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OTR 635 Neuroscience

Questions over Chapter 2

1. State the neuron doctrine in a single sentence. To whom is this insight credited?
The neuron doctrine claims that the nervous system was composed of discrete cellular units
(i.e.- neurites of different neurons are not continuous with each other). This ideology was
credited to Santiago Ramon y Cajal.
2. Which parts of a neuron are shown by a Golgi stain that are not shown by a Nissl stain?
The Nissl stain works upon the nuclei of all cells and some material surrounding it, this
allowed for separation between neurons and glia. The Golgi stain further differentiated the
neurons; it shows the nucleus (soma, or cell body) from “neurites” (axons, dendrites),
which are branches off the soma.
3. What are three physical characteristics that distinguish axons from dendrites?
(a) The cell body usually gives rise to a single axon while many dendrites extend from the
cell body.
(b)The axon is of uniform diameter throughout its length while dendrites rarely extend
more than 2 mm in length.
(c) The branches of an axon generally extend at right angles while dendrites generally
taper to a fine point.
4. Of the following structures, state which ones are unique to neurons and which are not: nucleus,
mitochondria, rough ER, synaptic vesicle, Golgi apparatus
The synaptic vesicle is unique to neurons. The nucleus, the mitochondria, the rough ER, and
Golgi apparatus are not unique to neurons.
5. What are the steps by which the information in the DNA of the nucleus directs the synthesis of a
membrane-associated protein molecule?
DNA →(transcription)→mRNA→(translation)→Protein
(a) protein synthesis begins in the cytoplasm, a “copy” of DNA (called RNA) is carried
by the mRNA; the mRNA was transcribed (transcription).
(b) mRNA transcripts leave the nucleus through pores in the nuclear envelope and
travel to ribosomes, the sites of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm.
(c) there protein molecules are assembled by linking individual amino acids into a
chain. amino acids of 20 different kinds are the building blocks for protein.
(d) amino acids are brought to the ribosome by transfer RNA (tRNA).
(e) finally, proteins are assembled from amino acids under the direction of the mRNA.
Is called translation.
6. Colchicine is a drug that causes microtubules to break apart (depolymerize). What effect would this
drug have on anterograde transport? What would happen in the axon terminal?
Kinesin is a protein which has “legs” that allows vesicles to carry molecules toward the
axon terminal on microtubules. This occurs due to the energy source ATP. The specific
name for kinesin moving materials from the soma to terminal is anterograde transport.
When applying Colchicines, the microtubules would disintegrate. This would prevent
the transportation of materials to the soma (or terminal, depending on direction). The
likely consequence would be death of the neuron. If this does not occur then the products
previously transported would sit and accumulate closest to the soma.
7. Classify the cortical; pyramidal cell based on (1) the number of neurites, (2) the presence or absence of
dendritic spines, (3) connections, (4) axon length.
(1) single neurite, two neurites, three neurites=unipolar, bipolar, multipolar
(2)If they have dendrites, they are aspinous. If not, spiny
3) Primary sensory neurons: cells with connections to the sensory surfaces of the body
Motor Neurons: axons that form synapses with the muscles and command movements
Interneurons: neurons that only form connections with other neurons; (this is true for most
neurons in the body).
4) Golgi type 1 projection neurons: Neurons that have long axons that extend from one
part of the brain to the other
Golgi type 2 local circuit neurons: short axons that do not extend beyond vicinity of cell
8. Knowledge of genes uniquely expressed in a particular category of neurons can be used to understand
how those neurons function. Give one example of how you could use genetic information to study a
category of neuron.
Within the disease multiple sclerosis damage is inflicted upon neurons that are of the motor
type. Studying the genetic expression of individuals with MS can single out motor neurons
to study its deficits in this disease and compare their genetic expression to non-inflicted
9. What is myelin? What does it do? Which cells provide it in the central nervous system?
Myelin is a layered glial membrane that insulate axons. Its job is to speed the propagation
of nerve impulses down the axon. The oligodendroglial cells provide myelin in the central
nervous system.

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