Invx and Radiological Features of Promary Bone Tumors

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(ii) The investigation and weakened bone. Proximity of a lesion to a joint or invasion into it
may limit the range of movement. Systemic symptoms such as

radiological features of fever, lethargy and weight loss are late signs. Whilst these clinical
signs may raise the suspicion of a potentially malignant lesion,

primary bone malignancy further investigation is required to establish the cause.

Radiographs remain of paramount importance in the assessment
of a primary bone tumour and are mandatory in all patients.3 In some
Thomas Kuchenbecker
cases, a characteristic appearance is identified such that furthermore
A Mark Davies advanced cross-sectional imaging techniques are not required.
Steven LJ James Frequently, however, multiple differential diagnoses will need to be
considered and further investigation will be warranted. The poten-
tial diagnosis may include conditions which both clinically and
radiologically resemble a primary bone neoplasm. It is therefore
Abstract important to remember that both traumatic or stress-related injury
Primary malignant bone tumours are rare. Imaging provides the founda- and infective lesions may mimic bone tumours.4,5 In order to try to
tion of surgical and oncological management as it offers a differential differentiate between pathological entities a combination of multiple
diagnosis for the nature of the lesion, defines its local extent and facili- imaging modalities is often required including computed tomog-
tates local-regional and distant staging. The role of radiographs, raphy (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), bone scintigraphy
computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and and positron emission tomography (PET). Despite ongoing devel-
bone scintigraphy is reviewed. In addition, some newer techniques opments in imaging techniques, biopsy remains vital for histological
such as whole-body MRI and FDG-PET imaging are discussed. Finally, confirmation in many cases. Once a histological diagnosis has been
we describe the epidemiology, subtypes and imaging features of the achieved, further information regarding potential suitability for
most common primary malignant bone tumours including osteosarcoma, resection is needed in the form of local staging to assess possible
chondrosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma and chordoma. primary excision and detection of distant metastatic disease.
The aim of this article is to equip the reader with an under-
Keywords Bone tumor; computed tomography; imaging; magnetic standing of an appropriate method for evaluating a potential
resonance imaging; radiographs primary bone tumour. The role of imaging studies will be dis-
cussed both in terms of diagnosis as well as local and distant
staging. The typical appearances which need to be recognized in
order to facilitate assessment of the radiographic features of
Introduction a bone tumour will be described. We will briefly discuss the role
and optimal methods for obtaining tissue for histological evalu-
Primary malignant tumours of the skeleton are rare and account for
ation. Finally, we will review a number of more specific
only 0.2% of all neoplasms. The annual incidence of new diagnoses
diagnoses including osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Ewing’s
in North America and Europe is 0.8/100 000 population.1 Primary
sarcoma and chordoma. The role of imaging in patient follow-up
bone tumours comprise a wide spectrum of diagnoses as described
will also be addressed. A number of tumours commonly
by the World Health Organization (WHO), whose classification is
encountered in daily practice are excluded from this review such
based on their histopathological characteristics.2
as skeletal metastatic disease, myeloma and lymphoma as their
The clinical and imaging assessment of a potential primary
detailed description is beyond the scope of this article.
bone tumour requires a systematic approach in order to ensure
that appropriate management can be instituted. In the first
instance, a clinical assessment is required at the time of presen- Age and location
tation to assess symptoms, which typically are fairly non-specific.
The incidence of bone sarcomas as a group is bimodal with the
Pain may at first be mild and intermittent, but will become more
first peak occurring during the second decade of life and a second
unremitting over time as the tumour enlarges. A sudden increase
peak occurring over the age of 60 years. This is in contrast to the
may reflect a complication such as a pathological fracture through
incidence rate of soft tissue sarcomas, which is seen to increase
gradually with age.2 Metastatic disease and myeloma become
increasingly important differential diagnoses in patients over the
Thomas Kuchenbecker MRCS FRCR Clinical Fellow, Department of Radi- age of 40 years. The age of the patient at presentation will
ology, The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol provide important diagnostic information as most tumours have
Road South, Northfield, Birmingham B31 2AP, United Kingdom. a characteristic predilection for certain age groups (Table 1).
Knowledge of the typical age at presentation therefore
A Mark Davies FRCR Consultant Radiologist, Department of Radiology, provides significant help in narrowing potential diagnosis. It
The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol Road should, however, be stressed that exceptions to the rule are
South, Northfield, Birmingham B31 2AP, United Kingdom. relatively frequently encountered at specialist centres and age
should be taken into account with additional diagnostic infor-
Steven LJ James FRCR Consultant Radiologist, Department of Radiology, mation available from imaging and histology.
The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol Road Most bone tumours, both benign and malignant, have a propen-
South, Northfield, Birmingham B31 2AP, United Kingdom. sity to affect certain locations within the long bones (Table 2).

