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SSIJEM VOLUME 5, ISSUE 5 [SEPT 2015] ISSN 2231-4962


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(Internationally Indexed & Listed Referred E-Journal )
Factors Affecting an Individual Investor Behavior- An Empirical Study in
Twin Cities (Rawalpindi and Islamabad) of Pakistan
Rabeea Rizvi* & Afsheen Abrar**
* Faculty of Management Sciences, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan
*Faculty of Management Sciences, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan
This research study intends to examine the impact of financial literacy, accounting information,
firm size , classical wealth maximization and demographic factors on individual investor’s
decision making through the empirical research specifically conducted from the twin cities of
Pakistan, Rawalpindi and Islamabad. This article explores the relationship between decision
making by individual investors, within the context of portfolio management and the factors that
may influence such decisions in Pakistan. It argues that personal, demographic, economic, and
religious and gender issues influence the individual’s perception leading him to a non-optimal
decision. The data for this research is collected through a specifically designed questionnaire,
consisting of thirty two (32) statements measuring a host of independent variables from each of
the above mentioned factors, and seven (7) questions describing the respondents profile and one
(1) question measuring the dependent variable: style/behavior of investment. The Overall result
closes that the individual investors consider short and mid time investments, and less risky
investments for better dividends only and they do not prefer wealth maximization. Below the age
of 30 years according to the most important attributes, are not risk averter whereas people who
are above 40 years of age are towards investing in safe investment avenues. Same time, they
gave least importance to gender related issues, quick profiteering and showed keen believe in
the market fundamentals. Finally, the results indicate that age, income, language and
orientation of education have significant role in determining the investment style of an investor.
Whereas financial literacy and accounting information are most influencing factors on the
decision making behavior of individual investors.
1 Introduction personal characteristics that influence
Many researchers have discussed the investment decision making. The nature of
investment behavior and tried to enhance the psychological factors and individuals’
understanding of people managing behavior at the time of investment decision
investments in different ways. If we go making is under discussion. Investment
through the available literature, it is mainly

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SSIJEM VOLUME 5, ISSUE 5 [SEPT 2015] ISSN 2231-4962

behavior is often defined as how the investor depreciation of Pakistani currency has made
judge, predict, analyze and review the investment in international trade less
procedures for decision making. Investment frequent. Electricity and fuel crises have
behavior is however the relationship made the industrial performance miserable
between the risk and return. Investors desire that force the investors to move to
to have a balance between the risks and neighboring country like Bangladesh.
return attitude. Various psychological
1.1) Problem Statement
factors like beliefs, preferences, and
psychological biases have been found. The The problem in hand is focusing on the
following points
purpose of this study is to determine how the
personal investment is affected by the level  What are the determinants of
individual investor behavior?
of knowledge an investor possesses about
 What are the factors that contribute in
different investment instrument, knowledge change of individual investor behavior
of the relationship between risk and return decision making?
 What is the relative importance of
along with the knowledge of company’s
different factors in shaping individual
performance analysis technique and investment behavior?
portfolio management techniques.
The main reason for choosing twin cities 1.2) Objectives And Scopeof The
Rawalpindi and Islamabad for research is
that; Rawalpindi and Islamabad is the Primary Objective:

growth pole of Pakistan and is a residence of To check the influence of different factors
about five million population and 35 percent that affect an individual investor behavior.

of investors. But since last four years there Secondary Objectives:

has been observed an apparent change in
The objective of this study is:
investors’ preferences about investments, as
law and order situation is critical to attract 1) To determine the impact of financial

any foreign and local investment in Pakistan literacy of individual investor on his

in general and Rawalpindi and Islamabad in investment decision.

particular. Political and macro-economic 2) To examine the influence of

instability make investment environment accounting information of individual

less conducive for investors and continue investor on his investment decision.

