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HARMONIZED CURRICULUM FOR B.Sc. DEGREE PROGRAM IN CHEMISTRY ETHIOPIA, Harmonization Team members: Hailemichael Tesso, PhD, Assistant Professor, Adama University; Tetemke Mehari, PhD, Associate Professor, Addis Ababa University; Mesfin Redi, PhD, Assistant Professor, Addis Ababa University; Fikre Mammo, PhD, Assistant Professor, Hawassa University ; Ayalew Temesgen, PhD, Assistant Professor, Gondar University. August, 2009 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry ‘Table of Contents 1, Rationale for the curriculum... 5 2. Aims, Goals and Objectives of the Program.. 6 2.1 Aims of the Program 6 2.2 Goals of the Program. 6 2.3 Objectives of the Program. 6 3. Graduate Profile 6 3.1 Knowledge of chemistry 6 3.2 General intellectual and life skills 7 3.3 Value 7 4, Program Profile... 7 Admission Requirements 8 6. _ List of Major, Supportive and Common Courses... 8 6.1 Core Compulsory Courses 8 6.1.1 University Chemistry 8 6.1.2 Analytical Chemistry. 8 6.1.3 Physical Chemistry, 8 6.14 Organic Chemistry 9 6.1.5 Inorganic Chemistry... 9 6.1.6 Applied Chemistry 9 6.2 Core Elective Courses. 9 6.3 Supportive Courses. 10 64 Common Courses. - 10 7. Summary of courses. 10 8. Course Coding Style (Course Numbering) .....0 ssmunnnennnnennnenennnneelO 9, Sequencing of courses: Semester wise course breakdOWN.....nssnnesnnnnessnnnnesesel 10, General Delivery Method: so 12 11, General Evaluation Methods. 13 12, Grading System 13 13, Duration of the Study. - 13 14, Grade Point Average Requirements for Graduation . - smnnnnnnnnenel 15, Degtee Nomenclature... wal 15.1 In English: wl3 15.2 In Amharic: 13 16, Mechanism of Quality Assuranes 13 17. Course descriptions, Course Outlines, Modes of Course Delivery and Modes of Performance Evaluation... sonnel 14 17.1 University Chemistry Section... Harmonized Curriculum for B.S. degree in Chemistry 2[ Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.1.1 University chemistry 17.1.2 University Practical Chemistry. 17.2 Analytical chemistry section... 17.2.1 Analytical Chemistry 17.2.2 Practical Analytical Chemistry... 17.2.3 Instrumental Analysis I... 17.2.4 Practical Instrumental analysis I. 17.2.5 Instrumental Analysis IL 17.2.6, Practical Instrumental analysis II. 17.2.7. Analysis of Real Samples. 17.3 Inorganic chemistry section 17.3.1. Inorganic Chemistry 1. 17.3.2, Inorganic Chemistry IT 17.3.3 Practical Inorganic Chemistry I. 17.3.4, Inorganic Chemistry II... 17.3.5 Practical Inorganic Chemistry Il 17.4 Organic chemistry section... 17.4.1 Organic Chemistry I. 17.4.2 Practical Organic Chemistry 1 17.4.3 Organic Chemistry IL 17.4.4 Practical Organic Chemistry IL 17.4.5 Physical Organic Chemistry... 17.4.6 Practical Organic Chemistry IIT 17.4.7 Synthetic Organic Chemistry 17.5 Physical chemistry section... 8.5.1 Physical Chemistry I (Chemical Thermodynamics). 17.5.2 Physical Chemistry Il (Chemical Kincties and Electrochemistry) 17.5.3 Physical Chemistry III (Quantum Chemistry) 17.5.4 Physical Chemistry IV (Statistical Thermodynamics and Surface 17.5.5 Practical Physical Chemistry To... a” 17.5.6 Practical Physical Chemistry Il... 17.6 Applied chemistry section 17.6.1 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing 17.6.2 Industrial Chemistry I... 17.6.3 Industrial Chemistry IT 17.64 Biochemistry 17.6.5 Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology 17.6.6 Senior Student Project... ssn 17.7 Courses for non-chemistry majors 17.7.1 Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry 17.7.2 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry. 17.7.3 Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry. 17.7.4, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry. 17.8. Elective courses 17.84 Chemical Instrumentation 17.8.5 Clinical Chemistry... 17.8.6 Medicinal Chemistry. 17.8.7 Polymer Chemistry. Harmonized Curriculum for B.S. degree in Chemistry Chemistry) 3 [Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.8.8 Food Chemistry..... 1789 Agricultural chemistry. 17.8.10 Physical Inorganic Chemistry 17.8.11 Industrial Safety and Quality Control 178.12 Biochemistry and molecular biology ... 17.9 Supportive Courses... sos 17.9.1 Calculus I for Chemists. 17.9.2 Caleulus II for Chemists. 17.9.3 Introduction to Statistics. 17.9.4 Mechanics and Heat for chemists... 1795 Electricity and Magnetism for chemists Il 17.9.6 Linear Algebra I for Chemists. 17.9.7 Introduction to Computer Applications for Chemists 17.10 Common courses.. 17.10.1 Entrepreneurship 17.10.2 Communicative English skills. 17.10.3 University Writing Skills... 17.10.4 Civies and ethical Education... Harmonized Curriculum for B.S. degree in Chemistry 4|Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 1. Rationale for the curriculum Nationwide need assessment survey was conducted using questionnaire and interview with ‘employers, alumina, students, and staff members of higher learning institutions. The aim of the survey was to make use of the collected feed back in designing relevant curricula for the B.Sc. program in chemistry. ‘The need assessment revealed that the following were major problems that need to be addressed to make the quality of the graduates to the level expected, According to the result of the survey, graduates of the old curriculum of chemistry display: + Insufficient knowledge of chemistry, * Insufficient practical skills * Poor communicative skills * Poor desire for team work Similarly, incoming students exhibit * Insufficient basic subject matter knowledge * Poor language proficiency * Poor comprehensive skills (critical thinking and analytical skills) ete. ‘The mode of delivery was