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Bonnie A. Nardi, Ed., Context And Consciousness: Activity Theory And Human-
computer Interaction. Cambridge, Ma: Mit Press, 1996, 400 pp. [Book Review]

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication · October 1997

DOI: 10.1109/TPC.1997.649561 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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1 author:

James M. Nyce
Ball State University


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Bonnie A. Nardi, Ed.,
Context and Consciousness:
Activity Theory and Human–Computer Interaction.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996, 400 pp.

Index Terms— Activity theory, cognitive science, human–computer in-

Book Review teraction.
—Reviewed by JAMES M. NYCE
ers (p. 69). Nardi comes down on
Manuscript received June 1997.
The reviewer is with the School of Library
O ver the past five years or so,
there has been some discussion
the side of activity theory. How-
ever, the criterion she applies—that
and Information Management,
Emporia State University, Emporia, of activity theory in the HCI (hu- only activity theory has “tools for
KS 66801 USA man–computer interaction) litera- pulling out higher-level descrip-
IEEE PII: S 0361-1434(97)06891-4. ture. Nardi does the HCI community tion”—raises some issues about
a service by pulling together au- how balanced Nardi’s argument
thors and arguments she believes is, about what she means by “higher-
best represent work of this kind. level,” and about the relationship
Among the papers are discussions that theory should have to descrip-
of activity theory as a theoretical tion (evidence) in HCI research
base, often opposing activity theory (p. 83). Because this relationship
to theoretical sets derived from is discussed in one way or another
cognitive science, psychology, and throughout the book, we will return
other social sciences useful to HCI. to it later.
In this way, the contributions to
this volume allow readers to decide As for the more empirical papers,
for themselves what analytic yield Christiansen looks at how computer
activity theory might have. There are technology gets read into and out of
also more empirical papers, giving Danish police work. Holland and
readers a chance to see what might Reeves discuss how the *same*
be gained when activity theory in- work (a class assignment) is un-
forms HCI research. derstood, negotiated, and redefined
by three groups of American under-
graduates in a programming class.
Kaptelinin provides a balanced but Engestrom and Escalante trace
not uncritical theoretical account. the history of the Postal Buddy,
He discusses how the development a stand-alone electronic kiosk built
of activity theory over time has led to for the U.S. Postal Service: They look
a focus, regardless of what its pro- at the events—micro and macro,
ponents believe, that privileges the bureaucratic and emotional—that
individual and the psychological. led to the project’s demise.
As a result, he argues that activity
theory tends to be reductive when it All these papers make arguments,
comes to things like culture, history, weak or strong, for activity the-
and social institution (p. 64). In ory as a theoretical base for HCI.
one of the four chapters that Nardi Among the weaker is Nardi’s “Some
contributes, “Studying Context: A Reflections on the Application of
Comparison of Activity Theory, Situ- Activity Theory.” In this study of
ated Action Models, and Distributed presentation (slide making) software
Cognition,” she looks at what each Nardi makes a post hoc argument
of these perspectives brings to—and for activity theory. Activity theory,
takes away from—research linking she tells us after the fact, would
users, technology, and society in have made this work “easier” and
ways that have value for design- “more fruitful” (p. 235). In short,
VOL. 40, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 1997
0361–1434/97$10.00  1997 IEEE

not only is Nardi’s argument here ing a phrase from Kari Kuutti, Nardi sees ethnography, wrongly, as an
post hoc, but its central terms are believes this is why HCI has been ad hoc methodology, one with little
never defined. Perhaps the most “unable to penetrate the human side or no conceptual underpinning, one
convincing of these arguments is of the interface” (p. 3). Nardi ticks off that cannot yield general laws (pp.
Raeithel and Velichkovsky’s paper. what the results have been. The HCI 10, 235).
As Raeithel and Velichkovsky take research community has no com-
the reader example-by-example and mon vocabulary (p. 9). Its attempts The second is whether the kind of
method-by-method through their at “abstraction, generalization and science Nardi argues for is suffi-
paper, they make a strong argument comparison [have] become prob- cient. In other words, can it support
for activity theory. What makes their lematic” (p. 10). HCI has produced a research community that studies
argument strong is that they treat no cumulative research agendas how individuals, social institutions,
activity system not as a system or or results (p. 11). According to and technology inform each other?
a doctrine. Instead, it is an eclectic, Nardi, activity theory will lever HCI However, Kaptelinin asks whether
robust toolbox that can help the HCI “out of the claustrophobic thicket with activity theory we want to
community address substantive of descriptive detail” and provide construct a science that only cap-
issues. HCI with “concepts with which to tures what is “related to rational
compare and generalize” (p. 92). understanding of human interac-
This book is not just a collection For Nardi, what activity theory can tion with the world” (p. 64). In
of papers on activity theory, nor bring to HCI is a “rigorous scientific this way, it may reconfirm stances
does it simply celebrate a Soviet foundation” (p. 15). The only other toward knowledge (a kind of naive
tradition that for reasons of his- option, Nardi believes, is for us to positivism) and epistemology (a
tory (we won, they lost) now has continue to “work autistically in “common sense” empiricism) that
something of a cult status in the our particularistic interests and obscure rather than clarify issues
U.S. While it is true, HCI often finds promiscuous vocabularies” (p. 245). and objects HCI takes as its own.
itself at the mercy of the whims or
winds of intellectual fashion. (One There are two separate issues here.
year Brenda Laurel is in, the next The first is whether activity theory If we read the objects and issues
she is out). However, other factors can play the role Nardi asks of it. It of HCI as human artifacts, we may
are at work here. This book, by is important to consider what one not want to go off in the direction
design, is an argument about what wins and loses with activity theory. Nardi points us in. What Nardi asks
the intellectual foundations of HCI Kaptelinin suggests that we have to of “rigor” and “precision” may not
should be. In other words, Nardi give up culture and society and any yield what she hopes, and Nardi’s
uses the book, its contributors, role they have in the subjects and project denies any distinction be-
and activity theory to advance an domains in which HCI is interested tween natural and social “facts.”
agenda; namely, that for HCI to (pp. 57, 64). As for theory and Nardi assumes that HCI should
succeed—and for her to be accepted method, anything Nardi believes make use of the same methods and
by the development community—it that cannot be a tool “for pulling have the same goals as the natural
has to take a particular stance out a higher-level description from sciences. While a book review is no
toward research and epistemology. a set of observations” has to be place to replay much of the history
discarded (p. 83). For Nardi, when it and philosophy of science, there
According to Nardi, the HCI re- comes to HCI, activity theory should are other sides to this story (Max
search community operates in a preempt evidence and theory drawn Weber’s for one). It can be argued
“conceptual vacuum” largely it from the social sciences. Nardi asks that culture and society and their
seems because investigators do not us to take her word for this. On operations and objects are not of
take the perspective of activity the- the other hand, HCI may fail, not the same order of things as those
ory (p. 244). This does not mean that for the reasons Nardi believes. But in nature. Therefore, when it comes
the HCI community is not interested rather because HCI has not taken to human artifacts, the products
in issues like epistemology, research what the social sciences have had of culture and history with which
agenda, or methodology. Instead, to say about artifact and practice HCI is most concerned, a science
what Nardi seems to want to argue seriously enough. Nardi, for ex- framed in Nardi’s terms simply will
is that these higher order efforts are ample, argues that ethnography not work.
fundamentally misplaced. Borrow- should be set aside. After all, she

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