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3) How firm size, demographic factor reviewed. In the present paper the analysis
affects the investment decision of is made on the factors concerning such as
individual investor? accounting information , self/ firm image ,
4) To study the effect of demographical demographics ( age , gender , income ) ,
factor on decision making of individual psychological ( confidence level ), financial
investor. literacy that influence investor decision
1.3) Significance Of The Study making behavior. Although the literature
As at now, there is very little work done presents the investor behavior in a variety of
about indicating the factors influencing the context but this paper will primarily focus
individual investors’ behavior in Rawalpindi on the impact of these five most important
and Islamabad in all sectors of economy. factors on the individual investor decision
This study will provide information about making while making particular
the investment decision making of people investments.
belonging to different age group, different (Barber.B.M. and Ordean.T.; Sept,
financial sectors, and their investment 2011)There is an ample impact of various
preferences. Furthermore, it will help in factors on the decision making process of an
determining whether the more experienced investor while making any kind of
investor can only make good investment investment in a particular security.This
decision or the financial literacy and descriptive study was being made to add
accounting information can also help less into literature with the core focus on the
experienced investors in making good variables that make a positive or negative
investment decision. It will also serve as a effect on the individual investment decision.
reference material and future guideline for Riaz.L. et al. (2012) found that the
further research. Propensity to take risk, the available
2: Literature Review Information and how it is presented to
Many theories have been projected to
investors have influenced the decision
explicate that what does influence an
making of investors in an obvious strength.
individual to invest. Even though the
Another contribution in behavioral finance
literature covers an extensive range of such
concluded that The demographical factors
theories, this study will spotlight on five
including Investor’s age, Income, and
most important factors that are been
psychological factors such as Awareness
examined repetitively all over the literature

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concerning investment channel and Past rational while making the decision.
experience have most common effect on the Additionally the study concluded that loss
decision making behavior of individual aversion, mental accounting,
investors (Sohan Patidar;2010) .Factors like representativeness are equally influential for
financial statement elements, real EPS investor decision making, also that investors
(earning per share) were considered were found under confident, hesitant and
important than economy and industry related showed sensitivity in others opinions.
factors. (Khanifar.H. et al.; 2012).
(Shafi.H. et al.; 2011)stated that theRisk
For many years of research and attitude towards investments, Control,
investigation, researchers have been doing Confidence (under / over) and Time horizon
serious studies of how individual investor had the strong influence on the investor
state of mind has to do while making decision making behavior. A secondary
investment decisions. In a research article research on the factors causing changeability
byDr.Taqadus Bashir and AaqibaJaved in individual investor decision making
(April, 2013) on “the factors affecting behavior was made by Dr.Mandeepk Kaur
individual investor decision making in and Tina vohra (December, 2012) that
Pakistan” indicated that accounting resulted that risk perception, intention
information, personal financial needs, firm patterns of investment and awareness level
image and advocate recommendation are the were the factors that influence individual
variables somehow effecting the individual investor behavior.(Jagongo. A. and
behavior but accounting information has Mutswenje.V. ; 2014) bring about in their
most influence on the investor behavior of study that The self-image/ firm image has
Pakistan whereas the advocate more influence on the investors behavior
recommendations are less influence in this among all the factors discussed in the study
context. A study on which were being conducted on the
behavioralfinancebyrekik.Y,M. andbone.Y.B. influencing factors on decision making
(January, 2013) investigated the impact of behaviors such as are accounting
two behavioral theories in decision making information, self-image, advocate
process of an individual investor behavior, information, personal financing needs and
the irrationality and investigator theory. neutral information.
They revealed that investors are not always

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According toTon et al. (August, 2013) the current economic indicators. The
psychological factors had a great influence demographic factor (life style) and
on the decision making power if individual behavioral variables were taken as the
investors and the study originated with the independent variables of the study.
outcomes that optimism, psychology of risk, AtifKafayat (2014)had empirically tested the
over confidence behavior were in positive impact of factors such as self-attribution,
relationship with an investment decision and Biases, over confidence and over optimistic
added in the literature by examining the behavior on the decision making of the
impact of psychological factors of the individual investor. And concluded that self-
investor behavior that wrap up the herd attribution negatively affect the sensible
behavior, attitude towards risk, excessive decision making of the investor. The rational
optimism and over confidence have investor cannot be effected by biases and
profound effect on the decision making hence enjoys favorable returns. It also
behavior of individual investor. examined that Over confidence leads an
Financial literacy and expected returns were investor to the over optimism that ultimately
the more influential on investment decisions effects the rational decision making of
but because of shortage of time accounting investor. The research study explained that
information found less influential on short self-attribution creates over confidence and
term investment behavior of individuals. it ultimately leads to over optimism
This first hand research scanned the impact presenting a depending relationship on each
of accounting information, expected return other. According toHussein A.H (2007) the
and financial literacy on the investment expected corporate earnings, getting rich
making behavior of investorsupported that quickly, past performance of the firm stock,
these factors have a significant effect on the Creation of the organized financial market
investment behavior ( Bashir.M. and and government holdings have the major
Nisar.A. ;2013) An investor makes the influence on the investor behavior.
investment decision without anyone’s The physiological and demographical
influence and make it on his own will ( factors including Investor’s age, Income,
Athar Iqbal and SaniaUsmani ; 2009) also Awareness regarding investment channel
examined that investor do not use valuation and Past experience were chosen by
model while investing but considers the SohanPatidar(2010)in (Dhar District of

