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Wayward Expeditions - Rise of the Runelords - Episode 1

Intro: For much of written history world events followed chartered routes. Oracles and seers
mapped out the future in the stars above and their prophecies always gave a reliable view of
the ages to come. Until a God died a century ago. No one saw that coming. And now the old
prophecies are failing, oracles go mad and seers desperately tried to account for the loss of
the future. While some cry out that the world is at an end, they've been doing so for a hundred
years now and the world is still here, it's just unclear where things are going. The future of
Golarian is open, ready to receive the triumphs and failures of a new generation of heroes.
Welcome to Rise of the Runelords!

GM: Those who head north from Magnimar along the rocky coastline quickly find themselves
in a peculiar country. Fog drapes the rolling landscape floating spectrally along damp and
lonely moors. Small woodlands grace the regions, their tangled debths, redalant of nettles
and pepper wood and pine sap while further inland river vallies lined by majestic redwoods
wind between regard pores and limestone escarpments. The region's vastness and sense of
isolation have earned its local name the Lost Coast.

There are pockets of civilization along the Lost Coast, traditional Varisian camp sites can be
found in nearly every gulch and hollow along the cliff lined reaches, and lonely houses sit
upon bluffs now and then, domiciles for eccentrics or the rich seeking a bit of peace far from
the bustle of Magnimar streets. Roadside inns grace the Lost Coast Road every 24 miles or
so, placed by virtue of the distance most travelers can walk given a day's travel, low stone
shrines to Desna goddess of wanderers and patron of Varisians give further opportunities for
settlers should one of the all too common rainstorms catch travellers unaware. Given time,
any of these seeds of civilization could bloom into a full grown town or even a city. It's
happened once already. Along the shores of a natural harbor nestled among the cliffs some
50 miles northeast of Magnimar, what was once a larger than normal Varisian camp site in the
shadow of an ancient ruined tower has become the Lost Coast's largest town Sandpoint.The
light of the Lost Coast.

As you approach the town of Sandpoint, the footprint of civilization upon the Lost Coast grows
more clear, farmlands in the outlying moors and river valleys grow more numerous, and the
blue green waters of the Varisian Gulf bear more and more fishing vessels upon the waves.
Passage of the creeks and rivers is more often accomplished by wooden bridge than fjord,
and the Lost Coast Road itself grows wider and better kept. Sight of Sandpoint from either
approach, south or east, is kept hidden by the large upthrust limestone pavements known as
the Devil's Platter and the arc of the rocky outcroppings and a lightly forested hilltops that rise
up just east of town. But as the final bend in the road is rounded, Sandpoint smoking
chimneys and bustling streets greet the traveler with open arms and the promise of warm
beds, a welcome sight indeed for those who have spent the last few days alone on the Lost
Coast Road. From the south, entrance to Sandpoint is governed by a wooden bridge. While
from the north a low stone wall gives the town a bit of protection. Here the Lost Coast road
passes through a stone gatehouse that is generally watched by one or two guards. The
southern bridge is typically unattended. Aside from the occasional goblin, the citizens of
Sandpoint have traditionally had little gods to worry about invasion or banditry. The region
simply isn't populated enough to make theft a lucrative business. Hanging from a bent nail at
both the gatehouse and the southern bridge is a sign and a mirror, painted on each sign is the

"Welcome to Sandpoint.Please stop to see yourself as we see you."

This is the site you are greeted with as you each arrive in town in kind, with the exception of
one of you who arrives by boat. Arriving in the docks a few days before the Sandpoint festival
of releasing the Swallowtail butterflies in the dedication of the new chapel.

Marcus you approach via the Sandpoint harbor. The boat docks easily. I believe at 46, yes 46
is the Sandpoint shipyard. The southern facade of this long building is open to Sandpoint
harbor allowing a small army of shipwrights, rope makers and sail makers to work their trade
in one of four dry docks right on the shore.The shipyard is owned by the Valdimars. You can
see one of the men looking like he's overseeing the constant work giving instructions over
several teams of workers as they repair ships, and build new ones.

Markus: Okay the ship I'm on is basically pulling up to dock there?

GM: Yes.

Markus: Okay, I'll turn to... Is the captain about or is it one of the senior crew?

GM: First mate is nearby.

Markus: I'll catch his attention as they’re doing whatever it is they do to tie up the ship,
"Thank the Captain for me. It was a swift and pleasant journey."
GM: He nods, "Will do, aye, Thanks!"

Markus: "Do you know the town at all yourself?”

GM: "I've... I've had port here a few times, not stayed long."

Markus: "Anywhere I should go anywhere and I should avoid?"

GM: "The Hagfish is a local favorite. And there's also the Fatman's Feedbag. "

Markus: "Noted.Thank you very much." And with that he'll turn to disembark. So description
wise, he is human, About 5'7 tall, dark black hair, keeps it moderately short, long enough that
the wind can move it if it feels the need, short enough that when that inevitably happens
sooner or later it doesn't actually cause problems. Sharp angular almost cheekbones, and
face, purplish blue eyes and a skin tone that's not quite bronze, almost a bit paler than that.
Wearing a heavy duty coat and carrying a backpack. As he descends the gangplank, there'll
be a noise coming from the backpack and he'll just, "Ah, awake are you? Well we're on dry
land now, so you might not be quite so seasick. Rest up, you'll get better, you'll feel better
soon." And sets forth into the town.

GM: All right. The first mate pointed at number 42 as the Fatman's Feedbag, and number 33
down at the other end of the harbor as the Hagfish.

Markus: Yep and he's deliberately avoiding both of them.

GM: All right. Where would you like to head off as you wander down the pier, looking around?

Markus: Is there anything obvious in the way of harbor master's offices or anything like that?

GM: Number four seems like as you look through the gaps in the buildings down the street
ways, it looks like that might be the place that kind of runs that type of thing.

Markus: Ok, he'll head in that general direction.

GM: All right. There's many people entering and leaving and it's quite busy. This large building
serves many purposes. One can book passage on a ship bound for other parts arrange for
caravans or carriages for overland travel, or send messages to folk in town or as far away as
Korvosa or even Riddleport. Inquiries into land ownership, building construction and
establishing new businesses both in Sandpoint proper and in the surrounding hinterlands
must bring their process of official foundation here. Although ownership of the league, the
Sandpoint mercantile league, although ownership of this league remains split evenly between
Sandpoints four noble families, the day to day business is run by Sir Jasper Korvaski in his
younger years Jasper was a paladin of Abadar, and although he's long since given up the
more dangerous lifestyle of a crusader he remains loyal and devout. He is filing some
paperwork and talking to some people as you enter the building.

Markus: How obvious... From the description is obviously very very busy. How obvious would
it be which of the different areas is devoted to different parts?

GM: There's not really different parts, it's this one building handles all of that. Sandpoint's not
a large city but so, what institutions there are, are multi-purpose.

Markus: OK, so it's one place that has teams of clerks that deal with everything basically?

GM: (Chuckles) Teams of clerks would be generous. No, there's like three people on staff

Markus: Right. OK. But lots of visitors coming in and out?

GM: Yeah because this building handles all of that paperwork and official business.

Markus: Ok. Is there anything on the walls in terms of postings and things like that?

GM: Doesn't seem like it. There's a lists of ship departures, who the captain is, what the ship
name is, and where they're headed, or the same thing but when they will be arriving and what
cargo they're bringing.

Markus: Yeah that's exactly what he's looking for. And he goes to Peruse that list .

GM: All right. It looks like there are about a dozen names here. Anything in particular you're
looking for?

Markus: Yes ships going to, or in the general vicinity of Riddle Port.
GM: All right. There is one name, that lists riddle port as a destination. The captain. Eliana
Silva, of the Sunrise Kiss.

Markus: Ok, Is there a departure date or anything like that? She will be arriving, in about four
days. And then will leave the following day to return.

GM: She will be arriving in about four days, and then will leave the following day to returm
back up towards Riddle Port. She's coming to pick up cargo, based on the manifest that's
written there.

Markus: Okay. He'll nod slightly to himself at that. Looking around the rest of the Interior I
take it if there's only a few people and lots of people coming, few clerks and lots of people
coming in and out. There's light cues for them?

GM: Yes

Markus: Okay. He'Il glance at the cues frown slightly and then head out the door again.

GM: All right. So Taury, You have approached from the North, coming from the Northern Wilds
down into Sandpoint, the lesser of the two traveled roads. And you see the familiar sight of
the stone arch the sign and the mirror. The gate is down, there's two guards there.

Taury: Sandpoint, is it?

GM: Yes.

Taury: So shall I describe my character?

GM: Please do.

Taury: So Taury she's only 26 but she looks much older kind of like a smoker. They kind of
look a little bit thin in the face and she looks kind of sickly and ill. She kind of looks feeble.
She's got a stick that's sort of like a staff that she walks with, she would look feeble if she
didn't have such broad shoulders and muscles, her eyes are sort of appearing blind, they are
white, they've got kind of bloodshot in it, one eye you can kind of see she had a blue eye at
one point possibly two blue eyes but they're white now mostly. Her walking stick is carved of
wood and it's kind of plain, her hair is black and it's sort of like Vikingesque. It's got this big
plaque this big dramatic braid. She would appear to look like a kind of Samurai Viking if you
can imagine that? She's got blue war paint on each side of her temple and she's got tattoos
down her neck and onto her shoulders, and she's dressed in hide armour. She looks like she
could be some kind of Tean descendant maybe barbarianesque and shes, pretty, pretty short.
She's about five, five ten maybe, and her name is Terry Warborn.

GM: For all of you players, the players guide, the second page just after the cover. Has a map
of Sandpoint with a list of all the streets and all that with numbers on key locations. So, if you
want to know about a place, just call out the number, if we haven't gone over it yet as we
introduce you to the town of Sandpoint. Otherwise, thank you for introducing yourself Taury.
You are on the north end. The Lost Coast Road right at the gate house. Again the gate is
down the guards there they see you approaching and one of them begins pulling the rope to
raise the gate, for you, the portocol. That's the word I was searching for.

Taury: Yeah I would... It's raining isn't it?

GM: Not at the moment it's just kind of foggy.

Taury: Foggy and Misty's, so I'd be wrapped in my my sort of like fur cloak that I have and I
would probably curtly nod to each of the guards and walk on through.

GM: One of them waves at you. Welcome traveller. "Come for the festivals in a couple of

Taury: I would just sort of curtly smile and kind of keep going, saying nothing.

GM: All right then. He gestures at a building behind him. Number three on your map. You see
a pair of wooden life sized deer carved with painstaking care from white birch standing astride
the entrance to this sizable Tavern in end, which commands an impressive view of the Gulf
just to the north behind it. The building looks new, recently built, and you can see that around
the bottom that like the stone foundation there's some burn marks on those stones as you
approach. He gestures, "You will stay the White Deer, or would you like a different

Taury: "I was rather hoping to go to the Hagfish. I know some people there."
GM: "Oh! Well if you know your way around and you apparently do if you've heard of the
Hagfish. It's local legend. Just head on down the road then."

Taury: "Thank you."

GM: He nods and resumes his post, watching. After you pass through the gate they lower the

Taury: Off I go to the Hagfish.

