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Identify and critically analyze a clever appeal other than the functional benefit of the car created
by Daewoo in above mentioned TV commercial that would make an impact on the minds of
consumers and how?


In the given Scenario the Daewoo TV Commercial in India Is focusing on Emotional and Romantic
Appeal cleverly as they are Solving a problems for couple which cannot make their drive romantic
before when the cars were manual they had to shift the gear with other hand and they cannot hold the
partner hand they used clever appeal rather than functional benefit of the car in the ad the same benefit or
feature other brands are gonna provide in their vehicle and they tried the romantic appeal to attract more
couple rather than creating functional benefit ad which will only attract the feature lover people which
does not share the large number of Market. The other reason Daewoo did not market their financial
benefit is because they want it to be the family oriented cars that why they focused on clever touching
appeal rather than functional benefit.The impact this ad will create on consumer mind is the happiness
and joy and romanticism as they are targeting couples and families which feeling of closeness , bonding
and holding hand creating love is effecting the mind of the consumer as they will seek the physical
attraction which will create the joyful moment which will be remembered in their life for the long time
and they will consider the Daewoo in the next buying decision too

Positioning of the brand. As a brand manager how would you position the brand? Should it
be based on rational appeal, humor, utilitarian appeal, a sensuous appeal or for that matter
any other appeal you feel is appropriate for the brand and why?

Positioning Of The Brand:

As a brand Manager I would position the brand HEAT I will Consider to use TV Ads and I will try to
Conduct Different campaigns on Social Media because the our target is youth which age bracket is range
from 18-35 and they mainly use social media and TV we Will focus on that. We will try to spread the
message will mainly focus on id and ego of the target audience and sensuous and sexual appeal will be
Appropriate because the brand HEAT is focusing on Male body sprays and to attract the girls with
fragrance will use sensuous appeal because it will effect the sense of the opposite gender.

Which dimension of consumer involvement should a brand like Heat focus on? Give reasons
for your choice.

Dimension Of Consumer Involvement:

As a brand manager of HEAT we should focus of the hedonic importance of the product because the
target audience is youth and they usually find fun and pleasure while using the product and .The reason to
focus on hedonistic importance is HEAT will be used as a luxury product and it will allow consumer to
fell the fun and enjoyment from buying the product by attracting other.

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