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Following the com-

pletion of the area at
rather than painting
directly onto cobbles.
The regular newsletter from your local Conservatives

the south end of the

High Street a recent
site visit with Coun-
This will now be
rolled out throughout
future phases of
cillors and other in- works starting short- We are pleased to confirm that Stockton Coun-
terested parties has ly with the next area cil have decided to put on hold the planned
given approval to the from the disc zone parking changes, which were detailed in a pre-
new construction start point on the vious edition of intouch. We believe the pro-
methods used, with east side, down to posals would have damaged our town and
the introduction of Fairfax Court. caused increased problems for nearby residen-
coloured setts to tial streets as parking was displaced from the
show parking bays High Street area.

DANGEROUS TURN Following a campaign supported by your Con-

servative councillors, residents, traders and our
We are pleased to have
MP James Wharton, Stockton Council received
secured a scheme fund- One issue that came up when we were
around 300 objections. The result was that the
ed from the Western out and about in Kirklevington was
proposals went to appeal.
Area Transport Group the problem of cars (and taxis in par-
which will see the intro- ticular) parking on the corner by the On 14th March, Stockton Council’s appeals and cause he is deemed to have an interest in the
duction of 3 mobile Crown, causing a danger for other complaints committee took evidence and decid- issue, he would have had to stay silent and
speed indicator display drivers and pedestrians. ed to put the parking plan on hold. Council would have been unable to vote (whereas by
sites (SIDs) on busy officers were instructed by the committee to not attending a Conservative councillor from
local roads. This is a dangerous bend, even with work with traders and the Town Council on a elsewhere in the Borough was able to vote in
the traffic calming measures local new proposal, including tackling the short- his place), meaning we might not have se-
The location of the Conservatives have secured over re- age of long-stay parking. Whilst not a com- cured this important victory.
sites will be on Forest cent years, and it is clear that more plete victory, the deferral is a step in the right
Lane, Thirsk Road and still needs to be done. direction and will allow your Conservative Yarm As ever, Local Conservatives will continue to
The Spital. The mobile Town Council the chance to work with residents keep you informed of any developments and
device is the same type Ben Houchen (pictured) has contacted and traders to explore alternative solutions. we are already working to explore a number
as presently being used the Council about it and we will keep We can now look at options which would not of options. We believe it is important that
outside the Golf Club in residents informed. risk displacing traffic onto nearby residential Stockton Council rethink their current plans to
Eaglescliffe. streets and can work together to deliver a bet- take into account both residents’ and traders’
ter long term solution for Yarm. opinions, which we felt had been ignored dur-
ing the initial consultation. We are confident
YARM GALA - 19 JUNE 2011 Mark Chatburn attended the meeting on behalf that with Conservative Borough Councillors
of your Conservative Borough candidates, with and a Conservative Town Council working to-
Last year, Yarm Town Council’s Conservatives 19th. Once again the Gala will have a live music a number of town councillors also present. An- gether with local people a suitable solution
organised the fourth traditional Gala, which at- stage, Victorian funfair, bell boat competition, drew Sherris sits on the committee and so was can be found.
tracted over 4,000 people and was hailed as a hog roast, crepes, street entertainers and Li-
not able to attend- had he done so, and be- Pictured: Jason Hadlow and James Wharton MP with
huge success, we also marked the 300th Anniver- ons Charities Fair, as well as a boat parade, campaigners in Yarm.
sary of Yarm Town Hall with an opening ceremo- steam boat rides, a Farmers market, dancers, a
ny attended by Lord Crathorne. ‘Yarm’s got Talent’ competition and face paint-
The Gala is a free of charge event, organised by
local Conservatives as an event for our communi- This is hopefully a taster of things to come as A recent site visit with Highways Officers has taken place with the view
ty to enjoy and to showcase Yarm. more events are announced in the run up to the to removing some excess signs and `street clutter`. We hope this
event itself. will improve the affected area and be less distracting to drivers. If you
This year’s Gala will take place on Sunday June
have any thoughts or comments on this matter please do not hesitate to
contact us at or contact one of your
YARM CONSERVATIVES - Conservative Councillors, as we are always happy to hear from local resi-
Promoted by Laura Tunney on behalf of Mark Chatburn, Ben Houchen and Andrew Sherris all of Suite 6A DTV Business Centre, Orde Wingate Way
TS19 0GD. Printed by Inprint 78-84 Skinner Street, Stockton on Tees. TS18 1EG
intouch intouch
In the previous edition of intouch we informed residents of shelters. However, it must be pointed out that the majority of
plans for a new park on the Leven Park estate. Those living the funding is not Council money but national funding that can Most people find it hard to baked plans which have been proposed so far.
near to the proposed plans were also sent a letter by James only be used for new build or enhancement to existing areas of get excited about local elec- Full scale High Street parking charges are al-
Wharton MP. this nature. tions. This year, though, we ready being talked of by some at Stockton as a
Nearby residents have received an updated letter since then There has also been some misinformation given out by an indi- have a unique chance to take possible next step. We need a strong team to
but as promised we are bringing everyone up to date with the vidual who set out to use this issue to try to score political part in two important votes. oppose changes which would damage our High
Leven Park proposals in this edition of intouch: Having worked points locally. This was evident by some door step canvassing On 5th May we will vote on Street, and I need people who I can work with
with Officers to review all the comments received there ap- taking part outside the Social Club and also by certain com- whether to change our elec- for the good of our town to put pressure on
pears to be some support for a small scale local facility, how- ments made at a recent Town Council meeting. There have toral system and on who our Stockton Council to do the right thing.
ever, the plans as presented did raise both aspirations and also been some disgraceful leaflets distributed by one political councillors are to be for the
worries amongst residents. Your local Conservatives have group attacking local councillors who live in this part of Yarm. coming term. The Leven Park plans have also caused con-
worked hard to ensure concerns are properly taken into ac- Please remember that there is an election coming and the so- cern for some residents, but only after local
count and we hope the suggested changes might be more called “Yarm Independents”, who have been nowhere to be Proposed changes to our voting system could Conservatives informed people of the pro-
acceptable to local people. We have ensured the Council was seen for the past four years, will sadly try to stir things up for change the political climate in this country for- posals though our regular intouch newsletter.
left in no doubt that we want them to take all comments re- political advantage. We have worked hard to persuade the ever. If the alternative vote is introduced it No doubt when the election gets a bit nearer
ceived about the scheme seriously and we have asked them to council to listen to residents and we hope a revised plan will be would make it harder to remove sitting MPs other groups, Labour, Yarm Independents (led
look again and come forward with a more acceptable plan, seen as a significant step in the right direction. We need to (despite what the Yes campaign say!) and would by someone who lives in Hartlepool!), Lib
which we will circulate as soon as it is available. take a measured approach if we are to influence things in the give some people several votes whilst others Dems et al, will start jumping on whatever
interests of local people and point scoring on an issue like this only get one. It would cost more and would passing bandwagon they can, but it is only
Some of the changes we expect: puts our ability to actually secure changes in danger. Of take many many hours to count, bringing an local Conservatives who have genuinely been
The money available can only provide a small fenced play area course the independents know this, but do not appear con- end to the traditional election night, and it here all year round, not just at election time.
with both some traditional and natural/sustainable equipment. cerned at the impact their game playing might actually have on would lead to more coalitions, giving politicians
Some land drainage is necessary as much of the area is easily local people. the excuse to go back on their promises in the I am immensely proud of what has been
waterlogged at times. We have requested that Officers re-
name of compromise. achieved in the last few years, from footpaths
examine the location and that the more contentious issues We will continue to work to persuade the council that it needs
such as the MUGA, gateways, extra paths and floodlights and traffic measures to tidying up sites like
to listen to residents and take into account local views. We Locally there is also a lot at risk. Conservative Worsall Road Cemetery, saving Preston Park
be removed. Officers have agreed to pursue more planting have worked hard on securing concessions that we believe are
throughout the area and build on the tree schemes that An- Councillors on Yarm Town Council give up and introducing Yarm Gala, but this is only
in the best interests of our community and also to secure a countless hours for the unpaid role and volun- the tip of the iceberg and there is much more
drew Sherris has secured over recent years. Andrew has also proper consultation.
discussed the issue with Yarm Recreation Ground Trust and tarily organise the annual Yarm Gala, its future to be done. Local elections should not just be
there is an agreement in principle that, if a scheme which could can only be secured by their re-election. The about party politics, they have to be about
As a result nothing will now be done until a full public con- Gala is free of charge and sponsored, so as not
have a traffic impact does go ahead, they would allow club what is best for our community. Local Con-
sultation has taken place. Revised plans will take into ac- to be a burden on the taxpayer, yet opposition
facilities to be used for parking. servatives have put together the right team to
count those issues already raised as indicated above and we
groups have always failed to support the event. lead Yarm forward, I hope you might consider
will work to ensure the end result is in everyone’s best interests
Some residents asked that this money be spent on other lending them your support, I am confident you
and properly takes into account genuine concerns.
schemes throughout the Borough or used to renew local bus Parking has not gone away, although with the will be impressed when you see what they can
deferral we have thankfully secured the oppor- do.
tunity to make major changes. We need to

