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AD 1212-1225 By Dan Bunce AND ANTHONY RAGAN VaMpIRE CREATED BY Mark REIN'HAGEN Crepits Authors: Dan Budge (Shadows at Court, A Call to Arms), Anthony Ragan (Introduction, Ashes of Outremer). Vampire and the World of Darkness ereated bby Mark Rein# Hagen Storyteller game system designed by Mark Reine Hagen. Developer: Philippe R. Boulle Bator: Carl Bowen Consultants: Nicolai Brix, Oliver Hoffmann, Ivo Luijendijk Art Director: Becky Jollensten Layout & Typesetting: Kieran Yanner Interior Art: Mark Smiley, Mike Chaney, Kieran Yanner, D.M. Foster Cartography: Eric Hor: Front Cover Art: Steve Prescott Front & Back Cover Design: Kieran Yanner ©2002 White Wolf Publishing, nc. All rights reserved. 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All characters, names, places and rext herein are copyrighted by White Wolf Publishing, Inc “The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages isnota challenge ro the trademark or copyright concemed This book uses the supematural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book contains mature content. Reader discretion is advised For a five White Wolf catalog call 1-800-454-WOLF. Check out White Wolf online at hrp:www.vhite-wolf com: and frp storyteller PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES TABLE OF CONTENTS IntRopucTION: GOING BEFORE DESTRUCTION at Court fF OUTREMER Cyaprer Tree A Catt To ARMs Cuaprer Four: DRAMATIS PERSONAE Appenpix: ENDLESS WAR : Goin eft e} Oesteuction | 1s ER THE BLACK Cross? PATRICIANS AND FiENDS Thechronielefollowsthe ambitionsofthe Ventrue Lord Jurgen. & childe and vassal ofthe powerful elder Handestadt, Jigen set on using the burgeoningchaosin Europe to claim his lace asa great lord, Instead of fighting endlessly with clanmates and others in che Haly Roman Empite its Jigen sets his sights to the seemingly endless expanse pagan Tands 10 the east. Moving his court to the city of “Magdeburgon the RiverElbe, heannounces tothe world that he isto claim new lands His first major eampaign, and the subject of Under the Black Cros, takes place in Hungary, where his fellow Ventruc have suffered serious reversals, and the Tsimisce rule the night Using his influence among, the Teutonic Knights as a cover, gen looks to stab at the Tzimisce heart and claim a goodly chunk of Transylvania for himself This agenda putshim face to face with the wivode of voivodes, the terrible general. of Transylvania, Vladimir Rustoviteh. Furthermore, it puts the players’ coterie squarely in the middle ofthe battle Many Fronts, Many Berrayats Ic quickly becomes clear that vampiric warfare can no longer be an isolated thin, Jingen's new capital of Magdeburg soon swims with vampiric intrigues, from the ambitions of the French Courts of Love to the machinations of the Tremere Usurpers.Asthe warprogresses, moreand moe forces come into ply. Longivolationistobserversoftheiso-calledbettes endless eonilies, the Gangrel of Hungary come out of the woods enraged. In western Hungary, the two lords’ agents bate for influence in the court ofthe mortal king. When that ime king embarks on the Fifth Crusade to the Holy Land, the war spill over into Qutremer and shapes the furure of the city of Acre Knights and warlords clash on the battlefield. Spiesandassasins rove through the night. Through it all, the innocent are caught in the middle Characters who involve themelves in the strggles be twveenLond ingcnand ViadimirRustovitch thusfind themselves inapositioncrucial tothe utute of Dark Medieval Europe. They have in theirhands the means ocithercontain the coniet and restore some measure of stability to the fracturing onde ofthe UNDER THE BLACK CROSS Long Night ar choose sides and bring it all crashing down in a nightmare of war and madness. ‘The choice is thet Biter Crusade, the chtonicle of the Fourth Crusade and pete mae pa eet oe ee ent eta Serene ans Bitter Crusade might asc Soc eerest ce ere) the Long Night to the War of Pin Gineetets Seta S HND Moon Each tale in Under the Black Cross has its own special theme and mood, but the chronicle overall highlights questions ofleadership andsel- interest, the self-destructivenessoffaction alism and the conflict between the sacred and the profan ‘Afairsamong the kine reflect lack of leadership andl the battle offactionsas Hungary, potentially thestrongest power of Central Europe, recovers froma civil warto come under the ruleof aking, who is more interested in hunting for religious relics than, buildingastrongrealm. Inthe Holy Land, the lack ofan effective leader leaves the armies ofthe Filth Crusade at odds over goals, as kings argue whether to attack Jerusalem or the Muslim stronghold in Egypt. Their failure leads toa useless campaign in the Nile Delta and buys only a few more years of life for the shrinking Crusader Kingdom, The Cainite world mirrors these themes Lord Jirgen's ambi- tions to expand into Easter Europe bring him into conflice with the Tzimisce and Gangsel who are already there, while Myca \ykosand his patron, the Dracon, manipulate them all. None see the broad tapestry; none sce how their internecine struggles threaten al of cheir unlives. Ifthe characters embrace this theme, they will have the chance to exercise the leadership that theirs: called betters so sorely lack: ‘The mood of thischronicle is one of swirling confusion and accelerating threat and violence. Hints come in the intrigues at Jangen’s court in Magdeburg, growing more open in the factional struggles at Acre, and finally burst forth in the final hattles in Hungary. As Storyteller, keep these themes and moods in mind as you and the players weave the chronicle, bringing them back every so often to retain the drama’s thematic unity OUTLINE Under the Black Cross contains three main tories. Thefist and the last detail the dramatic events in the German city of Magdeburg nel southeastern Hungary, while the seconcl presents an interlude in the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Acre that ties the ith Crusade in with events back in Europe. Ifthisistobe part of aneailyinterweave yourown events sndstoriesamong the tree chapters. fyouare playingonlyashort chronicle with Under the Black Cross as its focus, or wish only tbuse individual stories, then the chapters are easily separated for Chapter One: Shadows at Court finds Cainives and their sensitors gathering in Magdehurg in 1211, ac the court of Lord Jurgen, a powerful Ventrue prince ted to che Teutonic Knights Here, he announces his plans eo expand his influence into Hiangary, where King Andras Il has invited the order touard his Transylvanian border and convert thelocal population toChris- tiniy,Jirgen holds great fete, and the coterie isamong those who pay homage to him, They have theie first ste of the factional politics of Cainite Central Europe as the Gangrel tisupt the proceedings