described as being characterized by Non interactive teaching methods Uneven coverage of content and allocated credit hours Lack of relevant teaching materials Lack of tailored supportive courses * Lack of formative assessment etc External factors that contributed to the perceived problems included: + Less emphasis was given for science subjects in the university entrance examination + Lack of interface between preparatory program and university © Unavailability of institution to produce laboratory technicians * Mismatch between laboratory groups and existing facilities ‘The need for proposing the new B.Sc. curriculum is therefore to address problems from the following sides: © Students * Stakeholders need * Delivery * Assessment ‘The result of the need assessment and the fact that chemistry is changing in its © Interaction with other disciplines * Increasingly complex problems * More advanced techniques and instrumentation * Working in a global context and education is changing ‘+ to reflect new research in how students leam (e.g., inquiry-based and active leaming, team experiences) + because student population is becoming more diverse by age, gender, ethnicity and educational background have dictated the urgent need to design a fitting curriculum which ensures production of quality graduates capable of satisfying the stakeholders’ requirements. Harmonized Curriculum for B.S. degree in Chemistry S| Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 2. Aims, Goals and Objectives of the Program 2.1 Aims of the Program ‘The aims of undergraduate program in chemistry are: 1. To provide higher level training to a number of students who wish to secure B.Sc. degree in chemistry at University level through standard quality education; . To prepare students for pursuing further education; To establish a research centred community where scientific research is undertaken; and 4, To benefit the society. 2.2 Goals of the Program The major goals of undergraduate program in chemistry are: 1. To establish in students an appreciation of the importance of the chemical science in industrial, economic, environmental and social context; To provide a basic education appropriate to graduates in chemistry; To develop basic and practical skills in chemistry; To develop the ability to apply the learned skills for solving practical problems; and To provide a wide range of transferable skills to the graduates. pees 2.3 Objectives of the Program The objectives of undergraduate program in chemistry are: 1. Produce skilled manpower of well-trained chemists capable of taking up positions in the growing demand of the various sectors of the economy such as various industries, and Iearning institutions, research institutions, as well as various environmental conservation endeavours of the country; 2. Disseminate knowledge in chemistry and related areas through active participation in related professional activities, such as Chemical Society of Ethiopia, Regional Networking, Workshops, Symposia and Publi tions; 3. Develop capabilities for the provision of consultancy and technical services as well as short term specialized training to both public and pr 4, To produce chemis skills. te sectors; and 3. Graduate Profile s who create job opportunities by applying the acquired knowledge and Students who have completed an undergraduate degree in chemistry will have acquired an education at an advanced level, including ‘© Knowledge of chemistry ‘+ General intellectual and life skills and, + Values that equip them for employment, cit Jeaming and personal development. ‘The chemistry graduates are expected to have the following attributes: 3.1 Knowledge of chemistry hip and lay the foundations for a lifetime of continuous ‘+ Master the fundamentals of chemistry including an understanding of broad conceptual and theoretical elements; * Posses an understanding and appreciation of the theoretical bases, methodologies and characteristics of leaming of chemistry, research and creative work in chemistry; Harmonized Curriculum for Be. degree in Chemistry 6| Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry + Anunderstanding and appreciation of current issues and debates in chemistry; Continue further specialized educations; Work as an industrial chemist in chemical procs + Bea potential candidate of a chemistry teacher; * Serve as a research/graduate assistant in research /higher education institutions; + Create job opportunities by the acquired chemical knowledge. sing industries 3.2 General intellectual and life skills + Posses critical, conceptual and reflective thinking, intellectual openness and curiosity, creativity and originality, * Recognize when information is needed and locate, evaluate and use this information effectively, An ability to access, identify, organize and communicate chemical knowledge effectively , An ability to work independently as well as part of a team or group; An ability to lead in the community, professional associations ete, An ability to undertake numerical calculations and understand quantitative information, Perform qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis in chemical laboratori Work as quality controllers in industries; ‘+ Knowledgeable in IT and data processing skills in relation to chemical information, 3.3 Values * Value intellectual integrity, respect for truth and for the ethics of research and scholarly activity; Demonstrate environmentally conscious attitude; Conduct assigned and professional activities with integrity and professional ethies; Contribute to the development of chemical industries with other professionals; Disseminate chemical knowledge; Enthusiastic about scientific ideas, discovery and learning Self- [> [pF 2.00] 1.67] 1.33] 1,00] 0.67] 0.00 13. Duration of the Study ‘The program shall be on the basis of three academic years of study. 