Mroczko-Wąsowicz, Nikolić - 2013 - Colored Alphabets in Bilingual Synesthetes

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Colored alphabets in bilingual synesthetes

Article · January 2013


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2 authors, including:

Danko Nikolić
(Ex) Max Planck Institute for Brain Research


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Chapter 9

Colored alphabets in
bilingual synesthetes

Aleksandra Mroczko-Wą sowicz and

Danko Nikoli ć


In this chapter, we explore how grapheme-color synesthesia might be expressed in

second languages. Grapheme-color synesthesia is one of the most common forms of
synesthesia. In this, the triggers (or “inducers”) for synesthetic colors are the linguistic
symbols known as graphemes (the smallest distinct entities of the written language).
These graphemes might trigger colors whether or not they are read from text or heard
from speech (or even if they are merely thought about).1 Graphemes are a more com-
mon type of a synesthetic inducer than phonemes, and grapheme-color synesthesia can
be triggered by letters and numerals, and less often by punctuations, Braille signs, or
musical notation. According to Ward and Cytowic (2010), phonemes are inducers in
only about 10% of the cases of all forms of synesthesia, while graphemes are responsible
for about 68% of cases.
In early research, synesthesia was considered as being merely a linguistic meta-
phor or a learned association. However, later investigations provided a more accu-
rate picture. Evidence indicated that the neural representations of synesthetic colors

An alternative form of synesthesia is phoneme-color synesthesia in which the colors are triggered
by phonemes (the smallest distinct entities of spoken language) (Henderson 1985; Simner 2006). It
is possible to distinguish between grapheme-color synesthesia and phoneme-color synesthesia by
considering the extent to which the synesthetic color is related to the spelling of the word. For example,
if a synesthete experiences a different synesthetic color when hearing the /s/ sound in the words “site”
and “cite,” it is clear that the color is linked to the spelling, and thus, this would be grapheme-color
synesthesia. Alternatively, if the synesthete experiences the same synesthetic color when they hear the /s/
sound, whether this is the word “site” or “cite,” it is clear that the color is independent of the spelling and
related only to the sound; in this case, we have phoneme-color synesthesia.

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166 Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia

resemble those activated during color vision under standard perceptual conditions:
specifically, functional magnetic resonance imaging studies detected activation in
areas V4/V8 during synesthetic experiences (Hubbard et al. 2005; Nunn et al. 2002;
Sperling et al. 2006; but see Van Leeuwen et al. 2010 for a discussion). Furthermore,
psychophysics experiments indicated that these experiences have color opponent
properties (Nikolić, Lichti, and Singer 2007), just like veridical colors. Both of these
pieces of evidence suggest the involvement of neurons responsible for color percep-
tion. Interference between the color of the ink and the synesthetic color can be seen
in Stroop-type tests, which suggested that synesthetic associations are uncontrolla-
ble (Mattingley et al. 2001; Mroczko et al. 2009; Nikolić, Lichti, and Singer 2007;
Odgaard, Flowers, and Bradman 1999; Smilek and Dixon 2002). In a synesthetic
Stroop task, grapheme-color synesthetes must name the font-color of presented
graphemes (e.g., the letter A in the font-color red) while ignoring their synesthetic
colors. Such tasks show that synesthetes are slower to respond when the font color
clashes with the synesthetic color (e.g., when required to name red font coloring for
letters that are synesthetically green). This type of interference in speeded tasks sug-
gests that synesthetic associations are automatically elicited and cannot easily be
Synesthetic associations remain consistent throughout the lifetime (Baron-Cohen,
Wyke, and Binnie 1987), whereas non-synesthetes trained with letter-color associ-
ations can lose up to 70% of the consistency after only a week (Ward and Cytowic
2010). Hence, long-term stability of synesthetic associations seems to be the best
available test for the authenticity of synesthesia. The Stroop test is commonly used
too, but has less diagnostic capability as it only provides evidence of the existence of
an involuntary association, but does not offer any information of whether this asso-
ciation reflects synesthesia or another mental phenomenon (e.g., rehearsed learning).
The majority of associations detected by a Stroop test are not synesthetic. For exam-
ple, a learned link between the shape of a smiley face with its yellow color will produce
a Stroop effect although this association is unrelated to synesthesia (Nikolić, Lichti,
and Singer 2007).
Here, we review known evidence about the interaction between synesthesia and
the acquisition of a second language. We will show that synesthetic colors can pass
from the primary language to the secondary language. Our discussion relates to
cases in which a second language is learned later in life than the primary language.
It seems that cross-linguistic transfer may be specific to such situations, because
those who are bilingual from birth may not have a distinction between a “primary”
language, which serves as a source for transfer, and a “secondary” language, which
builds on that base. Research on bilingual people has uncovered distinct represen-
tations in the brain for a mother tongue and for a later-acquired foreign language
(Paivio and Lambert 1981; Smith 1991). It is thus interesting to know whether these
differences have implications for synesthesia associated with the writing systems of
these different languages.

