An Unforgettable Experience

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My unforgettable experience

One of my unforgettable experience in my life was becoming the manager of OPPM

(Organisasi Pelajar Pondok Modern). When I was in my sixth year at Darussalam Gontor, I was
chosen to become the CLI (Central Language Improvement) staff. The responsible of the CLI
staff is to discipline, encourage and influence the students to speak Arabic and English in their
daily conversation. I Never thought I could do it, but I finally conquered my fear. Once upon a
time, when I was standing in a queue to buy some foods, I was gazing at two students in front of
me, they were talking each other by Indonesian language. Then, I decided to touch their arms,
and suddenly, they were really surprised to see me. I started to ask their name, and I told them to
come to the CLI office at 4 pm. When the time came, I was sitting on the chair in front of the
CLI office and waiting for their coming. After a while, they came and their faces seemed afraid.
Then I decided to ask them “Do you remember the rules in this boarding school?”, they said
“Yes, we do remember it”. I started to give them advice about the obligation to obey the rules
especially the language rules in this boarding school. I told them that every student who broke
the rules must be prepared for the punishment. After that, I decided to take my scissors.
Meanwhile, their faces seemed extremely afraid and they felt quite guilty. Finally, I started to
cute their hair. I told them “This is the consequence if you break the rules”. Then I ordered them
to cute again their hair at the barber until no hair appeared on the head and became the bald man,
not only that, also I ordered them to memorize 50 vocabularies in a week. and this is what I did if
I found the students who did not speak Arabic and English in their daily conversation. I hope
they could conclude that the discipline is made to obey, not to break.

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