Ingles Todos Los Tiempos

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Simple Present

What do you do? ¿Qué haces? - What does he do? ¿Qué hace?

I, we, you, they subject + 1 1 2 3

he, she, it  subject + 1 > s go went gone

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I go I don't go Do I go ?
You go You don't go Do you go ?
He goes He doesn't go Does he go ?
She goes She doesn't go Does she go ?
It goes It doesn't go Does it go ?
We go We don't go Do we go ?
You go You don't go Do you go ?
They go They don't go Do they go ?

subject + 1 > "s" (he, she, it)

I go to New York - Voy a New York
He goes to New York - El va a New York
Negative subject + don't / doesn't + 1
I don't go to New York - No voy a New York
He doesn't go to New York - El no va a New York
Interrogative Do / Does + subject + 1 ?
Do I go to New York ? - ¿Voy a New York ?
Does he go to New York ? - ¿Va él a New York ?
usos del presente simple
Acciones habituales (estilos de vida, hábitos, rutina diaria).
Lucas gets up at 9:00 am. Lucas se levanta a las nueve.
Paul and I do a lot of things every day. Paul y yo hacemos muchas cosas a diario.

Hechos o verdades generales.

The sun sets in the west. El sol se pone por el oeste.
The Earth goes around the sun. La Tierra gira alrededor del sol.
Situaciones permanentes.
Maria lives in Buenos Aires. María vive en Buenos Aires.
It costs a lot of money to stay at the Hilton. Cuesta mucho dinero alojarse en el Hilton.

Primer Condicional.
If you heat butter, it melts. Si calientas manteca, ésta se derrite.
Contact me if you need any help. Ponte en contacto conmigo si necesitas ayuda.

expresiones usuales del presente simple

often - generally - usually - always - never

every day - every week - every month - every year - sometimes

Simple Past
What did you do? ¿Qué hiciste?

1 2   3
subject + 2 go went gone

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I went I didn't go Did I go ?
You went You didn't go Did you go ?
He went He didn't go Did he go ?
She went She didn't go Did she go ?
It went It didn't go Did it go ?
We went We didn't go Did we go ?
You went You didn't go Did you go ?
They went They didn't go Did they go ?

subject + 2
I went to New York - Fui a New York
He went to New York - El fue a New York
Negative subject + didn't + 1
I didn't go to New York - No fui a New York
He didn't go to New York - El no fue a New York
Interrogative Did + subject + 1 ?
Did I go to New York? - ¿Fui a New York ?
Did he go to New York? - ¿Fue él a New York?
usos del pasado simple
Acciones pasadas que tuvieron lugar en determinado momento
y que ya han finalizado.
My parents didn't work last week. Mis padres no trabajaron la semana pasada.
Lina worked in a bank from 1995 to 2002. Lina trabajó en un banco desde 1995 a

Hechos pasados expresados en secuencia.

Sheila got up at 7 am, had breakfast, took a shower and went to work at 9 am.
Sheila se levantó a las 7, desayunó, se duchó y fue a trabajar a las 9.

expresiones usuales del pasado simple

yesterday  -  last night -  before  -  ago  -  in 2002

on their vacation  -  last weekend  -  last month  -  last year

Simple Present Perfect

What have you done? ¿Qué has hecho?

1 2 3
subject + have / has + 3 go went gone

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I have gone I haven't gone Have I gone ?
You have gone You haven't gone Have you gone ?
He has gone He hasn't gone Has he gone ?
She has gone She hasn't gone Has she gone ?
It has gone It hasn't gone Has it gone ?
We have gone We haven't gone Have we gone ?
You have gone You haven't gone Have you gone ?
They have gone They haven't gone Have they gone ?

subject + have / has + 3

I have gone to New York - He ido a New York
He has gone to New York - El ha ido a New York
Negative subject + haven't / hasn't + 3
I haven't gone to New York - No he ido a New York
He hasn't gone to New York - El no ha ido a New York
Interrogative Have / Has + subject + 3 ?
Have I gone to New York? - ¿He ido a New York ?
Has he gone to New York? - ¿Ha ido él a New York?
usos del presente perfecto simple
Por regla general, se lo utiliza para describir acciones que empezaron en el pasado
y que aún no han finalizado o que guardan alguna relación con el presente.

Con el adverbio just: acciones que acaban de ocurrir.

The President has just arrived from the US. El Presidente acaba de llegar desde EEUU.
They both have just left for Bogota. Ambos acaban de partir para Bogotá.

Con las preposiciones for y since.

We have lived in Italy for three years. Hemos vivido en Italia durante tres años.
I haven't heard from you since 1990!! ¡¡No he tenido noticias tuyas desde 1990!!

Con los adverbios yet y already.

They haven't taken the Basic Exam yet. No han rendido el Examen Básico aún.
I have already taken the Intermediate Exam. Ya he rendido el Examen Intermedio.

Con el grado superlativo de un adjetivo.

OM Smiles has always been one of the funniest sections in OM Personal.
OM Smiles ha sido siempre una de las secciones más divertidas de OM Personal.

Con las expresiones: It's the first, It's the second, etc.
It's the first time I have flown United. Es la primera vez que vuelo por United.
It's the second time she has had lunch today. Es la segunda vez que almuerza hoy.

expresiones usuales del presente perfecto simple

since  -  for  -  just  -  ago  -  lately

yet  -  already  -  never  -  ever  -  recently

Simple Past Perfect

What had you done? ¿Qué habías hecho?
1 2 3
subject + had + 3 go went gone

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I had gone I hadn't gone Had I gone ?
You had gone You hadn't gone Had you gone ?
He had gone He hadn't gone Had he gone ?
She had gone She hadn't gone Had she gone ?
It had gone It hadn't gone Had it gone ?
We had gone We hadn't gone Had we gone ?
You had gone You hadn't gone Had you gone ?
They had gone They hadn't gone Had they gone ?

subject + had + 3
I had gone to New York - Yo había ido a New York
He had gone to New York - El había a New York
Negative subject + hadn't + 3
I hadn't gone to New York - Yo no había ido a New York
He hadn't gone to New York - El no había ido a New York
Interrogative Had + subject + 3 ?
Had I gone to New York? - ¿Había ido yo a New York ?
Had he gone to New York? - ¿Había ido él a New York?
usos del pasado perfecto simple
Acción del pasado que tuvo lugar antes que otra.
Her plane had already left when Thelma arrived at the airport.
Su vuelo ya había partido cuando Thelma llegó al aeropuerto.

Con el adverbio just para expresar una acción que acaba de ocurrir.
When Oliver phoned, the kids had just gone to bed.
Cuando Oliver llamó por teléfono, los niños acababan de acostarse.

Tercer Condicional.
If I had known that you were sick, I would have gone to see you.
Si hubiese sabido que estabas enfermo, te habría ido a ver.

Simple Past Perfect

What had you done? ¿Qué habías hecho?