and the Teimisce Voivede Rustoviteh, ‘mules his initial challenges to Juggen. Other intrigues grip the ‘ourtas well, as parties unknown steal the gift of the Courts of alargerchronice, then yo Line, the symbol of their esteem for Jurgen. By solving the mystery, the coterie can gain powerful allies, patons and ene ties forthe future Chapter Two: Ashes of Outremertakesthe corerieto the Levant in [217 as part ofthe Fifth Crusade, an attempt to break the power ofthe Islamic Empire by sezing Egypt (thus making the Muslim hold on Jerusalem untenable). The Cainites first annivein Acte, where they discover thatthe city isbarredtothem bya mysterious aura, No vampire may enter without facing certin destruction. When the aura suddenly vanishes, the rersare thrust into the complicated poitiesof the Cainite Middle East as the local prince’s throne is threatened and factions struggle for power. Others including mortals inf with apocalyptic seal, ight over the fragment ofthe True Cross, mich ssa to be the source of the aura. The choices that the tharactersimake help determine the fateof Acreand into whose hands the holy relic falls. ‘Chapter Three: A Call to Arms brings the coterie 10 Hungary in 1225 for the chronicles elimax. King Andras has withdrawn his support from the Teutonic Knights, and both Jingen and Rustovitch know that the final bactle is at hand, ‘Although theyare disciplined and powerful, Jrgen’sforceshave the wors fit and are forced back intoa dangerous position that bringsaboutan intervention by the powerful Gangrel, Morrow The coterie can play a central role in this conflict, ei choosingone sce orthe other, or aiding the subtle plansofMyca kos to gain his own terrtory in the lands over which Jrgen and Restovitch are Chapter Four: Dramatis Personae details the many actors inUnder the Blaek Cross. It provides game statistics for those ho are most likely to cross the players’ characters’ paths in importane ways. Appendix: Endless War providesadvice wthe Storyteller, from ways to introduce the players to the chronicle to stories to sallin between hapters. I also presents option for syond the end of the book, with sxgzstons of funure developments Lorps AND Lapies oF ‘THE NIGHT ‘Under the Black Cross features many of the leading vvarpres of Dak Medieval Europe. The players’ characters remain the key actors in the drama, but they have a chance to ererel cee} While Under the Black Cross isa chronicle ofhorrot dark fantasy iis firmly rooted in the history of real peice en en en deeply can consult the following sources. Each of them served inthe design of Under the Black Cr Pea ca miners: cader Acre. Municipality of Acte, 1979 Fotey, Alan. The Miltary Orders From the Twelfth the Bory Fovrwenth Centies, University of Toront ator ne mers t,Christopher. GermanM UO na cere eas seat Johns, CN, Pilgrims’ Castle (‘Auli), David Tere namely inet Tc Oliver of Paderborn, Cardinal, d. 1227. The Capture ietta, translated by John J. Gavigan. University erotics ae 213-1221 Anatomy of a Crusade 12 forename ied Runciman, Sir Steven. A History of the Cres andthe Later Crusades ee Ree eer ee Wea Peete sain) several important Cainites. Some of these meet (or meet Cainites include: ‘© Lord Jurgen: One of the chief Venurue of n (Germanyay2ssal of Hardestadt and che new prince of Magdeburg. Junyen may be the character’ parron or their implacable enemy ther in tis nocturnal war * Voivode Viadimir Rustovitch: One of the most powerful Trimisce in Eastern Europe and the high general of the ‘Transylvanian wivodave. Rustovitch is Jurgen’s opponent in Under the Black Cross. The coterie has the chance to resolve the conflict or revel init *# Myca Vykos: An Obertus Tsimisce anda survivor of the sackof Constantinople. Vykos enjoys the backingoftheDracon, amysterious Tzimisce Methuselah. He seeksh cstablisha haven for himselfand his me upon the Symeon. He oteie to help him achieve it «* Jervais bani Tremere: Diplomaticenvoyotthe Usurpers He attempts to forge an alliance with Lord Jargen against the Transylvanian Fiends. Hegoesaboutit with duplicitousschemes, and the characters have the chance to thwart hi * Exienne de Fauberge: The nominal prince of Acre. His throne is weak, for his sire, Varsik, grows tired of his unfaithful dealings and lack of progress. The coterie becomes his best hope for survival * Gauthier de Dampie bas been fighting against the: Sauthierisamortalenusderwho wile for several decades. GOING BEFORE DESTRUCTION Hamburg! Tape HOLy Massebtig cologne ROMAN Ecos EMPIRE firran kfurt =U Heclashod with them repeatedly during the Fourth Crusade, and hhe comes to Acre with the Fih, intent on protecting the city and the holy relic within. The characters have to deal with the consequences of his actions. SETTINGS Under the Black Cress takesthecorerefromatrich rading city-on the eastern frontier of the Holy Roman Expire t the capital ofthe Crusader Kingdom in the Middle East, and then buck to the wilds of Hungary The following information pro- videsthe Storyteller withan overview oltheregionsinwhichthe drama takes place. Storytellers who want more information can dd their own research and may also want to real the Dark Ages supplements Veilof Nght forlslamie vampiresand Transylvania by Night for more information on the Tzimise and Southeast. ern Burope: MAGDEBURG AND THE ELBE ‘TheElbe Rivers norh fom themountansofBoherni, until iempries ins the North Sea ear Flin fst ourh of Denmark. Prone to flooding, the river has been an important trade out url acl exer allen, a ic has been inhabited ance prehtone nee By che (20 canny the vet stood as the traditional border between the lands of Germanic teoples and the northern Slav, Iwas in that tame that the UNDER THE BLACK CROSS Prague AUSTRIA Germans began theirpush east as Albert the Bear as given tite ‘over the Nordmank (the so-called “North March,” the lands east of the middle Elbe). Pushing east, colonizing and supporting missionary work (as well as swamp drainage and forest clear ance), he founded the margraviate of Brandenburg which sill holds those territories. By the time of Under the Black Cross, Magdeburg is one of the center-points of the eastern expansion of the Holy Roman Empire. To its west are Saxony, Thuringia and other well-established duchies and lands. To ts eastare Brandenburg and the other marks (order lands). [tise perfect placefor the court of an ambitious German Ventrue such as Lord Jangen | Tue Crry ‘The earlies references to Magdeburg itself come from the carlyninth century, when Charlemagne built afortesstheresn 806 at the edge ofthe Slavic frontier. The town itself was a center ofcommetce, ane of the main marketsfor trade with the Wends, who lived across the Elbe. As the years passed, Magdeburg grew into an important commercial center, con dlucting an active maritime trade with pors as far away as Flanders and the Baltic Sea Mageebuig was