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Colored alphabets in bilingual synesthetes 167

Cross-Linguistic Transfer When Learning

a Second Language

Studies have shown that English-speaking synesthetes can also experience synesthesia
for the graphemes of scripts that do not use the Latin alphabet, and which are learned
later in life (Mills, Boteler, and Oliver 2002; Rich, Bradshaw, and Mattingley 2005;
Witthoft and Winawer 2006). This phenomenon might be thought of as a cross-linguis-
tic transfer from a first language to a second language (Simner 2007). According to the
“scaffolding” hypothesis of Simner (2007), synesthetic colors from a second language
may be mapped onto the existing colors of the first language.
For example, Witthoft and Winawer (2006) described a case of an American girl with
grapheme-color synesthesia, who moved to Russia at the age of three. In the US, she
first associated Latin letters to colors from a set of colored refrigerator magnets. Later,
while learning the Cyrillic alphabet, she experienced synesthetic colors too, which were
evidently transferred from her Latin letters. The transfer was based largely on the vis-
ual resemblance across alphabets, e.g., similarly looking English “N” and Cyrillic “И”
were associated to the same shade of red. In cases where a Cyrillic grapheme did not
bear a visual resemblance to a Latin grapheme, phonetic similarity became the basis on
which colors were transferred. For example, English “F” and Cyrillic “Ф” (pronounced
/f/) were both violet. Other evidence indicated that visual similarity was a stronger cue
for the transfer of color than was phonetic similarity: visual counterparts in the two
alphabets correlated positively in both hue and saturation of their colors, while phonetic
equivalents shared only the hue (Witthoft and Winawer 2006).
A similar case, reported by Rich, Bradshaw, and Mattingley (2005), was of an
English–Greek bilingual who acquired Greek as a second language after puberty. Her
synesthetic colors elicited by Greek symbols were related to the shapes and sounds of
Latin letters. Much like in the case in Witthoft and Winawer (2006), shape similar-
ity took precedence over phonetic similarity. Lowercase Greek letters, which are more
similar in shape to Latin letters (compared to uppercase Greek letters), often evoked
the same synesthetic colors across languages, even if their Greek counterparts were
pronounced differently. For example, “β” is pronounced similar to “V” in English, but
triggers the brown-like color of her Latin “B” rather than the gray of her “V.” Greek let-
ters that did not bear any visual resemblance to Latin letters elicited colors that were
determined by similarity in pronunciation. For example, the letter “ψ,” which is pro-
nounced as /psi/ (“psee”), elicits an experience of a pink, the same color associated to
the letter “P” in the Latin alphabet.
In a similar fashion, Mills, Boteler, and Oliver (2002) studied in detail a native English-
speaking multilingual synesthete who was also a college professor of the Russian lan-
guage, which she started learning in high school. Her colors for Cyrillic letters appeared
to be adopted from their visual and phonetic equivalents in the Latin alphabet. Her

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168 Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia

Cyrillic and Latin letter-color pairings became permanently acquired. In the study by
Mills and colleagues, this synesthete performed a Stroop-type task, in which she had
to name the print color of letters printed either congruently with her synesthetic colors
(e.g., in red print, for a letter that is synesthetically red) or incongruently (e.g., the same
letter printed in green). This type of “synesthetic Stroop” is used to show that synes-
thetic colors are automatically generated since they can slow naming times where real
and synesthetic colors clash (i.e., in the incongruent condition). In her Stroop task, irre-
spective of whether the synesthete had to name the print color of the Latin or Cyrillic
letter, the synesthete’s naming times were approximately the same. This task provided
evidence that cross-linguistic equivalents evoke identical colors, which interfere with
naming print colors in the same way. Also, the consistency of responses over a period of
2.5 to 5 years indicated that her synesthesia for Cyrillic letters was almost as vivid and
stable as it was for Latin letters.
Steven and Blakemore (2004) studied idiopathic synesthesia in six late-blind syn-
esthetes who had been without normal vision for over 10 years. Prior to the impairment
of vision, all of them had experienced spatially patterned colored hearing for letters,
numbers, and time-related words such as days of the week and months. They perceived
these colors when hearing or even thinking about the inducers, and had these experi-
ences for as long as they could remember. The authors showed that these experiences
were highly consistent over a period of 2 months. Five subjects had been using Braille
for more than 40 years, i.e., since the age of primary school, but only one of these five
individuals had developed full colored-Braille synesthesia. For him, Braille characters
that were similar in shape evoked similar colors; we describe this case next.
This synesthete was reported to see Braille characters as colored dots either while
touching them or just from thinking about touching them, i.e., by mentally simulat-
ing this action and reflecting on the corresponding sensation (see Mroczko-Wąsowicz
and Werning 2012). These experiences were specific to tactile inputs forming Braille
symbols, since other textures did not evoke synesthetic colors (e.g., object surfaces, or
spatial dots arranged in shapes not related to Braille). Similarly, synesthesia was not trig-
gered for Latin graphemes made up of Braille dots. Moreover, his Braille colors were
generally determined by the spatial pattern of dots, and not by the specific meaning of
a Braille character in any given context. To explain this, in Braille the same geometric
arrangements of dots can have three different meanings: for example, the letter I, the
number 9, and the musical note “A”-quaver. For this subject, the shape conveying these
three different meanings triggered the same color irrespective of the meaning implied
by any given context. Also, much like in grapheme-color synesthesia (Brang, Coulson,
and Ramachandran 2011; Jürgens and Nikolić 2012; Watson, Akins, and Enns 2012),
and as noted earlier, Braille characters that were similar in shape evoked similar synes-
thetic colors.
All these case studies show highly similar patterns of cross-linguistic transfer across
different individuals. Hence, we can conclude that the described rules of transfer (e.g.,
the frequent priority of shape similarity over phonetic similarity) might be general and
representative for synesthetes as a population. However, one limitation of such case

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Colored alphabets in bilingual synesthetes 169

studies is that no insights are offered about the learning mechanisms that take place dur-
ing the transfer of synesthesia. These learning mechanisms can probably be best investi-
gated under the controlled conditions of a laboratory.

