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1. Prayer.

2. Introduction.

3. Communication from Oxfam.

4. Communication from CAO.

5. Presentations and discussion from SORUDA and NUWOSO.

6. Remarks from UNHCR

7. Remarks from LCV.

8. Wayforeward.










MIN1 , 11/3/2020. The prayer was led by one of the members present in the meeting at 9:40 am who
thanked God for the gift of life and also asked for his guidance throughout the meeting.

MIN2,11/3/2020. Self-introduction was done by everyone present in the meeting and it was successful.
MIN 3, 11/3/2020. The Manager Oxfam ELNAH project thanked all the members present for the tireless
work they are doing in humanitarian response and in her communication she said that Oxfam signed
charter for change for commitment support to humanitarian organizations where by the local actors
can now apply for the fund and be in position to get away to help themselves respond. The local actors
are in position to influence what they deserve through ELNAH empowering local and national actors in
humanitarian response where the local government is involved who are in position to identify what
needs to be done.

MIN 4, 11/3/2020. The CAO gave his remarks by thanking the NGO`s /partners present for bridging the
gap because government cannot be everywhere and doing everything. He gave a vote of thanks to
Oxfam’s for the support they have given to local actors to be in position to support the community.

He said the district is about to finish on their district development plan which will fit into the national
development plan and also in case of any funds got elsewhere will be incorporated into the district
development plan. He said they had a meeting with UNHCR to have all partners be in position to
incorporate their budgets into the district development plan for the next 5 years.

CAO also said the issue of hygiene is key and we need to call up the health team to take note not to wait
for the district inspector to come on the ground to respond. The government is trying to have all the
parish chiefs and sub counties be filled with the senior administrative secretary in place for easy service
delivery and also said integrating the Refugees to our plan is a cross cutting issue.And There is need to
embrace bottom top approach in our in our intervention he finally appreciated the joint stakeholders
monitoring which enabled him reach to places in the district he had never reached.

MIN 5, 11/3/2020. Presentation from SORUDA and FOKAPAWA.

Problems to be addressed;

 Food shortages both in the host and refugee communities.

 Limited land among the refugees.
 Risky behaviours like alcoholism, drug abuse among the youth, women and men.

Implementation approach.

 Cash for work

 Using TOTS
 70;30 Refugee;host

 250 kitchen gardens established.

 127 rocket lorena stoves constructed and already in use.
 449 house holds trained on safe water chain and usage.
 2 latrines drained at Ogili hill primary school and a septic tank at the basement camp.


 Unstandardized cash for work payments among different partners.

 Limited water sources and inadequate attendants at the water points.
 High commission rates by micro finance institutions.


 Environment regeneration.
 Increasing groups for off season farming.

Presentation from NUWOSO /ODWOL


Increased access to clean and safe water services and key sanitation services.

Key activities;

 Rehabilitation of non-functional bore holes.

 Training water user commitees.
 Training hygiene promoters.

Implemented activities

 32 hygiene promoters trained.

 Training 33 WCS.
 1325 school children sensitized on hygiene.
 Construction of stance ecosan latrines and 3 bath shelters.


 Exchange rate loss affected the budget.

 Cultural rigidity towards women participation in wash activities.
 Unwillingness to adopt to better hygiene and sanitation practices
 Inadequate sanitation facilities in schools both in paloga and agoro sub counties.

MIN 6, 11/3/2020. Remarks from UNHCR. The livelihood focal person UNHCR present in review meeting
thanked all members present in the meeting and he said they are going to develop the SOP soon as
possible in order to settle the variance in terms of payments of cash for work activity especially with
livelihood partner. As an organization they have not also given any funding to any local actor this year.

The PSNs in the settlement have a Sacco that they have registered and is soon going to be
operationalized, OPM will communicate to other partners as this kind of results makes POCs
empowered and in addition he said that let us strengthen the VSLA groups.


The deputy thanked all people present and she said we need to implement to make a change in the
communities that we are serving and how they can be sustainable. She added that for the future
interventions let us asses the organizations /institutions which can be in position to bring a positive
change to our communities and empower them in all aspects of economic wellbeing.

MIN 8, 11/3/2020. WAY FOREWARD

- There is need to sensitize the communities from the beginning of the project so that they own
the project and be in position to understand how they can benefit from it and be participate as
well and also have a bottom top approach.
- There is need to do post tramour assessment for the community in paloga sub county who were
formally affected by the LRA war and south Sudan war due to poor attitude, negative mind set
with a lot of dependency behavior (behavior change communication).
- OPM/UNHCR to gazette a convenient place to deposit rubbish especially at the basecamp.
- Design of facilities should be ammonized with standard design in place.
- Partners plan should be targeting the district and sub county plan.
- Partners should consider schools without water and sanitation facilities in the next funding

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