14. Grade Point Average Requirements for Graduation SN_[Deseription Minimum requirement | 1 ‘Cumulative GPA 2.00, | 2__| Major GPA 2.00 3__[ No "F" in any course 15. Degree Nomenclature 15.1 In English: Bachelor of Science Degree (B. Sc) in Chemistry 15.2 In Amharic: P4270 FAC AM ODA 16. Mechanism of Quality Assurance Quality assurance is considered as the most important component of the teaching-leaming process. The Department of Chemistry uses the following systems of evaluation and monitoring: Preparation of standard course outlines as per the course description: * Assignment of qualified instructors to teach courses, instruct laboratory works, and supervise student projects * Identification of standard textbooks for cach course; * Maintain appropriate student/teacher ratio; * Provision of tutorial and practical classes keeping the appropriate tutor/student ratio (40/1 for tutorial and 20/1 for practicals); © Provide proper advice to students; Harmonized Curriculum for Be. degree in Chemistry 13 | Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry ‘+ Evaluation of student performance through, reports, tests, mid semester examinations, and comprehensive final examination; ‘Preparation of relevant teaching materials and laboratory manuals; ‘Monitoring of instructors performance through student evaluation; * Monitoring of instructors performance through colleague and Department Chairman evaluation; ‘Standardization of exams by Department Examination Committee (DEC); * Communication of the evaluations to instructors; * Stakeholders feedback on the relevance of the training program and qualities of graduates; * Conducting regular course self extemal evaluation; and ‘+ Seeking program accreditation by external accrediting agencies, -valuation, program self-evaluation and program peer and 17. Course descriptions, Course Outlines, Modes of Course Delivery and Modes of Performance Evaluation 17.1. University Chemistry Section 17.1.1 University chemistry ‘Course TITLE: UNIVERSITY CHEMISTRY Course Cove (CueM 201 CREDIT HOURS, 3 ConTACT HOURS: 3 LEC HRAWEEK PRE-REQUISITE Course description: Properties, Units and Measurement; The composition of matter, chemical reactions, reactions Stoichiometry, Atomic structure and the periodic table, The Chemical Bond, Structure of Molecules, The properties of Solutions, Chemical equilibrium, Introduction To Functional Groups And Their Typical Reactions Course rationale: ‘The course university chemistry is designed to make students more prepared to the all chemistry courses by refreshing and summarizing the previous preparatory chemistry concepts before tackling the advanced chemistry courses. It ensures readiness of the students for the higher chemistry courses at university level and hence the name University chemistry is given. Course outline 1. Properties, measurements, and units 1.1. The Properties of Substances 1.1.1. Physical and Chemical Properties 1.1.2. Substances and Mixtures 1.2, Measurements and Units 1.2.1. The International System of Units 1.2.2. Extensive and Intensive Properties 1.23. Conversion Factors 1.2.4, The Reliability of Measurements and Calculations 1.2.5, Significant Figures in Calculations Harmonized Curriculum for Be. degree in Chemistry 14| Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 1.2.6. Mass Percentage Composition 2, The composition of matter 2.1. Elements 2.1.1, The Names and Symbols of the Elements 2.1.2. The Periodic Table 2.2, Atoms 2.2.1. The Nuclear Atom 2.2.2. The Masses of Atoms 2.2.3, Moles and Molar Mass 2.3. Compounds 2.3.1. Molecules and Molecular Compounds 2.3.2. lons and lonic Compounds 2.3.3. Chemical Nomenclature 3. Chemical reactions 3.1. Chemical Equations 3.1.1. Symbolizing Reactions 3.1.2. Balancing Equations 3.2. Precipitation Reactions 3.2.1. Net Ionic Equations 3.2.2. Using Precipitation Reactions in Chemistry 3.3, Acid-Base Reactions 3.3.1. Arrhenius Acids and Bases 3.3.2. Neutralization 3.3.3, The Brénsted Definitions 3.4, Redox Reactions 3.4.1, Blectron Transfer 3.4.2, The activity series 3.4.3. Balancing reactions by using half-reactions 4, Reactions stoichiometry 4.1, Interpreting Stoichiometric Coefficients I. Mole Calculations 4.1.2. Limiting Reactants 4.1.3. Chemical Compositions from Measurements of Mass 4.2. The Stoichiometry of Reactions in Solution 4.2.2. Molar Concentration 4.2.3. The Volume of Solution Required for Reaction 4.2.4, Titrations 5. Atomic structure and the periodic table 5.1. Light and Spectroscopy 5.1.2. The Characteristics of Light 5.1.3. Quantization and Photons 5.2. The Structure of the Hydrogen Atom 5.2.2. The Spectrum of Atomic Hydrogen 5.2.3. Particles and Waves 5.3, The Structure of Many-Electron Atoms 5.3.2, Orbital Energies 5.3.3. The Building-up Principle 5.4 A survey of Periodic Table 5.4.2. Blocks, Periods, and Groups Harmonized Curriculum for B.S. degree in Chemistry 15 [Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 5.4.3. Periodicity of Physical Properties 5.44. Trends in Chemical Properties 6. The chemical bond 6.1. Tonie Bonds 6.1.2. The Energetics of ionic Bond Formation 6.1.3. Ionic Bonds and the Periodic Table 6.2, Covalent Bonds 6.2.2. The electron-pair bond 6.2.3. Lewis Structures of Polyatomic Molecules 6.2.4. Lewis Acids and Bases 6.2.5. Resonance 6.2.6. Exceptions to the Lewis Octet Rule 6.3. The Shapes of Molecules 6.3.2. Electron-pair Repulsions 6.3.3. Molecules with Multiple Bonds 7. The structures of molecules 7.1, Bond Parameters 7.1.2. Bond Strength 7.1.3. Bond