(Dank Cho Thisinh Thi Chuyen Nga, PHDP, Trung) : Thai Gian Lam Bai: 180 Phut, Fchong K I Then Gian Giao de

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(Dank cho thisinh thi chuyen Nga, Phdp, Trung)
BE CH3NH THUC Thai gian lam bai: 180 phut, fchong k i then gian giao de

(D£ thi gdnt co 08 trang)

Bidm Giam khao s6 1 Giam khao so 2 S6 phdeh

Bang so BSng chu: (Ho ten, chu ky) (Ho ten, chu ky) (Do chu tich HD ghi)

(Thi sinh lam bai true tiep vao de thi theo huxmg dan cua tim g phan)


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that o f the
others in each group. (0.5 point)
Exam ple: 00. A. find B. think C. drive D. mind
01. A. council B. ceiling C. recover D. economy
02. A. amount B. count C. mountain D. course
03. A. both B. tenth C. with D. myth
04. A. hobby B. honor C. hottest D. house
05. A. depend B. prevent C. event D .even

0 0 .3 01. 02. 03.1 04. 05.


IL Choose the word whose main stress position is placed differently from that o f the
others in each group. (0.5 point)
Exam ple: 00. A. teacher B. plastic C. nation D. behave
06. A. repair B. enough C. desire D. creature
07. A. curious B. ancient C. honest D. sincere
08. A. natural B. appliance C. adventure D. efficient
09. A. revolution C. discovery
B.independent D. influential
10. A. political B.kindergarten
C. communicate D. indifferent

00. D 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

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I. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each o f the sentences. (1 point)
II. He said that h e ______ some flowers in the garden then.
A. is w atering B. had watered C. was w atering D. w atered
12. We have lived here _ _ _ _ _ 1995.
A. for B. already C. in D. since
13.1 am sorry that I haven’t got any money. I’v e ______ my w allet at home.
A. thrown B. let C. left D. taken
14. Miss Trang is wearing a ______dress.
A. beautiful blue new B. new beautiful blue
C. blue beautiful new D. beautiful new blue
15. The wom en looked so alike that it was impossible t o ______ between them .
A. discrim inate B. classify C. certify D. distinguish
16. No sooner______ arrived home than the phone rang.
A. had he B. has he been C. he has D. he had
17. In spite o f many unexpected changes, Betty is alw ays______ her working principles.
A. devoted to B. loyal to C. informed o f D. m eaning to
18. ____ _ the rain, the football match went ahead.
A. Although B. Despite C. However D. Because o f
19. The farm er;______ his garden once a month.
A. fertilizes B. fertile C. fertilization D. fertilizer
20. Tom handed in the test and awaited the results______.
A. in the same breath B . out o f breath
C. w ith bated breath D. under his breath

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

IL Give the correct form of title word in brackets to complete each of the sentences. (1 point)
21. Price increases are often passed on to ______ . (CONSUME)
22. We can see a lot o f______ on TV every day. (ADVERTISE)
23. Can you list some main ______ between football and basketball? (DIFFER)
24. Liverpool is a /an ______ city in the north o f England. (INDUSTRY)
25. Whenever Tony talked about his favorite topic, he w ent about i t ______. (ENERGY)
26. John is fond o f______ stamps. (COLLECT)
27. It was v e ry ______ o f you to break that vase. (CARE)
28. The soup is v e ry ______ . Could I have some more? (TASTE)
29. I’m very sorry about the mistake. I ______the instruction you gave me. (UNDERSTAND)
30. They live in a rem ote area which i s ______ , except by horse. (ACCESS)

I _ ' .

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21. 22. 23.

24. 25. 26.

27. 28. 29.


m . Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition or adverb particle. (1 point)

3 1 .______ behalf o f the committee, I’d like to thank you for your generous donation.
32. We’d better se t______ early. It’s a very long journey.
33. He is a specialist______ m odem Vietnamese literature.
34. Who do you think I ra n ______ in the library this morning?
35. Don’t judge people______ their appearances.
36. My father is in charge w hen Mrs. Smith is ______ . He took over from her on June 1st.
37. We arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned______ .
38. The manager blamed h im ______ a minor mistake.
39. According_____Mr. Johnson, 15% o f the students in this school come from the countryside.
40. They avoid the usual tourist attractions in favor o f places that are______the beaten track.

31. 32. 33. 34.

35. 36. 37. 38.

39. 40.

