Anesthesia For Endovascular Neurosurgery

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Rocco A. Armonda, M.D. ENDOVASCULAR NEUROSURGICAL PROCEDURES are complex, requiring signifi-
Cerebrovascular Surgery and cant planning, foresight, and coordination. The neuroanesthetist is an integral part of
Interventional Neuroradiology,
Neurocritical Care National
these procedures, organizing efforts of the technicians and nurses and responding to
Capital Neurosurgery Consortium, the needs of the neurointerventionalist. The purpose of this article is to review, in
National Naval Medical Center and detail, the role of the neuroanesthetist in the endovascular operating room. An over-
Walter Reed Army Medical Center,
Bethesda, Maryland
view of all areas either partially or completely managed by the anesthetist is provided.
KEY WORDS: Anesthesiologist, Endovascular neurosurgeon, Neuroanesthetist, Neurointerventionalist
Alexander H. Vo, Ph.D.
Neurosurgery 59:S3-66-S3-76, 2006 DOI: 10.1227/01.NEU.0000237337.38375.90
Uniformed University of the
Health Sciences Comprehensive
Neuroscience Program,
Bethesda, Maryland

volving practice patterns, coupled with power, and shielding for an anesthesia team
progressively advancing technologies are of critical importance. An adjacent work-
John Dunford, M.D. and results from innovative trials, such station allows recording, reviewing, archiv-
Department of Anesthesia, as the International Subarachnoid Aneurysm ing, and image measurements, which are
Walter Reed Army Medical Center,
Washington, DC
Trial and the Stenting and Angioplasty with made to ensure appropriately sized im-
Protection in Patients at High Risk for Endar- plantables. The room must have a centralized
Randy S. Bell, M.D. terectomy, have made neuroendovascular entrance and exit to avoid inadvertent en-
treatments increasingly more common in the trance during a procedure. An anesthesia ma-
National Capital Neurosurgery Consortium,
National Navel Medical Center and treatment of neurovascular disease. Given the chine should contain a universal set of con-
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, rapid expansion of the role of neuroendovas- soles that allow the anesthesia team and
Bethesda, Maryland cular procedures, it is vital for the anesthesia interventionalist to monitor physiological vi-
provider to be keenly aware of these tech- tals including heart rate, blood pressure, body
Reprint requests: niques and their potential complications in temperature, intracranial pressure (ICP) and,
Rocco A. Armonda, M.D.,
Neuroendovascular Service,
order to effectively tailor the anesthetic to when indicated, brain tissue oxygen or cere-
National Naval Medical Center, both the needs of the patient and the require- bral oximetry. As practice expands and space
8901 Wisconsin Avenue, ments of the neurointerventionalist. With becomes more limited, the roles of additional
Bethesda, MD 20802. anesthetized patients undergoing neuroendo- rooms become an issue. Typically, a long rect-
Email: raarmonda
vascular treatments, the anesthesiologist angular space centered on the angiography
needs to provide safe patient transport, air- table becomes the model for multiple rooms.
Received, January 25, 2006. way protection, patient immobility, hemody- At the far end, anesthesia is set up with access
Accepted, June 19, 2006. namic control, anticoagulation management, to a phone, oxygen, suction outlets, and
and rapid recovery from anesthesia (Fig. 1). power, while the near end opens into the
Additionally, the anesthesia teams assist the shielded three-dimensional rotational work-
neurointerventionalist in the event of cerebral station and archiving stations. A scrub sink in
catastrophes, in addition to providing safe this space and adequate film boards allow the
pre- and postprocedural transports of patients interventionalist to reference earlier films dur-
and monitoring physiological changes that ing the procedure. A phone in this space and
may indicate ischemia. adjacent to the anesthesia is vital to the man-
agement of neurovascular emergencies and
routine daily business. The suites are best
INTERVENTIONAL placed near the intensive care unit, operating
NEURORADIOLOGY ROOM room, and, ideally, with computed tomogra-
SETUP AND TRANSPORT phy on the same floor. The addition of flat
plate technology to newer biplanar configura-
The neuroendovascular surgery/interventional tions has further reduced the morbidity of
neuroradiology (INR) suite is a modern oper- transport by allowing computed tomographic
ating room, and adequate space for consum- scanning directly on the angiography table
able equipment, ventilation gas, suction, (35). If space, cost, and support is not an issue,



tomy left open with unrestrained egress of cerebrospinal fluid

(CSF) increasing the aneurysmal transmural pressure can
cause aneurysm rerupture and lead to patient death. Displace-
ment of an endotracheal tube or, more commonly, its unrec-
ognized advancement may lead to lobar collapse and hypoxia.
If patients are uncovered for prolonged periods of movement