GM: All right. That takes us to. Fenwarin. Fenwarin, you are in The Rusty Dragon having
arrived a day ago or so, on a caravan. What would you like to do? Last night's meal was
pretty good, but it's kind of around noon and you either have lunch here, or you've heard the
locals talk about a few other places. There's The Hagfish, The Fatman's Feedbag, The White
Deer has been purported to be fairly excellent, or you've also been told that the merchant
stalls might have some fine things for you to taste.

Fenwarin: Yeah I think I'll go to the merchant stalls, that sounds interesting.

GM: Okay. You work your way down to area 35.

Fenwarin: All right.

GM: The Sandpoint market. On most days Sandpoints market is empty save for the odd
group of children who enjoy using the wide open area to play whistle ball or other games.
Twice each week, the market fills with vendors. At the start of the week, the farmer's market
radically increases the daily selection of goods available at the grocer's hall. While all day at
the end of the week, merchants for Magnimar, Galduria, Nybor, Wartle and beyond, take part
in the town market. It's very rare to see any item worth more than 500 gold on sale at the
market. But pieces are fairly reasonable. As you're perusing give me a appraisal check.

Fenwarin: Okay

GM: Most of the goods here are mundane goods, But as you're looking over them,
overhearing people talk, you're hearing consistently that the prices here are about 75 percent
of what normal asking price is. So any mundane goods that are on sale here in the market
seem to be going for about a 15 percent discount than what you would expect in a larger city.
As you're perusing the stalls you see an unfamiliar fellow, walking through the streets he's
gawking about like you a little bit, obviously new to town. You have just bumped into Marcus.
If you wish to introduce yourselves or let the opportunity pass either way is up to you. What
would you like to do?

Fenwarin: I'd like to greet him.

GM: All right. Markus, This man is approaching you. Fenwarin please introduce yourself and
describe your character.

Fenwarin: My name's Fenwarin Balron. I'm an elf, I'm about 5'7. I guess the most remarkable
thing about Fenwarin is that he has a very gaunt face so he looks sickly but he is healthy, and
very calm emerald green eyes, and he has a brown and green cloak on him and a small

Markus: Well Markus is obviously just looking around taking in the sights of the town as it

Fenwarin: "Are you finding anything interesting?"

Markus: "Hmm. Oh hello. I'm only just arrived so I'm just trying to get my bearings right now.
Anything in particular you recommend?"

Fenwarin: "Well I mean the prices are very good here and I mean if you're looking for
somewhere to stay or eat, I just came from the Rusty Dragon and I found that to be very very
nice. So if you could if you'd like to go there?"

Fenwarin: "Oh yes, that was one of the things I was going to be looking for somewhere to
stay for a few days certainly, yes. The Rusty Dragon an interesting name. Where is that?"

GM: The Rusty Dragon is located at number thirty eight I believe. Let me double check... 37, I
was one off, so close.

Markus: So almost literally over there.

GM: Yeah. Instead of wandering to the right to The Rusty Dragon you went to the left and
wound up in the marketplace, from building 40 The Merchantile League. When you left it.
Markus: Yeah OK, does Fenwarin point it out or provide directions?

Fenwarin: Well I'm a pretty nice person so I'll probably lead him to it just to make sure he
gets there.

GM: All right. The Rusty Dragon, this large structure is Sandpoints oldest inn, notable for the
impressive and quite rusty iron dragon that looms on the building's roof, doubling as a
lightning rod and decoration. It is owned and operated. By the lovely and popular Ameiko
Kajitsu. The Rusty Dragon is not only one of the town's most popular eateries, made so in
large part by the spicy and exotic food served there, but also as a great place to meet visitors
from out of town. Since most newcomers to Sandpoint come upon this first as the north
western stretch of the Lost Coast Road is less traveled. It certainly doesn't hurt that Ameiko's
beauty is more than matched by her skill at music, and fewer the evenings that pass without
at least two or three songs being performed by the talented woman.

Markus: "So if you've been in town long yourself?"

Fenwarin: "Oh I just arrived yesterday. So I've been staying here and then I decided to go to
the market and look around."

Markus: "Excellent. Well I'm always keen to get recommendations from other travellers about
good places to stay so thank you." And with that Marcus will head inside to see about getting

GM: All right as you enter the rusty Dragon the first thing you notice is it's getting close to
lunchtime, the place is filling up quite nicely. There's a halfling barmaid serving tables Ameiko
is behind the bar cleaning glasses and stocking the bar with new stock that just arrived from
the ships. And next to the bar is a "help wanted" board with a bunch of things taped onto it. As
you enter there's somebody hanging up something and then they turn to leave, as they do it
erupts in fire like flash paper and goes up in smoke. Emeiko quickly turns and yells. "I told you
not to hang that anymore! If you do it again you're not going to be allowed in here!" - "I'm
sorry. I'm sorry it's just the things out there! It keeps flying over my farm. Someone needs to
deal with it! How do I put up help wanted if the thing burst into flames every time I put it up!?"
This catches the attention of both you and most of the patronage at the rusty dragon. What
would you like to do specifically? As the scene starts to unfold.
Markus: Would I know anything that would cause something like that?

GM: Knowledge Local. Morana. Is that how that name is pronounced? You're also in
attendance. You see this happen.

Morana: Oh. Mm hmm. Well that's... I guess the same knowledge check would apply then?

GM: Certainly.

Markus: Are you allowing us to do knowledge checks untrained?

GM: Yes for certain DCs. Yes. If you are wanting something specific you will need to be
trained for anything of a DC 10 or higher. But general knowledge of DC 10 or below. Yeah you
can make those untrained.

Markus: Okay. I was also wondering if I would know anything that might magically make
things like that repeatedly catching fire but...

GM: That would be a knowledge arcane check.

Markus: OK well let's start with untrained local and then arcana.

GM: Morana Is that how you pronounce your name Morana?

Morana: Oh yes.

GM: Are you trained in local Morana?

Morana: I am yes.

GM: OK cool. All right. Neither of you can think of anything magical that would cause this.
Nothing specific. There's any number of spells that can cause things to burst into flames, but
most of them require proximity, concentration, spells to be cast. You didn't really notice any of
that happening especially nothing that would cause recurrences, unless it was someone
playing a trick like some nefarious gnome, or other fey following some poor hapless wit
around. As far as knowledge local goes Marcus you're not aware of anything specific. Your
first thoughts kind of drift to curses and then you laugh it off, but Morana you are aware of
tales of the Sandpoint Devil. And legends states that seeing the Sandpoint devil is an omen of
doom. Some great tragedy will be fall a region if even one person claims to have seen the
Sandpoint Devil in actuality. Any evidence of the Sandpoint Devil such as hair or a severed
hoof, or a fang from its maw, or a scrap of its wings, the leathery bat like membranes of its
wings, or anything like that, that is supposed to have come from the Sandpoint devil, even
artistic representations or descriptions of it are known to spontaneously combust.

Morana: Mm hmm. Well she's gonna speak up from where she's sitting and say, (Clears
Throat) "Have you seen this personally?"

GM: You turn to this man who's standing there talking to Ameiko. He's dressed as a farmer
obviously a peasant from the Hinterlands just outside of town. "Seen it? No but I heard it
screams! Flapping all over the place. Oh it's terrifying! I'd stay inside! I dare not look at it!"

Morana: "Mm hmm. I see, so you were writing down what you'd heard or...?"

GM: "Write it? ah ha ha writing? Yeah! Yeah I was I was writing." Ameiko looks a little
nonplussed and goes, "He drew it. He doesn't know how to read or write."

Morana: "Oh, that's terrible. Drew it?" She looks at the table and there's what looks like might
be a doll on the table in front of her and she says, "He should, he should be more careful
shouldn't he? Well maybe just a little... Accidents have a way of happening when you start
talking about certain kinds of things. And anyway, that is troublesome."

GM: "Are you an adventurer? Could you kill the nasty beast and set our region free of its
terrible curse?"

Morana: "I never never directly kill something. I mean that's that's not.. wouldn't be my
purpose, That's no no no no. Things just have a way of happening you know? Its just how
how life works."

GM: "What about you?" and he turns to you Markus since you're in the vicinity and you
haven't walked away yet.

Markus: "Umm Not really my expertise area, killing monsters I assume you're talking about? I
could help if somebody wanted to, but... not my... not my talent."
GM: "Okay I guess I'll just go live in terror then!" He goes to leave Ameiko watches him leave.
Kind of an expression of good riddance on her face.

Morana: Morana calls after him. "Maybe the gods will protect you!?"

Markus: "Be kind. He's obviously in, well, distress of some sort."

Morana: He looks over at you and says, "I was."

Markus: "You consider that kind?"

Morana: "Oh what part of life do you consider kind?" The woman looking at you is, she looks
human but she has, her hair is like a metallic orange color and her eyes are a rubier shade of
red. And she has kind of this almost like a wide eyed innocent expression to her.

Markus: "Life can be cruel if that's the point you're making. I acknowledge that but it can also
be kind. Gods do protect."

Morana: "I'm not saying that life is cruel or kind. I'm saying that it's purely chance."

Markus: "You don't believe in fate, destiny, the will of the gods?"

Morana: "(Chuckles) The will of the gods? Oh my. You can set forth all the plans you want,
the end will come when you least expect it in some random way and it won't matter. She looks
back at the doll again, you would think that people would understand by now. Oh wow."

Markus: "Well, you obviously feel... I almost want to say strongly about that but, you
obviously believe it so, lets just say we have a difference of opinion there."

Morana: She just looks at you blinking the whole time you're saying this.

Markus: "Anyway. This is not quite..."

Morana: "You probably just haven't seen enough yet."

Markus: "I suspect we have very different perspectives, and I've seen my share of things."
For reference, Markus, I don't think I described him look sort of like, maybe early 20s human,
maybe even late teens.

Morana: Morana is, you'd say she's probably around 30, early 30s somewhere around there.
It's hard to tell though with the whole wide eyed look.

Markus: "Well I came in here with the plan of finding accommodation. So thank you for your
thoughts certainly. And yes I'm sure I'll see you around if you're also staying here."

Morana: "Oh more than likely."

Morana: And with that Marcus heads towards the bartender or whoever it looks like they'd be
in charge of rooms.

GM: That would be Ameiko behind the bar.

Markus: Marcus I'll walk up and try to get her attention.

GM: All right. As you approach. She looks at you and says "Oh what can I get for you dear?

Markus: "I was hoping to arrange your room if you still have any free?"

GM: "Oh. I wish I did. Honestly but with the festival only a couple of days away. I'm booked

Markus: "Actually, any of the other inns in town that do?"

GM: "You could try the White Deer. It's up north, fewer travelers, it might be still having a
vacancy or two. I hope for your case. Oh my. Good luck."

Markus: "I will manage. Thank you." With that he'll turn to to leave.

GM: Marcus you exit the Rusty Dragon. Morana, what are you doing?

Morana: Was there anything left of the paper that burnt up to ashes or anything?
GM: No just like flash paper, there's not much of anything left but smoke. There's still a hole
Help Wanted board. It seems as if other than just a quick little bit of singeing nothing was
really affected.

