Equine Epm

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Proceedings of the
55th Annual Convention of
the American Association of
Equine Practitioners
December 5–9, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada
Program Chair : Nathaniel A. White

Dr. David D. Frisbie, Educational Programs Committee Chair
Carey M. Ross, Scientific Publications Coordinator

Published by the American Association

of Equine Practitioners
ISSN 0065–7182
© American Association of Equine Practitioners, 2009
Published in IVIS with the permission of the AAEP Close this window to return to IVIS


Evidence-Based Review of Diagnosis and

Treatment of Sarcocystis neurona Infection
(Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis)

Amy L. Johnson, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM-LAIM

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) should only be diagnosed when compatible clinical signs
and seropositivity are present and other likely diseases have been excluded. Available evidence
suggests that the Western blot test is highly sensitive but not as specific as the indirect fluorescent
antibody test, which is also highly sensitive. New data indicate that the surface antigen-1 (SAG-1)
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) may be insensitive, likely because of the Sarcocystis
neurona strain variation. None of the available/approved treatments are obviously superior; all have
shown an ⬃60% success rate in clinical trials. Author’s address: New Bolton Center, 382 West
Street Road, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 19348; e-mail: aljdvm03@gmail.com. © 2009 AAEP.

1. Introduction peripheral neuropathy to diffuse CNS dysfunction.

Sarcocystis neurona infection is the most common Certain patterns, such as multifocal signs, mixed
cause of EPM (equine protozoal myeloencephalitis). lower motor neuron and upper motor neuron signs
This neurologic disease presents a diagnostic chal- (e.g., both muscle atrophy and spinal proprioceptive
lenge to practitioners, because many horses are ex- ataxia), and asymmetric signs are more commonly ob-
posed to the protozoa and clinical signs can mimic served with EPM than other neurologic diseases.
many other conditions. Treatment is also challeng- Additional support for a diagnosis of EPM should
ing, because several medications are available and include exclusion of other common neurologic dis-
response to treatment is not consistent among eases and confirmation of exposure to S. neurona
horses. This review summarizes current commer- through serology and/or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
cially available diagnostic and therapeutic options analysis. For example, negative results of survey
and the evidence supporting each option. cervical radiography and/or myelography can ex-
clude cervical vertebral malformation or cervical
2. Diagnosis stenotic myelopathy. Absence of fever and respira-
A complete neurologic exam should always be the tory disease, as well as negative buffy coat and nasal
mainstay of diagnosis. If clinical signs cannot be at- swab polymerase chain reaction (PCR), can exclude
tributed to lesions in one or more regions of the central Equine Herpes Virus-1 myeloencephalopathy. Nega-
nervous system (CNS), EPM should not be considered. tive IgM capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
However, EPM can mimic almost any neurologic dis- (ELISA) or absence of mosquito vectors can exclude
ease and cause signs ranging from a single cranial or West Nile virus from consideration.