Cross-Linguistic Transfer in
Laboratory Conditions

One study that sheds light on the speed and effort with which such cross-linguistic
transfer can occur was done by Mroczko et al. (2009). We were interested in the amount
of practice required to adopt a novel inducer for an old synesthetic association. Hence,
we replicated in the laboratory the natural phenomenon of cross-linguistic transfer. We
introduced to monolingual grapheme-color synesthetes special graphemes with novel
shapes but without any corresponding sound. We assigned each new grapheme a mean-
ing by linking it to existing Latin letters (and Arabic numerals) which triggered syn-
esthesia for the synesthete. The main measure was of the time needed for the synesthesia
of one writing system to transfer to the novel graphemes of the second writing system.
It was unknown whether the transfer would require exposure to the new graphemes for
just a few minutes, or maybe for weeks, or even months.
The answer has implications for understanding the fundamental nature of synesthe-
sia. One of the most important issues of the current debate on the phenomenon of syn-
esthesia is about the nature of its associations. The question is whether novel synesthetic
associations can be explained by the creation of novel synaptic connections between
neurons representing the inducer and the concurrent—which might be referred to as
a “low-level” hypothesis. Alternatively, it might be that synesthetic associations occur
at a “higher,” distributed level of organization, in which associations are formed in a
more elaborated ways than accounted for by simply direct synaptic connections. The
high-level hypothesis is closer to the level at which the semantic structure of knowl-
edge operates—i.e., associations between conceptual contents rather than neurons—
and where attentional mechanisms, interpretation and context have a predominant role.
The two levels are also often referred to as perceptual and conceptual respectively, as it
is often assumed that perception is an earlier and hence, more rudimentary and auto-
matic stage of information processing than is the activation and processing of semantic
information. The low-level hypothesis is often discussed together with the assumption
that there is a neuron coding for letter “A,” in one brain area, and another neuron coding
for red color, in another brain area, and that in cases of grapheme-color synesthesia, a
direct physical connection is created from the “A”-neuron to the red-color neuron. As a
result, an activation of the former produces inevitable activation of the latter (Cytowic
and Wood 1982; Harrison and Baron-Cohen 1997; Ramachandran and Hubbard 2001b;
see also Grossenbacher and Lovelace 2001 for the alternative version that involves local
disinhibition). Discussion of the high-level hypothesis typically leaves unspecified the

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170 Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia

nature of associations in terms of neuronal connectivity (individual neurons or some

form of a widespread representation at the network level), but is instead concerned with
the dynamics of the semantic organization of the human mind. It also states that synes-
thetic associations result as a consequence of the interpretation of the meaning that an
inducer may have for a synesthete, and this may change dynamically depending on the
context (Dixon et al. 2006; Mausfeld 2002; Rich and Mattingley 2003; Ward, Tsakanikos,
and Bray 2006).
In our study on the transfer of synesthesia we reasoned that if synesthetic associa-
tions originate at the semantic level of representation, the transfer should occur quickly,
requiring only a few minutes to learn the meaning of a new grapheme. Semantic asso-
ciations are known to be learned quickly (Bloom 2000; Markson and Bloom 1997). But,
if the synesthetic associations occur at the low, perceptual level, longer transfer times
would be expected, because the system would have to undergo perceptual learning,
which is a comparatively slower process (Goldstone 1998; Kami and Sagi 1993). Hence,
the speed of transfer is indicative of the type of representation (high versus low level).
We designed our study to distinguish between these two hypotheses.
In our study, we tested native speakers of German with grapheme-color synesthesia.
We aimed to induce a transfer of synesthetic colors from their native Latin alphabet
to a set of never-seen-before Glagolitic graphemes (Franolić and Zagar 2008), which
we introduced to them using a writing exercise in order to teach the orthography and
the meaning of the graphemes—i.e., the semantic correspondence between a new
Glagolitic grapheme and a familiar Latin/Arabic one. No sounds associated with the
graphemes were presented in the study. Glagolitsa is an ancient Eastern European
alphabet and numbering system that was ideal for our study, because German sub-
jects would be completely unfamiliar with this alphabet prior to the writing exercise.
Furthermore, Glagolitsa has the required exotic appearance, as only few letters bear
any resemblance to other known graphemes (see Figure 9.1).
In total, 16 synesthetes were trained under laboratory conditions to use the
Glagolitic alphabet. The training was implemented as a short writing exercise that con-
sisted of two phases. In the first phase the subjects learned how to write a Glagolitic
grapheme and in the second phase the subjects were asked to write a list of 20 German

Figure 9.1 The correspondence between the graphemes of Latin and square Glagolitic alphabets.

