Achievement Test

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Affliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

BED-146 Teaching of Physics
Topic:- Achievement Test its construction and Item Analysis

Teacher In-charge: Submitted by:

Dr. Monika Singh Shiwani Kumari
Enrollment No:
Achievement test its construction and item analysis

An Achievement test is an assessment of developed knowledge or skill.  Achievement tests

are developed to measure skills and knowledge learned in a given grade level, usually
through planned instruction, such as training or classroom instruction. Achievement tests are
often contrasted with aptitude tests.

Achievement test refer to assessments which scores are often used to determine the level of
instruction for which a student is prepared. High achievement scores generally indicate that a
level of mastery of grade-level material has been reached, and that the student is prepared for
advanced instruction. Conversely, low achievement scores can indicate the need for further
remediation or repeating a course grade level.

Purpose of achievement test

The purpose of achievement testing is to measure some aspect of the intellectual competence
of human beings: what a person has learned to know or to do. Teachers use achievement tests
to measure the attainments of their students. Employers use achievement tests to measure the
competence of prospective employees. Professional associations use achievement tests to
exclude unqualified applicants from the practice of the profession. In any circumstances
where it is necessary or useful to distinguish persons of higher from those of lower
competence or attainments, achievement testing is likely to occur.

 the most popular purpose of an achievement test is to check up on a student's ability in order
to provide them with the most fitting degree of support in terms of their education in a
particular subject area.

Classification of achievement test

The two important types are:

I. Teacher Made Tests II. Standardized Test.

I. Teacher made test

A teacher uses different terms of evaluation techniques in a class-room situation. Teacher-

made test is one of the most valuable instruments in the hands of the teacher to solve this
purpose. It is designed to solve the problems or requirements of the class for which it is

Features of teacher made test

1. The items of the tests are arranged in order of difficulty.

2. These are prepared by the teachers which can be used for prognosis and diagnosis
3. The test covers the whole content area and includes a large number of items.

4. The test is developed by the teacher to ascertain the student’s achievement and proficiency
in a given subject.

II. Standardized Test.

Standardized tests are carefully constructed tests which have uniformity of procedure in
scoring, administering and interpreting the test results. Generally these tests are “norm-
referenced tests that measure the pupils’ level of achievement in various content. And skill
areas by comparing their test performance with the performance of other pupils in some
general reference group.”

Features of standardized test

1. The test is developed by experts test specialists so that its items are of high technical

2. A manual is supplied that explains the purposes and uses of the test, describes briefly how
it was constructed, provides specific directions for administering, scoring, and interpreting
results, contains tables of norms and summarizes available research data on the test.

3. Equivalent forms of test are available.

4. These tests possesses high reliability coefficient, generally between .80 to .95.


 The construction of an objective based test can be divided into the following steps

1.      Planning the test

2.      Preparing the blue print

3.      Designing questions and editing the question paper

4.      Administering the test

5.      Scoring the test

6.      Evaluating the test

1)     Planning the test

The first step in measuring achievement is to establish a clear statement of objectives. After
stating the objectives, the teacher is ready to proceed with construction of a test to measure
achievement of these objectives. The teacher while planning the test will bear in mind the
following aspects:

a.      Weightage to objectives which means selection of objectives and allotting marks to each.

b.      Weightage to different areas of content

c.      Weightage to different forms of questions (i.e. essay type, short answer, objective type)

d.      Scheme of options

e.      Sections in the achievement test

 2)     Preparing the blueprint

The design of the achievement test is given by means of a three dimensional table of
specifications in the form of a blueprint. A blue print is essentially a three-way grid, with the
content spread along the vertical axis and the objectives to be tested along the horizontal axis.
The three dimensional chart covers the following

a.      Objectives to be tested

b.      Subject matter to be covered

c.      The form of questions

3)     Designing questions

The next step is to design questions on the basis of the blueprint. It necessitates the following

a.      Defining the objectives

b.      Changing the objectives to specifications

c.      Complete knowledge of the subject matter

4)     Editing the question paper

This step consists of the following measures

1.      Assembling the questions on the basis of their form e.g.

 Section A-Objective type

Section B-Short Answer

Section C-Essay Type

2.      Instructions to the students: General instructions may be given at the beginning of a

question paper.
5)     Administering the test

The key operation in the measurement of achievement with the test is the actual use of the
instrument by students. Poor planning of the administrative process can lead to spurious
result. This involves predetermining among other things, time of testing, place of testing, and
giving of instructions.
6)     Scoring key and marking scheme

