e gradual change of the actual end users face the real junk of these challenges
system parameters could be sensed by using modern on- during the initial take off and acceptance of the
line sensors which prepare the signals for the process bus innovative technologies.
with automated action linked management tool to
control over the system developing reliable and cost- Any new concepts may crawl into this updated electrical
effective solution. is type of transformer embedded network, but we have to depend upon the transformer
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

the only old age eld proven option for the availability of e focus shall be on the development of an electrical
safe and sure power for our requirement. Over the years, system, the network with monitoring, supervising of the
we have come across many of the technological electrical parameters that can control for maximum
adoptions on transformers, like use of low loss availability of electrical power to our consumers. One-
amorphous core, use of bio-degradable oil, use of line a ention in this subject shall be spoken that of PQRS
modern and improved conductors for highly efficient (Power with Quality, Reliability Safety and security) by
applications. But need of the time is to improve the the suitable selection of Digital Embedded Smart
system availability based on quality and reliable power to
the end user. ese all depend upon in-time data
handling of the system parameters to get actionable In practice, the be er system operation always demands
information for automated decision making towards the quick availability of signals at the interface point for
operation and maintenance of the assets under control. detail processing and subsequent real time action
Moreover, in the present era towards adaption to smart execution. e quick availability of signals depends upon
grids, the data availability and communication link from the medium/communication channel through which it
all the available primary devices need to be integrated to is transmi ed. Moreover, the risk of the signal loss or
the automated system. Transformer- the vital primary breakage is also another important reason of delay or
device among all, must be inter-connected to the smart failure of the work execution. In broad sense, this
system loop for greater visibility and best control in terms medium is considered as hardware type or so ware type.
of monitoring, supervision and operation. e basic Say an example, transfer of signal in the form of energy
behind the best concept of handling of this device pocket by the use copper wire is termed as the hardware
signal. Transfer of signal by the wireless form or by use of
depends upon the management of AI (Analog Inputs)
bre optics is termed as so ware type. e faster
and conversion of the same to scalable DI (Digital
availability can be a ained by so ware form and the
Inputs) for SCADA system. So in totality, the
possibility of loss or breakage of the signal is also less in
transformer, equipped with sensors for the preparation
this form. So, continuation of the signal availability can
of AI and subsequent DI, shall be termed as DIGITAL
help us for perfect actuation of the work management.
We have the following advantages for digitisation of the
Digital transformers are becoming an integral part of the
new electricity grid, which provides all the control • Extensive self-diagnosis through sensors used in the
parameters at the HMI (Human Machine Interface) system ensures the maximum uptime.
screen for pro-active action towards proper regulation of
voltage and other important parameters. e use of these • Sequential seamless control and operation with
transformers is gaining popularity both in transmission interlocks for safety of equipment and working
and distribution level. ese transformers are equipped personnel.
with intelligent electronic devices, and smart monitoring
• Increased system Reliability, Safety Security, and
and automated diagnostics features.
e transformer condition is monitored continuously • Optimisation of Transformer operation that reduces
and evaluated for appropriate asset management the operational and maintenance cost.
decisions. Asset management needs to be both cost-
effective and reliable, sensing solutions that provide asset • Easy Data recording helps for improved measurement
managers with actionable intelligent data. accuracy and subsequent Analysis for corrective action
towards repair and maintenance.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

• Reduction of Copper wire and possibility of signal loss control at the common house. e action of suitable
due to looseness, breakage or short-circuit. control is extended by the signal called BI or DI (Binary
or Digital Output).
• Improved Communication capabilities like data
exchange between intelligent devices intra and inter- 2.2. TYPICAL APPLICATION NOTE
substation. is application note has been described from utilities
perspective. All utilities do concern about the Power
• Be er EMC performance and quick isolation of circuits system availability with Quality, Reliability, Safety and
as per requirement. Security. During working operation, due to change of
environments on the transformer, it is subjected with
• Less or nil dependence on human beings.
electrical, chemical and mechanical stresses. Among all
2.1. BASIC WORKING ACTION the parameters, temperature plays the important role that
Digital transformer system network largely contains affects the transformer materials quicker in comparison.
three important areas (Hardware, So ware and Process So, it requires continuous condition monitoring of the
Application). temperature pro le on the transformer. Moreover, the
loading pa ern in the system is always un-certain that
a. Hardware part is the primary device that used in the needs to be monitored and controlled based on
transformer to collect the system parameters for the temperature recording with respect to the load pa ern. In
application process at the CCS (Central Control present practice we use bre optics directly with the
Station). is basically are called sensors, transducers, transformer winding, core, oil immersion etc... that
converters, instruments etc ed inside or outside of the provides accurate temperature rise and its analysis at the
transformer at the suitable region. In digital system we CCS can decide about the operational control of the
call it as AI (Analog Input). transformer helping the device for higher efficiency and
life span. (Refer Fig.1)
b. So ware part is the intermi ent device that manages to 2.3. MODERN APPLICATIONS
convert the hardware signal to the scalable digital signal
Digital technologies are also being embedded by
for readiness to the application purposes at the CCS.
technology providers in different type of transformers,
ese include the device called A to D converter (Analog
to Digital), Opto-couplers etc... e output of this
so ware part reports directly to the process bus for the
integration to the automation network. Now for perfect
system operability a common communication is chosen
and presently IEC 61850 is the protocol that
interconnects all so logics for seamless deliver towards
reliability and efficiency of the device. In this digital
system we call as BI or DI (Binary or Digital Input).
Fig.1 Typical Application
c. Application Process is the nal process bus part of the of Fiber Optics for Temp.
system for real time action towards supervision, control be it oil type or dry type. More relevant for the dry-type
and monitoring of the system. Built-in components like transformers, designed to work without oil, where the
digital sensors, dissolved gas analysers and digital safety core and the coil are cooled by natural or forced air and
devices collect data for monitoring, diagnostics and non ammable high grade solid insulation material.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


is makes them safer and more environmentally T NSFORMER APPLICATION
friendly. Such transformers are ideally suited for high- Transformer being the most vital and valuable
risk applications such as in offshore and densely equipment in the T&D system, the technical
populated areas, and in sensitive ecosystems. In digitally speci cation is prepared by utilities with utmost care and
enabled dry-type transformers, smart sensors collect caution considering the techno commercial aspects. In
data and combine them to provide powerful analytics. the era of competitive bidding the manufacturers are also
For the higher rating transformers, these sensors bound to continuously innovate and optimize their
embedded digital response transformers could also be design processes, to meet the expectations of the
the best solution to monitor for proactive action towards customers. Even a er the system is in service, preventive
its control and necessary action. maintenance and condition monitoring activities are
judiciously followed to improve the life expectancy of the
Digital technologies embedded robots now have reached transformers. However, human errors and process
to the eld application for submersible transformer de ciencies are bound to occur, which hence leads to
inspection which perform fast, safe and cost-effective meteoric result than expected. erefore, the critical
internal inspection, reducing personnel risk and lesser analysis and systematic observation of the events and
down time with cost effective solution. Another happenings during the lifecycle of the transformer shall
advantage is that this could also be controlled wireless be helpful in improving the domain expertise and
from remote diagnostic capabilities of various stake holders at all
fronts. e digital system and its application can
judiciously guide us to land upon the corrective action at
each level of life cycle starting from its inception stage to
a er math death for postmortem analysis. e detail life
cycle points are enunciated below.
BO a. e inception and planning for giving birth of this
Fu equipment. (Preparation of GTP & speci cations,
A. Fu tendering and award of contract)

tBI ion
Int. b. From embryonic stage to infancy. (Stage inspection,
y Final inspection & testing,)
c. e methods for adoption of the same, at the utility’s
premises. (Dispatch, delivery & transportation,)
Fig 2. Basic Digital System
d. Care with immunization and preparatory acceptance
for the new society during infancy. (installation &
center, maintaining point to point security control. Many erection, precommissioning test & charging)
other applications include like RTCC bank controller,
Cooler Kiosk Controller by MCU (Motor Controller e. Successful Operating and Maintenance (Modern
Unit), Online DGA, Piezoelectric camera controller, innovative LMS- Loading Management Schedule with
Online condition monitoring etc... (Refer Fig 2.) CBMCondition Based Maintenance.)
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

f. Condition monitoring practices during young and e. en by using e-Tendering digital system, the tender
dynamic stage. (online & offline condition monitoring & can be explored to maintain free fair transparent process.
Similarly, the associated works like opening of price bid,
g. Health monitoring, testing and care during old age. technical data scrutiny till award of the contract could be
(RLA study, overhauling process etc.) completed by the digital system.

h. Postmortem analysis (upon accidental or 3.2. STAGE AND FINAL INSPECTION AND
natural death). TESTING
Every utility has certain pre-recorded guidelines,
procedures and referrals for the checking, testing and
Planning for bringing the new/uprating transformers in inspection of the transformers. e inspection process
the network depends upon the system study with the includes different stages starting from the preliminary
available load and future possible load growth in the point of design review, technical data comparison, stage
system. With the available data and computing the same inspection with raw materials and assembly inspection
with the present system, the requirement of the and nal inspection etc... Each time few of the pre-
transformer is decided. While considering the same few de ned tests are conducted.
of the following points are considered.
a. Matching of parameters like Rating, % impedance for a. Preference has been considered for the preparation of
addition to the existing GSS (Grid Sub-Station). digital set up with the available guidelines, procedures
b. Category and pa ern of Loading. and referrals for easy scrutiny of the documents.
c. Smooth Maintenance possibility.
d. Judicious calculation to the Short circuit fault MVA. b. Regarding different stage inspections, updated and
e. Suitable protection schemes. innovative micro-sensors could be utilized for obtaining
the accurate data and conclusion regarding the use of
Once the requirement gets nalized about its rating, correct materials.
terminal parameters calculation etc... the GTP and
Speci cation of the transformer is planned to prepare. c. 3rd Eye high resolution camera could be integrated to
the customer premises for easy, quick and economical
inspection. Moreover, this audio-video coverage could
a. e accurate calculation on the available and future be kept for future record reference and quotation for the
loading pa ern could be obtained by using proper similar job.
sensors/instruments in the integration mode.
d. Digital testing equipment with facility of data storage,
b. e running data and future prospective data shall be
retrieval and data analysis is another choice for accurate
computed with pre-de ned so ware.
testing during the inspection. e updated SCREEN
c. eoretical result and actual value shall be compared SHARE concept is also gaining popularity for the remote
and simulated to arrive at the accurate requirement of the control on the testing of the job with satisfaction and
Transformer. quick access to the result preparation.
e. Most important point of developing of DATA BANK
d. en with data bank and past values, the GTP and for the entire process on digital base helps in recording
speci cation can be prepared. the time for future reference.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


e present practice of issuance of Delivery report a. Use of Audio-video system, the expert’s advice could
depends upon the central Procurement Team a er due be obtained for correct and successful erection of the job
review of the test reports during inspections, that results at site, instead managing by the novice
delaying of the job dispatch. Similarly, the old method representative at site.
still prevailing of transporting the job by the trailer
without proper tracking. e site veri cation during b. e digital instruments are the next option for correct
delivery is continuing by the material count veri cation. testing and comparison of the same with the factory
Need of the hour for the inclusion of Digital system into results.
these processes.
c. Due to use of Digital result sheet, the site and factory
3.3.1. ROLE OF DIGITAL SYSTEM value could be analyzed for taking nal decision during
a. Proposal of Authority Extension to the Inspector for charging of the transformer.
issuance of Delivery Report/Order in consultation with
central team by Digital stamping or digital signature on 3.5. SUCCESSFUL OPE TION AND
the order. MAINTENANCE
is is the prime functional area need utmost care for
b. Similarly, by the use of GPS and sim card on the job on successful running of the transformer in the network to
transit, the transformer can be tracked on the enroute for maintain stable and reliable power system. Every
proper planning towards receipt and early delivery at site. developing nation is now in the search of clean electricity,
As the tracking data gets available in the cloud, the encouraging energy harvest through Renewable sources.
information could be available all the stake holders for is situation demands with new technical challenges
necessary action. regarding integration of the RE with conventional
system. Smart system is the only option for early
c. e delivery at site and compliance in case of short fall detection of the system parameters and corrective action
could be prepared digitally with audio-video data backup towards control of the system. In the era of Smart Grid
for quick action. evolution, the assets in the system should also be smart
enough to pace with the system. So Smart Transformer is
d. So, digital system can also be quite helpful for the the option for successful Operation Control and in
bene t of the utility for quick response. subsequent for Maintenance feature also.
With the help of company representative, the site a. Use of Digital System: Digital Bays equipped with
installation and erection is done. en on successful pre- modern NXIT (Nonconventional Instr ument
commissioning testing and checking, the transformer Transformers), MU (Merger Units) and SCU (Switching
gets energized. But in maximum cases, the issues develop Control Unit), smooth, accurate and con rmed
on the availability of OEM representative due to scarcity operation can be achieved.
of sufficient manpower, that results in delaying of the b. Preparation of L MS (L oad Management
commissioning process. Schedule): With the available transformers and proper
running of these units, the available loads can be
managed successfully. For preparation of accurate
management system, following points need to be
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

i. Future and past load survey on the system. of the main transformers could be considered as the
ii. Capacity of the available transformers and nodal transformers in the system. e role of these
geographical positioning w.r.t load centers. transformers as such manages the available in case of link
iii. Importance of the loading pa ern and category of failure. All these systems get well connected with the
loading on the sub-station. digital system. e typical RMU is shown with the
iv. Limitation of the network and system equipment. application of LADR (Load Accessed Directional Relay)
v. Electrical parameters like Iron loss, copper loss & % and RLADR (Restricted LADR) concept.
impendence, of the transformers
vi. In service electrical parameters. (Current, voltage, d. Use of Digital RTCC (Remote Tap Changer
load etc.) Control Cubicle) and MCU (Motor Controller Unit)
vii. Electrical and mechanical characteristics. based DM: In transformer the only available running
device is the tap changer Diverter switch, that creates
problem due to its cumbersome physical wiring control.
Similarly, the case of Cooler Controller Unit that
contains contactors, relays, switches etc… But in the era
of digitization and use of Digital controller unit, the use
of copper wires, contactors, coils, switches etc... could be
eliminated and compacted in the digital form inside the
controller. So the control, operation, troubleshooting
etc... becomes that con rms the reliable and steady

e. Preparation of TCC (Transformer

Condition Code) for CBM (Condition
Fig. 3 Typical RMU with LADR Based Maintenance: e data bank is prepared with the
online eld data and testing analysis of laboratory data.
By these data (Values from different Test methods), the
GMD (Geometric Mean Data) is prepared to obtain the
condition code of the transformer. e other aspect of
of associated equipment (Circuit breaker, Isolators etc.) the equipment is its residual life expectancy. is factor
All the above parameters could be availed as the in service also plays an important role to determine the condition
data and to be fed to the computing machine for code of the equipment. is factor is called Survive factor
preparation of a Loading Management Schedule (LMS). (δ).
Before application of the output results, the theoretical Now, by considering the history, commissioning data,
simulation shall be done for the operation of present technical and non-technical parameters of the
transformers. e actual and theoretical LMS shall be Transformer, prepared GMD (Geometric Mean Data)
compared for practical modi cation. Finally, the LMS and Survive factor (δ) the condition code is formulated
shall be rolled into the system for efficient loading of the as follows
transformers. During this digital data as obtained from
sensors help for quick decision. Transformer Condition Code (TCC) = D δ
D = Geometric Mean Data (GMD)
c. Concept of NODAL Transformer: By RING main δ = Survive Factor.
System, the system availability can be enhanced and few
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


e detail preparation of Transformer Condition Code a. Condition Monitoring : In present system
(TCC) and the application of the same for nding the transformer is equipped with multiple intelligent
Condition Based Rank (CBR) of the transformer helps electronic instruments/sensors at the suitable location
to perform the Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), of the device which assess the condition of the
which becomes economical in comparison to the old transformer system and send the signal to the CCS for
method i.e. TBM (Time Based Maintenance). (Refer Fig intelligent recommendations and suitable prescription
no 4) towards corrective action. is becomes Online data
acquisition and important tool for the operator to
monitor the behavior of the transformer core, windings,
oil, tap changer and bushings. Many other parameters
could also be monitored like Tank Pressure, Oil
Temperature pro le (Oil, Winding, Core, Yoke),
Operation transformer mounted Protection devices,
status of Cooler Control units (Fans, Oil Pumps).
Ambient Temperature, humidity, Bushing Tan delta
value, Online moisture content and DGA etc... e
typical sensor controller model is shown in the Fig. 4.

