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Maria Didychuk group 512



TOPIC: Present Perfect


 To present the present perfect tense (have + past participle) with the function
of talking about past actions that relate to the present time;
 to present some time expressions used with the present perfect ( since, for,
always, so far);
 to provide controlled and semi-controlled spoken and written practice of the
present perfect tense.

Warm up( 5 minutes)

Aim: to help students to remember 3 forms of the verbs

Put students into two teams, blue and red, and nominate a 'captain' for each team.
Draw a nine-square grid on the board and write the infinitives of nine irregular
verbs in the nine spaces.

Play Tic Tak Toe . Teams take turns to choose a verb and say what the past
simple and the past participle are and how they are spelt - eg. Eat -ate - eaten. Only
the captain can answer the questions (after consulting with the rest of the team.) If
the team answers correctly, they 'win' the box in the grid and you shade it the
appropriate colour (red or blue). If the team answers incorrectly, the other team can
try answering a 'rebound' question. The first team to win three boxes in a row (in
any direction), wins the game.

Presenting the grammar (10 minutes)

Aim: to present grammatical pattern in the context

Read the dialogue. Ask and answer the same question working with your partner.


A: You look different. Have you been on holiday again ?

B: Yes, I've just got back from Italy.

A: Really? But you've been on holiday five times this year!

Teacher explains the rules of using present perfect and the process of its formation
using the information below with the help of TV/laptop.

Practice ( 5 minutes)

Aim: to show the difference between completed and still on-going action

Students individually complete the exercise below, and then check their answers
comparing them to the answers of their partners.

Choose the correct variant.

Kahoot ( 5 min)

Aim: to practice tense formation rules

Students work in two teams. They will play the game on kahoot based on the
present perfect.
Question – answer practice ( 5 min)

Aim: to develop communicative skills using the grammar pattern

Brainstorm a list of about 10 countries and write them on the board. Choose a
country from the list and ask a student Have you ever been to (Mexico)? The
student answers Yes I have, or No, I haven't. Continue asking different students
until somebody answers Yes, I have. Then ask When did you go? Elicit a simple
answer - e.g. I went in 2008, I went last year etc. Repeat this a few times with
different countries and different students. Repeat the activity a few times using
open pairs. Each time nominate one student to ask the question (Have you ever
been to....?) and one student to answer. The rest of the class listens.


Aim: The students write a paragraph in a less-controlled way using the present

perfect tense with the function they have learned in this lesson.

Students are encouraged to write a paragraph using the present perfect to describe
actions that they have started in the past and they are still doing in the present. It
could be about their present hobbies, jobs, studies, etc.
Then, students will pick the activity they prefer the most and share it with the
class. The other students give feedback explaining if they have also done the same
or not, how often they do it, when they started it, etc. They may use the simple past
as well as the simple present if necessary.

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