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An Improved Method for Computing Directional Surveys


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Abstract to the need to define as accurately as possible the vertical
and lateral location of subsurface features such as pav tops,
Dif]iculties experienced in correlating vertical and lateral fluid contacts and fault cuts encountered in expensive di-
location.1· of .rnh.mrface fea/1/l'es that are <'l!Countered in di- rectional wellbores.
rectional wells prompted critical review of the tangential In Fig. l, the curved-line segment ah represents a por-
method of computing directional surveys. Inherent discrep- tion of the actual borehole as viewed in the vertical plane.
ancies were indicated to cause small incremental but sig- Point$ a and h are survey stations and cf,, is the inclination
nifica111ly large cumulative errors in computed Vc>rtical angle at point h. The curved-line segment ah is assumed to
depth and horizontal departure. A radius of curvature be the straight-line segment a'/, of a length equal to ah and
method. developed for planning and analyzing directional tangent at point h to the curved-line segment. Lengths
wells, was sllldied as a means of more accurately calculat- 11'c' and c'h are equal to a'h cos cf,,. and a'h sin cf,,. respec-
ing survey data. Errors incurred in the ·tangential method tively. Point a already has heen fixed by calculations per-
were not present in the radius of curvature method. Co11- formed with survey data obtained at point a, and calculated
f/ic1ing as.1·11111ptio11s in calc11/a1ing dog-leg severity by the lengths a'c' and c'h arc projected as lengths ac" and c"I>'
tangential method were resolved by a new procedure that from point a, rather than from point a'. Point /,' i~ thu,
was der!wd from the radius of curvature method. Remits fixed and assumed to represent the actual point h. Calcu-
of ihe investigation showed the radius of curvature method lated length ac" is shorter than actual length cu·. and calcu-
to he an improved method for computing direcrional sur- lated length c"b' is longer than actual length cl>. Since h'
veys. is the point from which the next deeper segment \\ ill be
projected, errors are cumulative.
Cumulative error continues to increase as long a~ \he in-
Many improvements in directional drilling tools and clination angle continues to increase. When the indination
techniques have been made in the past 10 years.' but the angle decreases (Fig. 2). calculated length ac" is longer
method of computing survey data has remained virtually than actual length ac, and calculated length c"I>' is shorter
unchanged. While use of computers greatly aids the pro- than actual length cl>. These errors also are cumulative, hut
cess of calculation' and eliminates many human errors, differences between calculated and actual lengths arc op-
manual and computer calculations are still made with the posite in mathematical sign to differences dcmon~lrntcd in
assumption that the wellbore consists of straight-line seg-
ments. This paper points out discrepancies in the method
and presents an improved method in which the wellhore
is assumed to be curved. a D
Tangential Method
The method presently used to calculate vertical depth,
horizontal departure and direction coordinates with mea- I
sured values of well o~pth, inclination angle and direction
angle is termed the tangential method. This term stems
C f"- II

from performing calculations with a series of straight-line

I ..................... C
segments, with each segment assumed to be tangent to I , ..
the wellbore at a corresponding survey point. A segment I
is defined by inclination and direction angles measured at
only the lower or deeper end. Consequently, a discrepancy
or error is introduced for each segment. Errors are not of
extreme magnitude, but cumulatively are significant due
c' L___c,____....,..<j
Original manuscript received In Sod,•ty of Petroleum Engineers office
Sept, 8, 1967. Revised manuscript received June 17, 1968, Paper (SPE
1992) was presented at SPE 88th Annual California Regional Meeting
held in Los Angeles, Calif., Oct. 26-27, 1967, © Copyright 1068 Ameri• V
can Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.
'References given at end of paper. Fig, I-Vertical depth and horizo11t{ll departure by tangen-
This paper will be printed in Transactions volume 248, which will tial method, inclination angle increasing.
cover 1968,