also prominent 28a center for government and theeffons to convert the pagans of Eastern Burope. Emperor Otto the Great, who had already founded the Benedictine ‘monastery of Saints Peter, Maurice and Innocent at Magdeburg in 937, convinced Pope John XII to create an archbishopric therein 967, with dominion overthe bishopricsof Brandenbur, Havelberg, Mersebusg, Meissen andl Zeite Naurmburg. Tes fist archbishop, Adelbert, tookhisthrone the next year and used his, sectasend missionaries eastasfarasRussia, By the time of Under the Black Cross, the archbishop is Albrecht Il, and Magseburz is preparing for a crusade against the pagan Slavs, The arch tithop is also in the process of granting administrative freedom tothe burghers and citizens ofthe city, a model that i destined tnspread through much of Germany asthe "Magdeburg Law.” Inthe shadows, authority ismuch clearer. Lord Jtrgen has chinesitleas prince ofthe cityandmasterofthe Brandenburg, smargaviateand the Eastern Marches, and he has the power to cnforcehisrule. Yetsuch wasn't alwaysthe case. An important port and trading city, Magdeburg has @ well established, if Sull,Cainite population through the end ofthe 12th century A Bryjah named Cedric ruled as prince, and he had done so since Otto the Great's time at least, Used to dealing with the CGanyrel and Tzimisce who hunted among the Slavstohis east hhewas apolitical animal who saw no reason to simply submit to the Ventrue Jigen. As it eurned out, he never had to. Tnwead, a devastating fire swept through the city in 1188, burning much of it to the ground, including Cedric’ haven, Jingen assured stewardship ofthe city soon thereafter FAicRE AND THE SECOND KINGDOM Knownin Biblical timesas"Accho” tothe Hebrews," Acce” te the Romans and "Ak-ku-u” to the Assyrians, Acre is an ancient city that was frst mentioned in Egyptian texts in the 19th century BC. Founded by the Canaanites hasbeen fought ‘over and conquered many ttnes in its past. Assyrian, Seleucid, Roman, Muslim and crusader armies have all marched through, itsgatesin victory. Under the rule ofthe crusaders ithas become ‘a cosmopolitan port with quarters for Genoese, isan and Vene- tian trading houses. Under an agreement with the kings of Jerusalem, each is allowed to govern its quarter under its own ‘consuls and police it with its own watch, which conveniently provides each with an armed force ro use against che other. As capital of the Crusader Kingdom, Acre is ako home to ‘many ofthemilitary orders. The Templarsand Hospitalersmoved their headquarters here after che fll of Jensalem, the Knights of| St. Lazarus maintain a hospital for lepers beyond the walls, and both the orders of St. Thomas of Acre and the Teutonic Knights ‘were bom in Acre. Much as they add to the kingdom's strength, however, they realsoa source f weakness fordspensationsfrom the popehave freed them from any royal authority. They often act fn their own against the Muslin FA Succession oF Kanes ‘With the fall of Jeruslera to the army of Salah al-Din (or Saladin, to crusader ears) after the bale of Harcin in 1187, the Kingdom of Jerusalem was in desperate straits. Not only had it lost itscapitaland chief city, butalsothe revenues from the tic inpilgrms that enabled the kings to raise troops. Worse sil, he ransom paid for King Guy de Lusignan, captured in the disaster at Hatin, included dheportand fortessof Ascalon. The viability ofthe kingdom itself was in question Seeking to stabilize che realm and restablish his authority, (Guy moved his capital to Acre in 1188, although he fist had to besiege itand couldnot enter until 1191 (afterthe Thind Crusade tookthecity). Therefolloweda period repeated instability Fis, King Guy was challenge for the throne by his brother inlaw Conrad of Montferrat, who was murdered by asassins that were sent by the Old Man of the Mountain, Fearing or hisow life and tired of dealing with his fractious nobles, King Guy himself renounced the throne in 1192 and bought the ise of Cyprusfrom the Knights Templar ‘Thetetollowedasuccessionofshor-lived kings whoallied ‘within few years of taking the thtone, Rumors began to spread that perhaps God had turned against dhe kingsdom and that he would allow the Muslims to destroy as punishment forth crusader sins. Ie wasin this troubles context chat the barons of the kingdom asked the king of France to provide a husband for “Mary, the daughter of Conrad and Isabella, her the sister of King Guy's wife, Sibylla. Philip Augustus chose the reluctant John of Brienne ("Joan de Brienne,” in French), who arsved in Acretoasumehis throne 1210. Herules until 1225, when he cedes his title to his son-in-law, the Holy Roman’ Emperor Frederick IL At the time of Under the Black Cross, John isstil the king of Jena. Montmusart Hospice of Or Hospital ACKE ¢ the, Countess of Bloish Sos Tower OTower of King Hugh Tower of king Henry Tower of Flics 1000 GEOGRAPHY The kingdom of Acre, and the Ch HolyLand in general, sitinaperilousposition. King ohn’srealm comprises a narrow stip of land between the Jordan River and theSea of Calilee totheeastand the Mediterranean on the west. Aplain of varying width parallels the coast, starting wide in the south and narrowing as it courses north, save around Acte. The city commands a wide plain that rises to a pass through the mountains, leading to Safad and the Sea of Galilee. Perhaps 30 miles to the southeast lies the Muslim fortress of Mount Tabor, poised like a dagger to cut the kingdom's throat. The Muslim, capital of Damascus sits across the Anti-Lebanon mountains, 120 miles to the northeast. To the north is another Crusader state, the County of Tripoli, and the kingdom of Antioch is, beyond that Acre itself sits on the northern curve of the Bay of Haifa and boastsa wonderfully protected harbor, although problems with sile require regular dredging to keep it open, Much traffic flows through Haifa when this isn’t done. Mount Carmel climbs sharply to the south of Acre, the high point ofa ridge thatruns inland and southward to form an obstacle to east-west travel. The interior ofthe land isa difficult country ofhillsand mountains, which shelter small fertile valleys and plateaus. Taking refuge among these peaks, fierce clansmen have re sisted oppressors and invaders for centuries. They now make life miserable for crusaders who venture too far from the plains. CINDER THE BLACK CROSS (On the enst is the Jordan River, which begins in these mountains and fills the Sea of Galilee before heading south to the Dead Sen. Crusaders and Muslims do nat fight much over the mountain country, preferring instead to clash over the plains and river valleys, coveting their wealth of farms, or chards and sheep herds. CAINITES IN OUTREMER Like theie mortal kine, the Latin Christian vampires ofthe Kingdom of Jerusalem were forced to fle in the aftermath of Hattin. While some retumed to Europe, others