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By Phil Brucato, Richard E. Dansky, Robert Hatch and Ian ° Credits Authors: Phil Brucato, Richaed E. Dansky, Robert Hatch and lan Lemke Additional Concepts and Design: Andrew Bates, Brian Glass, Fed Yelk and Aaron Voss Additional Material: Ethan Skemp and Justin Achill Developers: Ethan Skemp and Justin Achill Ealitor: Aileen E. Miles Art Director: Lawrence Snelly Layout & Typesetting: Lawrence Snelly Screen Layout: Katie McCaskill Interior Art: Andrew Bates, Steve Bryant, James Daly, Scott Fischer, Darren Frydendall, Dave Fooden, JeffParker and Ron Spencer. Front Cover Art: Ron Spencer Back Cover Art: Ron Spencer Screen Cover Art: Glenn Fabry Front & Back Cover Design: Matt Milberger & Lawrence ©1997 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All right ofthe publisher is expressly forbidden, except f Mage the Ascension are re ‘Werewolf the Apocalypse h the Oblivi Ine. CUMSTON 6400 cise. USA eserved. Reproduction without the written permission he purposes of reviews, and blank character sheets, which, ‘may be reproduced for personal use only. Whice Wolf, Vampire the Masquerade, Vampire the Dark Agesand ered tradematks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Aion, . Changeling the Dreaming, Werewolf: The Wild West, Cle of Eestasy, The Inquisition, Ascension’s Right Hand, Lei Sorcerer, Freak Legion, Buried Secrets and Frontier Secrets are Allrights reserved. Al characters, names, placesand text here “The mention of or reference tony company or product in these pages isnot a challenge tothe trademark ‘or copyright concerned. themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fictio intended for entertainment purposes only. Reader diseret Check out White Wolf online at hetp:l/; and PRINTED IN CANADA Werewolt Adams" Fountain, for living with the bears in The Hole when utopia comes Michelle “My Baby Daddy” Prabler, for bringing musical Ebonics to the lunch discussion. Ash “Prince Blondie” Arnett, for adding a touch of Bryan Ferry to karaoke night. Allison “You Didn't Tell Me It Would Be Like This” Sturms, for joining the monkey hous— er, ESD. Chris This In A Bon Jovi Video" MeDonough, for shietripping hints and tips Cynthia“Unseclie” Summers, for dealing withthe less-Glam ‘ourous aspect of Changeling — the editing! Lord and Lackey, World of Darkness lemarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc red by White Wolf Publishing, atecop he Wild West Contents Introduction: How to Use this Book Chapter One: Garou Ways of the Savage West Chapter Two: The Changing Breeds Chapter Three: Antagonists Appendix: Odds and Ends Well, So you've bought ch teller Screen, and you're wonder come back to the Savage West. Glad to see you again. what all’s in the accompany ing book — that is, this Frontier Secrets thing. The answer is quite abit, some that's suitable for players and some that isn’ First, a word or two by way of explanation: as its, we couldn't fi everything we wanted t erewolfs The Wild West isa big book, but big le. That's where a chunk ofthe material in this book comes from it's leftovers, although tasty ones. Nothing absolutely necessary to a Some of the other chronicle, but a passe of worthwhile ideas that might help a game out. So ‘material is strictly not the players’ business unless the Storytell ronicle like out-of-character knowledge. Con ood thar we didn't want to pur in the main rulebo wane their players ro kn There ar a few more expans Eater, what happened to the Garou, and how Darke Sa sid aes eed oF So, how's your appetite? Sull hungry for some leftovers? Care to try 2 hearty meal of horror and action, a heaping helping isa loaded plate, thar’ for sure But there's always room for secon. Introduction: How oes Book ng! Well, dive right in. The main rulebook Gifts Circumstances of birth may influence a werewolf affinity born Garou are taught Passage — in fact, the C entirely on. who's calling up those spirits feel like teaching him. Although the Gifts listed in the main rulebook re the ones ‘most commonly taught in the Savage West, the Storyteller may offer her players a wider range of choices if she’s so inclined. Alternately, she can use these following Gifts