AUGUST, 1968
Fig. 1. Therefore, total error begins to diminish when re- segment c'b tangent at point b to the curved-line segment.
turn to vertical is started in an S-type hole. If return to Lengths d'b and c'd' are equal to c'b cos o.
and c'h sin o•.
vertical is accomplished at the same rate and is surveyed respectively. Point c already has been fixed, a1.d calculated
with the same spacing as the buildup portion, total error lengths d'h and c'd' are projected as lengths ti"/,' and eel".
tends to vanish at the return to \-ertical point. No cancella- Point h' is thus fixed and assumed to represent the actual
tion of error occurs in a slant-type hole, and total error in- point b. Calculated coordinate distances d"b' and cd" differ
creases as maximum inclination angle, rate of angle build- from actual distance dh and ct.l. Again, errors are cumula-
up and distance between survey stations increase. tive but can be offset by errors of an opposite mathematical
The foregoing argument also applies to calculating the sign if the direction angle exhibits a reversal in trend.
bottom-hole location with values of horizontal departure A modified tangential method called the trapezoidal
and direction angle. In this case, errors can be com- method assumes half the measured depth segment to be
pounded. As previously pointed out, calculated horizontal tangential to the wellbore at each of the upper and lower
departure can be longer or shorter than actual departure. survey stations. While the trape7(lidal method is an im-
But even if calculated departure is correct, operations per- provement, calculated lengths still are shorter than actual
formed still lead to errors. In Fig. 3, the actual wellbore as curved lengths when angles are either decreasing or in-
viewed in the horizontal plane is represented by the curved- creasing.
line segment cb, and o. is the direction angle at point b.
Radius of Curvature Method

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The tangential method assumes ch to be the straight-line
In the radius of curvature method, each segment is de-
I fined by data obtained at both ends of the segment, and
a the wellbore is assumed to be curved in either or both ver-
~ tical and horizontal projections. Directional survey data
I\ more often than not reflect changes in either or both in-
a I \ D clination and direction measured at two successive survey
stations. Curved wellbore segments are implied when rates
1\ of inclination an~le buildup and drop-off are expressed in
degrees/ J00 ft. and when dog-leg severity is stated in de-
\ \ grees/] 00 ft. Even so-called vertical wells often exhibit cur-
vature. It therefore appears reasonable to consider incre-
\ \ ments of measured depth between surv(;!y stations as curved
\ ~ increments. A radius of curvature method developed for
\ planning and analyzing directional wells then can be used
C b -'b to compute directional surveys.

II __1b
\ c'
\ I
f Fig. 4 demonstrates the manner in which expressions
derived in Appendix A are applied to survey computations.
The curved well bore is represented by the segment ah, and
,f,., and cf,,. arc inclination angles at points a and /J. Ry
definition, rate of change in cf, is the difference between <J,,.
and cf,. divided by the length of ah. Radius of curvature in
the vertical plane is the reciprocal of the rate of change in
V cf, with rate of change expressed in radians per unit length
nf the measured depth segment. True length ar is equal to
Fig. 2-Vertica/ depth and horizontal departure hy ta11gm-
tial method, inclination angle decl'easing.

w E
C d d

s Fig. 4--Vertical depth and horizontal departure hy radius

Fig, 3-Direction coordinates by tangential method. of curvature method.


radius of curvature multiplied by the difference between measured depth; the wellbores were contained totally in
sin 'P• and sin cp,. True length of cb is equal to radius of one vertical plane and directional surveys wern made at
curvature times the difference between cos cf,. and cos cJ,,,. each 100 ft of measured depth. Calculations with the
Comparison of Fig. 4 with Figs. I and 2 shows that errors radius of curvature method show contacts in both devi-
in computing vertical depth and horizontal departure with ated wells to be at 3,500 ft vertical depth with a hori-
the tangential method are eliminated by the radius of zontal departure of 1,289 ft in the 30° well and 2,331 ft
curvature method. in the 60° well. The tangential method indicates the con-
Although true length of ch or horizontal departure is tact to be at 3,494 (t vertical depth at a departure of
defined by the radius of curvature method, this length also l,314 ft in the 30° well and at 3,475 ft vertical depth at
can be curved. Rate of change in 0 is the difference be- a departure of 2,375 ft in the 60° well. Different inter-
tween 0, and 8. divided by the length of ch. Radius of preta lions regarding the reservoir could be made with the
curvature in the horizontal plane is the reciprocal of the two sets of subsurface location data obtained with the
rate of change in 8 with rate of change expressed in ra- two different methods.
dians per unit length of measured depth. In Fig. 5, the Interpretation of calculations made with the tangential
North (or South) coordinate distance db is equal to radius method has created problems in accurately depicting Louis-
of curvature multiplied by the difference between sin 8,, iana Gulf Coast reservoirs. In one example, computations
and sin 0.., and the East ( or West) coordinate distance cd with single-shot data indicated a spread of 40 ft in the

