Working Form Home

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Working from Home

The Internet has changed the lives of people all over the world forever. Internet not only

connected people all over the world and changed the way of communication, but also influenced

his work and the way he works. Nowadays, due to the advancement of the Internet and

technology, people usually work at home. During COVID-19, most employees and employers

work from home. I think working from home has more positive effects than working actively.

Working from home refers to people who work at home or anywhere other than work but

at the cost of payment provided by their employer. In recent years, working from home has

become very popular. The rise of home networking suggests that employees may already have

their jobs done on their own premises (Reshma, Aithal et al.). If the employee does not need to

be with the employer during working hours, it depends on the remote working/communication

conditions. In today's evolving world, there is an urgent need to work from home. Working from

home did not appear in COVID-19, even before the pandemic, a significant portion of workers in

all walks of life worked from home during part or all of their working hours. According to

previous surveys, usually, 10-20% of workers do at least some work at home (Garg and van der


Many people find it more convenient to work from home. Employees do not have to

travel frequently, which saves a lot of time and money. This means people can spend more time

at work. Fewer trips also help reduce traffic congestion and pollution. In addition, working from
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home does not mean staying at home all day, but being able to work in a garden or backyard

where people can work easily. In addition, employees can decide when to go to work and when

to rest, thereby reducing stress. These helps improve task performance. Recent research supports

the idea that working for the people at home can increase productivity and reduce stress.

Research shows that companies that encourage and support work from home can save money in

the long run (Reynolds).

Allowing employees to work from home can balance eternal work with their families.

Many people claim that they cannot spend time with their families because they spend the whole

day in the office. People can manage their time while working from home. For example, people

can balance work and life to spend time with family and relax. Telecommuting enables people to

go to work or at home anytime, anywhere. The ability to work outside the office (mainly at

home) helps to avoid the typical conflict situations that occur when people cannot spend time

with their families. In addition, working from home frees employees from the stress of office

hours and give more opportunity to do work in less stressful environment. According to

(Pennington and Stanford) working from home can reduce interference with other employees in

the office, and can extend communication time so that employee can more easily complete

specific tasks

There are still some drawbacks to working from home. For example, working in a

personal space reduces direct interaction between colleagues and isolates people. But thanks to

the Internet, the problem was solved. So far, people all over the world can easily communicate

and cooperate with other people in remote areas. According to (Lozowski) new employees

working from home quickly learned video conferencing and document sharing software they had

never used before. Another disadvantage is that some people will be interfered by external
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factors and cannot work effectively. However, according to Nicholas Bloom, the co-founder of

the Chinese travel website Ctrip, people who work from home make 13.5% more calls than

office employees. This means that Ctrip has to do one more day a week. The frequency of their

resignation is only half that of salaried workers, far exceeding our expectations. And, as

expected, remote workers reported higher job satisfaction. Each employee saved approximately

$1,900 in nine months. It is believed that a third of the performance increase is due to the quiet

environment, which simplifies call processing (Bloom).

In conclusion, there are many benefits of working from home, and I think the benefits far

outweigh the disadvantages. Working from home has never been easier. During COVID-19,

people know the importance of technology. Companies are certainly aware of this trend, and

most companies are doing work from home. It is changing the way we work. Although not for

everyone, some companies may feel they can save money and increase productivity due to work

from home. Similarly, for some employees, the benefit of working from home is more

comfortable and less stressful than office work. In addition, working from home improves the

balance of work and life.

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Works Cited

Bloom, Nicholas. “To Raise Productivity, Let More Employees Work from Home.” Harvard

Business Review, 21 Aug. 2014,


Garg, Ajay K., and Jan van der Rijst. “The Benefits and Pitfalls of Employees Working from

Home: Study of a Private Company in South Africa.” Corporate Board: Role, Duties and

Composition, vol. 11, no. 2, 2015, pp. 36–49, doi:10.22495/cbv11i2art3.

Lozowski, Dorothy. “Accelerating the WFH Trend” Chemical Engineering, Chemical

Engineering, 20 Apr. 2020,


Pennington, Alison, and Jim Stanford. Briefing Paper : Working from Home : Opportunities and

Risks. no. April, 2020, pp. 1–15.

Reshma, Aithal, P. S., et al. “An Empirical Study on Working From Home: A Popular E-

Business Model.” International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, vol. 2, no. 2,

2015, pp. 12–18.

Reynolds, Brie Weiler. The Mental Health Benefits of Remote and Flexible Work.

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