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Colored alphabets in bilingual synesthetes 171

words or number sequences while substituting one Latin/Arabic grapheme with its
Glagolitic counterpart. The entire procedure lasted less than 10 minutes. As predicted
by the semantic hypothesis, immediately after learning the meaning of a new graph-
eme, most of our subjects (88%) reported experiencing synesthetic colors associated to
this grapheme. The associated colors were, in all cases, identical to those linked previ-
ously to the corresponding Latin/Arabic graphemes. Furthermore, Stroop-type tests
(Nikolić, Lichti, and Singer 2007; Odgaard, Flowers and Bradman 1999) indicated that
these associations had become automaticized. Moreover, we also found that synes-
thetic associations transferred to Glagolitsa even when presented in the handwriting of
the experimenter. Thus, not only did the Glagolitic letters written by the subject induce
perceptions of colors but this also happened equally well when handwritten by another
person. This indicates that subjects learned a category of stimuli rather than only indi-
vidual exemplars, or particular motor coordinates.
Overall, we concluded that our results support the “high-level” hypothesis of syn-
esthetic associations. That is, synesthetic associations are induced by the conceptual
content related to a grapheme. We came to this conclusion on two bases. First, the trans-
fer time to the new grapheme was fast, which is consistent with the speed with which
the meaning of a new symbol can be learned (a single trial; Bloom 2000; Markson and
Bloom 1997). In contrast, low-level perceptual learning requires typically thousands of
trials (Ahissar and Hochstein 1997; Ball and Sekuler 1981; Seitz and Watanabe 2005).
Second, the association generalized to the exemplars never seen before, which is con-
sistent with learning of a semantic category and is inconsistent with specific perceptual
learning (for a different view see Bayne 2009 where recognizing that something belongs
to a certain category, kind, or type is considered as a property of high-level perception).
Thus, the newly created synesthetic associations to Glagolitic letters must have been
induced via existing synesthetic color-associations linked to conceptual contents rep-
resented by Latin letters. In other words, after training, a Glagolitic letter would acti-
vate the same semantic content that is normally activated by a Latin letter. This feature
has to be first conceptually recognized by the synesthete (Simner 2007) for the concur-
rent phenomenal aspect to be included into an overall unified synesthetic experience
(Mroczko-Wąsowicz 2011).
Hence, synesthesia may be a phenomenon in which concepts become associated with
perceptual experiences, so called ideaesthesia (Jürgens and Nikolić 2012; Nikolić 2009;
Nikolić et al. 2011; Rothen et al. 2012). In the most common variant of such a conceptual
synesthesia, namely grapheme-color synesthesia, the color is associated to a letter by its
similarity to other letters, i.e., letters of similar shapes tend to elicit similar colors. The
formation of novel associations between graphemes and colors, created within minutes,
is too rapid to be accounted for by low-level sensory cross-wiring between grapheme
and color brain areas. Additionally, the dimensions of similarity used to create these
associations are more abstract than what would be expected from elementary features
processed in the grapheme area. Therefore, a better explanation seems to be provided by
high-level conceptual mechanisms guiding the creation and assignment of synesthetic
concurrents (Jürgens and Nikolić 2012).

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172 Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia

Finally, our results suggest that in natural cases of cross-language transfer, too, the
synesthetic associations to new graphemes are likely to be established quickly, possibly
even during the first encounter of the new alphabet. In other words, synesthetic asso-
ciations do not seem to be created from scratch but are instead inherited from existing
associations, the original colors being passively adopted from the original synesthesia.
As mentioned earlier, not all of the synesthetes tested in our study on cross-linguistic
transfer (Mroczko et al. 2009) reported experiencing color associations for the novel
characters. Nonetheless, the subjects who did not report associations subjectively still
showed the same Stroop effect. One can speculate on the reasons for this difference in
subjective experiences. Although all subjects were given equal amount of practice, it
may well be that, for some individuals, the given time and effort was not enough to cre-
ate new synesthetic associations sufficiently strong to be consciously experienced. Thus,
it is possible that some subjects would confirm the acquisition of novel synesthetic asso-
ciations subjectively only after additional training.

What Determines the Transfer?

