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Date: 29/4/2021
Teachers: Ms.Angela – Ms. Cuc Class: FCEpro


I. Complete the answers to the questions below using idioms from the table. You can move
horizontally or vertically, backwards or forwards







►Would she like to come on a walk? No, she’s d rather for her own thing
1. Is he enjoying the film? Yes, _____he’s glued to it_______________________________
2. Would you like a sandwich or something? Hmm, ____________________________________

3. What happened when she saw the mess? Well, she was ___________________________________

4. Are you sure you’ve got the job? Yeah, ____________________________________

5. I think that’s the best we can do. Fine, let’s ____________________________________
6. So what do you think we should do? Pardon? Oh, sorry ___________________________________

7. Did you accept that she was wrong? No, ____________________________________

II. Respond to the questions using idioms from above, and using the information in brackets to
guide you
►Did you watch the programme? Yes, I was glued to it……………… ( yes, I as fascinated by it)
1. Do you fancy going to the opera? ………………………………….( not the sort of thing you
2. Were you disappointed with the result?................................................................( not at all)
3. Do you think he’ll win? ……………………………………………( he has a possibility of
4. What did you think of the film?........................................................... ( not very good at all)
5. Were you upset?................................................................................( yes, I was unfairly treated)
6. Do you think you’ll succeed? …………………………………………..( it’ll require a lot of
7. Were you upset by the criticism?,not in the least.....................................(you’re not
affected by it)
8. Will she get the job?..................................................................... ( yes, it’s a certain)
III. Match 1-8 with a-h
1. You must be happy in the new place e a. ready when you are
2. Will I be able to do it? a b. that’s just as well
Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy
Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201

3. I think we should go c. that’s an idea

4. Was he worried about it? f d. so far, so good
5. We could buy him a watch c e. yes, very much so
6. I took the laptop out of the car b f. no, no in the least
7. Can I pay your for the tickers?h g. yeah, there’s nothing to it
8. How’s your French class going? d h. no, forget it
IV. Tick the correct stimulus from speaker A to match the response from speaker B
1 A I'm going to clean out the dustbin. □I'm going out for the dinner
B Rather you than me
2 A I’ve won some money on the lottery□ I hope I win the lottery
B you’ll be lucky
3 A are you frightened of the dark? □ Are you going out in the dark? □
B No fear
4 A How’s the new job?□ Is it far to the office? □
B So far, so good
5 A is the new restaurant nice?□ Is the climb very difficult? □
B no, there’s nothing to it
6 A Would you like a coffee? □ Is it OK if I don’t come with you tonight? □
B Please yourself
7 A Did you enjoy the film? □ What did you think of the film? □
B Very much so
V. Correct one mistake in each dialogue
1. Can I take the car tonight? You don’t dare!
2. Shall we make a move? Ready as you are => when
3. They say the club’s going to close down. What’s a load of rubbish! => nothing
4. I’ve bought some extra food for tonight.- just so well; Maki and Lita are coming => just as well
5. It’s after 6.00 – he must have gone home. Yeah, this figures
6. I’ve got to tell Marlin I don’t want to see him again. Rather you or me => than
VI. The same word is missing in each pair of sentences. What is it?
1 a Many have suffered……from…….the hands of the militia
b The fighting could be……put………an end
2 a The two young men came and……show…………their respects to their father
b Carl……has………no heed to the warnings he had received
3 a Thousands …………down their livfes
b The army………waste to large parts of the territory
4 a I would like to take issue……………your comments about local residents
b ………With…………….respect, sir, I don’t believe your suggestion will be acceptable
5 a We were very much…………………their debt for their help in winning the election
b Humans are………a….large part responsible for the global warming crisis
VII. Rewrite the sentences in the left using a more formal phrase
The fault lies to a great extent with the boss The fault lies in large part with the boss
We’re at the beginning of a new era We’re on……the start of the new
He didn’t listen to my advice He paid……no attention to my
They died for their country They laid………………………………………
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you With all……due respect, I disagree with
Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy
Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201