Lengths 7.2. Charge Distributions in Compounds 7.2.2. Ionic versus Covalent Bonding 7.2.3. Assessing the Charge Distribution 7.3. The Valence-Bond Model of Bonding 7.3.2. Bonding in Diatomic Molecules 7.3.3. Hybridization 7.4, Molecular Orbital Theory 7.4.2. Molecular Orbitals 7.4.3. Bonding in Period 2 Diatomic Molecules 8. The properties of solutions 8.1, Measures of Concentration 8.1.2. Emphasizing the Amounts of Solute in Solution 8.1.3. Emphasizing Relative Amounts of Solute and Solvent Molecules 8.2. Solubility 8.2.2, Saturation and Solubility 8.2.3. The Effect of Pressure on Gas Solubility 8.2.4. The Effect of Temperature on 8.3. Colligative Properties 8.3.2, Changes in Vapor Pressure, Boiling Points, and Freezing Points 8.3.3. Osmosis, 8.4, Mixtures of Liquids 8.4.2. Raoult’s Law for Mixtures of Liquids 8.4.3. The Distillation of Mixtures of Liquids 9. Chemical equilibrium 9.1. The Description of Chemical Equilibrium 9.1.2. Reactions at Equilibrium 9.1.3. The Equilibrium Constant 9.1.4. Heterogeneous Equilibria Harmonized Curriculum for B.S. degree in Chemistry 16 | Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 9.2, Equilibrium Calculations 9.2.2. Specific Initial Concentrations 9.2.3. Arbitrary Initial Concentrations 9.3, ‘The Response of Equilibria to the Reaction Conditions 93.2. The Effect of Added Reagent 9.3.3. The Effect of Pressure 9.3.4. The Effect of Temperature 10. Intrduction to functional groups and their typical reactions 10.1, Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes 10.2. Aromatic compounds 10.3. Alcohols 10.4. Aldehydes and ketones 10.5. Carboxylic acids and their derivatives 10.6. Ethers 10.7. Amines ‘Mode of delivery: - Gapped lecture - Group discussion - Questioning and answering ‘Mode of assessment: Quizzes, assignment tests, mid-term and final examination. Reference materials: 1. P.W. Atkins and J.A. Beran, General Chemistry, 2" Ed., 1992. 2. R. Chang, General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts, 5 Ed., 2008 3. J.W. Hill and R.H. Petrucci, General Chemistry: An Integrated Approach, 2" Ed., 1999, 4. JE. Brady, J. W. Russel and .R. Holum, General Chemistry: Principles and Structure, S" Ed. 2006. 5. 8. S, Zumdahal and S.A. Zumdahal, Chemistry, 7" Ed., 2007/ 17.1.2 University Practical Chemistry Course TITLE: UNIVERSITY PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY. CouRsE CODE (CHEM 203 CReprr Hours: 1 Contact HOUR: LAB. HR/WEEK PRE-REQUISITE = Course description: Measuring mass, and volumes by using cylinder and burette, experimental errors, systematic and random errors, significant digits/figures, beam balance, mean, mean deviation, Bunsen bumer, Tuminous and non-luminous flame, physical and chemical changes, properties and reaction of substances, diffusion rates, kinetic theory of gases, Graham’s law of diffusion, percentage of water of hydration, calculating equivalent weight; basic laboratory operations such as, recrystallization, simple distillation, fractional distillations and steam distillations. Course rationale: The course university practical chemistry is designed to make students more prepared to the all practical chemistry courses starting from developing the general rules of laboratory, handling of Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17 | Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry chemicals and instruments and operating skills of this instruments. In addition it is also designed to refresh the previous preparatory chemistry concepts before tackling the advanced chemistry courses. It ensures readiness of the students for the higher chemistry courses at university level and hence the name University practical chemistry is given Course objectives: Up on the completion of this course the students will be able to: grasp the general guidelines of laboratory * develop the skill of mass and volume measurement + Know the difference between systematic and random errors ‘+ discuss the difference between physical and chemical changes operate Bunsen bumer and discuss on parts and description of each part discus on the property of the flame of Bunsen burner verily the Graham’s law of diffusion and observe the motion of the molecules determine the percentage of water of hydration discuss on the methods of calculating equivalent weight carry out recrystallization, simple, fractional and steam distillations Course outline Experiment -1, Mass and volume measurements Experiment -2. Bunsen burner Experiment -3. Physical and chemical changes Experiment -4, Diffusion of gases Experiment-5. Determination of water of hydration Experiment -6. Equivalent weight of a metal Experiment-7. The effect of temperature on reaction rate Experiment -8. Determination of solubility of salts Experiment -9: Recrystallization Experiment -10: Simple and Fractional distillations, Experiment -11: Extraction Experiment -12: Steam distillation Mode of delivery: -Lecture by demonstration -Group discussion during experiment time -Questioning and answering, Mode of assessment: -Experiment report -Assignment -Attendance -Final exam- -Total- Reference materials: 1. Experimental chemistry, Michell J. Seinko, Robert A. Plane, Stanley T. Marcus, 6" ed, 2. Ermias Dagne. Experiments in organic Chemistry I: Addis Ababa University; 1978 3. Laboratory manual for general and inorganic chemistry, Z. Vasilyeva, A. Granovskaya, A. Taperova Harmonized Curriculum for B.S. degree in Chemistry 18| Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 4, Practical skills in chemistry John R, Dean, Alan M Jones, David Holmes, Rob Read, Jonathan Weyers and Alan Jones, §. General chemistry, UNO, KASK. J. David Rawn. 17.2 Analytical chemistry