Not every synesthete will transfer synesthesia to a new language. For example, in our
study two subjects reported not seeing colors when presented with Glagolitic graph-
emes. Similarly, not every multilingual synesthete has synesthesia for all languages and
writing systems (Ramachandran and Hubbard 2003; Rich, Bradshaw, and Mattingley
2005). Whether a transfer will take place or not may depend on different factors. Rich,
Bradshaw, and Mattingley (2005) reported a tendency for cross-linguistic transfer to
occur more often if a person is fluent in the second language (88% for fluent versus 73%
for non-fluent). Still, the fluency in a second language does not guarantee a transfer.
Furthermore, the cross-linguistic transfer is not the only way to acquire a new synes-
thetic association. Some monolingual synesthetes perceive colors for completely unfa-
miliar writing systems. In the results recently presented by Hung, Simner, and Shillcock
(2009) as well as Jürgens and Nikolić (2012) synesthetic associations were acquired
quickly—even immediately—for newly seen graphemes.

The Rules and Idiosyncrasies for

the Selection of Grapheme-Color
Pairings in Synesthesia

It is important to know whether synesthetic associations are completely random or

whether some rules can be established. On the surface at least, each synesthete appears
to have his/her own individual associations. This means that the synesthetic colors of

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Colored alphabets in bilingual synesthetes 173

any two randomly chosen grapheme-color synesthetes most likely do not match. This
normally happens even if the synesthetes are family members or twins (Cytowic 2002;
Grossenbacher and Lovelace 2001; Rich, Bradshaw, and Mattingley 2005). Nonetheless,
certain regularities between synesthetic associations have been detected. Studies exam-
ining large numbers of grapheme-color synesthetes reveal that they may share some
noteworthy tendencies to associate particular letters with specific colors; e.g., “A” is
likely red, “B” tends to be blue, and “C” has a propensity to be yellow (Baron-Cohen et al.
1993; Day 2005; Marks 1975; Ramachandran and Hubbard 2003; Rich, Bradshaw, and
Mattingley 2005; Simner et al. 2005). Beeli, Esslen, and Jäncke (2007) presented a statis-
tical analysis of synesthetic colors reported by 16 subjects for all Latin letters and Arabic
numerals. Distributions of colors were not random but varied systematically across
different graphemes. The variations were to some extent explained by the frequencies
of use of the letters. More recently, evidence has accumulated showing that graphemes
of similar shapes tend to induce similar colors (Brang, Coulson, and Ramachandran
2011; Jürgens and Nikolić 2012; Watson, Akins, and Enns 2012). At the same time, how-
ever, color associations are to a large degree individual. Flournoy (1893) investigated
250 synesthetes for similarities in their “chosen” colors. He found that only two of them
experienced identical colors and only for vowels “A,” “E,” “I,” “O,” and “U.” These two
synesthetic individuals happened to be siblings. Hence, although synesthetic associa-
tions are generally idiosyncratic, apparently, sometimes young synesthetes who inter-
act during the acquisition of associations (i.e., most likely siblings) may influence each
other’s associations (Cytowic 2002; Rich, Bradshaw, and Mattingley 2005). It is unclear
whether these individuals had a shared model for synesthetic associations (e.g., a book
with colored letters) or whether one child suggested to the other the color that a given
letter should be associated to.
By gathering statistics of letter-color preferences from 70 synesthetes, Simner et al.
(2005) determined a “prototypical model” of a synesthetic alphabet, which showed
which colors were most likely to be associated with which letters. In that alphabet some
letters have a single color significantly associated with them: red “A,” white “I” and “O,”
black “X” and “Z,” gray “L,” brown “N,” and violet “V.” Other letters are shown as hav-
ing two or three colors because they each had more than one significant color tendency
across synesthetes. Interestingly, the letter “K” had no significant tendency, at least in
that study. Given their data, then among English speaking synesthetes this letter could
apparently take almost any color with about equal likelihood.
In addition, Simner and colleagues (2005) found several linguistic rules that deter-
mine the assignment of synesthetic colors in Latin alphabet: (1) frequent graphemes
associated with frequent color words (e.g., more frequent “a” is red, whereas less fre-
quent “v” is purple); (2) synesthetic letter-color associations reflect first-letter priming
(e.g., “r” tends to be red and “g” tends to be green); (3) frequent letters correspond to
colors occurring early in the Berlin and Kay’s (1969) typology of color terms across lan-
guages (see also Simner, Chapter 8, this volume). This typology describes the fact that
black and white are the most commonly found colors across language systems, followed
by red, yellow, green, blue, and brown (equal frequency), orange, violet, gray, and pink.