172 2009 Ⲑ Vol. 55 Ⲑ AAEP PROCEEDINGS

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3. Diagnostic Tests (including samples used in previous studies4,8),
The three most commonly used ante-mortem diag- yielding a Se value of 83.3% and a Sp value of 96.9%
nostic tests (Western blot [WB], indirect fluorescent on serum samples and a Se value of 100% and a Sp
antibody test [IFAT], and surface antigen-1 (SAG-1) value of 99% on CSF samples.9 As before, limita-
ELISA) are all based on anti-S. neurona antibodies tions included the small number of positive cases
and can be performed on serum or CSF. These and questionable classification of horses.
tests provide supportive evidence only; none is con- One caveat to the IFAT is that crossreaction with
sidered a gold standard. Necropsy remains the Sarcocystis fayeri could lead to false-positive re-
only definitive test. In a previous review, the evi- sults10; it is currently unclear whether or not this is
dence to support the use of these tests was discussed a clinically relevant problem. One benefit of the
in detail.1 This review summarizes the evidence IFAT compared with the WB is that CSF blood con-
and sensitivity/specificity estimates previously dis- tamination has a far less significant effect; there
cussed as well as summarizes new data available was no effect on IFAT results at any serological titer
regarding the SAG-1 ELISA. when the CSF was contaminated with ⬍104
Initial estimates of the sensitivity (Se) and specific- SAG-1 ELISA
ity (Sp) of the WB test were high (serum Se ⫽ 89%;
The newest commercially available test is the SAG-1
serum Sp ⫽ 71%; CSF Se ⫽ 89%; CSF Sp ⫽ 89%).2
ELISA, which is based on an immunodominant sur-
Shortly thereafter, other data indicated that the WB
face antigen of S. neurona (SAG-1). Its first evalu-
Sp likely was lower for detecting EPM, because sim-
ation in the literature using naturally occurring
ilar proportions of normal horses and abnormal
cases lacks detail and does not include Se and Sp
horses (with neurologic signs, gait abnormalities, or
estimates.12 Three hundred thirty samples (serum
performance problems) were positive on CSF WB.3
and CSF) from horses with “a presumptive diagnosis
A more recent prospective study estimated WB
Se/Sp for both neurologic and normal horses; results of EPM” were tested, and 85.4% were positive.
on CSF yielded Se ⫽ 87% and Sp ⫽ 44% for neuro- Unfortunately, no inclusion criteria were specified.
logic horses and Se ⫽ 88% and Sp ⫽ 60% for normal One hundred forty-seven samples from presump-
horses (serum results were similar).4 If weak pos- tively normal horses were also analyzed, and 24%
itive results were considered negative, Sp improved were positive. Again, these cases were not defined.
but Se declined. Limitations of this study included Data from the author of this review indicate that
questionable accuracy of classification of horses, a the SAG-1 ELISA shows poor Se and fair Sp for
small number of confirmed positive cases, and blood naturally occurring cases in the mid-Atlantic region.
contamination of CSF samples. A modified WB In this patient population, preliminary results
(with a blocking step) reported improved Se/Sp showed that the overall Se of the SAG-1 ELISA was
(100% and 98%, respectively); however, it was only 17% and Sp was 79% with a cutoff value of 1:16.13
tested on a small number of confirmed positive The low sensitivity severely limited the usefulness
horses and was never tested on horses that had of this test in this population.
potentially been exposed to S. neurona but did not Hoane et al.14 independently evaluated the use of
have clinical disease.5 ELISAs for EPM diagnosis. They determined that
One of the difficulties in interpreting WB results Se (90.9 –95.5%) and Sp (78.6 –92.9%) values were
is the high number of seropositive horses. For this high for ELISAs based on other surface antigens
reason, testing CSF has been advocated over serum (SAGs 2, 3, and 4), but their SAG-1 ELISA had a Se
and will likely result in a reduction in false-positive of only 68.2% and Sp of 71.4%.14 They proposed
results. When a large number of paired serum and that the reduced sensitivity of the SAG-1 ELISA
CSF results were analyzed, 29% of CSF samples may be explained by the fact that this surface anti-
from seropositive horses were negative.6 Unfor- gen may be absent in certain S. neurona isolates in
tunately, only a small amount of blood contami- nature.14 Later work supported S. neurona surface
nation may affect CSF results; if the blood is antigen diversity and showed that SAG-5 is an al-
moderately or strongly reactive, as few as 8 red ternative surface antigen of S. neurona strains,
blood cells (RBCs)/␮l in the CSF may cause false- which is mutually exclusive to SAG-1.15 Therefore,
positive results.7 the SAG-1 ELISA is only likely to be useful in areas
where SAG-1 expressing strains of S. neurona pre-
IFAT dominate; in areas where SAG-5 expressing strains
Initial comparative analysis of the IFAT using a predominate, the test will fail to identify infected
small subset of serum samples from the Daft et al.4 horses. S. neurona strains lacking SAG-1 have
study yielded comparable Se values (88.9% for IFAT, been identified in a variety of geographic locations
WB, and modified WB) but differing Sp values (including the states of California, Oregon, Missouri,
(IFAT ⫽ 100%; WB ⫽ 87.2%; and modified WB ⫽ and Ohio), but insufficient information is available
69.2%).8 The IFAT was subsequently analyzed to predict the likely utility of the SAG-1 ELISA for
with a larger sample set of naturally infected horses specific geographic regions.
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4. Treatment such as glossitis.18 Stallions treated for 90 days
There are four treatments currently approved by the with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and py-
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for EPM, but rimethamine may have changes in copulatory form
only three have been commercially available: a sul- and agility along with altered pattern and strength
fadiazine and pyrimethamine combination, pona- of ejaculation.19 Three mares receiving sulfon-
zuril, and nitazoxanide. Diclazuril has been amides, pyrimethamine (with or without tri-
approved but not yet marketed. Recently (spring of methoprim), and folic acid delivered foals with