A scoring key is prepared for the objective questions, and a marking scheme is made for the
essay and short questions. A marking scheme is essential as it indicates

a.      The number of points or steps expected in the answer

b.      The outline of each point or step expected in the answer

c.      The Weightage to each of these points or steps

7)      Standardizing the test

In evaluating a test, a few questions need to be asked. If the scores are extremely high, it may
assume that the test was too easy for the class. If the scores seem very low, the test was
probably too difficult. It is advisable the question paper before it goes for printing. A review
of the question paper necessitates three steps:

a.      Question wise analysis(before the test)

b.      Critical evaluation of the test(before the test)

c.      Item analysis(after the test)

Question wise analysis helps to know the strengths and weakness of the test; to tally the
question paper and the blueprint; and to determine the content validity of the test.

Each question is analyzed according to objective, specification, topic, question type and form,
estimated difficulty level, time needed, and marks allotted.
Model Achievement test construction in physical science

Name of the Teacher       : Shiwani Kumari

Name of the School        : D.A.V Public School

Standard                        : VIII A

Date:                                                                              Mark: 50

                                                                                               Time :

   Choose the Correct Answer                                                      1x20=20

1.   Mechanics is a branch of

      a) Chemistry b) Physics c) Electronics d) Statics

2.   In neutral equilibrium the centre of gravity is

a) Lowered b) Raised c) Lowered and raised d) Neither raised

nor     lowered

3.   An example for an simple machine

      a) Generator b) Reactor c) Diesel engine d) Pulleys

4.   In simple machines the mechanical advantage is equal to

      a) Load x power  b) Power/load  c)Load/power  d) None of the above

5.   An example for second order lever is

     a) A pair of scissors b) Wheel barrow c)See-saw d) Forceps

6. In which Doll is titled, it goes to its initial position

  a) Barbie Doll b) Agra Doll c) Thanjawur Doll d) None of the above

7. A person is able to lift a stone of 200kg.wt by applying a force of

10Kg.wt, the mechanical advantage is

a) 200               b) 10               c) 20         d) 2000

8. An example for third order lever is

a) See-saw   b) Bottle opener   c) Wheel borrow    d) Forceps

9…………. Can be reduced by using ball bearings

a) Surface tension b) Friction c)Gravity     d) Force

10.  In a single movable pulleys, the mechanical advantage is equal


a) 1    b) 3   c)2     d) 4

II Fill in the blanks

11) …………………deals with the study of motion of bodies

12) The ratio of the mechanical advantage to the velocity ratio is


13)The position of centre of gravity of a body determines the …………of the


14. Polishing and smoothening of rough surfaces reduce………..

15. Staircases and Ghat roads are based on the principle of……………

III Match the following

16. A funnel with his base on a table          -    reduces the friction

17. load x load arm                                     -     l/h

18. Pulley                                          -    Stable equilibrium

19. Mechanical Advantage                 -     Changes the direction of force

20 .Lubricant                                    -      power x power arm


V Answer the following                                                  2 x 10 =20

1. Define centre of gravity

2. Why do racing cars are low and their wheels apart?

3. Define efficiency of a simple lesson machine?

4. Give new examples of inclined plane?

5. Where are ball bearing used?

6. What is simple machine?

7. Mention two disadvantages of friction you noticed from your surround?

8. State the law of levers

9. Why do we use ball bearing in wheels

10. Fin dout two factors that affecting friction?


VI Answer in details                                                       2 x 5 =10

1.   Explain the method to determine the centre of gravity of an irregular

lamina with  neat diagram

2.   Explain various types of levers with examples

Item Analysis

Item analysis is the act of analyzing student responses to individual exam questions with the
intention of evaluating exam quality. It is an important tool to uphold test effectiveness and
Item analysis enables the teacher to evaluate the effectiveness of the test items. It helps in
determining; the difficulty value of each item; the discriminating power of each item; and the
effectiveness of distracters in the given item.