section 17.2.1 Analytical Chemistry Course Tr ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Course Cove ‘Cuem 222, CREDIT HOURS: 3 Contacr nour 31 JWEEK PREREQUISIT Course description: Introduction to the subject matter; Ionic equilibria; statistical evaluation of analytical data; Solutions; titrimetric methods of analysis; gravimetric analysis: ‘ourse rationale: ‘The course is designed to make the students develop competencies of chemical analysis, by using the various chemical techniques such as gravimetric and/or titrimetric techniques. The course familiarizes the students with statistical evaluation of analytical data, As a result the students, after completion of the course, will develop the competency to carry out chemical analysis in various fields such as chemical industry, agriculture, environmental chemistry, clinical chemistry, medicine, pharmaceutical industries and others, Course objectives: Upon completion of this course the students will be able to: * Describe the role of analytical chemistry in the society and day to day life; Describe different methods of chemical analyses; Discuss each step of the analytical process; compare and contrast different schemes 0 prepare solutions of different concentrations; describe some of the properties of solutions and chemical equilibria; describe the effect of different factors on solubility of a substance in a given solvent; discuss the application of solubility product principle and complex ion formation reactions in chemical analyses; ‘Discuss principles of redox reactions and their applications. + Know different ways of validating analytical methods; © apply different statistical tests to analytical data and indicate the reliability of experimental results; + distinguish among neutralization, precipitation, complexation and redox reactions and use them as bases for quantitative determinations; ‘* select appropriate indicator for detecting the end point of a given titration; ‘© Carry out different titrimetric and gravimetric analyses. ‘stematic cation and anion analysis; Course outline: 1. Introduction 1.1 Definition of analytical chemistry 12 Roles of analytical chemistry Harmonized Curriculum for Be. degree in Chemistry 19| Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 13 14 Ls Classification of Analytical Chemistry ‘Methods of chemical analysis Steps in quantitative chemical analysis 2. Ionic equilibria 21 23 24 Acid-base equilibria 2.1.1 Theories of acids and bases 2.1.2 Dissociation of strong monoprotic acids and bases 2.1.3 Dissociation of weak monoprotic acids and bases, 2.1.4 Dissociation of water and pH of aqueous solutions, 2.1.5 Common ion effect 2.1.6 Buffer solutions 2.1.7 _ Hydrolysis of salts Solubility product principle 2.2.1 Solubility, solubility equilibria and solubility product 2.22 Common ion effect and salt effect on solubility 2.2.3. Effect of acidity on solubility ‘Complexation equilibria 2.3.1 Complex ion and ligands 2.3.2. Complex formation equilibria with unidentate and multidentate ligands 2.3.3 Factors affecting stability of complexes 2.3.4 Effect of complexation on solubility Oxidation-reduction equilibria 2.4.1 Redox reactions, reducing and oxidizing agents, 2.4.2. Redox reactions in electrochemical cells and electrode potential 2.4.3 Dependence of electrode potential on concentration 2.4.4 Calculating equilibrium constant from electrode potential 3. Statistical evaluation of analytical data 3 32 33 34 35 36 ‘Mean, Standard deviation, Variance Accuracy and precision of measurements Errors in analytical results, Confidence limit Testing for significance (t-test and F-test) Rejection test (Q-test) 4, Solutions and their concentrations 41 42 43 44 Types of solutions Different ways of expressing concentration Preparation of solutions Activity and activity coe ficient 5. Titrimetrie methods of analysis, Sa 53 54 Fundamentals of titrimetry 5.1.1 Definition of terms 5.1.2 Ideal requirements for standard solutions 5.1.3 Volumetric calculations Acid-base titration 5.2.1 Acid-base titration curves 5.2.2 _Acid-base indicators Precipitation titration 5.3.1 Titration curves 5.3.2 End point detection methods ‘Complexometric titration Harmonized Curriculum for B.S. degree in Chemistry 20| Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 5.4.1 Titration with aminopolycarboxylic acids (EDTA and its species) 5.4.2 EDTA titration curve 5.4.3 End point detection methods 5.5 Redox titration 5.5.1 Derivation of redox titration curves 5.5.2. Oxidation-reduction indicators 6. Gravimetric analysis 6.1 Principle and types of gravimetric analysis 6.2 Properties of precipitates and precipitating agents, 6.3. Steps in gravimetric analysis 64 — Gravimetric calcula Mode of delivery: Lecture group discussion assignment in group or individually home work ‘Mode of assessment: Quizzes, assignments, tests, Mid-term and final examinations, Reference materials: 1. Skoog, D.A.; West, D.M.; Holler, F.J. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 7 ed.; Saunders College Publishing, New York, 1996 2. Christian, G.D. Analytical Chemistry, 5* ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1994, 3, Harris, D.C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4" ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, Now York, 1995, 4, Jeffery, G.H3 Bassett, J; Mandham, J Denney, R.C. Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York 1991 5. Manahan, S.E. Quantitative chemical analysis, Brooks/Cole publishing company, California, 1986. 6. Fifield, F.W., Keale, D. Principles and practice of analytical chemistry, 3" ed., Blakie academic and professional, Glasgow, 1990. 