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PAVE FIV Ew PUN TES VUE PAIUEs Bb TPUTCITT WET tI “Tile ESTABLISHED LEADER 1 EE. REVIEW: Gad REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Board Examination Saturday, July 22, 2017 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM HL 40 30 —__. ppal 2087 INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each ofthe folowing questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet Provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencit No. 2 only, MULTIPLE CHOICE: Fob seat Sup: tela. BE ‘The thermodynamic statement ofthe conservation of energy of a system is the Que . second law . third law D. zeroth taw 2. FORGE boaid examination, the passing general average is provided there is no grade below in any of the 3 subjects A-75 percent, 50 percent )70 percent, 50 percent 8.75 percent, 60 percent 70 percent, 60 percent 3. Sec. 23 of Ar Ill of RA 7920: Issuance of Certificate of Registration. The professional is required to renew lcenae every ___ year upon peyment of regitiog foes Aq ©3 D4 Apr. telof pr, 208 4, Find the amount of P30,000 at 6 percent simple interest after 5 yewrs. Came, 8 Pa0,000 ©. P41,000, D.P42,000 ‘anny 5. What ths Covet ey to reach te end of te document? AEnd @eri + End ©. Shitt+ End D. Home 201s [hp 208 dfx eb ne member of th BEE shal hold cic fora tem of __ yar the deo ‘2ppoiniment or unt their successors shall ave been appointed or qualified AB B4 © Ds 1. Wi TEEENG SP m nic eri tow of mass across ts boundries? n system B. Closed system . Isolated system —_D. Steady low system 8 Pete ah oi mt ‘A. Basic Input Output Society . Base input Output Society @peasic input Output System D. Base input Output System , an «. ANthctOhEM? $228 000i mace to be slowed by payments f $20,000 each year fr tree years. Whats the annual rate ofretum on investment for tie payment? 15 percent ©3217 percent 417 percent 57.1 percent are cee, 10. WHat device fused to measure fluid velocity 2s well the velocity of fuid inside a pipe? (ioe B, Hydrometer ‘©Pict tube Pilot tube it edCation' on expression of ‘A concervaton of ees. CC. conservation of momentum. ‘conservation of energy. D. conservation of mass and energy, Fabs fs 12, Meo e LT LAE at okoving narnia ang, ranfaces name ane. Tis nutacturng ule B. constuction rue. wiing design rue Detain re 108 (of uniform cross section is subject to uniaxial tension and develops a strain in the direction of the force 1/800. Calculate the change of volume per unit volume. Assume p = 1/3. 12400 Paces B. 1/2400 (dec) c. 1/1200 (inc) D. 1/1200 (dec) 14, Palsy plottcied lcaions under canopies, marquees, rocfed open porches, and tke ications, and interior locations subject fo moderate degrees of moisture. 1A Wet cation Dry location ‘©)Damp location _D, Malt locaton 5 Ai fe minum ag xa eran obasomeavamber te Board of Eel Ergneotng? AD (35 c.40 Apr: 4: 16. tHe ofan engineering fim wishes to give each of his 50 employees a holiday bonus of P10,000 How much should he invest monthly for a year at 12 percent nominal interest rate to be able to give that onus? Raa 424.39 @pr012420 0. P29.344.03 B= rere eS Manila REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Board Examination Saturday, July 22, 2017 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Fy. EE a ee ne ep ‘magnitude but in the opposite direction. This law is known as: ‘A: Newions Fist aw of Motion Newton's Thcd law of Motion 8, Newon's Second law of Mation None of these 12, Atjaom & Seat decor hats inendonaly grounded \Grounded Conductor C. Equipment Grounding Conductor Soe D. Grounding Electrode Conductor oes a err tr aera carey ADSL B. Dial-up OF D. Broadband wireless 1009 20, Wen ofthese elements haste highest atomic ne? A Tani . Uranium Radium Priam 21. Concurent forces are those forces whose line of action atone point . meet onthe same pane eon the same tne D. none of these 22. A couple produces ‘A combined transiatory and rotational motion _—C. transtatory motion © rotational motion . none of these 23. The rate of doing work is known as B. potential energy -—_C. kinetic energy D. none of these 24. A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 2 m. If there is no loss of velocity after rebounding, the ball will rise to a height of @zm Bim C.3m D.4m 25. The condition of equilibrium or motion of a rigid