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Q1.Discuss the various measures that are taken during demolition for ensuring safety.

A1. Demolition is the dismantling, razing, destroying or wrecking of any building or structure or any part

Precautions before and during demolition shall be as follows:

1. Precautions must be taken before and during demolition in accordance with AS2601-2001, ‘The
Demolition of Structures’.

2. The demolition shall not be commenced until precautionary measures have been inspected and
approved. It is advisable to inform adjoining neighbours prior to the demolition so that they may close
windows or take other measures.

3. Before demolition is commenced and also during the progress of such work, all electric cables or
apparatus which are liable to be a source of danger, other than a cable or apparatus used for the
demolition works shall be disconnected.

4. During the progress of demolition, the work shall be under the continuous supervision of the
demolisher or of an experienced foreman.

5. Unless otherwise expressly approved, demolition shall be executed storey by storey commencing at
the roof and working downward.

6. All practicable precautions shall be taken to avoid danger from collapse of a building when any part
of a framed or partly framed building is removed.

7. Any asbestos present on the site should be removed in accordance with the Occupational Health and
Safety (Asbestos) Regulations 2003 by an approved asbestos removal registered by the Victorian Work
Cover Authority.

8. When the demolition site adjoins a street or public walkway, a 2.4 meter high solid hoarding shall be
erected on the street boundary unless the building is setback at least twice its height from the street
boundary, in which case a security fence having a minimum height of 1.5 meters may be utilized. Notices
lettered in accordance with AS1319, displaying the words “WARNING DEMOLITION IN PROGRESS” to be
fixed to the hoarding or security fence.

9. When the site adjoins a footpath or public thoroughfare in addition to hoarding required by Clause of AS2601-2001, the footpath shall be covered by an overhead protective structure unless the
vertical height above the footpath is less than four meters or the least horizontal distance between
footpath and the nearest part of the structure is greater than half the height of the structure. (It should
be noted that Regulation 604(4) requires the consent and report of the Relevant Council be obtained
before a building permit is issued which requires the erection of safety precautions over the road

10. Demolished material shall not be allowed to remain on any floor or structure if the weight of the
material exceeds the safe carrying capacity of the floor or structure and such material shall be so piled
or stacked that it will not endanger workmen or other persons, and shall be removed as soon as
practicable from the site unless otherwise authorized by the Building Surveyor.

11. Dust creating material, unless thoroughly dampened shall not be thrown or dropped from the
building but shall be lowered by hoisting apparatus or removed by material chutes.

12. Chutes shall be completely enclosed and a danger sign shall be placed at the discharge end of every

13. No part of any external wall on or within three meters of a street alignment shall be pulled down
except during the hours of 7.00am-6.00pm M-F or 9.00am-6.00pm weekends and public holidays, unless
directed by the Building Surveyor.

14. No wall, chimney or other structure or part of a structure shall be left unattended or unsupported in
such a condition that it may collapse due to wind or vibration or otherwise become dangerous.

15. Protective outriggers shall be installed where necessary to guard against danger to life or property
or when required by the Building Surveyor.

16. Upon completion of the work, notification shall be given to the Building Surveyor that the work has
been completed satisfactorily.

17. No bulk excavation or leveling of the site forms part of this demolition permit.

Q2. Discuss the various stakeholders in construction project and their perceptions about quality in the
context of needs & expectations.


GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS - It achieves our policy objectives which are no cost and no risks to
government, the industry created promotes growth under their own stem within a community that is
able to sustain the development and make money out of it by leasing and selling of the land. There is
also political element to it. If the projects don’t stake up there will be political as well as financial
embarrassment. Balance between economic and green sustainability. They can’t be dealt with in
isolation. The construction performance has minimal impact on Economic/ Finance, Political &
Institutional, Environment, Community, Social, Cultural, Health & Safety, Public & Community
Expectation. 337 environment, when it achieves the safety and access objectives.
FINANCIER/ BANK - It achieves economic and financial objectives set and at the same time, it achieves
environmental objectives established. It is economic and environmental sustainability. Some people use
financial viability instead of sustainability. Financial sustainability means a project with its own cash flow
such as toll road. Economic/Finance, Political & Institutional.

ENVIRONMENTALIST - Sustainability is a state that can be maintained at a certain level indefinitely. In

environmental usage, it refers to the longevity of vital human ecological support systems, such as the
planet's climatic system, systems of agriculture, industry, forestry, fisheries, and human communities. To
me, it's about effective and efficient use of resources and to leave enough resources for future
generation - the concept of intergenerational equity. Environment, Community, Health & Safety,
Resource Utilization & Management, Community.