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is e4ual to radius of curvature times the difference between vertical depth of an oil-water contact encountered by sev-
cos 0. and cos 0,. Comparison of Fig. 5 with Fig. 3 shows eral S type wells now known to have penetrated the same
that errors in computing directional coordinates by the tan- reservoir. In early stages of development, several faults
gential method arc eliminated by the radius of curvature were assumed to exist. As well density increased, insertion
method. of assumed faults became untenable as a means of recon-
Application of the radius of curvature method is not ciling varying depths of the contact. Computations with
limited to the buildup and drop-off portions. The concept the radius of curvature method reduced the spread of con•
is equally valid for so-called vertical and slant portions tact depths to only 5 ft. Although further investigation
when segments are curved in one or both the vertical and showed tl-iat almost the same results could be obtained by
horizontal planes. In whipstocked intervals, the wellbore computing carefully multishot data with the tangential
is probably best represented by straight-line segments and method, such agreement was limited lO horizons located be-
the tangential method should be used. low the return to vertical point. Computer calculations in-
dicated the tangential method to be in error by about 12
Comparison of the Methods ft in vertical depth and about 40 ft in departure in hori-
zons encountered above the point at which return to ver-
The tangential and radius of curvature methods can be tical was started. Data from wellbores inclined by more
compared in a hypothetical situation involving a vertical than 35° were unavailable for study. Nevertheless, it
well, a 30° slant-type well and a 60° slant-type well, all readily was seen that use of the tangential method could
drilled to the same horizon. A fluid contact is assumed lead to substantial errors in locating subsurface features,
to have been encountered at 3,500 ft in the vertical well, particularly those encountered in high-scale, slant-type
at 3.810 ft measured depth in the 30° well and at 4,538 wells.
ft measured depth in the 60° well. It is further assumed
that both directional wells were kicked off at 500 ft; in- Although the radius of curvature method is an improve-
clination angle~ were built up ideally at 2° /100 ft of ment over the tangential method, both methods assume
that points of change in the wellbore coincide with depths
of survey stations. Results of the two methods would be
essentially identical if surveys were to be conducted owr
very short intervals of 1. ft or so. Unfortunately, it is not
now feasible to survey on extremely short spacing. Pend-
ing development of a reliable and economic means of sur-
veying on a continuous basis, the radius of curvature
method is available for reconciling conflicting data, par-
ticularly that obtained in a number of wells now completed
to the same reservoir.

Dog-Leg Severity
In calculating dog-leg severity with the tangential meth-
od, two segments of measured depth are assumed to be
straight lines lying in a single plane that can be inclined
tu either or both vertical and horizontal axes. Total change
in angle between two segments is calculated as shown in
Appendix B. This total change then is assumed to have
occurred over the length of the deeper segment and, to
express dog•leg severity, the segment is said to be curv-
ing at a uniform rate. The two obviously conflicting as-
sumptions are resolved by the radius of curvature method
•in which measured depth segments are assumed initially to
be curved in either or both vertical and horizontal planes.
Calculations in Appendix C show dog-leg severity to be
FiR. 5-Directinn cnnrdinates by radius nj curvature a function of vertical curvature, horizontal curvature and
metliod. inclination angle.