body remains unchanged ifa force acting at a given point of the rigid body is replaced by a force of same magnitude and direction, but acting at a different point provided thatthe two forces have the same line of action. This statement is known as ‘A. Pappus Propositions ‘C, Parallelogram Law @Principie of Transmissibiity . Varignon's Theorem 26. A baseball is thrown in a horizontal plane following a parabolic path wth an initial velocity of 100 mvs at an ‘angle 30° above horizontal. Solve the distance from the throwing point that the ball attains its original level. A890m @em C858 m 0.820m 27. The property of a material which allows ito be drawn into @ smaler section is called A Plastity ‘© Ductity ©. Elasbiy 1D. Mateabilty 28. When a body is subjected to three mutually perpendicular stresses, of equal intensity, the ratio of direct stress to the corresponding volumetric strain is known as ‘A. Young’s modulus B. Modulus of Rigcty (G)Buk Modulus ©. Poisson's rato 20, A dlagram which shows the variations ofthe axial oad for al sections ofthe span of a beam, is called ‘A. Bending moment ciagram ‘Thrust diagram 3. Shear force diagram Stress diagram 30. The ratio of the lateral strain othe linear strains is A. modulus of elasticity B. modulus of rigidity C. bulk modulus © Poisson's ratio 31. Whats an annuity? A the future worth of a present amount sexes of uniform amounts over a period of tine B. an annual repayment of a loan the present worth ofa future amount 32, Which ofthe folowing closely related to d'Alembet's theorem? A. Newton's first law of motion C. Newton's third law of motion @)Newton's second law of motion . Bemoull’s theorem 58, Accumulate P,000 atthe end of 12 years at an interest ree of 10 percent A prgo1 8 ‘@rreesr cpneriye 0.P1,635.09 REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Board Examination Saturday, July 22, 2017 ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND ALLIED SUBJECTS 34, A train whose speed is 60 mph rounds a curve whose radius of curvature is 484 ft. What is its ‘acceleration? A Tafsec™ Ors sect ©. 14 90500? D. 107msec? 35, Find the maximum shearing stress in a steel shaft of 2” in diameter which transmits 200 horsepower at 875 1pm A 9819.8 psi ©1608 pe ©. 9268.8 pst 0.9619. psi 36. It state that if two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other. ‘A. first law of thermodynamics CC. third law of thermodynamics ©)2erotn law of thermodynamics ©. second law of thermodynamics 37. A fluid mass of 1500 kg occupies 2 cu. m. Peerete Eee) ecomest ats ‘O07 6.030 D.045 38, The opposite of aka OAcic B Base C. Fluid D. Substance 39, The viscosity of uid varies with Oapemin C. density pressure .temperoture and pressure 40, The New Electrical Engineering Law 7820 originated from House BilNo.__& Senate Bil No. 11063 & 1766 B. 11083 8 1870, ¢.110708 1871 D. 11070 8 1875, 41. The Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 7920 was approved under Board Resolution No. __ series of 1995. ate Or cz 0.24 42, The frst metal used by man was A Iron © Copper ©. Gol D. Bronze 43. Article ll of Code of Ethics for Electrical Engineers contains: A'SEC 1108 BISEC 1106 OSEC. 1109 0.80. 1107 44, Article IV, Rule ___. Requirements for examination as a REE. AN B15 Ow D417 “48, Compute the value ofthe shear moduli G of stel whose maulus of elastic Eis 200 GPa and Poisson's ratio pis 0.30. A 72.436 MPa @75.023 MPa ©. 79,698 MPa D. 62,400 MPa 46. A type of annuity where the are made at the start of each period, beginning from the first period A. Ordinary annuity Annuity due C. Deferred annuity ‘D. Perpetuity 47. in elecrochemist oxidation is a1oss of ®electron B. proton °C. ion D. anode 48, The cycle generally used for gas turbines is A.Rankine ele B. Camot cycle C. oto oe Osreyon oye 49. A Camnot engine operates between 800 K and 200 K. If it absorbs & kJ of heat in each cycle, the work it does per cycle is ASK B7ks C.9kd Osw '50. An object weighs 100 Ib in air and 25 Ib in fresh water. Its volume in cubic feet is closest to AA O12 C13 D158 S51. What is PDC stands for in EPIRA? ‘A Philippine Distribution Commission . Philippine Distribution Committee ‘©Philippine Distribution Code D. Philippine Distribution Coordination 52, All (1001) base 2 to 25) bese 8. Express the answer in base 16. C.24 D.34

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