Asymmetric Coupled-Line Directional Couplers As Impedance Transformers in Balanced and N-Way Power Amplifiers

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7, JULY 2011 1803

Asymmetric Coupled-Line Directional Couplers

as Impedance Transformers in Balanced
and n-Way Power Amplifiers
Krzysztof Wincza, Member, IEEE, and Slawomir Gruszczynski, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Asymmetric 3-dB coupled-line directional couplers where , —the characteristic impedances of termi-
for application in balanced circuits have been considered, and it nating lines [7].
has been theoretically shown that such couplers allow for simul- Therefore, the asymmetric coupled-line section can be used
taneous (equal) power division and impedance transformation.
A limitation on achievable impedance ratio has been derived. as an impedance transformer, where partial power defined by
The theoretical analysis has been experimentally verified by the coupling of the asymmetric coupled-line section (directional
measurements of a number of passive circuits and an exemplary coupler) is delivered to the load having different impedance than
application of the proposed circuits in a four-way power amplifier the source impedance.
has been shown. On the other hand, both symmetrical and asymmetric cou-
Index Terms—Asymmetric coupled lines, asymmetric direc- pled-line sections can be used for the design of two-port
tional couplers, balanced circuits, impedance transformers, -way impedance transformers as it was theoretically presented in
power amplifiers.
[12]. In [13], a simple solution has been presented allowing for
size reduction of a multisection stepped quarter-wave trans-
I. INTRODUCTION former by replacing sections of quarter-wave-long transmission
lines by meandered sections in which coupling between ap-
SYMMETRIC coupled lines have been intensively
A studied and the theoretical analyses of two and three
coupled lines have been presented in [1]–[4]. Furthermore, in
propriate arms has been considered. In [14]–[16], impedance
transformers have been considered, in which meandered cou-
pled-line sections have been utilized.
[5], a coupled-mode formulation of inhomogeneous coupled
A coupled-line section can also be used in the design of
lines has been applied, proving that an inhomogeneous cou-
matching circuits of microwave power amplifiers. In [17], an
pled-line directional coupler can have the properties of an ideal
exemplary design of a millimeter-wave monolithic amplifier is
backward-wave directional coupler once the inductive and
presented in which coupled-line sections have been used for
capacitive coupling coefficients are equalized. The scattering
realization of both gate and drain matching circuits, utilizing
parameters of an asymmetric coupled-line section have been
the idea presented in [18].
explicitly shown in [6]. The theoretical background on the
In this paper, the asymmetric coupled-line directional cou-
design of asymmetric coupled-line sections has allowed for the
plers are for the first time utilized in balanced circuits and
design of coupled-line circuits having practical applications.
-way power splitting/combining networks in which the cou-
The extensive studies have been reported in [7]–[10] where dif-
pled-line sections are used to simultaneously provide equal
ferent configurations of asymmetric coupled lines in multilayer
power division between direct and coupled ports and to provide
inhomogeneous dielectric media have been considered, and
impedance transformation in both direct and coupled ports.
exemplary designs of 3-dB single and multisection directional
The uniqueness of the proposed directional couplers over the
couplers, coupled-line power dividers, coupled-line baluns, and
known designs is that the impedances of coupled lines are not
-way power dividers have been shown. The unique feature
equal to the terminating impedances, and each of the coupled
of an asymmetric coupled-line section is the possibility of
lines acts as a transmission-line impedance transformer. Such
impedance transformation [11] in a sense that, when appropri-
a solution allows for the design of high-power amplifiers with
ately designed, each line of the section can be terminated with
reduced size and losses within the power splitting/combining
the different impedances defined as follows:
network. While the impedance transformation is achieved at
the first and every following stage of the -way power di-
vider, the microwave power is distributed by a network having
Manuscript received November 13, 2010; revised March 31, 2011; accepted
lower (typically) impedance. In case of stripline realization, it
April 05, 2011. Date of publication May 12, 2011; date of current version July provides for wider conducting strips, and therefore, for lower
13, 2011. This work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher attenuation; moreover, the decreased impedance can be brought
Education under Grant 0464/T02/2010/70.
The authors are with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Automatics,
close to the input/output impedance level of the semiconductors
Information Technology and Electronics, AGH University of Science and and simpler matching networks can be applied.
Technology, 30-059 Cracow, Poland (e-mail:; The asymmetric coupled-line directional coupler in applica- tion to balanced circuits has been theoretically investigated and
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at a limitation for impedance ratio transformation has
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2011.2141677 been derived. This limitation can be overcome by expanding
0018-9480/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the: (a) cross section of an asymmetric coupled

line system and (b) the same system in which C =0 .