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Madhya Pradesh) on Investors’ Behavior 2009)conduct a study. In this study, they

towards Share Market. The results revealed showed. In this study he describe how an
that above mention factors have effect on individual emotion effect the behavior and
investment decision of individual also regulates that motion and use them in
investors.Badlshah.W. et al. (May, 2014) problem solving and decision making. This
used different variables for their study such finding shows the physiological variables
as financial literacy, Risk aversion and short highly affected the investor behavior and
term investment intention all these variable investment outcomes.Tamimi and kalli in
impact on short term investment decision 2009 had conducted the study and it was to
making of investor. They suggest that check the impact of financial literacy on
confidence level, education awareness of the investment decision of UAE investor. The
investor enhance. Company should increase study shows that there is significant
the dividends that can also increase the difference in the level of financial literacy
attention of the investor. The dividend between the gender (male and female) and
contributes toward shareholders wealth and also four factor of influence investment
gets intention of investor in their long term. decision, which are religious ethics,
To check the effect of market efficiency reputation and diversification purpose.
stock return and use of financial information Financial literacy also affected by
in selling expectationIrfan Safder accounting information, income level,
(September, 2009) conducts two tests first education level and weak force activity.
he examines weather consistent stock Financial literacy highly affects the
expectation of financial information individual behavior in decision making. In a
performance. Secondly which forecast of study Sophie Shive (2008)had explored An
securities are influence consistent long term Epidemic Model of Investor Behavior by
pattern on financial performance. The result using the physiological factors i.e. Present
shows investor behavior, expectation and news, past returns, volume, and
future expectation of cash flow Influence. characteristics like education and income
To check the relationship between the and he found these factors have influenced
factors, emotional intelligence and the on individual investors decision making.
investor decision which affect the investor An Econometric Study in which
behavior. Ameriks.J. et al. (Jan, Demographic factors, Knowledge about

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investment avenues, Risk taking ability were investment decisionby Bennet E and et al.
influencing the decision making of (2011)Studyof Investors Attitude on Stock
individual investors byKabra.G., et al. Selection Decision.Abhijeet Chandra and
(2010)examining theFactors Influencing Ravinder Kumar (2011) in their study have
Investment Decision of Generations in Determined the Individual Investor Behavior
India.A study conducted by NidhiWalia and in which it is been concluded that Prudence
Dr. Mrs. Ravi Kiran (2009)on an Analysis and precautious Attitude, Conservatism,
of Investor’s Risk Perception towards under confidence, Informational asymmetry,
Mutual Funds Services. Their result showed and Financial addiction have an impact on
that Stock market volatility is very much decision making of individual investors..
affecting the individual investor SudarshanKadariya (2012)has conducted a
behavior.With the help of a Study on research on the Factors affecting investor
Investor’s Perception towards Investment decision making and concluded that Capital
Decision in Equity Market P.Varadharajan structure, Average pricing Political and
and Dr.PVikkraman (2011) contributed to media coverage, Belief on luck, the financial
the literature and found thatdemographical education and Trend analysis has the greater
factors which include Gender, Age, influence on individual investor behavior.
Education, The stock affordability, company “Behavior of Investors towardsInvestment”
related factors etc have an impact on by SaloniRaheja and BhuvanLamba (2013)
investor decision making. A positive in their study examined that investment
relationship was found byLee.Y.J. and et avenues in the market and preference to
al.(2011)in their study of The Investment invest are the key influencing factors to the
Behavior, Decision Factors that investor behavior.
Macroeconomic factors followed by market According toTomola Marshal Obamuyi
selection and investors’ expectations and (2013) in a study of Factors Influencing
Their Effects towards Investment Investment Decisions in Capital Market and
Performance in the Taiwan Stock Market. resulted that Investors’ age, gender, marital
Fundamental and Market factors, Earning, status and educational qualifications have
Decision making, Industry related, corporate the greater impact on the decision making of
governance, positioning and Image building an investor.Arecent Survey of the Factors
and Goodwill factors were effecting Influencing Investment Decisions which