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 24:4 252 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Age distribution of malignant lesions Learning point

Type of bone lesion Age range C Age at presentation and lesion site are important parameters
Simple bone cyst 0e20 in guiding the differential diagnosis.
Ewing’s sarcoma 0e20
Chondroblastoma 0e25
Non-ossifying fibroma 15e25
Osteochondroma 15e25 The use of different imaging modalities in diagnosis and staging
Osteoblastoma 15e25
Conventional radiography
Osteosarcoma 15e30
Conventional radiography has been in clinical use for over
Osteoid osteoma 15e35
a hundred years and thus the cumulative experience with this
Aneurysmal bone cyst 15e35
imaging modality is much greater than with any of the more
Chondromyxoid fibroma 15e35
recent methods of cross-sectional and functional imaging.
Giant cell tumour 25e45
Radiographs remain essential in the evaluation of bone tumours
Lymphoma of bone 25e45
and frequently provide the most useful diagnostic information.
Fibrosarcoma 35e45
There are a number of radiographic features which can be
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma 35e45
appreciated that are of value in the assessment of a potential
Osteoma 35e55
primary bone tumour. These include lesion location, zone of
Parosteal osteosarcoma 35e55
transition, periosteal reaction, opacity and matrix mineralization,
Chondroma 15e55
cortical destruction and soft tissue extension.
Haemangioma 35e75
Chondrosarcoma 35e65 Zone of transition and margin
Myeloma 40e75 The zone of transition is the interface between the bone tumour
Chordoma 35e75 and the host medullary bone. Bone lesions may be characterized
as having a narrow zone of transition, i.e. being well-defined
Table 1 (Figure 1a), or having a wide zone of transition, i.e. being ill-
defined (Figure 1b). The zone of transition reflects the rate of
Conventional osteosarcoma, for example, tends to occur in tumour growth. A well-defined margin, particularly if sclerotic,
the metaphysis, which represents an area of rapid bone reflects slow or no growth with osteoblastic containment by the
growth, whereas Ewing’s sarcoma, histologically a round cell host bone. A wide zone of transition implies a more rapid growth
tumour, follows the distribution of red marrow.3 If the tumour of the lesion and therefore a more aggressive process, which can
location in reference to diaphysis, metaphysis and epiphysis is include infections as well as tumour infiltration. Furthermore,
identified and compared with the characteristic age of radiographic terms such as a ‘moth-eaten’ or ‘permeative’
presentation, the differential diagnosis may be further pattern can be used to describe ill-defined areas of lysis at the
narrowed. periphery of the tumour (Figure 1b).

Periosteal reaction
Characteristic locations of bone lesions6 The periosteum may react to the presence of a lesion that may be
located at a number of locations relative to the host bone including
Epiphysis Chondroblastoma the surface, cortex or medulla. Periosteal reaction can be subdivided
Giant cell tumour in end of bone in adult into several subtypes according to the appearance on radiographs.
Metaphysis Osteosarcoma The types of periosteal reaction identified include solid (Figure 2a),
Simple bone cyst lamellated (Figure 2b) and spiculate (Figure 2c) (either hair-on-end or
Osteoblastoma sunburst) and represent in ascending order a spectrum of increasing
Peripheral chondrosarcoma aggressiveness. Whereas a periosteal reaction of solid type may be
Giant cell tumour in child encountered in benign processes such as a healing fracture, osteoid
Diaphysis Ewing’s sarcoma osteoma and osteomyelitis, an increasing degree of interruption of
Central chondrosarcoma the integrity of the periosteum, as seen in a spiculate pattern, points to
Adamantinoma a more aggressive process. A Codman angle is the radiographic
Osteoid osteoma appearance of periosteum lifted off the underlying cortex at the
Chondromyxoid fibroma leading edge of a lesion and is commonly seen with osteosarcoma
Lymphoma of bone and Ewing’s sarcoma, but may also be caused by infection
Myeloma (Figure 3).7
Fibrous dysplasia
Fibrosarcoma Matrix mineralization
Fibrous cortical defect (non-ossifying fibroma) Matrix mineralization refers to the radiographic density of
a lesion and is determined by the composition of tissue within
Table 2 the tumour. The commonly described patterns of matrix

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 24:4 253 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

a AP radiograph of the femur demonstrating a well-defined lesion in the proximal femur with a narrow zone of transition and sclerotic margin. This
lesion shows the typical ground glass pattern of fibrous dysplasia. b AP radiograph of the tibia shows a lytic slightly expansile lesion showing
a wide zone of transition with a permeative pattern at the periphery. An interrupted periosteal reaction is evident (arrow) in this telangiectatic

