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psmers ee Se Manila REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Tuesday, March 13, 2018 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM #1 bo 25 —— Soph 1009 INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only. MULTIPLE CHOICE: : 1. fRbtemperature of 105 oo aud water 0 degre Ce raises by 1 degree C. Whats eerie comeresaunea ‘A100 cal 8.95 cal ©105 cal “ D.110cal 2. Wife ne folowing are NOT examples of nono memory inthe compute yen? ‘A lash aves @raus ©. Optical disk D. Hard drives 3. Which ofthe folowing classes of mass memory devices used a laser beam to write and read onto a specified coated disk? A’Non-voate memory 8. RAM c.ROM © optical disk memory 20h 4 Find the brincipal amount the amount of interest a the end of two years P 4,000 fora simple interest of {625% per annum. AP 36,000 @P 32,000 ©. P.27,000 D.P.23,000 5. The three moment equation may be used to analyze ‘A an axially end-loaded beam ‘Ge contnuos bean Ba beam loaded atthe third points ‘step tapered column 2089 6. liquid pesticide nas a density of 1.67 gim. Find the mass of the iquid in kg fora full20-L container. A367 B45 326 O34 7. Adfelectrical equipment is purchased at a cost of P 10,000. It has a 10 year life and a salvage value of 500. What is the book value of the equipment after 3 years using straight line depreciation? AP 7.100 BP 7.200 ©P 7.150 3 D.P7,250 Sige. 303 8 THe number 100101 base 2is equivalent to octal A28 O# 37 D.54 8. MP Juan de la Cruz drives 120 km at 100 kmh and 120 km at 90 kmh, What i the average speed of Mi De fa Cruz on this trip in km/h? A935 ‘©%47 58 Dea 10, Wet athe presen wrt of we P 100 payment athe endo be tra foun yars fhe nn weret ates 6%? AP 120 153 c.P 122 C.P 160, 1405} 11, ar acaleraas coun a runway 3.20 mi quate fo 32.8 untl aly sof te round Calculate the distance in meters travelled before takeoff A182.48 @ 1721.34 C. 1,879.36 1,524.80 Sok. 20y, 12. What is @ protective device designed to protect an individual against electric shock? A. Circuit Breaker B.AFCI C. Differential Relay (O)GFCI Soph: 2083 13. Hew is molality’ defined? ‘A the numberof moles of solute in +L of sotuton B, the number of gram-equivalent weights of solute in L of solution Othe number of moles of solute in 1000 g of solvent D. the number of gram-formula weights of solute per liter Sek to 14, Bony electrons ow through aight LED bulb each second the curent trough the lght LED bul is ors? 58x 10%8 B.6.5x10"8 Os7x10%8 D.74x108 2067 15. Ailial basi contained in a vessel of unknown volume a a pressure of 1 stmosphere. The gas is released and alowed to expand into a previously evacuated vessel whove volume ie 0500 L. Once column nas been reached, the temperature remain the same we te reas i recorded ot $00 men mercury Whats te unknown voume V, of heft vessel ner? hia Bt0re Ccoees Oose2 REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Tuesday, March 13, 2018 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND ALLIED SUBJECTS 1 aloe toe amps ery evan ta 0m eyo nary equal fo AP2016 — __B.P2,269 .p 4900 % @p2.130 we 17. Which of the following relationship defines enthalpy? 8 Ah=pveT On= ur oy Ch=u+py Dheutprt co Sf 18. A bicycle tire has a volume of 60 cu cm. tis inflated with CO2 to a pressure of §.4 atm at 20°C. ‘Approximately how many grams of CO2 are contained in the tre? aise eo c.389 0.6.49 19, wate tl ved recover copper fom a soaon of copper spate? ie CHg Fe fpeccoen 4 shag ane 20, Atmore be matt wit ns Chow intrmation: mantecure' name, cated vot, fuboad cure rated frequency, and number of phases. This is alan ‘ule in the Philippine Electrical Code Pant ‘Acconstruction B. wiring design C. instalation Oranutacturing Saft: tot? 2, Fn the present wort of 5 years annuty paying PRP 3,000.0 atthe end ofeach year, with interest at 6% compounded annually. PHP 1247058. (@YPHP 12637.09 —C.PRP12.21585 PHP 14,749.27 Sepk. Uat' 22. Mind Bbrowed P20,00.0 from a bank wt 15% tres per annum, find he tal aunt to be repaid atthe end of two years ANP 24,604.75. 