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Name of Learner: __________________________________ Grade Level: ___________________

Section: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________________


I. Introduction

In your previous lesson, you were able to judge the relevance and worth of ideas,
soundness of author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness of a presentation. Learning this
skill helps you develop a sound framework to test your arguments and enrich your
points of view.
To further enhance your skill, this week’s lesson still focuses on giving judgment
on the relevance of ideas and author’s reasoning. Various activities are provided in this
learning activity sheet to hone your skill in giving judgment and become a critical reader.

II. Learning Competency

Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and the
effectiveness of the presentation. EN9RC-IVg-2.22

III. Objectives

At the end of this lesson, students are expected to:

1. read and analyze the given text;
2. use own judgment to decide whether the given statement is true or not; and
3. validate author’s reasoning.

IV. Discussion

The judgment of ideas, points of view, and arguments presented in texts and other
platforms are important for students’ growth as independent thinkers. Learning how to
analyze the relevance and worth of ideas and author’s reasoning helps you develop a
sound framework to test your arguments and enrich your points of view.
Moreover, it is through sound judgment that students can distinguish among
challenging claims for truth and determine which arguments and points of view they can
trust and those of which they should be skeptical, especially when they view and/or
listen to the information in the internet and other technological advancement.
To exercise your judgment in terms of relevance/worth of ideas and soundness of
author’s reasoning, read the news article presented below and answer the activities that

Conversion, renewal
Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle challenged government leaders
involved in the anomalies to undergo conversion and renewal.
“There is corruption everywhere. If proven, there should be conversion from those who
committed it,” Tagle said over Radio Veritas.

The cardinal earlier said that the pork barrel scam was a form of injustice, saying that
“instead of giving what is due to others and to the country, resources are being denied
from them.”
“We do not only lack love for others but we also lack a sense of justice,” he said
during the Caritas Manila’s Generosity Conference on Sunday.
Tagle called on Filipinos to turn their back from greed by “letting the values of
fairness and generosity reign in their lives.”

V. Activities

A. Relating the Truth

Directions: Fill-out the table below of facts mentioned in the text. Write your answer on
your paper.

The Issue The Speaker’s The Problem The Proposed

Stand Solution


B. Judging the Worth of Ideas

Directions: Statements below were taken from the news article presented earlier. Use
your judgement and decide whether each statement is true or not. Provide a clear
explanation for your answer.

1. “The pork barrel scam was a form of injustice.”


2. “There is corruption everywhere.”


3. “We do not only lack love for others but we also lack a sense of justice.”

C. Use Your Judgment

Directions: Express your answer to the following questions through a paragraph with
five-seven sentences. Your answer will be graded based on the given rubric.

Do you agree with the speaker that government leaders involved in the anomalies should
undergo conversion and renewal? What do you think are the bases of the speaker in
arriving to this conclusion? Is his reasoning valid or not? Was it effective enough to
convince you to believe in his argument? Support your answer with clear explanations.

VI. Assessment
Directions: Read the text below and accomplish the tasks that follow.
A study of how materialism and consumerism undermine our quality of life.
In The High Price of Materialism, Tim Kasser offers a scientific explanation of how our
contemporary culture of consumerism and materialism affects our everyday
happiness and psychological health. Other writers have shown that once we have
sufficient food, shelter, and clothing, further material gains do little to improve our
well-being. Kasser goes beyond these findings to investigate how people’s materialistic
desires relate to their well-being. He shows that people whose values center on the
accumulation of wealth or material possessions face a greater risk of unhappiness,
including anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and problems with intimacy—
regardless of age, income, or culture.
Drawing on a decade’s worth of empirical data, Kasser examines what happens when
we organize our lives around materialistic pursuits. He looks at the effects on our
internal experience and interpersonal relationships, as well as on our communities
and the world at large. He shows that materialistic values actually undermine our
well-being, as they perpetuate feelings of insecurity, weaken the ties that bind us,
and make us feel less free.
A. Directions: Answer the following questions briefly but substantially.
1. What is the issue presented in the text?
2. Is the thesis (point to be made) clearly and directly stated? What is the thesis
3. Are facts provided as evidence?
4. Is the reasoning sound and logical?
5. Do you agree with the author’s argument? Why?

B. Directions: Use the graphic organizer below to judge the text in terms of: relevance
and worth of ideas, author’s reasoning, and effectiveness.

Relevance and Worth of

(Are the ideas presented
related to the thesis

Author’s Reasoning Effectiveness

(Are facts/statements (Does the author succeed in
provided as evidence persuading you to accept his
enough to support author’s argument?)

VII. Reflection
Directions: Express your insights/realization about this lesson by completing the
paragraph below.

My journey through this lesson made me realized that…

VIII. References

Almonte,, A Journey through Anglo-American Literature, Learner’s Material

for English, Quezon City, Vibal Group, Inc., 2014, pp.538-540.

Prepared by:

Teacher I
Kapalangan NHS

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

IX. Key to Correction

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