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Marketing communication program

Every journey of recovery is a memorable story. It may not be easy but it reminds you to
enjoy the greatest time in your life. Pacific Airline would love to be a partner in your
“The journey of recovery”
Recover journey is a non- bacteria flight. We believe all the passengers have been going
through a difficult time and our crew is delighted to be here with you to fight the
pandemic. Journey to recovery is an all-inclusive flight with the best staff and best
service to encourage our passengers to experience a safe flight to ensure their health.
Marketing tools:
To raise customer attention and increase sales, our team combine 4 tools including PR,
Internet Marketing, Advertising and Sale Promotion. Each tool has different functions
with the following strategy:
 PR:
In the early stages, Pacific Airline will participate in and support the fight against the
epidemic during a difficult period in Vietnam, build a good brand image for the
community, contribute to the prevention and protection of public health through the
following support programs:
- Register for free domestic vaccine delivery.
- Donate 500.000.000 vnd for covid vaccine fund.
- Support free flights for medical teams to epidemic areas.
 Internet Marketing:
Consumers are increasingly turning to the Internet for their buying decisions. This makes
Internet Marketing more important than ever before. To carry out the preliminary price
and product research, consumers tend to search on mobile Internet and social media
before making their final purchasing decisions. Through regular, affordable customized
communication, we can build relationships with prospects and clients with Internet
marketing. Hence, we use this tool to build our brand awareness as well as stimulate
purchasing for customers.
- Update website content: Improving the website not only optimizes the number of
customers looking for product information but also shows the prestige of the business in
the process of satisfying customers in terms of searching and service experience.
First, our website will launch the new campaign (show detailed information for customer
on website):

Second, the website will show information about sale promotion and the image go along
with the update price:

- Fanpage: will orient content with different posts per day on three topics to attract
customers' attention and thereby stimulate customer demand.

 Topic 1: post covid situation, trending news.

 Topic 2: Entertainment and experience, share tips on the check-in process done
during the booking process for an efficient flight.
 Topic 3: Interactives, minigame/ contest, event, discount.

- FB ads:
 Post ads: Conducting advertising post contest, minigame
 Banner ads: promotion announcement to stimulate buying tickets.
Link from the banner leads directly to the website.
- Google ads:
Objective Introducing brand, promotion announcement, creating brand
awareness and stimulate purchasing for target customers.
Target customer Customers do not or intend to buy tickets.
Key words “may bay gia re”, “may bay Viet Nam”
Title 1 Pacific Airline
Title 2 Niem vui cat canh
Link /khuyenmai
Description Nhanh tay so huu gia ve sieu hap dan ngay hom nay

- Links to flight booking websites: Booking tickets through agents will still be the first
choice of companies that regularly use air ticket services. Therefore, pacific airline tickets
should be sold online through agents such as, Traveloka, Vietnambooking,ect.

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