Fenwarin: Oh she'll probably take a look at that and see what what all is on the board.

GM: Okay, are you looking for anything specific or are you just perusing it for now to kill time?

Markus: Yeah just a general glance to see who's looking for what.

GM: Okay. There's a few things that kind of catch your eye. The headmaster of the local
school slash orphanage is requesting help to catch his pet that has escaped. There is a
request to go out into the hinterlands to one of the mines near the Devil's Plateau or Devil's
Platter rather, and rescue a pair of Dwarven brothers who are out there that haven't been
heard of for about a week. That one's posted by the mayor herself. She's a little concerned
about them and there is... obviously the whole thing about the potential of the Sandpoint Devil
being around that there is now a obvious vacant spot, that one really caught your interest.

Morana: Yeah not too much else that...

GM: The sheriff has posted up a note about some goblins being spotted down at Junk Beach.
It's more of like a public service announcement of "hey they've been sighted. Be cautious if in
that area."

Morana: Always the goblins. Mm hmm. Trying to think what else she could try to do.

GM: There's a few of the notes that are kind of old and worn. Just kind of like notes that have
been up there for long, general statement things like there's a man by the name of Bordert
Quank who is requesting artifacts of Thassalonian or Aslanty nature. If you have them see
him. There's an advertisement for the Goblins Stomp Stables, on if you need a ride, to
purchase a mount or want to sell one, come see him at the goblin stomp, and an herbalist
type thing, of needing herbs and other healing curatives. If you have any of those for sale
bring them to Hannah's with directions on where Hannah's is at, or if you need any healing or
basic treatments of common maladies, come see Hannah. Theres an ad for Vernah's fine
clothing. If you need your future read, your palm read, come see Madame Mvashti's house.

Morana: Ooh, that one could be interesting. She makes a note of that for later.
GM: There's a playbill for the Sandpoint theatre, and it looks like they've got performances.
They're going to be going on, over the festival week.

Morana: Now is this the first she's heard someone talking about recent experiences with this
so-called Devil.

GM: Rumors have existed for decades, decades if not centuries. People see it on occasion,
supposedly. It's more often heard of this frightful baying and flapping, descriptions tell of it
being a extremely large horse like on the size of like a Clydesdale, with a mouth like an
alligator, tail like a snake, the wings of a bat and like lions paws. But but no one knows for
sure. Those few that have seen it have seen it so briefly that they either have gone mad and
have been sent out to the sanitarium just outside of town, or are completely unbelieved, or die
in some tragic manner mere weeks after spotting it. So all that lives on is their recounting and
you know how that goes? The whole grapevine thing.

Morana: Yeah of course.

GM: So who can say what's actually real about this creature other than the consistency of the
descriptions always including horse type figure with large bat like wings and, you know,
General demonic terror.

Morana: Ameiko said he has posted this multiple times, Morana will look over at Ameiko and
say "just how long has he been posting those things anyway?"

GM: "Oh every couple days for the past week or so."

Morana: "Mmmm. Interesting."

GM: "No, it it's quite unfortunate. The man's clearly touched in the head. It's a sad state. And
if he wasn't such a good farmer, we might have him sent to the sanitarium."

Morana: "Well, you know, some, some things have a way of working themselves out. You

GM: "Maybe the isolation out there is just getting to him?"

Morana: "It can do that, anyway. See you another time." And she's going to pick up the doll
off the table and see what's going on out around town.

GM: Ok.You head out of the Rusty Dragon. Meanwhile, at number 42, the Fatman's Feedbag
Fenwarin, you walk into the Fat Man deciding that it is time to finally find your meal for the
midday. If the Hagfish is Sandpoints most popular tavern, the Fatman's Feedbag is its most
notorious. From what you overheard in the marketplace outside, bar fights are common and
Sheriff Hemlock typically has to come down two or three times a week to sort things out when
things grow particularly violent or loud. The majority of the clientele here appears to be
Varisian scoundrel's or less than reputable sailors.

Fenwarin: Well, I wanted to take a look around Sandpoint, so might as well see what all the
fuss is about. So I enter Fatman.

GM: All right. As you look around the bar, it's pretty lively and also fairly packed. They seem to
serve good food here despite its poor reputation because of the Sandpoint Festival, the town
not being too large, it's not a big building and it's one of those like hole in the wall types, very
limited seating. There's only one open seat that you see. And it's at the table with a rat folk.
Cornelius, having just arrived in the city a few hours ago on a fishing boat for Magnimar. You
made your way from the docks and this was the first place you found. You came in quietly,
ordered whatever you wanted and...

Deadeye: I'll just get whatever the cheapest ale is. Want me to describe myself?

GM: Yes. Yes, please.

Deadeye: All right, so sitting at this table, sort of bent over this drink a little bit, you see,
probably nothing you've ever seen before. Or at least that many of, you see a about four foot
tall, rat type person. With a tail, fur. And you see, looking at his face, You can you can see
over the drink, you see he's got a gray fur face, he is wearing like an Indiana Jone style hat,
like a fedora type of thing with ears sticking out. And you see he's got an eyepatch, on one of
his eyes. The other one is a bright green color. He is wearing like a large duster overcoat, you
can see bits of leather peeking through the jacket, with bits of metal shoved into it. And he is
basically just sitting there slowly drinking his drink. Not really making too much eye contact
with other folk.
Fenwarin: Ok. Well, Fenwarin has never come across his kind before, so he's initially a little
shocked to see this in front of him, but he squeezes out. "Um I'm sorry, sir. Could I maybe sit
here and, and order some food and a drink?"

Deadeye: I'll go ahead, join this person and say "Sure ,I don't mind."

Fenwarin: "I appreciate it." And I call over someone that can take an order if there's
something like.

GM: Ok, a large, burly man. Comes over to assist you. He's enormous. He introduces himself
as Grecelle. "What do you to have?"

Fenwarin: "Oh, yes. Um may I have your cheapest ale and a what do you have on offer for
food today?"

GM: "Fish".

Fenwarin: "And what kind of fish?"

GM: "Fish fish."

Fenwarin: "Ok. I'll just have the fish then. Thank you."

GM: "Good." He walks away. Couple minutes later, he comes back with a plate that's got like
a potato broth and some stewed vegetables and a fish laid in like a shallow bowl. The liquid of
the broth only covers about half the fish. The fish has not been scaled. It has not been filleted.
It is whole. Eye looking at you. It's not gasping for air, so it's definitely dead... You think. Lays
that down in front of you. Your drink next to it. "Enjoy." Turns to walk away.

Fenwarin: I look at the rat in front of me and I ask. "So um how long have you been here?"

Deadeye: "Oh, not long, just a few hours."

Fenwarin: " Oh I see. So are you here for the festival that's coming around or are you looking
for something else?"
Deadeye: "Yeah, looking for work mostly. The festival is interesting, but work is mostly what
brings me here."

Fenwarin: "I see I'm sorry, by the way, if I seem a little off. I've never, never seen your kind
before. So it's..."

Deadeye: "Yeah, they're ain't too may of us."

Fenwarin: "So I guess you're used to it."

Deadeye: "Well, yes. I get stares, a lot, the occasional rude word. I've come to expect it." I
stare down at my drink and just take a big long swig of it.

Fenwarin: I'm just picking up my fish and looking at it and see if there's anything I can
actually eat from it. The plate is disgusting. I sample the potato broth.

GM: Despite its appearance, it actually tastes fairly good.

Fenwarin: "Well, not as bad as it looks, and I am hungry, so I'll just power through."

GM: As you take your spoon and tap onto the fish to like kind of cut into it, it just falls apart.
It's so tender and well cooked. The aroma, as soon as you do this, then hits you. And this is
one of the best white fish meals you've ever had. Before you know it you've eaten the whole
thing, including the eyeball.

Deadeye: "Guess you were hungry."

Fenwarin: "Oh, it was it was delicious. I, I didn't expect it. You should try it. If you haven't. So

Deadeye: "It was very good, I had some earlier. What brings you in town? If I may ask?"

Fenwarin: "I've been mostly looking around and seeing the sights, and when I heard about
the festival, I wanted to at least stay in town to see that one. But I'd like to travel. So mostly,
mostly traveling and meeting new people."
Deadeye: "Thats a good reason as any. The festival should be fun. I'm not much for
churches, but festivities are always fun."

Fenwarin: "I'm hoping it will be something to remember by at least before I leave this place
for... I'm not sure where I'm going next."

Deadeye: "Well, I'm sorry I ah, was rather rude. I haven't introduced myself. My name is
Deadeye. But at least that's what folks call me."

Fenwarin: "Oh, Deadeye eh? The name's Fenwarin."

Deadeye: "Nice to meet you." And I'll just tip my hat down.

Fenwarin: I pick up my cup and drink my ale.

GM: All right. Taury, you have made it into the Hagfish. Being familiar with town, anything
you're doing specific or you just wanted to come here because of nostalgia? What's going on
with you?

Taury: Well, can I see the owner?

GM: Of course.

Taury: So I would walk in and immediately having seen Jargie, I would go "Jargie! Oh,
friend." And I would walk up to, to like plant a big hug with like a super manly ass pat on the
back of his back.

GM: He squints at you as you're hugging him and goes "Oh, lass you've grown! I haven't
seen you in how long?"

Taury: "Too long, friend, too long. What news of Sandpoint?"

GM: "Oh Festival's coming up. He's gonna dedicate the new chapel after the late
unpleasantness. It's time for, for new things and better beginnings."

Taury: "Indeed, indeed friend, rooms. Have you a bed for me? You usually do."
GM: "Ah hey sorry, I don't. Too many people coming into town for this, this festival. It's gonna
be quite the shindig."

Taury: "Not sure if I like all these visitors in town."

GM: He shrugs. "Can't stay with your brother?"

Taury: "Oh, yeah. You haven't seen him? No."

GM: "I have."

Taury: I would look definitely surprised at this.

GM: "He's been spending a lot of time at the House of Blues Stones, but when he's not there,
I, I hear he's working as one of the bouncers for the ah the," He kind of grimaces, "for the
Pixies Kitten."

Taury: "For the what old friend?"

GM: "The Pixies Kitten. Have you been gone that long?"

Taury: "It would seem so."

GM: "Oh, it's the local brothel. I thought it was around when you were still here, but maybe
not. It has been a long time."

Taury: "Yes, yes definitely, too long." I would definitely be grimacing at this, looking around
seeing if there's anybody interesting in the in the bar behind him or around him.

GM: It looks like local fare, but also lot of sailors and a few visitors that look like obvious
merchants or religious types here for the dedication in a couple days of the new chapel.

Taury: What kind of religious types?

GM: Sarenrae, Erastil, Abadar, Gozreh.

Taury: Okay. Well, as soon as I see those people, I would definitely make a point of turning
around to leave abruptly. "Well, I must go. It's getting late."

GM: "Take care lass!"

Taury: "And you old friend!" and I'm gonna leave the bar

GM: Alright.

Taury: Is there anywhere near where I am that I know of that has an inn?

GM: I'm trying to think if you're aware of anything that might have accommodations that aren't
really considered inns.

Taury: Yeah. Pretty much anything with a bed. She's not particularly fussy.

GM: Yeah. Mm hmm.