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revealed that Firm’s reputation, status in cities of Pakistan, Rawalpindi and Islamabad
industry, expected corporate earnings, past .The response was taken from executives,
performance of firms stock, and Expected officers, managers, students and teachers
dividend by investors are the key influential from the different part of the cities without
factors of individual investor any discrimination. To avoid confusion from
behavior.Ambrose Jagongo and Vincent S. respondents, it was assured that the
Mutswenje (2014). The different variables questionnaire should be simple and open
such as fianacial literacy, accounting ended then it was being verified by the
information, the purpose of wealth research supervisor and experts.The
maximization and different demographic respondents were guaranteed that their
factors such as gender, age, income level names are not revealed in the research and
and qualification are being reviewed their opinions collected are used only for
thoroughly in the literature. The effect of academic purposes.
these variables is empirically tested on the The variables for the study are based on
investors selected on the random basis broad literature review and are qualitative in
which is discussed in methodology. nature; therefore a Likert type scaling is
3: Methodology used, ranging from 1 to 5. (Where 5= “Most
The study aims to applied research and significant influence” ---- 1 = “least
designed on casual research by empirically influence”). These assigned numbers would
testing the impact of different independent provide the basis for the codes (0, 1) used
variables such as financial literacy, for analysis purposes. The questionnaire
accounting information, firm image and designed also used a separate block of
classical wealth maximization on investment questions to gather information about
decision of individual investors residing in respondent’s profile and their investment
Pakistan. A survey was conducted for the preferences for further discussions of the
purpose of primary data collection through study.
research questionnaire and through The questionnaires data was collected with
hypothesis testing .The sample technique the help of MBA students of the National
used in this paper is simple random University Of Modern Languages
probability sampling and the size of sample Islamabad. Students were given proper
consists of 150 individual investors from the briefing before visiting the offices of the

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respondents. Most of the respondents were 14% were retired , 11% were students ,10%
between 30 + age and they had an were professionals , 5.9% house wives and
investment experience. The respondents’ 33.3 % of data was being collected by the
demographic representation is shown in the business men.
charts below. One of the most important factors
3.1) Demographic data and Graphic influencing investments decisions is the
Representation income level of respondent that is being
In the study different investors were chosen catered in this study. The pie chart
on the random basis to check their mentioned below is separating different
investment behavior while making any stock income level respondents as there were 41
purchase decision. The chart below is % of respondents having above 600,000
representing the Age of different annual income , 20% were having the annual
respondents from below 20 to above 40 income between 400,000-600,000 , 20% of
years of age. It represents that there were them were having 200,000-400,000 annual
33% respondents, above the age of 40 years, income whereas 9% were who fall in below
36% were of 20-30 and 32% were in 200,000 of annual income rate shown with
between the age of 30-40. the pictorial representation as below.
Whereas the data shows that the respondents 3.2) Research Hypotheses:
were of different qualifications background
1) Ho: Financial Literacy and Individual
in which 35% were post graduate, 43.40%
investor behavior are in positive
were graduate and 21.60% of the
respondents were under graduate. All the
H1: Financial Literacy and Individual
data regarding the qualification background
investor behavior are not in positive
is shown in the below mentioned chart.
2) Ho: Accounting Information and
The data was being gathered by the
Individual investor behavior are in a
respondents of different professions to judge
direct relationship.
the overall behavior of investors from twin
H1: Accounting Information and
cities (ISB, RWP). The below mentioned
Individual investor behavior are not in a
pictorial representation shows that there
direct relationship.
were 25.8% of respondents were salaried ,