IV. Give the correct forms o f the verbs in brackets. (1 point)

41. If you go to the UK, you’ll have to get used to ______ (drive) on the left.
42. This tim e next week, I ______ (lie) on a beautiful beach in Miami.
43. Mrs. Brown came to inform her that dinner______ (serve) already.
44. Rem em ber______ (lock) the door when you leave.
45. My fath er______ (visit) five countries so far.
46. She described the accident as if sh e______ (witness) it yesterday.
47. (W rite)______ the letter, she put it carefully into an envelope.
48. If you don’t hurry, all the tick ets______ (sell) by the time we get there.
4 9 .1 do agree th ere_____ (be) no simple solution to this problem.
50. They are m ade_____ (run) ten miles a day.

41. 42. 43.

44. 45. 46.

47. 48. 49.


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I. R ead th e passage below and choose the co rrect answ er (A, B, C o r D) to each of th e
questions. (1 point)
During most o f their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers travelling
perhaps only a couple o f inches per day. However, at intervals o f 10 to 100 years, these
glaciers m ove forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The surge often progresses along a
glacier like a great wave, proceeding from one section to another. Sub-glacial streams o f
meltwater m ight act as a lubricant, allowing the glacier to flow rapidly tow ard the sea. The
increasing w ater pressure under the glacier m ight lift it o ff its bed, overcoming the friction
between ice and rock, thus freeing the glacier, w hich rapidly slides downhill. Surge glaciers
m ight also be influenced by the climate, volcanic heat, or earthquakes. However, many o f
these glaciers exist in the same areas as normal glaciers, often almost side by side.
Some 800 years ago, A laska’s Hubbard Glacier advanced toward the sea, retreated,
and advanced again 500 years later. Since 1895, this 70-mile-long river o f ice has been
flowing steadily toward the G ulf o f Alaska at a rate o f approximately 200 feet per year. In
June 1986, however, the glacier surged ahead as m uch as 47 feet a day. Meanwhile, a
western tributary, called Valerie Glacier, advanced up to 112 feet per day. Hubbard’s surge
closed o ff Russell Fiord w ith a formidable ice dam, some 2,500 feet w ide and up to 800 feet
high, whose caged waters threatened the town o f Yakutat to the south.
About 20 similar glaciers around the G ulf o f Alaska are heading toward the sea. If
enough surge glaciers reach the ocean and raise sea levels, West Antarctic ice shelves could
rise o ff the seafloor and become adrift. A flood o f ice would then surge into the Southern
Sea. With the continued rise in sea level, more ice would plunge into the ocean, causing sea
levels to rise even higher, which in turn would release more ice and set in m otion a vicious
cycle. The additional sea ice floating toward the tropics would increase E arth’s albedo and
lower global temperatures, perhaps enough to initiate a new ice age. This situation appears
to have occurred at the end o f the last warm interglacial (the tim e betw een glaciations),
called Sangamon, when sea ice cooled the ocean dramatically, spawning the beginning o f
the Ice Age.
51. What is the main topic o f the passage?
A. The classification o f different types on surge glaciers
B. The causes and consequences o f surge glaciers
C. The definition o f a surge glacier
D. The history o f a particular surge glacier
52. The word “intervals” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_____ .
A. periods B. distances C. records D. speeds
53. The author compares the surging motion o f a surge glacier to the movement o f a_____.
A. fish B. boat C. machine D. wave

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54. Which o f the followings does the author mention as a possible cause o f surging glaciers?
A. The decline in sea levels
B. The occurrence o f unusually large ocean waves
C. The pressure o f meltwater underneath the glacier
D. The shifting A ntarctic ice shelves
55. The word “freeing” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to______ .
A. draining B. strengthening C. releasing D. pushing
56. According to the passage, the Hubbard G lacier______ .
A. moves more often than the Valerie Glacier
B. began moving tow ard the sea in 1895
C. is 800 feet wide
D. has moved as fast as 47 feet per day
57. The word “plunge” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to______ .
A. drop B. extent C. melt D. drift
58. The author provides a definition for which o f the following term s?
A. tributary B. ice dam C. albedo D. interglacial
59. The term “vicious cycle” in paragraph 3 refers to the______ .
A. movement pattern o f surge glaciers
B. effect surge glaciers could have on the temperature o f tropical areas
C. effect that repeated rising sea levels might have on glacial ice
D. constant threat surge glaciers could pose to the G ulf o f Alaska
60. Which o f the following statements is supported by the passage?
A. The movement o f surge glaciers can be prevented.
B. The next ice age could be caused by surge glaciers.
C. Surge glaciers help to support Antarctic ice shelves.
D. Normal glaciers have little effect on Earth’s climate.