Taury: In fact, actually, are there any sailors that she would recognise in the area, like on the
docks there?

GM: There are a couple. Mostly fishermen.

Taury: They busy?

GM: They seem to be.

Taury: Ok then I probably wouldn't bother them, so I probably just walk up the streets to try
and see where there are less people, and see if I can see a sign that has some kind of cheap
looking inn, That isn't highly populated around the roadside inn.

GM: As you're walking around, there are two places that come to mind where it's a large
enough building where there should be a bed, but nobody is really there. That is Madame
Mvashti's house, or the place known as Risa's Place.

Taury: Does Madame's place look like a brothel?

GM: It does not.

Taury: Ok. Well, then I would definitely go up there.

GM: All right. Although from the outside, this appears to be an ancient, decrepit manor house
with several rooms. It is well known that only one person lives in this old b, building. Ancient
and mysterious Niska Mvashti has supposedly been around since the founding of Sandpoint
decades ago. She is the local Varisian historian and seer. Part of a long tradition of oracles in
her family, supposedly. And as with many seers, the current ages unexpected departure from
established prophecies has left her with a lifelong sense of brooding worry. She performs
most of her readings with Harrow cards or carved bones, but seems only very rarely to enjoy
casting her predictions. She has long complained that the yearly travels of her extended
family hurt her bones, and when Sandpoint was founded as part of the accord with the
Sandpoint Mercantile League, the local Varisians demanded a large manor house be built for
their respected elder. Once she passed away, the House was to revert to the town's property.
However, she has proven exceptionally tenacious and long lived. She survives with support
from a volunteer who helps and her daughter, Koya Mavashti. She openly curses and spits at
anyone she knows belongs to the Sczarni. Druids from the hinterlands, make weekly visits to
her home and help her along on the long walk she still enjoys in the nearby countryside. So
yeah, she's got a large manor and there might be a room there if you can convince her.

Taury: Oh, yeah. I'm going to try and do that.

GM: Ok, you knock on the door and it's answered by her daughter, Koya.

Taury: "Koya, is your mother there by any chance?" I have ah business.

GM: "She's out for a walk right now. Do I know you?" You see a female clad in the clerical
vestments of Desna.

Taury: "No, I ah, I'm a visitor for the weekend"

GM: "Oh."

Taury: "I was looking for a room."

GM: "Oh,"
Taury: "I was hoping you mother might be available to help me."

GM: "Are, the inns all full?"

Taury: "Indeed. You are my last hope."

GM: "Oh."

Taury: And she says that with like with a bitter sort of biting her lip

GM: "Well please come in."

Taury: "Many thanks."

GM: She nods and opens the door for you.

Taury: Yeah, I walk in .

GM: You see, as you enter the foyer, parlour, whatever, the first room right there, often its a
den, I guess maybe, it's decorated and outfitted in exactly what you would expect from a palm
reader type place.

Taury: Just curtains everywhere.

GM: Yeah the traditional Varisian decor.

Taury: It's the 60's.

GM: Yeah, to call it.

Taury: Her house is the 60s.

GM: Yeah, to call it kitsch or gauche wouldn't be enough.

Taury: Yeah, I would definitely...

GM: Gaudy isn't even enough of a word for this establishment.

Taury: Yeah, I would look definitely uncomfortable at this point.

GM: And on top of all of that, it's all old. It's clean. It's not like dusty or anything because, I
mean, there are people here cleaning it and whatnot, but it is definitely aged stuff.

Taury: Great.

Morana: Smell that patchouli.

GM: Yeah. I'm not going to say you instantly regret your decision coming here.

Taury: Oh, I do.

GM: Ok.

Taury: I absolutely do. The minute I met this other lady and it wasn't the right lady, regret,

GM: All right. As a cleric of Desna being a goddess of travellers, she's almost honor bound by
her Goddess to give you a room. So you do have a room here free of charge.

Taury: Excellent

GM: As long as you help out with a few tasks.

Taury: Tell me more about these tasks.

GM: Help feed mother. Help change mother. Help mother

Taury: That's not, that's not happening.

GM: Help give her mother her medicine, she hates that.

Taury: I might do that, at a push.

GM: If you could hold her down that would be great

Taury: Oh I would do that yeah.

GM: Ok, that will get you a room for sure. Not meals. This isn't an inn, but you do have a
place to sleep. At the very least, that will be safe and warm and dry.

Taury: Yeah well I'll probably eat in the Hagfish.

GM: Alright

Taury: So she showed me a room.

GM: Yes

Taury: Has she left?

GM: Yes. She leaves you to the room to unpack if you have anything that needs unpacking.
You are in a upper room, kind of like a second story, third story loft. This is a manor. So I
guess it would be third story.

Taury: Is it like a big room or like a small box room type thing?

GM: It's bigger than you expected you would be getting. It's definitely bigger than a normal
Inn's room. You could fit two or three other people in here easily.

Taury: Hmmm. Where is the bed? Is the bed in the middle of the room?

GM: No, it's it's off to one side. There's one window that looks out onto the streets. What
number are we at? Number 28, so you're looking out across the way on to Prickleback Lane
from this window. You can see the Market if you kind of turn your head and kind of strain to
see it.

Taury: Hmmm. So I would walk in and take off my sort of like fur cloak that I have and my
backpack and the weapons that I have,I would sort of tuck them all into like a small sort of
pile, I suppose you'd call it, at the side, one of the ends of the bed. And if the bed is not
directly under the window, I would move it under the window and then I would kneel at the
window and take out, there's like a statuette that I have in my backpack. It's kind of ugly and
horrific. It's sort of like two figures. And one of them is like chewing the other one. And I would
put that in front of me and I would kneel down and start praying silently.

GM: Ok. As you were getting stuff ready and looking out the window, you see a lot of people
dressed as not the Sandpoint commoner style. Not Varisian style. Clearly from Magnimar or
other places. There's also a lot of people here dressed as commoners, but obviously from the
Hinterlands or beyond, that are roaming around in the market, in the streets. It is a much
busier place than you recall.

Taury: Is it loud, I assume?

GM: Not loud enough to distract you from your prayers. But. It's not quiet. There is definitely a
bustle about the streets.

Taury: At what time of day is it roughly?

GM: It's getting close to two or so in the afternoon.

Taury: Ok. I would probably go and have a short nap after my prayers because I've just
traveled for probably on foot for the most part from kind of a great distance.

GM: Alright.

Taury: And after that, then I would maybe go somewhere else, but I would definitely be
napping, with my eyes appearing to be wide open because they're just pale white. So she
looks like her eyes are always open.

GM: Give me a perception check.

Taury: Okey dokey. If I can find it.

GM: All right. When you awaken, you find toys around your room that you didn't put there. In

Taury: Weren't they there the whole time?

GM: ... you don't remember there being any toys in this room. There there's a red bouncy ball
that's popular among children. From a long time ago. You didn't, you haven't seen any
children play with this type of toy for at least a decade. That seems to be sitting right by your
head on the bed.

Taury: I did it just appear there.

GM: Well, you were asleep. You wake up and it's there.

Taury: Ok

GM: Then there's other toys scattered about the room. Old toys like horse carts and those like
wooden ducks with the flappy leather feet or whatever that you pull. Yeah, those types of

Taury: Are any of them moving at this at this moment?

GM: No.

Taury: No. Well, when I wake up, I'll probably throw the ball on the floor because it probably
get in my face. So I probably just throw it over on the floor and I wouldn't really pass a huge
amount of notice to the toys. I definitely think it was a touch odd, but I just assumed that some
child's somewhere came in maybe and was playing and I didn't notice it.

GM: Give me,

Taury: It would be definitely odd that I didn't notice it.

GM: another perception check.

GM: Ok. As you throw the ball, you hear very faint laughter as if it's coming from outside.

Taury: I would rush to the window and look, but trying to hide my face from looking at the

GM: Yeah, there are no children in the street.

Taury: This is fine. Ah, where did the ball go?

GM: It's back on the bed, next to the pillow.

Taury: Now I'm going to throw it again.

GM: Give me another perception check. Ok, you see it bounce, it looks like it hits the wall or
something and bounces back and lands right back near the pillow.

Taury: And there's there's no noise again?

GM: You don't really hear anything, you don't notice anything.

Taury: And are there are there any cupboards in the room, any kind of wardrobes, presser's,
anything like that?

GM: There is.

Taury: So I would take the ball and walk over to one of the presses like a wardrobe, shove it
into one of the drawers and then just close the drawer and just sit back and see if anything

GM: Perception check. You feel a slight tug on your clothing, but by your left leg and hear a
faint like whispered crying of 'play with me'.

Taury: I'm going to ignore that, and go back to the bed and start packing my like essentials.

GM: Ok. Just packing your stuff up huh?

Taury: I mean I'm not running anywhere yet. I'm just packing my stuff. Just in case.

GM: Ok, sure.

Taury: Anything else weird happen while I'm packing?

GM: Perception check.

Taury: So many perception checks.

GM: The little pull duck starts moving around the room a little bit.

Taury: Ok.

GM: Not like it's being dragged by someone running around, but like just a couple inches or
so, every few moments.

Taury: Oh, I'm so torn on how she would respond to this. At this point I would pick up my
staff, my walking stick, and I would just sort of lunge it at the duck, but not to crush it, just to
stop it from moving, sort of just holding it in place. Did you see if anything else starts moving
when I stop it?

GM: Ok. Roll me attack role.

Taury: Ok. So I just press attack and with the staff yeah?

GM: Yeah. All right. You manage to put the staff right across it's path so it can't be pulled
anywhere. But it still looks like it's trying to be pulled and it's bumping into the staff.

Taury: So I can yeah. Ok.

GM: But you don't really feel any resistance on your staff. You just hear the click of it every
once in a while as it smacks into the staff. There's like no force there at all. Just the weight of
your staff in your hand is enough to stop it from moving.

Taury: Can I see if this is any kind of magic?

GM: Arcane.

Taury: And where do that be? Knowledge, I assume?

GM: Yes

Taury: Yeah, I don't have any proficiency in that. So.

GM: All right, spellcraft could also be a possibility for you.

Taury: Which I do have. So.

GM: Spellcraft of five. You are aware of the very prevalent spell, the can trip known as
prestidigitation, as well as mage hand, mage hand can manipulate and move any object
within 30 feet of the caster. That is not a magical object. It can lift up to five pounds of weight.
It's very useful for many mages. Prestidigitation has a nice effect where it can apply up to a
pound of force on an object, so the pushing or pulling could be from that type of application of

Taury: Ok.

GM: You're thinking magically someone could be pulling a prank on you.

Taury: That's absolutely what I'm thinking at this point.

GM: Yeah.

Taury: So at this point, I would sigh heavily, I'd lift up my staff and call out "Show yourself

GM: Perception check.

Morana: Straight to fiend. No fun.

Taury: It's my character dude.

GM: You see nothing, but you feel a slight breeze and you hear 'play with me'.

Taury: I will not. I am busy. She's starting to get slightly irritated at this point. You could hear
that in her voice.

GM: You hear now several different voices, all as if coming from the same spot, all speaking
at the same time. 'Play with me, play with me, play with me. Play with me. Play with me.'
Taury: Okay, this is fine. This is fine.

