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MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER, “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IEE, REVIEW" REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination ‘Sunday, March 13, 2016 2:00 PM- 6:00 PM. HL be 6, Sets WE INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the folowing questions. Merk only one answer for each ‘tom by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 oniy. (MULTIPLE CHOICE: 4. Commercially used pressure measuring device today is ‘®@Bourdon tube gauge 8 Manometar ©. Kelvin gauge D. Barometer 2. Such as vehicle washing areas classified as @Wet location 'B. Dry location ..Damp location —_D. Moist location 3, What refers to a system in which there is a flow of mass across its boundries? ®pOpen system B. Closed sysiem ——C. Isolated system =. Steady flow system 4. BIOS stands for ‘A Basic input Output Society C. Base input Output Society @ Basic Input Outout System Base input Output System 5. The minimum diameter of a stainless steel grounding electrode is A-10mm 812mm 14mm © 16mm 6. Two balls are thrown from the root of a building with the same initial speed. One is thrown horizontally while the other is thrown at an angle of 20 degrees above the horizontal. Which his the ground with the greatest ‘speed? Ignore air resistance. ‘A The one thrown horizontally BB. The one thrown at 20 degrees They hit the ground with the same speed ‘The answer cannot be determined with the given information x S is a type of? system software B. operating system C. application sofware . system architecture 8. Whois not a member of the Board of EE? A. Francis V. Mapile |Gregorio T. Cayetano B. Fortunato C. Leynes Jaime V. Mendoza 8. The ampaity of the fuse should be 125% ofthe continuous load current is covered by instalation design . manufacturing design wiring design . construction design 10. What is a coal that has been previously burned in an oxygen-poor environment? A Tuyere Coke C. Diamond D. Hematite 11. A 40-kg boy walks on @ 60-kg log with the speed of 1.5 m/s. What is the speed of the log with respect to the shore? ims " > B.0.36 mis C.0.4 ms D.0.6ms 12, The shape of the bending moment diagram over the length of a beam, carrying @ uniformly cistibuted load is a aoe ae Sabla Dome oe de 13, Motors must be labelled with the folowing nameplate rating, manufacturer's name and etc, This is @ mantacurrg eo CC. wiring design le construction rule installation rule 414, What is CPE in RA 7920 stands for? ‘A Continuous Professional Education = G. Continuous Professional Educator © Continuing Professional Education D. Continuing Professional Educator 15. Which of the following is not a part of the requirements to take RME? ‘A. Taken 1-year electrician’s course and 3-years apprenticaship B. Taken 2-years electrician's course and 2-years apprenticeship C. Taken 3-years of BSEE with apprenticeship (B)Graduate of BSEE MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER Gap) “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN E.E. REVIEW” REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Sunday, March 13, 2016 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM 46. A thin homogeneous metallic plate containing @ hole is heated sufficiently to cause expansion. If the ‘costficient of surface expansion is linear, the area of the hte will ‘A. Increase at twice the rate as the area of the metal increases: Increases as the same rate as the area of the metal increases Stay the same D Decrease at the same rate as the area of the metal decreases. 17. Calculate @e volume (in Mer) of 22.00 M solution containing 4.22 mol of solute. A012 8.047 C12 O21 48. When an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts on the first @ force of the same ‘magnitude but in the opposite direction. This law known as: ‘A. Newton's First law of Motion Newton's Third law of Motion B. Newton's Second law of Motion ‘None of these 19. Which of the following is Charte's law? AVEKX UP 8. PyT, = Pat ©. PV=mRT Ovr=k 20. Which ofthe following is the ideal gas law? AMIT=k B, PyTs = Palla ©pv= mer D.V=kxUP 21. FTTH means ‘A Flexble To The House: Fiber To The Home B. Flexible To The Home Fiber To The House 