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on and off the computed tomographic scanner, or to the
neurointerventional suite, progressive unrecognized hypo-
thermia may lead to difficulties throughout the procedure.
Attempts to rewarm can be hampered, potentially resulting in
a prolonged wake up period. Intravascular temperature reg-
ulating devices have lessened the need for surface warming or
cooling techniques and may serve a larger role in the INR.
Typically, the most severely injured patients require transports
as a part of their daily management, leading to the greatest
potential morbidity. Contributors for such events include vaso-
FIGURE 1. Schematic diagram of the algorithmic approach to neuroanes- active drug disconnects, pulmonary artery catheter mishaps, and
thesia. OR, operating room. intravenous line infiltration. In addition, displacement of ventric-
ulostomies, ICP monitors or femoral access lines that were not
then the ideal operative environment would consist of a fusion properly secured can further complicate matters. The movement
of the neurosurgical operating room with a microscope, wall of such patients on and off the neurointerventional table must
mounted flat panel monitors, and a biplanar floor and ceiling take into account all of these lines and the pressure bags, intra-
mount that could be centered onto a table capable of both venous pumps, and drainage chambers that accompany them.
microsurgery and radiography. The cost for such a room is This process should resemble more of a coordinated ballet than a
difficult to justify given the low number of cases that are scramble at the scrimmage line.
immediately combined with open microsurgical and neuroint-
erventional techniques
Patient Transport
The transport of critically ill neurovascular patients within
the hospital is an under-appreciated cause of morbidity and When choosing an anesthetic technique, the anesthesia pro-
occasional mortality. Waddell (94) reported on this in 1975, vider must consider the specific anesthetic needs of the patient
noting one out of 55 deaths per month related to intrahospital and the impending concerns of the neuroendovascular sur-
transports. In evaluating a large cohort of patients transported geon. The absolute immobility obtained with the use of gen-
from the neurointensive care unit, the most common reasons eral anesthesia may not permit the necessary rapid neurolog-
for transport were computed tomography (63%), angiography ical examination typically acquired with intravenous sedation.
(12%), and the operating room (10%). In this report, 30% were Severe patient anxiety, increased arterial carbon dioxide pres-
unscheduled emergent transports with an average movement sure or tension levels, and movement may complicate any
and study time of 1 hour with a maximum of 7 hours. sedation case and must be expected if a general anesthetic is
In the neurointerventional management of patients, intra- not performed.
hospital movement is a critical part of the patient’s care. General patient considerations are important when select-
Movement of ventilated, sedated, neurocritical patients can ing any anesthetic. Although most diagnostic cerebral angio-
lead to secondary insult if improperly performed. The greatest grams are performed under monitored sedation, a general
mechanism for secondary injury includes hypoxia, increased anesthetic approach may be appropriate for a 5= 6”, 300 kg
ICP, and hypotension. Referable to this review, patients are patient with reflux and obstructive sleep apnea. Other patient
typically transported to the neurointerventional suite from the considerations include procedures on children, the patients’
intensive care unit, emergency department, or from an outside ability to tolerate lying supine and motionless for long periods
institution. Receiving a patient directly from an outside trans- of time, mental retardation, and gastroesophageal reflux.
port team before the patient has been to the intensive care unit Headaches or burning sensations can be seen with injections
has an advantage of minimizing the number of transfers; of contrast dye and, due to the need for anticoagulation and
however, in the majority of cases, this increases the responsi- the risk of problematic airway bleeding, nasal canula use is
bility of the anesthesia team to assess any interval changes in discouraged. If a monitored sedation is chosen, the selection of
the patient while also establishing a baseline assessment. Dur- specific anesthetics is based on the patient, the procedure, and
ing the neurointerventional procedure, lines, ventriculostomy, the anesthesiologist’s personal experience. Overall, there is a
body temperature, and endotracheal tube are all potential trend towards a greater use of general anesthesia, especially in
targets of disruption and inatrogenic injury. A ventriculos- aneurysm and arteriovenous malformation (AVM) treatments.



However, because the neurological examination and the medical non-neurointerventional procedures due to the risk of air em-
comorbidities are of paramount importance in the management boli expansion. In addition to the uncoupling of the cerebral
of cerebral ischemic disease, the preference at most institutions is blood flow and metabolic demand, a persistent postanesthes-
conscious sedation for carotid stent and angioplasty and throm- tic hyperemia may remain for up to 1 hour after the use of PIA
bolysis. An effort to avoid inadvertent extubation during a rota- agents. Such an effect can lead to increased risk for intracranial
tional angiogram in which the Iso-C C-arm (Siremobil Iso-C 3D; hemorrhage, especially if the systolic blood pressure is more