AUGUST, 1968 878

Although most failures of drill pipe, collars and casing 5. Wilson, G. J.: "Dog-Leg Control in Directionally Drilled
can be related to magnitude of dog-legs calculated by the Wells", J. Pet. Tech. (Jan., 1967) 107-112.
tangential method, failures have occurred at relatively 6. Lubinski, A.: "Maximum Permissible Dog-Legs in Rotary
small dog-legs, and some severe dog-legs have apparently Boreholes", !. Pet. Tech. (Feb., 1961) 175-194.
caused little or no damage.• These anomalies in relation-
ship between pipe failures and absolute magnitude of dog- APPENDIX A
legs could result from neglecting curvature in the wellbore. Basic Mathematical Concepts-
Due t0 twisting of drill pipe in a dog-leg composed of cur-
vature in two planes, the effects of a double curved dog-leg Radius of Curvature Method
would be more severe than the effects of a dog-leg lying in Mathematical expressions defining relationships among
only one plane. Nevertheless, a basic problem in evaluat- all parameters at all points in a directional well can be used
ing dog-leg severity is that it is not known whether a dog- to advantage in well planning. Although the mathematical
leg is gradual or abrupt. Surveying on very short spacing procedure is somewhat more accurate than the graphical
cannot resolve the problem.• But consideration of the rela- procedure usually employed, the principal advantage of the
tive degree of difficulty encountered in controlling a direc- mathematical, method is elimination of the need for speci-
tionally drilled interval, as well as analysis of original and fic graphs depicting depths vs inclination angles at various
resurvey data, often can indicate the method most likely rates of buildup and drop-off. With the mathematical ex-

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to yield a close approximation of true dog-leg severity. rressions and a set of plane trigonometric tables, wells can
be planned using any reasonable inclination angle, buildup
Conclusion rate and drop-off rate. Trial-and-error calculations are not
The radius of curvature method for computing direc- needed to plan a directional program when the kickoff
tional surveys can eliminate inherent errors in vertical point, return to vertical point, total depth or departure are
depth, horizontal departure, direction coordinates and fixed in advance. The mathematical procedure also per-
dog-leg severity that occur when the presently used tan- mits analytical study of survey data after the directional
gential method is applied. program has been executed. Effective inclination angles
can be determined from actual survey data. The difference
Nomenclature hetween effective and pl .. nned angles can be indicative of
M "" measured depth, ft the amount of difficulty encoLJntered in contro1Jing the
V = vertical depth, ft
path of the borehole. By relating these differences to rig
D = horizontal departure, ft time expended, an optimum directional drilling plan can
N = North (or South) coordinate distance, ft
be developed for a rarticular field or area.
E = East (or West) coordinate distance, ft In Fig. S, let the several parameters be designated by
h == inclination angle buildup rate, degrees/ft symbols listed in the Nomenclature, and Jet the principal
/,' = inclination angle drop-off rate, degrees/fl points of interest be designated as:
R cc, radius of curvature in vertical plane with ,J, 0 = surface or datum point
increasing, ft/radian
R' =-= radius of curvature in vertical plane with ,J,
1 = kickoff point
decreasing, ft/radian 2 = point at which cf, reaches a maximum
c = rate of change in direction angle. degrees/ft J = ;10int at v:hich return to vertical is started in an
C ,... radius of curvature in horizontal plane, S-type hole or total depth in a slant-type hole
.,· = inclination angle, radians
<J, = inclination angle, degrees
y = direction angle, radians 0 D
0 = direction angle, degrees
(1 = total change in angle between two directed
straight lines, degrees
a= rate of change in total curvature, degrees/ft
a= dog-leg severity, degrees/ JOO ft