GM: If the voices run the gamut of age and sex, as if a dozen or so people are all saying the
same things simultaneously.

Taury: And with mage hand, how close would someone have to be to cast it?

GM: The closest would be 30 feet.

Taury: I'm gonna go over and open the door.

GM: You open the door.

Taury: Anybody in the hallway?

GM: There's no one.

Taury: And what was the lady, the daughter, what was her name?

GM: Koya.

Taury: I'm going to call out for Koya.

Morana: For we are legion.

GM: From downstairs, from the first floor, you hear her call up? "Yes, dear. Do you need

Taury: I'm just going to shout her name again.

GM: "Do you need more blankets?"

Taury: Going to continue to just call out for her until she actually arrives here. Does she come

GM: Eventually she comes up. "What? What do you want? Can you not come down? Or at
least answer me like a civilised person? It's only courteous."
Taury: "I am not civilised. I'm not in the business of being civilised, nor apparently are these
voices. You hear them? Yes?"

GM: "What voices?"

Taury: "Don't be coy with me. The voices in the room with the toys."

GM: She looks around the room. "What toys?"

Taury: Can I roll to see if she is being a little bit of a liar.

GM: No, as you turn around, turning your focus from getting her attention by yelling down the
stairs back into the room. There are no toys, and the voices have stopped. Somewhere along
the line of you yelling down for her, they stopped.

Taury: Well, at this point, I'm convinced that it's her that did it. And I'm just staring at her like
with a pretty fearsome look, of like this is super not funny.

GM: "What do you need?"

Taury: "Silence and rest."

GM: She looks confused.

Taury: She thinks I'm insane doesn't she?

GM: Sense motive... You're not getting a good read on her.

Taury: As in I can't tell or she's being some kind of shady...

GM: As in you can't tell. She seems to be genuinely confused of what you're talking about.
And as you're trying to like size her up and get a good feel for if she was the culprit or not, she
goes, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Taury: "I do believe I am having a nightmare right now." And I'm just gonna go back into the
room and close the door...
GM: "What?"

Taury: Slamming it.

GM: You hear from the other side a muffled "what?"

Taury: That's it. Packing my shit, leaving the fucking room.

GM: All right.

Taury: Is she still out there when I walk past?

GM: Yeah, still extremely confused.

Taury: Just gonna keep walking.

GM: She looks in the room, sees all your stuff's packed up, "Will you not be staying with us
then?" She yells down the stairs as you're leaving.

Taury: I don't reply. I just leave.

GM: All right. Taury is exited Madame's chateau, walks out into the street, turns towards the
market and sees a face she recognizes, having recently left the Fatman's Feedbag. You see
Cornelius. You see Cornelius...

Taury: Ok

GM: Or Deadeye walking through the stalls.

Deadeye: Well, you would know my name is Cornelius.

Taury: Yeah, I don't know that your name is Cornelius do I?

Deadeye: Yeah you do.

Taury: Oh, I do?

Deadeye: You're probably the only once who does.

Taury: OK, sweet. So how far away is he roughly?

GM: Um, there is a crowd between the two of you 'cause of the market, but close enough that
you recognize him.

Taury: And is he with anybody? Is he on his own? Does he look busy?

GM: That is a great question. Fenwarin, would you have accompanied him after having your
meal and discussing stuff?

Deadeye: Like I would have just left on my own, if you came with me, I wouldn't like turn you
away, but like that's up to you.

Fenwarin: I'll go with your choice here so, you're alone this time then.

GM: Alright we will circle back with what Fenwarin did in a little bit then.

Taury: So is he doing anything specifically Cornelius? Is he looking for anybody? Is he...?

Deadeye: Just looking around probably. I don't look like I'm looking around right? Just
looking at the stalls to see what there is.

Taury: Yes so I'd walk over to him, just sort of casually, just bustle through the crowd and nod
at him as I'm approaching him.

Deadeye: Are you approaching him from his left or his right?

Taury: Ah that would depend on which building is which number furtive.

GM: You walking out of 28 and heading down into 35.

Deadeye: Yeah thats where I was, there with you, I'd turn to you and say, "Taury it's been a
Taury: "Indeed it has Cornelius. You ever been to Sandpoint before?"

Deadeye: "Oh, once before, many years ago."

Taury: "It's a miserable place, but I love it."

Deadeye: "Oh haven't seen you out in a while. :

Taury: I've been doing things.

Deadeye: "Things huh? Very good news."

Taury: "Where are you staying?"

Deadeye: Well, did I arrive today or earlier?

GM: Yeah. You just arrived a few hours ago."

Deadeye: "So far I haven't found a place, the Hagfish didn't seem to be full."

Taury: "Yes, the festival, seems to be taking all the good places, even the bad places." Is
there a sign towards the Hagfish around?

GM: The Hagfish is over at 33.

Deadeye: Yeah you could probably see that.

Taury: Yeah so I would point to that as well.

Deadeye: "I haven't found a place yet, have you?"

Taury: "Of sorts."

Taury: "Of sorts?"

Taury: "Ye§s, well I was going to get some lunch. Did you want to join me?"
Taury: "Its been a few hours since Ive eaten sure."

Taury: "Excellent." And I would start walking towards the Hagfish again.

GM: Alright. Fenwarin when you left, which way would you have turned? Since you were not
accompanying Deadeye?

Fenwarin: Ah, lets see... Where was the Fatman?

GM: 42.

Fenwarin: Ok. I will probably go up Salmon Street to the left and up to Market Street.

GM: Ok. Back to the Rusty Dragon?

Fenwarin: Yeah, I think it would go back there.

GM: Ok. That's 37 right at the end of Salmon Street.

Fenwarin: Yup. And I think, uh. Do, you can you sleep there in the Rusty Dragon?

GM: Yeah, it's an inn.

Fenwarin: I'd probably wanna grab a room and take a nap.

GM: Ok. When you go in to reserve a room, there are no vacancies.

Fenwarin: Ah, of course. Right. So I asked the inn keep if he knows, or she knows any
places that could have any vacancies at all.

GM: She doesn't. Other than going and trying at, The White Deer, she doesn't think anywhere
will have any vacancies.

Fenwarin: Ok. I thank the inn keep and I decide to move to The White Deer and see if I have
any luck at all.
GM: All right. The White Deer is number 3. Was anyone else heading to the White Deer? I

Markus: Yes. Markus was.

GM: Ok and Morana, were you just hanging out at the Rusty Dragon? What were you doing?

Morana: She had left. I didn't really have any place in mind for her to go right now. I guess
she could end up there. The only other place I could think that she might have gone would be
to go visit her, her her friend in town and see if he had heard anything about this farmer.

GM: Ok. Let's go with the friend then. And remind me who that is in a moment.

Markus: All right.

GM: Markus and Fenwarin, you both arrive around the church area, the square in front of the
new church at about the same time, kind of from different directions as you're wandering
through town. And realize fairly quickly after greeting each other for a second time that you're
headed in about the same direction up towards The White Deer.

Fenwarin: "I see we meet again."

Markus: "You also looking for accommodation? I thought you had somewhere?"

Fenwarin: "I did sleep at the Rusty Dragon, but now when I went back, it's completely full and
I asked the inn keep if they knew any anywhere you could stay and they only had The White
Deer to recommend, to try at least."

Markus: "Yes. Same. Well, shall we see if they have and then given the scarcity of rooms, if
they have one, now, maybe we could share it?"

Fenwarin: "I mean, if it's if it's really sparse, Yeah, we can do that. I don't mind."

Markus: "Other than that, my other plan is find somewhere to sleep outside of town, which
wouldn't be my first choice."
Fenwarin: "It wouldn't be my first choice either, but if worse comes to worse. That's what we
have to do."

Markus: "Well, let's see what fate holds for us, shall we?"

Fenwarin: "Yeah, after you."

GM: All right. You enter The White Deer, you walk by the pair of wooden deer outside and you
enter to this brand new but what seems like building three stories tall, a stone first floor and
wooden upper floors, dozens of large rooms that each look to accommodate two to three
guests easily, a somber, quiet Shoanti man named Garridan and approaches you. He
introduces himself as Garridan. "Ah guests, welcome."

Markus: How busy is it in here compared to other places?

GM: This building is almost empty. There's a couple people standing around the lobby, but
you're not sure based on their dress. If they're actually patrons or not.

Markus: "Yes, I believe both of us were hoping you might have rooms free?"

GM: "Room. Yeah, I have I have a room just. Just the one?"

Markus: "You mean you have one room? Are you asking if we only want one?"

GM: "Yeah, just you just want one room? Correct? There is a festival in town, you know."

Markus: "Yes, we heard that." and I'll glance at Fenwarin.

Fenwarin: "We were more thinking if you had more than one room available? Or is it just the

GM: "So you want two rooms?"

Fenwarin: "If that is possible."

Markus: "It would be preferable, yes."

GM: "Oh, Ok,Ok." He's nodding fervently. And then he walks away. He goes into a back side

Fenwarin: I turn to Markus and just whisper to him "where did he went off to?"

Markus: "I really don't know."

GM: Give me a perception check... "You can hear some rummaging around in that room he
was in and so some grumbling or muttering."

Fenwarin: I decide to walk up and just take a peek inside the room and see what he's doing.

GM: Ok, as you peer into the room, you see him rummaging through a drawer. He's got a key
in one hand but he's rummaging with the other. He turns the opposite way of where you're
standing. And bellows. "Hey! "Where's that key? And then turns back and starts rummaging
through the draws some more. A few seconds later, a woman comes in and sees you and
does a slight curtsy and rushes over to him and opens a drawer beside the one he's in and
just reaches and grabs a key and hands it to him. Then turns back around. "Oh! Here, a key
for you." He looks to see if your companion is with you and not seeing tha,t he just pushes
past you out into the lobby, approaches Fenwarin and hands Fenwarin a room key. "There's
room for you too."

Markus: You mean Markus?

GM: Sorry. Yes, I confused which one was which.

Markus: Yeah, okay.

GM: Apologies.

Markus: No it's fine just wanted you to be clear.

GM: "That'll be five silver per night. How long will you be staying with us?"

Markus: "Ah for myself, four nights."

Fenwarin: "Same for me."

GM: "That'll be 20 silver each."

Markus: "That's 2 gold, right?"

GM: He nods.

Markus: Yes, I'll handover two gold coins.

Fenwarin: Yeah, I do the same.

GM: "Thank you. Enjoy your rooms." He tucks the gold away and then turns and walks off.

Markus: Well, looking at a key, is it actually labeled with a room number or anything?

GM: It is not.

Markus: I guess we're meant to find out which room it is by trial and error then.

Fenwarin: I think maybe I'll ask him if he could direct us to which rooms these go to.

GM: When you make your request, he looks at you with this stern frown, and looks over at
one of the people standing in the hall and snaps his fingers and points back at you guys. And
one of them rushes over. "Apologies. How might we help you?"

Fenwarin: "I would very much like to know what rooms we got."

Markus: "Yes, it would be helpful." Holding the key up.

GM: They look at the key "Oh, this is room two. On the second floor and this is room four on
the second floor."