1 2 3
subject + had + 3 go went gone

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I had gone I hadn't gone Had I gone ?
You had gone You hadn't gone Had you gone ?
He had gone He hadn't gone Had he gone ?
She had gone She hadn't gone Had she gone ?
It had gone It hadn't gone Had it gone ?
We had gone We hadn't gone Had we gone ?
You had gone You hadn't gone Had you gone ?
They had gone They hadn't gone Had they gone ?

subject + had + 3
I had gone to New York - Yo había ido a New York
He had gone to New York - El había a New York
Negative subject + hadn't + 3
I hadn't gone to New York - Yo no había ido a New York
He hadn't gone to New York - El no había ido a New York
Interrogative Had + subject + 3 ?
Had I gone to New York? - ¿Había ido yo a New York ?
Had he gone to New York? - ¿Había ido él a New York?
usos del pasado perfecto simple
Acción del pasado que tuvo lugar antes que otra.
Her plane had already left when Thelma arrived at the airport.
Su vuelo ya había partido cuando Thelma llegó al aeropuerto.

Con el adverbio just para expresar una acción que acaba de ocurrir.
When Oliver phoned, the kids had just gone to bed.
Cuando Oliver llamó por teléfono, los niños acababan de acostarse.

Tercer Condicional.
If I had known that you were sick, I would have gone to see you.
Si hubiese sabido que estabas enfermo, te habría ido a ver.
Simple Future Perfect
What will you have done? ¿Qué habrás hecho?

1 2 3
subject + will have + 3 go went gone

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I will have gone I will not have gone Will I have gone ?
You will have gone You will not have gone Will you have gone ?
He will have gone He will not have gone Will he have gone ?
She will have gone She will not have gone Will she have gone ?
It will have gone It will not have gone Will it have gone ?
We will have gone We will not have gone Will we have gone ?
You will have gone You will not have gone Will you have gone ?
They will have gone They will not have gone Will they have gone ?


subject + will have + 3

I will have gone to New York - Habré ido a New York
He will have gone to New York - El habrá ido a New York
Negative subject + won't have + 3
I won't have gone to New York - No habré ido a New York
He won't have gone to New York - El no habrá ido a New York
Interrogative Will + subject + have + 3 ?
Will I have gone to New York? - ¿Habré ido a New York ?
Will he have gone to New York? - ¿Habrá ido él a New York?
usos del futuro perfecto
Acciones que ya se están desarrollando o que se van a
desarrollar en el futuro, pero que cuando llegue ese momento
futuro que se menciona la acción ya habrá finalizado.
By tomorrow I will have finished my book. 
Para mañana, habré terminado este libro.
Before winter, you will have sold your old car.
Antes del invierno, habrás vendido tu antiguo automóvil.
Before we arrive home, Mom will have prepared our breakfast.
Antes de que lleguemos a casa, mamá habrá preparado nuestro desayuno.
We will not have finished these reports by 7 pm!!
¡¡No habremos finalizado estos informes para las 7 de la tarde!!

expresiones usuales del futuro perfecto

by 10 pm  -  by Monday  -  by tomorrow  -  by 2010

by next week - by next month - by next year

Simple Conditional
What would you do? ¿Qué harías?

1 2 3
subject + would + 1 go went gone

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I would go I wouldn't go Would I go ?
You would go You wouldn't go Would you go ?
He would go He wouldn't go Would he go ?
She would go She wouldn't go Would she go ?
It would go It wouldn't go Would it go ?
We would go We wouldn't go Would we go ?
You would go You wouldn't go Would you go ?
They would go They wouldn't go Would they go ?

subject + would + 1
I would go to New York - Yo iría a New York
He would go to New York - El iría a New York
Negative subject + wouldn't + 1
I wouldn't go to New York - Yo no iría a New York
He wouldn't go to New York - El no iría a New York
Interrogative Would + subject + 1 ?
Would I go to New York ? - ¿Iría yo a New York ?
Would he go to New York ? - ¿Iría él a New York ?
usos del condicional simple
Comentarios acerca de algo que no es real en el presente pero
que puede ser posible.
I would visit her if I had time. (I haven't got time but I might have some time)
Yo la visitaría si tuviese tiempo. (Realmente no tengo tiempo pero podría tenerlo)

Comentarios acerca de una situación que no es real en estos

momentos y que nunca podría serlo.
If I were you, I would give up smoking. (but I could never be you).
Si estuviera en tu lugar, dejaría el cigarrillo. (pero nunca podría estar en tu lugar)

Segundo Condicional (Condicional tipo II).

If I were a plant, I would love the rain.
Si fuera un árbol, me encantaría la lluvia.
If you really loved me, you would buy me a Mercedes XL600.
Si realmente me amaras, me comprarías un Mercedes XL600.
Would your father go to see the match if I gave him a free ticket?
¿Iría tu padre a ver el partido si le diese una entrada gratis?

expresiones usuales del condicional simple

If I were ... - If she were ...

Simple Conditional Perfect

What would you have done? ¿Qué habrías hecho?

1 2 3
subject + would have + 3 go went gone

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I would have gone I wouldn't have gone Would I have gone ?
You would have gone You wouldn't have gone Would you have gone ?
He would have gone He wouldn't have gone Would he have gone ?
She would have gone She wouldn't have gone Would she have gone ?
It would have gone It wouldn't have gone Would it have gone ?
We would have gone We wouldn't have gone Would we have gone ?
You would have gone You wouldn't have gone Would you have gone ?
They would have gone They wouldn't have gone Would they have gone ?

subject + would have + 3

I would have gone to New York - Yo habría ido a New York
He would have gone to New York - El habría ido a New York
Negative subject + wouldn't have + 3
I wouldn't have gone to New York - Yo no habría ido a New York
He wouldn't have gone to New York - El no habría ido a New York
Interrogative Would + subject + have 3 ?
Would I have gone to New York? - ¿Habría ido yo a New York ?
Would he have gone to New York? - ¿Habría ido él a New York?
usos del condicional perfecto simple
Tercer Condicional o Condicional Tipo III.
If I had known that you were sick, I would have gone to see you.
Si hubiese sabido que estabas enfermo, te habría ido a ver.
If she had studied at OM Personal, she would have passed her FCE examination.
Si hubiese estudiado en OM Personal, habría aprobado su examen de First Certificate.
If I had known that Buenos Aires was so cheap, I would have gone there.
Si hubiese sabido que Buenos Aires es tan barato, habría ido allí.

expresiones usuales del condicional perfecto simple

if I had ...  -  if I were ...  -  if he were ...

Simple Modals
What (can/could) you do? ¿Qué (puedes/podrías) hacer?
What (may/might) you do? ¿Qué (puedes/podrías) hacer?
What (must/should) you do? ¿Qué (debes/deberías) hacer?