as actors and what either surprises to spring on her troupe, or as the abjects of visionqueses. Whatever works Chapter One: Garou Ways = Homid * Shape Smoke (Level One) — When on the times it's better not to let anyone know wher camping. The tiniest wisp of smoke can give away a location 4 andean bringno end of trouble. Using this Gift, the Garoucan completely disperse or shape into pattems the smoke or steam fiom a small campfire toa train. This Gift is taught by an Aie- spice System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rll Manipulation + Stealth againsta variable difficulty (4toshape ‘a campfie's smoke, 7 to dispes the smoke from a raging inferno, etc). a train’s steam, 9 to dissipate of the Savage West + Shed (Level One) —Thisallows che metis to escape from grabs and holds by releasing a layer of fur. This Gif is raughe by a Snake-spirit. System: Ifthe metis is successfully grabbed of pinned, the player can roll Dexterity + Primal-Unge difficulty 7. Ifsuccess: ful,themetisslipsfromtheopponent’s. grap, and the opponent is left with only a handful of fur. The metis can also use this to help him squeeze through tight places, using his fur asa slick surface to «ease passage. (reducing the difficulty of such actions). Haisless metis cannot possess this Gift Lupus * Cousin's Cot (Level One) — Garou with his Gift can blend in with thelenaturalsuroundings exer than other of their kind, The Gift caught by a Wolfepi, allows the werewolf o appear a the appropriate type and teed of wel System: This Gift only works in Lupus form. The player rolls Manipulation * Survival (difficulty 7). Only one success is required, but additional successes will handicap special senses or Gifts (Scent ofthe True Form, vampiric senses, ec.) from detecting the ruse. Ifthe mn shifts to match the i Garou using this Gift in a ci ft succeeds, the werewol?s Lupus f ofthe area cown usually resemble large dogs, a very unappealing concept to most Ragabash + Foo’s Gold (Level One) —The G worthless objects (beads, che ou makes relatively metal, cod liver il) or items of inferior craftsmanship (blankets, rfl appear to be highly vvaluableand desirable. This docsn't cause a blind lust in others Werewolt: to possess the objects, but does make them ely disposed toward whatever d This is taught by a Magpie-spnit. System: The player must make a Wits + Subterfs roll (dificulty 7). The Gif affects all targets presen though individuals may make Willpower rlls (difficulty 8) ro cts. Altemately, particularly savvy characters may roll Perception + Subterfuge (difficulty 7) to pierce the ifs lasts the deception. The number of successes determines duration; one success only lasts a couple turns th centre scene, while five makes the effect permanent. Philodox * Strength of Vision (Level One) — A Philodox can apply his will toa goal and then ignore all distractions fom it. This Gift is taught by a Boar sprit. System: By spendinga Willpower point, thecharactercan, ignore interruptions, distractions and upsets as she pursues some goal. Any information thatthe character needs to recall sible. The effect toachieve her purpose is immediately act lasts f Ahroun * Tron Claws (Level Two) — The Garou's claws trans form to sharp iron talons, making her the bane of the fae whether nunnehi or Kithain, who live in the Savage West. This Gift is taughe by an earth elemental System: The Garou spends a Rage point and touches her claws to an iron object. For the remainder of the scene, her claw attacks then do an additional die of damage. The irom talons inflict aggravated damage on any target which has a susceptibility to iron. What's more, the character can more hatare toxic, spiny or otherwise d fous to the couch; if the Garou would take clawing such an opponent, she gains an extra three dice to readily claw enemies ger soak this incidental damage. These dice are used only to soak damage thats a direc result of attacking such an opponent if the cactus-skinned mockery smacks the werewolf with a fst, the werewolf must soak as usual he Wild West ‘+ Heightened Senses (Level One) — Lupus Gite * Dispel the Golden Waste (Level Four) — This rare and radical solution to the Gold Rush remainsadeeply-kepe secret Te