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{"source":"Technology","paragraphs":["\u003cp\u003eThe secret Foreign Intelligence

Surveillance Court (Fisa) granted the order to the FBI on April 25, giving the
government unlimited authority to obtain the data for a specified three-month
period ending on July 19. Under the terms of the blanket order, the numbers of both
parties on a call are handed over, as is location data, call duration, unique
identifiers, and the time and duration of all calls. The contents of the
conversation itself are not covered.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eWearing face
masks that adequately cover the mouth and nose causes the error rate of some of the
most widely used facial recognition algorithms to spike to between 5 percent and 50
percent, a study by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
has found. Black masks were more likely to cause errors than blue masks, and the
more of the nose covered by the mask, the harder the algorithms found it to
identify the face.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eThe algorithm is used by health
care providers to screen patients for \"high-risk care management\" intervention.
Under this system, patients who have especially complex medical needs are
automatically flagged by the algorithm. Once selected, they may receive additional
care resources, like more attention from doctors. As the researchers note, the
system is widely used around the United States, and for good reason. Extra benefits
like dedicated nurses and more primary care appointments are costly for health care
providers.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eAs a result, he said, algorithms have
magnified our worst tendencies and \"rogue actors and even governments\" have used
our data against us \"to deepen divisions, incite violence and even undermine our
shared sense of what is true and what is false.\" In one piercing portion, Mr. Cook
criticized how companies like Facebook and Google — while taking care not to
mention them by name — deliver personalized news feeds that lead to so-called
filter bubbles and confirmation bias.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eAlphabet’s stock
rose 3.5 percent in after-hours trading, and some analysts recommended the
company’s shares. With the regulatory issue settled, they said, Google could get
back to focusing on selling ads across the internet.\"It’s like a delivery company
having to pay for a parking ticket,\" Brian Wieser, a Pivotal Research analyst,
said of the penalty, which Alphabet accounted for in the second quarter. \"It’s not
a meaningful fine in the context of the size of this
company.\"\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eAmazon did not give a concrete reason for
the decision beyond calling for federal regulation of the tech, although the
company says it will continue providing the software to rights organizations
dedicated to missing and exploited children and combating human trafficking. The
unspoken context here of course is the death of George Floyd, a black man killed by
former Minnesota police officers, and ongoing protests around the US and the globe
against racism and systemic police brutality.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eApple
has three current phones to choose from, each with different characteristics and
prices. The one that most people should buy is actually the least expensive of the
three: the iPhone 11. Apple has three current phones to choose from, each with
different characteristics and prices. The one that most people should buy is
actually the least expensive of the three: the iPhone
11.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eAt the time of Giannandrea’s hiring, the move was
considered an admission from Apple that its current AI efforts were lackluster and
needing revamping, evidenced by Siri falling far behind Google Assistant and
Amazon’s Alexa in sophistication and industry adoption. Despite Siri living inside
every iPhone and arriving on the scene before any other major voice assistant,
Amazon and Google have led the race in consumer AI by incorporating their
respective assistants into smart home products, a sector where Apple has lagged due
to its stricter stances on user privacy and its delayed entrance to the smart
speaker market.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eAs that weirdo, Google’s design makes
perfect sense and it’s possible it might do the same for regular folk. The new
layout for search result is ugly at first glance — but then Google was always ugly
until relatively recently. I very quickly learned to unconsciously take in the
information from the top favicon and URL-esque info without it really distracting
me. ...Which is basically the problem. Google’s using that same design language to
identify its ads instead of much more obvious, visually distinct methods. It’s
consistent, I guess, but it also feels
deceptive.\u003c/p\u003e","\u003cp\u003eApple said its profit increased to $11.52
billion in its most recent quarter, up nearly a third from the same period a year
earlier, showing that the company’s enormous business selling iPhones and other
gadgets continues to breeze along. The strong results beat Wall Street estimates,
sending the company’s shares about 4 percent higher on Wednesday to a new record
and for a market value of more than $950 billion.\u003c/p\u003e"]}

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