1 2 3
subject + modal + 1 go went gone

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I can go I can't go Can I go ?
I could go I couldn't go Could I go ?
I may go I may not go May I go ?
I might go I might not go Might I go ?
I must go I mustn't go Must I go ?
I should go I shouldn't go Should I go ?
subject + modal + 1

I can go to New York - Puedo ir a New York (posibilidad física, conocimiento)

I could go to New York - Podría ir a New York (alternativa)

I may go to New York - Puedo ir a New York (permiso)

I might go to New York - Podría ir a New York (posibilidad)

I must go to New York - Debo ir a New York (obligación)

I should go to New York - Debería ir a New York (obligación moral, consejo)

subject + modal + not + 1

I can't go to New York - No puedo ir a New York 

I couldn't go to New York - No podría ir a New York

I may not go to New York - No puedo ir a New York 

I might not go to New York - No podría ir a New York 

I mustn't  go to New York - No debo ir a New York 

I shouldn't go to New York - No debería ir a New York

modal + subject + 1 ?

Can I go to New York ? - ¿Puedo ir a New York ?

Could I go to New York ? - ¿Podría ir a New York ?

May I go to New York ? - ¿Puedo ir a New York ?

Might I go to New York ? - ¿Podría ir a New York ?

Must I go to New York ? - ¿Debo ir a New York ?

Should I go to New York ? - ¿Debería ir a New York ?

Progressive Present
What are you doing? ¿Qué estás haciendo?

1 2 3
subject + am/is/are + 1 > "ing" go went gone (...ando, ...endo)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am going I am not going Am I going ?
You are going You are not going Are you going ?
He is going He is not going Is he going ?
She is going She is not going Is she going ?
It is going It is not going Is it going ?
We are going We are not going Are we going ?
You are going You are not going Are you going ?
They are going They are not going Are they going ?

subject + am/is/are + 1 > "ing"

I am going to New York - Estoy yendo a New York
He is going to New York - El está yendo a New York
Negative subject + am/is/are + not + 1 > "ing"
I am not going to New York - No estoy yendo a New York
He is not going to New York - El no está yendo a New York
Interrogative Am/Is/Are + subject + 1 > "ing" ?
Am I going to New York ? - ¿Estoy yendo a New York ?
Is he going to New York ? - ¿Está él yendo a New York ?
usos del presente continuo
Acciones que ocurren en el momento de hablar.
Lucas is getting up now. Lucas se está levantando ahora.
My wife is having lunch now. Mi esposa está almorzando ahora.

Planes futuros que han sido confirmados.

The manager is meeting me tonight. El gerente se va a reunir conmigo esta noche.
They are arriving tomorrow morning. Van a llegar mañana por la mañana.

Acciones que tendrán lugar en un futuro próximo y sobre las que

se ha tomado una resolución firme.
I am going to visit their office in Caracas next week.
Voy a visitar su oficina de Caracas la próxima semana.

Acciones habituales con sentido negativo que llevan always.

Mike is always talking nonsense. Mike siempre está hablando estupideces.
He is always annoying his friends. Siempre está molestando a sus amigos.

verbos que no suelen utilizarse en presente continuo

know  -  like  -  want  -  love  -  hate  -  need

expresiones usuales del presente continuo

the next  -  at moment  -  now  -  in this week

on Sunday  - this evening  -  tomorrow

Progressive Past
What were you doing? ¿Qué estabas (estuviste) haciendo?

1 2 3
subject + was/were + 1 >ing go went gone (...ando, ...endo)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was going I was not going Was I going ?
You were going You were not going Were you going ?
He was going He was not going Was he going ?
She was going She was not going Was she going ?
It was going It was not going Was it going ?
We were going We were not going Were we going ?
You were going You were not going Were you going ?
They were going They were not going Were they going ?

subject + was/were + 1 > "ing"

I was going to New York - Estaba (estuve) yendo a New York
You were going to New York - Ud. estaba (estuvo) yendo a New York
Negative subject + was/were + not + 1 > "ing"
I was not going to New York - No estaba (estuve) yendo a New York
You were not going to New York - Ud. no estaba (estuvo) yendo a New York
Interrogative Was/Were + subject + 1 > "ing" ?
Was I going to New York ? - ¿Estaba (estuve) yendo a New York ?
Were you going to New York ? - ¿Estaba (estuvo) Ud. yendo a New York ?
usos del pasado continuo
Actividades que ocurrían en determinado momento del pasado y
que continuaron después.
At 11 am I was preparing our lunch. A las 11 estaba preparando nuestro almuerzo.

Actividades interrumpidas por acciones más cortas.

While my friend was taking a shower, the telephone rang.
Mientras mi amiga estaba duchándose, sonó el teléfono.
While Martha was listening to music, her brother did his homework.
Mientras Martha escuchaba música, su hermano hizo sus deberes

Acciones simultáneas (ambas en presente continuo).

The kids were running and their grandfather was reading an old paper.
Los niños estaban corriendo y su abuelo estaba leyendo un antiguo periódico.

Progressive Present Perfect

What have you been doing? ¿Qué has estado haciendo?

1 2 3
subject + have / has + been + 1 > "ing" go went gone
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I have been going I haven't been going Have I been going ?
You have been going You haven't been going Have you been going ?
He has been going He hasn't been going Has he been going ?
She has been going She hasn't been going Has she been going ?
It has been going It hasn't been going Has it been going ?
We have been going We haven't been going Have we been going ?
You have been going You haven't been going Have you been going ?
They have been going They haven't been going Have they been going ?

subject + have/has + been + 1 > "ing"

I have been going to New York - He estado yendo a New York
He has been going to New York - El ha estado yendo a New York
Negative subject + haven't / hasn't + been + 1 > "ing"
I haven't been going to New York - No he estado yendo a New York
He hasn't been going to New York - El no ha estado yendo a New York
Interrogative Have / Has + subject + been + 1 > "ing" ?
Have I been going to New York? - ¿He estado yendo a New York ?
Has he been going to New York? - ¿Ha estado él yendo a New York?
usos del presente perfecto continuo
Actividades que comenzaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente y
resaltan la duración del proceso.
Monica and her husband have been living in Barcelona for ten years.
Mónica y su esposo llevan viviendo en Barcelona diez años.

Acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y pueden o no haber finalizado

recientemente y resaltan la duración del proceso.
The weather is really bad. It has been raining all night.
El tiempo está realmente malo. Ha estado lloviendo toda la noche.

Acciones del pasado que acaban de concluir y cuyo estado es evidente.

Hmm. Nice smelling!! Have you been cooking your birthday cake?
Hmm. ¡¡Qué lindo aroma!! ¿Has estado cocinando tu torta de cumpleaños?

Progressive Past Perfect

What had you been doing? ¿Qué habías estado haciendo?
1 2 3
subject + had + been + 1 > "ing" go went gone

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I had been going I hadn't been going Had I been going ?
You had been going You hadn't been going Had you been going ?
He had been going He hadn't been going Had he been going ?
She had been going She hadn't been going Had she been going ?
It had been going It hadn't been going Had it been going ?
We had been going We hadn't been going Had we been going ?
You had been going You hadn't been going Had you been going ?
They had been going They hadn't been going Had they been going ?

subject + had + been + 1 > "ing"

I had been going to New York - Había estado yendo a New York
He had been going to New York - El había estado yendo a New York
Negative subject + hadn't + been + 1 > "ing"
I hadn't been going to New York - No había estado yendo a New York
He hadn't been going to New York - El no había estado yendo a New York
Interrogative Had + subject + been + 1 > "ing" ?
Had I been going to New York? - ¿Había estado yo yendo a New York ?
Had he been going to New York? - ¿Había estado él yendo a New York?
usos del pasado perfecto continuo
Resalta la duración de una acción que ocurrió en el pasado antes que otra.
I was very tired when I arrived home. I had been working hard all day.
Estaba muy cansado cuando llegué a casa. Había estado trabajando mucho todo el día.
Ken had been smoking for 30 years when he finally gave it up.
Ken había estado fumando durante treinta años cuando finalmente dejó de fumar.
The soccer game had to be stopped. They had been playing for half an hour when a terrible storm
El partido de fútbol tuvo que ser detenido. Habían estado jugando durante media hora cuando empezó
una espantosa tormenta.