Fenwarin: "Thank you."

GM: "Do you have any luggage we need to carry?"

Fenwarin: "No, that's all right. I just have my backpack."

Markus: "Likewise. Thank you."

GM: "Can we carry that for you?"

Fenwarin: "No, that's all right. I'll I'll carry it myself."

GM: "Anything we can do for you at all?"

Markus: "Not right now for me, but thank you for the offer. I will bear that in mind."

GM: "Certainly, dinner will be served in about three hours. Please enjoy your
accommodations and feel free to let us know if you need anything, anything at all."

Fenwarin: "Thank you for that good, sir.

GM: "They bow like two, three times each."

Fenwarin: I walk towards my room and unlock the door.

GM: Ok, inside is a large room, two full sized beds. It is immaculately clean, looks like no one
has ever stayed here before, it's that nice. There's a dresser and a foot locker type lock box at
the end of the beds. A nice stained glass window looks out over the Varisian gulf out into the

Fenwarin: I decide to take my backpack off and my cloak put it in the lock box and lock it and
have a little nap.

GM: Alright, Markus?

Markus: Will also go to his room as much as anything to make sure the key actually does
work where he's been directed to. Will go in and have a look around.

GM: Into your own room? Yeah?

Markus: Yeah. I assume it's similar description?

GM: Almost identical. The furnishings very slightly. It's a nice rustic Varisian attire with a little
bit of Shoanti flair.

Markus: Ok. Yeah. Markus will remove his pack carefully, set it down and yeah, it's obvious it
weighs quite a lot. As far as he's concerned, the sheer relief of having it off, and he's
stretching and the like. And then he will open his backpack and peer inside and say, "Hello
there. Are you feeling a little better now?" As for want of a description, something that looks
fairly similar to a flying squirrel comes climbing out and up his arm onto his shoulder.

GM: Yeah, I was thinking something kind of like a sugar glider, which is very similar to a flying

Markus: Yeah, and with that, he proceeded about unpacking his pack and settling into the

GM: All right. Morana, you've left the Rusty Dragon and have headed off in search for your
friend. What would you like to do?

Morana: Well, I suppose he's probably got some kind of office somewhere.

GM: Can you remind me who you're looking for?

Morana: Was it Zinker, because of my background or my campaign trait?

GM: Which campaign trait was that? I know we've discussed this, but I've completely
forgotten. Feel free to dm me. Oh, right. OK.

Morana: Yes that old chestnut?

GM: All right. You know that he is located at 48, as that is their manor.

Morana: Alright. We'll go try to pay them a visit and see if he is in.

GM: Alright. You head across the Sandpoint Bridge and work your way out to the little
peninsula where the four founding families have made their manors. Passing the first manor,
which is the Valdemar manor. You come to the Scarnetti manor. Down the way is the Kaijitsu
manor and the Deverin manner. What would you like to do?
Morana: Approach the Scarnetti manor and knock on the door.

GM: A butler opens the door. "Yes?" Eyeing you up and down.

Morana: I mean, does he recognize me or...?

GM: Doesn't... Sense motive.

Morana: Ok, let me look that up. Someday I'll have a character with a good sense motive.

GM: That day is not today. If he does recognize you, he's giving no signs that he does, at the
very least, he wasn't expecting you.

Morana: Morana rolls her eyes a little bit, says "I'm checking to see if the Lord of the Manor is
in. I'd like to talk to him."

GM: "Yes, follow me." He turns and holds the door for you as you enter.

Morana: "Thank you."

GM: It leads you to a lounge waiting room. "Wait here. Would you like any tea?"

Morana: "Oh, that'd be nice. Yes. Thank you."

GM: He gives a courteous bow and leaves. A few minutes later, he returns with a teacup on a
saucer with a spoon, on the saucer side is a couple of cubes of sugar and he is also carrying
a little saucer of milk. He sets them all down in front of you on the table and leaves again.

Morana: I take a seat at the table and stir the sugar into the tea and wait.

GM: After you've almost finished the tea, a large man comes into the room, looks at you, "And
you've come for?"

Morana: She says, "I just stopped by to see how things in town were. There was a little bit of
a not really a disturbance, kind of some confusion with one of the farmers at the Rusty
Dragon, I was wondering if any word had been going around town. Claims he's heard the
devil or something."

GM: "Oh, him? Yes. He claims to have, had a sighting or two or whatever, about the
Sandpoint Devil. That old legend. If we didn't need his service as a farmer, I'd swear we'd
locked the old loon up. But..."

Morana: "Well, apparently he had been posting some kind of what he claims to be a drawing
of it. It keeps bursting into flame, much like the stories say, it's just a little weird. Doesn't seem
like something somebody like him would be able to set up on their own, if it was some kind of

GM: "If he's hearing shrieks and the flapping of wings as he claims, it could be any number of
things. Could even be that black dragon that's in the area, just hunting for itself and the
screams being whatever victim it happens to find, there's no guarantee it's actually the
Sandpoint Devil, that's preposterous! And even if it were the ill omens only befall those who
see it."

Morana: "Well definitely, I wasn't saying I was lending any kind of credence to what he was
saying. I was just wondering if there was any word about anything that, any other problems
that might be rising."

GM: "No. No. Since the late unpleasantness, not much has really gone on. The sheriff is
giving the family a little bit of a hard time. He thinks he knows who the ringleader," And he
does the finger quotes thing, "of the Sczarni are in town. But..."

Morana: "Oh, of course he does."

GM: "That organization keeps falling on its sword to protect their higher ups. They're very
good at that. Even if he's right, he'll never be able to find any evidence or proof, for even if he
did, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. The news would travel so fast, said
perpetrators would be out of town faster than he would be able to mobilize any sort of
garrison to apprehend them."

Morana: "Yes, definitely. Oh well, I will come by again when, if I hear anything else or if
there's anything else I can try and find out some more information on."
GM: "Perhaps you go speak to Mayor Deverin. We've been trying to purchase a parcel of
land out by the sanitarium, a little patch of wood that would be really good to log. But when we
went and scouted it, the price was very cheap, the woods seemed infested with spiders.
Maybe you can suss out the truth from her on why the land's so cheap or if there's some sort
of scheme going on trying to make us expend manpower for no reason."

Morana: "I will definitely look into that. That is strange. Oh, well I guess I'll see how the
festival is shaping up. Strange things that happen around these."

GM: "If it's in your ability to make sure things happen, please do make sure the festival is not
interrupted by any unpleasantness planned by anyone."

Morana: "I would always endeavor to make sure things go off without a hitch."

GM: He doesn't even crack a smile. He just looks at you with like this sullen face. Like really?

Morana: She just looks back at him with that wide eyed look of innocence.

GM: "Anyway, this festival has brought in a lot of business to town. It's a good thing. We want
this trend to keep going on. Don't jeopardize it."

Morana: "I wouldn't dare. Anyway, I've taken enough of your time. Enjoy your day. I'll try to
stop by and talk to the mayor. Should be able to get a chance tomorrow, I think. I don't know
how much longer she'll be taking visitors this afternoon."

GM: "It's a small town. You might be able to catch her in any one of the eateries. Later

Morana: "That is a fair point. I'll ask around."

GM: "Take care."

Morana: "You as well."

GM: He stands and sees you out. The butler follows you to the door, leads you out and then
closes the door behind you. Without a word.
Morana: All right, so I'll start checking some of the restaurants and see if anyone has seen
the mayor about then.

GM: It is rumored that the mayor will be dining with the Kaijitsu family tonight.

Morana: Kaijitsu is the Rusty Dragon or is that a private residence.

GM: Private residence.

Morana: Ok, I can't remember the Rusty Dragon or his name.

GM: It is Kaijitsu.

Morana: Oh

GM: But number 50 on the map is the Deverin Manor. Number 49 is the Kajitsu manor.

Morana: I mean, I guess after walking all the way back to town, and going to all these
different places to get that information she'll walk all the way back to the Kaijitsu Inn.

GM: Are you knocking on the door?

Morana: Sure.

GM: A maid halfling maid opens the door. "Who are you?"

Morana: "Oh good day my dear, I am Morana Malory. I have heard the mayor was taking
dinner here today. There was a slight bit of pressing business. I was hoping to get some
information on. I was wondering if I'd have a chance to speak with her?"

GM: "No." And she closes the door.

Morana: "Alright, believe this snooty little... (grumble). All right, fine, I'll be at your office
tomorrow." Walks all the way back to town again.

GM: All right, where are you headed now?

Morana: Ah, don't really know.

GM: Well, in that case, you wander into the Hagfish.

Morana: Well, that sounds as likely as any other place.

GM: It's a lively crowd here tonight at the Hagfish. Behind the bar, the big tank of sludge water
that Norah the Hagfish is swimming around in. It is crowded around by a lot of people at the
bar who are trying their luck to win the bag of money. Each one's getting a flagon of this, this
slime ridden water and attempting to down it and hold it down. And no one is able to do so.
They keep one after another trying the challenge, all these tourists, all these visitors in town
for the festival, trying their mettle against this local challenge.

Morana: Gonna take a seat out of the splash zone, and watch for a while, in amused disgust.

GM: Ok, Deadeye and Taury are both here as well. You're not watching the festivities,
necessarily, but it's definitely going on and you are aware of it.

Taury: Yeah, I would probably be the quietest, darkest, dingiest part of the whole room

Deadeye: Which would suit Deadeye just fine.

Taury: I would imagine everyone's staring at him as well.

Deadeye: Which is why it's usually fine to be out the way.

GM: You get a few looks from time to time Deadeye. But no one's really approaching your
staring overly long as, they're treating you more as a curiosity than anything. Morana You look
around the bar after observing this for a few minutes and and see lively discussion going on.
A few games of cards here, there. Anything specific you want to be doing?

Morana: I'm just going to try and listen for a minute to see if I overhear anything interesting.

GM: Ah ha, you've said the magic words.

Morana: Not the best perception role in history, but I suppose it will do.
GM: "Not in this document I see, it is in the other document. Yes."

Morana: Oh, the other document.

GM: No, not that document. The other one. The other other document.

Morana: No sir, the other car.

GM: Pardon me while we really scroll.

Morana: Really?

GM: "Ok, that's fine,I can work with that."

Morana: Can you, though?

Markus: Things are not, as you expected, from sounds of it?

GM: They are not, and your check was a 17.

Morana: Indeed.

GM: Indubitably. You're overhearing some talk from a few locals at a nearby table discussing
Ameiko Kaijitsu and the Kaijitsu family's falling out and speculating on what adventure life she
had, that only saw her adventuring for a year, coming back alone without her party that she
left with, but with enough riches to buy the Rusty Dragon, fix it up and start running it, which
caused the estrangement from her family. What happened? They don't know. They think
maybe she back stabbed them all, or let them all die in a trap. They're throwing theories

Morana: Oh, interesting. Just going to take some notes on some of the things they say and I
can look into that, that could be could be useful.

GM: After a few moments of this, they realize that you're listening to them as you're writing
things down and mumbling, they just stop talking and look at you. "Can you go away?"
Morana: "What, I'm sitting here writing a letter." I'll roll bluff if you need me to.

GM: Yes, please.

