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Last Name1

Yours Name

Professor Name


09 December 2019

Final Essay Question

Before starting this course, I had a preconceived idea of understanding geographic

features and remembering the world. I didn't expect to learn topics such as globalization, political

geography, industry, and services. I was surprised to learn so fast. I receive new perspectives and

new information about the world around me. Throughout the semester, my understanding and

knowledge of geography have changed dramatically compared to before the course. This course

made me think about the topics and things I had never thought of before. As a region or map,

there is only standard geographic meaning, but not all. I learned in detail about different races,

the history of gender equality, and world religions. Geography has influenced my political, social

and economic views of the world.

Linguistic geography is one of the topics of this course, and it is more knowledge I am

interested in. One of the reasons I am interested is because I am Chinese and I like to learn new

languages and cultures in the world. Language is one of the most complex but interesting social

aspects of life. Without language, we cannot communicate. Therefore, we are not any kind of

society. More information about world languages I learned through this course. This course

helped me to understand the different backgrounds of people who speak different languages. I

learned how people in different languages communicate and understand.

Last Name2

As a geology student, I came to know that various factors affect people's identity and

ethnicity over time. Recently, I have been thinking about race, culture, and ethnicity. I have

found that these three concepts have overlapping regions and cause divergence of areas.

I have noticed that culture of any region mainly comprises of religion, language, and

customs that characterize the lifestyles of specific populations. I learned that ethnicity usually

refers to the background of the country to which people identify. Finally, we learned that race is

a social component that is often related to skin color and other physical characteristics but

sometimes overlaps with identity. This course helped me to understand the ethnicity in my area.

There are many people from different regions and backgrounds.

Geography helps me to understand the impact of globalization on social, cultural, and

economic systems. The theme of globalization is particularly popular among human

geographers. This is because it does not claim that other recent social phenomena have had such

an important impact. The impact of regional globalization on policy and trade has focused on

major changes in health, education, family structure, and other aspects of society and human

culture affected by globalization. For example, during the period of globalization, migration to

major cities and the number one country in the world increased. Family structures in places are

changing, and community members and parents are helping to raise children as men and adults

often migrate to North America and elsewhere to work in cities. In China, globalization is

benefiting the industry, but Chinese expectations of Western styles are rising, including

expectations for consumption, status, and social reform.

When I think of maps, they mostly come in mind that it is like cities, mountains, roads,

and lakes. Maps are very useful because they can show you where things are. There are many

types of maps, such as road maps, contour maps, census maps, and even geographic maps. In this
Last Name3

lesson, I learned about Geological map which indicates where geological features are found.

These should not be confused with geographical features such as valleys, oceans, and mountains.

Geological features include faults, slopes, slope curves, and rock formations. Like other types of

maps, geological maps have special symbols, lines, and colors to help identify each type of

feature. However, unless I know the meaning of each indicator, I may not be able to understand

the meaning of the geological map. This course helps me understand the geological

characteristics of my area.

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