summons up the spirits of gold from their resting places, whirls them into a dust cloud, and whisks the gold away Teavingthe area worthless for prospectors. Where does the gold 0! Most Furies simply shrug. Who cares? I's only valued by selfish men. Some speculate chat the spirits deposit the loot in some hidden Fury den. The tribe certainly has ready cash when its needed. System: The player makes a Gnosis rol, difficulty 8. Success creates a whitlwvind of gold dust which sweeps the vicinity fre of gold and pyrite. Any shaped ‘The Gift can and will work in “civilized” areas like banks, although asealed vault prevents the dust from leaving. In open spaces, aie currents carry the gold far away; the Fury cannot \s the Level One gold turns ro dust. redirect the dust to suit her own needs. The gok’s eventual destination remains a mystery only the Storyteller can solve. Bone Gnawers + Scent of Sweet Honey (Level One) — The werewolfcan cause his target to exude sickeningly sweet smell and become slightly sticky tothe touch. This attracts all manner of vermin, and the target swifly becomes coated with and surrounded by swarms of gnats, flies, bees, ete. The swarm causes impaired anoying stings and bites, maddening vision for the target ing noises, total inability to function 50 ally, and other feniences, The exact game effect of the swarm is up to oryteler. This Gift is taught by certain Plane-spirit, but Insect-spirits can also teach it. ‘System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wit + Subterfuge (difficulty 6). The effects last for one hour p success, and the smell will not wash off during this time. Children of Gaia ‘* Nature's Bounty (Level One) — Even in the heart of a trackless waste, the Garou with this Gift ean find sustenance. Gaia provides the werewolf with food and water throughout her journey: at least, enough to survive. The werewolf finds herself drawn to trickles of fresh water or tiny, hidden oases of plant life. The Cactus- (Garou repay Gata by leaving portions of food behind wh isnot in need. that teaches this Gift insists the ‘System: Every success the player receiveson a Perception + ‘Survival roll (difficulty 8) provides barely enough food and water for one person for one day. Multiple successes can provide for multiple people * Fertile Lands (Level Two) — The werewolf employing this Gift calls on Gaia to make even the harshest, most barren soil fertile. This Gift is taught by a Naturae in service to Gaia, oint per month to ensute that the land is capable ofsustainingnew crops. The Gif fertilizes onc half-acreof land persuecesson the Willpower oll. Once ten Gnosis pointshave been spent, the land is considered permanently though overfarming ornaturalcondicions may leach the from the soil as usual Fianna + Firewater Kiss (Level One) — This Gift allows the werewolf to induce a heady, euphoric feeling into another nind. This state of mind clouds judgment, impairs wand reduces inhibitions, much like a heavy drinking binge. In son is may make an opponent easier to handle, but used improperly it can make a hostile situation leven more di System: The player must spend a Gnosis point and roll Manipulation + Medicine (dlificulty of che targee’s Wille power). The number of successes indicates the strength and duration of the effect. Every two successes add one to the target's difficulties, up to a maximum of a 10 dificuly. The effects range from lightheadedness for a minute (two suc- cesses, + t0 all difficulties) ro a drunken stupor for an entire scene (six successes, +3 to all difficulties). The temporarily shake off the effects for a round by spending a Willpower point. Ifthe subject spends number of Willpower points greater dian the number of successes rolled, the cffects are negated. This power can’t be used more than once fon the same target in the same day Get of Fenris + Resist Pain (Level One) — As the Level One Philoxiox fe + Fertile Lands (Level Two) — As the Children of Gaia fe '* Mark of the Enemy (Level Three) — The ‘a spirit-glyph on an opponent that can only be seen by other Getof Fens, This mark ispermanent, brandingthe individual as an enemy of Fenris who should be watched or destroyed, get can ‘System: The character