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Tips for Heart Health and Removing Toxins

with EDTA
• Take EDTA oral chelation to keep your arteries free from heavy metals.
• Eat a whole foods, high-fiber diet including lots of colorful fruits and veggies, which contain
heart-healthy flavonoids. These micronutrients—found only in plants—act as blood thinners
and antioxidants that protect blood cells from disease. Flavonoids also help prevent blood
clots, says John D. Folts, PhD, professor of medicine at the University of Wisconsin Medical
School in Madison.
• Get plenty of omega-3 essential fatty acids. Eat two servings per week of cold water fish
such as salmon, sardines or bluefish. Vegetarians should take flax seed oil or ground flax
• Reduce your intake of carbohydrates! Carbohydrates, especially sugars and starchy food,
convert to glucose rapidly, triggering increases in insulin levels. Not only will it make you
fat but insulin is a culprit in atherosclerosis.
• Get out and exercise! Walk five or six days a week. It’ll help keep your metabolism higher—
good for weight control—than if you walk less frequently. If the weather is bad, go to a mall.
Or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park several blocks away from your destination.
Bike, play tennis, dance, hike—anything that keeps your heart pumping!
• Supercharge your diet with a good multivitamin/mineral complex.
• Stop smoking!
• Practice a stress reduction technique such as yoga or meditation; get a massage.
• Cut down on alcohol or eliminate it completely from your life.

10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Environmental Toxicity

1. Take EDTA oral chelation to clear your arteries of heavy metals.
2. Avoid eating shark, tilefish, king mackerel and swordfish. The Food and Drug
Administration recently issued a warning that pregnant or nursing women, and those who
may become pregnant, should not eat these fish because they may contain mercury levels
high enough to damage the developing brain of a fetus. Although tuna—also reported to
have high mercury levels—was not put on the FDA’s list, some states, including
Connecticut, have urged pregnant women to limit canned tuna in their diet to no more than
seven ounces a week.
3. Eat organic foods. According to Helen Caldicott, MD, an internationally known
environmental advocate, "There are 80,000 chemicals in current use, and very few of those
have been adequately tested." There are about 30 pesticides alone used for growing broccoli,
she said in the keynote address for a national conference on Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy
Children. (May 2001, Boulder, Colorado.)
4. Drink plenty of pure, filtered water. In 1989, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) reported that more than one million elementary schools, high schools and colleges
were still using lead-lined water storage tanks or lead-containing components in their
drinking fountains. The EPA estimates that drinking water accounts for approximately 20%
of young children’s lead exposure. If you attended one of these schools, that lead is probably
still in your body.
5. Wash fruits and veggies under cold, running water for at least one minute and scrub with a
vegetable brush to wash away pesticides, additives, etc.
6. Don’t scrape the paint in an old home. Exposure to lead-contaminated paint during
pregnancy and childhood permanently impairs children’s intellectual development.
(Environmental Health Perspectives, 1996, vol. 104)
7. Work up a sweat! According to Michael Wisner, co-author of Living Healthy in a Toxic
World (Perigee), studies of human perspiration have found the body uses its sweating
mechanism to excrete heavy metals, medical and street drugs, and pesticides.
8. Use environmentally safe cleaning products.
9. Avoid using lawn and garden pesticides.
10.Take off your shoes to avoid tracking lead, dust and other contaminants into your home.

Detoxify your system with EDTA for added protection!

Did you know that mercury, lead and other toxins contribute to heart disease? You may not realize
it, but our bodies continuously struggle to get rid of the chemicals we ingest through water, food
and air. And most of the chemicals we're exposed to on a daily basis didn't even exist twenty-five
years ago.

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Thanks to medical pioneers like Garry Gordon MD, DO, the father of modern chelation therapy, we
now know that EDTA supplementation can help treat heart disease by removing heavy metals and
other toxins that interfere with the production of nitric oxide.

What is EDTA?
EDTA-a synthetic amino acid, very similar to four molecules of vinegar-is the standard FDA
approved treatment for lead, mercury, aluminum and cadmium poisoning. The American Heart
Association also recognizes chelation therapy as a treatment for heavy metal poisoning. When a
molecule of EDTA travels through the bloodstream and gets near a toxic mineral such as lead or
mercury, it chelates it or grabs the destructive particle and binds tightly with it, pulling it out of the
membrane or body tissue it was embedded in. Ultimately, both the EDTA and the toxic substance
are excreted in the urine.

What is nitric oxide?

Inside your body nitric oxide is produced by endothelial cells that line your blood vessels, and acts
as a messenger molecule by telling the blood vessels when to relax and expand. When adequate
nitric oxide is produced, it causes an "endothelial relaxing factor," which is needed by the arterial
system to expand and contract with each heartbeat. This helps regulate blood flow and pressure, so
that oxygen-carrying blood is delivered to your tissues and organs. "Nitric oxide causes all of the
capillaries and little blood vessels to relax and go to their biggest open position," says Dr. Gordon.
This allows unrestricted blood flow.
But if the endothelial cells contain lead or other heavy metals, nitric oxide production is impaired,
resulting in endothelial dysfunction, or the inability of the arterial system to expand and contract.
This is a major cause of hypertension and has also been linked to high cholesterol,
atherosclerosis, diabetes, blood clots, infection, and heart failure.
In fact, according to Dr. Gordon, "Congestive heart failure patients have recently been reported to
have 22,000 times more mercury and 14,000 times more antimony in their hearts.
"We now have a solid and defensible explanation for circulation benefits merely by removing toxic
heavy metals, and so we must carefully consider all options for our patients, including oral
chelation with EDTA supplemenation," says Dr. Gordon

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