Let us examine the capacitance matrix of an ideal asymmetric

coupled-line section in homogeneous dielectric medium having
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a: (a) single section quarter-wave transformer and
(the phase velocity of the propagating waves equals
(b) asymmetric coupled-line quarter-wave transforming directional coupler. —free space light velocity). The values of the capacitance
matrix elements for the coupled-line section described by
are defined as follows:
a simple balanced circuit into a larger -way network up to
impedance ratio . The theoretical investigations
have been verified by measurements of the designed impedance-
transforming directional couplers, balanced, and four-way net-
works. Finally, measured results of a four-way power amplifier
are shown in which the developed power splitters/combiners are (9)
successfully utilized.
The capacitances of the coupled conductors, shown in Fig. 2(a)
The most simple circuit that allows for impedance trans-
formation is a quarter-wave-long section of transmission line (10)
shown in Fig. 1(a).
The impedance of the line depends on the values of termi- Values of capacitances , , and for the ideal asymmetric
nating impedances and as follows: coupled-line section versus load impedance at direct and cou-
pled ports have been plotted in Fig. 3(a), assuming
(2) source impedance , dB , and
. It is important to notice that the capacitance of
Similarly, a section of asymmetric coupled lines, shown in the direct line decreases with the increase of impedance ratio
Fig. 1(b), can be used as an impedance transformer. In this taking negative values for large values of . Fig. 3(b) shows
case, a similar relation for the main line impedance should similar calculations in which the coupling dB of the
hold coupled-line section has been assumed. As in the previous case,
the capacitance of the direct line takes negative values for
(3) greater , different however, than in the first case. The relation
between the coupling and the impedance ratio can be derived
Let us define the impedance ratio of the transformer as for the simple case of homogeneous coupled lines, as is shown
in the Appendix. The limitation on the impedance ratio is ex-
pressed as follows:
Since it is desired to obtain power split and the impedance trans- (11)
formation simultaneously, and moreover, that the impedance of
the loads to which the power is transmitted should be equal, i.e., and corresponds to the one presented in [11] for asymmetric
, the impedance of the coupled line is calcu- coupled-line couplers.
lated as follows: The above presented limitation on impedance transforma-
tion with the use of coupled-line sections states that, for the
(5) case of an equal-split dB directional coupler and
the same terminating impedances of the transmission and cou-
The above relation has been derived assuming that, in order to pled ports, the maximum physically realizable impedance ratio
obtain ideal match of all ports (at the center frequency), it is nec- equals . Calculated frequency characteristics of a 3-dB
essary to provide the same impedance transformation in both ideal coupled-line section with an impedance transformation,
lines of the coupled-line section. The terminating impedance , are presented in Fig. 4. It is seen that the section is
of the isolated ports is then calculated in the following ideally matched at the center frequency and has equal power
manner: split. The return losses of the coupled-line section have been
additionally compared to the return losses of a single-section
(6) quarter-wave-long transmission-line transformer having ,

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of a balanced circuit consisting of two asymmetric

3-dB directional couplers providing impedance transformation with the ratio
R =2 .

Fig. 6. Calculated frequency characteristics of a balanced circuit shown

schematically in Fig. 5.

Fig. 3. Calculated self and mutual capacitances of an asymmetric coupled-line (assuming source impedance ) and the impedance
section assuming Z = 50
and uniform dielectric medium " ( = 1) versus of the termination of the isolated port . Calcu-
Z = Z for the case of: (a) coupling C =3 dB and (b) C =6 dB.
lated frequency characteristics of the regarded balanced circuit
are presented in Fig. 6. As it is seen, the circuit is matched in a
wider bandwidth than a single-section transmission-line trans-
former and has theoretically no losses from input to output. It is
important to note that in -way power dividers the impedance
ratio can be easily increased to the value by the ap-
propriate connection of several 3-dB directional couplers, each
transforming the impedance with the ratio .