established new havens for themselves in the lands lef wo them, in some cases filling the night with the screams of battle as they contested territory with Cainites who were already in place. Theirposition remains precarious, though, for dhe file ofthe kingdom itself would leave them exposed w the meager sympathies of the Muslim Cainites who would come in thes rms’ wake ‘One other problem wealens the vampires of the Seoond Kingdom: They are barred from entering Acre itself Since the first cencury, a holy aura has sureounded the city that prevents any Cainite from entering. To even cross the threshold of the cicys gates means Final Death asthe vampiee burs into Hane ‘Asaconsequence, ther influence over the king and the church is minimal, since the morzals are safe from vampiric control within the aura, Even their ghouls may not tary long within Act's bounds for, while the aura does not kill them, it mal them physically weak and leaves them in terrible pain. What influence the vampites can wield comes indirectly through willing mortal agents and nobles whose houses have been, subomed by a Cainite in their midst. Nevertheless, the lack of access to the centers of power leaves them in a vulnerable pusition compared to their Islamic cousins. Tue Aura Acte’sauraisa mysterytoCaine'schilder. Themostreliable stories say that the influence appeared sometime after St. Paul's visit inthe first century and thar, within 200 years, no vampire ould enter the city. By the time of the Arab conquest, the aura hd grown so that Cainites had trouble approaching within a mile ofthe city’s walls. Forbidden to. vampires, the city vas skandoned until Varsik embraced Erienne and convinced him toclaim it ashisoun, thus becoming the prince ofa city ¢hathe could never enter. The leading theory as co the auras origin has itthatthecity sheltersa large ragmentof the TrueCrossand that that fragment causes the effect. This mystery remains unan- svered atthe time of Under the Black Crass. ‘Vampires first notice the aura when they come within a mile of Ace, fmt asa ticking or burning itch, getting progressively ‘morepsinal andspreadingthroughouttheirbodiesthe closer they ¢ometo the city. Eventually, the victim’ flesh blackens, Blisters, scpokesand finallycatchesfite. The intense heat reduces body and hone to ashes within a minute Ara MrcHanics ‘When a Cainite first entets the aura, a mile from the city wal, the player makes a Stamina (+ Fortitude, f any) roll at dificulry 7 Success means the vampire may g00n, although the Thin grows greater. Failure means she is in agony and can’t ‘continue. A botch means the victim's hands and neck begin to bsterand smolder. At one-half mile, the player makes another Stamina (+ Fortitude) eollatdiffculry8.Even withasucces, the svompire's skin reddens and cracks. With a failure, smal fires ‘rupeftom her head and scalp. The victims player must makea Roeschreck roll, and the victim takes one level of aggravated damage. On a borch, the vampire fallsto the grounel and bursts lnoflame, The character takes one level of aggravated damage pertum until she can get out ofthe aura (which very few have ‘ver done successfull). Within 100yardsof the wal, thediffculty rises t09, while theefectsofsuccessand failure ate the same. Acthe gate itself theaifculy is 10 forthe Cainite to cross the threshold. Before she can dos, the player must also spend a point of Willpe forthe character to even go on. Ask the player ifshe issure she rants to do sand if she understands the likely consequence res, failure on her roll is equal to a borch — the ‘ampire bursts into flame and dies. Success means that she is able to cross triumphantly inco the city, where, in the tunnel under the gare, she bursts into flame and dies. The fithfial speculate tha thisdestruction within the city istantamount to snelevation to Heaven anda salvation of the eternal soul, but no-one can be sure Note that characters with aratingof9 ormoreon the Read of Heaven or Humanity make their rolls at one difficulty less, hie those on the Road of the Devil or Serpent make them at Tras Cross? Under the Black Cross assumes eee ere aera ae Ce ‘converted on the road to Damascus, came to Acre in the first century b the Passion stained with th self, He gifted the relic to those he converted to the Narco eet Noe ete acres Racy shrine to the saint that contained some of his own s. The epicenter of Christian fach in the city, the eee ene ont and pushed the Damned out ofthe city Gauthier de Dampiere receives a vision while prayi at the shrine and takes the Cross fragment out «i rotect it froma the Damned. This act brings the aura ener he hoped to thwart. Indeed, it oer ee enn Serta res so powerful an aura fragment is removed, that unique eff es igre er as peat See een Peet machin Medieval atmosphere of Vampi eee Holy Land was espe reader may balk at the likelihood of a surviving fi ‘ment of the Cross, but the medieval mind was ver ere teeters ae players with th rn ees son whi ent erect games exist to have fun with, and treading careless ‘over your player's faith probably doesn't cranslate int fun. You can very easily decide that the artifact is eee ee eet ee eres ‘one greater. Ghouls may enter Acre, but must roll Stamina (+ Fortitude) every hour (difficulty 7) or be incapacitated by pain. A heart attack kills chem on 2 occh, Finally, the aura is much ‘weaker in the day than at night. Halve all dificuley numbers between sunrise and sunset HUNGARY AND THE SIEBENBURGEN The lands known as Hungary have been occupied for millennia by the living and unliving, fire by the Celts and Dacian thenlaterthe Romans who conquered themand turned theirlonds int the provinces ofPannonisand Dacia Wildlands offers, grasy plain and mountain, thea and aio came tos thehunting goundsof Gangreland Taimise,whoclashed with the Romane withdkew under presure of evil war and Germanic GOING BEFORE DESTRUCTION claimed their lands from the fleeing Cainites bur never forgot hhow they had once been invaded. ‘The central plains of the former Roman Pannonia are perfect for hors, and, in the centuries after Rome's departure, the land provided homes for waves of nomadic peoples such as the Huns, Bolgarsand Avars. Charlemagne erushed the latter in ‘AD £00 and established Slavic dukedoms as frontier marches, When one of these dukedoms, Moravia, rehelled against Carolingian rule during the reign of Emperor Arnulf in 892, he invited the nomadic Magyar peoplesfrom the Don river basin 10 artack the Moravians in the rear. The Magyars were a federation ‘of 10 hordes or tribes thar called themselves the On Opur, from, which the word "Hungarian” was derived, Under Arpad, the leader ofthe strongest tribe, the Magyars| invaded the Danubian plain and easily occupied i, destroying the ‘Moravian empire in 906, Flush with power, they turned on theit German hosts and defeated an imperial anny in 907, occupying