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174 Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia

Simner et al. (2005) found that this ordering tended to map onto graphemes from high
to low frequency, at least in the synesthetes tested in that study.
Currently, it is unclear to what degree grapheme-color associations can be imposed
from the environment, i.e., how susceptible synesthetic children are towards internaliz-
ing pairings suggested in color books, for example, or other educational toys. Witthoft
and Winawer (2006) reported a case of a synesthete for whom refrigerator magnets
served as the model for the grapheme-color pairings. Other similar cases have been
reported too (Hancock 2006; Smilek, Dixon, and Merikle 2005; Ward and Mattingley
2006). However, this mode of synesthesia acquisition may be the exception rather
than the rule. For most synesthetes, no such environmental sources can be found. For
example, the Gattegno’s learning system of colored letters (and sounds that are asso-
ciated with them) is often used by teachers to teach children the alphabet (Gattegno
1962, 1963). If all grapheme-color synesthetes developed their colors on the basis of
such a colored alphabet, synesthetes from the same generation should have the same
or very similar associations. Rich, Bradshaw, and Mattingley (2005) shed light on this
issue in an interesting study that analyzed the relation between environmental learn-
ing systems and synesthesias in Australia, using an extensive survey. The researchers
compared letter-color combinations used in Australian alphabet schoolbooks between
1900 and 1989 with the color associations reported by 150 grapheme-color synesthetes
born between 1914 and 1986. No clear dependencies were found. Only one individual
had synesthetic colors consistent with those in an alphabet book. This indicates that
suggestions from the environment have very little influence on the attribution of synes-
thetic associations.
Overall, evidence suggests that the selection of graphemic and chromatic pairings in
synesthetic associations is based on a process that is driven partly by internal cognitive
rules. Also, there is not one but a number of rules a synesthete might follow, and, at each
particular learning instance, the synesthete may happen to follow any of them. Some
combinations may appear random, but these can be also based on an ad hoc rule, used
only once (i.e., to establish only one inducer-concurrent association).

Synesthesia and the Success in

Language Learning

One important question is whether synesthesia sometimes helps or distracts in the

learning of a new language. The answer seems to depend on various factors such as
whether different languages use the same alphabet, whether graphemes are assigned
to phonemes in the same way (phonemic versus morpho-phonemic alphabets), and
whether the inducers in synesthesia are primarily graphemes or phonemes. In short, if
the rules by which synesthetic associations are established in the first language can also
be used in the second language, synesthesia is likely to facilitate acquisition of the new

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Colored alphabets in bilingual synesthetes 175

language. Otherwise, synesthesia may produce confusion and hence interfere with the
language learning.

Synesthesia can help learn a language-related skill

Learning a second language involves not only learning new vocabulary but also a dif-
ferent spelling system, and the acquisition of unfamiliar pronunciation and intonation.
Dittmar (2007) suggested that synesthetic letter-color associations may sometimes be
used to learn pronunciation and intonation in a foreign language. She supported this
point by describing a case of a multilingual synesthete for whom hearing a foreign lan-
guage produces experiences of specific colored three-dimensional shapes. These addi-
tional experiences helped the subject to improve her pronunciation in a new language.
According to the self-report, her synesthesia enabled her to produce proper pronuncia-
tion and intonation in the second language, if she focused on how the speech sounds
ought to look, in a synesthetic sense. This made it possible for her to sound like a native
speaker. Hence, thanks to synesthesia she was able to hide her accent, even in foreign
languages that she only began learning recently.
Synesthesia may help also in learning correct spelling. Galton (1883) described a case
of a synesthete who learned how to spell correctly based on the synesthetic color induced
by the entire word, as a result of the combination of the colors of individual letters. If
the nuance of the color of the word was right, the spelling of the word was also correct.
Likewise, synesthesia has been reported to improve typing speed. Day (2005) described
a grapheme-color synesthete who substituted the letters on the computer keyboard with
his synesthetic colors. That way, he was much faster finding the needed keys and thus,
typed faster.