Progressive Past Perfect

What had you been doing? ¿Qué habías estado haciendo?
1 2 3
subject + had + been + 1 > "ing" go went gone

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I had been going I hadn't been going Had I been going ?
You had been going You hadn't been going Had you been going ?
He had been going He hadn't been going Had he been going ?
She had been going She hadn't been going Had she been going ?
It had been going It hadn't been going Had it been going ?
We had been going We hadn't been going Had we been going ?
You had been going You hadn't been going Had you been going ?
They had been going They hadn't been going Had they been going ?

subject + had + been + 1 > "ing"

I had been going to New York - Había estado yendo a New York
He had been going to New York - El había estado yendo a New York
Negative subject + hadn't + been + 1 > "ing"
I hadn't been going to New York - No había estado yendo a New York
He hadn't been going to New York - El no había estado yendo a New York
Interrogative Had + subject + been + 1 > "ing" ?
Had I been going to New York? - ¿Había estado yo yendo a New York ?
Had he been going to New York? - ¿Había estado él yendo a New York?
usos del pasado perfecto continuo
Resalta la duración de una acción que ocurrió en el pasado antes que otra.
I was very tired when I arrived home. I had been working hard all day.
Estaba muy cansado cuando llegué a casa. Había estado trabajando mucho todo el día.
Ken had been smoking for 30 years when he finally gave it up.
Ken había estado fumando durante treinta años cuando finalmente dejó de fumar.
The soccer game had to be stopped. They had been playing for half an hour when a terrible storm
El partido de fútbol tuvo que ser detenido. Habían estado jugando durante media hora cuando empezó
una espantosa tormenta.

Progressive Future
What will you be doing? ¿Qué estarás haciendo?

1 2 3
subject + will be + 1 > "ing" go went gone (...ando, ...endo)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I will be going I will not be going Will I be going ?
You will be going You will not be going Will you be going ?
He will be going He will not be going Will he be going ?
She will be going She will not be going Will she be going ?
It will be going It will not be going Will it be going ?
We will be going We will not be going Will we be going ?
You will be going You will not be going Will you be going ?
They will be going They will not be going Will they be going ?

subject + will be + 1 > "ing"

I will be going to New York - Estaré yendo a New York
He will be going to New York - El estará yendo a New York
Negative subject + won't (will not) be + 1 > "ing"
I won't be going to New York - No estaré yendo a New York
He won't be going to New York - El no estará yendo a New York
Interrogative Will + subject + be + 1 > "ing" ?
Will I be going to New York ? - ¿Estaré yendo a New York ?
Will he be going to New York ? - ¿Estará él yendo a New York ?
usos del futuro continuo
Acciones que van a tener lugar en el futuro y que, al momento
del tiempo al que nos referimos, seguirán desarrollándose. No
siempre se menciona en la oración el momento del futuro.
We will be watching TV. Estaremos viendo televisión. 
Tonight we will be watching TV. Esta noche estaremos viendo televisión.  
She will be visiting me. Me estará visitando.
She will be visiting me on Sunday. Me estará visitando el domingo.
expresiones usuales del futuro continuo

tomorrow  -  the day after tomorrow  -  in  2010

next Monday  -  next week -  next month  -  next year

Progressive Future Perfect

What will you have been doing? ¿Qué habrás estado haciendo?

1 2 3
subject + will have been + 1 > "ing" go went gone (...ando, ...endo)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I will have been going I will not have been going Will I have been going ?
You will have been going You will not have been going Will you have been going ?
He will have been going He will not have been going Will he have been going ?
She will have been going She will not have been going Will she have been going ?
It will have been going It will not have been going Will it have been going ?
We will have been going We will not have been going Will we have been going ?
You will have been going You will not have been going Will you have been going ?
They will have been going They will not have been going Will they have been going ?

subject + will have been + 1 > "ing"

I will have been going to New York - Habré estado yendo a New York
He will have been going to New York - El habrá estado yendo a New York
Negative subject + won't (will not) have beeen + 1 > "ing"
I won't have been going to New York - No habré estado yendo a New York
He won't have been going to New York - El no habrá estado yendo a New York
Interrogative Will + subject + have been + 1 > "ing" ?
Will I have been going to New York ? - ¿Habré estado yendo a New York ?
Will he have been going to New York ? - ¿Habrá él estado yendo a New York ?
usos del futuro perfecto continuo
Acontecimientos o acciones pertenecientes a un período de
tiempo entre ahora y algún momento del futuro, que puede ser
I will have been waiting here for five hours by 10 pm.
Habré estado esperando aquí durante cinco horas cuando sean las 10 de la noche.
By the time you finish our OM Basic Course, you will have been learning
American English for six months.
Para cuando finalices nuestro OM Curso Básico, habrás estado aprediendo Ingñés
Americano durante seis meses.
By 2100 OM Personal will have been teaching on the Internet for a century.
Para el 2100 OM Personal habrá estado enseñando en Internet durante un siglo.

expresiones usuales del futuro perfecto continuo

By the time you ...  -  By 2020 ...  -  By 8:00 am tomorrow ...

Progressive Conditional
What would you be doing? ¿Qué estarías haciendo?

1 2 3
subject + would be + 1 > "ing" go went gone (...ando, ...endo)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I would be going I would not be going Would I be going ?
You would be going You would not be going Would you be going ?
He would be going He would not be going Would he be going ?
She would be going She would not be going Would she be going ?
It would be going It would not be going Would it be going ?
We would be going We would not be going Would we be going ?
You would be going You would not be going Would you be going ?
They would be going They would not be going Would they be going ?

subject + would be + 1 > "ing"

I would be going to New York - Yo estaría yendo a New York
He would be going to New York - El estaría yendo a New York
Negative subject + wouldn't (would not) be + 1 > "ing"
I wouldn't be going to New York - Yo no estaría yendo a New York
He wouldn't be going to New York - El no estaría yendo a New York
Interrogative Would + subject + be + 1 > "ing" ?
Would I be going to New York ? - ¿Estaría yo yendo a New York ?
Would he be going to New York ? - ¿Estaría él yendo a New York ?
usos del condicional continuo
Hechos o situaciones incompletas o contínuas, probablemente 
como resultado de una condición irreal.
I would be working in New York by now if I spoke American English.
(but I don't speak American English at all, so I am not working in New York).
Estaría trabajando en Nueva York en estos momentos si hablara Inglés Americano.
(pero no hablo Inglés Americano, por lo tanto no estoy trabajando en Nueva York).
Mabel would be living with Fernando if she wasn't living with her parents.
(but Mabel is living with her parents, so she's not living with him).
Mabel estaría viviendo con Fernando si ella no estuviese viviendo con sus padres.
(pero Mabel está viviendo con sus padres, por lo tanto no está viviendo con él).
I wouldn't be eating this horrible cake if I wasn't extremely hungry.
(but I'm starvng now, so I'm eating it).
No estaría comiendo esta espantosa torta si no tuviese tanto apetito.
(pero me estoy muriendo de hambre, por lo tanto la estoy comiendo).

expresiones usuales del condicional continuo

If I had...  I would...   -   I wouldn't...  if I had...