8. P 23,000.00 ©.P 25,720.90 ©P 2645000 = 1/ oF 23. Fist oad ie beeny eruatee tore east eee Aino B 1010 oun D.1011 24, Gaba kn ae nue far ving GO mi and te welt fn care 100g. © = A634 x 10°5 5.5.95 x 108 ©.8.54x 105 5.55 x 10° 2. Taps Prete odin arge rating fr he Kenai exact for Regitered Becta Engineers must be 70% with NO GRADE below in any subjects n Mathematics, ESAS, and Electrical Ergngerng os requred under Secton 190) tA 782, 60% Oso 26. When afore is called a ‘normal force, itis ‘Arthe Usual force expected given the sangement ofa system. Ba force thats perpenaioular to the surface ofthe Earth at any given location. C.a force thal is alvays vertical © a contact force perpendicuar to the contact surtaces between two solid objects 27. Which of the following is usually a temporary connection? A.Bus 8 Te wire Chumper . Feeder 28, Whatis the fow rate through a pipe 4 in diameter carving water a a velocity of 11 sec? ‘A590 cms B.726 cm'ls ©. 19,200 em''s 27,200 ems 29, One kilometer is approximately A2 miles @remie ©.1110 mile D.14 mie 30. What is the resulting pressure when one pound of air at 15 psia and 200 deg F is heated at constant volume to 800 deg F? AM6psia ©286 psia ©.36.4 psia D. 52.1 psia 31. Seo. 4 of At Il states the powers and duties ofthe Board. What does it mean by quasi-judicial powers? ‘A Control B. Evaluation ‘Olnvestigate D. Supervision 32. The continuity equation is an expression of ‘of mass . conservation of momentum ‘conservation of energy 1D. conservation of angular momentum REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Tuesday, March 13, 2018 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND ALLIED SUBJECTS: 33, Vacancies of the Board seat shall be filed by the from list of recommendees selected by ‘the Commissioner who was chosen from the list of nominees submitted by the integrated and accredited association for the unexpired term only. ALIIEE OPresident C. Chairman of the Board D. Commissioner 34, Ina transverse wave, the individual particles of the medium ‘A mive in circles. B. move in elipses. ‘C. move parallel to the direction of the wave's travel ©move perpencicuary to the direction of the wave's travel 35. Which of the following is the other term used for enthalpy-entropy (h-s) diagram? A.Enthalpy diagram — (@)Molier diagram C. Steam diagram D. Entropy chart 36. Ai resistance by launching a 0.5-kg projectile from a level surface. The projectile was launched with a ‘speed of 30 mis at a 40 degree angle to the surface. Approximately what horizontal distance does the Projectile travel before returning to the elevation from which it was launched? (Note: Assume that the effects of arr resistance are negligible) A4Sm B.6Om Ovwm D. 120m 37. Who was the father of intemet? A Charles Babbage @)Vint Cerf C. Denis Riche D. Martin Cooper 38. ball has a radius of 1.25 n and a weight of 0.51. Find the mass moment of neta about the center of gravity. R°0.00071 Rib-sec? —@)0.0000674 Rib-eec? C. 0.000071 fub-sec! 0. 1.308 Rib-sect 38. Whats PEMC in EPIRA stands for? ‘A Philippine Electricity Market Commission Philippine Electricity Market Committee B. Philippine Electricty Market Company © Philippine Electricity Market Corporation 40. Which ofthe folowing is non-renewable energy? ®ruclear B wind ©. solar D. geothermal 41, RA 7820, 2(4) defining? A.CHED 8. Commission ©Board of EE 0. Tesda 42. An automatic or nonautomatic device for transferring one or more load conductor connections from one ‘power source to another. A General Use Swich 8. Isolating Swich ©)Transfer Switch _0, Bypass Isolation Switch 43, The way of stealing valuable information using a form of Internet fraud that uses a replica of a trusted site is called A Spam © Phishing ©. Fraud D. Surfing 44. The pressure of a gas is directly proportional tothe Kelvin temperature in ‘A. Boyle's Law @Gay-Lussac’s Law —C. Boyd's Law D. Charle's Law 45. Which meta is protected by a layer of ts own oxide? aluminum B. silver ©. gold D. iron 46, Which device among folowing is used for sending digital data