must touch his target and the player must make a Gnosis ol, difficulty 7, to successfully brand the foe with the Mark of the Enemy, Thismark isnever left without ‘good reason, and falsely accusing a person is a grave breach of Honor, ifnot eause for death, Iron Riders ‘+ Well-Oiled Running (Level One) — On the trail, all ical devices suffer from exposure to the clements. Pistols jam from sandy grit, wagon wheels wear out from rough terrain and the occasion: ‘extreme heat of cold. This Gift allows the Garou to protecther tools of the trade from nature and the elements, manner of mechs train breaks down from ‘System: By spending a Gnosis point and rolling Stamina + Crafts (difficulty 7), the Garou can protect any mechanical device, The device is unaffected by natural corrosion or ad- verse weather for a number of days equal to the number of successes rolled. Note tharthispower does not prevent damage from anything but the natural elements. * Iron Claws (Level Two) — As the Level Two Ahroun Git. Red Talons * Scent of Running Water (Level One) — As the Level (One Ragabash Gift. Shadow Lords * Brand of Suspicion (Level One) —TheGaroubrandsan wangible mark of suspicion on a target. The subject herself feels no change, but all others in her vicinity fel subtle yet powerful misivings, even if they were favorably disposed tovardherpreviousl. The taye'sactions and wordsare taken with the most negative inference possible; even inaction is seenassuspicious.fothersaefocusedon the Garouor another individual, the pct iF she is brought to theirattention. This Giftistaughe by an Ancestor- spire System: The Garou must concentrate for one turn; the playerspends a Gnosis point androlls Manipulation + Suber fuge (dfculty ofthe targe’s Willpower). Success bestows an incangible aura on the target, generating mistrust in those around her. Those who look into the Umbra will see the target's brand, but mast make an Intelligence + Enigmas rll (Ciffeulty) to properly discern ts meaning ifthe target Joes not cata reflection in the Umbra, che brand will stil floa, ‘racklingsin espace shestands). Note that Unbral spirits ate similarly lery ofthe brand, mosifing the targe’s use of Gifts by #2 difcuty. The elects las fora scene Silent Striders ‘= Faceless Stranger (Level One) — The werewol the eyes of onlookers, mentally convin there is nothing noteworthy about her. This Gift is taught by Lunes and Shadow spirits. attention will lock onto the System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. For the duration ofthe scene, any neutral observers take no notice of rou, and subconsciously avoid her, ignore her and even forget any of her distinguishing features once she has passed. This power has no effect on characters who ate already hostile toward the Garou, or who have been specifically instructed to Took out for her. Silver Fangs + Dramatic Entrance (Level One) — The Garou may we this Gift immediatly upon entering a soene or place sciket « commanding pose, and some envionmental cect (ominous thunder, astunned silence, «chilling wind and the 10 OO000 aa EsDall like) usually accompanies her. This Gift is taught by Faleon- spirits System: The player must spend a Gnosis point. The Garou smuscactivate this Gift the moment she arrivesupon thescene. ‘The Silver Fang is considered to have an Appearance Trait of three higher than her actual score, but only until she speaks. ‘This Appearance rating is not necessarily physical atractive- itis more often than not an awesome aura of majesty and * Lambent Flame (Level One) — The Garou creates a nimbus of fiery silver light surrounding her body. This Gift is taught by a Lune. System: Activating this Gift requires a Willpower point, and the flame burns for the duration of the scene. The light illuminates a 100-foot radius, and the Garou glows so brightly that difficulties of hand-to-hand attacks against her are in- creased by one. The difficulties of misileattacks are reducedby ‘one, however, as the Garou shines like a beacon. Stargazers * Sense Wyrm (Level One) — Gite Uktena + Feast Upon Snake's Wisdom (Level Two) —Unlikethe Wyrm, Snake is both wise and helpful. The Uktena may call upon the spirit of Snake to tell her one piece of