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Jenna San Antonio August 9 ,2020

Writing 106 Professor

Animal testing is one among those concepts that raise a various set of options. it's been a

serious competent in aiding medicine since the time of early Greek physicians. Medical

researchers have to understand health problems before they will develop ways to treat them.

Products may include makeup , perfumes etc. At this rate, if these companies still use animals

for these testings and or experiments,there won't be animals to experiment with. Many animals

are dying from these testings/ experiments. In addition to makeup, animals are being tested for

research, drug use and in fact test company products. Now you're probably thinking- does this

really affect us? YES. With vaccine shots, transplants, medicine. As an individual whose family

is usually vegan and check out to use natural products, it is vital to understand what products I'm

putting on my face and or what goes into my body. Some diseases and health problems involve

processes which will only be studied during a living organism. Some say that animals are

necessary to medical research when it's impractical or unethical to try to go on humans. Animals

are almost like humans. they're susceptible to many of the equivalent health problems, and that

they have short life cycles in order that they can easily be studied throughout their whole lifetime

or across several generations. Additionally, scientists can easily control the environment around

the animal like diet, temperature and lighting, which might be difficult to try to do with people.

However, the foremost important reason why animals are used is that it might be wrong to

deliberately expose citizenry to health risks so as to watch the course of disease. Performing tests

on animals is crucial to enhance the standard and therefore the lives of humans. Animals testing

in laboratories is that the reason why medicine has advanced tremendously. consistent with what

I researched seven out of the ten most up-to-date Nobel Prizes in medicine, were supported
Jenna San Antonio August 9 ,2020
Writing 106 Professor

animal testing. Research wiped out facilities is that the reason why we now have the antibiotics

for infections, vaccines to assist protect us from the deadly viruses, and surgery for injuries,

illnesses and deformities. Animal testing has not benefited just humans but it had been been

convince benfit the animals also. The tests and research wiped out Laboratories and facilities has

created treatments for animals, this helping improve their health and increase their lifespan.

Animal testing is an issues, because of the controversy that it brings. There is no doubt

that products such as makeup, hair products SHOULDNT be tested on animals. Some people

argue that all types of animal testing should come to an end whether or not its for toxicity based

research or just tests to provide further information or insight on human health.

They believe it is wrong to treat animals simply as tools and objects for furthering knowledge.

On the other hand many others believe that while it isn't appropriate to unnecessarily abuse

animals, animal experimentation must be in effect and continued by labs. Personally, growing

up my family was raised to use natural products whether it was the food that we ate or the

lipstick we put on.

The downside sometimes is that more natural products tend to cost more leaving

consumers to go to animal tested products- sometimes not even knowing that information. So

the question that keeps going back and forth at least in my opinion is “is animal testing truly

crucial for the betterment of humans?” The use of other living creatures in facilities for

biomedical research and makeup testing still rubs me the wrong way, but advances have been

made. It has gained an extreme amount of judgement by those who oppose it. Animal rights

Activists and animal rights advocates have done their share of raising awareness to the

controversial issue and helping to make a change. Those who oppose it strongly feel that using

innocent animals and risking their lives and health is not worth compensating for humans.I agree
Jenna San Antonio August 9 ,2020
Writing 106 Professor

with this statement and scientists need to find other ways to find vaccine shots - such as using

things from the earth. Many facilities have been proven to abuse the animals that they are

biomedical research and treat them under high amounts of cruelty and mistreatment. Thus, laws

have been created and put forth to make animal testing more humane. In conclusion, I feel like

there's more research to be done when it comes to finding other ways to treat humans without

making any animal suffer for it. I fear if we continue down this road of abusing and mistreating

animals for these tests, it can lead to extinction of that certain animal or have a long lasting effect

on the animal itself. To me that isn't fair and we must find alternatives. I read an article from the

Huffington post by Monica Engebretson.” For 15 years, Monica has worked to protect animals

from cruelty and exploitation including field work, undercover investigations, lobbying, and

media and public education campaigns. Before working professionally in the animal protection

movement, Monica earned a degree in wildlife science with an emphasis on environmental ethics

from Humboldt State University.I learned about “The cruelty Free international website which

Monica leads. This website advocates for animals and has been doing so for more than 15 years.

This not only animals lovers/advocates but also cosmetic companies. In my opinion, the article

seems to target cosmetic companies - and that not using animal products won't affect their

companies but instead expand their business opportunities. The information gives me a different

perspective on the benefit of putting a stop to animal testing. So many times businesses

compromise morals in order to make a profit. This article still addresses the fact that making a

profit is a large factor for any company, but instead of just attacking the issue, Engebretson

respectfully introduces some different perspectives on the issue. I like the fact that she directly

tackled an issue that a lot of people probably wouldn’t feel comfortable addressing. In
Jenna San Antonio August 9 ,2020
Writing 106 Professor

conclusion, animal testing will contunue but if we can find atlernatives and test on non living

creatures and still advance in medicine it would be a win win situation.

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