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205 names were submitted for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, 33 of which are organizations.

Nobel Committees in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and the Prize
Committee for Economics each usually receives 250-300 names every year, but this is the highest
number of nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize ever. The last record was in 2005 when the
Committee received 199 nominations.

Adolf Hitler, was nominated once in 1939 by E.G.C. Brandt, member of the Swedish parliament.
Brandt changed his mind, however, and the nomination was withdrawn in a letter dated 1 February

Symbols of Goodwill
Why has the Nobel Peace Prize acquired such enormous prestige? There are many peace prizes,
some of them worth large amounts of money. But none of them have so far matched the Nobel
Prize in prestige. This is partly fortuitous, and also a question of the age of the Prize. But it must
also be attributed to the assumption underlying what we have been discussing, which is that the
broad range of criteria always includes what I have called a strong moral element. It appears to be
precisely this type of prize which has the potential to attract people's attention. There also appears
to be a self-reinforcing element here: widespread attention attracts still more attention. Many
people, in short, feel a need for symbols that can appeal to their better instincts, or (Kant again)
help them to overcome the evil principle in themselves. The choices of Peace Prize Laureates appear
to have succeeded in some measure in creating symbols of this kind, whether the Laureate is a
humanitarian aid worker like Mother Teresa or Fridtjof Nansen, an antimilitarist like Carl von
Ossietzky, a statesman like Woodrow Wilson or Willy Brandt, or a campaigner for human rights like
Nelson Mandela or Carlos Belo. I think this goes a long way towards explaining the prestige of the
Prize. When all is said and done, the most important effect of the Nobel Peace Prize may be that it
has succeeded in creating clear symbols which appeal to our best instincts – symbols of good will.

He reached out to improve relations with Europe, China, Russia and open dialogue with Iran,
Venezuela, and Cuba.

Sworn into office January 4, 2005, Obama partnered with Republican Senator Richard Lugar of
Indiana on a bill that expanded efforts to destroy weapons of mass destruction in Eastern
Europe and Russia. Then, with Republican Senator Tom Corburn of Oklahoma, he created a
website that tracks all federal spending. Obama also spoke out for victims of Hurricane
Katrina; pushed for alternative energy development; and championed improved veterans'

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