b. Health Indexing: Similarly, on obtaining the data

either by ON-LINE or OFF-LINE, the sampling could
be done to prepare the TCC as described above. is
Fig 4 On-Line sensor Module TCC helps to prepare the health indexing of the
transformer for corrective action towards repair and
f. Role of Digital System: For this section Digital system
helps to satisfy the successful operation in many of the
aspects as described above, which in turn have the 3.7. POSTMORTEM ANALYSIS
following advantages. Every utility does the postmortem analysis for the failure
transformers. e death may be of natural or accidental,
Advantages: the detail analysis can help the utility engineers to know
i. Energy conservation results due to reduction of the cause a er investigation of the incidences and
transformation loss. sequence of events on the transformer.
ii. Life span of the transformer increases, because of
proper loading on them.
iii. Life span of other equipment increases. e transformers equipped with electronic sensors send
iv. Maintenance becomes easy with no interruption of the signals to the memory buffer in the event recorder
the system loads. and remain stored. During situation requirement, these
events could be retrieved for detail analysis to investigate
3.6. CONDITION MONITORING AND the reason of the incident. Moreover, digital relays
HEALTH INDEXING (Protection and Monitoring) and BCU (Bay Controller
Utilities’ main concern is to keep the important devices Units) are also used in the system to record the electrical
in healthy condition to serve reliable and stable supply parameters as per the program so ware loaded in these
system. In the conventional method we generally use devices. A er tripping of the transformer, diagnosis
OFF-LINE monitoring system to know the health status testing is also conducted to sum up the fact for detail
of the transformers. report preparation.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

So, a er death of the equipment, the autogenerated data Total Life cycle management module of the transformer
bank, Event loggers, Disturbance recorders, Test report can be tagged with digital system, which can help the
analysis etc... are framed into the nal report for the utility to reduce investment cost, running cost and
learning session to the utility engineers for corrective maintenance cost at large. is can also manage the
actions as per the recommendation of the commi ee. judicious operation of all rating transformers in the
system. e digital approaches with smart sensors on
condition monitoring system, enables the maintenance
e wish list of every utility is to have PQRS in the system crew to take corrective action to prevent unplanned
network (Power with Quality Reliability, Safety and downtime.
Security). In the complex network system, sooner the
be er the adaption to digital system by the utility shall Hence sooner the be er, utilities should adopt this
enhance the credibility and its efficient response to the Digital System for Transformer to make it smart and
consumers in the system. Some study reveals the intelligent enough.
advantages and extract from CIGRE study supplements
the same with strong fact, “Guide on Economics of
Transformer Management (Technical Brochure 248)”,
the digitalisation of transformers will provide the
following bene ts – 75% reduction in repair costs due to
early detection, 60% reduction in revenue loss due to
unanticipated problems/outages, 50% reduction in the
risk of catastrophic failures and 2% annual cost savings,
which is equivalent to the replacement cost of a new
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


omas Buijs
Hitachi ABB Power Grids Canada

e electrical grid is going through a fundamental
transition as the world shi s away from fossil fuels to
renewables and electri cation. On the one hand
electrical production is becoming distributed and on the
other hand electrical consumption is becoming less
predictable. is leads to variable and bi-directional
power ows that can signi cantly impact the lifecycle
and operational efficiency of transformer assets. Figure 2 - World electricity production om
Fortunately, these assets can be managed through the 2018 - source: international energy agency
advent of new digital technologies and knowledge-based For the same reasons we are seeing accelerated
mitigation can be implemented. electri cation of transports, a trend is driving variability
on the demand side.
Electrical production has been shi ing towards
renewables for some time and the trend is now
accelerating with pressure mounting on decarbonization
to ght climate change.

e latest data form the international energy agency

indicates that renewables accounted for 25% of the
worlds electrical production in 2018 and that 7% is
variable in nature. Figure 3 - Annual global EV sales - source:
Bloomberg New Energy Finance

When transformers are used in relatively steady
conditions one can estimate their lifecycle with
reasonable accuracy. is lifecycle is driven by the
constant degradation over time of the insulating
materials leading to something close to an ideal lifecycle

Figure 1-World electricity production om

1990 to 2017 - source: international energy agency

Figure 4 - Ideal transformer life cycle

e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

However, when variability is introduced the lifecycle Once the probability of failure for a group of assets is
curve becomes much harder to predict as in gure 5. understood we can optimize maintenance costs by
focusing on the assets most likely to fail. We can extend
the useful life of those assets by keeping them in service
as long as the likelihood of failure remains low.


e thermal and electrical properties that can be directly
Figure 5 - Real world transformer life cycle measured on a transformer are:
- Transformer tank top and bo om oil temperatures
Without effective monitoring and connectivity to - Temperatures in the windings measured using ber
provide an understanding of the real conditions of optic probes
transformer assets it is difficult to optimize their useful - Oil temperature at the radiator inlets and outlets
life and also avoid expensive unplanned outages. - e ambient temperature
In order to implement effective monitoring, one needs to - Tap changer tank oil temperature
understand the failure modes of transformers. - Voltage and Load
- Bushing leakage current
- High speed electrical transients
- Magnetic elds from the transformer

Using these measurements one can determine many

operational parameters and detect incipient faults before
they lead to outages.
From the measurement of the oil temperatures and load
one can determine by digital simulation how hot the
windings will get given the factory data for the
Figure 6 - failure location analysis on transformers transformer. e winding temperature in turn
manufactured a er 1980 - source Cigré SCA2.37 Report determines the aging rate of the paper insulation inside
Technical Brochure 642/2015 Transformer Reliability Survey the transformer; the ho er it gets the faster it ages. A ber
optic temperature sensor can be used to monitoring the
Based on the data from Cigré it is clear that half of all temperature directly in the windings in order to provide a
faults occur in the bushings and tap changers followed by more accurate picture and serves to con rm that the
nearly 40% in the windings. calculations are correct.
3. T NSFORMER MONITORING Based on the measurement of the oil inlet and outlet
To effectively monitor transformer assets, we need to temperatures one can determine the efficiency of the
monitor parameters to which we have access. ese cooling system and detect any degradation that may
parameters can be divided into measurable thermal, occur over time. is can happen for example if there is
electrical, mechanical and chemical parameters. buildup of sludge in the radiator that is restricting oil
ese parameters can then be converted into a e ambient temperature can be used to determine the
probability of failure through the use of a digital maximum load the transformer can support without
transformer engineering model based on IEEE and IEC exceeding its design temperature and suffering
standards. premature aging due to overheating.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

By monitoring the temperature of the tap changer tank Partial discharges can also occur in the winding
relative to the main tank we can determine if there is a insulation layers and lead to the same type of failures in
malfunction of the diverter switch; indeed if it gets much the core of the transformer.
ho er than the main tank we have a clear indication that One of the challenges with detecting partial discharges is
the tap changer is bleeding energy while switching tap to determine their origin and distinguish them for high
positions. is should not occur and the tap changer frequency perturbations coming form the network
should be overhauled before the transformer fails outside the transformer.
catastrophically. e analysis of partial discharge data lends itself well to
e leakage current from the bushings can be measured smart machine learning algorithms that can interpret the
through the diagnostic taps at the base of each bushing. data based on previously observed pa erns. e analysis
e vector sum of the three phases should equal 0 if the of partial discharge data is a relatively new aspect of
bushings are all identical in terms of capacitance and transformer monitoring.
power factor. Finally, we can measure the strength of the magnetic eld
Any change in the capacitance or power factor of one of around the transformer. Any change in this magnetic
the bushings will unbalance the system and lead to a eld is indicative of a change in the mechanical
nonzero vector sum of currents. is provides a clear con guration of the windings and can be used to predict
indication of impending bushing failure. incipient faults.
e types of mechanical parameters that can be
measured are sounds, vibrations and torques.
For example the torque required to change tap changer
Figure 7 – Zero sum of currents for system positions or to start a cooling fan can be used to predict
with three good bushings impending failures.
e hum vibration of a transformer can be monitored
For example, if the phase 2 bushing starts to deteriorate
and used to determine changes in the winding
leading to an increase in capacitance and in power factor
con guration.
it will increase the amplitude of the leakage current and
e vibrations of the cooling fans can be monitored in
cause its phase to shi .
order to detect developing bearing failures and the
vibrations of the tap changer changing positions can be
indicative of a fault developing in the tap changer.
Figure 8 – Nonzero sum of currents with phase 2 Chemical analysis mainly deals with the composition of
current increased by 50% and 10 degrees phase shi the transformer oil in terms of dissolved gases and
is deterioration of the bushing can also precipitate moisture.
partial discharge events, whereby we get a short term If a hot spot develops inside the main tank of a
momentary discharge across one of the insulation layers. transformer it will locally heat up the long chain
ese discharges will tend to degrade the insulator molecules that make up standard transformer mineral
rapidly and can lead to a cascade failure. It is possible to oil. Heat it up enough and the chemical bonds will start to
provide early evidence of partial discharge activity by break leading to the release of small fragments made of
monitoring the bushing tap at high frequency and carbon and hydrogen atoms. ese are species like
looking for pa erns of high speed transients. hydrogen, methane, acetylene, ethylene and ethane.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

By monitoring various thermal, electrical, mechanical
and chemical parameters on a transformer we can detect
insipient faults that le unchecked will lead to unplanned
By interlinking these types of sensors, connecting them
to the internet of things and taking advantage of cloud
computing we can monitor eets of transformers from a
central location to optimize operational costs, reduce
maintenance, delay replacements and avoid unplanned

Figure 9 - oil breakdown products when overheated

In the same manner if the paper insulator is overheated

and breaks down oxygenated species will be released
because paper has oxygen atoms in its makeup.

Figure 10 - paper breakdown products

e relative quantities of these gases in dissolved state in

transformer oil is related to the temperature of the hot
spot and the mechanism of its formation.
Water and oxygen are not fault indicators but will act to
accelerate paper degradation and therefore should be
monitored and kept as low as possible to maximize the
life expectancy of the transformer.
Moisture is also monitored to ensure low enough levels
to avoid generating free water and/or bubbles in the
transformer which could lead to partial discharges and
signi cantly damage an operating transformer.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Rakesh Patil
Siemens Ltd., Navi Mumbai

Testing is the critical process as it ensures the quality Transformers and reactors are the most critical and
assurance of product, materials used and processes expensive equipment in transmission system and need to
during different manufacturing stages. It is also a give uninterrupted service for their intended life of at
compliance to the product’s characteristics as per least 30 years. e quality of these equipment’s must be
customer speci cation and standards. Usage of modern ensured by performing routine, type & special tests
state-of-art factory testing facility will ensure accurate according to the national/international standards in
measurements of various test parameters during Factory state-of-the-art facility having NABL accreditation
Acceptance Test (FAT) which is essential for long term according to ISO/IEC17025.
reliability of transformers and shunt reactors.
An important milestone of each transformer/shunt
Dielectric tests are intended to verify withstand reactor project is the FAT. is process is proof that the
capability under stresses caused due to transient over equipment is manufactured according to the contract
voltages, switching surges, lightning impulses and speci cations, reference national, international
changeovers i.e. both normal and abnormal conditions. standards and ready for shipment to site. Normally the
FAT is conducted formally and witnessed by the
Determination of the operational losses is obviously customer.
important to ful l the contractual obligations and to
check on operational costs in the form of component Conducting remote FAT for the customers is challenging
losses. to change the mindset of customer from being physically
present to watching a remote FAT as the practice of
Compliance with thermal limits is critical for long term physical presence is followed for ages. e aim of
reliable operation during the intended life of the product.
Lightning and Switching Impulse test
Emission like sound level, vibrations are important
factors with installations in populated urban areas. All factory acceptance tests, test procedures are well
Vibrations in shunt reactors will determine the de ned in IEC60076 and parts thereof. However, this
healthiness of the construction and within speci ed paper highlights salient features of tests / measurements
limits. for improved accuracy of the test.
In the present pandemic of covid-19, remote FAT to Dielectric tests are conducted to verify dielectric
customers to ensure optimal performance of the product capability of the transformer insulation.
and maintain safety of inspection officials. Such virtual Lightning impulse test is intended to verify the capability
FAT is gaining momentum across businesses and of the transformer to withstand transients in service like
industry segments. is paper highlights the basic lightning strikes. e test veri es the withstand strength
requirements for such remote FAT for the bene t of of the transformer under test when the impulse is applied
stakeholders. to its terminals.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Standard full wave lightning impulses (1.2/50µs Fig. 2 & 3 highlights the bene t in overshoot reduction of
waveform) produces non-uniform stresses in the impulse waveform due to usage of OC.
windings. Chopped on tail lightning impulse test
(chopping time: 2 to 6µs) is intended to verify the
capability of the transformer to withstand some high
frequency phenomena that may occur in service.

Switching impulse test (100/200/1000µs) is intended to

verify the capability of the transformer to withstand long
duration transient voltages occurred due to switching
operations in service. SI test veri es the switching
impulse withstand strength of the line terminals and the
connected winding(s) to earth and other windings. e
test also veri es the withstand strength between phases
Fig. 2: “Without” compensation
and along the winding(s) under test.
To perform lightning and switching impulse tests, a
robust, reliable, and accurate test system is required. For
testing of large power transformers and reactors, modern
impulse voltage generators with Multiple chopping gap
and voltage dividers are generally used. A 4-Channel
impulse analysing system with diagnostic tools is
necessary for accurate and reliable measurements.
Impulse generator having overshoot compensation
circuit, a patented method introduced by Haefely Test
AG under the name “Overshoot Compensation” (OC) is
e series compensation arrangement should consists of
a Compensating Capacitor (CC) in parallel with a
Fig. 3: “With” series compensation
resistor RC and an inductance LC. e necessary
inductance LC is not a separate component but the For switching impulse, a special Loading Capacitor with
inherent self-inductance suitable capacitance & voltage rating is recommended for
of the resistor RC. e series compensation shall be be er waveshape in line with impulse generator
connected in series with the impulse generator as shown manufacturer recommnedation.
in Fig. 1.
Applied Voltage Test (AV)
e test is intended to verify the alternating voltage
withstand strength of the line and neutral terminals and
their connected windings to earth and other windings.
Generally, for this test, High Voltage AC Resonance
systems are used. Tuning of inductive reactance with
capacitive reactance of test object is the key to create the
Fig. 1: Equivalent impulse circuit diagram resonance for raising the voltage.
with series compensation
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Induced Voltage tests

e test is intended to test the dielectric strength of
windings and its associated insulation like turn to turn,
between phases, phases to earth along with or without
PD pulse measurement. It helps to detect faulty
insulation, bad contacts, improper electrode
con guration with overstressed areas, inadequate Fig. 4: Acoustic Sensors
processing, material defects etc. Induced voltage test
with Partial Discharge Measurement (IVPD) is as an For switching impulse, a special Loading Capacitor with
important test or quality assurance test of transformers suitable capacitance & voltage rating is recommended for
or shunt reactors. is test is intended to ensure that the be er waveshape in line with impulse generator
equipment is free from harmful partial discharges under manufacturer recommnedation.
normal operating conditions.
Being IVPD measurement is sensitive and critical test, Losses being a guaranteed performance parameter as per
following testing features are recommended. contractual requirement, its measurement accuracy
1. As per IEC, IVPD test can only be considered valid, if during FAT is important. e measured losses are fed
the measured background PD level does not exceed 50 during temperature rise test to evaluate the thermal
pC for transformers and 100pC for shunt reactors, at performance of transformer and shunt reactors. e
both the beginning and the end of the test at the measured impedance voltage of transformers at normal
measur ing f requenc y, as per I EC 60270 and and extreme tap positions are used for determining the
measurement of PD at high frequency above 1MHz shall regulation, short circuit current & in the evaluation for
be avoided. parallel operation of transformers.
2. Low background/ambient PD levels is a m u s t f o r
which Electrostatically Shielded Laborator y is • e power factor for power transformer load loss
recommended to eliminate unnecessary disturbances measurements are usually in the range of 0,005 to 0,05.
and signals. • Even minor phase-angle errors in the current and
3. Very low earth resistance values to be achieved by well- potential transformers can cause errors in the measuring
maintained earth pits / mesh. system leading to measurement uncertainty and may give
4. Strong and stable power source with Variable chance for rigging the results.
Frequency Drive (VFD) and Motor Generator. • During No-Load loss measurements, power factor is
5. Variable voltage capacitor banks and reactor of high with smaller magnetizing current magnitude.
adequate capacity for capacitive and reactive • Winding resistance meter shall have preferred accuracy
compensation. of ±0.05%.
6. High voltage lters are required to lter out • Accurate measurement system with power analyzer
disturbances from generator circuit and transformer plays very important role in the measurement of losses.
circuit. Power Analyzer should be calibrated at various power
7. Smooth Corona Shields are essential for uniform factors including ultra-low power factors. e.g.
voltage distribution at high voltages. • Unity PF (110% Voltage & 120% current)
8. Accurate and sensitive PD measuring system should • 0.5 PF lag, 0.2 PF lag, 0.05 PF lag
be used with precise calibrators. • 0.01PF lag (40-60% Voltage & 40%-80% current)
9. Acoustic or ultrasonic sensors (Refer Fig 4) mounted • CT/PTs of minimum 0.1 class is recommended for
on tank are very useful for the localization of source of PD accurate loss measurement to achieve measurement
whether inside or outside of tank. uncertainty of <3%.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Temperature rise test is conducted to verify guaranteed In comparison to a physical FAT, a virtual one brings a
values for oil, winding and hot-spot temperature rises saving of overall testing time and cost. Remote FAT also
(winding & tank) and oil-winding gradient. is provides opportunities for multiple inspectors/project
information is vital for loading or overloading and long directors to witness the testing of the equipment, from
and reliable service life of transformer. their own offices. is provides effective utilization of
Measurement of temperatures at top oil, cooler top & test lab as well as time of customers. Even different
bo om, shall be done by special precision sensors officials can check for different testing activities
preferably mounted on coolers or pipelines directly for independently as per their areas of interest.
obtaining correct values. Temperature data acquisition Simultaneous physical check of connection, oil lab, test
system with paper-less recorder is a preferred way for object as shown in Fig 5, 6 & 7 is possible.
maintaining log of the temperatures during test.
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) system is a must for
veri cation of presence of fault gases before and a er
temperature rise test.
Major emission from transformers and reactors is sound
level which is critical for installation in populated area. It
needs to be demonstrated to check compliance with
standard and customer’s requirements.
Acoustically shielded laboratory is required for lower
Fig. 5: Physical check of connections
ambient sound levels (without external noise) preferably
<50dB for improved accuracy.
Measurements are conducted with advanced Sound
Level analyser with recording options and FFT analysis
so ware.
Normally the FAT is conducted formally and witnessed
by the customer.
e current global pandemic crisis has made necessary
Fig. 6: Checking of oil testing
the implementation and application of digital
technologies, for conducting remote FAT.