Morana: All right. Because that's kind of involved that, that's gonna be that.

GM: Don't forget to carry the three.

Morana: I won't, I'm going to do something even more interesting. It's going to be a GM role.

GM: "Oh. Alright."

Morana: "Can't even write a letter in peace."

GM: They go back to their discussion and they've changed topics now. You'll need another
perception to listen in again or, you can move on and leave them be. What would you like to

Morana: Hmm. That is a tempting decision. Let's push the luck and let it ride.

GM: Net twenty.

Markus: And I have to resist the urge to go looking for an emote in response to that.

Morana: My dice continue to come through when I want them to!

GM: They begin talking about someone known as Chopper and how they're planning on
going through the houses at Church Street. And Shell Street and along Junkers Way in and
what not, along Tower Street, and maybe using Choppers mark as a joke. It's clear they are

Morana: Huh? Is this something that would be a knowledge local then on that name, is this a
known figure or..?

GM: It would be. Well a 20 result, will get you some sort of answer. I don't know if you're
going to like it. What specifically are you wanting to know about Chopper or Chopper's Mark?
Morana: Let's start with Chopper, because that just sounds...juicy.

GM: Alright. Chopper is the nickname of the serial killer that was in Sandpoint. Who over the
course of one month claimed twenty five victims. He had an uncanny knack at eluding traps
and pursuit quickly. He wore down the town guard. And was a particular thorn in the side of
Sheriff Avertin, who increasingly took to drinking over that month. Sheriff Avertin himself was
Chopper's last victim. Slain upon catching the murderer in a narrow lane known now as
Chopper's Alley. As he was mutilating his latest victim. In the battle that followed, Avertin
landed a telling blow against the killer. When Belor Hemlock, now the current sheriff, who was
then a mere town guard, found both bodies, Avertin and the penultimate victim several
minutes later, he rallied the guards and were then able to follow the killer's blood trail that
Avertin had given him this wound, tracked him to the old light and killed him there.

Morana: Very interesting.

GM: They thought that Chopper had gone to go claim old poor Jervis Stoot as his as his
twenty sixth victim. But what they found in the modest home at the top of the aisle, and in a
larger complex of rooms that had been carved in the bedrock below left no room for doubt.
Jervis Stoot was Chopper. Within this room that he was found in, were the eyes and tongues
of all twenty five victims, found upon a horrific altar, supposedly to some demon lord or
winged creature. Stoot himself was found dead at the base of the altar, having plucked out his
own eyes and tongue as his final offering. It is said that the guards collapsed the entrance to
the lower chambers, burnt Stoot's house down to the stairs and did their best to suppress the
whole thing. Stoot was burned in a pyre on the beach. His ashes blessed and then scattered
in an attempt to stave off unholy returns of his evil spirit. As fate would have it Sandpoint soon
had a new tragedy to bear. One that almost eclipsed Chopper's rampage as a mere month
after the murder was slain, a terrible fire struck Sandpoint. The fire started in the Sandpoint
Chapel and spread quickly as the town rallied to save the church, the inferno expanded,
consuming the Northcoast Stables, The White Deer Inn. And three homes. In the end, the
church burned to the ground, leaving the town's beloved priest Ezakien Tobyn and his
beautiful adopted daughter Nualia dead. All that remains today of the once loved Stoot
carvings, ragged scars on buildings and figureheads where owners used hatchets to try to
remove what had become a haunting reminder of 'the wolf in the fold'. The homes and
businesses that were ravaged by the fire have been reconstructed, and the Sandpoint Chapel
has finally been rebuilt. The dedication ceremony, the Swallowtail Festival, is going to be the
consecration of this new chapel, and many in the town are hoping that it will let them put the
late unpleasantness behind them.
Morana: Morana looks at the doll she'd sit on the table and with her voice says "you know
someones was always trying to take chance's role in people's lives away from that. It's
ridiculous, really. All right. What to do with that information?" Out of character, would it be a
separate knowledge local for the mark?

GM: It would be.

Morana: Sad.

GM: All right. You know of a thing called Stoots Mark. The thing that many in town that have
had it put on their buildings because it was unknowingly linked to Chopper. They have tried to
remove or deface. Stoot had a habit of carving various birds into the sides of buildings. At one
point in time, it was considered like a badge of honor to have a bit of his street art. But then
when the truth became known, it was not.

Morana: Huh? How many of these drunk fools are there?

GM: Three

Morana: This could go amazingly or terribly. Well, what the hell? Let's try it. She's going to get
their attention.

GM: "You again, what do you want?"

Morana: "Oh, just. Just a moment of your time. Um, might I suggest something to you?"

GM: "No. ha ha... I told her no."

Morana: "Ok. I'm going to do it anyway. Now, you are obviously inebriated and having foolish
notions about what may or may not be fun. Now..."

GM: "Do you know what she's saying? I can't undersh (slurs), hey."

Morana: "You're drunk and talking foolishness! How's that?"

GM: "You're foolishness." One of them stands up. "You got a problem with them? You talk to

Morana: "Very well, I shall attempts to talk to you."

GM: Another one stands up. "You got a problem with him, you talk to us."

Morana: "All right." And this is where things could get really interesting. Gonna try an
intimidate role. She's gonna say, "Would you sit down and listen for a moment?"

GM: They both stagger back into their seats, speechless.

Morana: "Now, then, now that I have your attention."

GM: This also gathers the attention of the tables around you, which includes Deadeye and
Taury. Someone is making a scene. There was almost a bar fight. It didn't happen. You're

Morana: "Now, then, might I infer that somewhere within your mind, I guess would be the
word, maybe,I don't know. Somewhere within you lies some form of pride in your town."

GM: "What of it?"

Morana: "Well?"

GM: One of em's like "Na ah." the other one's kind of being sheepish.

Morana: "Ok. Well, even if there isn't, this town is where you live. The worse this town does,
the less livelihood you have, the less money you make, the less you can drown the events of
what passes for your life in this tavern. Has that point been made clear?"

GM: "She's mean." - "Shhh, she's saying stuff."

Morana: "Now, I present this thought to you. With everything that this town has been through,
with this festival trying to bring life back to its prosperity, back to it, doing things that would
upset the populace and cause issues with that prosperity being brought back would,
essentially cause harm to yourself by denying you the money that you can use to drown said
sorrows, here."

GM: "What's she talking about?" - "Shhh,I don't know."

Morana: "I'm talking about your foolhardy idea. Dragging up the memories of the events that
have happened in this town. Someone went against what chance had in store for people's
lives, and we know we saw the effects of what that were "

GM: "You, you, you. You sound like a Scarnetti!"

Morana: "I am a Mallory I have the best interests of the town in mind".

GM: "You're not even Varisian, are you?"

Morana: "Pride in where you're from has nothing to do with where someone else is from."

GM: "Man, forget you! Screw Scarnetti! Get out of here!"

Morana: "I'm going nowhere."

GM: "Just, just ignore her and maybe she'll leave us alone."

Morana: "I may leave you alone, but chance has it's own way of handling things. I only urge
you not to..."

GM: "Maybe chancers, maybe chance will see me handle you. Hey, he winks."

Morana: "Chance reports of zero percent probability on that."

GM: "Hey, you never know until you try. Come on, let's try."

Morana: "I would sooner copulate with the hagfish!"

GM: "Hey, boss, you, (slurs) Hagfish Challenge special order! Who are you and why are you
here? Just go away."
Morana: "I am here because chance brought me here. It's already proven that I can talk and
think circles around you in my sleep. Let's not have me have to do it more while you're semi-

GM: Jargie is coming over after being called 'boss' by these lunatics. I mean, these drunk
fellows, these nice chaps, his patrons. "Something about Hagfish challenge. Which one is it,
you? You?"

Morana: "All three of them." Should I roll bluff on that?

GM: Yeah. "All three of them ? All right! Come on, boys, get up, you got to do it at the bar!"

GM: He takes them all the way to drink hagfish. They're deep enough in their cups, none of
them pass. They all throw up everywhere, on themselves, on each other. It's quite a mess.

Morana: Morana leans back in her chair and says "Once again, chance wins."

GM: They are taken out on the dock and tossed it into the harbor to clean off.

Morana: She makes a note that she's going to have to keep an eye out for them doing stupid
things. And I think I'm good there.

GM: All right. You claim their former table for your own.

Morana: Of course, as it should be.

GM: No one comes near you from the general populace unless, our other players here would
like to join you after seeing this display.

Morana: And she sits back with a glass of wine.

Taury: I mean, I would absolutely not be joining him after that. It's a bit public and a bit messy
for my character.

GM: Understood. And Deadeye seconds that sentiment?

Deadeye: I mean, if she isn't getting up, I won't.

GM: Alright.

Deadeye: But after a moment I will turn to Taury and say, "Well we still dont have a place to
stay do we? Or do you?"

Taury: Is that directed at Taury?

Deadeye: Yes.

Taury: She sighs deeply. "I might have a place you could stay."

Deadeye: "That would be nice."

Taury: "Ah, no, it's not nice at all."

Deadeye: "Are you sure? I've been to pretty nasty places."

Taury: "No, I'm not sure about it at all. It's horrific." At this she would have like a bowl of like,
fish soup and she would just knock the rest of it back. And I would assume we head for
madame's 'creepy's' house.

GM: Oh, you're headed back there?

Taury: Oh, hell, yeah, dude, its free..

Deadeye: It's free.

Taury: Its free.

Morana: It's free real estate.

Taury: Free real estate.

GM: Alright

Taury: It's probably dark enough now as well isn't it? Its evening time.
GM: It's definitely getting towards evening, as street lights are starting to be lit by a town
runner, going around lighting each lantern.

Taury: Yes, so it's probably going to get pretty wild. With the festival and stuff so, I definitely
go back to the old ah, haunted manner of death. To sleep soundly.

GM: Ok

Markus: It's not that bad.

Taury: I mean, where you playing ball with the child? I don't think so.

GM: Were you?

Taury: Yes, from what I know.

GM: All right. It's been a few hours now, both - I have yet to learn character names because
we're still first session.

Taury: Taury and Cornelius.

GM: No, I'm thinking Markus and Fenwarin. Both of them wake up because they had taken
naps after getting their new rooms. So you wake up at dusk. You don't wake up at exactly the
same time, but couple hours, give or take. Anything you would like to do or you just can stay
in your rooms for the evening and wait till tomorrow?

Fenwarin: I guess I feel more comfortable staying here for now.

Markus: Did they say anything about meals or anything like that?

GM: They did. They said that there would be a meal ready in about three hours. You think it's
getting pretty close to that time. You can smell something good coming through.

Markus: Yeah, I'll, I'll... Yes, I will go down for the evening meal then.
GM: All right. Greeting you, as you descend the stairs are the twins that were trying to help
you carry your luggage. "Oh, good gentleman, thank you for joining us for dinner! Come this
way!" And they take you to a long table. Have you ever been to a German beer hall?

Markus: No, I don't think so.

GM: All right. They're essentially just halls with long long tables, bench seating on both sides
and that like fills the hall. So they're taking you to this style of seating. You are the only one

Markus: Right. Ok. I will find a seat somewhere.

GM: They're kind of on each side of you gesturing to a spot that's like in the middle of this
giant table.