Progressive Conditional Perfect

What would you have been doing? ¿Qué habrías estado haciendo?

1 2 3
subject + would have been + 1 > "ing" go went gone (...ando, ...endo)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I would have been going I would not have been going Would I have been going ?
You would have been going You would not have been going Would you have been going ?
He would have been going He would not have been going Would he have been going ?
She would have been going She would not have been going Would she have been going ?
It would have been going It would not have been going Would it have been going ?
We would have been going We would not have been going Would we have been going ?
You would have been going You would not have been going Would you have been going ?
They would have been going They would not have been going Would they have been going ?

subject + would have been + 1 > "ing"

I would have been going to New York - Yo habría estado yendo a N.Y.
He would have been going to New York - El habría estado yendo a N.Y.
Negative subject + wouldn't (would not) have been + 1 > "ing"
I wouldn't have been going to New York - No habría estado yendo a N.Y.
He wouldn't have been going to New York - El no habría estado yendo a N.Y.
Interrogative Would + subject + have been + 1 > "ing" ?
Would I have been going to New York ? - ¿Habría yo estado yendo a N.Y. ?
Would he have been going to New York ? - ¿Habría él estado yendo a N.Y. ?
usos del condicional perfecto continuo
Este tiempo verbal hace referencia al resultado incompleto de la acción de la cláusula
if y expresa este resultado como una acción continua o no finalizada.

Tercer Condicional o Condicional Tipo III.

If the weather had been better (but it wasn't), my sister-in-law would have
been sitting in the garden when I arrived (but she wasn't and so I didn't see
Si el tiempo hubiese estado mejor (pero no fue así), mi cuñada habría estado
sentada en el jardín cuando yo llegué (pero no lo estaba y, por lo tanto, no la ví).
If the youngsters had known it was dangerous, they would not have been
climbing such a mountain.
Si los jóvenes hubiesen sabido que era peligroso, no habrían estado escalando
semejante montaña.
If I had had more money, I would have been travelling all around Europe
with my friends that summer.
Si hubiese tenido más dinero, habría estado recorriendo toda Europa con mis amigos
ese verano.

expresiones usuales del condicional perfecto continuo

if I had had ...  -  if he had known ...

Progressive Modals
What (can/could) you be doing? ¿Qué (puedes/podrías) estar haciendo?
What (may/might) you be doing? ¿Qué (puedes/podrías) estar haciendo?
What (must/should) you be doing? ¿Qué (debes/deberías) estar haciendo?

1 2 3
subject + modal + be
go went gone
+ 1 > "ing"

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I can be going I can't be going Can I be going ?
I could be going I couldn't be going Could I be going ?
I may be going I may not be going May I be going ?
I might be going I might not be going Might I be going ?
I must be going I mustn't be going Must I be going ?
I should be going I shouldn't be going Should I be going ?
subject + modal + be + 1 > "ing"
I can be going to New York - Puedo estar yendo a NY (posib. física, conocimiento)
I could be going to New York - Podría estar yendo a NY (alternativa)
I may be going to New York - Puedo estar yendo a NY (permiso)
I might be going to New York - Podría estar yendo a NY (posibilidad)
I must be going to New York - Debo estar yendo a NY (obligación)
I should be going to New York - Debería estar yendo a NY (oblig. moral, consejo)
Negative subject + modal + not be + 1 > "ing"
I can't be going to New York - No puedo estar yendo a NY
I couldn't be going to New York - No podría estar yendo a NY
I may not be going to New York - No puedo estar yendo a NY
I might not be going to New York - No podría estar yendo a NY 
I mustn't  be going to New York - No debo estar yendo a NY 
I shouldn't be going to New York - No debería estar yendo a NY 
Interrogative modal + subject + be + 1 > "ing" ?
Can I be going to New York ? - ¿Puedo estar yendo a NY ?
Could I be going to New York ? - ¿Podría estar yendo a NY ?
May I be going to New York ? - ¿Puedo estar yendo a NY?
Might I be going to New York ? - ¿Podría estar yendo a NY ?
Must I be going to New York ? - ¿Debo estar yendo a NY ?
Should I be going to New York ? - ¿Debería estar yendo a NY ?

1. Algo que, al principio, le resulta difícil de entender a todo
El verbo estudiante es que, en castellano, el infinitivo de los verbos tiene
tres terminaciones: ar (cantar), er (beber) e ir (dormir). Más
adelante observarás que los verbos ingleses tienen gran variedad
de terminaciones. Por ese motivo -con el único objetivo de
unificación- a los verbos en inglés se les antepone la preposición
to para indicar que están "en infinitivo" (ejemplo, to be = ser o
2. En inglés el verbo viene siempre precedido por el pronombre
personal (sujeto de la oración). En castellano no ocurre lo mismo:
al comenzar una oración podemos decir soy, estoy (sujeto tácito o
implícito) en reemplazo de yo soy, yo estoy. Cabe insistir que, en
inglés, el pronombre I (yo) se escribe siempre con mayúscula, ya
sea que se encuentre al principio o en el medio de una oración.
3. Cuando tener en español expresa sentir, en inglés no se usa el
verbo to have sino el verbo to be + adjetivo, mientras que en
castellano usamos el verbo "tener" + sustantivo: I'm very hungry.
Tengo mucha hambre; To be hot (cold, thirsty, frightened). Tener
calor (frío, sed, miedo); To be careful. Tener cuidado.

Verb "to be"    Verbo "ser - estar" (Presente)


Normal Contracted Normal Contracción

I am I'm Yo soy, estoy Soy, Estoy

You are You're Tú eres, estás Eres, Estás
He is He's El es, está Es, Está (para El)
She is She's Ella es, está Es, Está (para Ella)
It's El/Ella es, está Es, Está (para El o Ella)
We are We're Nosotros/as somos, estamos Somos, Estamos
You are You're Vosotros sóis/estáis (*) Sóis/Estáis (*)
Ustedes son/están (**) Son/Están (**)
They are They're Ellos/as son, están Son, Están (para Ellos o Ellas)

más utilizado en España; (**) más utilizado en América Latina.



Normal Contracted Normal Contracción

Am I? - ¿Soy/Estoy yo? ¿Soy/Estoy?