The author expresses his appreciation to the management
of Continental Oil Co. for permission to publish this paper.
Computer programming and analyses performed by W.W.
Lowry and C. R. Lysinger, with the Sperry-Sun Well Sur-
veying Co. in Westwego, La., are gratefully acknowledged.
1. Pickett, G. W.: "Techniques and Deflection Tools in High-
Angle Drilling: Past, Present and Future", J. Pet. Tech.
(April, 1967) 469-476.
2. Sparks, F. W. and Rees, P. K.: Plane Trigonometry, Rev.
Ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J. (1947) 142-
144. 5
3. Middlemiss, R. R.: DiOeremial and /11tegral Calculus, 2nci
Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York (1946) 327-328.
4. Taylor, A. E.: Advanced Calrn/11s, Ginn and Co., Boston Fig. 6-Directional well planned with rndius of curvature
(1955) 366-367. method.
4 = return to vertical pomt in an S-type hole the drop-off portion is
5 = total depth in an S-type hole. D, - D. = B' (1 - cos cf,,) . . . . . . . (A-15)
General expressions for determining vertical distances
across the buildup and drop-off portions are derived. Maximum permissible inclination angle cf,.,, when D, - D,
is fixed, points 2 and 3 are coincident and V, - V, is not
By definition fixed, is
q> = x(180'1r) , . . . . . . . . . (A-1)
- •l D, - D,
cf,., - cos B + B' . . . . . . . . (A-16a)
cf, = bM, , . . . . . . . . . . . (A-2) and for a slant-type hole
where M, is measured distance between the kickoff point _ _,D,-D,
and the point at which ¢ is determined, M, ~ (M, - M,). </> ... - cos B . . . . . . . . (A-16b)
An expression is derived for determining the inclination
x= (bw/180)M, ........ (A-3) angle required when total departure, kickoff point and re-
turn to vertical point (or total depth in a slant-type welt)

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By inspection
are fixed.
dV = cos x dM . . . . . . . . . . (A-4) By inspection
Substituting Eq. A-3 sin cf>, D, - (L), - D") - IJ,
. (A-17)
dV = cos (b,r/180) M,dM . . . . . . (A-5) cos cf,, V, - (V, - V,) -=Tv, - V,) - v:
Integrating Substituting El(s. A-8, A9, A-14 and A-15, simplifying and
V, - V, = (l80/h1r) [sin (b1r/l80) M,
(V,- V,)sincf>,+ (B-1 B' - D,)coscj,, '--' B; H'.
- sin (/>,r/180) M,] (A-6)
Substituting Eq. A-3 and B = 180/b,r,
and cf> is defined by'
V, - V, = B(sin cf,, - sin <fa,) . . . . (A-7)
Since <,~,
= U, total change in V across the buildup portion ,f,, =Ian' [ 8
:•;;,~•I),] - cos'
V, - V, =-= B sin rJ,, • . (A-8) - ... . . _B_°! B' ·- - ---...,
[ y(B + B' - D,)' -i (V, - V,)'
1. (A-19)
Since rj,, = </>, = 0 and </>, = <fa,, total change in V across
the drop-off portion is Eq. A-19 is simplified to include the first right-hand term
V, - v. = B' sin</>, . (A-9)
Maximum permissible inclination angle q,,,., when V, -
V, is fixed, points 2 and 3 are coincident and D, - D, is
</>, = tan·' [
~•;;, ~• D,] · cos·•

not fixed, is B + B' . _, V, - V, ] (A 20 )

[ V, _ V, sm tan 8 + 8 , _ D, . - a
<J,,. = sm. ·• V,B +- B'V, , . . . . . . .
(A 10 )
- a For a slant-type hole, Eq. A-20a reduces to
and for a slant-type hole
,I. - • _, v,-v, . . . . . . . (A-!Ob)
</>, = tan·' [v, - v,]
B _ D. - cos·

y, .. - sm
[ v. ~ ~ ;,• J . .
V, sin tan·• · ~- (A-20b)
General expressions for determining horizontal dis-
tances across the buildup and drop-off portions are de- For well planning purposes, vertical distances in the
rived. vertical portions of the well are equal to measured dis-
tances. In the slant portion between points 2 and 3, vertical
By inspection and horizontal distances are:
dD = sin x dM . ......... (A-11) V, - V, = (M, - M,) cos </>, . (A-21)
Substituting Eq. A-3 D, - D, = (M, - M2) sin cf>, • (A-22)
dD = sin (b 1rl 180) M. dM . . . . . (A-12) The following expressions complete the set needed to
Integrating, substituting Eq. A-3 and B = IBO/b1r and re- plan directional wells:
arranging, From Eq. A-2
D, - D, = B(cosef,, - cos(/,,) .... (A-13)
M, - M, = c/>,; cf,, . . . . . . . . (A-23)
Since </>, = 0, total change in D across the buildup portion
Since cf,,= 0.
D, - D, = B (1 - COS<p,) • • . . . • (A-14) <p,
M,-M,=,; . . . . . . . . . . (A-24)
Since ,fl, = <J,, = 0, and cf,, = cf,., total change in D across