ough initially proposed as an interim solution during

pandemic to maintain regular testing of
Transformers/Reactors, remote FAT is poised to
become the new normal in the future for all inspection
related activities which will ensure safety, while saving on
customer travel, cost, and time.

Fig. 7: Checking of test object.

e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Cybersecurity - InfoSec Requirements

All Testing instruments inside or outside of Control While conducting remote FAT, due care shall be taken to
Room and on shop oor (for in-process inspection or keep the data safe while transmi ing from factory to
testing) can be made accessible to customer in real time customers through a web-based application.
through portable cameras, parallel screens with help of Some of the Information Security stringent protocols are
isolated network and safe cloud connectivity. Schematic as under:
diagram for remote FAT is given in Fig. 8 • Database Security
• End-to-End SSL
Wireless Wireless • Secure WebSocket
IP Camera1 Camera2
Camera1 • Authentication for users/test engineers
• Strong Password Policy
IP WLAN • Access Control
Camera2 • Restricted Access via 2-Factor Authentication for
Customer customers
Serial • Single Session Only / Timed Sessions
• Rese ing Passwords
• Password Expiry Policy
Serial Server • Validated 3rd Party Dependencies
Cloud connectivity is considered as one of the best
methods for transfer and secure storage of data with all
Laptop Router Cloud the precautionary measures in place.
Fig. 8: Schematic diagram for remote FAT
In this paper, major testing requirements for Dielectrics
Various devices like mobiles, tabs or iPads, portable test (Lightning & Switching Impulse, Induced Voltage
cameras, laptops, computers for equipments or with PD, Applied Voltage), Losses, ermal and
instruments with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capability can be Emissions (Sound) are covered. Some of the necessary
used effectively for remote FAT as shown in Fig. 9. From tools & its features, for achieving accurate test results and
the customer’s side, good quality network with Wi-Fi or analysis are highlighted.
data connections is essential. Need of remote FAT in today’s context and its various
bene ts for customers and manufacturers is discussed.
It is preferred to have good resolution cameras with e remote FAT methodology along with the devices
“Zoom in/out” feature to focus on the test object. and security protocols are covered elaborately. New
Portable cameras are recommended for witnessing low digital technologies will be extensively used for
voltage tests. conducting remote FAT, inspections, audits,
maintenance and troubleshooting in near future and will
prove to be bene cial for all and it will secure the
con dence of customer.

Fig. 9: Different devices used

for remote FAT
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

[1] Power Transformers –Part 1: General, IEC60076-1,
Edition 3.0 2011-04

[2] Power transformers – Part 3: Insulation levels,

dielectric tests and external clearances in air
IEC60076-3, Edition 3.1 2018-03

[3] Load range extension methods for lightning impulse

testing with high voltage impulse generators - Haefely
Test AG

[4] SIEMENS Test eld Digitalization Project

Approach Paper - 2020
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


03 Key Note Papers

e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Stephan Heberer

Managing an electrical power system asset economically In EHV transformer & reactors, insulation of solid
and maintaining the quality criteria requires applying (paper, Pressboard, laminated wood, berglass, etc.) and
quality control and diagnostic techniques to electrical liquid (mineral or ester uids) are used. A typical
network components. is will increase not only their insulation structure of the EHV transformer is given in
reliability but reduce direct and indirect costs also. Such Fig No 1.
techniques form the basis for efficient and reliable asset
management, as they can ultimately reduce the failure
EHV Power transformers and shunt reactors are one of
the most vital and expensive components of an electrical
power system. ese kinds of equipment may experience
insulation failures caused by internal discharges in
insulation, improper connections & sharp points,
leading to corona and surface discharges.
Fig No 1: Typical insulation structure
A partial discharge measurement (PD-measurement) is a
non-destructive tool used to establish the condition of a PD normally develops in a liquid insulating medium or
transformer or reactor insulation system. e goal of solid insulation surfaces or inside solid insulation due to
partial discharge measurement is to certify that no weakness or defects in the insulation system. Refer to Fig
harmful PD-sources exist. A PD-measurement makes it No 2 for the typical mid-way defect.
possible to detect and localize areas within the
transformer exposed to elevated dielectric stresses. ese
stresses, in the long run, can be harmful to a safe
transformer operation.
Partial discharge measurements are explicitly speci ed in
national and international standards or customer’s
speci cations. ey are carried out in conjunction with
dielectric tests in high voltage laboratories. Partial
discharge measurements are generally the last dielectric Fig No. 2: Midway defect
test conducted on the transformer.
Excessive stress in weakness or defect can result from
PARTIAL DISCHARGE IN T NSFORMER design aws, contamination, or deviation from
As per IEC 60270, Partial discharge is a localized permissible tolerances in the manufacturing process,
electrical discharge that only partially bridges the insulating material aws, etc. Another possibility is
insulation between conductors and which can or cannot hidden damage to the insulation caused by preceding
occur adjacent to a conductor [1]. tests.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Partial discharge (PD) is an electric breakdown in the During a typical PD measurement, the magnitude of the
weak region of an entire transformer’s insulating detectable value of partial discharge activity is recorded
structure. as a function of the applied voltage.
An electric breakdown of the insulating material between
two electrodes means, generally, that the distance A typical partial discharge pulse, along with the applied
between them has been bridged by electric charges (high voltage, is shown in Fig No. 3. A high voltage is applied
ohm resistance has changed to low ohm resistance). across the electrodes having solid insulation containing
Electric breakdown occurs if the following conditions are void inside it, where Va represents the voltage across the
ful lled: healthy insulation, and Vc represents the voltage across
• local electric eld E (in kV/mm) is greater than the the void. At certain voltage stress, discharges occur in the
breakdown eld strength Eb in kV/mm of the speci c void due to its breakdown [2].
insulating material (different values for different
insulating materials)
• starting electrons are available
For a homogeneous electric eld (main insulation
between the windings (e.g., Fig No 1) the breakdown
eld strength Eb is
de ned as:

Eb = Vb / d, Where, Fig No. 3: Voltage and Current

Eb = Breakdown eld strength in kV/mm in discharging cavity
Vb = Breakdown voltage in kV
d = Distance between electrodes in mm Since PD is correlated to insulation aging, it is the cause
and the effect of insulation degradation.
e transformer insulation structure has many locations
where the electric eld is non-homogeneous. e TYPES OF PARTIAL DISCHARGE
calculated homogeneous electric eld must be INTERNAL PD
multiplied by the electrode shape factor to estimate the It can occur inside the insulating system defect, such as
maximum electric eld. voids, contaminants or impurities, conducting particles,
and eventually triggering electrical treeing. PD pulses
In well-designed transformers, the maximum electric can be observed in the air cavities inside solid insulation if
eld strength of critical location is evaluated thoroughly eld strength is higher than PD inception voltages.
using electrostatic eld calculation design tools.

Below physical mechanisms describe the electric

breakdown between two electrodes
• generation of primary electrons to start the electric
• charge multiplication and transport phenomena to
bridge the distance between electrodes
• charge storage phenomena to support the next electric
breakdown Fig No. 4: Internal PD
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

e insulating liquids are used for the impregnation of It originates in correspondence of sharp tips of any
cavities and gaps between insulation. e impregnation electrodes or protrusions or the lead connections or
of cellulose-based solids is mainly based on the capillary bushing interfaces or due to a highly non-uniform
effect, which depends on the viscosity of the oil (mineral electric eld near the sharp tips or protrusions. In the
or ester). case of transformers, it causes the local breakdown of oil,
e electrical eld strength of impregnated brous leading to an increase in the concentrations of hydrogen
materials is due to the bers’ barrier effect, which divides and hydrocarbon gases trapped in transformer oil gas-
the volume into a large number of very small oil gaps or pockets.
pores sizes, as shown in Fig No. 5 microscopic structure
of the paper.

Fig No. 7: Corona PD


As explained earlier, in transformers, with a solid-liquid
Fig No. 5: Microscopic structure of the paper composite medium as the main insulation, PD can be
caused by a complex structure and non-uniform electric
eld distr ibution. Dur ing PD and insulation
SURFACE PD deterioration, pulse discharge, gaseous products,
It can occur in surfaces of insulating materials if the ultrasonic and electromagnetic radiation, light, localized
electric eld is high and can provoke insulation tracking hotspot, and energy loss o en occur [3]. e shape, size,
along the surface. and geometry of the electrode arrangement in uence the
electric eld strength. In the case of non-uniform or
quasi-uniform elds, the breakdown can occur at lower
voltages [4].
General requirements of good insulation include the
. High dielectric strength
. High creepage resistance
. High PD inception voltage
. High thermal stability
. Good thermal conductivity
Fig No. 6: Surface PD or super cial PD . Compatibility with other materials
. Effective drying and moisture removal
It is usually observed at the interface of two different . Good oil impregnation of solid insulation
dielectric media under high-voltage stress. . Reduction or avoidance of sharp & bare electrodes
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Good impregnation a er effective drying, moisture Nowadays, alternatives are available to replace mineral
removal helps in reducing the possibility of cavity or oil in the transformer as an insulant. Ester is found to have
voids. Good thermal conductivity helps to reduce the the lowest PD activity in dry and wet conditions
chances of bubble formation. Strict quality checks and compared to mineral oil and arti cial ester. But other
standard practices need to be followed to reduce PD aspects, such as breakdown strength, the in uence of
during manufacturing transformers. is may include humidity, etc. need to be studied before proposing
improving the design to reduce/avoid sharp edges, natural ester as insulant to replace mineral oil [5].
which may act as a source of corona discharges. e
shape, size, and geometry of the electrode arrangement Special care should be given while lling the transformer
in uence the electric eld strength. e electric eld is tank with oil. e trapped air-bubbles in oil may become
highly non-uniform near these regions, increasing the the weakest link causing partial discharge inside the tank.
potential gradient and causing an easy breakdown of oil Particle contamination is the main factor for dielectric
as soon as it reaches the transformer oil’s breakdown degradation of insulations used. e most dangerous are
voltage. conductive mode particles, metals, carbons, wet bers,
etc. e particle analysis shall be carried out in oil as per
Insulation barriers made of pressboard (PB) hinder the procedure and interpretation and recommendation of
electron transport from the cathode to the anode, as they CIGRE report WG-12.17- “Effect of particles on
prevent the particle dri over longer distances. transformer dielectric strength.”
e dielectric strength & PD inception voltage of Particle count limit shall be 1000 particle/100 ml with
selected paper-pressboard-oil insulation used in EHV size ≥ 5 μm; 130 particle/100 ml with size ≥ 15 μm, as per
transformer and reactors are to be determined CIGRE Brochure 157, Table 8.
experimentally. e same should be used in electrostatic
evaluation with an adequate design margin supported by
test performance. Correct values of insulating materials
relative permi ivity should be used during electrostatic PD measurement, monitoring, and analysis are major
evaluations in the engineering phase. tools to detect any defect or damage and identify any
weak spot that may lead to insulation failure. However,
e electrical eld strength changes with the type of this technology is not so popular earlier but is gaining
electrodes (bare or insulated), shape (e.g., round, plane, popularity as an effective technique to carry out
conical), and electrode geometry (e.g., radius) as it condition-based-maintenance (CBM) and risk analysis.
changes the eld concentrations [4]. Reduction in eld In reality, the degree of harmfulness associated with
strength in liquid and enlargement of an effective corner partial discharges can only be assessed if the kind of
radius will reduce PD inception voltages. source generating them can be identi ed. For example,
Sometimes, a poor or bad assembly of different parts of a large partial discharges happening at the insulation
transformer may become the main reason PD occurs due system’s surface are generally less harmful than low
to poor contacts. amplitude partial discharges occurring in cavities or
e solid insulation of the windings should be of good voids inside the insulation. In addition to this, most of the
quality. e manufacturing process should not be time, partial discharges are mistaken for noise and
compromised to minimize or avoid micro-voids inside disturbances. Hence, a misinterpretation of data
the insulation. It must be tested for speci ed thermal, acquired during PD measurement may lead to proactive
electrical, and mechanical stresses as per relevant IEC maintenance. Moreover, PDs themselves might not be
standards. the fastest cause of insulation degradation, nor they cover
the diagnosis of all insulation defects.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


One of the major challenges during the acquisition of FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TESTS)
data in PD measurement is the rejection of background It involves the standardized measurement of PD as per
noises or external disturbances or PD in nearby systems. IEC 60076-3 & IEC 60270. e PD measurement is
External disturbances include corona discharges or done during Induced over-voltage tests.
discharges on insulators’ external surface, PD in HV As per IEC 60076-3:2018, Table 1, Induced voltage test
connections, etc. Another issue is the separation of these with PD measurement (IVPD) is a
external disturbances, noise, and multiple PD activities • “routine test” for Um>72.5kV class transformer
within the equipment under test (EUT). and reactors.
• “special test” for Um≤72.5kV class transformer
In the case of transformers, these discharges and and reactors.
disturbances might occur in the bushing insulation, cable e detailed test procedure and acceptance criteria
terminations, insulating oil, and other insulation inside during the IVPD test are clearly de ned in IEC 60076-3,
the transformer, etc. Identi cation of PD phenomena is clause 11.3. e main feature of the test sequence is given
another issue that includes identifying the nature and in Fig No 8.
characteristics of PD activities. e most difficult task is
the risk analysis, which will evaluate the danger
associated with the detected or identi ed PD activity.
Due to the above reasons, few transformer OEMs still
believe that Partial Discharge (PD) measurements are
lab technology to view possible nuisance of faulty alarm
signals from online PD monitors. erefore, most
Fig No 8: IVPD test sequence
reliable online PD monitors are recommended, which
should have advanced denoising techniques to avoid Enhancement voltage of 1.80Ur/√3 for ≥15s (based on
false alarms coming due to noise and/or external test frequency) & PD measurement voltage of
disturbances. 1.58xUr/√3 for ≥ 60min, is induced as per IEC 60076-3,
Electrical signals propagate by the winding’s galvanic
PD recognition is the prerequisite for correct diagnosis.
coupling and are decoupled by bushing capacitance or
Different manufacturers have come up with various
with an external coupling capacitor. PD is measured
solutions to overcome these challenges, proving to help
using the bushing-tap or by connecting a capacitive
diagnose transformers’ problems.
coupler parallel to the bushing (if no bushing-tap is
Many denoising techniques based on Fast-Fourier-
available), as shown in Fig No. 9 [1].
Transform (FFT), Low-pass ltering, notch- ltering,
wavelet-based ltering, etc. are available with different
OEMs providing PD monitoring system, e.g., T-F Map,
3PARD, etc.
PDs in transformers can be measured offline, online,
and/or a continuous monitoring system can be installed
to monitor PD’s time-trend pa ern. When PD activities
are initiated, the resulting energy is transformed into
mechanical, electrical, thermal, and chemical energy.
Different detection methods like electrical, UHF, Fig No. 9: Test circuit for measurement
chemical, and acoustic can detect PD in transformers. at the tapping of a bushing
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

e conventional method gives the value of apparent Few typical PD sources (not an exhaustive!) and PD
charge in pico-Coulomb (pC), where calibration is pa ern as described in reference [6] are furnished for
performed at bushing terminals. is serves as the ready reference:
acceptance criteria in routine testing of transformers as
Conducting material (sharp electrode)
PD’s value (in pC) is an insulation quality indicator.
with direct contact to the metallic
Acceptance criteria for the IVPD test as per clause no.
11.3.5 of IEC 60076-3 are as under,
• no collapse of test voltage occurs
• PD≤250pC (#) during the 1-hr period
(#) 100pC for many Indian utilities
• no rising PD-trend during the 1-hr and no increase by
more than 50pC
• no sudden sustained increase during the last 20 min of Conducting material “without” contact to
the test the metallic electrode
• PD≤ 100 pC at 1,2Ur/√3 a er the 1 hr period.