Synesthesia can also cause difficulties in learning

foreign languages
If synesthesia is used to develop learning strategies that are not flexible, the acquisition
of a foreign language may become more difficult than it would be without synesthesia.
For example, an important issue is whether the inducer is a grapheme or a phoneme
(Simner 2007). In French, the English sound “o” may be written with different letters or
combinations of letters, such as “o,” “au,” “eau,” or “ot.” The color experience associated
with the sound “o” will not help a phoneme-color synesthete to learn the appropriate
spellings in French, but may instead produce confusion if the person is used to rely on
synesthesia for ensuring correct spelling.
Mills et al. (2002) described a native English speaker and a multilingual synesthete
who perceives colors for both graphemes and phonemes and who reported significant
difficulties in learning French. Although French uses the same Latin alphabet that she
learned in her native English, the way sounds were built from the combinations of letters

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176 Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia

was considerably different across the two languages, which caused difficulties. Learning
Russian was much easier to her even though this language employs a different writing
system than her native language. The advantage of Russian was that each phoneme has
one Cyrillic letter, a property that fitted well within the framework of her synesthesia.
Interestingly, when she later learned another Slavic language, Polish, which sounds sim-
ilar to Russian but is written in Latin, she experienced this as a disorientating situation,
comparable to when learning French.
A unique case of difficulty in language learning arose in the case of German graph-
eme-color and word-color synesthetes when the German government reformed
spelling rules in 1996, and then again made minor changes in 2006. Synesthetes
found themselves needing to reorganize their synesthesias in accordance to the new
rules. For example, the word “einbleuen” changed to “einbläuen,” and the word “daß”
into “dass.” As would be expected, these changes were not always easily accepted
by synesthetes (Dittmar 2007) and may have led to extra difficulties in spelling and


The main issue of this chapter, namely the interaction between synesthesia and the
acquisition of a second language, was examined from different perspectives. We have
described how, despite differences in the way that different languages may be repre-
sented in the brain (shown from psycholinguistic studies on bilinguals), synesthetic
experiences can come to be associated with the writing systems of both languages.
Multilingual synesthetes commonly acquire graphemic-chromatic associations for
all writing systems that they use. We then discussed the mechanisms by which colors
become linked to graphemes, and the consequences that synesthesia may have for lan-
guage-related skills, including cases in which it accelerates or impedes the learning of a
second language.
We have shown that the graphemes of a second language usually inherit colors from
the first language, a phenomenon known as cross-linguistic transfer. The two most com-
monly used rules relate to the similarity in shapes across the alphabets and their pho-
netic similarity. Interestingly, as many studies suggest, shape similarity takes priority
over phonetic similarity. In controlled laboratory conditions it could be demonstrated
that this type of transfer of colors from one writing system to another can be made
quickly, within minutes.
When colors are newly created, i.e., without a model from another writing system,
other rules may apply, relating to the shapes of graphemes: graphemes of similar shapes
get similar colors. Other sources for the particular letter-color pairings found in syn-
esthetes sometimes come from the environment, in the form of an alphabet book or
an educational toy with colored letters, whose colors are then adopted by synesthetes.
Nonetheless, this external way of acquiring synesthesia seems to be relatively rare in

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Colored alphabets in bilingual synesthetes 177

comparison to the application of internal rules, as most synesthetes do not seem to use
such environmental models for creating their associations.
Whether synesthesia enhances or distracts in the learning of a new language may
depend on numerous factors, such as whether the native and the foreign language use
the same alphabet, whether graphemes are assigned to phonemes unambiguously, and
whether the core synesthetic inducers are graphemes or phonemes. Synesthesia has the
tendency to facilitate the acquisition of a new language if the rules by which letter-color-
ing is established in the first language match those in the second language. If there is a
discrepancy, synesthesia may generate confusion and may hence slow down the learn-
ing process.

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