22. A device used in thermal power plant to reduce air pollution? ‘A Pulverizer © Precipitator ©. Disuifurizer D. Chimney 23. What are elements that have properties intermediate between metals and nor-metais? ‘A Gases B. Solids ‘©WMetaloids D. Liquids 24, What is the primary purpose of PEC? ‘A.to serve as guide for the untrained personne! Bis to conserve electrical energy is the practical safeguarding of persons and property 10 serve as manual guide for design 25, The primary winding of step-up transformer 24016000 V has 150 tums. The secondary winding has how ‘tums’ 3750 B. 4000 c. 3500 , 4250 26, Whal is the effective annual interest rate on a ioan if the nominal interest rate is 12 percent per year compounded quarterly? A.11.75 percent B. 12 percent 6.12.25 percent: (0) 12.55 percent 27. An investment of $350,000 is made to be followed by payments of $200,000 each year for three years. What is the annual rate of return on investment for this payment? 7A 15 percent se percent C417 percent 0.7.4 pocent 28. Vertical clearance from ground. Service-drop conductors where not in excess of 600 volts, nominal shall have the minimum clearance from final grade of ___over residential property and driveways, and those ‘commercial areas not subject to truck traffic where the voltage does not exceed 300 volts to ground. ‘A.3100 mm (©3700 mm (C. 4600 mm 'D. 5500 mm 28. When the circuit breakers are installed in enciosed swilchboards, they are usually derated to @ certain percentage. What is this percentage? ‘A 60 percent 8.50 percent © 20 percent D.70 percent 30. A.user has to download 800 KB file using 28.8 kmodem. How long will the ie be downloaded? ‘A32min 8.36 min (©87 min 39min 31. Vinegar is solution of HzO and what acid? ‘A sulfuric acid @ acetic acid phosphoric acid D. nitric acid 32. What isthe other term for storing data in a memory? ‘A reading B. loading ©. memorizing Ownting REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination ‘Sunday, March 13, 2016 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM 233, Whats the common input device? ‘A speaker @reyeoerd © mouse Leo ‘34, Subtract (1010) base 2 from (20) base 8. Express the answer in decimal. AT as C4 os 35. The ability of the surface of material to reflect light is called ‘A creep 8. mallabity Ouse D. ductity 26, The mole is a besic unit of measurement in chemistry. Which ofthe following is not equal to or the same as cone mole ofthe substance indicated? A 22.4 liters of nitrogen gas at STP 8. 6.02x10" oxygen molecules C. 1g of hydrogen atoms © 16g of caygen molecules 37 The pais ofa paral plate capactor are 10 cm square and 10: apart. Finis capactanca A TB pF B98 pF .67 pF O89 pF 38, The process of outsmarting the search engine. ‘A. Google Footing Search Engine Optimization BB Rank Enhancement . Search Engine Hacking 38. A particle is moving with its acceleration parale to velocity. What isthe direction ofthe partic A Circle @linear C. Parabolic D. Never 40, Find the depth ofthe water having a pressure of 1.01x105 kPa at the bottom. (2o=1000 ko/eu. m.) 12,400 m 8.9,800m ©10,300m 11,200 m 41. A device produces 37.5 J per cycle. There is one power stroke per cycle. Calculate the power output if the device is run at 45 rpm? ‘A 14.083 W 8 469w ©.27.56W ©2815 42. The velocity ofthe object changes from 20 mph to 90 mph. Find the ratio ofthe kinetic energy @9 Bx8 ce 0.6 43. What do you call the kind of wire used to bind the service drop to the service point? ‘A Joint wire B. Splice wire Tie wire D. None of these ‘4, wat device used to measure fi elias wl he velocty of ui inside pipe? ‘A. Barometer OPitot tube ©. Hydrometer D. Thermometer 45. The Board of Electrical Engineering is composed of one chairman and how many members? ®2 B3 C4 D5 46, The term “Thermodynamics” comes from the Greek words “Therme” and "Dynami" which means ‘@reat. power ‘Bhat, motion Cheat, transfor ——_—D. heat, energy 47. An abject moving ina circle ata constant speed has an acceleration that ‘Ain the direction of motion (C. away from the center ofthe circle @toward the center ofthe circie D zero 48. Which of the folowing is the basic equation of accounting? \Assets= Liability + Owner's equity Liabilty= Assets + Owner's equity C. Owners equity= Assets + Liability D. Owners equity= Liability + Assets standing on a bathroom scale in an elevator. In which of these situations must the scale read the ‘samg as when the elevator is at rest? “@iwonngip ot contr spss ‘Moving up with increasing speed ‘C. Moving down with increasing speed . In free fall (after the elevator cable has snapped) 49. You 50, A steel rod of circular cross-section of diameter d = 1.25 in. isto carry a tensile load P = 5 kips. Find the maximum shearing stress in the rod. ‘A407 ho ©2.04 nat 49 hel 0. 