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Richard Julius Ogwere Omech

Soroti District
22nd /September /2020

The Director,
Human Resources and Administration,
P.O BOX 955, Soroti.

Dear Sir;

I hereby take this opportunity to thank your Office for acknacknowledging receipt of my letter of
resignation. It's in this regard therefore that I write to inform you of the receipt of the acceptance
letter from your office through one Mr. Eeru Julius one of our staff member, regarding my
resignation letter dated 31st,August,2020.
Based on the sharing we had at the park yard one on one, you gave me an elderly advice sighting
your personal experiences having rushed with the decision to resign from work due to family
responsibilities. You further emphasised to me saying I should seek for God's guidance in
decision making to avoid making the same mistake you did before it's late and probably remain
working. However, it's upon your very encouraging words that I have decided to rescind the
decision I made due to frustrations from the way I am being handled in terms of work related
issues ie Transport department. I feel my efforts as a Driver/Transport Officer are being
frustrated in all angles hence putting also my own life at stake because of driving a motor
Vehicle whose mechanical condition is not good enough for the road. But because of pressure
from work, you are forced to drive to archive the expected target. When Shaban was in Lamwo
repair requests were handled promptly without hesitation. I don't mind any one handling repairs
of the vehicle but as long as it's put in a good mechanical condition.
Secondly, there is kind of segregation in terms of resource allocation. All of us have to survive
but even what I deserve is allocated to someone else, meaning some people are being favour. I
have never in my time of work in SORUDA segregated projects regardless of the one that pays
me, I work for all but for whatever reasons, what is for me is given to someone else. Am just
being honest, My efforts is only recognised at a time of accountabilities.
Thirdly, when making any request being it of fuel, you have to plead to receive the request and
sometimes you are not given a good reception.
Recommendations: With all due respect Sir, I would wish to be considered as any other staff
without any practice of nepotism. Otherwise, I love working in SORUDA because it has made
me gain lots of experiences. Any inconveniences caused are highly regretted.
Yours Sincerely

Richard Ogwere Julius Omech.

Tel: +256 782717788

CC. Executive Director

CC. Programme Coordinator.

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