AUGUST, 1968 376

Smee ¢, = 4> 1 and q,, = q,., dN
dD = cos y . . . . . . . . (C-6)
M -M•-,;; ... . . . . (A-25)
Combining Eqs. C-2 and C-4

APPENDIX B :;=(77/J80)csinx ....... (C-7)

Dog-Leg Severity-Tangential Method
Combining Eqs. C-4 and C-5
Let the several parameters be designated by symbols
listed in the Nomenclature. Let three successive survey sta- dE . .
tions be represented by points l, 2 and 3. Straight-line
dM = sm x sm y . . . . . . . (C-8)
segments are assumed, and the total change in angle at
Combining Eqs. C-4 and C-6
point 2 is'
dN .
/1, = cos·• [ (E,-E,) (E,-E,) -1- dM = sm x cos y . • . • . . . . . (C-9)
(M,-M,) (M,-M,)

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The derivatives of Eqs. C-8, C-9 and C-3 are respectively
(N,-N,) (N,-N,) + (V,-V,) (V,-V,)] . (B-I)
(M,-M,) (M,-M,) (M,-M,) (M,.-M,) d'E
dM'- (.r/180) (hcosxsiny+csin'.,cosy),
The tangential method assumes
. (C-IO)
E, - E,., = (M,.-M,,_,) sin <J,,. dn 0,.,
N,. - N •. , == (M.-M •. ,) sin <J,. cos 0,. and ~,iw'= (-;:-/180) (h cos x cosy - c sin' x sin y).

V .. - V,_, = (M .. - M,. ,) cos <J, ... (C-11)

Then, ,rv
dM' - - ( n / l 80) (I, sin x) . (C-12)
/3, = q,, sin <J,") (sin 0, sin 0, +
cos·' [(sin
Curvature of a curve of length M with rectangular coordi-
cos 0, cos 0,) +cos if,, cos <J,,] . . . ( B-2)
nates E. N and V is defined by'
Dog-leg severity in the measured depth increment between
points 2 and 3 is then said to be
l00 /3,
. . . . ( B-3)
(..-1180) a ="J(d'E)' + (J'N)'
JM' dM' + dM' (d'JI)" . (C-13)

M,-M, Substituting Eqs. C-10 through C-12, squaring each term.

and simplifying,
a== yc'sin'4,-+b' . . . . . . . . (C-14)
Rate of Total Curvature or Dog-Leg By convention. dog-leg severity is expressed in degrees/
Severity-Radius of Curvature Method JOO ft
Let the several parameters be designated by symbols «<, = JOO ye' sin' cJ, + b' , . . . . . (C-15)
listed in the Nomenclature. By definition or inspection,
where a 9 is the dog-leg severity at the point at which ,j,
dM=(r./180)b, ......... (C-1) is determined. ***
dD = (;i-/180) c, . . . . . . . . . (C-2)
G. J. Wilson is a staff engineer with
Continental Oil Co.'s Production Engi-
dV neering Services in Hou.~/on. Wilson.
dM =cos·'"• . . . . . . . . . . . (C-3)
who graduuled from Louisiana Tech
wi1h a BS degree in mechanical engi-
dD .
dM == sm x, . . . . . . . . . . . (C-4) neering, is connected wilh offshore drill-
ing and prod11cing nperations on the
dE Bay of Campeche, Mexicn, and along
dD = sm. y, • . . . . . . . . . . (C-5) thC' Loui.viana Gulf Coast. Prior to join-
inf.f Conti11e111al in /960, Wilson was
C'lllployed by Creole Petrulr11111 Co.


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