Figure 1

mineralization include osseous, chondroid and fibrous. Osseous Periosteal reaction adjacent to saucerization of the cortex may
matrix typically appears as confluent areas of amorphous cloud- result in a buttressed appearance.3
like opacification (Figure 3) whereas chondroid lesions show
punctate, arc-like or dot and comma shaped calcifications Computed tomography (CT)
(Figure 4). A fibrous matrix is often described as showing In areas of the skeleton such as the pelvis or other flat bones
a ‘ground glass’ appearance (Figure 1a). where the pattern of bone destruction and the presence of matrix
The degrees of relative lucency and opacity seen on radio- mineralization may be difficult to appreciate on radiographs, CT
graphs are usually described as either sclerotic, lytic or a mixed may be helpful in the diagnosis.8 In particular, it can aid in the
sclerotic/lytic appearance. This is the result of the balance identification of subtle areas of chondroid matrix in the spine and
between osteoclast and osteoblastic action. There can be pelvis (Figure 7). Occasionally, CT can be utilised as a method of
considerable variation amongst individual tumour types and local staging if MRI is contraindicated. CT does, however, allow
their relative degrees of lucency/sclerosis. Whilst osteosarcoma the degree of extraosseous tumour to be assessed and reporting
typically demonstrates a sclerotic metaphyseal lesion, both examinations on a console with careful windowing further helps
mixed and lytic variants are not infrequent. with this. CT angiography can also be utilized if the relationship
to the neurovascular bundle needs to be further clarified.
Cortical destruction and soft tissue extension In view of the propensity of malignant bone tumours to
An expansile medullary lesion may erode the inner surface of the metastasize to the lungs, CT is widely used in tumour staging to
cortex and thereby cause endosteal scalloping. This may be evaluate the thorax for metastatic disease. With the advent of
identified in cartilage lesions such as enchondroma or low-grade multi-detector CT technology, a common problem in clinical
chondrosarcoma. If the process is slow, it will be balanced by practice is the identification of small pulmonary nodules which
periosteal deposition of new bone and the cortex remains intact are of indeterminate significance. These may be due to old
(Figure 5). If, however, the endosteal erosion outpaces the calcified granuloma, intrapulmonary lymph nodes or previous
periosteum’s capacity for new bone formation, cortical breach histoplasmosis (the latter being more common in USA). It
results e the hallmark of an aggressive process. Furthermore, is, however, impossible in many cases to exclude small metas-
frank soft tissue extension is often but not invariably a sign of tases and follow-up imaging in the form of interval chest CT is
malignancy. A lesion may also originate in the periosteum or required to ensure no progression of the imaging findings is
adjacent soft tissues and cause erosion of the outer surface of the identified.
cortex thereby causing saucerization. This radiographic appear- In patients over the age of 40 years, where the bone lesion is
ance may be seen in Ewing’s sarcoma of a long bone (Figure 6). apparently solitary on other staging investigations, CT of the

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 24:4 254 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

a Lateral radiograph of the forearm illustrates an osteoid osteoma with a smooth solid periosteal reaction in the distal radius. b Lateral radiograph
of the elbow shows a lamellated periosteal reaction in the distal humerus (arrow) secondary to a Ewing’s sarcoma. The AP view shows a mixed
pattern, which can be appreciated in many tumours, with a spiculate component (arrowhead) also being present. c AP radiograph of the ankle
illustrates an aggressive spiculate periosteal reaction (arrow) in this distal tibial osteosarcoma.

Figure 2

chest, abdomen and pelvis may be required. 10% of bone sagittal planes. It is essential that the whole affected bone be
metastases present as solitary lesions and screening CT may imaged either in the coronal or sagittal plane to identify the
identify the primary tumour though biopsy will still be required presence of skip metastases.9,10 It is the authors’ preference to
for histological subtyping. perform this using a single T1-weighted sequence (Figure 8).
The extent of tumour involvement in the medullary cavity is
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) best assessed on T1-weighted sequences as short tau inversion
MRI plays an extremely important role in the diagnosis and recovery (STIR) sequences tend to overestimate the tumour
management of bone tumours. Firstly, it adds to the information extent by highlighting the degree of peritumoral oedema.
which should have been gained from radiographs in terms of The longitudinal intraosseous extent of the tumour needs to be
diagnosis. A number of specific MRI appearances can aid in established on coronal or sagittal images. Measurement of the
differentiating benign from reactive and neoplastic processes. tumour extent from the adjacent articular surface facilitates
Secondly, MRI with its inherent soft tissue contrast is the imaging planning the margins of the surgical resection and the manu-
modality of choice for local staging and assessment of potential facture of the endoprosthetic replacement.9 The relationship to
resectability of a bone tumour especially in the presence of an or involvement of the growth plate should be described where
extraosseous mass. Finally, it seems increasingly likely that applicable. The extraosseous extent of tumour and its rela-
whole-body MRI will supplant bone scintigraphy as the optimal tionship to the neurovascular bundle should be assessed
method of assessing the presence of skeletal metastatic disease. (Figure 9). The presence of a joint effusion per se does not
A basic MRI protocol would include a combination of T1, necessarily imply tumour spread into the joint and is
STIR and T2-weighted sequences in the axial, coronal and commonly reactive in nature. It is, however, helpful if no

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 24:4 255 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 5 Lateral radiograph of the femur shows cortical expansion over

a short focal segment (arrow) in this low-grade chondrosarcoma of the
Figure 3 AP radiograph of the knee demonstrates a distal femoral oste- femur.
osarcoma. It shows an osseous matrix with an area of periosteal elevation
being evident on the lateral aspect of the tumour e a Codman triangle
osteosarcoma.9,11 Intravenous contrast can, however, be useful
in distinguishing solid from cystic lesions and this latter finding
may aid in planning biopsy should a necrotic area be present
effusion is present as this increases diagnostic confidence that
within a malignant lesion. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI has
the joint is spared.
been used to depict the vascularization and perfusion of lesions
Contrast-enhanced MR images are helpful in characterizing
although an overlap in appearance between highly vascular
bone tumours, assessing response to therapy and detecting
benign lesions and malignant lesions has been reported.12
tumour recurrence. The contrast agent gadolinium decreases the
Contrast enhancementetime curves have been found to differ
T1 relaxation time and thereby increases signal intensity on T1-
for viable extraosseous tumour and infiltrated muscle and merely
weighted images from tissues where the contrast accumulates. In
oedematous peritumoral muscle. Viable tumour enhances more
order to mask the high signal from fat on a T1-weighted image,
quickly than oedematous muscle, causing a significant difference
fat suppression needs to be applied, thereby highlighting areas of
in the slope of the enhancement curve. Dynamic contrast-
contrast enhancement. Static gadolinium enhancement has not
been shown to be of significant benefit in defining the margins of

Figure 4 AP radiograph of the pelvis shows the typical chondroid matrix in Figure 6 AP radiograph of the femur shows classic saucerization of the
this chondrosarcoma arising in the ilium in a patient with diaphyseal aclasis. cortex (arrow) secondary to Ewing’s sarcoma.

