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Internship Topics

I. Mobile Application Development

You can use any mobile application development platform

 Students from second year can choose projects 1, 2, 3 and 9
 Students from third year can choose projects 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8

1- Currency Exchange

- The user will be able to select currency they have and currency they

2- BMI Calculation

- The user will enter weight and height and the system will Show the BMI
on the screen
3- Letter grade calculation

- The user will enter grade and corresponding weight for each exam and
the system will Show the corresponding letter grade

4- A mobile application to calculate Daily calorie intake

- Keep track of Daily total calories and provide weekly graphs for daily
- The design will be up to the student

5- A mobile application for budget planning

- The user will be able enter monthly income

- Each payment will be entered to the system and total amount of
expenses will be displayed
- When the amount of expenses exceeds income amount the system
should warn the user
- The design will be up to the student

6- A mobile application to keep track of movies/series/books the user


- The user will be able to select activity movie/serie/book and anter the
name of the activity
- The user should be able to rate the activity as well
- A simple sharing system to share those activies with friends as in the
system should be able to send an e-mail to other people that will contain
the name of this activity along with rating
- The design will be up to the student

7- A mobile app to keep a shopping list /wish list

- The user will be able to create different shopping lists

- In each shooping list the user will be able to add items, when an item is
bought the user will be able to mark the item.
- The design will be up to the student

8- A mobile application to find out the cheapest item

- The user will enter a search item and the mobile app will Show top 5
cheapest places/web sites to buy this item
- There will be a grocery shopping only part where the person will enter
the item and the price of this item in 3 nearest markets will be displayed
- The design will be up to the student

9- Online Voting System

- Create a voting system for school representative election
- Student will login to the system
- According to the department of the student a page with the information
of the representative candidates will be shown to the user and asked to
choose one of them.
II. Website Development

You can use any website development platform

 Students from second year can choose projects 5, 6, 7 and 8
 Students from third year can choose projects 1, 2, 3 and 4

1- Online Examination System

- There will be two different types of users, instructor and student.

- The users will be able to create accounts
- There will be a login page
- Instructors will be able to,
o Create a multiple choice exam
o Add questions and correct answers to the system
- Students will be able to,
o Select an exam
o Take the exam
o See their final grade at the end of the exam

2- Online Document System

- The system will have different types of petitions like late course
registration, course add/drop, make up exam application, double major
and minor program application etc.
- The students will select preferred petition and get a template where
student related fields will be empty, they will fill out the form through
the web interface and will be able to e-mail the form to theirselves or

3- A web interface for budget planning

- Users should be able to login using a user name and password

- Users should be able to sign up (create a username and password)
- The user will provide their monthly income
- The user should be able to categorize their expenses
- The interface should provide yearly, monthly and weekly statistics of

4- A web interface as a planner

- Users should be able to login using a user name and password

- Users should be able to sign up (create a username and password)
- The interface should show weekly days (i.e. Sunday Monday Tuesday …)
and day & month & year (01.06.2020)
- The user should be able to add tasks to each day
- The user should be able check the completed tasks
- The user should be able to add a diary entry for each day
- The user should also be able to access previous weeks and written tasks

5- A blogging web interface

- Users should be able to login using a user name and password

- Users should be able to sign up (create a username and password)
- The user should be able to add text and pictures
- The user should be able to modify text size font and color

6- A web interface to keep track of university courses

- Users should be able to login using a user name and password

- Users should be able to sign up (create a username and password)
- The users will be provided with list of four year course curriculum
- From this list users will be able to check the courses taken so far and
grades taken for these courses
- The web interface should provide calculation of GPA and CGPA

7- A web interface for kids learning math

- Users should be able to login using a user name and password

- Users should be ablo to sign up (create a username and password)
- The interface should be colorful, attractive as kids will be using it
- The kids will be given random math questions (addition and subtraction)
- For each correct answer kids will be collecting points
- The interface should provide statistics of previous points (i.e. weekly
graphs of collected points in each day)

8- Online CV Creator System

- Users should be able to login using a user name and password
- Users should be able to sign up (create a username and password)
- Users should be able to select a CV template
- Users should be able to enter the personnel information
- The interface should produce the CV

III. Machine Learning and Data Mining

Weka or Rapid Miner

1- Data Classification – Heart Attack Possibility

 Download data at
 Apply following classification algorithms to data and report
classification accuracies
i. Support Vector Machines
ii. Random Forests
iii. Naive Bayes
iv. Neural Networks
v. Logistic Regression

2- Data Classification – Diabetes Dataset

 Download data at
 Apply following classification algorithms to data and report
classification accuracies
i. Support Vector Machines
ii. Random Forests
iii. Naive Bayes
iv. Neural Networks
v. Logistic Regression
3- Data Classification – Breast Cancer
 Download data at
 Apply following classification algorithms to data and report
classification accuracies
i. Support Vector Machines
ii. Random Forests
iii. Naive Bayes
iv. Neural Networks
v. Logistic Regression

4- Data Classification – Red Wine Quality

 Download data at
 Apply following classification algorithms to data and report
classification accuracies
i. Support Vector Machines
ii. Random Forests
iii. Naive Bayes
iv. Neural Networks
v. Logistic Regression

5- Data Classification – Flowers Recognition

 Download data at
 Apply Deep Learning

6- Data Classification – Facial Expression Recognition

 Download data at
 Apply Deep Learning
IV. Image Processing

MATLAB or Python or OpenCV

1- Face Detection:
Create a user interface (GUI) which takes an image as input, detects
faces in a given image, changes the faces of the people and displays
created new image as output.

2- Object Detection:
Create a user interface (GUI) which takes an image as input, detects and
counts the total number objects, red, green, blue objects in a given
image, displays the result as output.
Total number of objects: 9

Total number of red objects: 3

Total number of green objects: 1

Total number of blue objects: 1

3- Letter Detection:
Create a user interface (GUI) which takes an image as input, detects
letters and displays their positions in a rectangle box as output.
4- Gender Detection:
Create a user interface (GUI) which takes an image as input, detects
women and men in the picture and counts their numbers.

5- License Plate Recognition

Create a user interface (GUI) which takes an image as input.
System should be able to detect licence plate in an image
System should be able to extract characters from the license plate
System should be able to display licence plate information as output.

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