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3) Ho: Wealth maximization and Individual image and demographic factors such as age,
investor behavior are in direct income, occupation and gender
3.3.2) Theoretical Framework
H1: Wealth maximization and Individual The research model indicates the
investor behavior are in inverse independent variables such as accounting
relationship. information, firm image, financial literacy,
4) Ho: Firm’s Image has positive impact on wealth maximization and the demographic
the investment decisions of Individual factors influencing the individual investor’s
investor. decision making behavior while purchasing
H1: Firm’s Image has negative impact any kind of stock.
on the investment decisions of 3.4) Research Design
Individual investor. A survey was conducted for the purpose of
5) Ho: Demographic Factors have impact primary data collection through research
on Individual investor decision making. questionnaire among the individual investors
H1: Demographic Factors have no of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The
impact on Individual investor decision respondent include executives, officers,
making. managers, students, teachers and
3.3) Research Model housewives. They have equal chance of
The research model of the paper is showing
selection for the survey without any
the relationships between the independent
discrimination of age, gender, color or
variables and the dependent variables. A
creed. To avoid confusion from respondent
model equation is also given to easily
we make simple and direct questionnaire
understand that what are the independent
and were verified by experts.
and dependent variables are.
3.5) Data collection
3.3.1) Research Equation
There are five different factors taken in the The data was collected through different

study to empirically test their impact on the sources given in brief as below.

decision making behavior of the individual 3.5.1) Primary Data

investors , the independent variables of the The data used in the research is primary and

study are financial literacy, accounting collected first time through Questionnaire

information, wealth maximization, firm’s Survey in Islamabad and Rawalpindi at

random basis

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3.5.2) Secondary Data and from the total response 4 of them were
A little assistance was taken from internet, found invalid for not being properly filled.
books and already existing journals for the 3.8) Data Type
purpose of formulating appropriate The study is Quantitative in nature for being
variables, making the Questionnaires and tested empirically, for this purpose a simple
interpreting the statistical results of and direct questionnaire was used and being
hypothesis. filled by different investors in order to find
3.5.3) Data Collection Technique out the relationship between the variables
The sample techniques used in this paper is and to check either the five factors have
simple random probability sampling influence on the investment behavior of
technique in which every individual without individuals or not.
any discrimination of age, gender, color or 4: Data analysis and Results
creed have equal chance of selection for the The data being collected through the
survey. questionnaires is properly analyzed for
3.6) Population reaching to the appropriate results which is
The data were collected from Islamabad and one by one analyzed in the context of each
Rawalpindi and the responses were taken hypothesis being generated in this study.
from the executives, officers, managers, The data collected through questionnaires is
students and teachers from the different analyzed by assigning appropriate coding of
parts of the twin cities without any 0 and 1. The criteria for this coding is briefly
discrimination. given in the appendices but to make the
3.7) Sample size study understandable a general review is
A total number of 150 Questionnaires were stated here.Research in behavior finance is
distributed to the respondents through e- relatively new. Within the behavioral
mail, telephone and by Hand at different finance it is expected that information
areas of the cities from which 124 responses structure and the features of market
were received. From which 104 were participants systematically influence
collected by hand, 13 through emails and 7 individual investment decisions as well as
by the telephone and remaining were having market results. The analysis has focused
no response. Therefore, out of 150, 120 upon how investors understand and act on
questionnaire were found valid for the study information to make investment decisions.

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The study is based on the primary data and invested somewhere and the time period and
data analyzed by using percentage analysis. rate of savings, if its influential, it is
The age variable is assigned with the coding assigned with 1 and if not, it is separated by
of 0 and 1 by indicating 0 to respondents 0. All the above variables were independent,
having an age of less than 30years and whereas the dependent variable of the study,
above 30 years are assigned with 1. investment behavior is also being codified
Similarly females are separated by 0 and with effect of 0 and 1.
male by 1. The respondents having the If the respondent profile shows in beginning
annual income of less than 400,000 is (no investment experience) or moderate(
categorized as 0 and above 400,000 with 1. comfortable with Govt. securities etc.)
One of the most important factors is criteria it is assigned with 0 And if
qualification of the respondents that is being respondent falls in the category of
differentiated by assigning 0 to the under knowledgeable(have bought or sold
graduates and 1 to the respondents graduates individual shares of stocks/bonds) and
and above graduates. The five economic experienced( frequently traded in stocks,
factors are also being codified on the basis commodities, options or futures), it is
of responses taken through the Likert scale assigned with 1. It is then further codified on
such as if the wealth maximization have the basis of results being accessed in the
least influence on the investment decisions form of digits / percentages. All the
of the investor, it is assigned with 0, and if it variables having less than 50% of results
has the most significant influence it would were considered least influential ( 0 ) and
be considered as 1. above the percentage of 50% were
Accounting information is assigned with 0 considered most influential ( 1 ) factors on
if it’s least influential, and 1 if it has a the dependent variable( individual investor
significant influence. 0 is assigned if the decision making behavior) .
firm image have a least influence on the Hypothesis 1: Financial Literacy and
investment decisions of the individual investment behavior
investors, and 1 if it’s influential while from the data being collected by the
making investment decisions. Finally, respondents , 68.33 % were of the view that
financial literacy is being measured with financial literacy has a greater impact on the
such questions that if investors have investment behavior of the individuals