7, Marmet, J.M.; Otto, M.; Widmer, H.M. (editors). Analytical chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,1998 17.2.2 Practical Analytical Chemistry Course TirLe: PRACTICAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Course cove ‘CueM 224 CREDIT HOURS: 1 Contact our: PREREQUISI LAB. HR/WEEK Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 21| Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course description: Selected experiments on neutralization, precipitation, complex formation, redox titrations and gravimetric analysis, ie., experiments on qualitative and quantitative analytical chemistry. Course Rationale: ‘The course is designed for making the students know the classical techniques in both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Moreover, the course familiarizes the students with basic principles of gravimetric and titrimetric techniques. As a result the students, after completion of the course, will develop the practical competency to carry out chemical analysis in various fields such as chemical industry, agriculture, environmental chemistry, clinical chemistry, medicine, pharmaceutical industries and others. Objectives: Upon completion of this course the students will be able to: * Describe different methods of chemical analyses; * analyze the presence and/or absence of cations and anions in a given sample; ‘+ discuss the qualitative properties of selected cations and anions; + describe the effect of different factors on solubility of a substance in a given solvent; * discuss principles of redox reactions and their applications; * distinguish among neutralization, precipitation, complexation and redox reactions and use them as bases for quantitative determinations; ‘select appropriate indicator for detecting the end point of a given titration; © carry out different titrimetric and gravimetric analyses; + interpret quantitative analytical results using figures; * discuss and conclude qualitative and quantitative analytical results; ‘compare the theoretical and practical aspects of analytical chemistry; + Apply the different qualitative and quantitative techniques in their future career. Course outline: Experiments pool to be selected from for quantitative analyses: Experiment |: Gravimetric determination of Calcium Experiment 2: Gravimetric determination of Iron Experiment 3: Standardization of sodium hydroxide solution Experiment 4: Determination of NaOH and Na,CO; in the same solution Experiment 5: Determination of NajCO; and NazHCO3 in the same solution Experiment 6: Determination of halides argentomettically Experiment 7: Determination of Potassium dichromate using Sodium thiosulphate Experiment 8: Determination of oxalate permanganometrically Experiment 9: Determination of hardness of water Experiment 10: Preparation of solutions from concentrated solids Experiment [1: Preparation of solutions from liquids Mode of delivery: Brief lecture, group discussion, indi ‘dual works, experimentation, demonstration Mode of assessment: Laboratory reports, class activities and regular attendance, quizzes and final examination Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 22| Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Reference materials: 1. Georg Schwedt. The essential guide to Analytical Chemistry, 2 ed., Stutigart-New York, 1996. G. Svehla, Vogel’s qualitative inorganic analysis, 7" ed., 1996. Negussie Retta. Quantitative Chemical Analysis Experiments for University Students (manual), 2” ed., Addis Ababa University, Sept. 2000. 4, Dr. Ivan Linko and Dr. Sree Lkshmi. Practical Analytical Chemistry 1, Qualitative Analysis (manual), Addis Ababa University, 1992. 5. LT. Sidhwani and Sushmita Choduhry. Green altemative to qualitative analysis for cations without HS and other Sulfur-containing compounds, Journal, August 2008. 6. Harris, D.C, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4" ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1995. J. Mendham, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6" ed., August 1999. 17.2.3 Instrumental Analysis | Course TirLe: INSTRUMENTAL ANALY! Course cove (Cuem 321 CREDIT HOURS: 3 CONTACT HOURS: 3 LEC. UR WEEK PREREQUISI Course description: Introduction to the subject matter; principles of chromatography; chromatographic methods and instrumentation: gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography, size exclusion chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, electrophoresis; clectroanalytical methods: conductometry, potentiometry, coulometi electrogravimetry and voltammetry; thermometrie methods, Course Rationale: ‘The course is designed to make the students develop competency in basic instrumental methods of analysis. The course will familiarize the students with the basic knowledge of instrumentations, like in gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography, size exclusion chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, electrophoresis, potentiometry, conductometry, coulometry, clectrogravimetry, voltammetry whieh are applicable in various fields like, toxicology, environmental science, pharmaceuticals, quality controlling, chemical industry, clinical chemistry, medicine and the like Course objectives: After completing the course students will be able to’ ‘describe underlying principle governing chromatographic separations; * distinguish among different chromatographic methods and discuss their applications; + select appropriate conditions (mobile phase, stationary phase, column, detector, ete) for a given chromatographic analysis; discuss the application of supercritical fluid chromatography; define electrophoresis and describe its application in chemical analysis choose