4.27 not MUL IIVEUIUR RE Vicw arnw sr “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN E.E. REVIEW" Manila REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Sunday, March 13, 2016 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM 51, What is another torm for “acid-test ration? (@ Quick ratio 'B. Price-earning ratio. Current ratio D. Profit margin ratio 52, Whatisfroe per unt area? j ‘A work 8. eneray Opressure . power 153, What principle behind in a hydraulic brake of the automobile? ‘A’ Archimedes’ principle C. Stoke's prncipie 8 Bemoul’s prneipie Pascal's princiolo 54, The measure of randomness oF disorder Is known as the ®enrovy 8. enthalpy Tenecay D, nest 55, Applicants for repistered master electrian’s examination must be atleast _ years of ape. 0 B10 ©.20 D2 56. Which of the following is nol @ part of the requirements to take REE examination? ‘A He is a ctizen of the Philippines. He is at least twenty-one (21) years of age. ‘© He is of good reputation with low moral values. 'D. He has rot been finally convicted by the court of an offense involving moral turpitude. 657, if refrigerator is let open in a closed room, what will happen to the room temperature? ‘A room will get cold B. nothing happens Othe room will gradually increase in temperature 1D. the room will slightly decrease in temperature 58. fa refrigerator uses 7.5 kJ to cool 2 1 kJ input. What was the heat transferred tothe kitchen? Atk B2kd C.OSK) O250 159, Find the amount of money you have to deposit in order to accumulate P1,500 per quarter for 10 years with an interest rate of 12% compounded quartery. A Pa.968.71 3 Pa 59071 Ovrusr2i6 D. P96.472.16 60. Find the equivalent annual rate of interest of 8% compounded quarterly. ABA2% ©824% C.6.46% D. 6.64% 61. Find the equivalent quarter interest of 8.5% annual rate. A BA2% B. 8.24% C.212% 2.06% 2. A motorcycle is moving in a semi-circular hill with 10-m radius of curvature, What should be the maximum velocity to prevent airboume? ‘A102 misec B. 6.3 mvisec ©. 8.7 msec. © 9.9 msec 63. Process of posting latitude and longitude to pictures and images. ‘A Podcasting ‘©)Geotegging C. Flagging D. Posting GA. An eocelator raises 100 kg bucket of sand 10 m in 1 minute. Determine the total amount of work dene during the process. @ve00 8, 32200 ©. 102 D.98 65. Aprice tag of P1450 is paid in 70 days, but i paid within 35 days i wil have a § percent discount. Find the rate of interest, ‘A. 52 percent 1B. 15 percent ©54 percent 1.36 percent 166. An ice with mass of 0.9 kg is freely lating in water. Find the buoyant force experience by the ice. ATBN @ss2n .102N D.864N 67. The process of detecting, locating and correcting logic errors in @ program. ‘A compiling 8. reading C. deleting © sedugding 68. In any colision, which ofthe folowing is conserved ‘A kinelic energy B. velocity ©romentum D. potential eneray 169, A manometer is used to measure? ‘A positive pressure C. atmospheric pressure B. negative pressure © positive as wall as negative pressures MUVLINIVEVCIUN NEVIEW ANY INAINING VENIECN Ness i “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN EE. REVIEW" /5 Manila ase REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination ‘Sunday, March 13, 2016 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM 70. The maximum bending moment in a cantlevr of span caring aD. of intensity w pt ut angth is Aw! Ow D.wi78 71. The. ‘of mixing clay, water and other ingredients to make brick is known as kneading B. moulding ©. pugging D. drying 72. Jeff regularly buys 18 gallons of gas, but the gas station has installed new pumps that are measured in iters. How many liters of gas (rounded off to a whole number) should he ask