over a phone line? A.USB B Scanner ©. Printer ‘QMosem 47. Attcle IV, Rule __. Requirements for examination as a REE. AM B15 Ow 0.17 48. Modern contact surfaces are made from what alloys? ‘A Copper @siner C. Aluminum D. Manganin 49. For the purpose of lightning protection, a high rise building isa building with a height over how much? ®zm 850m €.20m D.15m Manila REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination ‘Tuesday, March 13, 2018 ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND ALLIED SUBJECTS: 50, The Group Vill elements, called the noble or rare gases, have the following property ‘A They are rare. C. They are lighter than air ©) They do not react with other elements. D.Allof these 51. A gamma ray is composed of i ‘A high energy protons. G.high energy neutrons. B. high energy electrone. Origh energy electromagnetic radiation. ‘52. The property that characterizes a matera's ability to be drawn into a wire is its A Flexbity B Rigity ©: Maleabilly Opecity 53. Which ofthe folowing instruments for measuring fud velocities does not need to be calibrated”? A. Onlice Meter Pot Stale Tube CHotWre Anemometer 0, Ventu Tube 54. Which of the following is not taken into account in making an economic decision between two alternative ‘equipments? ®Reiabiity B. Operating Cost C. Rate of return D. Salvage value 55. Copper when exposed to ordinary atmospheres becomes oxidized turning it into what color? ABrown Ugh gray . Light orange OBiecx 56, An object wth a volume of 1200 cu. cm. weighs 20 N. What will it weigh when submerged in water? AT8N 8.20N ©. 1058N ©s23N 57. Any device that performs signal conversion is ®Modviator 'B, Modem ©. Keyboard D. Plotter 58. Air conditioning load has a demand load of ‘A 80 percent ©)100 percent (©. 125 percent D. 150 percent ‘59. Deformation per unit length in the direction of force is known as A strain B lateral strain ©iinear strain D. unit strain 60. Which ofthe following diffuses most quickly? A Solid @ Gas Liquid D. None of these 61. Article Il of Code of Ethics for Electrical Engineers contains: A SEC. 1108 B.SEC. 1106 ©sEc. 109 D, SEC. 1107 662. Which ofthe following wires is applicable for underground service entrance conductors? A. type THWN B. type UF . type MI Qype use 63. Constantan, an alloy used in thermocouples, is an alloy of ‘A.copper and tin B. copper and zinc GC. copperand iron - Q)copper and nicket 64, In Joule cycle, heat is rejected at constant A Volume © Pressure ©. Temperature D. Entropy 665. When a partis constrained to move when heated, it develops A principal stress. B. tensile stress compressive stress _D. shear stress 166. Which group of the periodic table is known as the alkali metals? ®Group 1 B.Group 2 . Group 3 D. Group 4 67. Which method is used to connect a remote computer? A Device @Dialup (C. Diagnostic D. Logie creuit 668. Calculate the molarity of 250 mi solution containing 80.0 mmol of solute. @0.320M B.0.230M C.0.820M D.0.280M 69. The ratio of the velocty of ight in vacuum to its velocity of another material is A Specific Index Refractive Index B. Poisson's Ratio 1D. Modulus ratio of Elasticity te?’ a REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination ‘Tuesday, March 13, 2018 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM 70, Study of motion with reference to the force which causes the motion is A kinematics kinetics C. statics D. dynamics 71. What's another term for ‘acid-test ratio"? < @auick rato B Price-eaming ratio, Curent ratio D.Proft margin rato 72. Theschemical name for baking soda is © Sodium bicarbonate 8. Sodium sulphate C. Sodium chloride _D. Sodium carbonate 73. The most malleable metal is A. Platinum B. Silver ©. ron Oso 74. The fastest-growing renewable energy resource today is ‘A-nuclear coal wind D. geothermal 75. What does USB stands fo? ‘A Universal Serial Base B, Universal Series Base ©) Universal Serial Bus D, Universal Series Bus 76. A copper bar is 80 cm long at 15 deg C. What is the increase in length when itis heated to 35 deg C? The linear expansion coefficient