LNL Iklcqd /: Employee Share Employer Share Employee Share Employer Share

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______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook____________________________________

LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name ORRKL1619283000 / ORIENTAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS PRIVATE

lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name ORRKL16192830000010360 / JOYMONI SINGHA
dk;kZy; dk uke | Office Name (SRO) ROURKELA
;w , u | UAN 100869203429
deZpkjh 'ks;j | Employee Share ₹ 0
fu;ksDrk 'ks;j | Employer Share ₹ 12,270

fooj.k Particulars tek Deposit fudklh Withdrawal isU'ku vU'knku

deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j Contribution
Employee Share Employer Share Employee Share Employer Share

OB Int. Updated upto 31/03/2018 0 0 0

Cont. For Due-Month 022019 1,516 463 1,053

Cont. For Due-Month 032019 1,516 463 1,053

Cont. For Due-Month 082018 1,327 406 921

Cont. For Due-Month 122018 1,327 406 921

Cont. For Due-Month 092018 1,327 406 921

Cont. For Due-Month 072018 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 012019 1,516 463 1,053

Cont. For Due-Month 112018 1,327 406 921

Cont. For Due-Month 102018 1,327 406 921

Claim Against PARA 68L 1,500 0

Claim Against PARA 68J 41,900 0

Claim Against PARA 68L 2,000 0


37,624 11,643 0
:NEAGT10390220000000308 )


1,577 488 0
:NEAGT10390220000000308 )

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2019 86 618 0

Cont. For Due-Month 082019 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 012020 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 122019 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 072019 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 092019 1,742 533 1,209

Cont. For Due-Month 062019 1,800 550 1,250

ORRKL16192830000010360 Page 1 of 2
fooj.k Particulars tek Deposit fudklh Withdrawal isU'ku vU'knku
deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j Contribution
Employee Share Employer Share Employee Share Employer Share

Cont. For Due-Month 102019 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 022020 1,045 319 726

Cont. For Due-Month 052019 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 032020 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 112019 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 062019 1,322 404 918

Cont. For Due-Month 042019 1,516 463 1,053

Claim Against PARA 68J 4,900 0

Claim Against PARA 68J 3,400 0

Claim Against PARA 68N 6,700 0

Cont. For Due-Month 042020 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 062020 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 092020 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 072020 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 052020 1,800 550 1,250

Cont. For Due-Month 102020 600 183 417

Cont. For Due-Month 112020 0 0 0

Cont. For Due-Month 082020 1,800 550 1,250

Claim Against PARA 68J 17,295 0

Claim Against PARA 68L(3) 5,400 14,600

Claim Against PARA 68J 2,400 0

Grand Total 85,495 26,870 85,495 14,600 32,087

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 25-12-2020 14:08:34

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.

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