appropriate analytical method for analysis of a given sample; extract a given component from a sample using appropriate extraction technique. * classify analytical methods into classical and instrumental methods and distinguish between them; Harmonized Curriculum for B.S. degree in Chemistry 23 | Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry * compare and contrast classical and instrumental methods with respect to speed, sensitivity, precision, ease of automation, ete; ‘describe underlying principle governing different electroanalytical methods; and + discuss the qualitative and quantitative applications of different clectroanalytical methods, Course outlin 1, Analytical separation techniques and classical method of analysis 2. Introduction to chromatographic separation 2.1. Historical background 2.2 Types of chromatography 2.3. Paper chromatography 24 — Thin layer chromatography 2.5 Column chromatography 2.6 Efficiency of separation 2.7 Application (Qualitative and quantitative information) Gas Chromatography (GC) 3.1 Principle of GC 3.2. Instruments for GC 3.3 Applications 4, High-performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) 4.1 Principle of HPLC 4.2 Instruments for HPL( 4.3. Parts of liquid (liquid) Chromatograph. 4.3.1. Liquid (partition) chromatography 4.3.2. Liquid — solid (Adsorption) chromatography 4.3.3. Ion-exchange chromatography 4.3.4. Molecular exclusion chromatography 5. Introduction to Electro-analytical Chemistry 5.1 Electrochemical cells and cell potential 5.2 Current in electrochemical cells 5.3 Types of electro-analytical methods 6. Potentiometry 6.1 Basic principles 6.2. Types of electrodes 6.3 Instrumentation 64 Potentiometric Titration 7. Voltammetry 7.1 Excitation signals in voltammetry 7.2 Types of voltammetry 7.3 Polarography and Amperometry yulometry and Electrogravimetric Analysis 8.1 Types of coulometry 8.2. Separation of cathode and anode reactions 8.3 Current effect on voltages 9, Conductometry 9.1 Basic principles and Instrumentation 9.2 Application 9.3 Conductometrc titration 10, Electrophoresis Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 24| Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 10.1 Basie principles of electrophoresis 10.2 Types and application of electrophoresis Mode of delivery: Lecture, group discussion, seminar on selected topics, reading assignments, Mode of assessment: Attendance, assignment in groups or individually, home work, quizzes, oral questions, tests, final examination, Reference materials: 1. D.A. Skoog, D.M. West and F.J, Holler, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 7" Ed., Saunders College Publishing, New York, 1996. 2. GD. Christian, Analytical Chemistry, $* Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1994, 3. D.C. Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4" Ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1995. 4. GH. Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mandham and R.C. Denney, Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, Ine., New York 1991 5. S.E. Manahan, Quantitative chemical analysis, Brooks/Cole publishing company, California, 1986. 6. F.W. Fifield and D. Keale, Principles and practice of analytical chemistry, 3" Ed., Blakie academic and professional, Glasgow, 1990. 7. JM. Marmet, M. Otto and H.M. Widmer (editors), Analytical chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1998. 17.2.4 Practical Instrumental analysis | ‘Course TITLE: PRACTICAL INSTRUMENTAL ANALY! Course cope ‘CHEM 323 CREDIT HOURS: 1 3 LAB. HRIWEEK (Chem 321 CONTACT HOUR: Co-REQUISITE: Course description: Experiments in chromatography (TLC, CC, GC, HPLC) and clectroanalytical methods (Potentiometry, Voltametry, Conductometry, coulometry, electrogravimetry, electrophoresis and refractive index) Course rationale: ‘The course is designed in order to make the students develop the practical competency and skills, in carrying out chemical analysis by using modern chromatographic and clectroanalytical instruments. Course objective: At the end of the course the students would be able to: * Describe different types of analysis for the estimation of the concentration of an unknown solution, ‘© Understand the theory behind every technique * Know the correct choice of the instrument for a given analysis. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 25 | Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry + Know the extent of accuracy in each method. ‘* Understand the precautions required in every method, ‘+ Identify different parts of selected instruments and describe their respective functions. ‘+ Separate, identify and determine the quantity of a given species from a sample by using, different chromatographic techniques (PC, TLC etc). * Determine the quantity of a given species from a sample by using different electroanalytical techniques (conductometry, potentiometry etc). Course outline: 1. Chromatography 1.1. Paper chromatography: Determination of Ry of the given substance (amino a using an organic solvent 1.2. Thin layer Chromatography: Determination of Rr of a given dye (thymol blue, bromo cresol, phenol red etc) using a solvent mixture 1.3, Determination of the number of constituents in a given mixture 2. Blectrophoresis. 2.1. Determination of the charge and distance moved by an amino acid by the application of 300 V for a period of 1 hour using an electrophoretic power supply 2.2. Determination of the number of amino acids in the given mixture by electrophoresis method 3. Potentiometry 3.1. Redox system: Estimation of the given ferrous ammonium sulphate potentiometrically; a standard solution of 0.1 Potassium dichromate solution may be provided 3.2. Acid-Base Titration: Estimation of hydrochloric acid potentiometrically using a calomel electrode 3.3. Determination of single electrode potential; silver, zine and copper electrodes may be used 4, Conductometry 4.1. Acid-base Titration: E 0.5N sodium hydroxide. 