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COMMON PAPER FOR 3 YEAR LL.B. III SEMESTER AND ANDHRA UNIVERSITY 5 YEAR LL.B. VII SEMESTER END EXAMINATIONS - JULY 2021 (GRADING SYSTEM) (w.e.f,, 2013-2014 Batch) REVISED TIME-TABLE ‘Time: 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM Dae Da Subject Time _| Max. Marks 25-07-2021 | Thursday | Property Law including Transfer of Property | 5 80 Marks Act and Easement Act oe 23-07-2021 | Friday Labour and Industrial Law =T 3 Hours | 80 Marks 24-07-2021 | Saturday | Company Law 3 Hours | 80 Marks 26-07-2021 | Monday | Administrative Law 3 Hours | 80 Marks 2-OF-2WAT | Tuesday | Tnterpretation oF Statutes and Principles of | 5 104, | go Marks Ui Legislation ANDHRA UNIVERSITY 5 YEAR LL.B. III SEMESTER END EXAMINATIONS - JULY 2021 (GRADING SYSTEM) (w.e.f, 2013-2014 Batch) REVISED TIME-TABLE Time: 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM Date Day Subject Time_| Max. Marks 28-07-2021 Wednesday | Political Science - III 3 Hours | 80 Marks 29-07-2021 | Thursday ; Economics - IT 3 Hours | 80 Marks 30-07-2021 | Friday Law of Torts Including M.V Accidents and Consumer Protection Law 3Hours | _80 Marks 31-07-2021 | Saturday a Constitutional Law - I 3 Hours | 80 Marks (BY ORDER) Qe Wo, (S.V.SUDHAKARA REDDY) CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS Sontrofer of Fxaminatton- Andhra Untrersity Wisabbapotuars-530 069 ANDHRA UNIVERSITY LL.M. III SEMESTER END EXAMINATIONS - JULY 2021 REVISED _TIME-TABLE Time: 2,00 PM to 5.00 PM DATE& DAY |__ BRANCH TITLE OF THE PAPER OPTIONAL PAPER-V BRANCH-1_| Constitutional Law and Mass Media Law Legal Order BRANCH-Il_| Business Law Banking Law BRANCHGIII_| Labour, Capital and Law | Social Security Law ee BRANCH-IV_| International Law and International Humanitarian Organisation Law BRANCH-V_| Criminal Law Juvenile Delinquency BRANCH-VIT_| Environmental and Biological Diversity Legal Order BRANCH-VIII | Human Rights Law International Humanitarian and Refugee Law OPTIONAL PAPER-VI BRANCH-1 _ | Constitutional Law and Public Utilities Law Legal Order BRANCHG-I_| Business Law Law of Insurance a3.97.2021 | BRANCH-IT| Labour, Capital and Law | Agricultural Labour Friday BRANCH-IV_| International Law and Law of the Sea and Organisation Environmental Law BRANCH-V_| Criminal Law Collective Violence And Criminal Justice System BRANCH-VII_| Environmental and Resource Management and the Legal Order Law BRANCH-VIII | Human Rights Law Science, Technology and Human Rights (BY ORDER) OA MA (S.V.SUDHAKARA REDDY) CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS controler of Examinatioe: Andhra Universtp Ctrakbapotaa-530 090

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