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whereas 31.67 were in the opinion that 35.83% of the sample showed that dividends
financial literacy does not counts while are least influential.
investing in some security. And results
indicate that the higher the financial literacy
And 66.67% respondents showed their
regarding the investment portfolios , the
accent that financial statements as the most
positive is the investment attitude of the
influential factor whereas 33.33% were in
investor by 75 % and the lower is the
the view that financial statements are least
financial literacy of the investors 25% , they
influential. Stock marketability as the sub
tend to be risk averters and invest in fixed
factor of accounting information is the most
deposits or real estate’s etc which is being
influential factors, responded by 77.5% of
described in the figure below.
respondents and 22.5% disagree with its
Hypothesis 2: Accounting Information
effect. Hence on the basis of the data
and Investment Behavior
collected the results indicate that stock
It was being analyzed with the help of
marketability in the accounting information
primary data that accounting information
is most influential factor while making
has an influence on the investment behavior
investment decision by the individual
of individuals as it was being measured by
using four sub variables under the head of
Hypothesis 3: Relationship Of Wealth
accounting information such as expected
Maximization And Investor Behaviour
corporate earnings (E.C.E), Dividend paid
The study is outfitting seven sub variables
(D.P), financial statements (F.S) and Stock
under the head of wealth maximization and
marketability ( S.M). The data showed that
then checking their impact on the individual
63.33% of the respondents were in the view
investment behavior of individuals. The
that E.C.E have an influence on the
revealed results of the study are shown with
investment decision of the individuals
the help of the figure that is, there were
whereas 36.67% of the respondents exposed
74.17 % of the respondents who were in the
that E.C.E is least influential while making
opinion that S.A (stock affordability) has a
investment decision. 64.17% of the
greater impact while making investment
respondents indicated that dividend paid
decision whereas 25.83% were in the
(D.P) to them is most influential while
opinion that it’s least influential. Expected
accessing accounting information whereas
dividends (E.D) have most influence while

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making investment decisions, answered by influence on decision making behavior of

64.17% and E.D are least influential is the investors.
responded by 35.83% of respondents. Tax Hypothesis 4: Firm’s Image And
effects (T.E) has an influence on investment Investment Decisions of Individuals
behavior is noted by 71.67% of respondents The results indicate that firm’s image has
while 28.33% responded negatively in this least influence on the decision making
context. Risk minimization is most behavior of the investors in comparison of
important while making investments is all the three factors of the study (wealth
responded by 72.5% of the respondents and maximization, financial literacy and
it has least influence is resulted by 27.5% of accounting information). The supporting
the respondents. data of the study showed that there were
Return maximization has greater impact 54.17% of the respondents who responded
while making investment decision is that under the head of firm’s image religious
answered by 69.17% and 30.83%were of the reasons(R.R) is influential to the investment
view that return maximization is least behavior the individuals while 45.8%
important while making investments. 47.5% answered that R.R have no or least influence
of the respondents were replied that safety over decision making behavior of the
of principle (S.O.P) has greater influence on individual investors. 75% of the respondents
investment decision whereas 52.5% showed were in the view that information of
that there is least influence of safety of products and services (I.O.P/S) is most
principle on the individuals while making influential in investment decisions and 25%
investment decisions. Maturity period is responded in negative. 71.67% of the
influencing while making investment respondents argued that firm’s reputation
decisions is responded by 66.67% and it has (Rep of firm) has an influence while making
least influence is answered by 33.33% of the investment decisions and 28.33% indicated
respondents. On the basis of above data that firm’s reputation is least influential.
collected through primary research it is 46.67% of the respondents were in the view
resulted that safety of principle is the least that Expectation of getting rich quickly
important factor while making investments (E.O.G.R.Q) is most influential while
by the individuals and all of others have an 53.33% responded it as least influential. Size
of the firm (S.O.F) has greater impact on the