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Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany) rotates freely than 160 mmHg for two or more consecutive measurements.
about the patient’s head is required. Because of the unfavorable profile of most PIAs, a combi-
Fluoroscopy may be much more difficult in a non-intubated nation of intravenous anesthetic and neuromuscular paralysis
intravenous sedation case. In these cases, extension of the neck is preferred in the neurointerventional suite. The most com-
from the occiput to C2 is often needed to help keep the airway monly used agents surround an amalgamation of compounds.
open while undergoing neuroendovascular procedures. This These consist of opioids, benzodiazepines, nonopioid agents,
position is often difficult for the patient to maintain while a such as propofol and etomidate, and nondepolarizing neuro-
guide catheter and/or coaxial microcatheter are in the pa- muscular paralysis. The most commonly used agents for in-
tient’s cervical and intracranial vasculature. Movement will duction include a combination of etomidate (0.1–0.6 mg/kg)
lead to image degradation and require repeating the contrast combined with Versed (Roche Pharmaceuticals, Nutley, NJ)
injection, thereby increasing the radiation dose, contrast load, (midazolam) at doses of 150–350 ␮g/kg. This combination
and enhancing the risk of a procedurally related stroke. At- allows both amnesia and anesthesia while minimizing the
tention should also be focused on ensuring that all lines, hemodynamic effects on mean arterial pressure, heart rate,
cables, and probes are cleared from the designated regions of and systemic vascular resistance (18, 36). Another induction
interest and that the anesthesia team is protected from radia- agent, thiopental, offers a more analgesic effect, possibly
tion with appropriate shielding. blunting the sympathomimetic consequences of endotracheal
intubation. Etomidate, although effective, may also increase
INDUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGENTS the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting when
compared with the use of propofol. Propofol offers a rapid
Drug selection for endovascular neurosurgery should fol- onset and offset, making its use in the neurointensive care unit
low good general neuroanesthetic practice. Because of the common (26, 44, 55, 91). Additionally, propofol, without ef-
considerable risk for cerebral ischemia and infarction during fects on adrenocortical function, is less likely to lead to hor-
these procedures, the goals of agent selection should encom- monal suppression when compared with etomidate.
pass analgesia, anesthesia, and cerebral protection. Those hav- Opioids are frequently used to supplement the main anes-
ing the most stable hemodynamic profile combined with the thetic during the maintenance phase because of their ability to
effect of decreasing the cerebral metabolic rate are preferred. provide analgesia. The rate limiting pharmokinetics of the
In order to quickly assess for early neurological deficits, a various opioids include the mechanism for, and resulting
combination of rapid onset and rapid offset are also preferred. length, of elimination. Fentanyl requires a prolonged elimina-
Agents that decrease cerebral blood flow and increase cerebral tion after continuous infusion when compared with sufen-
metabolic rate of oxygen can also cause systemic hypotension, tanil, alfentanil, and remifentanil. An example of clearance
thereby potentially exacerbating cerebral ischemia. Moreover, after a 4-hour infusion is typically 260, 60, 30, and 4 minutes
they may require prolonged periods to clear the body. for fentanyl, alfentanil, sufentanil and remifentanil, respec-
tively. Typically, opioids are not used during induction due to
Primary Agents their high dose requirements and increased skeletal muscle
All potent inhalation agents (PIAs) have adverse effects. Of activity, including glottic closure, muscular rigidity of the
primary concern is the uncoupling of the cerebral blood flow skeletal cage, and flexion and flapping of the extremities in a
(CBF) and metabolic demand. Of these agents, N20 and halo- seizure-like activity. Additionally, a high incidence of recall is
thane are considered the worst. With respect to N20, CMR02 is noted with the use of opioids.
increased in addition to a disproportionate increase in CBF, Benzodiazepines are used because of their sedative, amnes-
which raises ICP. Halothane has the effect of reducing CMR02 tic, hypnotic, and muscle relaxant properties in the neuroin-
by 25%, but CBF is seen as far exceeding oxygen demand by tensive care unit and are carried over during neurointerven-
almost a 200% change. This discussion is largely academic tional procedures in order to minimize recall and as a
because halothane is no longer used. As an alternative, isoflu- preinduction anxietolytic. In general, benzodiazepines reduce
rane offers the unique feature of reducing the threshold for ICP, increase seizure threshold, and can reduce CBF at high
cerebral ischemia from 20 to 10 ml/100 g/minute. Recently, doses. The most commonly used agents are midazolam, loraz-
sevoflurane has gained increasing interest as a preferred agent epam, and diazepam. The rapid elimination of midazolam
owing to its rapid recovery when combined with nitrous oxide makes it the ideal agent for use in combination with opioids,
as compared with the standard use of propofol. In our expe- while diazepam is reserved for pre- and postoperative anxiety
rience, we prefer the restricted application of nitrous oxide in secondary to its prolonged elimination time.



Additional Agents been shown to improve outcome (9). In contrast to hypother-

mia, hyperthermia is associated with poor outcomes, there-
Lidocaine is a sodium channel blocker that may also reduce
fore, increased temperatures should be avoided in patients
ischemic cerebral injury. Lidocaine can protect neurons in the
undergoing neuroendovascular procedures (25, 29, 46, 50, 84).
ischemic penumbra by blocking the apoptotic cell death path-
The Intraoperative Hypothermia for Intracranial Aneurysm
ways, but is not a practical agent for maintaining anesthesia
Trial compared the effect of hypothermia at 33° to a control

