Nonlinear Systems Identification

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Nonlinear systems identification

Mario Milanese, Carlo Novara

Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica

Politecnico di Torino
The nonlinear system ID problem
„ Data are generated by the nonlinear system f o :
y t +1 = f o ( wt )
t −n y
w = [y Ly
t t
ut Lut −nu ]T
ut : known variables

„ The system f o is unknown, but a finite number of

noise corrupted measurements of yt, wt are available:
~ ( )
~ t + d t , t = 1, K, N
y t +1 = f o w
dt accounts for errors in data %y t , w% t

„ Identification problem: find an estimate fˆ ≅ f o

The nonlinear system ID problem

„ Related problems :
¾ for a given estimate fˆ ≅ f

evaluate the identification error f o − fˆ

¾ find an estimate fˆ ≅ f o
“minimizing” the identification error

„ The identification error cannot be exactly evaluated

since f o and dt are not known

„ Need of prior assumptions on f o and dt for

deriving finite bounds on the identification error
Parametric approach

„ Typical assumptions in literature:

 r

¾ on system: f ∈ Ψ (θ ) =  f ( w,θ ) = ∑ α iσi ( w, βi)

 i =1 
¾ on noise: iid stochastic

„ Functional form of f o:
¾ derived from physical laws
¾ σi : “basis” function (polynomial, sigmoid,..).

„ Parameters θ are estimated by means of the Prediction

Error (PE) method.
Parametric approach

( )
„ Predictor: ˆy t +1 = f ( wt ,θ ) = ∑ α iσi wt , β i
i =1

„ Given N noise-corrupted measurements of yt,wt:

y 2 = f ( w1 ,θ ) + ε 2
Y = F (θ ) + Dε
y = f ( w ,θ ) + ε
3 2 3

y N +1 = f ( w N ,θ ) + ε N +1 Measured output Prediction

Known function of θ
Parametric approach

„ Given the measurements equation:

Y = F (θ ) + Dε
It is possible to estimate θ by means of the
Prediction Error (PE) method:

θˆ LS = arg min VN (θ )
1 T 1
VN (θ ) = Dε Dε = [Y − F (θ )] [Y − F (θ )]


Problem: VN (θ ) is in general non-convex.

Parametric approach

„ If possible, physical laws are used to obtain the

parametric representation of f (w,θ ) .

„ When the physical laws are not well known or too much
complex, black-box parameterizations are used.

Fixed basis Tunable basis

parameterization perametrization
Polynomial, trigonometric, etc. Neural networks
Fixed basis functions

f ( w,θ ) = ∑ α iσ i (w) θ = [α1 "α r ] T

i =1

σ i (w ) : Basis functions

„ Problem: Can σi ’s be found such that:

f ( w,θ ) r
f o
(w) ?
Fixed basis functions

„ For continuous fo, bounded W ⊂ ℜ n and σi

polynomial of degree i (Weierstrass):

lim sup f o (w) − f ( w,θ ) = 0

r →∞ w∈W

Polynomial models
Fixed basis functions
f ( w,θ ) = ∑ α iσ i (w) θ = [α1 "α r ]T
i =1

„ NARX models: PE estimation of θ is a linear problem:

Y = Lθ + Dε
( )
 σ 1 w1 " σ r w1 ( )  y2 
   
L= # % #  Y = # 
 ( )
σ 1 w N ( )
" σ r w N   y N +1 
 

„ Least squares solution: ( )

θˆ LS = LT L
−1 T
Tunable basis functions
f ( w,θ ) = ∑ α iσi (w, β i )
i =1

θ = [α1 "α r β11 " β rq ]T , β i ∈ ℜ q

„ One of the most common tunable parameterization

is the one-hidden layer sigmoidal neural network.
Parametric models
„ Model structure choice:
- Basis functions
The complexity of
- Number of Basis functions such problem can
be exponential in n
- Number of regressors

„ Problem: curse of dimensionality

The number of parameters needed to obtain
“accurate” models may grow exponentially with
the dimension n of regressor space.

More relevant in the case of fixed basis functions

Tunable basis functions

„ Under suitable regularity conditions on the function to

approximate, the number of parameters required
to obtain “accurate” models grows linearly with n.

„ Estimation of θ requires to solve a non-convex

minimization problem (even for NARX models).

Trapping in local minima

Nonlinear regression systems

„ Consider a nonlinear system in regression form:

y t +1 = f ( wt ) + d t +1
- wt : regressor. It defines the system structure:
w = y y
t t −1
... u u ...] ⇔ NARX
t t −1 T

= [ f (w ) f (w ) ... u u ...] ⇔ NOE

t −1 t −2 t −1 T
wt t

= [y y ... u u ... d d ...] ⇔ NARMAX

t t t −1 t t −1 t t −1 T

- u : input signal.
- d : noise acting on the system.
Nonlinear regression systems

„ The predictor of system f is defined as:

yˆ t +1 = f ( wt )
w = y y
[ t t −1 t
... u u t −1
...] T
= [yˆ ...]
wt t
yˆ t −1 ... u t u t −1 ⇔ NOE

wt = y t y t −1 ... u t u t −1 ... ε t ε t −1 ... ]
ε t = y t − yˆ t : prediction error

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