Behavior Management: Steps Involved in Organizational Behavior Modification Are: Identify

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Behavior Management

It is the process used to control or modify an action or performance of a subject. It is

shaping or improving behavior through reinforcement of reward or punishment.
Whereas behavior the manner in which a person acts or performs; any or all of the
activities of a person, including physical action learned and unlearned.

Behavior Modification
It is the process of bringing specific plan to change the subordinate behavior. For
example, an employee is awarded a monetary bonus for being the top salesperson
during the month. Also changes, or transfers from a socially unacceptable and
destructive act to a socially acceptable, nondestructive one.

Organizational Behavior Modification

It is a behavioral approach to improve the performance of sub-ordinates in the

Steps involved in Organizational Behavior Modification are:

To find out performance related behavioral event or incident.

Measure the frequency of undesired behavior.

Determine the causes and consequences of problem behavior.

To take action to identify undesired behavior.

Examine and judge carefully the results of action taken to modify behavior.
Behavior self management:
Individual makes self evaluation to find out the reasons or weak areas in their behavior
so they can then take positive step to improve their behavior and performance.

Three conditions of self management are

●The individual be a proactive agent for change.

●The relevant reasons and consequences of behavior must be under control of the

●The individual must be aware how a personally is identified.

Elements of Self Management

●Positive thinking

●Positive attitude

●Pro active approach

●Will power and determination

●Self Motivation

●Positive Self image

Strategies for behavior Self management:

▪Stimulus Management

▪Consequence Management

Stimulus Management
This strategy involves the removal of reasons or stimuli that produce negative behavior.

Consequences management
This strategy concentrates on the consequence of the self behavior. It involve the
application of reinforce of reward to increase the frequency of positive behavior and
application of punishment to decrease the frequency of negative behavior.

It can be defined as anything that increases the strength and repetition of desire or
positive behavior. Also something that reinforces or strengthens. There are two types of

▪Positive reinforcement

▪Negative reinforcement

Positive reinforcement
Positive reinforcement occurs when a particular stimulus is presented after a behavior,
and the behavior increases as a result. The word positive does not mean "good" in this
case, but means that something is added.

Negative reinforcement
Negative reinforcement is when a particular stimulus is removed after a behavior, and
this causes the behavior to increase as a result. Negative in this sense does not mean
"bad", but that something is subtracted or taken away.

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