B el ow ac t i o ns are reco m m en d ed d u r i ng t h e
investigation of external PD sources.
• Conducting particles on the bushing surface;
• Non-shielded sharp points on the transformer or in the
test circuit;
• Bad connections on shielding electrodes; Non-conducting material cavity “with”
• Unearthed metallic objects close to the transformer; direct contact to the metallic electrode
• Noise or internal PD from the voltage source;
• Electric discharges in the air (corona) generated by
sharp electrodes by using a portable ultra-sonic detector.

PD pa ern characteristics that should be analyzed are

• Phase position of the PD signal
• e symmetry of the PD signals during the positive and
negative sine wave
Non-conducting material cavity without
• Number of PD signals per cycle
direct contact with the metallic
• Reproducibility of the PD pa ern electrode.
Interpretation and screening of the correct PD pa ern
from the real PD pa ern results require experience and a
strong interpolation capability.

PD pa erns are based on physical electric discharge

processes in the weakness or defects. ey can be
detected in any insulating system. [6].
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

e UHF method is advantageous for onsite/online PD sources can be localized by using this method. e
monitoring of transformers because UHF sensors do not optimal con guration requires four sensors in cross-
require high-voltage coupling capacitors or bushing-tap diagonal arrangement to triangulate PD source, as shown
measurement. ey are less affected by external PD in Fig No. 11 [11].
sources (e.g., corona at bushing outdoor connection) due
to different shielding effects and ltering methods
available [8].
Electromagnetic signals travel directly through the
transformer oil towards the tank. Faraday shielding of the
transformer tank and low-pass lters provided by HV
bushings shield the UHF PD measurements against
external disturbances [7].
is method uses the ultra-high frequency range
(300MHz – 3GHz) for the detection of PD. Such a large
bandwidth enables this method to have distinctive PD Fig No. 11: Optimal UHF sensor
pulses and easy rejection of low-frequency noise and/or positions to locate PD source
external disturbances.
Sensors can either be placed at existing drain-valves PD measured by this method can’t be expressed in pico-
(DN50/DN80 drain-valves) using UHF drain-valve Coulomb (pC) as calibration of charge to pC is not
sensors or retro ed on dielectric-windows in new possible in the UHF detection method. Also, UHF
transformers in the factory, using UHF disk/plate type sensors are limited by the availability of dielectric-
sensors [8]. windows or drain-valves in a transformer.
CIGRE Working Group WG A2-27 recommends in
brochure 343 to provide DN50 valves at all transformers
for later ing of UHF probes [9]. e CIGRE Technical is method involves the dissolve-gas analysis of
Brochure 662 [10] recommends installing dielectric transformer oil, which is an indirect detection of PD in
windows in newly manufactured transformers for transformers. PD activity is usually indicated by
mounting UHF sensors; however, it does not mention increasing concentrations of its characteristic failure
where to position them. A UHF disk/plate sensor on the gases, H2, and CH4. Although this method doesn’t
dielectric window is shown in Fig No. 10. quantify and identify the PD occurring inside the
transformer, it indicates possible PD in transformers. e
response time for DGA is usually slow when compared to
PD detection. e localization of the PD source is not
possible by this method.
A combined monitoring system involving PD and DGA
(single gas to multi-gases) can be highly advantageous for
asset management.
When PD occurs in insulation, acoustic waves are also
generated. ese waves travel through transformer oil
Fig No. 10: UHF disk sensor on the and strike its tank. ese acoustic waves can be
transformer tank decoupled using acoustic sensors. Acoustic sensors are
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

are immune to external electrical and electromagnetic It can be summarized that, when PDs are the most
interferences. On the other hand, the acoustic sensor can suitable diagnostic property for a certain insulation
be sensitive to external mechanical noises [12]. system, their identi cation, as well as localization,
In the transformers, the propagation of acoustic waves is becomes necessary because only the correct a ribution
largely affected by the complex structure of the insulating of the acquired PD pulses to their source(s) will allow a
system (windings, core, and tank walls). In a complex consistent evaluation of their harmfulness arising out of
structure, both the amplitude and the shape of the the insulation defects. erefore, measurement systems
acoustic signal emi ed by a PD source change along its that provide advanced tools for identifying PD can
propagation path [6]. optimize condition-based-maintenance (CBM)
e acoustic method is very helpful in the localization of procedures by increasing the reliability and efficiency at a
PD. At least three sensors at different locations must reduced cost.
triangulate the PD source by time difference of arrival
(TDOA) method. However, PD defects in the
transformer’s main insulation are the most difficult to [1]. IEC 60270, High-voltage test techniques – Partial
detect due to the transformer board barriers and outer discharge measurements, 2000.
winding. Acoustic waves caused by PD defects in the core
are very difficult to analyze and may, at times, give [2]. F. H. Kreuger, “Partial Discharge Detection in High-
misleading results [6]. Voltage Equipment,” Bu erworths, London, 1989.
For continuous monitoring, the UHF method proves to
be more successful than the acoustic method, as it is more [3]. Morshuis P., Cavallini A., Fabiani D., Montanari
sensitive to PD occurring in the main insulation or core G.C., and Azcarraga C., “Stress conditions in HVDC
of the transformer. equipment and routes to in-service failure,” IEEE Trans.
Apart from PD and DGA monitoring, bushing Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 2015, 22, pp. 81–91.
monitoring needs to be more practical to know the
bushing condition. Bushing failure contributes to a [4]. Kuffel E., Zaengl W.S., and Kuffel J., “High Voltage
signi cant percentage when it comes to the reasons for Engineering Fundamentals”, Elsevier India P Ltd, 2005.
transformers’ failure. Hence, monitoring tan-delta and
capacitance of bushings is, in any way, much be er than [5]. J. Fabian et al., “Partial discharge behavior of
no monitoring at all. environmentally friendly and hardly in ammable ester
Recent trends in the monitoring of power transformers liquids compared to mineral oil for power transformers,”
also include temperature monitoring (top oil, bo om oil, IEEE International Conference on Condition
hotspot, winding temperature, hotspot calculation, etc.), Monitoring and Diagnosis, 23-27 September 2012, Bali,
cooling efficiency, and tap-changer monitoring Indonesia.
(mechanical contacts, arcing, etc.).
[6]. ABB, “Testing of Power Transformers – Routine
CONCLUSION tests, Type tests, and Special tests,” 1st Edition, Pro Print
Proven design, standard practices, and strict quality GmbH, Düsseldorf, 2003.
checks must be ensured during manufacturing
transformers to mitigate partial discharges during [7]. M. Judd, “Partial Discharge Monitoring for Power
operation. Transformers Using UHF Sensors Part 2: Field
As PD can’t be reduced completely, it is recommended to Experience,” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol.
go for online monitoring and regular testing to trend PD 21, No. 3 May/June 2005
behavior with time.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

[8]. S. Tenbohlen, M. Beltle, and M. Siegel, “PD

monitoring of power transformers by UHF sensors”,
International Symposium on Electrical Insulating
Materials (ISEIM), Toyohashi, Nov. 2017 - Sep. 2017,
pp. 303–306.

[9]. CIGRE WG A2.27, “Recommendations for

Condition Monitoring and Condition Assessment
Facilities for Transformers,” Cigre Brochure 343.

[10]. Gulski E., Koltunowicz W., and Tenbohlen S.,

“Guidelines for partial discharge detection using
conventional (IEC 60270) and unconventional
methods,” Cigre Technical Brochure 662, 2016.

[11]. C. P. Beura, M. Beltle and S. Tenbohlen,

“Positioning of UHF PD Sensors on Power Transformers
Based on the A enuation of UHF Signals,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, Volume: 34, Issue: 4, pp.
1520 – 1529, Aug. 2019

[12]. M. Harbaji et al., “Classi cation of Common

Partial Discharge Types in Oil-paper Insulation System
Using Acoustic Signals,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr.
Insul. Vol. 22, No. 3; pp. 1674-1683, June 2015.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Adish Kumar Gupta, Rohit Kumar Jain and Deo Nath Jha
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Gurgaon
Power transformers are usually a very reliable equipment
for power transmission sector, but they require a lot of
care during all stages of their life starting from
manufacturing, factory testing and transportation to site,
site storage and erection and commissioning. Proper
adherence to pre-commissioning procedures enhances
the useful service life of the transformer.
is paper discusses the best practices being followed by
POWERGRID in transportation, site storage, erection
and commissioning of Power Transformer. Fig-1. Bathtub Curve of transformer failures

2. INTRODUCTION Proper erection and commissioning of transformers

POWERGRID currently has a eet of about 1350 involves many steps such as proper transportation of the
transformers and 1750 reactors w ith total unit, Site arrival checks, Storage of the main unit and the
transformation capacity of 419,815 MVA. Power accessories at site, internal inspection of the unit,
Transformers are one of the most critical equipment in Erection of the unit (including Vacuum treatment and oil
the operation of this transmission network. It is also one lling), pre-commissioning and post commissioning
of the most complex electrical equipment. Even a slight checks and tests.
disturbance in its operation may lead to long outage
hours causing huge nancial losses. us, proper Proper adherence to stipulated procedures at each stage
erection and commissioning of Power Transformers is of transformer commissioning lead to optimum
very crucial in ensuring its trouble free operation. performance during service life.
e failure statistics of Power Transformers generally e pre-commissioning practices for transformers in
display a bathtub curve as shown in g-1. POWERGRID have been constantly evolved over the
past 30 years. It re ects various worldwide advances
e failure rate is high during the initial years of made in the eld of transportation, storage, erection,
operation. is is generally due to any manufacturing testing and commissioning of transformers. e same is
defect/ improper commissioning of transformers. detailed below.

A er the period of infancy, the failure rate comes down in 4.T NSPORTATION AND CHECKS ON
the middle age. Again, the failure rate rises when the unit SITE ARRIVAL
reaches nears the end of its service life due to ageing Power transformers are transported with dry air lled in
effect. is has been shown in the curve below. main tank with necessary pressure gauge to monitor the
drop in pressure during transit. Upon receipt of
Transformer at site, pressure and dew point of dry air is
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

checked and compared with the value recorded at factory are kept above ground by suitable supports so as to allow
during dispatch. Generally, the gas pressure should free air ow underneath. e storage space area is such
remain positive even in the coldest weather. If the gas that it is accessible for inspection; water does not collect
pressure is zero, there is a possibility that outside air and on or around the area and handling/transport would be
moisture may have entered the tank. In some instances, easy. Proper drainage arrangement in storage areas is
dry air leak was observed upon receipt of unit at site. To ensured to prevent submergence of any component in
avoid the same, a practice of transporting the unit ed water due to rain, ooding etc.
along with Dry air cylinder with regulating valve was
adopted. Pressure is monitored on daily basis during If the transformer is to be stored up to three months due
transportation and gas top up is done if any pressure drop to delayed erection, it is stored in dry air lled condition.
is observed. Dry air pressure is monitored on daily basis so that
chances of exposure of active part to atmosphere are
Further, the transformers are ed with electronic avoided. In case of drop in dry air pressure, leaks are
impact recorders - at least 2 numbers for 400 kV and identi ed and recti ed and dry air is lled to the required
above Class Transformer and 1 number for below 400 kV pressure.
class Transformers, to measure the magnitude and
duration of the impact in all three directions. Acceptance In case the transformer is stored for more than 3 months
limits of impact for the Transfor mer dur ing or is to be used as spare, it is stored in oil lled condition
transportation and handling in all three directions on a dedicated foundation. Processed oil is lled upto the
should not exceed “3g” for 50 ms (20Hz). e top level of winding. e oil in the unit is tested for BDV
transformers are usually transported by road on a GPS and moisture content once in every three months.
mounted hydraulic trailer. For long storage of transformers which are kept away
from station earth mat area, a practice of lightning mast
Before dismounting of transformer at site, Core installation has been started to protect the unit from
Insulation Test is carried out to check insulation between 6. INTERNAL INSPECTION
Core (CC & CL) and Ground.
Before erection is started, thorough internal inspection
Unpacking and inspection of all accessories is carried out of transformer is to be carried out, preferably in dry and
by taking all precautions so that the tools used for sunny weather. In special cases (such as ester oil unit),
opening does not damage the contents. Proper storage of where the transportation is done with, there is a
all accessories is ensured a er unpacking. Fragile possibility of trapped nitrogen pockets. In this case,
instruments like oil level gauge, temperature indicators, sufficient vacuum is applied for a predetermined period
etc. are stored indoor. Any damaged or missing of time and the vacuum released and re lled with dry air.
component is immediately reported to equipment During the entire internal inspection process with
manufacturer and insurance agency so that the same can personnel inside the tank, a minimum ow of 20 cfm of
be investigated or shortage made up as per the terms/ breathable dry air with additional 5 cfm for each
conditions of the contract. additional person is purged in the tank. To avoid any
foreign objects falling into the transformer, all loose
5. STO GE OF THE MAIN UNIT AND THE articles are removed from the pockets of anyone working
ACCESSORIES AT SITE in the open transformer tank.
If erection work cannot start immediately, accessories are
repacked into their own crates properly. All packing cases
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

e inspection includes the following: and also maintained during the subsequent oil lling
• Examination for indication of core shi ing operations by continuous running of the vacuum pumps.
• Tests for unintentional core or core clamp grounds e main requirement of adequate vacuum treatment is
• Visual inspection of windings, leads, and connections to remove trapped air and moisture from the insulation
including clamping, bracing, blocking, spacer alignment, and enable the insulation to a ain its full dielectric
phase barriers, oil boxes, and coil wraps strength.
• Inspection of Dead End Tap Changer and in-tank LTCs
including contact alignment and pressure Small gas bubbles have much lower dielectric strength
• Inspection of current transformers, including supports than the dielectric liquid and may lead to failure, if it is
and wiring harness present nearby high stress zone. By application of
• Checks for dirt, metal particles, moisture, or other vacuum for desired period, gas bubbles/ trapped air are
foreign material removed. Vacuum alone may not be adequate for
• Any other suspected damage based on impact recorder excessive moisture removal and heating of the core and
readings. coi ls may also be required at lower ambient
In case the transformer is provided with an OLTC, while
During erection, efforts are made to minimize the
evacuating the main transformer tank, the diverter
exposure of active parts (core and coils). Further, either
switch compartment is also evacuated simultaneously so
dry air generator is kept running all the time to minimize
that no undue pressure is allowed on the tap changer
ingress of moisture. Transformer is never allowed to be
chamber. While releasing vacuum, the tap changer
opened without application of dry air. It is practical to
chamber vacuum is also released simultaneously. For
apply a slight overpressure overnight with dry air inside –
this, one pressure equalizer pipe is connected between
less than 300 mbar (0.3 kg/cm2). Next day, the pressure
main tank and tap changer. Care is taken to protect the air
is checked and suspected leaks are detected with soap
cell/ diaphragm in the conservator during evacuation.
water or with plastic bags tightened around valves (being
in ated by leaking air).
In the last few years, the design and technical
speci cations of transformers across var ious
A er all parts have been assembled, the tank is sealed and
manufacturers have been standardised. is has helped
pressure tested to ensure that all joints are tight. Main
in interchangeability of accessories and easier installation
tank is purged with dry air till pressure of 4-5 psi (0.3
of transformer at sites.
kg/cm2) is achieved and is retained for 24 hours. A er 24
hours of dry air purging cycle, dew point and pressure of 8. OIL FILLING
dry air is measured. "GET THE T NSFORMER UNDER OIL AS SOON
In case pressure remains same, vacuum cycle is started.
Before applying the full vacuum (about 1 Torr), vacuum Generally, inhibited mineral oil is used as insulating
drop test is carried out. In case of drop in pressure, medium for transformers. Oil is transferred to oil storage
leakages are identi ed and a ended. tank for ltration before lling inside the transformer.
e drums or trailer tanks are not emptied completely to
If the leak test is successful, the vacuuming is continued, the last drop - a sump of an inch or so is le , to avoid
until the pressure has come down to 0.13 kPa (1 Torr) or possible solid dirt or water on the bo om. Before being
less. e vacuum is then held for suitable time (48 hrs. for used, the tanks and hoses are visually inspected, any
400kV and above and 24 hrs. for 220kV and below units) liquid residue from earlier use is carefully removed, and
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