nonmagical information. This may be where to find water in the desert, how lost porcan be found or who a ceremonial ratle belongs to. Any single piece of information (barring something that could only be known through reading someone else's mind) can be discovered by the Garou. The Gift cannot be used to identify someone who has committed a crime (such as theft or murder); that would involve reading thac person's mind. It could, however, be used to obtain circumstantial evidence, such as identifying the owner of a knife used in a murder. Because Snake reveals her Gifts only to those who are both resourceful and respecful,a wise Garoudoesnorattempe touse hher Gift more often than oncea week. The Gift istaught by the spirit of Snake. ‘As the Level One Metis System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas with a difficulty based on the likelihood of anyone else knowing the information sought. Well-known facts (the Cheyenne use the areaasa winter camp) mightcallforadificultyof nomore than 4,ohile particularly obscure knowledge (exactly where within the painted desert does a particular prairie dog have its Laie?) might have a difficulty of 9 or 10, Most information will fll between a difficulty of 6 and 8. Those who abuse this Gift too ‘often should receive wildly incorrect answers, regardless of roll ‘Flick ofthe Fish’s Tail (Level Two) — The Ukte breathe underwater and swim as fast as he can run in Hispo form. The Gif is taught by any Fish spit: ‘Werewolt: The Wild West 0 - —] OO PSL ©, ¢ The Garou spends a week to construct the doll ‘The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Crafts (dificulty8). To bring luck to the carpet, the playerrolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7 or the recipient's Gnosis, whichev should be recorded by the Storyteller, for each grants one automatic suecess on asingledieroll ofthe Garou'schoice later in the story or allows all the successes to affect one die rol in thescene in which the kachina doll is activated (not counting damage rolls). For example, if Song-of-the-Morning gets three successes con het Manipulation + Occult roll, she may use one of those successes to affect a difficult climbing roll she needs to make during the session; later in the story, she is confronted by a deadly foe and chooses to utilize another success inher attempt toslash him with her claws. Ifshestill has successes remaining, shemay use them in successive turns or save them for later. Al, cory; those that ate is less) Each success (to1maximum of IOsuccesses) successes must be used within a single unused simply fade away. Conversely, ifshewishestouseall her successes at once, she may add them toasingle rollin the same scene in which she called forth kachina’s power. ‘Wheneverall the successes are used, the luck isgone andthe dol crumbles todust. Another doll must be made Gift again. No more than one kachina doll made by the Garou may be in existence at any given time, nor can extra dolls be constructed duringthe time the ick hasbeen invoked, butnot same ingredients yet spent. Making another doll requires the: ll week of uninterrupted time Each failure rolled when constructing the dol removes one success from the possible 10, while a borch creates a doll that functionsin reverse, automatically causinga I resulton one die (orawhole bunch of them ifthe quick luck method isinvoked) ceach time the doll’ luck is called upon. The Storyteller may choose to make either roll forthe player so that the player will never be sure just how much luck she has tocall on —or ifshe thas activated a curse instead! Wendigo « Butfalo Hide (Level One) — A warrior isn't worth much if hedies before he can fight. This Gift, bestowed with a chant, allows a Wendigo to withsand the treacherous weapons of distant cowards. Once the 0 sides jon, the warrior son his and rakes a System: Ifthe player makes a successful Stamina + Primal- Urge roll difficulty 6), the Garou gains two extra soak dice against missile weapon attacks. Bullets, arrows and hatchets muy strike the wolf sticking in his hide, but he'llfel them less than he might have otherwise, This bonus does not apply against hand-to-hand attacks, magical damage or other nasty phenomena (explosions storms, bigrocks, etc.). ThisGiftlats ‘one scene and can be used on others ‘Hawk's Guidance (Level One) —In theendless stretches ‘of the Great Plains, the Wendigo quickly learned how to find Ee the path home. By chanting to the spirit of the Hawk, a Garou ‘may divine the best direction for his travels. The Gift bestows oming instinet," not an actual picture of the terrain; nevertheless, it's an effective spirit ai. System: The player rolls Wits + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) ch to follow. This may not be the quickest or rmostdirectroute, butitwill be thesafest. The Garou sinstincts ‘guide him from th fuidance dissipates if the Gift is used again before the trip is, tofind the best ‘This Giftlasts until the journey ends; its * Burning Tumbleweeds (Level Three) — By summoning Fire-spirts into the dry bushes of the plains, a Wendigo can make rolling flaming bombs, This Gift comes from Coyote, who used it for one of his more deadly pranks. System: The player spends a point of Rage and rolls Ma- nipulation + Survival (difficulty 6). For each success, one tumbleweed bursts into flames which last until the bush is consumed. The Gift also summons a stiff breeze. Once lit, the tumbleweeds can be blown by the wind to wherever they'll do the most damage; each rolling fireball is roughly equivalent to a small bonfire for purposes of damage (Werewolf: The Wild West, bbe eutnbleweeds to ignite; this Gift doesn’t ereate them from serach ‘ Trackless Waste (Level Three) — As the Level Three Red Talon Gif. Totems Yes ies a couple of spare totems, Totem of Respect Thunderbird Background Cost: 6 Thundi true storm. He is courage incarnate g.219). Before the Gift will work, however, there must bird isthe fury of the heavens, the wisdom of the and his roar tests the mettle of those who seck his favor. His favorite people are the Wendigo and Pumonea, although some honored Shadow Lords have gained his blessing, Traits: Thunderbird teaches his children Intimidation 1 and Survival 1. They can call on an extra five points of Willpower per story. The Pumonca and Wendigo will both treat a pack chosen by Thunderbird with some respect. Inthe most desperate emergencies, Thunderbird may strike a foe of the pack with lightning. Hedislikeshavingto intercede inthis way, however, and will demand repayment in the form of a Ban: Thunderbird doesn't like cowardice, and asks his children not to flee from any fight where they aren't clearly ‘overmatched. He also demands that his children oppose the forces of decay (mockeries, vampires, Banes and the like) and the Storm Eater wherever they may find them. ‘Werewolt: The Wild West ODOOOSS Totems of Wisdom Raven Background Cost: 6 Background Cost: 5 ‘on the leavings of other predators, and is an cof Raven usualy have All pack members gain an e int. The Corax also look favorably « Ban: Raven asks ofhis children that they not carry wealth, instead trusting in him to provide. ere ) i X - ‘ = N \ Sl) LAWN NSE! RSS err i WN bay \ NY Wy , le a ME Ad, oe y R : a) i 4 ae SS i 3 Bist ek swe 7 Illa, yeradamn fol f you chink us werewolves are che frst ones with right to these lands, No, Iain’ talkin rewolves went to war with thi they've done it again. Chapter Two: The Changing Breeds ve, The War of Rage ‘Tales varyasto what touched of the frst great war between the Changers, the Warof Rage. Many say itwas the pride ofthe Silver Fangs; that the Fangs, flush with pride from being the chosenamong Garou, claimed dominion over the other Chang- ing Breeds as well. Others say the first blows were traded over territory, overselect bands of human Kinfolk—some Galliards even sy the first hattle hegan with a domestic dispute involv ing an errant lover Butas with humans it doesn't take very just cause to start ‘a war. Some werewolves joined the fight with thoughts of Glory; others set their envious eyes on their rivals’ caems. ‘Their tempers fueled into white-hot Rage, the Garou charged intobattleagainst the othershapeshifters. Andnot oneChang ing Breed, had they the strength of Bear, he cunning of Cat or thewisdomofRaven, wasable tohold back the chosen warriors of the earth. This War of Rage ended bitterly, with many Changing Breeds