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Destination C1&C2

Unit 2: Vocabulary: Thinking and learning

Topic vocabulary: Thinking
1. Access (v)
2. Assume (v)
3. Baffle (v) confuse
4. Biased (adj) towards …: thiên vị, ủng hộ phía …
5. Prejudiced (adj) thành kiến với …
 Biased >< prejudiced.
6. Concentrate (v) focus on
7. Consider (v)
8. Contemplate (v) think=consider. I have never contemplated living abroad.
9. Deduce (v) infer
10. Deliberate (v) consider carefully. The jury deliberated for five days before finding him
guilty. The sergeant deliberated for a moment and then agreed to unlock the door.
11. Dilemma (n) tiến thoái lưỡng nan. She faced a dilemma about whether to accept the
offer or not.
12. Discriminate (v) distinguish
13. Dubious (adj) about smt: mơ hồ, doubtful. I was rather dubious about the whole idea.
14. Cynical (adj) hoài nghi về sự giả tạo. (believing that people only do things to help
themselves rather than for good or honest reasons)  Do you have to be so cynical about
15. Estimate (v,n)
16. Faith (n) niềm tin. I have faith in you—I know you'll do well.
17. Gather (v). I gather from your letter that you're not enjoying your job.
18. Genius (n) He had a genius for making people feel at home.
19. Grasp (v) hold firmly, nắm được. He grasped my hand and shook it warmly. They failed
to grasp the importance of his words.
20. Guesswork (n)
21. Hunch (n) linh cảm
22. Ideology (n) hệ tư tưởng. Marxist/capitalist ideology
23. Ingenious (adj) clever
24. Naïve (adj)
25. Inspiration (n).   He says my sister was the inspiration for his heroine.
26. Intuition (n) trực giác. Intuition told her that he had spoken the truth. The answer came
to me in a flash of intuition.
27. Notion (adj) ý tưởng, opinion.  I have to reject the notion that greed can be a good thing.
28. Optimistic (adj)
29. Pessimistic (adj)
30. Paradox (n) nghịch lý. He was a paradox—a loner who loved to chat to strangers.
31. Plausible (adj) /ˈplɔːzəbl/ reasonable
32. Ponder (v) consider/think. The senator pondered the question for a moment.
33. Presume (v)
34. Query (v,n). If you have a query about your insurance policy, contact our helpline.
35. Reckon (v) tính toán. I reckon (that) I’m going to get that job.
36. Reflect (v)
37. Skeptical/Skeptical +about/of smt (adj) doubting. I am skeptical about his chances of
winning. She looked highly skeptical.
38. Speculate (v) suy đoán. We all speculated about the reasons for her resignation.
39. Justify (v) chứng minh/cho rằng smt is đúng. How can they justify paying such huge
40. Suppose (v)
Topic vocabulary: Learning
1. Conscientious (adj): /ˌkɑːnʃiˈenʃəs/taking care to do things carefully and correctly

 a conscientious student/teacher/worker
 He was thorough and conscientious, rather than brilliant.
 She was a popular and conscientious teacher.

2. Tuition in smt (n): nhận thức. The standard curriculum gives students much tuition in
developing practical work-related, living and social skills, and in skills necessary for
higher education.

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