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 24:4 256 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 7 Axial CT of the pelvis showing the typical chondroid matrix of

a chondrosarcoma involving the left sacral ala.

Figure 9 Sagittal T1-weighted sequence demonstrates intra-articular

invasion of a distal femoral osteosarcoma.

enhanced MRI has improved the assessment of post-chemo-

therapy response of high-grade osteosarcoma and Ewing’s
sarcoma to chemotherapy by helping distinguish tumour from
post-therapy inflammatory changes.10
Although conventional radiographs are the mainstay in the diag-
nosis of bone tumours, a number of features can be analyzed on MRI
to aid the further characterization of bone tumours and tumour-like
conditions.13 Oedema may be found in both an intramedullary and
extraosseous location adjacent to both benign and malignant entities.
It is, however, most frequently encountered with benign and reactive
conditions including infection. It may be associated with malignant
tumours such as osteosarcoma, metastasis, chondrosarcoma and
Ewing’s sarcoma, though it will almost invariably be present if
a pathological fracture has occurred.14 The distinction between
tumour and surrounding oedema can be difficult, but is important in
guiding biopsy and surgical planning.13 Tumour-related oedema
(TRO) is of a signal intensity between that of fat and skeletal muscle
on T1-weighted images and of high signal intensity on T2-weighted
fat-suppressed images. It typically shows a poorly defined margin in
bone and a feathery appearance in the adjacent soft tissues.13
Fluid-fluid levels (FFLs) are not specific to either benign or
malignant disease.15 The greater the proportion of FFLs to solid
component, the more likely the lesion is benign. Conversely,
a lesion that is composed of FFLs to less than one third of its overall
size is more likely malignant (Figure 10), commonly conventional
central osteosarcoma.16 Differentiating aneurysmal bone cyst, the
quintessential benign lesion associated with FFLs, from telangi-
ectatic osteosarcoma can be difficult on imaging (Figure 10).13
Flow voids result from rapid blood flow in arteries where blood
leaves the slice between the application of the radiofrequency pulse
Figure 8 Sagittal T1-weighted image demonstrating multiple areas of and its sampling in order to create an MR image.17 Flow voids
intermediate signal intensity within the humerus in keeping with skip correlate with areas of abnormal blood vessels in hypervascular
metastases. The patient had a distal humeral Ewing’s sarcoma. lesions such as certain metastases (renal) and benign lesions, but

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 24:4 257 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 10 Axial T2 fat-suppressed sequence showing a fluid-fluid level

(arrow) in a telangiectatic osteosarcoma of the proximal fibula. Fluid-fluid
levels make up less than one third of the lesion.

also rare vascular tumours such as haemangioendothelioma, hae-

mangiopericytoma and angiosarcoma.18
Fat signal intensity within a tumour usually denotes a benign
lesion. Liposarcomas of bone are rare and would show, in
addition to the presence of fat, aggressive features such as bone
destruction.19 MRI depicts fat as high signal on T1, high signal on
T2 and low signal on STIR or fat-suppressed imaging. As a note
of caution, high signal on T1-weighted imaging due to fat must
be differentiated from haemorrhage commonly seen in tumours
such as cystic fibrous dysplasia and giant cell tumour and
melanin in melanoma and its metastases.20
Well-differentiated cartilaginous lesions have a characteristic
MRI appearance both morphologically and with regard to signal
intensity. Low-grade chondral tumours are commonly lobulated in
outline, isointense to muscle on T1-weighted images and markedly
hyperintense on T2-weighted and STIR images.13 Internal and
peripheral vascularized septa are hypointense and enhance Figure 11 Sagittal STIR of a low-grade chondrosarcoma in the distal femur
(same patient as Figure 5) demonstrates a small area of cortical breach
following administration of gadolinium. The distinction between
with soft tissue extension (arrow).
enchondroma and low-grade chondrosarcoma can be difficult on
imaging and at histology. Features suggestive of malignancy
would include endosteal scalloping to greater than two thirds of maturity, cartilage cap thickness greater than 2 cm in children and
cortical thickness, cortical destruction, epiphyseal and soft tissue 3 cm in adults and an associated soft tissue mass.22
extension (Figure 11), size greater than 5 cm and areas of Dedifferentiation is the transformation of a benign chondral
heterogeneous low signal on T2-weighted imaging, the latter due tumour or low-grade chondrosarcoma into a high-grade non-chon-
to more fibrovascular components in chondrosarcoma.21 Chon- droid tumour.23 Identification of dedifferentiation on MRI is helpful
drosarcomas show enhancing low signal septa in a ring and arc- in targeting biopsies and providing accurate diagnosis and prognosis.
like arrangement between high signal lobules of cartilage. Whole-body MRI is emerging as an interesting alternative
Osteochondromas are common benign tumours with charac- imaging modality for staging purposes, holding as advantages
teristic continuity with the underlying bone marrow at the level of over CT and FDG-PET/CT the lack of ionizing radiation and
the metaphysis. They are often covered by a cartilage cap, which is improved anatomic resolution.24 Recent technological advances,
low to intermediate signal on T1-weighted imaging and high signal including a rolling MRI scanner platform, parallel imaging and
on T2-weighted and STIR sequences.13 Malignant transformation phased array coils, have helped reduce imaging times and
occurs in 1% of solitary and 3e5% of hereditary multiple exos- thereby made the technique useful in clinical practice.25
toses (diaphyseal aclasis) (Figure 4). Imaging features of malig- The role of whole-body MRI in staging of primary bone
nancy are an increase in size of the cartilage cap after skeletal tumours however remains to be formally defined with limited