4.2. Cell constant: determination of cell constant of a given conductivity cell using a conductivity meter 4.3. Equivalent conductance: determination of equivalent conductance of a given strong electrolyte 5. Refractive Index 5.1. Constructing a calibration chart for the determination of sodium chloride or potassium chloride; determination of unknown concentration of potassium chloride. 5.2. Determination of percentage composition of the given mixture. Water and ethanol may be used. 5.3. Studies on structural aspects. 5.4. Determination of Specific and Molar refractivity of some solutions. id) timation of Hydrochloric acid conductometrically using Mode of assessment: Practical examination/written examination may be conducted on the theories of various analytical techniques. Reports submitted will be evaluated; attendance, observation while the student was doing lab, oral questions and correcting laboratory report. Harmonized Curriculum for B.S. degree in Chemistry 26 | Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry ‘Mode of delivery: Lecture method with demonstration of experiments. Students have to do in batches all the experiments. Practical laboratory experiments, questioning, report writing, Reference materials: 1. G, Schwedt, The essential guide to Analytical Chemistry, 2" Ed. Stuttgart-New York, 1996, 2. G. Svehla, Vogel’s qualitative inorganic analysis, 7" Ed., 1996. 3. N. Retta, Quantitative Chemical Analysis Experiments for University Students (manual), 2” Bd., Addis Ababa University, 2000. 4, Harris, D.C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4" Ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1995. 5. J. Mendham, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6" Bd., August 1999, 17.2.5 Instrumental Analysis I! Course TirLe: INSTRUMENTAL ANALY! Course cove ‘Cuem 322, CREDIT HOURS: 3 CONTACT HOURS: 3 LEC, HRIWEEK 321 PREREQUIS Course description: Introduction to the subject matter; analytical methods based on the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter; atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy; instrumentation for spectroscopy; ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy; infrared; nuclear magnetic resonan: fluorescence; phosphorescence. Course rationale: ‘The course is designed to make the students develop the theoretical competency in using spectroscopic techniques for analytical purposes. ‘The course familiarizes the students with the theoretical background of the principles of spectroscopic instruments like atomic absorption, atomic emission, ultraviolet-visible and infrared spectrophotometers ; nuclear magnetic spectrometer; fluorescence and phosphorescence instrumentations, which are used in various fields like, toxicology, environmental science, pharmaccuticals, quality controlling, chemical industry, clinical chemistry, medicine and the like. Course objectives: After completing this course students will be able to: * describe electromagnetic radiation; ‘define terms such as spectroscopy, absorption and emission of emr * discuss the qualitative and quantitative applications of different spectroscopic methods; * clucidate structure of compounds from spectra by using data from joint spectroscopic techniques; describe the underlying principles of different spectroscopic methods; and * draw block diagrams for instruments of different spectrometric method. Course outline: 1, Introduction to Spectroscopy 1.1 Electromagnetic Radiation and its interaction with matter Harmonized Curriculum for B.S. degree in Chemistry 27 | Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 1.2. Electromagnetic radiation and its quantum mechanical property 1.3 Absorption and Emission of Radiation 14 The electromagnetic spectrum 2, Absorption Laws (Quantitative Analysis) 2.1 Lambert-Beer’s Law 2.2 Deviation from Beer's Law 2.3 Errors associated with Beer's Law 3. Instruments for optical spectroscopy 3.1 Components of optical instruments 3.1.1 Source of Radiation 3.1.2 Wave-length selectors 3.1.3 Sample containers 3.1.4 Radiation Detectors 3.1.5 Read out detectors and signal amplification systems 3.2 Optical systems used in spectroscopy: Single beam versus double beam 4, Atomic Absorption and emission spectroscopy 4.1 Principles 4.2. Instrumentation 43 Analytical Applications 5. Ultraviolet and Visible (UV-Vis) Spectroscopy 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Basic Principles 5.3 Absorption characteristics of some chromopores, 54° Instrumentation 5.5 Application 6. Infrared Spectroscopy 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Energy levels in vibrating and rotating molecules 6.3 Characteristic vibrational frequencies 64 — Factors affecting group frequencies 6.5 Instrumentation 6.6 Interpretation of some spectra 7. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR), 7.1 Basic principle of NMR 7.2 NMR spectrometers 73 Proton NMR 74 C-13NMR 7.5. _ Interpretation of NMR spectra 8, Structure elucidations by joint application of different spectroscopic methods: UV, IR, NMR and mass spectrometry. ‘Mode of delivery: Lecture, group discussion, seminar on selected topics, reading assignments, Mode of assessment: Attendance, assignment in groups or individually, home work, quizzes, oral questions, tests, final examination, Harmonized Curriculum for B.S. degree in Chemistry 28 | Page

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