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(15, 52–54, 76).
group at 36.5° during aneurysm clipping. Results indicated
Magnesium blocks both ligand and voltage-dependant cal-
that mild hypothermia was not beneficial, and the warmer
cium entry and has demonstrated to be neuroprotective
patients in the hypothermia group did better than the colder
against ischemia in animal models (60). Magnesium infusions
patients in the hypothermia group. Postoperative mild hypo-
in pregnant mothers seemed to neurologically protect their
thermia in head injury patients does not improve outcome and
preterm infants (10, 80). However, the “Non-fast Magnesium”
is associated with increased medical complications, especially
treatment trial of patients who were treated with magnesium
in patients older than 45 years of age (8, 9, 58).
within 12 hours of stroke has shown that magnesium is not
In general, we recommend the induction of mild hypother-
neuroprotective and may increase mortality in some stroke
mia at the time of treatment of the aneurysm (coil or clip), and
patients, especially if the stroke is cortical (22, 23, 61). In
the duration should not exceed the timeframe associated with
addition, it does not seem to improve neurological outcome
the occurrence of secondary neurological deficits (delayed
after subarachnoid hemorrhage (93).
ischemic neurological deficit secondary to vasospasm).
Laboratory studies in animal models for ischemic stroke
suggest that calcium channel blockers might decrease the size
and severity of the ischemic cerebral infarctions (16, 47, 81). In HEMODYNAMIC CONTROL
addition, data suggested that this may also occur in humans
Tailored blood pressure control is important in the neuro-
(2). Several clinical trials suggest that calcium channel blockers
vascular suite. This can be complex and becomes most obvious
nimodipine and nicardipine reduce the frequency of vaso-
during the embolization of an AVM, where higher blood
spasm subsequent to subarachnoid hemorrhage (5, 19). Radio-
pressure allows for distal micro-catheterization, but during
graphic vasospasm is still noted, however, and mortality is not
the actual liquid embolic embolization for nidus penetration,
diminished (30–32).
lower blood pressure is required. For control of hypertension,
Dexmedetomidine, an ␣ 2A agonist, has been observed in
beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, and nitrates are often
the laboratory to have some neuroprotective properties (56,
used, while adrenergic agents are administered to raise the
57). It has been shown to decrease CBF with little effect on
blood pressure.
cerebral metabolic rate, which may be due to cerebral vascular
Labetalol and esmolol are the most common beta blockers
constriction (43). This vasoconstriction may not be beneficial
used in endovascular neurosurgical procedures. Labetalol has
for neuroendovascular procedures and further research is
a 7 to 1 ratio of ␤ to ␣ blockade. Heart rate and cardiac output
needed in this area. Dexmedetomidine can be useful in the
are usually unchanged or only slightly depressed with a de-
operating room by decreasing intravenous and volatile anes-
crease in blood pressure. Labetalol preserves cerebral blood
thetic requirements. Dexmedetomidine can be used safely for
flow and autoregulation at least to a drop in mean arterial
conscious craniotomies. Upon termination of a dexmedetomi-
pressure by 45% (27, 69, 75, 82). Esmolol is an ultrashort acting
dine infusion, patients remain sedated when undisturbed, but
selective B1 blocker. Rapid redistribution and an elimination
arise readily with stimulation. However, when compared with
half-life of 9 minutes account for its short duration of action
propofol in the endovascular suite, cognitive testing shows a
(24). It is possible that more postoperative bradycardia is seen
significant diminishing of cognitive function 10 minutes after
with labetalol when compared with esmolol. Perhaps this
termination of infusion (7, 92). Although rapid administration
effect is due to labetalol’s longer duration of action. Neverthe-
of dexmedetomidine can be associated with elevated blood
less, the preservation of CBF and autoregulation make beta-
pressure, mild hypotension should be suspected with the use
blockers ideal for first-line therapy in endovascular neurosur-
of this drug (70).
gical procedures.
Nicardipine may provide cerebroprotective effects by pre-
Hypothermia serving cerebral autoregulation. Calcium channel blockers, in
It is well known that hypothermia is an efficacious tech- general, can also be used for blood pressure control, particu-
nique for cerebral protection. Hypothermia reduces electro- larly for regulation of intraoperative hypertension during an-
physiological energy utilization and consumption of energy to eurysm surgery. Calcium channel blockers do not decrease
maintain cellular integrity. Deep hypothermia used with local CBF or flow velocity (21, 78).
cardio-pulmonary bypass has been associated with cerebral Use of hydralazine may interfere with calcium utilization
protection (4, 14, 34, 48, 49, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 95). Mild hypo- and activate guanyl cyclase, causing arteriolar smooth muscle
thermia after cardiac arrest may be mildly protective as long dilatation. It is also a potent cerebral vasodilator and inhibitor
as patients arrive in the emergency department hypothermic. of CBF autoregulation. Coupled with a duration of action of 2
Cooling after admission to the emergency department has not to 4 hours, its usefulness is limited in the endovascular suite.



