Task 1 Determine ( ) Whether The Following Are Deductive or Inductive Arguments. No Arguments Deductive Inductive

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Task 1

Determine (√) whether the following are deductive or inductive arguments.

No Arguments Deductive Inductive

The Smurfs have lost their last seven games. X
Thus, they will probably lose their next game.
If you brush and floss your teeth daily then you will have
fewer cavities. X
2 Jia Wei brushes and flosses her teeth daily.
Thus, she will have fewer cavities.
Jie Ling will play tennis today if Hong Yun plays.
3 Jie Ling will not play tennis today. X
Thus, Hong Yun will not play.
4 out of 5 times I beat Lawrence at pool and I'm going to
4 play with him tomorrow. X
So, I'll very likely win.
No man has ever gotten pregnant.
Thus, no man ever will get pregnant. X
Most people are pro-choice on abortion. X
At least most of the people I know.
It has been observed that earthquakes precede the eruption
of volcanoes. Thus, earthquakes cause volcanoes to erupt. X
Taking a person’s life is always wrong.
8 Capital punishment involves taking a person’s life. X
Therefore, capital punishment is always wrong.
The witness said John committed the murder.
So, John committed the murder. X
All odd numbers are integers.
10 All even numbers are integers. X
Therefore, all odd numbers are even numbers.


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