what had once heen Pannonia. For the next 50 years, influenced fom the shadowsby the Brujah who lusted for revenge against the northern Ventrue, they raided acrossEurope, even into France for riches and slaves. Not until King Ouo I erushed their armies at Lechfeld in 955 cidtheyserrledown tobuildingakinglom within their own lands Inwas no coincidence that this change was reflected in the defeat of the Braj, fora great war chief ofthe Magyaus, Bulscu, hhad betrayed the Zealot elder Dominic and, as a reward, was Embraced asa Ventmue. He returned to the capital at Buda and CINDER THE BLACK CROSS created a ee forhinmselfdeepbeneath iscastle. Fom here he has dominated and manipulated the Arpad dynasty and ensured Hungary’sallegiance tothe West against the Slavic and Ortho- dlox East, and its Caintes. Through thenext 150 years, Hungary would suffer dynastic crises as Argnd unped Arpad and no atrocity was too great t0 secure the throne. Yet this time was also one of political a social consolidation. By the time of King Ladislas (107 1095) and his successor Coloman (1095-1116), relative on the steppes allowed Magyar armies to expand east toward the Carpathians and over them into Transylvania. Using both {imported Saxons and Steklers,a people related to the Magyars, as colonists, the Hungarians founded towns, built castles snd ‘churches, and dominated the local Vlachs and the remnants of the Dacians. Inthe night, the Ventruedeminate Transylvania’s mortal rulers and its Cainite society, led by the billiane Nova ‘Axpad. And here also they come into ditect conflict with the Teimisce. Under powerful kings and with a burgeoning population, Hungary growsby the time ofkKing Bela (1173196) tob of the most powerful states in Europe, with the king's reveres equaling those ofthe kingofFranceand that monarch’sdaughter becoming Bela’ wie, Under her influence, French conceprsof knighthood and chivalry inTuence the Magyar nobility, setting the stage for the introduction of western military oder. ‘Asof 1211, Hungary isnuled by King Andina Il (“Andrew,” in English), younger son of Bela Ill and brother of King Emeric (1196-1204), Anda himself a weak king, more interested in hunting for religious artifacts and spending the accumulated ‘sath of his predecessors than in governing. So lonse is he with royal finds and lands that the crown is neatly impoverished, leaving him dependent on his nobles, whom he cannot restrain, Hungary is reduced to such a state of anarchy that, in 1213, rebellious nobles murder Andras! German queen, Gertrude of eran, out of anger atthe spendihuift ways of her courtiers. In 1217 seeking to restore a measure of his authority, Andras agrees tomcat ith Chae burhesayinthe HelyLandonly ew months Inthe sith year of histeign, 1211, King Andras invitesthe ‘Teatonic Knights to protect his Transylvanian borderlands iuaint the ravages of the Cuman peoples by colonizing it and tomnvertng the population to Christianity. In return, he grants thet extensive privileges and immunities from taxation. This practice continues until 1225, when the king grows tied ofthe nights’ arrogant demands and expels them. [tis this 14-year peri that isthe focus of Under the Black Cross, Camrres of HaNGaARY Justa the fat ofthe wolf mirtors that ofthe herd ithunts, Cainite afirs mitt those in the mortal realm. The once tlle rulership ofthe Arpad Venerue of Hungary has been Fro Iow bya series of reversals. Nova Arpad was capcured and impersonated by an agent of other interests, the imposter weakening her postion antl the true Nova feed herself and traced vengeance. Meanuiile, Buseu’s ways have become tore and more sybariti, transforming him ftom a potent elder toannefective ruler. Although the tue Nova Arpad is free anew bythe time of Andras’ ule, er reputation has been seul weakened, Al his turmoil leavesthe Hungarian court open 0 other influences, chiefly from the West, Lord Jingen tenibhis chile Baron Heinrich von Acher to the region, and thee he seed agents close tothe king and other into areas of Trnsjvania. Heinrich wears the guise of a Teutonic Knight, andthe invitation this ordrhas much todo with hisinfluence The Timi, long the undisputed masters of Transylvania, fave een their power eroded by the migration of Saxons and Magyar into their homeland. The rise of the Tremere Usrpers fasqiven them an enemy to ight but distracted them from the shweron ofthe way oflife hat supports the wvodat Vladimir Ristovich,abiliantstateistandervel general hasisen to lead Fendi forts to regnin the night. He bas begun a strategy 19 enoe Veni inflence in King Andns court by employing his che Kara Lapesc, scion of the Vlas revenant family and a Magyar heel GroGRAPHY The kingdom of Hungary is spl into two halves, the west and the east. The western portion of the kingdom, Hungary “peoper,” comprises four main regions. The first is the Little Alfold, a plain rich in resources, separated from Austria by an extension of the Alps. On the east, itis cut off from the Great ‘Alfold plain by the Northern Mountains. The Great Alfold is the second major region, a patchwork quilt of sand dunes, dry plains and floodplains. Mortal settlement is dominated by iso- ‘ated farmsteads, called tanya, in the western portion. In the ‘east, the people of Transtisz (“Beyond the Tisca") cling tothe lifestyle of the Magyars' earlier existence as a steppe-people, dependent on raising cattle. Thied ae the Northern Mountains, ‘which separate the Great and Little Alfolds Sparsely setled at this time, the region is famous for the blood-red wines of Hungary. The last major region is Transdanubjia, which com- prises all the lands wesrof the Danube save forthe Little Alfol. Iisa densely populated region of rolling uplands andi features many fortified towns, castles and monasteries. Dense forests ‘cover the Bakony and Mecsek ridges, and mysterious, mist. ‘cloaked Lake Balaton in the north isthe lagest freshwater lake fn Central Europe. ‘Twomajorrivers,the Danube and the Tisza, drain Hungary. The Danube floodstwicea year, imearlyspringand early summer, while the Tisca floods regularly with the snowmelt in the Carpathians. The floods of hoth riverscause devastatingdamaye ‘to towns and villages inthe plains Inthe early L3th century, her major eities are Buda-Pest, home to the court of Vencel Rukard and his perverted sire, Bulscu, and Esctergom, the royal and, religious capital. Here Geza Arpad, former king and now a Ventre childe of Bulscu, sts as vampiric archbishop. He sup- ports Baron von Achern and theGerman Ventrueinaneffortto stab at his decadent site. Mountains ring the east of the Kingdom, Transylvania, sivingi an isolated, almost crapped feeling. North and east are the dark Carpathians, while the Transylvanian Alps and the Bihor Mountains form the boundaries on the south and west, respectively. They form a ring around the Transylvanian Pla teau and