Markus: Ok. I'll follow their directions looking, slightly baffled and obviously looking around
the room as if "Shouldn't there be more people here?" Kind of thing.

GM: All right. From one side, "What would you like to drink sir?" And from the other side
"Would would you like a menu?"

Markus: "Yes, to the menu for the drinks. What do you have?"

GM: "Oh, we have anything you could want. Surely we have you name it. Someone give me a
list of our drinks." The other one runs away to go get the list. While he stands there nervously
wringing his hands with a smile of maybe you'll tell him before a list is provided.

Markus: "Is there anything in particular that this establishment specializes in?"

GM: "Oh, the local Sandpoint Ale is very, very good. We have that in supply, of course."

Markus: "Anything... How to put this?... More refined."

GM: "As in like wine or whiskey or a burgundy?"

Markus: "You have good wines?"

GM: "We do. What type would you like?"

Markus: "Well, I don't know what I'm eating yet. So what's the menu for that? I wouldn't want
to pick a wine that would clash now would I?"

GM: "Of course, of course. Tonight, we are serving one of three dishes. We have a roasted
quail. We have a stewed rabbit or we have a roast boar."

Markus: "Ooh, difficult choices. Hmmm, I think today I should go with a quail."

GM: "Oh, very good, very good."

Markus: "And a wine that will go with game. I'll let you make a suitable recommendation."

GM: He looks you up and down. "Elven wine?"

Markus: "That would be acceptable, yes."

GM: He nods and runs off. You hear a shout from the kitchen. "Really? Great!" The other one
runs back with a drink menu and seeing that his brother has vanished, turns around and runs
away again. After about 10 minutes, your meal is served to you, an exquisite dish of quail
eggs, quail eggs poached alongside on top of toast with a hollandaise sauce. It's very nice.

Markus: Ok. he'll...

GM: They bring you a full bottle of Elvish wine, open it and pour you a glass and leave the
bottle next to you.

Markus: Yeah, he'll obviously appreciate the food and toast the service with wine. And yeah
he's obviously enjoying his meal.

GM: After your meal is complete, they come and present you with a bill nicely written out. It
says Elvish wine, Ten gold.

Markus: He'll nod to himself and pull out the ten gold.

GM: All right. They take your money happily.

Markus: Hey, it's what you get when you order expensive things.

GM: This is true.

Markus: He won't have drunk the full bottle so he will take it with him back as he stands up
and he'll say, "Sir, thank you for the service, that was an excellent meal. My compliments to
the chef."

GM: "Thank you and please spread the word."

Markus: "I will, good evening." With that he will head back to his room, drop off the bottle of
wine, pick up his little pet and head out into the town.

GM: Ok. Anywhere specific you're headed.

Markus: Looking at the map, there are bunches of white cliffs to the edge of town, so he'll
head towards those.

GM: Ok, you're in number three right now.

Markus: Ok.

GM: Do you want to head out towards the Old Light?

Markus: No, he's mostly heading towards the cliff side and the edge of the cliff and he will
walk along that for a little while, quite slowly. And I'm assuming it's getting on towards dusk, if
not actual evening by this point.

GM: Yes.

Markus: Yeah, and he's his little pet will, he will let it go and let it go off to hunt and and prey
on some of the insects in the area.

GM: You eventually walk down past number four, the Way North is what this place is called.
As with several other buildings in the vicinity, this one storey structure was recently rebuilt
after the telltale signs of some fire. It looks like this building might be some sort of library, it's
cramped and cluttered, but you can see just shelves of books.

Markus: Ok. That would catch his attention, and he'll call his pet back to him and go have a
closer look at this building.

GM: When you walk in, you see a old gnome. You can tell he's old because he's got a few
wisps of white hair and he's bent over a cartography table drawing out maps. He's got maps
strewn around everywhere.

Markus: I'll glance around and see well, what maps are actually here. Are yhey local, are
they regional, world's maps?

GM: Knowledge geography.

Markus: Not actually trained in that one. So...

GM: That's fine. Ok, you don't recognize many of them, but a couple looks to be of Sandpoint
and the nearby areas. So you're piecing together just based on, you know, the context, that all
of these maps must be of Varisia in some way or form. Though you're not exactly sure where
each one is at or necessarily of. There are a couple that you're like, "Oh, I think that might be
Magnimar area. This looks a bit like Korvosa. That's kind of familiar." You see one with like a
big plateau area and you're like "Hmmm, that looks like that might be the Storval stairs. I've
heard of those."

Markus: Out of character, I don't know where they are.

GM: That's fine.

Markus: Fair enough.

GM: If they're important, you'll learn, trust me. Otherwise, they're just terms. So this gnome is
drawing out maps. He's completely unaware of you here.

Markus: I'll watch him work, cause I don't want to interrupt him when he's in the middle of
carefully drawing something, and wait until he, he pauses before politely coughing.
GM: Ok. You stand there for several minutes and just as you're about to cough, the light has
gone down now, to a point where he goes "Hmm light!" He snaps his fingers and taps a chain
hanging from the ceiling and it begins to glow and illuminates the room.

Markus: Huh? Well, I suggest that might be my cue. "Good evening. Um..."

GM: "AAAH! OH! OH!. Don't frighten me! You shouldn't sneak up on people.

Markus: "That wasn't me sneaking. Sorry."

GM: "ít wasn't?"

Markus: "No, I was stood there."

GM: He looks around the room. "Yes, I suppose nothing was stolen, good. Thank you for not
sneaking. Don't startle people. It's not polite."

Markus: "My apologies, I didn't mean to cause distress. I just saw obviously, the books from
the outside and well I couldn't help but be fascinated by this building and wanted to find out
more. And these maps."

GM: "Oh, you. You like books and maps, oh,fantastic! Hello, I am Veznutt Parooh. Pleasure to
meet you."

Markus: "Markus." And he'll hold out a hand.

GM: He reaches up and shake your hand with his tiny hand, beaming smile, "What brings you
into the quest for books and knowledge and maps and lore?"

Markus: "I have been questing for lore for quite a while. I'm always interested in learning
more. That's the thing, there's always something more to learn. You can spend lifetimes
studying the world and not know everything there is to know. But no, I'm in town for a few
days while I wait for my next connection, so I thought exploring what this place has to offer."

GM: "Oh, fantastic. Always trying to learn that's the way the young should do."

Markus: He'll smile slightly at that, but won't actually say anything.
GM: Give me a knowledge of local.

Markus: And again, that's untrained.

GM: Yip, you're familiar enough with gnomes and how they work, you know that gnomes are
immortal. They live, based on whatever obsession compels them.

Markus: Oh, right. And the fading if they start losing that. Yeah.

GM: The bleaching. They go completely pale ghost white and their hair turned shock white
when it's normally fantastical colors. The bleaching happens when they lose that excitement
or that wonder, or when they haven't received enough new stimulus to keep them going. If
they keep rehashing the same stimulus, they can cause that.

Markus: "So I take it obviously, from the maps, you're something of a cartographer."

GM: "Oh, yes. Mapping the local region in Varisia in general, it's it's fascinating. There's so
much here, especially with all those ruins around such, such unexplored lands."

Markus: "Interesting. Tell me more. I always like hearing about good ruins."

GM: "Oh, well there's so many! Do you know that they say that the Devil's Platter actually, is
some sort of cave network? I sent some people to go research it once, but they never
returned. They also say that's where the Sandpoint Devil lives. I'm sure those things are

Markus: "Hopefully so, this Devil... Yes, someone else in town has been talking about that. I
don't know much..."

GM: "Hogwash! Sandpoint Devil is not real."

Markus: "Oh?"

GM: "That story is centuries old. If such a creature existed, it would have died long ago."

Markus: "Ah, so it's not the descendant of the devil or something like that?"
GM: "Well, now you've sparked a thought."

Markus: "My pleasure to do so. These books, are they also on geography or do you collect

GM: "Oh, no, this is my home."

Markus: "Oh, forgive me, I didn't realize it was a private."

GM: "No, the actual library in town, is it is the Curious Goblin."

Markus: "Really?"

GM: "Yes, It's got a big sign out front to shop with a wide eyed goblin reading through an
upside down book. It's hilarious. The book's nearly as tall as him, it's fantastic. I painted it
myself. It was hilarious."

Markus: "Oh, you did that? Ok."

GM: "Yeah, the bookshop. It it's it's the obsession of Chaz Cowsen, he'll end up with a great
obsession, I fully support him."

Markus: "I see."So which part of town is that?

GM: That would be number 22 on the map. He gives you directions to it and tries to sell you a
map of Sandpoint in the process.

Markus: "Thank you, but I, don't expect to be staying long enough to need such an item."

GM: "Oh, it's just a simple guide map, it's just five gold. No. No big deal, right?"

Markus: "If this were a place I were planning on staying, it might be useful. But alas, I might
never return. I'm only in town for a few days, so."

GM: "Nah, you know where to find me if you change your mind?"
Markus: "I do, or if I perhaps want maps of the rest of the region."

GM: "Also true." he taps the side of his nose.

Markus: "Anything in particular that you don't have? Or is it depending on...?"

GM: He shuffles through maps, "I've got maps of Varisia, of the lost coast of the surrounding
seas. I've got some, some old maps from Nidal." He kind of winks and nudges you. "A fun
place that hey?!"

Markus: "Yes. At least if you believe the stories that come out of there."

GM: "Oh, you should. I was there once. It's terrible!"

Markus: "I will take your word for it. Very well. Thank you for your time. You've just been most

GM: "Has it? Is that is that a map pun?"

Markus: "No."

GM: "It was a good one."

Markus: "Well then"

GM: "Yeah?"

Markus: "We'll, leave it at that then."

GM: "It was?"

Markus: "Yes."

GM: "Yeah."

Markus: "Farewell."
GM: "Bye, do come again!" I assume you're running away from him almost.

Markus: No,

GM: Ok.

Markus: Not quite... It's....Ok, interesting person kind of thing, but now I'm going somewhere
else. In particular following the directions towards the library to see if it's still open or not.

GM: You head down to the library. The Curious Goblin, the sign is just as he described it.
Inside. the store is surprisingly complete. Almost all of the wares are extremely highly priced
and virtually no locals are in here. Everybody that is in this shop with you, is dressed as an
adventurer or some sort of out of out of town, almost like lower nobility or merchant type
attire. Absolutely no peasant garb in here whatsoever. Most of the adventuring type aren't
here buying books, they're selling them. And this elderly man behind the desk is ecstatically
buying these books for what you think is an exorbitant prices for just tomes.

Markus: How exorbitant?

GM: The prices on the bookshelves, for the ones that are for sale. Range anywhere from 50
to hundreds of gold.

Markus: Ok. Expensive books.

GM: Yeah, a tome that he's buying at the moment, he's paying 75 gold for. Just for one small
chapbook tome.

Markus: Ok. Do I hear enough about the dealings to have any idea of what's in the book,
what topics it is?

GM: It's supposedly a Pathfinder journal. As you look around, you see another elderly
gentleman sitting in one of the large, overstuffed chairs reading one of the books from the

That's all the time we have for now. To learn more about the show, the cast, etc. head over to .

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