the container is ushed with a small quantity of new oil, Floating Neutral point measurement - To ascertain
which is then discarded. A er ltration, oil sample is possibility of short circuit in the winding.
tested to meet speci cation for BDV, water content, tan Measurement of Short Circuit Impedance - To detect
delta (90 deg C) and IFT. In recent years, particle count winding movement that usually occurs due to heavy fault
analysis of oil is also being done before lling in tank. is current or mechanical damage during transportation or
has helped in improved insulation performance during installation.
service life.
A er meeting required speci cations, oil is lled in the Magnetising current measurement - To locate defect in
equipment and ltration carried out till achieving the magnetic core structure, shi ing of windings, failures in
required BDV and water content. turn to turn insulation or problems in tap changers.
Operational checks on OLTCs - To ensure smooth &
trouble free operation of OLTC during operation
Once oil ltration is completed, various pre- Checks on Bushing Current Transformers - To ascertain
commissioning checks/ tests are performed to ensure the healthiness of bushing current transformer at the
the healthiness of the transformer prior to its time of erection.
energization. ese tests and their signi cance is given
below : Operational Checks on protection System - Operational
Checks on cooler bank (pumps & Fans), Breathers
Core insulation test - To investigate accidental grounds (Silicagel or Drycol), MOG, temperature gauges
which results in circulating currents if there is more than (WTI/OTI), gas/pressure actuated relays (Buchholz,
one connection between the core and ground. PRD, SPR etc.) and simulation test of protection system
Earth pit resistance measurement - To check the Stability test for Differential, REF of Transformer
resistance of earth pit provided for Transformer. To check the proper operation of Differential & REF
protection of Transformer by simulating actual
Insulation Resistance (IR) measurement – To check the conditions.
condition of insulation (i.e. degree of dryness of paper
insulation), presence of any foreign contaminants in oil Frequency Response Analysis (F ) measurement - To
and also any gross defect inside the transformer. assess the mechanical integrity of the transformers. is
is also kept as base results/ benchmark for evaluation of
Capacitance and Tan δ of bushings at variable frequency test results in future.
– To check the presence of moisture layer, short circuits
or open circuits in the capacitance network. Winding resistance measurement - To check for any
Capacitance and Tan δ of windings - To ascertain the abnormalities due to loose connections, broken strands
general condition of the ground and inter-winding and high contact resistance in tap changers.
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) of oil sample – To ensure
Turns ratio (Voltage ratio) measurement - To determine the healthiness of unit before and a er charging.
the turn ratio of transformers to identify any abnormality
in tap changers/ shorted or open turns etc. Vector Group All the results for site tests are compared with respective
& Polarity - To determine the phase relationship and factory values and pre commissioning norms for
polarity of transformers.Magnetic Balance test - To check acceptance. e results are also kept for future records.
the imbalance in the magnetic circuit.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


A er completion of pre-commissioning test, se ling e afore-mentioned checks and practices have resulted
time of 24 hrs to 72 hrs (based on voltage class) is given in ensuring proper commissioning of about 3100 units of
before charging the unit. transformers and reactors in POWERGRID. During the
A practice of energizing the transformer preferably from past few years, various advancements in testing and
IV side on NO LOAD through Controlled Switching commissioning of transformers have been made which
Devices (CSD) has been adopted to control the initial have helped to reduce the failure rate of Transformers.
magnetizing current. is has helped in reducing Inclusion of latest condition monitoring tests such as
switching stresses on transformer insulation and Frequency Response Analysis (F ), Frequency
enhances its operating life. Domain Spectroscopy (FDS) and advances in DGA
e transformer should be kept in energized condition at interpretation has enabled early identi cation and
no load for 24 hours for 220kV and above class recti cation of faulty units.
transformers and 12 hours for 132kV transformers. e present commissioning practices are constantly
is period of energization at no load is helpful to evolved based on advances in transformer design, testing
understand and evaluate the transformer in this techniques and acceptance criterions. It is hoped that
condition prior to applying load. During this energizing these advanced practices shall further bring down the
period, before loading the transformer, following failure rate and enhance the optimum performance of
surveillance activities are performed: Power Transformers.
• Check for excessive audible noise and vibration
• Monitoring of the OTI & WTI along with ambient (Note: e authors are thankful to Power Grid Corporation
temperature, recording to be taken every hour until of India Ltd. (POWERGRID) for preparation and
stabilization presentation of this paper at Trafotech 2020. e views
• Inspect for oil leaks and check all oil level indicators and presented in this paper are that of the authors and not
gas detector relay necessarily that of POWERGRID)
• Operation of air cell by checking the breathing of
transformer/ reactor.
e Post Commissioning checks include ermovision
Infra-red scanning (IR thermography), Online Moisture
Measurement and DGA.
e ermovision test data is useful in predicting the
temperature pro le within the inner surface of tank and
cooling bank and is likely to provide approximate details
of heating mechanism. Online moisture measurement is
used to determine the moisture content in paper
insulation by measuring percentage relative saturation.
is test is carried out once the Transformer is stabilized
and operating at higher temperature (>60 deg C).
DGA samples are taken and analysed as per following
practice - a er 24 hrs. of Energizing, one week, 15 days,
one month and three months a er charging, therea er as
per normal frequency of 6 months.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Gunjan Agrawal
Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd., Gurgaon, HARYANA

In the present era of Deregulated and competitive power Generally, Maintenance is classi ed into following
sector, utilities are commi ed to provide reliable and categories:
uninterrupted power to the consumers. is objective
demands continual improvement in design, operation,
and maintenance activities. erefore, the need for
utilities in now days is to balance these factors while
remaining competitive. Maintenance is a key aspect
among these areas. e main objective of maintenance is
to extend the lifetime of equipment and/or reduce the
probability of failure. Maintenance activities play an
important role in improving system reliability by keeping
the condition of a system's equipment within an Fig 1: Various maintenance philosophies
acceptable level.
Philosophy of working under each type of maintenance
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is the process is explained in later section of this paper to understand
of nding out the most effective maintenance approach. the pros and cons of each type and nding out most
e most cost-effective maintenance approach is the one, suitable one or combination of various maintenance
which gives a high level of reliability while keeping philosophies to suit the utility’s requirement.
maintenance cost minimum [5]. e transformer, which One major aspect, which sometimes get ignored or le
is the costliest equipment in any Substation, has a inadvertently by major utilities and decision makers is
signi cant role in the power system overall reliability. the Life cycle cost of the equipment, which is a very
In this paper, role of RCM on the eet of Transformers in important parameter.
any utility and approach for replacement decisions is 2. LIFE CYCLE OF ASSET
presented. Some case studies and practical examples are
It is a well-known fact that Transformer is the costliest
also presented to correlate the RCM philosophy in real
equipment in a substation. Each unit can supply
numerous customers, but a failure of a single unit can
1. INTRODUCTION result in loss of service with a considerable amount of
RCM is the process to identify the most cost effective and expenditure associated with lost revenue. Most utilities
applicable maintenance techniques to minimize the risk expect to manage it well and expect it to perform its
and impact of failure of a system or equipment, doing so intended purpose without any trouble. But the main task
in the most economical manner. RCM enhances the in managing assets of any kind (including Transformers)
traditional types of maintenance by integrating them all is not so much the assets themselves. Rather, it’s the value
and integrating the strength of each approach so as to that the particular asset delivers to the utility over the
meet the required operational level of each asset [2]. whole of its life or what is more commonly called the
“asset life-cycle”.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


For maintenance of equipment in any Power
Transmission/ Distribution network, generally two
maintenance strategies are followed namely Preventive
and Corrective.
is type of maintenance is carried out to maintain the
system operational, before its failure occurs. It consists of
regular scheduled inspections, testings, repairs,
replacement of accessories and major overhauling.
It is further classi ed into following two categories:
a) Time based maintenance
b) Condition based maintenance
Time based maintenance (TBM) is performed without
regard to equipment condition. In this, inspection and
maintenance is performed at regular, xed intervals in
Fig 2: Stages in the asset management lifecycle
line with utility’s procedures. As per the experience of
As such, it is a multi-step process to be done slowly and many utilities, time based maintenance can result in
properly. is includes: signi cant increase in cost without adding much
reliability to the system.
. Identi cation of procurement need and its Planning
. Efforts in Design (including minimum Technical Condition based maintenance (CBM) is based on the
speci cations or improvement in design based on condition of the equipment obtained from various
previous experience) condition monitoring techniques including systematic
. Procurement process inspections, measurements and monitoring including
. Commissioning or properly installing to make sure that On Line monitoring. CBM substitutes the TBM
the business gets everything promised in the purchase technique with maintenance that is scheduled only when
contract warranted by the equipment condition. CBM generally
. Operating, maintaining and monitoring on a continual broadens the gap between successive maintenance thus
basis including any modi cation or upgradation required proves to be having lesser cost than TBM.
if possible, subject to commercial viability 3.2 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE (CM)
. Decision for Decommissioning or disposing of so that it
In this type of maintenance, also called Run-to-Failure
can be appropriately replaced
(RTF), maintenance is not performed until the
equipment failed. us, the main task in CM is to restore
In order to maximize the value of the Transformers, the
the equipment by repair or major overhauling. is
utility needs to track the activities related to the
technique is suitable when the cost of failure to utility is
Transformers throughout their life cycles, to make sure
not extensive.
they align with the utility’s ongoing strategic and
It is further classi ed into following two categories:
operational objectives.
a) Immediate maintenance
erefore, Asset Management is broader than simply
b) Deferred maintenance
maintaining and repairing as asset.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


e onus of selection between Immediate maintenance e failure probability of a Transformer generally follows
and deferred maintenance lies on the utility based on the a bath tub curve.
criticality of the equipment.
Reliability Centered Maintenance program includes the
features of all the above four techniques. It is the process
of determining the most effective maintenance strategy.

RCM can not only improve the reliability of the system, it

can reduce the required maintenance signi cantly that
too with signi cant reduction in O&M cost.

Fig 4: Bath Tub Curve failure pa ern

Considering the above, it is necessary to monitor the
Transformers in stringent ways in its early stages to avoid
infant mortality rate. Some utilities, where they have
contingent arrangements and can afford single failure,
may also opt to avoid higher monitoring costs in early
part of its operating life as the equipment is generally
covers under warranty at that time.
Fig 3: Features in RCM 5.2 FAILURE TE ESTIMATION
Opting for RCM in early stages of asset management Generally, despite all precautions and rigorous
affect the life cycle cost of the asset. inspections, Transformer / components of Transformers
e basic rule of RCM is that maintenance should be of certain ratings/ make fails to perform at site and thus
linked to failure probability. Hence, maintenance is the prediction of failure is easy. Maintenance philosophy
required to be performed only when the equipment’s thus directs towards the components/ makes which are
failure probability is signi cantly high. Further, more prone to failure, thus avoiding unnecessary
consequence of failure also have an impact on it. maintenance for other components/ makes.
e ability of separating Transformer operating in a grid Example:
to various small constituents and pin pointing the root During a certain period, the Bushing failure rate for OIP
cause of possible failure modes can make RCM approach Bushings were very high in Indian network. is was
most effective. resulted in devastating failures of many Transformers &
Based on above, utilities focused more maintenance on
As explained above, RCM should be linked to failure
probability. Failure probability can further be divided
Subsequently, RIP Bushings were started to be speci ed
into following categories:
in Technical Speci cation. ough expensive compared
to OIP Bushings, the failure rate of Bushings declined
and the life cycle cost of Transformer was reduced
signi cantly.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Further, Bushing Tan Delta monitoring, which was FLEET MANAGEMENT
earlier a time based activity and impacting severely on e major utilities are now a days monitoring the
maintenance cost, now as a part of RCM, being complete Transformer eet in one window where the
monitored less frequently. Asset managers can take decisions to take out the
5.3 FAILURES DUE TO AGEING Transformer based on criticality or even replacement of
Transformer due to ageing / other parameters. ough
Ageing is also one of an important parameter which one-time investment is required, this type of solutions
indicates equipment which are having high probability of are very effective and proved to be cost effective in longer
failures. run.
Furan measurement, DP measurement of paper
insulation are some of the techniques which can provide
estimation of remnant life of the Transformer. ere are
various algorithm based so ware solutions are available
these days which can also predict the remaining life of the
Transformers quite effectively. ese so ware programs
takes input from various Online devices (DGA, Fibre
Optic hot spot temperature units, moisture values,
Bushing Tan delta. Partial Discharge, Loading pa ern,
OTI, WTI, OLTC conditions etc.).
TECHNOLOGY Fig 5: Online monitoring of Transformers eet
Transformers running with higher number of OLTC
operations, operating in harsh environment conditions, 6. ROLES OF DESIGNERS IN RCM
manufactured with older Technologies are also more As explained above, Transformer design, which is part of
prone to failure [1]. With be er monitoring including Life cycle cost of Transformers, plays a major role for
Online devices and frequent maintenance checks, life of RCM.
these Transformers can be enhanced and failures can be Asset managers provides their operational feedbacks to
be er predicted. the Design team and the designers have a role to
implement these feedbacks in the design process.
In case Transformers are installed in Urban areas, a single
failure can cause lot of panic. Further, environmental
765kV Transformers when started to be manufactured
pollution on account of failure is also a major concern in
and commissioned in Indian Transmission system,
city areas. Application of Ester insulating uid is a proven
different manufacturers were having different layouts of
solution to meet this challenge. ough, having higher
Bushing termination arrangement. is was found to be
initial investment, it covers the safety concerns.
critical, in case of some failure when replacement is
required. Further, implementation of too much
In some of the cases, failure of a small rating Transformer
complex ity was required to adopt a different
in an Industrial applications is more critical as it could
arrangement, thus adding risk to the system.
lead to long outage and affect production. In such cases,
us, based on inputs from Asset managers, the Bushing
users don’t hesitate to provide more margins in design so
termination arrangement were made standard for all
as to achieve longer Transformer operating life.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Similar philosophy of standardization was made for 1. CIGRE 445 (Guide for Transformer Maintenance):
Transformer Bushings, foundations, placement of cooler Working Group A2.34
banks etc.
is has given very positive outcome on the restoration 2. Reliability Centered Maintenance Implementation on
time for replacement of failed Transformers, maintaining the e ekwini Electricity Network for System
lesser inventory levels, lesser time for Engineering Maintenance Process Optimization by Musawekkosi
activities etc. Phillemon Lokothwayo.
3. A procedure for Diagnosis and Condition based
Transformer outage has serious consequences on the Maintenance for Power Transformers by Alireza
Transmission system. Accordingly, more emphasis is Setayeshmehr et.all.
required on the Transformer maintenance. Reliability
Centered Maintenance not only improve the reliability 4. e Key to Condition Based Asset Strategies for Power
of the system, it can reduce the required maintenance Transformers by David J. Woodcock, Weidmann
signi cantly by improving Design, Operation and Systems International.
Maintenance. RCM can provide reduced maintenance
costs, enhanced Transformer life, enhanced safety 5. Reliability Centered Maintenance by Al Rose
during operation and minimized accidents. It is upto the
users to use it judiciously. 6. Power Transformer Life Extension through Be er
Monitoring by Brian D Sparling et all.
(Note: e author is thankf ul to Power Grid
Corporation of India Ltd. (POWERGRID) for 7. Operational Management of Grid Transformers-An
preparation and presentation of this paper at Trafotech experience of POWERGRID by P N Dixit, S Victor, V K
2020. e views presented in this paper are that of the Bhaskar, Gunjan Agrawal.
authors and not necessarily that of POWERGRID)
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Gautam Mazumder, Vijay Singh