Nitroglycerin and nitroprusside deliver nitric oxide to the interaction with phospholipase C, release numerous factors,
vascular endothelial cells where guanylyl cyclase is activated and including adenosine diphosphate (ADP), fibrinogen, vWF,
vasodilatation occurs. Nitric oxide is naturally occurring and and Factor V. These cause the attraction and aggregation of
plays an important role in regulating vascular tone and has a platelets. ADP activates GPIIb/GPIIIa, which assists in the
half-life of less than 5 seconds. Both nitroglycerin and nitroprus- binding of fibrinogen to activated platelets. It is here that
side dilate cerebral blood vessels and decrease the effectiveness antiplatelet drugs are most effective.

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of cerebral autoregulation. In patients with reduced intracranial Coagulation or secondary homeostasis is responsible for the
compliance, if mean arterial pressure is maintained, an increase formation of a fibrin clot. The coagulation pathways are most
in cerebral blood volume, CBF, and ICP can be seen (13, 40, 87, commonly induced by tissue thromboplastin and result in
90). With the decreased autoregulation associated with nitrates, strengthening of the platelet plug. Conversion of X to Xa and
intracranial pressure and intracranial blood volume can become prothrombin to thrombin are important in secondary ho-
more pressure dependant. meostasis. Thrombin causes the conversion of fibrinogen to
␣ 1 agonists, such as phenylephrine, dopamine, and norepi- fibrin. Antithrombin III, protein S, and protein C inhibit this
nephrine, when used to raise blood pressure, do not result in process. Heparin works by activating antithrombin III.
decreased CBF with an intact blood-brain barrier (68). In- A large amount of plasminogen is incorporated into a fibrin
creased CBF has been noted with norepinephrine in an animal clot when it is formed. Tissue plasminogen activator causes
model, but it was also associated with an increase in cerebral the transformation of plasminogen to plasmin. Plasminogen is
metabolism due to a defective blood-brain barrier (1, 65). incorporated in the fibrin clot, and the change from plasmin-
Dopamine probably causes a mild amount of cerebral vasodi- ogen to plasmin causes the fibrin clot to fall apart.
latation without much change in cerebral metabolic rate (89).
Phenylephrine is a pure ␣ agonist that will increase blood Anticoagulants Associated with Endovascular
pressure by increasing systemic vascular resistance. As with Interventions
all pressors, it is important to know the patient’s volume
status to avoid “pressing an empty tank.” Anti-platelet Agents
A reasonable approach for hemodyamic control during en- Stents used in endovascular neurosurgery activate plate-
dovascular neurosurgical procedures involves the use of ei- lets through high sheer-stress stimulation of the platelet
ther a beta-blocker or calcium channel blocker where mild, across the tines of the stent. In addition, adhesion and
slower decreases in blood pressure are desired. On the other aggregation pathways are activated by the subendothelial
hand, nitrates such as nitroprusside can be used for short-term matrix during angioplasty. Therefore, anti-platelet drugs
and quick blood pressure reduction. If acute blood pressure are commonly used in the endovascular suite (71, 73). These
elevations are required, any one of the adrenergic agonists include: Acuprin (aspirin; Richwood Pharmaceuticals, Flo-
would be appropriate. rence, KY), Ticlopidine (Ticlid; Roche Pharmaceuticals,
Nutley, NJ), Clopidogrel (Plavix; Bristol-Myers Squibb/
Sanofi Pharmaceuticals, New York, NY), Abciximab (Reo-
ANTICOAGULATION Pro; Centocor, Inc., Malvern, PA), Eptifibate (Integrilin; Cor
Therapeutics, South San Francisco, CA), and Tirofiban (Ag-
Nearly all endovascular operations are performed in con-
grastat; Merck, West Point, PA). Aspirin, clopidogrel, or
junction with some form of anticoagulation. This section will
ticlopidine are recommended to be used 3 to 4 days before
outline medications commonly used and administered by the
the planned endovascular procedure.
anesthesiologist under the direction of the endovascular neu-
Aspirin irreversibly binds to cyclooxygenase, which results
rosurgeon. To understand the drugs used for anticoagulation,
in inhibition of both thromboxane A2 and prostacyclin. Clo-
a brief review of primary and secondary homeostasis is ap-
pidogrel and Ticlopidine are thienopyridine derivatives. Un-
like aspirin, thienopyridine platelet-aggregation inhibitors,
such as clopidogrel and ticlopidine, do not inactivate platelet
Review of the Coagulation Cascade cyclooxygenase to prevent synthesis of prostaglandin, en-
After injury to a blood vessel, exposure of the damaged doperoxides, and thromboxane A. Clopidogrel and Ticlopi-
endothelial surface causes platelets to change and form a dine are both ADP-receptor antagonists. They bind selectively
platelet plug. This process of primary homeostasis is not only and noncompetitively to a low-affinity, ADP-receptor binding
important in damaged blood vessels and tissue, but also when site on the surface of platelets, thereby inhibiting ADP binding
a foreign body is introduced into the cerebral circulation in the to the receptor and subsequent activation of the platelet gly-
endovascular suite. The formation of a platelet plug classically coprotein (GP IIb/IIIa) complex necessary for fibrinogen-
follows the progression of adhesion, release of platelet gran- platelet binding. Platelets exposed to clopidogrel remain af-
ules, and aggregation. GP proteins on the platelet membranes fected for the remainder of their lifespan (about 7 d).
bind the platelet to the injured tissue. GP1b then binds vWF, Ticlopidine use is associated with rash, urticaria, and life
which causes the platelet to more firmly bind to the damaged threatening neutropenia. Clopidogrel is better tolerated with a
tissue. Platelet degranulation, like that caused by collagen’s safer side effect profile.