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 24:4 258 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

studies currently available on the sensitivity and specificity of the MRI less sensitive for the detection of bone metastases.27,28
technique.26,27 It is clear from studies assessing metastatic Studies that included relatively high proportions of patients
disease from other primary malignancies, however, that whole- with primary musculoskeletal malignancies demonstrated that
body MRI is a promising technique (Figure 12). Whole-body MRI both whole-body MRI and FDG-PET/CT identified more skeletal
has been reported to be superior to isotope bone scanning with metastases than Tc-99m MDP skeletal scintigraphy alone.
Tc-99m MDP for skeletal metastatic disease from a whole range
of primary visceral tumours. This is easily explained by the fact Nuclear medicine
that isotope bone scanning requires an osteoblastic reaction to Bone scintigraphy is widely employed for evaluating the entire
have been induced by a metastatic deposit, leading to increased bony skeleton for the presence of metastatic disease. It may
radiopharmaceutical uptake e a relatively late phenomenon in depict non-specific areas of increased radionuclide uptake, which
medullary metastases.25 A possible exception are paediatric represent raised osteoblastic activity. Osteoblastic activity can be
patients where increased bone marrow cellularity may render increased in the context of tumour infiltration, degenerative joint
disease, Paget’s disease and infection. These areas of abnormal
uptake may require further confirmation as to their true nature
through the use of other imaging techniques such as CT or MRI
and occasionally biopsy. Osteosarcoma metastases, even if
extraskeletal, may show increased radionuclide uptake on scin-
tigraphy and, when situated in the lungs, can simulate rib
deposits (Figure 13a, b).
Positron emission tomography (PET) utilizes the accumulation
of 18-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (18-FDG) in metabolically active
tissues and abnormal uptake can be seen in a variety of different
tumours and their metastases. Studies comparing the relative
ability of FDG-PET and Tc-99m MDP bone scintigraphy to detect
skeletal metastases from primary bone tumours showed that the
FDG-PET was more sensitive in demonstrating metastases from
Ewing’s sarcoma (Figure 14), but less sensitive in identifying
metastases from osteosarcoma.29 With regard to depicting small
pulmonary metastases, FDG-PET has been shown to be less sensi-
tive for small nodules less than 7e10 mm in size.30 However, FDG-
PET as a stand alone imaging modality has been increasingly
superseded by FDG-PET/CT, which combines two imaging
modalities. Since the spatial resolution of PET itself is inferior to that
of other cross-sectional imaging techniques, the functional tissue
information of the PET scan is co-registered with the anatomical
information of a simultaneously acquired CT scan. In this way,
fused images of both imaging modalities allow for attribution of
areas of increased tracer uptake to well-defined anatomical areas.
FDG-PET/CT is superior in demonstrating lung metastases due to
providing better contrast resolution between pulmonary nodules
and the surrounding pulmonary parenchyma and excluding motion
artefact with a fast data acquisition.24 It is likely that the role of PET/
CT will continue to expand in forthcoming years. However, at this
stage it is most frequently used as a ‘problem solving tool’ rather
than as a routine part of bone tumour staging.

Biopsy still remains of paramount importance in establishing
a histological diagnosis in most cases. It is extremely important
when performing such procedures that samples are obtained and
sent for both histological and microbiological examination.
Infectious processes including tuberculosis may mimic primary
bone tumours in terms of their radiographic appearances and
should be excluded in all cases.
Image guided biopsy with ultrasound and CT plays an
increasingly important role in obtaining tissue samples. When
this is compared with open biopsy it has been demonstrated that
Figure 12 Coronal STIR whole-body MRI showing a metastasis in the there is a reduction in net cost, increased diagnostic yield and the
proximal left femur (arrow). minimal access nature of the procedure reduces associated soft

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 24:4 259 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 14 Fused coronal FDG-PET/CT showing abnormal areas of uptake in

the right pelvis in a patient with a rib Ewing’s sarcoma consistent with
metastatic disease (arrow).