M/s. CGPISL-Transformer Division-Mandideep Bhopal

is paper intends to address a very controversial and Large power transformers subjected to improper storage
least appreciated procedure for both decision-makers conditions, long durations of storage, super cial damage
and practicing engineers engaged in power transformer in transit, or exposure to atmospheric conditions due to
maintenance activities. accidental actions can be easily refurbished and
Aging of the installed base of transformers has lead to rehabilitated at the site.
increased interest in the assessment of the transformer e some of the advantages of on-site repair considered
condition. e Indian power transformer population by decision makers are also transportation difficulties or
inclusive of the utilities and industry could be between impossibility of road and rail tracks, inadequate axle load
80000-120000 units with a minimum rating to start the withstand capacity for roads, bridges and changed
count at 20 MVA and above. e time based alignment.
maintenance policy followed for power transformers has High transportation cost.
hampered the development of the alternative methods High transportation risk (poor road condition, and
possible. e monitoring of certain parameters has led to inadequate road and rail capacity, aged insulation)
inadequate maintenance conditions as the transformer Reduce down time on the units by avoiding long
ages. e concept of condition based maintenance is not transportation time.
well understood and there is a lack of appreciation of the e world over for the last 2 decades there has been very
importance of the same. very successful a empts and actions for the site-based
e Govt. sector decision-making criteria are L1 based repair and retro ing.
and in many places, the value of the repairs should be e major actions have been undertaken in Europe (e.g.
limited to 40% of a new transformer cost. Enumerating France, Spain, Hungary etc) and South America (e.g.
the reasons for repair & refurbishment at the site, is an Brazil)
economically sound decision, it is a technically correct
decision and it can be implemented faster. At present site
based repair and refurbishment activities on power It is a procedure adopted to incorporate features that are
transformers are being adopted only in case of no option not part of the original manufacturing. Incorporation of
possibility. these features is intended to bring about improved
monitoring and informed decision making, improved
1 INTRODUCTION safety for the equipment and people, and minimizing
Power transformer repairs/refurbishment at the site are harmful environmental impact.
an established norm world over. Transformers and WHAT IS REFURBISHMENT:
reactors subjected to failure of accessories like bushings,
It is the procedure to improve the existing condition
oil-water heat exchangers, OLTCs, internal insulation
leading to increased reliability, improve life expectancy
component failure etc. due to a variety of abnormal
and, minimize the rate of deterioration. e outage could
conditions eg. moisture ingress, particulate ma er
be due to improper maintenance, accidental handling
contamination, adverse weather conditions, and
and exposure to adverse atmospheric conditions due to
super cial damage are the ideal cases for refurbishments
component failure. Minor failures can be very much
at the site.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

considered to be treated at the site. Condition For repair activities at the site Tool and Plant
monitoring can be also the basis for such activities to be requirement increases and also the quantum of work
carried out before the forced outage of the equipment. content.
1. e preferred method is to make the critical winding
and components at the manufacturing facility.
Restoration to the original working condition a er the 2. e required material is then processed and soaked in
equipment has ceased to provide the intended function. oil and sized properly to make it ready for use condition.
Many hydro power stations in India posses spare 3. e material and the other required materials are then
windings, with a intent to have a faster turn around time packed in suitable containers and lled with oil and sent
for the site repair. As these facilities are remotely located to the site.
and the time frame for the repairs is huge, the revenue 4. e required procedure is then followed at the site for
loss is high for the duration of the outage. the repair activities and the processing activities
2. CONSIDE TIONS FOR undertaken as is required.
Power transformers and reactors are one of the main and RECOMMENDED ACTION:
among the largest components in any installation. A Transformers and reactors life is a function of the
transformer outage can cause serious economic and composite solid and liquid insulation condition:
social disruptions. Refurbishment activities initiated at Condition assessment tests are recommended as the
the appropriate time can avoid serious outage incidents. equipment aging progress under normal operating
e considerations for site-based activities should be conditions.
l o o ke d f ro m b o t h n a n c i a l a n d o p e rat i o n a l Presently liquid insulation monitoring and its
considerations. maintenance is the most widely practiced procedure.
e instances or incidents that can be addressed are e oil quality tests are the most widely followed
1. Minor faults and oil leakage issues in the transformer. procedure & easily followed at site.
2. Improper insulation conditions due to inadequate e solid insulation condition is difficult to access as they
maintenance issues. are not directly accessible. e liquid insulation
3. Accessories failure, inadequate operational conditions parameters are used to determine the solid insulation
leading to Improper insulation condition due to condition.
exposure to adverse weather conditions. Trending of the data is the most authentic way to
4. Particulate contamination of the insulation media due determine the stability and the deterioration rate of the
to internal ashovers and components failure. insulation condition.
5. Minor transit damage issues. e liquid insulation DGA parameters are utilized to
6. Inadequate insulation conditions due to inadequate determine the fault condition, intensity, and severity.
storage conditions or improper maintenance issues. Some of the electrical test parameters indicate an
7. Life extension of equipment arising due to aging and abnormality in the oil-immersed transformer and
removal of contamination to minimize the rate of aging. reactors.
8. For the repair activities, there are many considerations, Trend analysis based on the intensity and severity of the
cost of repair, cost of transportation, cost of forced outage violating condition determines the line of action to be
duration, cost of availability, time for to and fro adopted and avoiding catastrophic failures.
transportation, time of repair. e insulation quality tests and moisture determination
tests are to be increased in the tests being carried out as
part of maintenance procedures.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

As the transformer insulation ages, the capability to machine should have particulate ma er ltration
withstand fault conditions deteriorates. e dielectric capability. Humidity and particle control ensures good
and mechanical strength of the paper are among the main quality during the time of the repair and refurbishment
considerations for certain refurbishment activities. activities.
e refurbishment activities should be carried out by a
trained supervisor and workmen. e procedure for the
restoration of the affected or damaged components is to
Points in favor of site-based activities: be guided by the manufacturers representative making a
Time-Saving and Cost Saving: proper assessment of the suitability of use of the same for
1. e action being initiated locally is time-saving on to future use.
and fro transportation to the facility.
Brie y, the temporary repair facility considerations for
2. e cost of to and fro transportation is substantial and
carrying out the refurbishment/repair activities are as
this is a major saving for the owner.
3. e transportation time frame can vary from a few days
1. e base for the placement of the CCA should be
to months based on the size and the distance of the
strong enough to withstand the full weight of the
appropriately equipped facility.
transformer main tank.
4. e second important factor is the time required for
2. CCA should preferably be placed in a suitable
the preparation of the equipment for the to and fro
contained platform or a tray so that the access is restricted
and the oil based cleaning and ushing activities have
5. e processing time at the facility could be shorter
minimum spillage.
compared to the site but the same may be an overdo for
3. e working area considering the duration of the
the condition.
facility (enclosed by dismantlable metallic structure and
6. e transformer/reactor having performed its
outer cover with an internal 2nd cover of waterproof
intended function grants credence that the design is safe
tarpaulins) to accommodate the disassembled
enough for initiation of site activities.
transformer and the dismantled components.
7. e process to be followed for the activities at the site
4. e covered working area is weathertight and
can be in line with the established and proven norms for
stormproof. e critical Tool & Plant area should be
similar activities.
accommodated inside e.g. dry air generator and the
8. e transformer/reactor can be tested for almost all
various tools and facilities.
the parameters except HV high voltage testing as is
5. e li ing arrangement can be accommodated within
performed at the manufacturing facility.
the structure made or the top cover of the facility should
5. QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP be removable for the duration of the li ing equipment
CONSIDE TIONS: requirement.
e two main considerations for site activities are the Brief speci cations of the tools and plants for the site
facility and the workmen. Based on the criticality of the activities to include
work the facility speci cations are devised. 1. Adequate capacity oil storage tankers.
For the refurbishment activities in which the Core Coil 2. Suitable capacity double stage vacuum pulling
Assembly (CCA) is not required to be detanked, the equipment for achieving vacuum of 1 torr level.
main tank can serve as an enclosure. 3. Vacuum gauges to measure a vacuum level of 1 torr and
e environment control within the main tank can be below.
exercised by the injection of >-55oC dew point dry air 4. Dew point measuring instrument capable of
from a machine capable of delivering 35-60 m3/hr. e measuring dew point of >-60oC.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

5. e insulation drying procedure requires insulation 13. e procedure to be repeated multiple times until the
heating and then vacuum application for removal of the moisture extraction data reduces to limits as
contaminating moisture and oxidation products. recommended by the manufacturer over two continuous
6. Heating arrangement of approximately 60kW capacity cycles.
around the main tank to heat the internal insulation to
increase the temperature of the insulation between 60-80
oC. e constraints for such activities to be conducted at the
7. e tank internal environment to be lled with dry site are multifold.
nitrogen preferably and/or dry air. e decision making criteria are different for different
8. e alternate heating procedures followed are the use users
of transformer oil circulation. 1. Perceived reliability of operation.
a. Oil spray under vacuum application. 2. Time required for repair/refurbishment activities.
b. Low-frequency heating method of core coil assembly. 3. Revenue loss arising from outage.
c. Induction heating of the core coil assembly by the 4. With the changed scenario where nancial revenue is
wrapping of the tank with coils. linked to availability.
9. During the heating procedure the transformer main 5. Outage costs are more linked to the loss of xed costs.
tank to be covered as much as possible to minimize heat 6. When the equipment is a spare unit the anticipation of
loss. the forced outage of the ongoing units.
10. Post achievement of temperature fast oil draining, 6 TESTING DURING AND AFTER
before vacuum application. THE PROCEDURE:
11. With the oil-based heating procedure, the rate of To date, Indian utilities and the user industry think that
moisture extraction from the thick insulation is slower the Factory Acceptance Test including HV tests are the
and the time taken for drying out is longer. only testing that certi es the healthiness in the
12. e moisture extraction during the vacuum should transformer core coil assembly.
be monitored for proper documentation of the drying e process and test equipment available in the market
out process. overseas enables the HV testing of the transformer core
Brie y the procedure for the drying out of the coil assemblies.
transformer and reactor at the site are as under In India, no such mobile HV test facility is available to
a. A pressure test to verify the leak-proof status of the carry out HV tests at the site. So many manufacturers and
complete assembly. the user industry conduct the site procedures without
b. Dew point measurement of the gas inside the the nal high voltage tests and have had a high success
transformer a er 24 hours. rate in pu ing back the assets into operation.
c. Heating of the transformer for a duration of a minimum Nevertheless, negative experiences have been also
of 60-72 hours duration. experienced and the same are generally a ributed to
d. Vacuum pulling of the transformer for a duration of non-adherence to the procedure required to be followed
minimum 60-72 hours. for the situation being addressed.
e. Re-pressurisation of the transformer or reactor and e transformer manufacturing process is well
dew point measurement a er 24 hours. established that the adherence to the same procedures at
f. Continue the heating and pull vacuum again for 40-48 the site will ensure the same reliability in the work carried
hours and repressurize again. out at site. Insulation quality and oil quality tests
performed at regular intervals including DGA, have
proven the quality of work done. Trouble free operation
and reliability of the process to deliver factory
manufactured quality for site repairs.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

and reliability of the process to deliver factory [2] I. Pinkiew icz, M. K azmierski, ON−SITE
manufactured quality for site repairs. PROCESSING OF INSULATION SYSTEM OF
e author’s organization have carried out site repair L ARGE POWER T NSFORMERS AND
activities for transformer windings in remote sites of HOT−SPOT COMPUTER DETERMINATION
Hydroelectric substations & at Steel Authority of India ,Published in 2004 CIGRE
Limited substations. e transformers in which repair
and refurbishment activities were carried out at the site, [3] R. Blanc, G. Buffiere, J-P. Taisne, A. Tanguy,
have been energized and put into operation even with a P.Guffinic, T NSFORMER REFURBISHMENT
performance warranty of 8-12 months. Some of the sites POLIC Y AT RTE CONDITIONED BY THE
have gone ahead and ordered spare windings with an RESIDUAL LIFETIME ASSESSMENT, Published in
intent to carry out repairs in next 6 months. 2008 CIGRE
We have also successfully conducted these activities
overseas also and are preparing for similar refurbishment [4] M. Olivia(*), M. A. del Rey, A. Marinj. I. Anguas, S.
and retro ing operation on some of our transformers Quintin, ST TEGIES TO REPLACE, REFURBISH,
supplied to countries in Europe, South America & REPAIR AND UPG DE POWER
Published in 2008 CIGRE
Globally mutual collaboration, data sharing and support [5] Working Group A2.34, CIGRE TB 445, GUIDE
between the transformer user and the manufacturer over FOR T NSFORMER MAINTENANCE, Published
the last 20 years have led to clear understanding of the in 2011 CIGRE.
complexities involved in operation, maintenance,
retro t , ref urbi shment and repairs of power [6] Nick Lelekakis, Daniel Martin, Wenyu Guo,and
transformers. Jaury Wijaya, A FIELD STUDY OF TWO ONLINE
is experience has been well documented and data DRY- OU T METHODS FOR PO W ER
collected shared in the international forums and have T NSFORMERS, Published in 2011 IEEE Electrical
been discussed and enhanced by the collective Insulation Magazine.
intelligence and experience of the people and
organisations involved.
In India also the procedure has been followed but the
quantum is limited and so also the experience sharing.
Indian market acceptance and the post activity
experience sharing needs improvement.
[1] Aleksandar Bojkovic1 Dragomir Gucic, Petar
Nikolic, Bogosav Petrovic, FAILURE OF A BIG
DAMAGE, REPAIR AND TESTS, Published in 2008
International Conference on Condition Monitoring and
Diagnosis, Beijing, China, April 21-24, 2008
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Ashok Chavda, J. V. Patel
Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited(GETCO), Vadodara

Power transformer is the critical & most expensive asset . Visual inspection of transformer and its condition a er
of a substation. A major fault or forced outage of a fault i.e. oil level, condition of bushing, operation of
transformer affects the power supply reliability and leads NIFPS, PRV, Buchholz Relay, etc. Checking associated
to revenue loss to the utility. erefore, in such case, the bay equipments.
rst priority for utility is to restore the power transformer . Investigating cause of transformer tripping
as early as possible. In case of a shutdown due to fault, . Identifying Location of fault, whether it is out-side or
visual inspection, protection operated, post fault testing in-side the transformer.
&analysis and co-relation of all these a ributes help in . Study of protection operated and disturbance record
proper fault diagnosis and accordingly, repair & (DR) analysis to get the information about fault, its
restoration can be done. Similarly, if transformer is taken intensity and time duration.
out from service for some major corrective actions or . History of transformer and study of past test data
overhauling, restoration depends on the work involved in . Testing of transformer to accurately determine the
it. Two such case studies, one each of restoration a er condition of transformer.
major fault and overhauling of transformer, done by . If the fault is external, then also transformer is required
utility at site, are discussed in this paper. to test to ascertain its healthiness.
Key words- Power Transformer, Reliability, Major fault, . Co-relation of results of all the tests and comparison
Restoration, Overhauling. with past test data to arrive at the conclusion of fault and
possible damage to the transformer
. If found necessary from above steps, carrying out
Power transformer is a costly and important element in Internal inspection by making necessary arrangement for
power system network. Power transformer experiences prevention of moisture ingress to transformer and taking
excessive electrical as well as mechanical stresses all safety precautions.
throughout its service life span due to faults. As it is one of . Ensure availability of the material required /
the most strategically important components, its anticipated to a end the fault and keeping it ready
unscheduled major shutdown leads to long term . A ending the fault with minimum exposure of active
unavailability of power supply. erefore, outage of part of the transformer as much as possible
power transformer is always looked upon with great . Lastly, carrying out nal testing and comparing with
concern by the utilities. Following steps proved helpful post fault and past test results, so that the transformer can
to assess the situation a er fault and subsequent be restored with con dence.
Above modality was followed in the case of successful
restoration of transformer, presented in this paper.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Transformer tests and ability of each test to provide In GETCO, the population of power transformers is
inferences about type and location of fault is tabulated 5226 Nos. and approx. 270 Nos. of transformers are
below, in table 1. added every year. In this transformer eet, 10 to 14 Nos.
Test Information about fault of transformers per year experience major fault. In this
Insulation Transformer Insulation section one such major occurrence of power
Resistance transformers is presented with fault details and how it
Magnetizing Core, Inter-turn shorting was restored. A case study of overhauling of a transformer
Magnetic Core, Inter-turn shorting is also discussed.
Turn Ratio Winding information
Winding Joints, overall winding T NSFORMER AFTER FIRE
Resistance condition Substation: 220kV Morbi
Oil Routine BDV, PPM, resistivity, etc.
Parameters to assess Transformer Rating: 220/66kV, 100MVA Date:
transformer oil condition 01.11.2019, at 12:45hrs
DGA About fault and its intensity Occurrence: Sudden heavy re on 66KV side of
Transformer (Figure. 3)
Capacitance Integrity of insulation
and Tan material like, paper , oil ,
Delta bushings, press board etc.
SFRA Winding distortion, Core
movement, Inter-turn
shorting, open winding,
lead movement, etc.