Item analysis brings to light test quality in the following ways:

Item Difficulty - is the exam question (aka “item”) too easy or too hard? When an item is
one that every student either gets wrong or correct, it decreases an exam’s reliability. If
everyone gets a particular answer correct, there’s less of a way to tell who really understands
the material with deep knowledge. Conversely, if everyone gets a particular answer incorrect,
then there’s no way to differentiate those who’ve learned the material deeply.
Item Discrimination -does the exam question discriminate between students who understand
the material and those who do not? Exam questions should asess out the varying degrees of
knowledge students have on the material, reflected by the percentage correct on exam
questions. Desirable discrimination can be shown by comparing the correct answers to the
total test scores of students--i.e., do students who scored high overall have a higher rate of
correct answers on the item than those who scored low overall? If you separate top scorers
from bottom scorers, which group is getting which answer correct?

Item Distractors - for multiple-choice exams, distractors play a significant role. Do exam
questions effectively distract test takers from the correct answer? For example, if a multiple-
choice question has four possible answers, are two of the answers obviously incorrect,
thereby rendering the question with a 50/50 percent chance of correct response? When
distractors are ineffective and obviously incorrect as opposed to being more disguised, then
they become ineffective in assessing student knowledge. An effective distractor will attract
test takers with a lower overall score than those with a higher overall score.

Item analysis entails noting the pattern of student errors to various questions in all the ways
stated above. This analysis can provide distinct feedback on exam efficacy and support exam

Steps in item analysis

1. Arrange the scores in descending order.

2. Take 27% of the scores out of the higher scores and 27% of the scores falling at
3. Count the number of examinees in higher (N.H) and lower group (N.L)
4. Count the number of right answer in higher group (R.H) and Count the number of
right answer in higher group (R.L)
5. Count the non-response (N.R) examinees.

Difficulty value

According to J.P Guilford- The D.V of an item is defined as the proportion or percentage of
the examinee who have answered the item correctly.
R. H +R.L
D .V =
N . H +N .L

R.H- Righty answered in higher group

R.L- Righty answered in lower group

N.H- No of examinees in higher group

N.L- No of examinees in lower group

In case of non-response examinees available means

R.H +R. L
D .V =
( N . H + N . L )−N . R

N.R- No of non-response examinees in lower group

Analysis of the difficulty value

Low difficulty valuedifficult item

Ex:- D.V=0.10only 10% individuals answered correctly. So that item is too difficult.

High difficulty valueEasy item

Ex:- D.V=0.89 89% individuals answered correctly. So that item is too easy.


0.20-0.30 Most difficult
0.30-0.40 Difficult
0.40-0.60 Moderate difficult
0.60-0.70 Easy
0.70-0.80 Very Easy

Discrimination Index (D.I)

According to Blood and Budd- Index of discrimination is that ability of an item on the basis
of which the discrimination is made between superiors and inferiors. It ranges from +1 to -1.

R . H −R . L R . H −R . L
D .I= =
N .H N .L
Types of discrimination index


answered correctly by all the examinee’s or An item is not answered correctly by any
of the examinee
2.  POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION INDEX -An item is correctly answered by superiors
and is not answered correctly by inferiors.
3. NEGATIVE DISCRIMINATION INDEX -An item is correctly answered by inferiors
and is not answered correctly by superiors

Therefore it can be summarized as

D.I Item
0.80-1.00 Very good item
0.50-0.80 Reasonably good
0.20-0.50 Average
Negative or 0-0.2 Poor item

Criteria for selection and rejection of items

 Positive discrimination index be selected.

 Negative and zero discrimination index be rejected.
 High and low difficulty value be rejected.


 In a nutshell we can conclude that achievement test is highly beneficial for the
teachers as well as the students. With the help of this test students progress can be
easily known to teachers.
 Achievement test not only gives the students’ performance but it also reflects the
success and failure of interventions given by the teacher.
 Overall, it explores the learning progress of the students with an intent to know their
learning of particular topic/subject.


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