To verify the theoretical analysis, a 3-dB coupled-line direc-
tional coupler has been designed and manufactured. To achieve
the maximum ratio of the transformed impedances , the
coupled-line structure shown in Fig. 7 has been chosen, which
allows to minimize the capacitance of the upper stripline,
Fig. 4. Calculated frequency characteristics of an asymmetric coupled-line sec-
tion for which C =3 dB, R=2 (solid lines), in comparison with the return while it is shielded from the ground plane by the wide lower
losses of a single-section quarter-wave transmission-line transformer for which stripline. It is important to underline that the minimization of
R =2 (dotted line). the capacitance ensures maximum impedance ratio . The
assumed input impedance is equal , whereas the
shown in Fig. 1(a), and it is seen that the coupled-line circuit impedances at the coupled and transmission ports are equal
operates in a broader frequency range than the single-section . The chosen structure has been analyzed with the
transformer. Finally, it is interesting to test the asymmetric cou- use of a spectral method [19]. The obtained results are shown
pled-line section in application to the balanced circuit. Fig. 5 in Table I. Note that a very low value of pF/m has
presents a schematic diagram of a balanced circuit consisting been obtained providing for impedance ratio .
of two identical 3-dB asymmetric coupled-line sections for the The designed coupler has been manufactured and measured
case of maximum attainable impedance transformation . with the use of quarter-wave impedance transformers applied to
The impedance within the balanced circuit equals the coupled and transmission ports, as shown schematically in

Fig. 7. Cross section of the dielectric structure used for the design of 3-dB
asymmetric coupled-line impedance-transforming directional couplers.

h = 0 051
: mm, " = 34 : ,h = 0 04
: mm, " = 3 38
: ,
h = 0 508
: mm, " = 3 38
: , AND
w = 0 36
: mm, w = 3 15
: mm

Fig. 9. Calculated (dashed line) and measured (solid line) frequency charac-

teristics of a 3-dB asymmetric coupled-line 50/25- impedance-transforming

directional coupler with additional single-section impedance transformers con-
nected to the direct and coupled ports, as shown in Fig. 8. (a) Amplitude char-
acteristics and (b) differential phase characteristics.

Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of the 3-dB asymmetric coupled-line 50/25-

impedance-transforming directional coupler with additional single-section

impedance transformers connected to the direct and coupled ports.

Fig. 8. Fig. 9 presents the measured -parameters in comparison

with the simulated ones. It is seen that a very good agreement
has been achieved in terms of power splitting and impedance
match. Moreover, the measured differential phase characteristic
is 90 with a phase ripple not greater than 3 . The measured
isolation differs from the theoretical one, which is caused by Fig. 10. Photographs of the manufactured circuits. (a) 3-dB directional coupler

for 50–25- impedance transformation, (b) balanced circuit consisting of two

the inequality of inductive and capacitive coupling coefficients such 3-dB directional couplers, and (c) 3-dB directional coupler for 25–12.5-

and by the reflections from the terminating impedance . In impedance transformation.

the developed circuit, two 25- SMD resistors have been used.
Fig. 10(a) shows a photograph of the manufactured directional Similarly, a 3-dB directional coupler has been designed for
coupler. The application of the designed coupler in balanced cir- impedance transformation from to [see
cuits has been tested, as shown in Fig. 5. The manufactured net- Fig. 10(c)]. The parameters of the designed coupler are shown in
work is shown in Fig. 10(b) and its measured results are shown Table II. Fig. 12 presents a schematic diagram of the circuit de-
in Fig. 11. The achieved insertion losses are equal 0.6 dB. veloped for measurements of the directional coupler. Measured

Fig. 11. Calculated (dashed line) and measured (solid line) frequency charac-
teristics of the balanced network (shown in Fig. 5) consisting of two 3-dB asym-
metric coupled-line impedance-transforming directional couplers presented in
Fig. 9.

: mm, " :, =34
h = 0 04
: mm, " = 3 38
: ,h = 0 508
: mm, " = 3 38
: , AND
w = 0 95
: mm, w =72
: mm

Fig. 13. Calculated (dashed line) and measured (solid line) frequency char-

acteristics of the 3-dB asymmetric coupled-line 25/12.5- impedance-trans-

forming directional coupler with additional single-section impedance trans-
formers connected to the input, direct, and coupled ports, as shown in Fig. 12.
(a) Amplitude characteristics and (b) differential phase characteristics.

for both propagating modes are close (see Table I and Table II),
and therefore, the derived condition (18) holds.
Both designed couplers have been used to design a four-way
power divider, the photograph of which in a back-to-back
connection is presented in Fig. 14(a). Such a network allows for
equal power split and impedance transformation with .
The theoretical frequency responses of the developed four-way
50/12.5- impedance transforming power divider/combiner
are shown in Fig. 15(a), whereas Fig. 15(b) presents the
comparison between the calculated and measured results of its
back-to-back connection. It is seen that a very good agreement has
been achieved between the calculated and measured frequency
response of the network. The attenuation at the center frequency
equals 1.3 dB from which the power combining efficiency
Fig. 12. Schematic diagram of the 3-dB asymmetric coupled-line 25/12.5-
can be calculated to be [20].
impedance-transforming directional coupler with additional single-section
impedance transformers connected to the input, direct, and coupled ports.
The designed four-way power splitter/combiner has been ap-
plied in a four-way power amplifier, shown in Fig. 14(b), in
which a 4-W -channel MOSFET transistor (MW6S004NT1
results in comparison with the theoretical ones are presented in from Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, TX) as an active ele-
Fig. 13. In this case, the differential phase characteristic fea- ment has been used. The large-signal input and output imped-
tures larger ripple . Although the condition for the ances have been measured with the use of the method presented
maximum impedance ratio has been derived for the homoge- in [21] and the results are ,
neous medium, which is not the case in the chosen multilayer . As it is seen, the measured output impedance
microstrip structure, the calculated effective dielectric constants is very close to the output impedance of the designed power