for copper is 1.7 x 10°C". A63x10"m B.36x 10m €:72x10%m ©27x10%m 7. Which ofthe following logic tamil is fastest ofall? ATL B, DCTL c.RTL @ect 78. At what point isthe applied force minimal in opening a hinge door? ‘A anywhere the center OParthest the hinge 0. near the hinge 79, The siope on the road surface generally provided on the curves is known as A-angle of friction Bangle of repose ©)angle of banking. none of these 80. The first metal used by man was Allon ‘© Copper ©.Gold D Bronze 81, Which device of computer operation dispenses with the use ofthe keyboard? A. Joystick B. Light pen’ OMouse D. Touch 2, The coefficient of statc friction for steel on ice is 0.1. The force needed to set a 70-kg skater in motion is about AOAN B.07N c7N O7n 83. Sec. 23 of Art II: Issuance of Certificates of Registration. The professional is required to renew license every ___years upon payment of registration fees, an 8.2 ©: D6 84. What is the work-in-progress classified 2s? ®an asset B. a lability C. an expense D. arevenue 85. A market situation where there is only one seller with many buyer. )Monopoly B. Monopsony C. Oligopoly 1. Oligopsony ‘86. Capitalized cost of any property is equal to the A annual cost first cost + cost of perpetual maintenance B. first cost + interest ofthe frst cost first cost + salvage value 87. A force causing a rise of liquid in tubes of small diameter. ‘A. cohesion B. surface tension Ocapiliarity 1D. adhesion '88, The moment produced by two equal and opposite and collinear forces is known as a recent Bowe ‘Ororque 1D. equilbrant 89. A motor delivers 250 kW to a stee! shaft, which is tubular and has an outer diameter of 60 mm and an inner diameter of 40 mm. Determine the smalest angular velocity at which it can rotate ifthe allowable shear stress forthe material is 45 MPa 226 reds B02 as C. 191 dis Or19 reas ry MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAININGCENTE: “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN E.£. REVIEW” Manila REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Tuesday, March 13, 2018 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND ALLIED SUBJECTS 90. Most of the weather phenomena takes place inthe Acmesospnere 8. stratosphere ionosphere ©revosphere 1. Simple stress is often called rect sues vertical stress ©. total stress D.allof these 2. Which function key is used to check speings? AF2 BFS OF Den $83. How much should you put into a 10 percent savings account inorder to have P 10,000.00 in ve years? ®P 621000 8. P 7,000.00 ©.P7,209.00 D.P-8.200.00 94. The cylinder is made from steel and has an aluminum core. I its end are subjected to the axial force of 300 KN, determine the average normal stress in the steel. The cylinder has an outer diameter of 100 mm ‘and an inner ciameter of 80 mm. Ey = 200 GPa, Eq = 73.1 GPa. Ag25MPa 8.852 MPa O64 3 MPa D.624 MPa 95, Each of the folowing may result to overcurrent EXCEPT A Overload 8, Ground Fault ©. Short Circuit Open circu 96. The maximum moment induced in a simply supported beam of 20 foot span, by @ 2,000 pound load at ‘midspan is ‘A. 30,000 ft-lbs B. 20,000 f-ibs . 5,000 f-ibs ©)10.000 tbs 97. Most wires used in residential house wiring are usually insulated by which of the folowing? A. Asbestos B. Cotton, Thermoplastic D. Vamished cambric 98. In unloading grain from the hold of a ship, an elevator lifts the grain through a distance of 12 m. Grain is discharged at the top of the elevator at a rate of 2.0 kg each second, and the discharge speed of each ain particle is 3.0 m/s. Find the minimum-horsepower motor that can elevate grain this way. 0.24 KW B.0.42 KW C.0.36 kW D.063 KW 99. During an isentropic expansion of air, the volume triples. Ifthe initial temperature is 200 deg C, find T: in degC. @2 8.28 c16 D8 100, Mr. Johnson borrowed $ 2.400 a1 percent per month payable in 24 equal end-t.he-month payments How much of he lan remains unpais immediately afer he has paid the 12% payment? A$ 1,304.70 (@s 127160 6:51.472.80 Du 1,468 90

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