In endovascular neurosurgical cases in which immediate X (Xa). Antithrombin III generally neutralizes these coagulation
platelet plugs develop, the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors can factors by slowly and irreversibly complexing stoichiometrically
be given both intra-arterially and intravenously. Direct intra- with them; however, in the presence of heparin, it neutralizes
arterial delivery permits delivery of the GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor these factors almost instantaneously. Heparin apparently binds
directly to the site of the platelet plug that might occur during to antithrombin III and induces a conformational change in the
aneurysm coiling and intracranial stent deployment. Abcix- molecule, which promotes its interaction with thrombin and Xa.

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imab binds selectively to platelet glycoprotein (GP IIb/IIIa) In the presence of heparin, antithrombin III also neutralizes ac-
receptors and inhibits platelet aggregation. Abciximab also tivated coagulation Factors IX, XI, XII, and plasmin. Loading
binds to the vitronectin receptor located on platelets and vas- doses of 75␮/kg of heparin are loaded with the goal of main-
cular endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Eptifibatide and taining an activated clotting time (ACT) of about twice of the
Tirofiban (Aggrastat; Merck, West Point, PA) are also selective baseline. Avoiding an ACT of more than 300 is import, especially
platelet-aggregation inhibitors. In the cardiac catheter lab, Ab- in patients on GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors undergoing endovascular
ciximab, when used with aspirin and heparin, has demon- neurosurgical procedures.
strated efficacy in numerous studies in reducing the short- and Acute intracranial hemorrhage can be seen in patients on
long-term risk of ischemic complications in patients with isch- heparin as an anticoagulant and immediate reversal of
emic heart disease undergoing percutaneous coronary inter- heparin-induced anticoagulation in these patients would be
vention. In the Evaluation of IIb/IIIa Platelet Inhibitor for indicated (17, 28, 51, 79). Protamine is strongly basic, acts as a
STENTing trial (Abciximab), the Platelet Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa heparin antagonist in vitro and in vivo by complexing with
in Unstable Angina: Receptor Suppression Using Integrilin strongly acidic heparin to form a stable salt. Generally, 1 mg of
Therapy study (eptifibatide), and in the Platelet Receptor In- protamine sulfate will neutralize no less than 100 units of
hibition in Ischemic Syndrome Management in Patients Lim- heparin sodium. Because blood heparin concentrations de-
ited by Unstable Signs and Symptoms trial (tirofiban) GPIIb/ crease rapidly after heparin is administered intravenously, the
IIIa inhibitors showed significant decrease in incidence of
dose of protamine sulfate required to reverse also decreases
death or nonfatal myocardial infarction after percutaneous
rapidly as time elapses. If only a few minutes have elapsed
coronary intervention (38, 39, 41, 45, 59, 72). In one study,
since heparin was administered intravenously, 1 to 1.5 mg of
Abciximab bolus given prophylactically before elective carotid
protamine sulfate should be given for every 100 units of
artery stenting did not reduce ischemic complications (34).
heparin administered. If 30 minutes have elapsed since intra-
Severe thrombocytopenia can be seen with Abciximab and its
venous injection of heparin, 0.5 mg of protamine sulfate
concurrent use with dextran is highly discouraged.
should be given for every 100 units of heparin, and if 2 hours
The occurrence of fatal intracerebral hemorrhage associated
or more have elapsed since intravenous injection of heparin,
with using a combination of antithrombotic agents, including
0.25 to 0.375 mg of protamine sulfate should be given for every
Abciximab, in patients undergoing neurointerventional pro-
100 units of heparin administered. Protamine sulfate is usually
cedures has been reported. Qureshi et al. (73, 75) published
reports of seven patients (average age, 60; range, 46–73 yr) administered slowly by intravenous injection during a 10-
who developed fatal intracerebral hemorrhages associated minute period. However, protamine may need to be admin-
with neurointerventional procedures. The procedures in- istered quickly in the endovascular suite, as immediate rever-
cluded angioplasty and stent placement in the cervical internal sal of heparin may be needed during acute intracranial
carotid artery (n ⫽ 4), angioplasty of the intracranial internal bleeding emergencies.
carotid artery (n ⫽ 1), and angioplasty of the middle cerebral Reversible thrombocytopenia has been reported with hepa-
artery (n ⫽ 2). Clinical deterioration was observed within 1 rin. It may be a direct effect of the heparin on the platelets or
hour of the procedure in five patients and 7 and 8 hours after secondary to a circulating antibody. It should be termed
the procedure, respectively, in the remaining two patients. All heparin-induced platelet activation and thrombotic complications
patients had received heparin and clopidogrel; six also had are seen in approximately 20% of patients with heparin-
received aspirin (42, 74). induced thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia, if it occurs,
For reversal of life threatening bleeding of patients treated usually develops within 1 to 20 days and occurs more fre-
with GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors, platelet transfusions are needed. In quently with heparin prepared from bovine lung tissue. Eti-
addition, eptibatdie and triofiban are competitive inhibitors for ologies include a direct non-immunological effect on circulat-
the platelet receptor, and fresh frozen plasma transfusions or ing platelets or the presence of a heparin-dependent IgG
even plasmaphoresis could be required to reverse these drugs. platelet-aggregating antibody. Heparin should generally be
discontinued if significant thrombocytopenia (platelet count
less than 100,000/mm3) occurs. Patients with heparin-induced
Anticoagulants thrombocytopenia typically display skin lesions that are pain-
Unfractionated heparin is the most common anticoagulant ful red plaques and frank skin necrosis simulating Coumadin
used in the interventional suite. Heparin acts as a catalyst to (DuPont Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington, DE) induced skin le-
markedly accelerate the rate at which antithrombin III (heparin sions (11, 12, 20, 86). Patients who have heparin-induced
cofactor) neutralizes thrombin and activated coagulation Factor thrombocytopenia and need anticoagulation can be treated