COMMUNITY - It’s about maintaining the current situation but I would like to see some enhancing as
well whether it has to do with environment, community and social aspect of sustainability. From
communication point of view – ensuring community can survive. Not destroying our environment,
maintaining habitat and all the environmental component of it. Community, Environment, Social,
Cultural, Health & Safety.

CONTRACTOR - Sustainability is the same as making profits. Sustainability is sustaining profits because
that’s all it’s about. Sustainability is re-use of products or materials for the longterm use of a project.
Building a project in the right location, for the right people, for the right outcomes and using right
method. So planning, planning and planning. To produce environmental, social, economic (and probably
others) impacts that are acceptable to my customer and stakeholders. Economic, Enterprise
Development, Resource Utilization & Management, Project Management, Health & Safety, Community,

DESIGNER - Innovative design that is flexible, able to cater for change, long lasting with low
maintenance. Environment, Resource Utilization & Management, Health & Safety, Community,

ENGINEER - From a hard engineering perspective, sustainability is about low maintenance, whole of life
costing and value for money that your product will last for a long period. I am talking more on physical
material sense, sustainability also means that products that you used are robust in terms of fitness of
purpose." Engineering, Economic, Resource Utilization & Management, Health & Safety, Project

PROJECT MANAGER - It delivers for our community a functional project or facility that fits for purpose
and ensures that the environmental aspects of the location are not diminished and delivers social
outcomes to the community that enhances and benefits society in ways other than simple functionality.
In order words, it’s delivery against the broad definitions of TBL. Engineering, Environment, Resource
Utilization & Management, Health & Safety, Project Management.

TOWN PLANNER - Sustainability is about integrating land use (land, water and air) planning and
transport planning in a wise and conservative Political & Institutional, Environment, 338 manner to the
environment so that we have a sustainable outcome. Economic, Community, Social, Cultural, Health &
Safety, Community.

CULTURAL HERITAGE - Ensuring historical features remain after project completion or if need to be
impacted the impact is minimized. Cultural, Social, Community

Q3. Explain the difference between verification and validation giving examples of each, in the context of
quality control and quality assurance.


■ Validation. The assurance that a product, service, or system meets the needs of the customer
and other identified stakeholders. It often involves acceptance and suitability with external
customers. Contrast with verification.

■ Validation is an extremely subjective process. It involves making subjective assessments of how

well the (proposed) system addresses a real-world need. Validation includes activities such as
requirements modeling, prototyping and user evaluation.

■ Verification. The evaluation of whether or not a product, service, or system complies with a
regulation, requirement, specification, or imposed condition. It is often an internal process.
Contrast with validation."

■ Verification includes all the activities associated with the producing high quality software:
testing, inspection, design analysis, specification analysis, and so on. It is a relatively
objective  process, in that if the various products and documents are expressed precisely enough,
no subjective judgements should be needed in order to verify software.

■ Validation = "Are you building the right thing?“

■ Verification = "Are you building it right?“

■ "Building the right thing“ = User's needs

■ “Building it right" = Specifications are correctly implemented by the system.


■ System Process Product Input Process Output

■ Identify suitable stages Master Checklist

■ Identify suitable milestones, checkpoints Design stage

■ Identify nature of check – who, what, when, how Specification stage

■ Identify reporting protocol Verification

■ Identify CAPA Construction stage

■ Identify confirmation Validation

Verification Validation

■ Technical review Unit testing

■ Business review Integration testing

■ Management review System testing

■ Acceptance testing


In a traditional phased software lifecycle, verification is often taken to mean checking that the products
of each phase satisfy the requirements of the previous phase. Validation is relegated to just the begining
and ending of the project: requirements analysis and acceptance testing. This view is common in many
software engineering textbooks, and is misguided. It assumes that the customer’s requirements can be
captured completely at the start of a project, and that those requirements will not change while the
software is being developed. In practice, the requirements change throughout a project, partly in
reaction to the project itself: the development of new software makes new things possible. Therefore
both validation and verification are needed throughout the lifecycle.
Q4. Discuss any QC tools in detail with suitable examples.