51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

IL Read the following passage and fill each of the numbered blanks w ith ONE suitable
word. The first one (00) has been done as an example. (1 point)


Air pollution is a common problem, but now light pollution (00) _____ also causing
concern. Light pollution occurs because there are many electric lights around us which are
so powerful that (6 1 )______ stop us seeing the stars in the night sky. It is now (62)_______
a problem that (6 3 )______ some places people whose outdoor lighting is too bright could
even (64) ______ given a heavy fme. Business owners, supermarkets and even
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home-owners that install security lights may face legal action if their lights are so bright that
they spoil their neighbors’ enjoyment o f the night sky.
Amazingly, many children growing up in big cities today (6 5 )______ never seen the
night sky properly because o f the increase in light pollution. And it is (6 6 )______ only in
cities - people living in the:country are also affected (6 7 )______ lights from nearby towns.
It is a problem for those simply trying to enjoy the stars, and for astronomers (68)______
well. |
One university in the UK has come up w ith (6 9 )______ interesting solution. It has
built a telescope in the Canary Islands and allows schools to use this via the internet. But it
does seem ridiculous that children can’t see the stars properly ( 7 0 )______ using their
(Adapted from Cambridge English First 5)

00. is 61. 62.

63. 64. 65.

66. 67. 68.

69. 70.

IIL Read the passage below and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F). (1 point)
A lot o f people like playing records as loudly as possible. The result is that the rest o f
the family and the neighbors often complain if they don’t like the music. One answer to this
problem is to wear headphones, but headphones are usually uncomfortable.
An armchair w ith a built-in record-player system has just been designed by a British
engineer, Stephen Court. The armchair looks like an ordinary arm chair w ith a high back,
however, each o f the two sides o f the chair has three loudspeakers inside to produce middle
and high sounds. Low sounds are produced by a pair o f loudspeakers in a hollow space
under the seat. Anyone who sits in the chair hears sounds coming from all round his/her
Because we can’t tell the exact source from which sounds come, it doesn’t matter
whether they come from underneath or behind. It is the higher sounds coming from the sides
o f the chair that create a stereo effect. These sounds travel only a few inches to reach the
listener’s ears. Consequently, it takes only a little power to make the m usic sound very loud.
Only a small amount o f sound leaks out from behind the chair into the room to disturb
71. Few people like playing records as loudly as possible.
72. If you don’t want to disturb other people in the family while you are listening to music,
you can wear headphones.
73. A British engineer has designed a table with a record-player system.
74. The armchair looks like a special one w ith a high back.
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75. There are three loudspeakers inside each o f the two sides o f the armchair to produce
middle and high sounds.
76. If you sit in the arm chair, you can hear sounds coming from all round your head.
77. It is the higher sounds coming from under the chair that create a stereo effect.
78. It takes much pow er to make the music sound very loud.
79. Other people are not disturbed at all when you listen to m usic on the armchair.
80. Stephen Court, who has ju st designed the armchair, comes from the UK.

71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

SECTION D: W RITING (2 points)

I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that its meaning is similar to that o f the
original one. (1 point)

81. Although she was a wealthy person, she wouldn’t spare a pound on charity.
In spite___________ :_________________________ _________________________________ .
82. Vitamin intake and intelligence are not connected.
There is ________________________________ .
83. He was unable to paint the gate o f his house because o f the heavy rain.
The heavy ra in _____________ .
84. You ought to fasten your seatbelt before driving away.
You shouldn’t ________________________________________________________________ .
85. Success depends on hard work.
The harder___________________________________________________________________ .
86. Most students can w ork very hard when they need to do so.
Most students are capable_______________________________________________________.
87. The bookshelf was so high that the children couldn’t reach it.
The bookshelf was to o _________________ ;_______________________________________ .
88. Something must be done quickly to solve the problem o f unemployment.
89. It was a two-hour flight from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh City.
It took________________________________________________________________ .
90. We last saw our grandfather five months ago.
We have_____________________________________________________________________ .

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n . Rewrite each of the sentences below in such a way th at its meaning is sim ilar to th at of the
original one, using the word given in brackets. Do not change this word in any way. (1 point)

91. It is certain that he will compensate you for the damage he has done. (BOUND)
H e _____________________i_______________________ to you for the damage he has done.
92. Mozart started composing music during his early childhood. (YOUNG)
Mozart ________________ i child.
93.1 don’t know M ary’s reasons for her resignation. (IDEA)
I have resigned.
94. Would you like to go for, a coffee in ten minutes? (ABOUT)
How ten minutes?
9 5 .1 never have enough time to study these days. (SHORT)
Iam these days.
96. The bus takes longer than the train. (AS)
The train the bus.
97. She will probably come before the end o f next month. (LIKELIHOOD)
In o f next month.
98. Doing the same things every day gives me no pleasure. (ENJOY)
I don’t every day.
99. It is my opinion that you should take more exercise. (WOULD)
If I more exercise.
100. He recommended me for the position, which was very nice o f him. (KIND)
It ! for the position.

: Total: 100 questions; 10 p o ints


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