with hirudin or Argatroban (Glaxosmithkline, Research Tri- ischemic strokes with intravenous treatment followed by
angle Park, NC). intra-arterial infusion (83). They used intra-arterially admin-
Hirudin is the polypeptide that is responsible for the anti- istered urokinase (up to 750,000 units) or intra-arterially ad-
coagulant properties of the saliva of the medicinal leech ministered recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (maxi-
(Hirudo medicinalis). Bivalirudin is a synthetic 20-amino acid mal dose, 0.3 mg/kg) to achieve recanalization. They treated
peptide analog of naturally occurring hirudin. These drugs are 45 patients with this protocol. There was a significant im-

Downloaded from by Universität Heidelberg user on 17 November 2020

direct thrombin inhibitors that bind to circulating and clot- provement in National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores
bound thrombin. Inhibition of thrombin prevents various after treatment. There was also a positive correlation between
steps in the coagulation process (e.g., activation of Factors V, abnormal perfusion-weighted imaging findings and cerebral
VIII, and XIII; conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin; platelet acti- angiographic findings (complete vessel occlusion). The inci-
vation and aggregation). These effects are reversed as throm- dence of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage was 4.4% in
bin slowly cleaves the bivalirudin-Arg3-Pro4 bond, resulting this cohort. Seven patients died in the hospital, and the ma-
in recovery of thrombin active site function. Note that this jority of survivors (77%) experienced good outcomes (83).
cleavage allows for shorter acting anticoagulation reversible in
25 minutes in patients with normal renal function. The onset
of anticoagulant effect is immediate following direct intrave- ANESTHESIA AND NEUROMONITORING
nous injection of bivalirudin. Bivalirudin has been used intra-
In the ideal setting, one would have a perfectly immobile,
arterially for clot lysis (24). Coagulation times return to the
cooperative patient who was awake and apneic during an-
normal range approximately 1 to 2 hours after discontinuance
giography runs. During prolonged, delicate neuroendovascu-
of the drug.
lar procedure, this is not only unlikely, but also dangerous.
Thrombolytics Monitoring for parent vessel occlusion, distal emboli, or vessel
en passage is performed by the neurointerventionalist. The use
Thrombolytics used in the neuroendovascular suite include of electrophysiological monitoring during these procedures
urokinase (Abbokinase; Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL) varies greatly between institutions and depends on the local
and (Activase; Genentech, South San Francisco, CA), and al- monitoring availability. The ability to detect and intervene
teplase recombinant tissue plasminogen activator [tPA]; Gene- before irreversible injury is what makes neuromonitoring crit-
tech, San Francisco, CA) (3, 33, 88). tPA and other plasmino- ical and a vital element in the neuroprotection mission. When
gen activators, such as streptokinase and urokinase (urinary- neuromonitoring is required, the anesthesiologist must be
type plasminogen activator), promote thrombolysis by cognizant of the effects of various agents on the monitoring
hydrolyzing the arginine560-valine561 peptide bond in plas- parameters.
minogen to form the active proteolytic enzyme plasmin. Plas- The scenarios in which it is vital include procedures involv-
min is a relatively nonspecific serine protease that is capable of ing the use of test balloon occlusion (posterior circulation in
degrading fibrin, fibrinogen, and other procoagulant proteins. particular), motor strip arteriovenous malformations, and spi-
More than 50% of tPA is cleared from plasma within 5 minutes nal cord malformations. In addition to the neuroangioarchi-
after discontinuance of an intravenous infusion of alteplase, tecture, the vessel interrogated can be selectively injected and
and approximately 80% is cleared within 10 minutes. Recently, evaluated with sodium Amytal (Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapo-
urokinase has returned on the market, and its availability has lis, IN) or sodium thiopental. However, such evaluations are
been improved with prepackaged vials avoiding tedious and not without risks and may lead to artery dissection or vaso-
time-consuming mixing. Urokinase is preferentially adminis- spasm and mixed results.
tered through an intra-arterial microcatheter injection with
doses of 50k units/vial. Doses can reach up to 2 million units
for venous sinus thrombosis (off-label use). tPA (recombinant MANAGING CATASTROPHIC
type alteplase) has been used for both intravenous and intra- NEUROLOGICAL EVENTS
arterial use. The short 2- to 5-minute half-life of alteplase has
necessitated the development of additional longer half-life Catastrophic neurological events should be anticipated in
forms of this medication. An example, Reteplase (Centocor, the neurointerventional suite (Fig. 2). Preparation for such
Inc., Malvern, PA), has a half-life of 16 to 18 minutes that limits events involves coordinating with neurosurgery, the operat-
its intracranial utility. Hemorrhagic complications are seen ing room, and the intensive care units prior to the case and
with doses of more than 25 mg, prolonged timing from onset of having protamine, thrombolytics, and a ventriculostomy kit
stroke symptoms, and if more than one-third of the middle readily available in the room. Appropriate anesthetic re-
cerebral artery distribution is infracted. Trials have included a sponses to such catastrophes depend on the identification of
divided dose with two-thirds given intravenously and one-third an occlusive or hemorrhagic insult. In cases in which a throm-
given intra-arterially as a bridging protocol to begin therapy as boembolic event has occurred, the interventionalist must rec-
the cerebral angiogram is underway (6, 72, 77, 83, 85). ognize that the normal distal vessels are no longer filling. This
One study group examined the feasibility of combined in- must immediately be communicated to the anesthesia team so
travenous and intra-arterial thrombolytic therapy for acute preparation can be made to augment the cerebral blood flow