the northwestern plain. While the plateau and plain hhave good soil for farming and the mountains yield a rich, hharvestof timber and minerals, the mortalswho live bere enjoy litele of the land's wealth or beauty. They instead cower in of their lords, hath those of the day and the night, and they merely hope for survival “Transylvania isalso known as Edel tothe Magyarsand the Sichonbuingen to the Germans, the latcer name derived from the towers of the seven cities of Transylvania. They are Bistritz, Kronstadt, Klausenburg, Mediasch, Hermanstadt, Schaasburg and Balgead. Nova Arpad supposely acts as prince from he lair in Mediasch, but with her weakened position, shecan ust watch, as Jurgen claimsherlands. The later makesKronstadthiscapital intheregion,anditstands ashi last fortressin the waningnights cof ais war, THe TEUTONIC ORDER ‘Under the Black Cross uses stshistorical backéropakey moment in the development ofthe chied great military onder of the Middle Ages, the Teutonic Knights. Although never quite reaching the stats of the Knights Templar or the Hospitalersof St Johin, the German knights grow to ke a power to bereckoned with, More importantly, theyachieve some feats that theirrival orders never do, such as creating their own theocratic stare out of conquered —-or more euphemisticaly, “converted” — ter tories in Prusia and along the Batic coast. This chronicle captures the order in the transition fiom a relatively small band GOING BEFORE DESTRUCTION cof monastic cnsader knights foewsed on the Holy Land, toa nation-building power with song testo both the papacy and the Holy Reman Empire “The order tkes its inspiration ftom the German Hospital ‘of St. Mary founded around 1127 in Jerusalem. A giftfro suealthy German patrans, the hospital hada mission to serve their impoverished compatit pilgrims, who had need ofeae. ‘The hospital wasneveraver lars, anditfellunder the author. ity of the Hospital of St John after a dispute in 1147. Nevertheless, it maintained some well-placed patronage, and Countess Sophia of Holland ws buried there tn 172: also came tothe attention of ome of the Christian Cainites who infested she ity, inelaing Land Jrgen that ime a knight envoy for is sive Hardestade. Jurgen saw the power of the “Templars and Hospitalers,and he sain the German Hospital che posbilityof opening another order to hisinfluence. Such plans wouldhave towait however since the German Hospital Of St Mary fll when Jerusalem fell vo Saladin in 1187 A second Geran Hospital sprang up inthe fields outside Acrein 1190, asthe Christin forces ofthe Third Crise laid siege othe city Crusaders rom Libeck and Bremen builechis makeshift field hospital from the masts and sails of the ships thar had broughe thet tothe Holy Landy adit served their countrymen antl the Misimssarendered the city in L19t Garde Lisignan, king in exile of Jerumler, gave te hopital ‘yeats, the Hospital oft, Mary of the Germans in Jerusalem, as the nev order named itself, campaigned for recognition as a separate entity from the Hospital of St.John and standing asa nulitary order. They made inroads with the pope, the powers of Outremer and Emperor Henry, receiving small holdings in ‘Tyre and Jaffa in che Holy Land, Barlera in Italy and Palermo in Sicily. Finally in 1198, in a grand ceremany at the Temple in Acre attended by the masters of the Knights Templar and Hospital ofS. Joh, the patriarch of Jerusalem and the king of Jerusalem, the onder hecame military ‘The Teutonic Knights were bom. THE Teutonic RULE Pope Innocent III recognized the order in a bull in 1199 and instructed itto follow the Templar rule in all chings, save in their hospital duties where the knights would follow the rule ‘of the Hospital of St. John. Like the Templars they were thus organized undera Grand Council, consistingofthe Hochmeister (grand master), Gross-Komtur (high commander), Ordensmarschall (marshal-general), Spieler (hospitaler), Tresler (ureasurer) and Trapier (quartermaster). Geographically, the ‘order consisted of a series of commanderies, each with at least 12 knights overseen by a Hauskomuur. The commanderies of a province formed a Ballei and a regional commander called a Landmeister oversaw a group of Balleien. At first, the sole a tower in Acre for its use at this time. Over the next several Lardmeister organized the German holdings (the only region ae CARPATHIAN MOUNTAINS ey lausenbirg MURESU; “ TIL _Balgrads DB > ER ie DS OW on, Like ME 7s TikKronstadt ts ffer where they numbered enough to warranc theposition), butthe struture would spread in later years. In terms of daily life, the Teutonic rule was the Templars’ mand so quite austere. The brothers swore oaths of poverty tnd chastity and undertook the requirements of monastic life, ‘gendingmuch oftheir waking hours in prayer. With the passing ofthe years, some of this dedication and discipline would dissipate, but never the ambition i accompanied. In the early ‘yer, the Teutons were the very example of the chivalric ideal pious, daring and nigh unstoppable. GROWTH AND INFLUENCE ‘Once itbecame military in nature, the Teutonic Onder grew inleaps and bounds. In its fst decade, i remained focused on tative in the Holy Land, growing in size and undertsking ‘mpaigns in the East. It received lands throughout the Holy Roman Empire and in other areas of Europe as well. Although they maintained holdings in Acre, the Teutons quickly fell into try with the Templars and Hospitals, both of whom were ‘ery protective oftheir postions a the preeminent ordets of chivalry of the time. Under the early Hochneisters, the order concentrated on Armenia, leaving Syria to the better estab- lahod orders. In these early yeats, the Teutonic Knights were cebtively smal in number and established commandeies and forreses at Amouda and Haruniye. A campaign in Cilicia in 1210brought an end ro much oftheir activtiesin Armenia and Anatolia, when many ofthe knight-brothers died inbartealong with thei third Hochmeister, Hermann Bart This nadir of power, however, ushered in a new era of cxparsion and prestige for the rd. Hermann von Salza be came Hochmeister with Bar's death, and he set about securing new patronage and position forthe order. Over his illustrious carer, he would manage the seemingly unmanageable feat of remaining in the good graces of both the papacy and the Holy Roman Emperor, who feuded incessantly. Personally, he wouk alo gun the right to wear the golden cros of Jerusalem on his Inbie (beneath the black Teutonic cross) from the Crusader King, John of Brienne, after his knights activitiesat the siege of Damitta during the Filth Crusade (seep. 18) Even before that crusade, von Salas order refocused itself on quasi-vigin territory forthe military orders: pagan Eastern Exrope. The order's preatest successes would comein Prussiaand Livonia where it established a theocratic state (the Ondenssaat) alter 