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investment behavior of individuals is said by more and below 400,000 of annual income
63.33% and S.O.F is least influential in investors’ are less motivated towards
investment behavior is said by 36.67% of investment. The study resulted that people
the respondents. 73% of the results were in having more qualification (graduate, above
the favor as Share price of the firm (S.P.F) is graduate) have more information regarding
responded as the influential factor and investment and they are more into riskier
27%of them were in opinion that S.P.F is investments. The graphical representation in
least influential factor while making the figure separated the results from 0 and 1.
investment decisions by individuals. It results that the respondents above the age
Of the above revealed data it is resulted that of 30 years, having annual income of more
expectation of getting rich quickly than 400,000 and having the qualification of
(E.O.G.R.Q) is least influential factor and graduate or above have more investment
rest of the factors has little or more influence exposure whereas the respondents having an
while making investment decisions by the age of 30 0r below , annual income below
individual investors. And information 400,000 and under graduates have less
regarding the products and services of the exposure to the investment in the securities ,
firm is most influential. because of less knowledge. Hence resulted
Hypothesis 5: Impact Of Demographic that income level has more influence over
Factors On Investment Behaviour Of investment behavior with the result of 85.8
Individual Investors % of the data.
5: Discussions: An Overall Analysis Of
The effect of different demographic factors
Factors Along Demographic Factors
on the investment decisions of the The study reveals that demographic factors
individuals is being catered under this study. are always connected to the investor
These factors are age, annual income and preferences of investment, for the purpose a
qualification level of the individual discussion is made on the overall impact of
investors. The study reveals that the demographic factors such as age, income
investors which are above the age of 30 and qualification with respect to each
years are more into investment in variable and its impact on the individual
comparison of the age below 30 years. The investment behavior of investors and each of
individuals having the annual income level them is represented through graphs.
of above 400,000 use to save and invest

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5.1. Demographic Factors, Financial investment decision. The impact of these

Literacy And Investment Behavior factors is diagrammatically shown in the
The results showed that the respondents lie figure below.
under the category of 1 have higher financial 5.3: Demographic Factors, Wealth
literacy and in the result they tend to invest Maximization And Investment Behavior
more as in comparison of category 0. The Of Individuals
below mentioned figure is supporting the It is being observed that people are not much
discussion made as the data indicates that influence by the classical wealth
the persons above the age of 30, having the maximization while making investment
income above 400,000 and graduate or decisions but people are more towards
above are in the view that financial literacy having maximum dividends. The figure
has greater impact on investment behavior shows the individuals that lie under the
of individuals and they are more into category 1 are most influenced by their
savings and investments such as in shares income level and T.E (taxeffect) and least
etc. influenced by S.O.F. (size of firm).
whereas the people less than the age of 30, 5.4) Demographic Factors, Firm Image
under graduate and having an annual income And the Investment Behavior
level below 400,000 do not invest more as The data being collected through
they are less literate about better financial questionnaires has showed that that the size
investments hence they are seem like risk of the firm or firm image is the least
takers where as one gets older , he becomes influential in all the variables discussed
risk averter. under this study. Individuals those fall in
5.2: Demographic Factors, Accounting category 1 (above the age of 30, graduate
Information And Investment Preferences: and annual income above 400,000) are
It is discussed that the investors lying in somehow interested in knowing the product
category 1 in demographics are more and services being offered by the firm.
concerned about accounting information 6: Implications Of The Study
whereas the investors of category 0 are least The study can have significant contribution
concerned about accounting information. in the area of behavioral finance through
Stock marketability has greater influence on sightseeing the association between various
the investor behavior while making demographic, economical and religious