Are you? - ¿Eres/Estás tú? ¿Eres/Estás?
Is he? - ¿Es/Está él? ¿Es/Está? (El)
Is she? - ¿Es/Está ella? ¿Es/Está? (Ella)
Is it? - ¿Es/Esta él? ¿Es/Está ella? ¿Es/Está? (El o Ella)
Are we? - ¿Somos/Estamos nosotros? ¿Somos/Estamos?
Are you? - ¿Sóis/Estáis vosotros? (*) ¿Sóis/Estáis? (*)
¿Son/Están ustedes? (**) ¿Son/Están? (**)
Are they? - ¿Son/Están ellos/as? ¿Son/Están? (Ellos o Ellas)

más utilizado en España; (**) más utilizado en América Latina.



Normal Contracted Normal Contracción

I am not I'm not Yo no soy/estoy No soy/estoy

You are not You're not Tú no eres/estás No eres/estás
You aren't
He is not He's not El no es/está No es/está
He isn't (para El)
She is not She's not Ella no es/está No es/está
She isn't (para Ella)
It is not It's not El/Ella no es/está No es/está
It isn't (para El o Ella)
We are not We're not Nosotros/as no somos No somos
We aren't Nosotros/as no estamos No estamos
You are not You're not Vosotros no sóis/estáis (*) No sóis/estáis (*)
You aren't Ustedes no son/están (**) No son/están (**)
They are not They're not Ellos/as no son/están No son/están
They aren't (para Ellos o Ellas)

más utilizado en España; (**) más utilizado en América Latina.

1. Algo que, al principio, le resulta difícil de entender a todo estudiante es que, en

castellano, el infinitivo de los verbos tiene tres terminaciones: ar (cantar), er (beber) e
(dormir). Más adelante observarás que los verbos ingleses tienen gran variedad de
terminaciones. Por ese motivo -con el único objetivo de unificación- a los verbos en
inglés se les antepone la preposición to para indicar que están "en infinitivo" (ejemplo,
to have = tener o haber).
2. En inglés el verbo viene siempre precedido por el pronombre personal (sujeto de la
oración). En castellano no ocurre lo mismo: al comenzar una oración podemos decir
soy, estoy (sujeto tácito o implícito) en reemplazo de yo soy, yo estoy. Cabe insistir que,
en inglés, el pronombre I (yo) se escribe siempre con mayúscula, ya sea que se
encuentre al principio o en el medio de una oración.
3. Como verás aquí abajo, hemos traducido al verbo to have con sus dos significados:
tener y haber. Con el primero (tener) no existen dificultades porque decir I have
tengo) tiene sentido completo. Sin embargo, con la segunda traducción (haber), al
expresar I have (yo he) este verbo tiene sentido incompleto en español. Para completar
esa traducción, se necesita agregar un segundo verbo en participio pasado, gramática
que analizarás cuando estudies los tiempos perfectos: Ejemplo: I have gone (

Verb "to have"    Verbo "tener - haber" (Presente)



Normal Contracted Normal Contracción

I have I've Yo tengo, he Tengo, He

You have You've Tú tienes, has Tienes, Has
He has He's El tiene, ha Tiene, Ha (para El)
She has She's Ella tiene, ha Tiene, Ha (para Ella)
It has It's El/Ella tiene, ha Tiene, Ha (para El o Ella)
We have We've Nosotros/as tenemos, hemos Tenemos, Hemos
You have You've Vosotros tenéis/habéis (*) Tenéis/Habéis (*)
Ustedes tienen/han (**) Tienen/Han (**)
They have They've Ellos/as tienen, han Tienen, Han (para Ellos o Ellas)

(*) más utilizado en España; (**) más utilizado en América Latina.



Normal Contracted Normal Contracción

Have I? - ¿Tengo/He yo? ¿Tengo/He?

Have you? - ¿Tienes/Has tú? ¿Tienes/Has?
Has he? - ¿Tiene/Ha él? ¿Tiene/Ha? (El)
Has she? - ¿Tiene/Ha ella? ¿Tiene/Ha? (Ella)
Has it? - ¿Tiene/Ha él/ella? ¿Tiene/Ha? (El/Ella)
Have we? - ¿Tenemos/Hemos nosotros? ¿Tenemos/Hemos?
Have you? - ¿Tenéis/habéis vosotros? (*) ¿Tenéis/habéis?
¿Tienen/Han ustedes? (**) ¿Tienen/Han? (**)
Have they? - ¿Tienen/Han ellos/as? ¿Tienen/Han? (Ellos o Ellas)

(*) más utilizado en España; (**) más utilizado en América Latina.


Normal Contracted Normal Contracción

I have not I've not Yo no tengo, no he No tengo, no he

I haven't
You have not You've not Tú no tienes, no has No tienes, no has
You haven't
He has not He's not El no tiene, no ha No tiene, no ha (El)
He hasn't
She has not She's not Ella no tiene, no ha No tiene, no ha (Ella)
She hasn't
It has not It's not El/Ella no tiene, no ha No tiene, no ha (El/Ella)
It hasn't
We have not We've not Nosotros/as no tenemos No tenemos
We haven't Nosotros/as no hemos No hemos
You have not You've not Vosotros no tenéis/no habéis (*) No tenéis/no habéis
You haven't Ustedes no tienen/no han (**) No tienen/no han
They have not They've not Ellos/Ellas no tienen No tienen (Ellos/Ellas)
They haven't Ellos/Ellas no han No han (Ellos/Ellas)

(*) más utilizado en España; (**) más utilizado en América Latina.

Verb "to have"    Verbo "tener - haber" (Pasado)
Como verbo TENER Como verbo HABER


I had Yo tuve/tenía I had Yo había

You had Tú tuviste/tenías You had Tú habías
He had El tuvo/tenía He had El había
She had Ella tuvo/tenía She had Ella había
It had El/Ella tuvo/tenía It had El/Ella había
We had Nosotros/as tuvimos/teníamos We had Nosotros/as habíamos
You had Vosotros tuvisteis/teníais (*) You had Vosotros habíais
Ustedes tuvieron/tenían (**) Ustedes habían
They had Ellos/as tuvieron/tenían They had Ellos/as habían
(*) más utilizado en España; (**) más utilizado en América Latina.

Como verbo TENER

Had I? ¿Tuve/Tenía yo? Had I? ¿Había yo?

Had you? ¿Tuviste/Tenías tú? Had you? ¿Habías tú?
Had he? ¿Tuvo/Tenía él? Had he? ¿Había él?
Had she? ¿Tuvo/Tenía ella? Had she? ¿Había ella?
Had it? ¿Tuvo/Tenía él/ella? Had it? ¿Había él/ella?
Had we? ¿Tuvimos nosotros/as? Had we? ¿Habíamos nosotros/as?
Had you? ¿Tuvisteis vosotros? (*) Had you? ¿Habíais vosotros?
¿Teníais vosotros? (*) ¿Habían ustedes?
¿Tuvieron ustedes? (**)  
Had they? ¿Tuvieron ellos/ellas? Had they? ¿Habían ellos/ellas?
¿Tenían ellos/ellas?  