tissue trauma.31 CT guidance is particularly useful in small

lesions or those involving the pelvis and spine.
Once tissue has been obtained, it is vital that the clinical,
radiological and histopathological findings are reviewed in
consensus at a multidisciplinary meeting. This should involve
input from surgeons, radiologists, pathologists and oncologists. It
is not uncommon that the radiological and pathological findings
do not correlate and decisions regarding treatment including the
possibility of repeat biopsy are required in order to reduce
diagnostic error. Given the rarity of primary bone tumours, this is
best performed at dedicated specialist orthopaedic oncology
units. If a suspected bone tumour is identified on imaging, it
should be referred once appropriate staging investigations have
been performed for further evaluation. Biopsy is best undertaken
a Technetium 99m bone scan demonstrating areas of abnormal at the treating institution. It is vital that surgical advice is taken
uptake over the right hemi-thorax in a patient with a large oste- before proceeding to biopsy so that the tract does not contami-
osarcoma of the pelvis. b CT showed this to relate to radionuclide
nate the resection field. Previous studies have demonstrated that
uptake within calcified pulmonary metastases.
inappropriate biopsy may be undertaken at centres not used to
treating such cases. In the most unfortunate instances this can on
Figure 13
occasion lead to amputation in patients whose primary tumour
would have been suitable for limb salvage surgery.32

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 24:4 260 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

demonstrate small areas of matrix mineralization that may not be

Learning points: the use of different imaging evident on radiographs and can aid in differentiating osteosarcoma
modalities in diagnosis and staging from Ewing’s sarcoma. MRI typically shows extensive medullary
infiltration with a tumour mass of intermediate signal intensity on
C Conventional radiography is still indispensible in the initial T1-weighted imaging relative to skeletal muscle and of heteroge-
assessment of bone tumours. neous intermediate/high signal intensity on T2-weighted imaging
C A systematic approach to the interpretation of radiographs is (Figure 9). Fat-suppressed T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced
required. Features to assess are location, zone of transition, images can help in assessing extension of tumour into a joint
periosteal reaction, opacity and matrix mineralization, cortical although reactive synovial enhancement may mimic tumour spread.
destruction and soft tissue extension. MRI is best suited for identifying skip metastases when a T1-
C CT allows for imaging of tumour matrix in radiographically weighted sequence of the entire length of the bone is obtained.24
difficult areas of the axial skeleton and flat bones. CT is Telangiectatic osteosarcoma accounts for less than 4% of all
superior to other imaging modalities in assessing the thorax cases of osteosarcoma and is most frequent in the second decade of
for metastatic disease. life with a male predominance of 1.5:1. It usually arises in the
C MRI most accurately assesses the intraosseous and extraoss- metaphysis around the knee and may extend into the epiphysis. Its
eous tumour extent and is an essential tool in local staging outcome following treatment is similar to that of conventional
and preoperative planning. osteosarcoma. Telangiectatic osteosarcoma usually causes a moth-
C Bone scintigraphy is still the preferred technique for assessing eaten, lytic appearance with a wide zone of transition and with an
the entire skeleton for bone metastases. However, the role of aggressive periosteal reaction, but without significant sclerosis
whole-body MRI continues to expand. (Figure 1b).2,35 Oblique and parallel striations in early cases within
C PET/CT combines the functional information of FDG imaging the shaft of the bone are thought to reflect hypertrophy of intra-
with the anatomical information of CT, but is still inferior to osseous veins, but will be obliterated as the destruction of the bone
conventional CT in detecting small lesions below 5 mm in architecture progresses. A multilocular or pseudocystic appearance
diameter, particularly in the thorax. At this time, its use is as on MRI with multiple fluidefluid levels due to blood products may
a ‘problem solving tool’. be present and can mimic an aneurysmal bone cyst (Figure 10).
Small cell osteosarcoma accounts for 1.5% of osteosarcomas.
It occurs in patients over a wide age range, but mostly in the
second decade of life. Its prognosis is very poor. Radiographi-
Common primary bone malignancies
cally, its appearances are identical to those of conventional
Osteosarcoma central osteosarcoma.35
Osteosarcoma is the most common non-haematological primary Low-grade central osteosarcoma constitutes 1e2% of osteo-
bone tumour with an estimated incidence of 4e5 per million per sarcomas with a peak incidence in the second and third decades of
annum.2 There is no particular ethnic or racial predisposition. It life. It has a distinct predilection for the distal femur and proximal
predominates in the younger population with 60% of patients tibia. The tumour grows more slowly and is more indolent than
being under the age of 25 years. The male to female ratio is 3:2 conventional osteosarcoma and symptoms may have been present
with this male predilection being more pronounced for the for many months up to several years prior to diagnosis. There is
younger age peak.33 a high incidence of local recurrence after inadequate resection with
The classical tumour type arising within medullary bone is a tendency for the recurrence to be of a higher histological grade or
referred to as conventional osteosarcoma and accounts for approx- to become dedifferentiated. This higher grade recurrence can be
imately 75% of all cases, but the WHO classification describes associated with increased risk of metastatic disease. Low-grade
a number of rarer variants which are covered later in this section. central osteosarcoma has been reported as showing one of four
In patients over 40 years, a predisposing condition such as radiographic patterns, lytic with coarse trabeculation, predomi-
Paget’s disease or prior radiation treatment may be a contribu- nantly lytic, densely sclerotic and mixed lytic and sclerotic.35 The
tory factor. Osteosarcoma secondary to prior radiotherapy can radiological differential diagnosis includes fibrous dysplasia,
show a median time lag of 11 years prior to presentation. Paget’s- ossifying and non-ossifying fibroma and fibroxanthoma.
associated osteosarcoma is usually observed in patients with Parosteal osteosarcoma is a low-grade osteosarcoma arising
widespread Paget’s disease with an estimated incidence of on the surface of bone and accounts for approximately 4% of all
0.7e0.95% of Paget’s disease. The median age of diagnosis is osteosarcomas. Most patients are young adults and females
64 years and the male to female ratio is 2:1.34 predominate slightly. The prognosis is excellent with 91%
The radiographic appearance of conventional osteosarcoma is overall survival at 5 years unless the tumour is incompletely
extremely variable and can show a purely lytic, mixed or sclerotic excised and occurs in a dedifferentiated form. Parosteal osteo-
appearance (Figures 1b, 2c, 3). Areas of mineralized osteoid sarcoma has a tendency to wrap around bone and on radiographs
production within the tumour mass show cloud-like amorphous presents as a large, densely sclerotic and irregularly marginated
calcification whereas areas of unmineralized fibrous tissue and/or mass (Figure 15). The marked mineralization is reflected by low
cartilage give a lytic appearance.35 Aggressive features will be signal intensity on MRI. CT and MRI are helpful in assessing the
present such as wide zone of transition, cortical breach with soft extent of any medullary involvement, if present.
tissue mass and periosteal reaction, classically of the spiculate, Periosteal osteosarcoma accounts for less than 2% of osteosar-
sunburst type. A Codman angle with elevation of the periosteum is comas. Its peak incidence is in the second and third decades with
common but not exclusive to osteosarcoma (Figure 3). CT can a slight male predominance. Arising from the deep surface of the