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factors that can affects the overall to identify the different investment behavior
investment decisions of the individual of investors specifically Rawalpindi and
investors. It can be supportive in exploring Islamabad and do not shows the behavior of
the intensity of the of these factors, which in overall investors of Pakistan.
turn will help us to conclude how much 8: Conclusions
influence is attached to each independent This study aimed to check the influence of
variable by individual investors when they different five independent variables used in
make their investment decisions. the study such as financial literacy, firm
From a corporate viewpoint, it will size, use of accounting information,
provide an assistance to the management by importance of analyzing financial statements
providing an understanding on the decision and demographic factors that might affect
making of their financial clients, and raise the investment decision of any individual.
awareness to the issue of subjectivity and And the result shows that financial literacy
performance, encouraging them to help and accounting information are the most
reduce the biases and to increase influential factors on the individual
profitability. The study can have a investment behavior of an individual
significant contribution to the knowledge of whereas people are less influenced by the
individual investors particularly making the demographic factors such as gender. But the
investment decisions. Finally, the study age and income level are most important
results add in the gap in finance research as while making investment decisions that is
there is a need to examine the decisions most influential sub factors under
taken in the reality( by implication) where demographics. And study also observed
subjects follow their natural decision styles, five least influential factors such as religious
rather than following to norms executed by reasons, family and friends advices and
experimental backgrounds. gender differences. The obtained results
7: Delimitation Of The Study show that financial literacy and accounting
Despite of loads of burden at the end of information helps investors to invest in risky
semester and shortage of time, due care was instruments. But as age and experience
taken not to sacrifice the quality and in- increase investors preference changes to less
depth of this study. This study shows the risky investments, it does not mean that
limitation of the research as it is attempted investor does not prefer to invest in shares,

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he will but with the intension of getting decisions of the individual investors. And
dividend return rather than capital gain out of all variables the most influencing 6
The study also reveals that individuals items by the order of importance were
having more investment exposure are above dividend paid, reputation of firm, feelings
the age of 30 and they are much influenced for a firm’s products and services, get rich
by the financial literacy and accounting quick, firm's involvement in solving
information. The purpose of their investment community problems, and firm’s status in
is not the classical wealth maximization, but industry related to firm’s image/self-image
to earn higher level of dividend/interest, the and accounting information. This study
study also indicated that individuals are less supports the entire hypothesis. The reason of
motivated towards the riskier investment least influencing factors is the people of the
avenues and are not influenced by the Pakistan mostly have no knowledge about
maturity period. Classical wealth these factors like formation of organized
maximization, demographic factors (gender) market.
are have least influence on the investment

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Appendix: 1
Table: 1


No. Variables 0 1
1 Age >30 <30
2 Gender F M
3 Income >400,000 <400,000
4 Qualification >Graduate <Graduate
5 Wealth maximization Leastinfluence Neutral Significant+Sig+Influence
Accounting Most
6 information Leastinfluence Neutral Significant+Sig+Influence
7 Self/Firm Image Leastinfluence Neutral Significant+Sig+Influence
8 Financial Literacy Leastinfluence Neutral Significant+Sig+Influence
9 Investment Behaviour Beginning, Moderate Knowledgeable, Experienced

Table: 2

Further Criteria In Percentage

Least Influential (0) Most Influential(1)
Wealth max Below 50% Above 50%
Financial Literacy Below 50% Above 50%
Accounting Info Below 50% Above 50%
Firm image Below 50% Above 50%

Appendix: 2

S.A Stock Affordability

E.D Expected div

T.E Tax Effect

R.Min Risk Minimization

R.Max Return Maximization

S.O.P Safety of Principle

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M.P Maturity period

E.C.E Expected corporate earnings

D.P Dividend Paid

F.S Financial statements

S.M Stock Marketability

R.R Religious reasons

I.O.P/S Information of product Services

Rep.of firm Firms ‘Reputation

E.O.G.R.Q Expectation of getting rich quickly

S.O.F Size of the Firm

S.P.F Share price of the firm

below 20



above 40

under graduate


post gaduate


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salaried business house wives

professionals students retired


salaried business house wives

professionals students retired

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The relationship of financial literacy and

investment decisions
financial literacy
0 1

financial literacy investment behaviour








1 0

Impact of wealth maximization

factors on investment decision of
74.17 71.6772.569.17 75
80 64.17 66.67
60 47.5 52.5
35.83 33.33
40 25.83 28.3327.530.83 25
1 0

S.A E.D T.E R.Min R.Max S.O.P M.P Investment behaviour

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R.R I.O.P/S Rep.of firm


investment decisions 63.33





1 0 25





1 0


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Age income qualification financial literacy investment behaviour






1 0
Impact of demographic factors and financial literacy on
investment decision


1 0

age income qualification E.C.E D.P F.S S.M INVESTMENT BEHAVIOUR

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