dead forever and the survivors forced into hiding. Many more shapeshifers fll to the Wyrm's temptations asa direct result of the War of Rage. The Garou had staked their claim as the preeminent warriors of Gaia — even if they'd sacrificed their honor to do so. For many of the shapeshifters, these wounds never healed. But chings grew to be a bit different in the Pure Lands. The ‘werewolves that traveled othe Americas longagohad decided there was plenty of land forall, and they made peace with che other changers ofthe land. Although both sidessull bore scars, they were content to live quietly beside one another. ‘That peace was broken with the arrival of the colonists. Fianna strode among the mountains of the New World and reacted with violence when the Pumonca told them to leave. ‘The Shadow Lords met the Nuisha on the plains and were appalled when the werecoyotes offered nothing even vaguely resembling respect. Andjust like that, the second War of Rage rupted. Where the first War ‘only a matter of decades. The Silver Fangs seized caerns from jpstart"shapeshiftes and brought in more oftheir European allies via Moon Bridges. Blood flowed in the valleysand on the ted for centuries, the second took plains once more. Beforelong, the Bastet were all but gone, the ‘Nuwisha had left the physical world for the Umbra en masse and the Corax fled tothe northern reaches where the Wendlgo still kept the Wyrmeomets at bay. Once again, the werewolves are left with the blood oftheir ‘cousins on their hands. While many regret the poor decisions of ther forebears, they’ hard pressed to make amends. Most of the other Changing Breeds have died lonely and broken in ddank holes. Those precious few that remain refuse to talk with thenewcomers;thet oopainful. And to make matters worse, the Uktena and Wendigo, fiends to the vanished shapeshifters of the Americas, have seen the reopened wounds are ‘Werewolf: The Wild West second War of Rage asa sign that they cannot live side by side with the newcomers. Now many of the Pure Ones seek ven seance, and the killing begins once more Today Nocall werewolfcob are taught he tales their Changing relives Some ubes fel gene shame at their ancestors seston, snd avoid ieatoning the War of Rage: Peter cramps of thee are the Fanna, Bone Gnavers and Iron Ride al of whos pre wo aon the prose nhs chan dieling on old embarasments Other ees maintain tha postion over their iva the Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords ae two ofthe wort offenders. Even v,some tribes, sich athe Silent Srdes Children of Gain and Starz, maken pnt i inc nly ial cals othe Were Rage ee staining thelr ul that such mistakes should’ t be peated But notall ofthe Changes are dead. Gaia gave them many gifs make them song, seit and hardy, and they ill haunt the wild places of the frontier where not even Uktena ot Wendin set fot Some eat vengeance on any Garou who sal emain ers just avoid any trespassers. But a handful, a very fx { Shapeshifter Characters 4 ‘Naturally, pega eaier cer recente Tonge the Store willing Although the nate Changing Bec esc the heavy-handed beliger Seen | Goemminded shaper nd am open-minded pack hte lenses peak opti it's entirely posible fora player who sewolves, there’s no reason why an | Admittedly, thefollowingare verybare-bonesrules \ for shapeshafters. Storycellers who plan co make 2 } habit of allowing Nuwisha, Corax or Purnoneca cha ters into their games are encouraged to seek outa ) copy of The Werewolf Players Guide, which has (expanded information on these and many more of the | Changing Breeds. Wha'smore, the Changing Breed _\ | books (auch as Bastet and Nuwisha) are invaluable / aids for anyone who wants the fll story of these persecuted creatures ‘And as alvays, if you want more detal in your chronicle, you'te welcome tojust go ahead and make itup! So what if you've got the only Nuwsha whose Gifts allow him to take the shape ofa doesn't have tobe “official” tobe enjoyable ong as the players understand that the ( Storyteller’ decision stands, Rules ae thereto clin 2. nate arguments, tha’ all — if you don't have any arguments, you won't need any rules caguaro? As always

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