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Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science &

Technology University Gopalganj 8100, Dhaka,


Assignment on: Establishing market segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy

for Sundarban

Course Title: Tourism Marketing

Course Code: 205
Submitted By Submitted To

Name: Ahad Khan Plabon Name: Synthia Islam

Year: 2nd Lecturer
ID: 18THM028 Department of
Semester: 1 Tourism and Hospitality
Department of Management
Tourism and Hospitality BSMRSTU

Table of contents

No Tittle
1 Introduction
2 History of Sundarban
3 Tourist attractions in Sundarbans
4 Market Segmentation
5 Targeting
6 Positioning
7 Conclusion

This study is about market segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy for Sundarban. This
study is based on STP model. The STP model is a central concept in marketing that is absolute
key to serving a market successfully. STP refers to three activities: segmentation, targeting, and
positioning. Marketers segment markets and identify attractive segments to target, before
developing suitable positioning strategies and allocating resources to priorities marketing
activities. The use of the STP model has become more and more popular because of the
increasing prevalence of mature markets, greater diversity in customer needs, and the ability to
reach niche segments.

Components of STP model

History of Sundarban

The Bangla word ban means forest, and the name Sundarban was coined either from the forests
of Sundari tree Sundari-ban, or from the forests of the samudra (sea), Samudra-ban, or from its
association with the primitive tribe Chandra-bandhe which was corrupted into Sundarban. The
generally accepted explanation, however, is its derivation from the sundari tree, the most
common tree in these forests.

The history of the area can be traced back to 200–300 AD. A ruin of a city built by  Chand
Sadagar has been found in the Baghmara Forest Block. During the Mughal period, the Mughal
Emperors leased the forests of the Sundarbans to nearby residents. Many criminals took refuge in
the Sundarbans from the advancing armies of Emperor Akbar. Many have been known to be
attacked by tigers. Many of the buildings which were built by them later fell to hands of
Portuguese pirates, salt smugglers and dacoits in the 16th and 17th centuries. Evidence of the
fact can be traced from the ruins at Netidhopani and other places scattered all over Sundarbans.

The legal status of the forests underwent a series of changes, including the distinction of being
the first mangrove forest in the world to be brought under scientific management. The area was
mapped first in Persian, by the Surveyor General as early as 1769 following soon after
proprietary rights were obtained from the Mughal Emperor Alamgir II by the British East India
Company in 1757.

Systematic management of this forest tract started in the 1860s after the establishment of a Forest
Department in the Province of Bengal, in British India. The management was entirely designed
to extract whatever treasures were available, but labour and lower management mostly were
staffed by locals, as the British had no expertise or adaptation experience in mangrove forests.

Tourist attractions in Sundarbans

Popular spot

Kotka, Karamjol, Hiron point (Nil Komol), Kochi khali (Tiger point), Dublerchar, Harbaria, and
Mandbaria. However, about 85% of the total visitors visit Kotka, Kochi khali (Tiger point),
Hiron point (Nil Komol), and Dublar Char during their excursion at Sundarbans.


Large and small canals spread all over the forest provide great opportunities for tourists to go
river cruising and jungle boating.


Mega biodiversity with a wide range of flora (512 species) and fauna (693 species), largest
population of Bengal tiger (400-450), high population of river dolphin, spotted dear, wild boar,
birds, and reptiles.


World largest mangrove forest, diversified ecology

Forest trails

Among the many forest trails Karamjol, Kotka, and Kochi khali forest trails are the most
popular for tourists.


Unspoiled, exotic sandy beach in the southern part (Kotka) of Sundarbans.

Culture and Heritage

Diversified lifestyle of forest resource dependent village people and their own customs,
traditions, and culture which is unique to Sundarbans.

Market Segmentation

In this study we will show how demographic market segmentation impacts on this destination

In this type of segmentation, the market is divided into groups based on the demographic
attributes such as age, gender, income, occupation, religion, nationality, social class, family size,
family life cycle etc.


1. Children: The Sundarbans can be a place of interest for children to simplicity. So

children can came to see the natural beauty and animals of the Sundarbans. By doing this
they will get an accurate idea about biodiversity directly.

2. Youth: The Sundarbans Can be a favorite travel destination for young people. Because
there are many places in the sundarbans for adventure. Such as taking picture of different
types of birds, honey collection and seeing the trajectory of the Royal Bengal Tiger.

3. Middle-aged: They also can come to enjoy the beauty of Sundarbans. There are many
places in the sundarbans to visit that they can easily see. It is an ideal place for them to
spend their holiday.


People of any gender can visit Sundarbans. Considering this aspect, security has been
strengthened at points in the Sundarbans.


Based on the economic system and people’s income there are different categories for Sundarbans
travel. There are two types of packages luxurious and middle-class. The services of these two
packages depend entirely on income of the travellers.


There are different types of services for people of different professions. There is an adventure
package for students. There are different types of holiday packages for employees.

It is very important to capture the target market for a particular destination. If we talk about
Sundarban it is not an expensive place to visit. Anyone with an average salary can come and visit
Sundarban. Most parts of Sundarban is eligible for people of any ages from old folks to children.
So targeting customer is mostly easy.

Families often come here and visit the sanctuary, take a boat ride in the forest and eventually do
a less tiring travel. But some people like adventures mostly young college students who come to
have an experience in the wildlife. They take a walk in the deep forest, tracking tiger footprints
etc. Tourists from abroad come to visit Sundraban on a regular visit. They should be one of the
prime targets.

To implement positioning strategy for Sundarbans we have to follow these:
 Product attributes and benefits
 Product price
 Product quality
 Product use and application
 Competitors

Product attributes and benefits: As we know Sundarbans is world heritage destination in the
world. So this destination is already well known. This is the plush point of our product. To keep
the brand value we have to maintain the eco balance of this destination. For international
marketing we could make a brand logo. That make our destination more well-known.

Here is the brand logo of Sundarban:

Figure1: Logo of Sundarban

Product price: To ensure the product price is very important. Traveling to Sundarban have to
minimum price rate. Because the major number of people come from middle-class. If we make
the travelling cost at a minimum rate we could catch huge tourist. And also we have to ensure
customer satisfaction.

Product quality: Maintaining the product quality is very necessary for an industry. As we know
that Sudarbans a natural tourism destination. But we have to give the best service to the

customer. We have to ensure full security to our customer. That make the customer more

Product use and applications: Sudarbans is full of natural beauties. Our service main motto
will be showing our tourist the best attracting site of Sundarban that no one can’t. That make the
destination more unique.

Competitors: There are many nature based tourism destinations in the entire world. They are
our competitor destination. But the best from our destination is this is the world largest mangrove
forest. The Royal Bengal Tiger is also rare animals. And there are also too many site that make
our destinations more unique from our competitors.

Establishing marketing strategy is really hard. But this is important to a destination is very
important. In This study we identified the segment and tried to make an essential marketing
strategy for Sundarbans. We also describe the beauties of Sundarbans. Sundarban is really an
interesting place to visite. Proper marketing plan can make this place more popular. This also
contribute to our economy. Proper maintenance is also needed for this destination. Otherwise we
will lost this valuable destination. If we follow the strategy we can achieved our goal.

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