Fig. 14. (a) Photograph of the developed four-way power divider/combiner

in a back-to-back connection and (b) the four-way power amplifier. Fig. 16. Schematic diagram of the: (a) single transistor stage of the
four-way power amplifier and (b) its version with input and output matched
directly to Z = 50

Fig. 17. Layout of the: (a) single transistor stage of the four-way power
amplifier and (b) its version with input and output matched directly to
Z = 50

circuit has been designed for the center operating frequency

GHz. The schematic diagram of the developed single
transistor amplifier matched to 12.5 is shown in Fig. 16(a) and
compared with the corresponding amplifier matched directly
to 50 [see Fig. 16(b)]. From the comparison, it is seen that
impedance matching directly to 50 requires larger matching
circuits, which is clearly visible when layouts of both amplifiers
Fig. 15. Calculated frequency characteristics of the four-way 50/12.5-

are compared (see Fig. 17).

impedance-transforming power divider/combiner consisting of the: (a) de- The measured output power versus input power is presented
veloped asymmetric 3-dB directional couplers and (b) calculated (dashed in Fig. 18 for a single transistor amplifier and for the developed
line) and measured (solid line) frequency characteristics of its back-to
back connection.
four-way power amplifier. It is seen that the saturated power
from the single transistor amplifier slightly exceeds 4 W, which
splitting/combining network. The input impedance of the tran- is the rated power for the transistor. In case of the four-way
sistor is lower than the feeding network, but a simple matching power amplifier, the expected power exceeding W

and with no supply voltage present, in both cases, the reflection

coefficients are about 20 dB in a wide frequency range.

In this paper, a novel method for design of balanced cir-
cuits and -way power splitter/dividers has been shown. By
the application of asymmetric 3-dB directional couplers, it is
possible to simultaneously provide power split and impedance
transformation in a way that the impedances seen at direct
and coupled ports are equal. Although simultaneous power
division and impedance transformation can be achieved with
the use of Wilkinson power dividers with different terminating
impedances, the major advantages of the proposed approach
are: wider bandwidth in terms of return losses, constant dif-
ferential 90 phase shift, spatially separated output ports, and
shunt terminating load of the isolated port. As it was shown, to
achieve ideal match at all ports, both lines need to serve as trans-
forming sections with the same impedance ratio . Moreover,
it has been proven that the maximum achievable impedance
transforming ratio is dependant on the coupling of the
directional coupler and for 3-dB directional coupler
for the homogeneous dielectric medium. The theoretical in-
vestigation has been supported by experiments in which two
different 3-dB directional couplers having have been
designed and measured. The first coupler has been designed
to transform impedance from 50 to 25 and the second from
Fig. 18. Measured output power (solid line) and gain (dashed line) charac-
teristics versus input power of the: (a) developed single stage amplifier and
25 to 12.5 . Finally, a four-way power splitting/combining
(b) four-way power amplifier. network has been designed and measured. The presented results
of both theoretical and experimental investigation are in a close
agreement. The designed network has been successfully tested
in a four-way power amplifier, proving the usefulness of the
proposed method.

To derive relation (11), let us first note that the greatest value
of is obtained when , which is the boundary of phys-
ical realization of the circuit. By applying that condition into (1),
the following expressions for first and second line impedances
are obtained:

Fig. 19. Measured frequency characteristics of the developed four-way power

amplifier (solid lines). Dashed line corresponds to the measured reflection co-
efficient of the amplifier with no supply voltage present.

has been obtained. The intermediation distortions have also

Let us now calculate the inductance matrix also assuming
been measured with the use of the two-tone method and the
following values have been obtained: dBc,
dBc, dBc at the output power
W, and with the signal spacing equal to 1 MHz.
Fig. 19 presents the measured frequency response of the
four-way power amplifier, and it is seen that the designed
power dividing network provides for sufficient suppression
of the reflected power. One can compare the input reflection (14)
coefficient of the amplifier measured under normal operation

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