for? 98 3.58 C86 Ov 73, eae @ 10 dyme 8.10" ayn. 10 dyno 2.10" ane 74, Otto yal is also known as 'A Constant pressure cycle ©. Constant temperature cycle © Constant volume cycle . Constant enropy cycle 75, Whats the most common alloying ‘A Iron . Lithium . Magnesium 76. A ca going 85 koh ona straight road is brought ner to sop in 10s. How fer does the car travel during at ime? A90m B. 100m @O120m b.110m 77. Which of the following conductors is not applicable on wet locations? ®Type THHN B. Type THW C. Type RHW D. Type THWN 78. Which characteristic of wave chenges as the wave travels across @ boundary between two different media? ‘A frequency B. period C. phase Ospeca 79. For office buildings, a general lighting oad of_ VA/m* shall be used. Ne B16 24 Oz 80. The platter of the hard drive of a computer rotates at 7200 rpm. If the reading head of the drive is located 3.00.cm from the rotation axis, what isthe linear speed ofthe point on the platter just below i? ®@zsEms 8.262 mis C189 ms 0.19.8 ms 81. A market situation where there is only one seller with many buyers. @)Monopoly 8 Monopsony ©. Oligopoly D. Otigopsony £82. Study of motion with reference tothe force which causes the motion A kinematics Okinetics © statics D. dynamics ‘83. A man who won P300,000 in a lottery decided to place 50 percent of his winnings in a trust fund for the college education of his son. If the money earn 14 percent a year compounded quarterly, how much will the ‘man have at the end of 10 years, when his will starting his college education? ‘A. P593,467.98 B. P682, 456.96 (© P593,888.96 D. P375:958,75 £84. In RA 7920, section 23 of article Ii: Issuance of Cerficates of Registration. The professional is required to "erm canes evry "years upon payment of regain fos aA ©3 D6 85, Water flows from a reservoir with an elevation of 25 m out @ short pipe that contains a turbine to produce power. The exits at an elevation of 5 m. Ifthe flow rate is 0.01 m/s, the maximum power output is nearest. ‘1960 8. 2430W 2560 W 0.3480 £6. Its the ratio ofthe ultimate stress tothe allowable stress. ‘A. proportionally constant B. strain ©. bulk modulus @)factor of safoty 87. What s the entropy of a pure substance at a temperature of absolute zero? ‘A Unity ‘©zero ©. Infinity D. Undefined £88. Which ofthe following closely related to dAlembert's theorem? "A. Newton's frst law of motion . Newton's third law of motion @)Newion's second jaw of motion . Bemoul’s theorem 89, Whats the energy equivalent of a mass of 1 klogram? Cs A45x 10° @sxt0"s ©.45x107J D.9x 107 MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER “THE een LEADER IN E.E. REVIEW" eo REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination ‘Sunday, March 13, 2016 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM 90. What element is known asthe lightest metal? ‘8 Aluminum B. Manganese ©.Magnosium Qiu 81. The area of the shear diagram of a beam between any two points on the beam is equal to the ‘A change in shear between the two points. B total shear beyond the two points. ‘change in moment between the two points. Change in deftection between the two points. 82. Which element is the best conductor of electricity? ‘A gos ®siver C. copper D. aluminum 83, An automobile uses 100 hp to move at a uniform speed of 60 mph. What isthe thrust force provided by the engine? 530 lot @e2s wt ©. 1100 6 . 1800 tt 94. Litmus paper changes from blue to red when a solution tested is ‘A ablue dye ®anecia C.ared dye D.abese 95, RA 9196 has four sectors, which of the following isnot included? system operation B. supply C. distribution D. generation 96. The radius of gyration ofa circular sagtion of diameter d is : Adie en) cd b.d2 87. Enthelpy of an ideal gas is a function only of A internal energy the product of pressure and specific volume B. pressure )temperature ‘98. A homogeneous round bar of diameter D, length L, and total weight W is hung vertically from one end. if E is the modulus of elasticity, what is the total elongation of the bar? " 2wi cw p.m 3D DPE 2eDtE aE Rose second B.0B2second _©)4.80seconds 12 seconde 100. Its the claim of anyone to ownership, ‘A proprietorship B. ability Oeniy D assets

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