Assignment 1 Steel

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Penilaian Alternatif Berterusan
Semester 2, Sidang Akademik 2020/2021

Kerja kursus

EAT 477/3 – Advanced Steel Design

[Rekabentuk Keluli Lanjutan]
Masa: April 2021 – September 2021

Please make sure that this project instruction has FOUR (4) printed pages including this front
page before you start the project.
[Sila pastikan kertas soalan ini mengandungi EMPAT (4) muka surat yang bercetak termasuk muka hadapan
sebelum anda memulakan projek ini.]

This project has TWO (2) sections including attachment. Please read the instruction clearly.
Each instruction is necessary to be fulfilled for the completion of this Assignment. This
assignment contributes 30 marks.
[Projek ini mengandungi DUA (2) bahagian. Sila baca arahan dengan jelas. Setiap arahan perlu dipenuhi
untuk melengkapkan tugasan ini. Tugasan ini menyumbang sebanyak 30 markah.]

IMPORTANT: By participating in this course, you agree to rely solely on your own work in
connection with all assessments such as tests, open book examinations, projects, quizzes, labs,
assignments (unless collaboration is permitted), etc.; acknowledge any sources used in your work;
refrain from any activity that would dishonestly or fraudulently improve your results.
[PENTING: Dengan mengambil bahagian dalam kursus ini, anda bersetuju untuk bergantung sepenuhnya
pada hasil kerja anda sendiri bagi semua penilaian seperti ujian, peperiksaan buku terbuka, projek, kuiz,
makmal, tugasan (kecuali jika kolaborasi dibenarkan), dan sebagainya; memaklumi setiap sumber rujukan
yang digunakan dalam kerja anda; tidak melakukan sebarang aktiviti penipuan atau aktiviti yang tidak jujur
bagi meningkatkan hasil kerja anda.]

SULIT -2- (EAT 367)

Learning Outcome
a) To identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems (CO2 PO2)
b) To carry out a complete design of gantry girder (CO3 PO3)


An industrial building is design with a simply supported gantry girder to carry an electric
overhead crane for a low to medium workshop duty. Overhead electric craned spanning 15 m
with capacity of 200 kN will be designed to run throughout the building. Figure Q1 shows
side elevation of simply supported gantry girder. Design and crane details are tabulated in
Table Q1 and Q2, respectively as provided by manufacturer. As consultant engineer, you are
appointed to conduct the complete design of a simply supported gantry girder by considering
the provided data and crane details to be proposed to the client. The design shall be
conducted using EUROCODE 3. Layout Plan and detailing of proposed gantry girder must
be included using any appropriate software. Use design sheets attached in this question for
your manual design. Please state any assumptions made during the design process of this

Figure 1 : Side elevation of simply supported gantry girder.

Table Q1 (a) : Design data provided by manufacturer

Crane capacity = 200 kN

Maximum load lifted = 200 kN
Crane span = 15 m
Weight of crane bridge = 150 kN
Spacing of wheels = 1.2 m
End clearance of crane = 60 mm (minimum)
Minimum headroom from top of rail = 4500 mm
Weight of crab = 45 kN

Table Q1 (b) : Crane details

Selfweight of crane bridge (exluding crab), Wcrane = 150 kN

Selfweight of crab, wcrab = 25 kN
Span of crane bridge, Lc = 15000 mm
Minimum hook approach, ah = 600 mm
No. of wheels per end carriage, Nw = 2
End carriage wheel centres, 5000 mm
No. of rails existing crane surge force, Nr = 1
Selfweight of crane rail, wr = 0.5 kN/m
Height of crane rail, hr = 100 mm
Span of gantry girder, L = 5000 mm
Steel Grade S355

(30 Marks)



Design of Steel Simply

Supported Gantry Girder


Designed by : Checked by : Date : Page :

Faculty of Civil Engineering


Reference Output

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