Furan Degree of Polymerization

of paper insulation
( indirect method)
Table 1: Test and its ability to detect the fault
If transformer is lled with oil up to required level, the
routine tests like winding resistance and other low Figure 1: Fire incident of a 220/66kV, 100MVA Transformer
voltage tests can be carried out and it provides rst-hand
information about transformer condition. Dissolved Gas Substation: 220kV Morbi
Analysis (DGA) of transformer oil provides information Transformer Rating: 220/66kV, 100MVA Date:
about fault and its intensity. For be er judgment, past 01.11.2019, at 12:45hrs
data of DGA should also be studied. Capacitance & tan Occurrence: Sudden heavy re on 66KV side of
delta test is also an important test, provides information Transformer (Figure. 3)
about dielectric insulation. Sweep Frequency Response
Analysis (SF ) is the best test among all site tests which
can be carried out safely in any condition of power
transformer i.e. with oil, without oil, without bushing,
with faulty bushing etc. It provides useful information
about mechanical deformation of windings [1]. If base
SF test results are available, then comparison with it
provide important information about transformer
overall condition.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Visual Inspection Protection Operated

. 66KV R, Y, B & Neutral, and HV Neutral bushings of . Transformer Differential Protection, Buchholz Relay,
the transformer found red and heavily damaged. PRV operated correctly and cleared the fault within
. Buchholz relay, all OSRs, Transformer M.K. box and 30ms.
control cables also found burnt and damaged badly. From DR, around 1136 A and 16.7 current recorded
for HV R-phase and LV R phase respectively
Photographs of Transformer and Bushings taken a er
Observations & Fault Analysis
occurrence are shown below in gure 4.
. Failed bushings were inspected thoroughly. Tan Delta
Caps of all bushings were found intact. It indicated that,
no any bushing failed due to internal defect but bushings
failed due to external re / ashover.
. Spots of ashover observed on top portion of LV R
Phase and HV Neutral Bushings. Top metal part of LV R
phase bushing – facing HV Neutral Bushing found
melted (Fig. 3). Also, top metal part of HV Neutral
Bushing facing LV R phase bushing found melted
. It was suspected that, some foreign object (Like metal
wire) might have fallen between HV Neutral Bushing
and adjacent LV R Phase Bushing. It created short circuit
Figure 2: 220/66KV, 100MVA Transformer a er between these two bushings which further caused
Fire extinction damages to the bushings and converted into re as oil
came out from bushings & transformer.
. e main concern was to assess integrity of transformer
winding whether severe external fault caused any
damages to the transformer windings. It was required to
take decision whether to carry out recti cation work at
site or send the transformer to the manufacturer.
. Carrying out routine tests and Tan Delta testing was not
recommended as 66kV bushings were failed and
removed, and the oil level lowered down due to re.
. In these circumstances, only SF was feasible to check
Figure 3: 66kV R phase bushing damaged
mechanical integrity of transformer windings. Base
SF results were available. So SF testing was carried
out and the results were compared with the base results as
shown in below gures (5 to 10).

Figure 4: HV Neutral bushing damaged

e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Figure 5: HV R phase to Neutral SF test results Figure 9: LV Y phase SF test results comparison
comparison between base available and a er fault between base available and a er fault

Figure 6: HV Y phase to Neutral SF test results Figure 10: LV B phase SF test results comparison
comparison between base available and a er fault with base available and a er fault

. SF traces matched with base results except in high

frequencies area of all the three LV winding coils results,
but it was due to the exclusion of bushings & leads in
testing, as SF test was done without bushings & leads.
From comparison of SF results as shown in gure 5 to
10, we could draw inference that there is no damage /
displacement of transformer windings
From Visual inspection, DR analysis and aid of
Figure 7: HV B phase to Neutral SF test information received form SF test, it was concluded
comparison between base available and a er fault that fault was external only.
A er completing above analysis, and availability of
material in scrap transformer, it was decided to take back
power transformer into service without help of OEM as
Morbi loaded with heavy industry load, and help of OEM
may delay restoration. Delay in restoration create critical
situation. Following actions were taken to restore the

Figure 8: LV R phase SF test results comparison

with base available and a er fault
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

. Internal inspection was carried out to check any

physical damage to winding, to check all the joints and
for cleaning debris of L2 part of bushing inside the
transformer. ere was no any internal damage.
. All damaged bushings and other accessories viz. PRV,
Buchholz Relay, OSRs, Marshaling Box etc. replaced.
. Damaged main tank gasket and other gaskets were
Figure 13: LV B phase SF trace comparison with
. Oil ltration carried out.
base SF traces a er replacement of bushing
. SF Test taken. SF results taken a er replacement
of failed / damaged bushings compared with pre-fault . All routine tests and capacitance & tan delta test carried
results, and both traces are now seen matching as shown out - all results found satisfactory, and also compared
in g.13 -18. (Green color traces are SF results taken with previous results available.
a er replacement of Bushings.) . Repainting of the transformer done.
. Transformer put back in to service a er con rming all
logic checks and electrical & mechanical protection trips.

Figure 11: LV R phase SF trace comparison with

base SF traces a er replacement of bushing.

Figure 14: Transformer restored

It was difficult to know what geometric changes would
have occurred in the transformer but it was ensured by
carrying out SF test (post failure) and matching with
base SF test, and re-con rmed by internal inspection
that there is no internal damage and transformer could be
put back in to service a er carrying out recti cation work
Figure 12: LV Y phase SF trace comparison with at site without OEM, which saved lot of time (Total
base SF traces a er replacement of bushing outage period: 45 days) and money too.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


Substation: 220kV Karamsad condition based Health Index Value as under Shown in
Transformer Rating: 220/132kV, 100MVA Table.1
Yr. of Mfg.: 1975 Transformer Condition based Health Index
Dielectric Strength(BDV) 2
(>60KV) 3
Transformer undergoes through electrical and (41-60KV) 2
mechanical stresses during fault events, switching surges (31-40KV) 1
(<=30KV) 0
etc. Oil leakage points, defects in breathing system and Moisture Content in oil(ppm) 2
(<=20) 3
maintenance in un controlled atmosphere prove sources (21-30) 2
(31-40) 1
of moisture ingress to transformer. Over a period, (>40) 0
insulation can deteriorate. erefore, operating Interfacial Tension(N/M)
(>=0.10) 3

transformer under such conditions poses a potential risk (0.041-0.09) 2

(0.016-0.040) 1
of breakdowns, outages and costly repairs. (<0.016) 0
Total Acidity,mg KOH/g of oil 2
So, at some point in life-cycle of a transformer, it becomes (<=0.01) 3
(>0.01-0.10) 2
necessary to inspect its internal parts to check for any (0.11-0.3) 1
(>0.3) 0
defects, re-tighten core clamping structure, to check all Specific Resitivity 0
(>0.5) 3
connections inside transformer main tank, to remove (0.5-0.21) 2
moisture from oil / replace oil, to remove moisture from (0.2-0.1)
cel lulose insulat ion to inter r upt accelerated Tan Delta of winding ,Max 0
(<=1.0) 2
deterioration of transformer insulation. All these can be (>1.0-1.5) 1
(>1.5-2) 0
achieved through transformer overhauling. (>2) -1
Age 1
In GETCO, Transformer health index, giving due (<=10) 3
(20-11) 2
weightage to transformer oil parameters, winding tan (30-21) 1
(>30) 0
delta value, IR and PI values of winding, location and Last Overhauling done before year 0
(<1) 3
extent of oil leakages, age of transformer, Physical (1-3) 2
condition of the transformer, past maintenance history, (3-5) 1
(>5) 0
major occurrences etc., is derived for Power transformer Insulation Resistance Value,MOHM,Min 1
(>=1000) 3
at yearly frequency. Transformer overhauling decision is (625-999) 2
(201-624) 1
taken mainly based on Transformer health index. (100-200) 0
(<100) -1
Transformer health index value recorded as 12 for above Polarisation Index Value,Min 1
(>2) 2
transformer mainly due to high winding tan value and (2-1.2) 1
(<1.2) 0
deterioration of transformer oil properties. Transformer Physical Health of Transformer
"Major Oil leak from main tank" Yes = 0 , No = 1 0
health index value lower than 16 indicates need for Frequency of topping oil Yes = 0 , No = 1 0
immediate corrective actions. Looking to transformer Minor Oil leak from main tank Yes = 0 , No = 1
Condition of Gasket of main tankYes = 0 , No = 1
age also, overhauling was recommended. Age of Gasket of main tank Yes = 0 , No = 1 0
Oil leak from OLTC Yes = 0 , No = 1 0
Oil leak from conservator Yes = 0 , No = 1 0
Transformer health index value recorded as 12 for above Oil leak from inspection window,radiator
Yes = 0 etc, No = 1 0
Oil leak from bushing Yes = 0 , No = 1 1
transformer mainly due to high winding tan value and Oil leak from PRV, Buch, OSR Yes = 0 , No = 1 1
OLTC trouble Yes = 0 , No = 1 0
deterioration of transformer oil properties. Transformer Major occurance recorded Nil = 2 ,1-5 = 1 , >5 = 0 0
health index value lower than 16 indicates need for TOTAL Max 41 / Min (-2) 12

immediate corrective actions. Looking to transformer Table 1: Condition based Health Index of power
age also, overhauling was recommended. Transformer transformer
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Total Furan content in oil was 0.51 mg/kg, well within Improvement in transformer insulation properties can
limits. So, Transformer overhauling carried out with be visualized from comparison of results of testing
complete oil replacement. Process carried out is shown carried out before and a er overhauling:
brie y as under:
a) Tan delta test results:
. Transformer testing carried out.
. External surface of tank & ings cleaned to locate Test Before After
points of oil leakage Overhauling Overhauling
. Transformer oil heating by hot oil circulation at around
70°C %PF Cap. %PF Cap.
. Draining of Transformer oil in the storage tank ( Corr. PF ( Corr. PF
. All ings & accessories like HV & LV bushings, at at
20°C) 20°C)
turrets, Buchholz relay, PRV etc. dismantled
CH 3.29 9733 0.52 9427
. Transformer tank top cover li ed up
. Inspection carried out for transformer active parts,
– Earth)
Tightness checked for all accessible nut bolts, joints,
selector switch connections etc. Table 2: Comparison of Tan delta test results
. IR Value measured for Core to frame and found
b) IR value measurement results for Transformer
. Cleaning of core-coil assembly carried out with hot oil
spray to remove sludge
. Main tank top cover gasket replaced, main tank top HV-LV PI WTI
cover ed again Winding to °C
. Gaskets of inspection windows, turrets, valves, Earth
radiators etc. replaced IR value in
. Maintenance carried out for OLTC diverter switches M Ohms
. Drying out process carried out for transformer active 1 min 10
parts through Nitrogen and vacuum cycles, and applying min
heating by providing external heaters surrounding main Before 43.5 47.2 1.08 48
tank walls Overhaul.
. Working of Buchholz relay, OSR etc. checked
. Radiators & other accessories etc. connected again After 926 1250 1.35 40
. Oil lling carried out under Vacuum
. Oil ltration carried out, Hourly readings taken for IR
Table 3: Comparison of IR value measurement results
values for transformer winding during oil ltration
. Transformer oil allowed to cool
. Painting carried out a er cleaning external surface of
Main tank and other accessories
. Transformer testing carried out
. Transformer put back in service
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

c) Routine test results for main tank oil sample: Fault analysis of power transformer is very crucial and
important for transmission utilities. And for this
Test Obtained value purpose, knowhow is required of all test methods
particulars Before After available in the basket of transformer testing. Over and
Overhaul. Overhaul. above, knowledge of protection relays and study of
Disturbance Records is also helpful to get more insight
into fault analysis. SF test is very important tool and
Strength 61 82
provides valuable information of power transformer
( KV rms)
even in such situation - where bushing was not available
29 5 and with low oil level. In such circumstances, other tests
content, ppm
were not feasible / recommended - only SF could
0.23 0.065 provide insight into condition of Transformer active
parts. Inferences could be drawn from comparison of
SF results regarding intactness of the windings; and
Transformer could be put in service carrying out
factor(Tan- 0.342 0.0069
recti cation work at site only.
delta) at 90° C
To enhance service life of the transformer and ensure
trouble free operation, Transformer overhauling is
resistance at 0.07X10^12 16X10^12
90°C, ohm-cm essential at speci c juncture of transformer condition
during transformer life cycle. Signi cant improvement in
tension, 17 37 transformer insulation achieved through overhauling for
MN/m at 27°C a 220/132kV transformer, as shown in case study-2.

Table 4: Comparison of routine test results of main ACKNOLDGEMENT

tank oil sample We are grateful to GETCO management to permit us to
present above case studies in this paper. We are also
thankful to all GETCO eld staff to co-operate us at every
stage and to provide us with all required information &
[1] E .P.Dick and C.C.Er ven,” Transfor mer
Diagnostics Testing by Frequency Response Analysis”,
Improvement in transformer insulation properties can IEEE Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems,
be visualized from comparison of results of testing Vol.97,pp. 2144 2153,Nov/Dec.1978.
carried out before and a er overhauling:
[2] Asif Islam, Shahidul Islam Khan and Dr Aminul
Hoque,” Detection of Mechanical Deformation in Old
Aged Power Transformer Using Cross Correlation Co-
Efficient Analysis Method”, Energy and Power
Engineering, Vol.3, pp. 585–591, January 2011.
Figure 15: Photograph of transformer taken a er overhauling
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

[3] M. Arul Sathya, Savadamuthu,” Prediction of

Change in Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Transformer
Winding Due to Axial Deformation using Sweep
Frequency Response Analysis”, Journal of Electrical
Engineering and Technology, Vol.10, pp.983–989, May

[4] Hormatollah Firoozi, Nami Mahmoodi, Mohammad

Kharezi and M.I.Ghiyasi, ”Frequency response analysis-
Low frequency characteristics and fault diagnosis on
power transformers”, IEEE International Conference on
Solid Dielectrics, Postdam, Germany, July2010.

[5] K.Ludwikowski, K. Siodla and W.Ziomek,”

Investigation of transformer model winding deformation
using sweep frequency analysis”, IEEE transaction on
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol.19. December

[6] S.D.Mayer, J.J.Kelly and R.H.Parrish, ”A Guide to

Transformer Maintenance”, Transformer Maintenance
Institute, USA, Second printing,1988.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


01 Session Speakers
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name S. K. Ray Mohapatra

Date of Birth 21st May 1961
Quali cation B.Sc Engg. (Electrical), M.Tech (Power System), MBA
Designation Chief Engineer
Present Organization Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power (Govt. of India)
Field of Expertise Design & Engineering of EHV Substation and Transmission
Landline /Mobile No. 9818527857
Email / /
Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only)
Presently working as Chief Engineer in Central Electricity
Authority, Ministry of Power (Govt. of India), worked as
Member Secretary of NERPC, a Senior member of IEEE,
graduated in Electrical Engineering from Sambalpur
University, Orissa and had his Master's Degree from IIT,
Kharagpur and MBA from FMS, University of Delhi. His
professional experience of more than three decades includes
Planning of transmission system, design & engineering
consultancy, project appraisal, monitoring, grid operation &
commercial issues relating to grid, formulation of Regulations &
guidelines etc. pertaining to EHV transmission lines and
substations in CEA. Prior to joining in CEA, he was involved
with identi cation & investigation work for harnessing hydro
power potential of micro, mini & small hydroelectric power
projects and assessment of wind power potential in Govt. of
Orissa; testing & quality control of PVC & XLPE cables.
“Manual on Substation” of CBI&P has been released under his
Chairmanship. He has contributed number of papers and
articles in National & International seminars and Indian Power
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Shashank Kulkarni

Date of Birth 5th May 1981

Quali cation Bachelors of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) +

Masters in Marketing Management

Designation Team Leader – Electrical Design

Present Organization Siemens Limited, Transformer Division, Navi Mumbai

Field of Expertise Electrical Design of Power Transformer & Shunt Reactors

up to 765kV Class.
Representative of Dielectric Work group within SIEMENS

Landline /Mobile No. +91 9820556588


Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) I passed out Bachelors of Engineering (Electrical) in year
2002, from University of Mumbai. I have total experience of
17 years (Since 2003) in Transformer Industry in the eld
of Electrical Design of Power Transformer. I am involved in
developments of various transformers & shunt reactors
upto 765kV class. I am local key expert for my current
employer in the eld of Electrostatic Analysis. Since, 2013 I
am working as a team lead for the group of Electrical Design
Engineers in SIEMENS Ltd.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Vikrant Shashikant Joshi

Date of Birth 22nd July 1967

Quali cation B. E. (Electrical), University of Bombay, 1988

Designation PTR Scienti c Leader

Present Organization GE T&D India Limited

Field of Expertise Transformers, shunt reactors, electromagnetics

Landline /Mobile No. +919769209105


Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) Expertise in design of power and special transformers and
shunt reactors. Involved in new product development an
introduction. Experienced in failure investigations at test
bed and eld. Expert in electrostatics and electromagnetics.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name S. K. Gupta

Date of Birth 14th June1968

Quali cation BE (Electrical)

Designation AGM

Present Organization BHEL Jhansi

Field of Expertise 28 years of experience in Power transformers design upto 1200

KV class. Expertise in HVDC converter transformers.