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 24:4 261 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Chondrosarcoma represents a malignant tumour showing hyaline
cartilage differentiation. However, areas of myxoid change,
calcification or ossification may be present within the tumour
mass. Histologically, the tumour can be assigned to grades 1e3,
corresponding to low, intermediate and high-grade chon-
drosarcoma. The grade is based on nuclear size, staining and
cellularity. A higher grade tumour grade confers a worse prog-
nosis. Chondrosarcomas can be classified as central, if they orig-
inate in the medullary canal, peripheral and, rarely, juxtacortical.
Primary chondrosarcoma represents approximately 20% of
malignant bone neoplasms. The majority of patients are above the
age of 50 years with the peak incidence in the fifth to seventh
decades. There is a slight male preponderance.36 The most
common sites of involvement include the pelvis, particularly the
ilium (Figure 4), in the long bones, such as the proximal or distal
femur and proximal humerus, and in the ribs. The majority of
primary chondrosarcomas are grade 1 or 2. Periosteal chon-
drosarcoma arises from the surface of bone and is very rare. It
affects the metaphyses of long bones, particularly the distal femur.
Secondary chondrosarcoma develops from a benign precursor
condition such as osteochondroma, enchondroma or periosteal
chondroma. Solitary osteochondroma has an estimated 2% risk and
multiplicity of osteochondromas (diaphyseal aclasis) a 5e25% risk
Figure 15 Lateral radiograph of the distal femur showing a parosteal of malignant transformation (Figure 4).36 Malignant transformation
osteosarcoma of the distal femur. of enchondroma is related to Ollier’s disease and Mafucci’s
syndrome, entities that are characterized by the formation of multiple
periosteum, it has a distinct predilection for the diaphysis of long enchondromas. An association with previous radiation treatment or
bones, particularly the tibia and femur. Periosteal osteosarcoma on pre-existing Paget’s disease has also been reported.37,38
radiographs commonly has the appearance of a broad based soft Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma is a distinct category that is
tissue mass attached to the diaphyseal cortex, sparing the medul- associated with a very different and dismal prognosis. Histologically,
lary cavity. Soft tissue mineralization is variable and a chondroid the tumour shows an area of cartilage differentiation abruptly inter-
type of matrix calcification may be demonstrated on CT and MRI.35 faced with another area of high-grade non-cartilaginous sarcoma.
High-grade surface osteosarcoma accounts for less than 1% of This subtype accounts for 10% of all chondrosarcoma cases. The
osteosarcoma cases. The peak incidence is in the second decade average age at diagnosis is 50e60 years. The tumour most commonly
and there is a slight male predilection. High-grade surface oste- occurs in the pelvis, femur and humerus.39
osarcoma may appear radiologically similar to periosteal osteo- The radiographic finding of a ring-and-arc pattern of matrix
sarcoma, but often encircles the host bone completely and mineralization suggests a chondroid lesion (Figures 4, 5, 7). The
invades the medullary cavity. slow growth of central chondrosarcoma may result in endosteal
scalloping. Periosteal reaction and soft tissue extension may occur
in higher grade lesions (Figure 11). MRI demonstrates a lobular
mass wherein non-calcified areas of high signal intensity on T2-
Learning points: osteosarcoma weighted imaging and calcified areas of low signal intensity on all
pulse sequences are evident. This causes a very heterogeneous
C Osteosarcoma is the most common non-haematological
primary malignant bone tumour.
C Cases in the younger age group are mainly de novo, but at the Learning points: chondrosarcoma
second, older age peak there may be a predisposing factor
such as prior radiation treatment or Paget’s disease. C Chondrosarcoma may arise de novo or on the basis of a pre-
C The most common site of origin is the metaphysis of long existing precursor lesion such as an osteochondroma.
bones, particularly around the knee. C Patients with diaphyseal aclasis, Ollier’s and Mafucci’s disease
C Conventional osteosarcoma displays a combination of are at increased risk of malignant transformation.
aggressive features on radiographs, including wide zone of C The typical radiographic appearance is characterized by a chon-
transition, cortical breach with soft tissue mass, aggressive droid matrix with a ring and arc-like pattern of calcification. The
periosteal reaction and cloud-like calcific density due to appearances become more aggressive in higher grade tumours.
malignant osteoid production. C Dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas are bimorphic with a non-
C Certain radiographic and MRI features can aid in the further cartilaginous, sarcomatous component and have a distinctly
subcategorization of osteosarcomas. poor prognosis.