Ishikawa diagrams are causal diagrams created by Kaoru Ishikawa that show the causes of a specific
event. Common uses of the Ishikawa diagram are product design and quality defect prevention to
identify potential factors causing an overall effect. Each cause or reason for imperfection is a source of

 Highly visual brainstorming tool which can spark further examples of root causes
 Quickly identify if the root cause is found multiple times in the same or different causal tree
 Allows one to see all causes simultaneously
 Good visualization for presenting issues to stakeholders

 Complex defects might yield a lot of causes which might become visually cluttering
 Interrelationships between causes are not easily identifiable .

A Pareto chart, named after Vilfredo Pareto, is a type of chart that contains both bars and a line graph,
where individual values are represented in descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is
represented by the line.
The left vertical axis is the frequency of occurrence, but it can alternatively represent cost or another
important unit of measure. The right vertical axis is the cumulative percentage of the total number of
occurrences, total cost, or total of the particular unit of measure. Because the values are in decreasing
order, the cumulative function is a concave function.
A Pareto chart is a bar graph. The lengths of the bars represent frequency or cost (time or money), and
are arranged with longest bars on the left and the shortest to the right.


 When analyzing data about the frequency of problems or causes in a process.

 When there are many problems or causes and you want to focus on the most significant.
 When analyzing broad causes by looking at their specific components.
 When communicating with others about your data.


Example 1 shows how many customer complaints were received in each of five categories.

Example 2 takes the largest category, “documents,” from Example 1, breaks it down into six categories
of document-related complaints, and shows cumulative values.

If all complaints cause equal distress to the customer, working on eliminating document-related
complaints would have the most impact, and of those, working on quality certificates should be most
Q5. What is quality cost? Explain how good quality costs less than poor quality.

A5. Cost of quality (COQ) is defined as a methodology that allows an organization to determine the
extent to which its resources are used for activities that prevent poor quality, that appraise the quality
of the organization’s products or services, and that result from internal and external failures. Having
such information allows an organization to determine the potential savings to be gained by
implementing process improvements.

Cost of poor quality (COPQ) is defined as the costs associated with providing poor quality products or
services. There are four categories:

 Internal failure costs are costs associated with defects found before the customer receives the
product or service.
 External failure costs are costs associated with defects found after the customer receives the
product or service.
 Appraisal costs are costs incurred to determine the degree of conformance to quality
 Prevention costs are costs incurred to keep failure and appraisal costs to a minimum.

Quality-related activities that incur costs may be divided into prevention costs, appraisal costs, and
internal and external failure costs.

Costs of Good Quality

The costs of good quality are broadly broken down into prevention costs and appraisal costs. Prevention
costs include things like:

 Quality management and programs.

 QMS Software.

 Process control.

 Employee training.

 Design reviews.

Appraisal costs include activities such as:

 Inspection and testing.

 Equipment monitoring.

 Audits.

Costs of Poor Quality

The cost of poor quality (COPQ) are broken down into two categories, internal failure costs and external
failure costs.
1. Internal failure costs are those discovered before they reach the customer, including:

 Scrap and rework costs.

 Productivity costs.

 Material replacement costs.

2. External failure costs are those that reach customers. Ultimately, these errors cost 5 times more to fix
than when companies catch them internally. External failure costs include:

 Customer complaint handling.

 Warranty claims.

 Return costs.

 Regulatory fines and penalties.

 Less tangible costs like brand damage and loss of customers.

Q6. Explain the importance of safety in construction with examples of poor safety on site.

A6. Construction is one of the areas of employment where hazardous conditions are part of the
everyday working environment. Safety is important in construction because of the many risks to
worker health. When construction workers report to the job site, their employers are legally
accountable for worker injuries. In order to protect the workers and the employers, managers and
workers must follow uniform safety procedures so that everyone is safe. A breakdown in adherence to
safety procedures can result in worker injury and even death.

Here are 5 indicators that your organisations safety culture is dysfunctional:

Poor Incident/accident reporting, investigation and analysis-Many incidents go unreported.

Investigation only takes place after a serious accident. Analysis doesn’t consider human factors or go
beyond legal requirements. Protect the company and its profits is the mantra.

Management blames individuals for accidents-Individuals are blamed, and it is believed that
accidents and injuries are a part of the job. Responsibility for accidents is seen as belonging to
those directly involved.

No Balance between safety and profitability-Profitability is the only concern in the

organisation. Health and safety is seen as a cost, and the only priority is to avoid extra costs.

Feedback loop is not closed after an accident-Following an accident the focus is on the
employee, and they are often disciplined. The priority is to limit damage and get back to

Poor communication of safety issues with the workforce-Management is not interested except
to tell workers not to complain or cause problems.

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