1230. Butas early as 1211, a mere year after the defeat in Cilia, the onder received from King Andras Il of Hungary the invitacion tooccupy his Transylvanian borderlands. The Teutons vould be chere until 1225, Tue ORDER AND Lorp JURGEN Despite Jingen’s interest in the German Hospital of St Mary the Teutonic Knights remained largely free of vampiric influence in their early years thanks to the accident of their Iheadquarters in Acre. That city has long been terra incognita for the Damned due to the powerful supernatural aura that many mee to the supposed presence of fragment ofthe True in thecity (seep. 10-11). Therefore,Lord Jirgen could only lowly srk his claws ino the burgeoning order, using chose knights whospentmostoftheirtime in Tyre, Jafaortheorder’sEuropean holdings. Lond Jargen’s eyes have never relly been on the Holy Land so much as the Eastern Marches, however. His quest to assume che status as his site's preeminent vassal (and pethaps to replace him) has him looking to kingsdoms of Poland, Hungary and points east, The Ventrue ofthese lands are not overly loyal toHardestadrand the Tsimisce lay traditional claim to the entire area, 0 it seems a prime land into which to expand. If he can clan it and hol i, his status will rie tremendously, From the earliest, his plans in the region have included the burgeoning, ‘Teutonic Order. Even before its oficial adoption of the mantle ‘ofa militant order, he was sending parties of ghoul knights into the marches under the banner of the German Hospital Jiingen performed or authorized the Embrace of a few se- Jected knights and priestsin the earlyorder, buthe hasmost often relied on the blood oath or other forms of influence. This influence allows his agents to continue to perform daylight activities (and hence remain full members of the order) and, if necessity, even to travel to Acre. Lord Jargen's most valuable agent in these activities has been Lucretia von Hart. Traveling among the order's commanderies in the guise of a nurse pledged nottosee thesunagain until theSaracen isejected from the Holy Land, she has spread hersre's influence across the orer. Powe fulinbloodand charms she hasspreadasecret movementwithin the larger order called the Order ofthe Black Cross, which subtly corrupts the crusader ideal into service to Jungen’s caus. THE ORDER OF THE BLACK Cross ‘The Onler of the Black Cross clasic “order within an. order," a staple of varnpiric influence in monastic and other closed institutions for centuries, The members are all par of the Teutonic Onder who have come to understand (of, mote pre cisely, been led tobelieve) thatthe Black Crossisthe secretheart of thelr beatherhood. Just as the Teutonic Order itselfholds out the promise of special stars and service to a higher cause in the lay world, che Black Cross does the same among the Teutonic brothers themselves. It appears to beanother circle of initiation, whose membersare an even greater elite. Through the mouth of Lady Lucretia, selece candidates hear of the great powers and hhonors bestowed on those who are willing wo pay the price of, service to their Lord. Swayed by her honeyed words and the ‘example of her own vow to never see the sun, most take the fist step under the black cross. Ofcourse, damnation awaits, What arfirstseems likeservice to Gal, becomes service to the order and its god-like masters. ‘Once a beother (or a sister-murse) is initiated and brought fully, into the secret order, what might have seemed unthinkable Dhecomes a matter of sacred duty ORGANIZATION Lucretia isthe linehpin ofthe Order of the Black Cros and sheservesasits Grass-Kumtny, with her ellow vampire Heinsich von Achern as Odensenschll, and angen himself asthe largely unseen Hochmeser, Those who are brought into the secret ordet retain thetrfunction as knight, priest sergeantor use) butalso gain a rank. At fist, a candidate becomes an Engeweiter (initiate, later rising to become a Buder vom Kreuze (brother of GOING BEFORE DESTRUCTION the eros), and finally a Koma wom Kreuze (commander of the cross) Thistheee-degree sytem, inheritec rom ancient mystery cults and a variety of other religious orden, correspond 9 increasing degrees of vampiic influence, A Teutonic Brother becomes an initiate of the cross only after a lengthy period of study with Lucretia or one of her close asistants. Quite gifted in the Discipline of Presence, she usesthistime to indoctrinate and entrance thecandiate.(Formoreon tisprocessseethe Ashen Calts supplement). To become a brotherof the cross an initiate rust undergo a series of holy sacraments administered by a brother priest and overseen by Luctetia. The wine i laced with ‘quantities of vitae (either Lucretia',Jirgen’sor that ofa trusted vassal), so that the blood oath is in fll effect by the time the candidate isesinsectetank. Finally, those few whoate awarded the honor of hecoring commanders of the cross undergo an elaborate and private ritual during which they must pledge 10 sive up the sunlit world as Lucretia has. The snual culminates with the Embrace ‘Asof 1211, when Under the Black Cross begins, Lucretia has Embraced only avery few Teutonic brethren. Ghouls are simply much more useful scatspawsin the daylighthours, and she has a least one brother ofthe cross in every commandery outside Acre. The commandery established in 1209 near Maggleburg isthe stronghold of thesecret onder withthe entire company initiated into at least the frst degree. Activimtes AND AGENDAS. Lcreias ering isnor purely eyical from her petspec- tive. Although she hides the fall ruth of her state until the Embrace of a prospective chill, she ses her actions as an honorable way m which toserveher lege and recruit vasa. A followerofthe vampiric codes of chivalry, she is prorective other various thrallsandshe does notexpoxe them toneedesdanger ‘They are highiy trained and valuable soles, not wo be squan- dere on petty games. She makes sure to oversee the ghoul! tring, The best canidates spend time in Magdeburg and get tomeet Hocker jangen and serve as his court guards or in his ‘ar partes She is careful w bring only those whe are ready nto contact with the fll Caiite court, a lesson she leamed after having w hune down and killa ghoul whose religious indgna tion was so great as to break the blood oath, With the opening ofthe Sebenhingen in Transylvania, the Black Cros! moment has come, Acting on het sit's orden Locretia is transferring many of her easqaws to Hungary *0 tuncertake the occupation, These ghouls and entranced wations have been told the uth — that the Slavs and Cumans of the Easter Marches are under the thrallofdeviscalled the Teimisce Teisthese Fends tha the onder must fight. Jrgen has ore her toaeceleate the Embrace ofthe ghouls in Hungary, and Lucretia isdoingso. She wantsto make sure, however, that the ghouls and tmortal are well exablshed fists that their forcesare not weak