(*) más utilizado en España; (**) más utilizado en América Latina.

Como verbo TENER o HABER


Normal Contracted Normal Contracción

I had not I hadn't Yo no tuve/no tenía No tuve/no tenía

Yo no había No había
You had not You hadn't Tú no tuviste/no tenías No tuviste/no tenías
Tú no habías No habías
He had not He hadn't El no tuvo/no tenía No tuvo/no tenía (El)
El no había No había (El)
She had not She hadn't Ella no tuvo/no tenía No tuvo/no tenía (Ella)
Ella no había No había (Ella)
It had not It hadn't El/Ella no tuvo/no tenía No tuvo/no tenía (El/Ella)
El/Ella no había No había (El/Ella)
We had not We hadn't Nosotros/as no tuvimos No tuvimos
Nosotros/as no teníamos No teníamos
Nosotros/as no habíamos No habíamos
You had not You hadn't Vosotros no tuvisteis (*) No tuvisteis (*)
Vosotros no teníais (*) No teníais (*)
Ustedes no tuvieron (**) No tuvieron (**)
Ustedes no tenían (**) No tenían (**)
Vosotros no habíais (*) No habíais (*)
Ustedes no habían (**) No habían (**)
They had not They hadn't Ellos/as no tuvieron No tuvieron (Ellos/Ellas)
Ellos/Ellas no tenían No tenían (Ellos/Ellas)
Ellos/Ellas no habían No habían (Ellos/Ellas)

(*) más utilizado en España; (**) más utilizado en América Latina.


El pasado del verbo to be no tiene formas contractas o reducidas para el afirmativo. Es
decir, no puedes decir  I's  como reducción de I was o  You're  en lugar de You were.
En cambio, puedes usar contracciones en el negativo: I WASN'T en reemplazo de I was
not y YOU WEREN'T en lugar de You were not. 
I WAS significa tanto YO FUI (del verbo SER, no de IR) como YO ERA lo cual suele
confundir a muchos estudiantes hispanohablantes. Observa estos ejemplos:
All his life he WAS a teacher.
Toda su vida él FUE maestro. << aquí FUE no deriva del verbo IR (decir: "Toda su vida él
ERA maestro" es incorrecto en español).
My grandfather WAS Italian.
Mi abuelo ERA italiano. << aqui queda mejor usar ERA que FUE.


Verb "to be"    Verbo "ser - estar" (Pasado)

Como verbo SER Como verbo ESTAR

I was Yo era/fui I was Yo estaba/estuve

You were Tú eras/fuiste You were Tú estabas/estuviste
Usted era/fue Usted estaba/estuvo
He was Él era/fue He was Él estaba/estuvo
She was Ella era/fue She was Ella estaba/estuvo
It was Él/Ella era/fue It was Él/Ella estaba/estuvo
We were Nosotros éramos We were Nosotros estábamos
Nosotros fuimos Nosotros estuvimos
You were Vosotros érais/fuisteis (*) You were Vosotros estábais/estuvisteis
Ustedes eran (**) Ustedes estaban (**)
Ustedes fueron (**) Ustedes estuvieron (**)
They were Ellos/as eran/fueron They were Ellos/as estaban/estuvieron

más utilizado en España; (**) más utilizado en América Latina.

Como verbo SER

Was I? ¿Era yo? ¿Fui yo? Was I? ¿Estaba yo? ¿Estuve yo?
Were you? ¿Eras tú? ¿Fuiste tú? Were you? ¿Estabas tú? ¿Estuviste tú?
¿Era usted? ¿Fue usted? ¿Estaba usted? ¿Estuvo usted?
Was he? ¿Era él? ¿Fue él? Was he? ¿Estaba él? ¿Estuvo él?
Was she? ¿Era ella? ¿Fue ella? Was she? ¿Estaba ella? ¿Estuvo ella?
Was it? ¿Era él (ella)? Was it? ¿Estaba él (ella)?
¿Fue él (ella)? ¿Estuvo él (ella)?
Were we? ¿Éramos nosotros? Were we? ¿Éstábamos nosotros?
¿Fuimos nosotros? ¿Estuvimos nosotros?
Were you? ¿Érais/Fuisteis vosotros? (*) Were you? ¿Estábais vosotros? (*)
¿Eran/Fueron ustedes? (**) ¿Estaban/Estuvieron ustedes?
Were they? ¿Eran ellos? ¿Fueron ellos? Were they? ¿Estaban ellos? ¿Estuvieron ellos?

más utilizado en España; (**) más utilizado en América Latina.

Como verbo SER o ESTAR


Normal Contracted Normal Contracción

I was not I wasn't Yo no era/no fui No era/No fui

Yo no estaba/no estuve No estaba/No estuve
You were not You weren't Tú no eras/no fuiste No eras/No fuiste
Usted no era/no fue No era/No fue
Tú no estabas/no estuviste No estabas/No estuviste
Usted no estaba/no estuvo No estaba/No estuvo
He was not He wasn't Él no era/no fue No era/No fue
Él no estaba/no estuvo No estaba/No estuvo
She was not She wasn't Ella no era/no fue No era/No fue
Ella no estaba/no estuvo No estaba/No estuvo
It was not It wasn't Él/Ella no era/no fue No era/No fue
Él/Ella no estaba/no estuvo No estaba/No estuvo
We were not We weren't Nosotros no éramos No éramos
Nosotros no fuimos No fuimos
Nosotros no estábamos No estábamos
Nosotros no estuvimos No estuvimos

You were not You weren't Vosotros no érais (*) No érais (*)
Vosotros no fuisteis (*) No fuisteis (*)
Ustedes no eran (**) No eran (**)
Ustedes no fueron (**) No fueron (**)
Vosotros no estábais (*) No estábais (*)
Vosotros no estuvisteis (*) No estuvisteis (*)
Ustedes no estaban (**) No estaban (**)
Ustedes no estuvieron (**) No estuvieron (**)

They were not They weren't Ellos/as no eran/no fueron No eran/no fueron
Ellos/as no estaban /no No estaban /no estuvieron

más utilizado en España; (**) más utilizado en América Latina.

