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Task 2

Read the deductive arguments below and decide into which of the patterns of deductive
reasoning they fall.

1. If I want to keep my scholarship, I had better study hard.

I want to keep my scholarship.
Therefore, I had better study hard. Hypothetical Syllogism

2. Every argument is either deductive or inductive.

Because this argument is not deductive it must be inductive. Elimination

3. Bertha is an aunt.
It follows that she is a woman. Argument from definition

4. No doctors are professional boxers.

All cardiologists are doctors.
So, no cardiologists are boxers. Categorical Syllogism

5. Seven is greater than five.

Five is greater than three.
Therefore, seven is greater than three. Argument based on Mathematics

6. Joe is too bossy.

He has poor listening skills, shouts at people and makes decisions without asking the
committee members. Argument from definition

7. Some Democrats are elected officials.

All elected officials are politicians.
Therefore, some Democrats are politicians. Categorical Syllogism

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