luring the day. BEYOND THE SHADOWS Debts Lend nen confidence hts, he Tete Kightsr hrdly snp dupes Will deter and red Fe eerekas ily de enteact epee arenexs esr corel dhe ayro de Damowe Th ft thas Lee be UNDER THE BLACK CROSS been successfil is a testament to her understanding of the importance ofbeing discrete andsclective, and herabilty weouch damnation ischivalic terms. But her reach only goes so far and there are many Teutonic Brothers who exist well beyond it Hochmeiste Herman von Salsa isno vampiric catspaw. Like ‘many ofthe lon ofhisday he isaware that there are darkepowers afoot in the medieval night, and he recognizes thar they must he dealt with carefully. Heisnot yetaware of the Oe ofthe Black ‘Cross perse, but hedoes know that some ofhisbrothersare fred by apassion somewhat darker than his own, and chat they may haveformedanallianeeamongtherselves. Heisapolitical man, hhowever,and hes willing to make use ofthese fanatics to further the cause ofthe order. In Acte itself, there are thoxe who are less convinced that the rot within can be contained. A smal group of knights have come tobelieve that mostafthe military orders are subject to the dominion ofdevilishpowers. They whollydistustthe Llosptalrs and Templars, but they have made common eause with the Brothers of St. Thomas of Acre, a small English militant order. They bide ther time, wating for away to strike at the darkness among them, That chance may well come during Under the Black Cross THE FIrTH CRUSADE ‘The Fifth Crusade is yet another attempt to secure the Cracder states from Musi attck and regain Jerusalem, tis time by organizing an attack on Egypt. This strategy isthe sme one that many had argue for atthe start of the ill-fated Fourth ‘Crusade, The idea isto seize Islam's richest province and thus break Saracen power the Levant, leaving Jerusalem tfallinto (Christian hands ike ripe apple. The plan ssound, and itcomes| within ahair'sbeeadth ofsucess, yetiemeetsafutileend because ofpettyargumentsoverprecedenceandtheshor-sighted pursuit of factional goals ORIGINS. Tic lei coven cma eslegroerla ictiranecta shipesie ag gran Pope accel mover rea eins of the Fourth Crusade, which had ended in the sack of (Caeseacople Ha gece dest alin ea he coat fed abi Chaseningged ec Jl, ea tt ese tater rie vith oc amid ay Pec Tad relgod forthe pst 20 pean barmeen the Second Kogan and the Islamic Empire under Salah al-Din's brother, al-Adil (whom the Franks called Saphadin). Both sides honored a series pes sciesd es bag ateetc cnn Eicon, and Muslim alike discovered there was much money to be made in trade, and no one wanted to do anything to jeopardize it. Ie galled the pope that the Franks in the Crusader Kingdoms cared fate‘thoueoory “tm Ghe recap oft HO hy of Girsendom ‘The Lateran Counel of 125 declared the ogeencn nd scala cereal ton fr ices wsk up 00 Cie Ta ed yes eect gerve taaa f pmsel or opulace to another ers Inib-air were reported and eagerly sprea Forll cher eff ind supplies. And Innocent disheartening news. It was on a to mediate such differences hetween Genoa and Pisa hedied aftera sudden, brief illness. Succeeding him wasthe eldetly Pope Honorius I Dark BEHIND THE LIGHT Other forces were at work in the sh they could the workings couade: Jers anced to strikeagain for Jen theirightil pl ‘of the Holy C were opposed by cer shifted the en ‘means to drive th ie appr in their earsand p Their success lessened the interest of the Lasombra, who « the Ventrue tobe stepping beyond theirnatural place and into arole reserved forthe Magisters, thatof lead irdefeat, they concentrated their attention or where the lack of inn and Frisia COMPLICATIONS The death of Pope Innocent wasnot the only problem that le faced. The Crusader army who bad taken the Cro ed pressure from Pope Hlonorius,how his army ready by the summer of 1217 ‘Transport vasa problem, too, since the army had no ships ‘ofltsown. These were cobe provided by the Frisian and Rhenish contingent, sailing around the coasts of France, Spain and Portugal to reach Italy. However, storms and disease took their ‘oll, with many ships being lost off France. Then the remaining shipsstopped at Lisbon, where some were persuaded ro aidin the attack on the Muslim fortress of al-Qasr. Others refused and traveled on to Italy, while those who stayed behind suffered ‘many casualties taking al-Qust. By the time the disparate cle- ments gathered again in Italy, it was too late to sail for the Holy Land until the next spring. Tired of waiting, the crusaders were forced to arrange for their own, inadequate transport, which ‘meant that they had to leave part oftheir army behind. Itwasn’t until the fall of 1217 thar the Germans under Duke Leopold VI of Austria and Hungarians of King Andras reached Acre a las. THe CRusADE Ashes of Outremer, the second chapter of Under the Black Cross, concems itself with only the first portion of the Filth Crusade, the events at Acre in the autumn and winter of 1217and 1218. I, however, youwish tocontinue yourchronicle in the land of the Serites, you cerzainly can da so. Sojourn tN Acre Thecrusadebeginsin eamest with thearrivalat Acre ofthe Hungarians and Austrians, aswell a a force of Cyprios under King Hugh de Lusignan. Alimost immediately, the leaders fll. bickeringamong themselves over commandf the army. While King John considers himself in command, the Austrians and Hungarians take their orders from Andras, to whom Duke Leopold isallie, while the Cypeits obey only King Hugh. The Military Onder in tur, obey only thei owe. leaders. This contention plays to the advantage of the Muslims, for Sultan al- Adil wants nothing more than a continuation of the peace. Indeed, he ismestconcemed with the threatofarebelion by his nephew al-Afal,ason of Salah al-Din who hasallied with the Seljuk Turks Food shortages threaten the crusader army as much as disunity: The harvest in Syria has been poor, and there is not enough to feed an army. This shortage leads tothe army's fst. ‘operations, an extended raid into the Jordan river valley and eastem Galilee to find food. While al-Adil covers the ap- proaches to Damascus and las his son, el-Mu'azsam guard the road to Jeruslem, he need not have wortied. The crusaders concentrate on taking food fom civilians and looking fr relics. King Andrasisquite pleased to take possession ofoneofthe wine jugs ftom the marriage feast at Cana. The raid ends with the return of the crusaders to Acre at the end of November 1217 ‘The second major event in Acre comes with King Job's decision to attack Mount Tabor, an important Muslim fortress that must be neutralized before the army can leave for Egypt Highlighting the lack of unity among the Buropeans, Kings ‘Andras and Hugh refuse to join inthis attack, as do the Miltary (Orders. Sent to help defend the Kingdom of Jerusalem, they leave its army on its own in a erucial operation. In spite ofthe