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 24:4 262 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

signal pattern on T2-weighted images. However, since low signal

on T2-weighted imaging is not specific to calcification, but may
also be seen with fibrous tissue with high collagen content, CT is
superior in characterizing matrix calcification (Figure 7).40

Ewing’s sarcoma and Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumour

Both tumours are round cell tumours and constitute parts of the
same disease spectrum. The histological hallmark is the dense
packing of small round cells some of which are arranged in a
rosette-like pattern (HomereWright rosettes). Ewing’s sarcoma/
PNET accounts for 6e8% of primary malignant bone tumours. It
is the second most common bone sarcoma in children. 80% of
cases occur in patients under the age of 20 years. There is a male
preponderance with a ratio of 1.4 to 1. The tumour is much more
common in people of white ethnic origin than in other races.41
Ewing’s sarcoma commonly arises in the diaphysis or proximal Figure 16 Axial T2 fat-suppressed MRI demonstrating a chordoma of the
meta-diaphyseal region of long bones, the pelvis or ribs. sacrum. It shows a lobular outline and has a hyperintense signal pattern.
The typical feature on radiographs is a pattern of ill-defined,
permeative, moth-eaten bone destruction. Most lesions (75%) tissue mass may invade the rectum and is better demonstrated on
are mixed lytic-sclerotic, some (25%) are purely lytic. A spiculate cross-sectional imaging. The tumour commonly has a lobulated
periosteal reaction is visualized in 50% of tumours (Figure 2b) margin (Figure 16). MRI shows a low to intermediate signal
and Codman angle is evident in 27%.42 Cortical permeation and intensity mass on T1-weighted and a high intensity mass lesion
destruction are seen in a little over one third of cases. A large soft on T2-weighted and STIR images relative to skeletal muscle.44
tissue mass may cause saucerization of the bone cortex
(Figure 6). MRI shows medullary infiltration with tumour that is
of intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted and of interme-
diate/high signal intensity on T2-weighted and STIR imaging Learning points: chordoma
relative to skeletal muscle. Skip metastases (14%) and distant
metastases (22%) may be present at presentation. C Low to intermediate grade malignant tumour of notochordal
remnants with a predilection for either end of the axial skel-
eton and a tendency for local recurrence.
C MRI is important in defining tumour extent and involvement of
Learning points: Ewing’s sarcoma important adjacent anatomical structures.

C Aggressive round cell tumour, mainly of children and adoles-

cents, in the long bones, pelvis or ribs.
Follow-up imaging
C There is a strong predilection for the white ethnic group.
Osteosarcoma, with the exception of parosteal and low-grade
C Radiographs show an ill-defined, permeative, moth-eaten
central osteosarcoma, and Ewing’s sarcoma are treated with
pattern of bone destruction. Periosteal reaction, cortical sau-
chemotherapy prior to surgery. Radiotherapy may be added to
cerization and soft tissue mass are further recognized
the treatment regimen for Ewing’s sarcoma. Although regarded
as ineffectual in the treatment of chondrosarcoma as a general
rule, neoadjuvant therapy may be utilized in the treatment of
dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma.
Chordoma Surgery is aimed at resecting the tumour with clear margins
This tumour arises from notochordal remnants and therefore in and reconstructing the affected limb. Through the use of neo-
the midline of the axial skeleton. It has a predilection for the clivus adjuvant therapy and limb salvage surgery, the quality of life and
and the sacrum. It accounts for 1e4% of all primary malignant survival rates for patients have improved.
bone tumours. It grows slowly for months to years prior to diag-
nosis and is hence classed as a low to intermediate grade malig-
nant tumour. Nonetheless it has a high potential for involvement
of important local structures including cranial nerves, the pitui- Learning points: follow-up imaging
tary, spinal nerve roots and spinal cord.2 There is a tendency for
local recurrence following surgical resection. The tumour C MRI is the main tool for assessing the response of the primary
commonly presents in patients over the age of 30 and most tumour to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and for assessing local
commonly in the sixth decade. The male to female ratio is 1.8:1.43 disease recurrence.
Sacral tumours may be difficult to identify on radiographs, but C Chest radiographs and CT of the thorax are used for moni-
may show a lytic midline lesion with loss of definition of the toring for pulmonary metastatic disease.
arcuate lines within the sacrum. An associated presacral soft

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 24:4 263 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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