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Political Pyramid

Organizations provide a power base for individuals. From a purely

economic standpoint, organizations exist to create an excess of income
over expenses by meeting needs in the marketplace. But organizations are
also political structures which provide opportunities for people to develop
careers and therefore provide platforms for the expression of individual
interests and motives. The development of careers, particularly at high
managerial and professional levels, depend on accumulation of power as
the vehicle for transforming individual interests into activities which
influence other people.

A political pyramid exists when people compete for power in an economy

of scarcity. In other words, people cannot get the power they want just for
the asking, instead they must enter into decisions on how to distribute
authority in a particular formal organization structure.


1. Make a research on how and in what instances can individuals gain

power within organization?
According to Kim Harrison (2020), power is the ability to
influence the decision-making process, influence behavior, change
the course of events, overcome resistance and get people to do
things they would not do otherwise. It is a disputed concept; there is
little or no agreement about what it is, what it means, or how it
should be described. We, as ordinary people, have the ability to
achieve power, not just leaders and top managers. Most of the time,
we gain power by being sympathetic, or demonstrating that we
understand how others feel, as well as by being fair. Another factor
that can assist an individual in gaining power is openness, as others
will be able to rely on you. Collaboration, on the other hand, is the
next item on the list, as you will be working with others, perhaps
resulting in more allies or friends. If the project you're working on
succeeds, it'll give you a leg up on the competition. Individuals
build power inside an organization by taking advantage of chances
provided by the company that aid in professional progress and allow

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them to articulate their personal wants and motives. Individuals who

climb to the highest administrative and professional levels in a
structured organization might obtain influence.

2. Comment on the ethics of “gaining comparatively at someone’s

else’s experience
Gaining comparatively at someone else’s experience for me,
it is unethical since I am a competitive person who prefers to
achieve things on my own, regardless of the outcome. When I do
something by my own efforts, I feel considerably better. I'd be
delighted if I could get something from someone else, but I'll
certainly thank and acknowledge him for his efforts, particularly if
it's a group activity.

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