'It is the stupidest, the least scientific and the most unreal' voting system.-Winston Churchill
work as a team and ensure a long stay car park-
ing solution is found, rather than the half
Please use your vote in May to stop AV and to
protect Yarm’s future.

The “Yes to AV” camp, including once they are in, they’ll be harder to How to contact James Wharton MP
some local Lib Dems are now sug- get out again.
gesting it would make MPs work Email:
harder. Sadly this is a total fabrica- AV is expensive, doesn't work and is Website:
tion! AV would not change the reality unfair, we hope you will join us in Tel: 01642 636235
of safe seats and would actually, voting no in May and sending Nick By Post: Suite 6, DTV Business Centre, Orde Wingate Way, Stockton TS19 0GD
many predict, make it harder to shift Clegg a clear message that he Alternative Post: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
a sitting MP. Under AV sitting MPs should get on with the job and stop
being distracted by fiddling with our
are more likely to pick up second or Contact your Yarm Conservative team:
third preferences, meaning that (as tried and tested constitution to try
some people get more than one vote to gain some party advantage for
the struggling Lib Dems.
in this strange and unfair system)
Promoted by Laura Tunney on behalf of Mark Chatburn, Ben Houchen and Andrew Sherris all of Suite 6A DTV Business Centre, Orde Wingate Way
TS19 0GD. Printed by Inprint 78-84 Skinner Street, Stockton on Tees. TS18 1EG

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