The soldiers completely destroyed the The soldier laid……………………………….
She showed a huge amount of courage She went beyond…her amount of
VIII. Paraphrase the sentences on the left using more formal or legal language. Starting with the
words given
►It was the reason why he failed It was his undoing
1. He wanted to do it; no one made He did it of…himself……………………………………
2. She did exactly what the law She followed the…law………………………………
3. He got the money by tricking He got the money under…………………………
4. He did exactly what Mrs Hart He acted in……………………………………
5. The judge explained when The judge explained in his………………………
going over the evidence
6. Miles did it because he thought Miles did it in…………………………………
it was right
7. I wish I hadn’t taken part in the I wish I hadn’t……join the
discussion discussion…………………………….
8. They promised to obey the rules They promised to………………………………
IX. Complete the sentences
1. He’s been found guilty of…………………….…..of the peace
2. If you drive while under the………weather…………….., you could get into trouble
3. The authorities did not take………………..…to my criticism
4. The newspaper is not at………………………………… publish the names before the trial
5. If you give evidence in a court of law, remember that you are under…………………….…………
6. The official wasn’t there, so I………took……………...the liberty of consulting the prisoner’s notes
7. They are funding the development in……………………….……..with the local council
8. On the day in……………………………….. I didn’t see the two men leave the house
X. A preposition is missing in each sentence. Where does it go? Write it at the end
1. The suggested changes will no impinge greatly ʎ people’s lives on
2. I don’t subscribe that point of view at all…with…..
3. When are they aiming to embark the new project?
4. They were deprived been the most basic essentials…….
5. We had to contend sub-zero temperatures…………..
6. My mother prides herself her cooking…on………..
7. Even without interest, the repayments amount a large sum of money………
8. Are they still engaged discussions?...with.........
9. After the death of her husband, Martha resigned herself a lonely existence…by…..
XI. Replace the parts of the sentences in italics with a more formal propositional verb that keeps a
similar meaning
►The people have had to do without basic human rights been deprived of
1. I asked her to say a bit more about her theory
2. I have never held the view that punishment is an effective deterrent
Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy
Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201

3. The court was called upon member stated to stick with their decision
4. We may have to deal with uncompromising attitudes on both sides handle
5. The managers are going to get rid of some clerical staff
6. Let’s not think any more about past problems
7. His decision to resign is the same thing as an admission of failure
8. The group are proud of their attention to detail take pride in
XII. Circle to correct word in some sentences both words may be correct
1. The results were terrible, but they decided to dwell/ impinge on the for long
2. Mr. Ellis referred/ alluded to the crime in a very roundabout way, by the refused to enlarger/ call
upon it
3. Many local people have contended / resigned themselves to a second- rate rubbish collection service
and furthermore have to dispense/ contend with litter in the streets for weeks on end
4. Rankin was deprived/ disposed of his freedom, but he still took part / engaged in illegal activities
5. We call/ embark upon the government to adhere/ abide to the agreed regulations
XIII. Complete the sentences
1. Please notify your local authority in the……of any change in your circumstance
2. The management reserve the………………..……. to refuse admission
3. Passengers will only be allowed on the platform on……………..…………of a valid ticket
4. You can’t go in there. The sign clearly says ‘out of………………….……………….’
5. …For…………………sale: 2008 Ford Mondeo, in excellent condition. $4,000 ono
6. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest…time……………..….
7. I believe the apartment for sale is now……………………….offer
8. Bail is granted at the……end………………of the court
XIV. Choose the correct answer

Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201

1.C 2.B 3.C 4B 5C 6.A 7.D 8D

Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201

9.C 10,D 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.D 16.C 17.A

Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201

18.D 19.B 20.A 21.C 22.D 23.B 24.C 25.C 26.B 27. A 28. D 29.B 30.C

Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201

31.A 32.A 33.B 34.C 35.D 36.C 37.D 38.D 39.C 40.B 41.C 42.D 43.A 44.C

Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201


Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201

Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201

Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201


Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201


Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201

Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201


Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201


Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy

Class: FCEpro Date: 29/4/20201

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Tiếng Anh cô Angela Thủy


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