Landline /Mobile No. 0510-2412693/ 9425604584


Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) Was one of the principal team member of the team, which
developed 1st 765 kV & 1200 kV transformers with in-house
Was part of team which developed 1st phase shi ing
transformer and Controlled Shunt Reactor.
Experience in HVDC converter transformers upto 500 KV
HVDC. (Rihand Dadri, Ballia Bhiwadi etc.).
Held one patent titled “Novel design of HVDC converter
transformer valve windings”.
Rapporteur in Trafotech 2014 & 2016
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Lars Liden

Date of Birth 12th January 1962

Quali cation Bsc in Electrical Engineering

Designation Product Marketing Specialist

Present Organization Bushings and tap-changers

Field of Expertise Hitachi ABB Power Grids Sweden

Technical marketing with focus on bushings and tap-changers.
Back-ground also in transformers and reactors

Landline /Mobile No. +46703096456


Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) Have spent all his career within ASEA/ABB/Hitachi ABB Power
Grids, Ludvika Sweden except a two-year period in UAE
supporting transformer business. Started in High Voltage as
designer of GIS followed by sales of Instrument Transformers.
Have besides that spent time in QA both for Power Capacitors and
Power Transformers. e last 20 years in the eld of Marketing &
Sales of transformers, reactors, bushings and tap-changers.
Nowadays specialised in technical marketing of bushings and tap-
changers with focus on end user homologation and acceptance.
Active participation in CIGRE WG A2 among other being part of
WG A2.48, WG A2.49 and currently secretary for WG A2.61
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Tarun Garg

Date of Birth 18th January1974

Quali cation B. Tech (Electrical), AMU

Designation Engineering Manager – Power Transformers

Present Organization Hitachi ABB Powergrids

Field of Expertise Power Transformers

Landline /Mobile No. +91-9724332979


Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) Tarun Garg is the head of design and engineering at Hitachi ABB
Powergrids’ Transformer business in India and possesses 25 years
of Design and Development experience in Power Transformers.
He gained experience in Transformers and Shunt Reactors that
nd application in Power Systems, Power Generation plants,
Engineering management and Digitalization projects.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


02 Session Speakers
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Shrikant Potnis

Date of Birth 15th April 1954

Quali cation B.E. + Post Graduation from I.I.T. Mumbai -in Ind. Design- in
CEO Easun MR Tap Changers Pvt Ltd

Present Organization Easun MR Tap Changers Pvt Ltd

Field of Expertise Switchgear and On Load Tap Changers

Landline /Mobile No. 8056041299


Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) Total Experience : More than 42 years in various elds.
Past Experience : Started career with Transformer Division of
Crompton Greaves in 1978 and worked for 33 years in various
different divisions of CGL. Worked for more than 10 years with
m/s Crompton Greaves Ltd as R & D Head of Switchgear
Division - Nasik.
Currently Working as CEO for more than 9 years with “ M/S
Easun MR Tap Changers Pvt Ltd “ - A German JV Company
manufacturing On Load Tap Changers for Transformers up to
765 kV–.
Presented more than 20 papers on various topics in conferences
like Swicon, Switrend, IET, MSETCL, PGCIL , CPRI, IEEMA,
Trafotech etc.
Possess 11 patents in various Switchgear/Tap Changer products,
** worked as a member of BIS commi ee on Circuit Breakers,
Cigre working group ET08 India chapter.
Travelled extensively for a ending conferences, Testing of
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name A.S. Jhala

Date of Birth 25th September1983

Quali cation B. E (Electrical)

Designation DGM Technology

Present Organization T&R India Limited

Field of Expertise Design reliability, optimisation, value engineering, process

improvement, standardization, investigations, testing,
development and implementation of Technology for UHV
transformers and reactors

Landline /Mobile No. +91-9687659549


Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) A. S Jhala, born in 1983 has received Bachelor of Electrical
Engineering Degree with Gold Medal from Saurashtra
university of India in 2004. Since 2005 till present Mr Jhala has
been associated with various functions viz. Testing, Designs and
Technology Divisions of T & R India Ltd. Currently he is
working with Technology Division and involved in various
activities of design reliability, design optimization, value
engineering, process improvement, standardization,
development and implementation of Technology for UHV
transformers and reactors. Mr Jhala has contributed around 30
papers and case studies in various national and international
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name P.K. Pa anaik

Date of Birth 14th March 1965

Quali cation Graduate in Electrical And Electronics

Designation Dy. General Manager ( Electrical)

Present Organization OPTCL ( Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.)

Field of Expertise Protection Control

Landline /Mobile No. 9438907492


Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) 29 years of technical experience in Designing, Testing and
Commissioning of Protection Control and operational Schemes,
project Implementation, co-ordination, operations &
maintenance of Electrical Equipment at various LT/ HT/ EHT
level Grid Sub- Stations.

With Publication of 110 technical papers in different

national/international proceedings/journals. Regular author for
the journal publications by reputed organizations like IEEMA,
CBIP, Electrical Mirror, Electrical India and many other. Also
authored many of the Technical books on electrical technology
and awarded in many of the national and international forum.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name omas Buijs

Date of Birth 25th May 1965

Quali cation Bachelor in Physics, University Laval

Masters in Chemistry, University McGill

Designation Global Sales Manager, Transformer components and service

Present Organization Hitachi ABB Powergrids

Field of Expertise Analytical Chemistry, Transformer Monitoring

Landline /Mobile No. +1418-559-9926


Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) Mr. omas Buijs is based out of Quebec city, Canada Graduated
from Laval university with a bachelor degree in physics and then
from McGill University with a Master degree in chemistry Has
had various roles over 35 years with ABB as a development
engineer, project manager and product manager. Most recently as
global sales manager for transformer monitoring sensors and
smart devices with Hitachi ABB Power grids.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Rakesh Patil

Date of Birth 27th December1975
Quali cation D.E.E., PGDM - Operations
Designation Chief Manager – Quality Management
Present Organization SIEMENS Limited
Field of Expertise Transformer Testing, Quality Management
Landline /Mobile No. +91 9820985325

Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) •More than 25 years of experience in the eld of Quality
Management, Testing and commissioning of Transformers.
•Presently working as Head of Quality Management in SIEMENS
Transformer factory at Navi Mumbai, India.
•Responsible for Incoming Quality Assurance, In-process
Quality, Supplier Quality Management, Oil Test Lab and High
Voltage Transformer Test Laboratory.
•Mainly responsible for implementation and monitoring of
Quality Management System and ensure compliance to
Management System requirements.
•Ensuring strict adherence to all environmental, health and safety
related aspects and standards for safety of employees, customers
and visitors.
•Ensuring highest accuracy and reliability in testing of
transformers and reactors by procuring & maintaining state-of-
the-art test facility.
•Major involvement in guidance and support to team members
for troubleshooting, problem solving by root cause analysis,
corrective actions, monitoring of data, analysis and
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers


03 Session Speakers
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Stephan Heberer holds a degree (Dipl. Ing. FH) in mechanical engineering with a focus on
power generation from the University for Applied Sciences in Nurnberg.

He started his career in 1993 working for ABB, where he held various management positions
in MV and HV switchgear and transformer.

Since 2008, he is active in the eld of condition monitoring for electrical apparatus with a main
focus on partial discharge. Working in Zurich, Glasgow, Manchester and lastly in Bologna, he
has been involved in various projects around the world for condition monitoring of
generators, switchgear, transformer and cables for different industries like power generation,
transmission and distribution, offshore windfarms and Oil&Gas.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Adish Kumar Gupta

Date of Birth 6th May1967
Quali cation BE (Electrical), NIT Kurukshetra
Designation Chief General Manger, Asset Management
Present Organization Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
Field of Expertise Power Transformers
Landline /Mobile No. +91-9772207153

Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) As CGM (AM), Adish provides the strategic direction for continual
improvement in Asset Management of transmission assets of
POWERGRID including preparing the exigency plans to overcome any
critical emergency situations and oversee the ful lment of the operational
objectives as per the expectations of the stakeholders. HIs primary
responsibility is to develop cost-efficient maintenance strategies for Power
Transformers and Transmission Lines. Further, he is also responsible for
developing timely Asset Replacement strategies to improve system
availability and reliability.

Over the past 27 years, he has been associated with the full spectrum of
substation management ranging from land procurement, erection and
commissioning of substations, carrying out O&M of transmission assets,
Regional project management and Corporate O&M policy formulation. He
was also involved in development of 500kV Bipole Rihand-Dadri Link -
India’s rst Bipole HVDC link.

He has spearheaded the efforts to develop a real time risk-based asset health
indexing system - PALMS (POWERGRID Asset Life Management
System). It provides a dashboard for real time health assessment of 3000
transformers and reactors giving bird’s eye view to asset managers for taking
timely O&M decisions for critical units.

Since 2018, Adish is a member representative from India on CIGRE WG

A2.58 – Installation of Power Transformers.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Rohit Kumar Jain

Date of Birth 14th August 1974

Quali cation AMIE in Electrical Engg

Designation Chief Manger, Asset Management

Present Organization Power Grid Corporation of India Limited

Field of Expertise Power Transformers

Landline /Mobile No. +91-9599683560


Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) Presently he is looking a er the assets management of transformer
and reactors in POWERGRID. He has been associated with the
development of various technical speci cations, commissioning
standards and maintenance norms for transformers and reactors.

He was associated during the in-house development of a real time

based assets health indexing system – PALMS (POWERGRID
Asset Life Management System) to monitor the health of
transformers and reactors.

During the past 24 years, he has been associated with the erection
and commissioning of substation and carrying out O&M of
transmission assets.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Deo Nath Jha

Date of Birth 18th July 1991

Quali cation B. Tech (Electrical), IIT Dhanbad

Designation Deputy Manager, Asset Management

Present Organization Power Grid Corporation of India Limited

Field of Expertise Power Transformers

Landline /Mobile No. +91-9599814142


Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) As Deputy Manager (AM), Deo is responsible for O&M policy
making and execution for Power Transformers and Shunt
Reactors. Over the past 5 years, he has been associated with the
development of various technical speci cations, commissioning
standards and maintenance norms for transformers and reactors.
is entails formulation, incorporation and standardisation of
latest Condition monitoring practices for Power Transformers
and their acceptability limits.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Gunjan Agrawal

Date of Birth 25th January 1975
Quali cation B Tech (Electrical)
Designation Sr DGM
Present Organization Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
Field of Expertise HVDC Construction & O&M, Asset Management, Engineering-
Sikkim Projects and Transformer Core
Landline /Mobile No. 9873918437
Mr Gunjan Agrawal was born on 25th January 1975. A er
Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) completing B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering from KNIT,
Sultanpur in 1998, he joined Power Grid Corporation of India in
the year 2000.
A er joining POWERGRID, he was initially involved in the
commissioning of most prestigious project of ±500kV, 2000MW
East South Interconnector HVDC Bipole System. A er
commissioning of HVDC system, he was assigned the
responsibility of Operation and Maintenance of the system till the
system stabilized.
In 2006, Mr. Agrawal joined the Asset Management Department at Corporate Office in POWERGRID. ere
he looked a er the Operation and Maintenance of Power Transformers & Shunt Reactors in POWERGRID
network. Mr. Agrawal was involved in formulation of Maintenance guidelines of Transformers, commissioning
formats and introduction of latest condition monitoring techniques.
In 2015, Mr. Agrawal was assigned the task to head the core group of Transformers & Reactors in Corporate
Engineering Dep , where he is working presently. He is involved in making Technical speci cation of
Transformer and Shunt Reactors, responsible for design review, drawing approvals and Type testing of
Transformer and Shunt Reactors. He has been involved in design review of Transformers/ Reactors upto 765kV,
STATCOM Transformers and Series Reactors.
Apart from Transformer Core activities, Mr Agrawal is also looking a er Engineering of Sikkim Comprehensive
Scheme project for 28 nos. of S/S.
Mr. Agrawal has contributed various Technical papers on Transformers & Reactors. He is also member of the
working group of IS:335 on Transformer Oil and CIGRE group A2.63 for Transformer Impulse Testing.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Gautam Mazumder

Date of Birth 25th May 1964
Quali cation Graduate Engineer in Computer Technology
Designation Assistant General Manager-Transformer Service
Present Organization CG Power and Industrial Solutions Limited-Power Transformer
Division- Mandideep, Bhopal.
Field of Expertise Transformer Manufacturing and Field Services
Landline /Mobile No. 9713064404

Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) In career span of 30 years in the Transformer Industry, worked in
various functions and the responsibilities executed:
1.Power Transformer Manufacturing experience upto 1200 kV
2.Quality in charge of transformer Manufacturing facility.
3.In charge of A er-Sales Service-transformer and reactors,
Worldwide responsibility.
4.Initiated and successfully completed Site Repair of power
transformers upto 400 kV class.
5.Rehabilitation of transformers and reactors at site post outage.
6.In charge of 765 kV Class Transformers and Reactors
installation at sites, turnkey responsibility.
7.In charge of revenue service business for power transformer and
reactors, Worldwide responsibility.
8.Key-Note speaker at Trafotech 2012 – Transformer Processing
at Site.
9.Contributary Author, CBIP- “Manual on Transformers”
Publication Number 317.
10.Contributar y Author, IEEEMA-Power Transformer
Standardisation Manual-Chapter 5.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Ashok J Chavda

Date of Birth 5th September 1966

Quali cation BE Electrical , MBA , M.Tech

Designation Superintending Engineer (Testing & Condition Monitoring)

Present Organization GETCO

Field of Expertise Protection & Condition Monitoring

Landline /Mobile No. 9925209590


Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) Ashok J. Chavda works with Gujarat Energy Transmission Co.
(GETCO) since 1989, and currently works as Superintending
Engineer (Testing and condition monitoring engineer). Ashok
chavda received his Bachelor in Electrical Engineering from the
Gujarat University Ahmedabad, in 1989. He has completed
M.B.A. from IGNOU in 2001. He has completed Master Degree
in power system from R.K. University Rajkot in 2013. He is
currently pursuing Ph.D. work in eld of SF under guideline of
Prof. Vivek Pandya at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
formally known as PDPU, Gandhinagar. Interested area of Mr.
Ashok is Diagnosis of power transformer faults and remedies.
e-T FOTECH 2020- International Conference on Transformers

Name Bankim P. Soni

11th July1967
Date of Birth B. E. (Electronics), BVM College of engineering, Vallabh
Quali cation I/C Superintending Engineer ( Engineering)
Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited, GETCO
Designation Substation design and Equipment Engineering
+91-99252 08733
Present Organization

Field of Expertise Since 1990, he has worked in GEB/GETCO in the eld of

generation at Wanakbori TPS and 4X 60 MW Kadana Hydro
Landline /Mobile No. Power Station for 8 years. In the eld of transmission, he has
worked at 400 KV Asoj substation and 132 KV Nandesari sub-
Email station for 13 years.

Brief Pro le ( in 200 Words only) Presently, he is working as an I/C Superintending Engineer at
Engineering Department -GETCO- Corporate office looking
a er Substation design engineering, Equipment engineering,
Protection & Automation, Civil and Transmission Line
Experience: O&M of EHV substations, Telecommunication,
Protection and Automation, Substation design engineering and
Equipment engineering.
ISO 9001:2015 Auditor from BVQI – TUV
Member – CIGRE
Member BIS commi ee: ETD 08 (HV Switchgear),
ETD-16 (Transformers),
ETD-30 (Surge Arresters),
ETD-34 (Instrument Transformers)
Technical Commi ee Member: CBIP for Substation Manual

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