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Heguillena, Edralyn R.

Assessment Tasks #6: Look for a social stories for preschoolers. Prepare 1 post-reading activity
that would tap your student’s intrapersonal intelligence.
Subject: English
Lesson: Venn Diagram
Grade Level: Grade 4

The Twin Sisters

A long time ago, in a village, there was a family of Muslims, Mohamed family. There lived a
farmer with his twin daughter Sabra and Sabrina. They are identical twins that are born the day
before Christmas, December 24, 2001. They are twins but Sabra has black hair and Sabrina has
brown hair because her mother and father also have different kinds of hair. He loved them dearly
and would play with them. Teach them to study and all kinds of things. People of the village too
were fond of the two polite, kind girls.
But when they grew a little older, they changed. Their father noticed that Sabra likes to help him,
she does not want to just stay at home, and she likes to accompany him to their farm. She is very
industrious indeed! While Sabrina likes to stay at home, doing the household chores, she doesn’t
like to get dirty on their farm, she’s quite fancy and she doesn’t want a dirty place that is why she
always does the cleaning in their house. That is why their father makes an assigned work for
them. Sabra is his company on the farm and Sabrina will be the one who will clean the house and
cook the foods. Twin's sister is both industrious in their own way. Their family has teamwork
and lived happily even their mother already passed away. Sabra is a tough girl, one day at the
farm, she gets injured with the point of a branch, she did not even cry for help instead says to her
father that she is okay and nothing to worry about. Since Sabra gets injured they head home
early, while approaching their house, they heard the sobbing of Sabrina, she’s crying. Her father
asked, “Why are you crying? Is everything alright? Sabrina replied, The... There’s... there a
cockroach behind the mirror” and then cried loudly. Her father found out that while Sabrina is
cleaning the house, she saw the cockroaches and start shouting and crying. Sabrina fears little
insects especially cockroaches. Sabrina is a bit coward even in the dark places she doesn’t want
to go in there. They have the same face but they are different when it comes to their
personalities, hobbies, and favorites, Sabra like Chocolate flavor to any desserts while Sabrina
like Vanilla flavor, Sabra like sour fruits such as mangoes, strawberries, and green apples,
anything sour fruit that can be found easily in the farm but Sabrina like sweet fruits like bananas,
cherries, jackfruit, grapes, etc. any sweet fruit that you can but in the grocery store. Sabrina tends
to throw out when she eats sour fruits.
These two girls are different from each other, even in their personalities, one night, Sabrina saw
her twin sister Sabra and her father hugging in the garden. Sabrina gets jealous and gets angry
with her twin sister, she said “They are been together all day at the farm until now they are still
together! What about me?” asked herself. Sabrina is upset that leads her to make bad things to
her twin Sabra, she kept away the things that Sabra likes the most, her Bia, a teddy bear who is
always with Sabra. When Sabra found out that Bia is missing, she tries to look for it and did not
go with her father to the farm instead looks for her toy, “Where are you Bia? I know I just left it
in my bed” asking herself confusing. A day passed, but her Bia cannot found and Sabra started to
get sad and about to cry, meanwhile her father is approaching their house. “What is the problem
dear? Is everything okay? Her father asked. “Bia is missing and I cannot find her” and she cry
again. “Why don’t you ask Sabrina, maybe she knows where is your teddy.” Her father replied.
They went into their house and look for Sabrina, they found Sabrina in the dining room holding
the toy of Sabra. “Where did you find my teddy?” Asked Sabra. I did not found it because I just
finished playing with your teddy” Sabrina replied. “What?” Asked Sabra that looks confused. “I
am looking for it all day and you did not say anything that you are with my teddy?” Father gets
confused and interrupts her daughter's conversation. “What is it, Sabrina?”
Sabrina starts crying “I am sorry Sabra I did not mean it, I am just jealous that is why I get your
favorite toy. Because you and father get so closed, I saw you both in the garden last night, you
were hugging without me, I think I do not belong and loved” and continue sobbing and crying.
“No Sabrina, don’t think like it, I love you both, you both are my princess that no one could
replace. Last night, when you saw Sabra and I hugging that is because your twin sister is tired of
doing the farm work and she missed your mother. That is why I did not allow her to accompany
me to the farm today. That’s it Sabrina, do not ever think that I have favoritism or what. I love
you both equally and unconditionally, always remember that. Maybe, you just misinterpret what
you have sawed and we understand that but do not do it again, say sorry to your sister. “Sorry
Sabra, I love you, my twin”. The family isn’t perfect, but they love and help each other.

Post Reading Activity

A. Using the Venn diagram below, compare and contrast Sabra and Sabrina. In the overlapping
portion of the circles, write their similarities, in the non-overlapping portions, write their
differences. Choose your answer in the box.

Mohamed Birthday Coward

Tough Polite Kind
Brown hair Black hair Sour fruit
Sweet fruit Chocolate Flavor Vanilla Flavor
Farm work Industrious House work
Differences Similarities Differences


B. Write a summary of the story using all the words you gathered in your Venn diagram and
make your own ending to the story you summarized.

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