tion or plaque that can create delayed emboli. The immediate

return to the neurointerventional suite after a hemorrhage is a
mandatory requirement. The sooner control angiography can
be performed, the more rapidly therapeutic intervention and
possible reversal of any insult can be initiated. In many of
these cases, if the patient is awake and alert, performing the

Downloaded from by Universität Heidelberg user on 17 November 2020

diagnostic portion of the procedure first may identify a lesion
that can be corrected while the patient can be examined.
Critical parameters are maintaining cerebral perfusion pres-
sure and close monitoring of heparin as both can lead to a
reperfusion hemorrhage if poorly regulated.
In patients who present to the neurointerventional suite
with aneurysmal-SAH and hydrocephalus, a ventriculostomy
should be placed, confirmed to be functionally operative, and
secured prior to endosaccular coiling of an aneurysm. Place-
ment of a ventriculostomy when a patient has just been anti-
coagulated is highly discouraged. Symptomatic postventricu-
lostomy hemorrhage can be prevented when performed prior
to the anticoagulation. Delayed hydrocephalus can confuse
the clinical picture, spiraling into progressive neurological
FIGURE 2. Schematic diagram of the typical endovascular diagnoses and deterioration, exacerbating the effects of subclinical vaso-
their complications. spasm, and can result in increased permanent morbidity and
death. This case is illustrated in Figure 2.
and thrombolysis the clot. At this point, the decision to med-
ically or mechanically thrombolyse depends on the status of
the aneurysm and location of the clot. In cases in which the CONCLUSION
clot is significant, the interventionalist will coordinate with the
anesthesiologist for the administration of the intravenous Coordinated anesthesia support is a critical element to the
thrombolytic agent in order to balance the intra-arterial agent neurointerventional operating room. The six elements of such
administered via the microcatheter. In the most common care include patient transport and setup, airway protection,
cases, the glycoprotein llb/llla inhibitor abciximab is given as hemodynamic control, anticoagulation management, neuro-
a divided bolus in doses of 20% intra-arterially and 80% protection, rapid onset and offset of anesthesia, allowing rapid
intravenously. In order to avoid an intracranial hemorrhage, patient examination at the completion of the procedure. The
the ACT should be less than 250, and the blood pressure use of neurophysiologic monitoring combined with monitor-
should be regulated to avoid hyperperfusion post- ing of cerebral oxygen either directly, via brain tissue oxygen,
thrombolysis. or indirectly, via cerebral oximetry, allows the neuroanesthe-
In hemorrhagic insults resulting from an aneurysm rupture, tist to provide an early warning system of impending danger.
several therapies can be implemented. The interventionalist Evolving neurointerventional techniques must be practiced in
should attempt to immediately occlude the aneurysm using a an environment that provides maximum patient protection.
coil or balloon if remodeling is being attempted. Simulta-
neously, the anesthesiologist should stop any intravenous an-
ticoagulation drips, reverse the anticoagulation with prota- REFERENCES
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