Verb "to have got"  (para indicar posesión)
En inglés existen dos formas para expresar tener en tiempo
presente: to have got y to have.
a) To have es más frecuente en inglés americano y necesita un
auxiliar en oraciones negativas e interrogativas: Do you have any
brothers or sisters?¿Tienes hermanos?; He doesn't have any
El verbo
money. No tiene dinero.
b) To have got es más frecuente en inglés británico y no necesita
un auxiliar en oraciones negativas e interrogativas: Have you got
any brothers or sisters? ¿Tienes hermanos?; He hasn't got any
money. No tiene dinero.
NOTA: En los demás tiempos verbales se utiliza to have: I had a
blue bike when I was a kid. Cuando era niño tuve una bicicleta

Verb "to have"  (otros usos)

Have + infinitivo se usa para expresar obligación en presente y
significa casi lo mismo que must (deber). I have to go = I must go.
Tengo que ir = Debo ir.
Had + infinitivo se usa para expresar obligación en pasado y se
El verbo
considera la forma en pasado de must (deber) que no tiene una
forma propia para el pasado. I had to buy a sweater. Tuve que
(Debí) comprar un pulóver.
NOTA: Cuando el verbo have expresa obligación va siempre
seguido del "to" infinitivo. Por ello, a fin de que los estudiantes lo
recuerden, los profesores solemos referirnos a este verbo como
have to – y no simplemente have.
El verbo have se usa también para indicar:
a) tomar comidas: to have breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner; desayunar,
almorzar, merendar, cenar.
b) invitar y celebrar fiestas: to have a party; dar una fiesta.
En este caso la estructura verbal utilizada es have + something +
done. En lugar de decir, I asked my hair stylist to cut my hair; Le
pedí a mi peluquero que me corte el pelo, puedes abreviar diciendo
I had my hair cut; Me corté el pelo o  Me hice cortar el pelo
(porque, a decir verdad, no fuiste tú sino un tercero quien te lo
cortó). Otro ejemplo: Sheila had my bag stolen; A Sheila le robaron
la cartera.
Existen algunas otras alternativas de cómo usar have que irás
aprendiendo progresivamente en nuestros cursos.

Many visitors and subscribers ask us: I was told there are three or four
conditionals in English, but I suppose I know just one. It is true, there exist
THREE different types of conditional sentences in English. Let's study them
Muchos visitantes y suscriptores nos consultan: Me dijeron que hay tres o cuatro tipos
de condicionales pero creo saber sólo uno. Es cierto, básicamente existen CUATRO tipos
de condicionales en inglés que analizamos aquí...

conditional type 0 >> ZERO CONDITIONAL                             


Used for scientific facts or general truths (usado para expresar verdades
científicas, hechos que nunca cambian o situaciones que siempre ocurren).
Algunos gramáticos incluyen este tipo de condicional dentro de FIRST
CONDITIONAL o Conditional Type I.

If you heat butter, it melts. 

Si calientas manteca, ésta se derrite.
If you put water in a cooler, it freezes. 
Si colocas agua en el congelador, ésta se congela.
If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. 
Si calientas agua a 100 grados, ésta hierve.
If you cross an international date line, the time changes. 
Si cruzas una línea de tiempo internacional, la hora cambia.
If you drop ice in water, it floats. 
Si tiras hielo al agua, éste flota.
If iron gets wet, it rusts. 
Si el hierro se moja, se oxida.

conditional type I >> FIRST CONDITIONAL                             

Used to talk about things which are possible in the present or the future. It
is generally used for things which may happen (utilizado para cosas que pueden
ocurrir en presente o futuro).


If you study hard, you will pass your exams. 

Si estudias intensamente aprobarás tus exámenes. 

If we do not protect the panda bears, they will soon become extinct. 
Si no protegemos a los osos panda, pronto se extinguirán.


Used for threats and promises (usado para expresar amenazas y promesas)

Don't say a word about this, or I will kill you. 

No cuentes una palabra de esto o te mato.

Finish your job, and you will have a bonus. 

Termina tu tarea y tendrás una gratificación.


Contact me if you need any help. 

Ponte en contacto conmigo si necesitas ayuda.
Call them in case you need help. 
Llámalos en caso de necesitar ayuda.
NOTE: In cases a and c above, you can replace IF (si) by UNLESS (a menos que)

conditional type II >> SECOND CONDITIONAL         

Used to talk about things which are unreal (not true or not possible) in the
present or the future. It is generally used for things which don't or won't
happen. It is generally used for things which may happen (utilizado en presente
o futuro para expresar situaciones hipotéticas, que normalmente son irreales o
If FIRST verb in the sentence is TO BE, WERE is used for all persons. 
(Si el PRIMER verbo de la oración es TO BE, se usa WERE para todas las personas)

If I were rich, I would buy a castle. 

Si fuera rico, compraría un castillo.
If I were him, I would go and see a doctor. 
Si fuera él -en su lugar- consultaría con un médico.
If elephants had wings, they would be able to fly. 
Si los elefantes tuvieran alas, podrían volar.
NOTE: You can replace IF (si) by UNLESS (a menos que) in the examples above.

conditional type III >> THIRD CONDITIONAL

Used to talk about unreal situations in the past, that is, things which did not
happen in the past. (utilizado para expresar situaciones irreales – que nunca
sucedieron – en el pasado y, en general, dentro de un contexto de crítica, queja o
remordimiento). En español tienes una construcción similar por lo cual este
condicional no debería resultar complicado.


If FIRST verb in the sentence is TO BE, WERE is used for all persons. 
(Si el PRIMER verbo de la oración es TO BE, se usa WERE para todas las personas)

If I had known that you were sick, I would have gone to see you. 
Si hubiese sabido que estabas enfermo, te habría ido a ver.
The real situation was that I didn't know you were sick. So I say If I had known... When you are
talking about the past, you use the Past Perfect (I had known) after IF.

If you had saved your money, you could have bought a laptop. 
Si hubieses ahorrado tu dinero, podrías haberte comprado una computadora.
The real situation was that you didn't save your money. So they say If you had saved... When you
are talking about the past, you use the Past Perfect (I had known) after IF.

If you hadn't been late for work so often, they wouldn't have fired you. 
Si no hubieses llegado tarde al trabajo tan seguido, no te habrían despedido.

The real situation was that you wasn't early for work. So they say If you hadn't been late... When
you are talking about the past, you use the Past Perfect (I had known) after IF.

NOTE: You can replace IF (si) by UNLESS (a menos que) in the examples above.
What will you be doing? ¿Qué estarás haciendo?

1 2 3
subject + will be + 1 > "ing"
go went gone (...ando, ...endo)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I will be going I will not be going Will I be going ?
You will be going You will not be going Will you be going ?
He will be going He will not be going Will he be going ?
She will be going She will not be going Will she be going ?
It will be going It will not be going Will it be going ?
We will be going We will not be going Will we be going ?
You will be going You will not be going Will you be going ?
They will be going They will not be going Will they be going ?

Affirmative subject + will be + 1 > "ing"

I will be going to New York - Estaré yendo a New York
He will be going to New York - El estará yendo a New York
Negative subject + won't (will not) be + 1 > "ing"
I won't be going to New York - No estaré yendo a New York
He won't be going to New York - El no estará yendo a New York
Interrogative Will + subject + be + 1 > "ing" ?
Will I be going to New York ? - ¿Estaré yendo a New York ?
Will he be going to New York ? - ¿Estará él yendo a New York ?
usos del futuro continuo
Acciones que van a tener lugar en el futuro y que, al momento
del tiempo al que nos referimos, seguirán desarrollándose. No
siempre se menciona en la oración el momento del futuro.
We will be watching TV. Estaremos viendo televisión. 
Tonight we will be watching TV. Esta noche estaremos viendo televisión.  
She will be visiting me. Me estará visitando.
She will be visiting me on Sunday. Me estará visitando el domingo.
expresiones usuales del futuro continuo

tomorrow  -  the day after tomorrow  -  in  2010

next Monday  -  next week -  next month  -  next year

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