2009), the commercially available form of nitazox- congenital defects that died or were euthanized.20
anidea has been discontinued. Although multiple
investigators have examined in vitro activity of var- Ponazuril
ious drugs, their pharmacokinetics, and their use in Ponazuril is a triazinetrione antiprotozoal drug that
prevention of experimental infection, this review targets the “apicoplast” organelle and inhibits en-
will focus only on the efficacy and side effects of the ergy metabolism (respiratory chains). The label
four approved treatments as documented in clinical dosage regimen for ponazurilc is 5 mg/kg PO daily
cases. for 28 days.
Sulfadiazine and Pyrimethamine A multi-center field study was performed during
the approval process for ponazuril (Marquis) and
The FDA-approved combination is sulfadiazine and
subsequently published.21 Inclusion criteria man-
pyrimethamineb dosed at 20 mg/kg sulfadiazine and
dated that horses have neurologic gait abnormali-
1 mg/kg pyrimethamine daily for a minimum of 90
ties, normal cervical radiographs, and positive CSF
days. If the FDA-approved combination is unavail-
WB results. Horses were divided into two treat-
able, some practitioners opt to use trimethoprim-
ment groups: 5 mg/kg daily for 28 days or 10 mg/kg
sulfa tablets (20 –30 mg/kg, q 12–24 h, PO) with
daily for 28 days. One hundred one horses were
pyrimethamine tablets (1 mg/kg, q 24 h, PO) be-
included, and 63 (62%) had a favorable outcome
cause of availability or ease of administration.
(improving by at least one neurologic grade 90 days
However, these drugs are not FDA-approved for
after stopping treatment or becoming negative on
EPM treatment, and therefore, this regimen consti-
CSF WB). Sixty percent (28 of 47) in the low-dose
tutes extra-label/unapproved use. All three of
group improved and 65% (35 of 54) in the high-dose
the drugs (trimethoprim, sulfadiazine, and py-
group improved. No adverse effects were noted in
rimethamine) inhibit enzymes in the folic acid
either group as reported in the efficacy study.
pathway and thereby, inhibit thymidine synthe-
However, information provided by the manufacturer
sis; trimethoprim and pyrimethamine inhibit di-
reports “unusual daily observations” in eight ani-
hydrofolate reductase, whereas sulfadiazine
mals that may have been related to treatment in-
blocks the conversion of para-aminobenzoic acid to
cluding blisters on nose and mouth, skin rash or
dihydrofolic acid.
hives, loose stools, mild colic, and a seizure.c This
A field study was performed during the approval
information also mentioned slightly different results
process at multiple sites to evaluate two dose levels
for the high-dose group in that 32 of 55 (58%) horses
of sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine (1⫻ and 2⫻ the
aforementioned dose for 90 –270 days).16 Inclusion
criteria included neurologic signs and positive CSF
WB; treatment success was defined by negative CSF Nitazoxanide
WB and/or marked clinical improvement (two or As previously mentioned, nitazoxanide pastea is no
more grades of improvement). Of the horses com- longer commercially available. This drug is a 5-ni-
pleting the study, 16 of 26 (61.5%) treated at the 1⫻ trothiazole antiparasitic drug that inhibits the pyru-
dose had successful outcomes. The most common vate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFOR) enzyme-
adverse reaction was bone marrow suppression dependent electron transfer reaction essential for
(anemia, leucopenia, neutropenia, and/or thrombo- anaerobic energy metabolism.
cytopenia) in 12% of the 1⫻ group and 21% of the 2⫻ Before the research provided by the manufacturer
group. of nitazoxanide paste, there were two case series
An epizootic of EPM at a farm was described dur- that described the use of nitazoxanide. McClure
ing which 12 horses were diagnosed with EPM based and Palma22 described two horses diagnosed with
on neurologic signs and positive CSF WB.17 All EPM on the basis of neurologic signs and positive
horses were treated with pyrimethamine and tri- CSF WB results that were treated with nitazoxanide
methoprim-sulfamethoxazole until they were nega- tablets and/or paste at 50 mg/kg daily for either 28
tive on CSF WB (45–211 days). Eleven of twelve or 42 days; both horses improved, and the one with
horses became negative on CSF WB in this time longer follow-up information had no residual neuro-
period. Adverse effects attributed to treatment in- logic abnormalities.22 Vatistas et al.23 described
cluded fever, leucopenia, anorexia, depression, acute their initial experiences using nitazoxanide (50 or 75
worsening of ataxia, mild anemia, and abortions. mg/kg daily for 28 days) in seven horses diagnosed
In addition to blood dyscrasias, folic acid defi- with EPM using the same criteria; five horses be-
ciency may lead to gastrointestinal disturbances came neurologically normal, one horse improved,
174 2009 Ⲑ Vol. 55 Ⲑ AAEP PROCEEDINGS

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and one was unchanged.23 Reported side effects in specificity is higher than the estimated WB specific-
these studies included inappetence and depression. ity, and the IFAT CSF results are much less affected
Two field studies for efficacy and safety were con- by blood contamination than WB CSF results. The
ducted during the approval process for nitazoxanide. SAG-1 ELISA has the least amount of evidence to
When the efficacy data were analyzed, 49 horses support its use, and preliminary data yield a low
from the first study and 250 from the second study sensitivity that will likely limit its use in some or
were included. Inclusion criteria were more strin- most geographic regions.
gent for the first study; horses were required to have Results of efficacy studies were surprisingly sim-
asymmetric spinal ataxia or multifocal neurologic ilar for each of the four approved therapies when
signs along with positive CSF WB results. In the similar methodologies and means of assessing im-
second study, neither a videotape of the neurologic provement were used. Regardless of drug, ⬃60% of
exam nor CSF analysis was required. Also, some treated horses improved by at least one neurologic
horses in the second study had been previously grade or became negative on CSF WB. Prospective,
treated for EPM with other drugs. In the first randomized, blinded clinical trials would aid in as-
study, 57% of horses improved by one grade and/or sessing if one drug shows superior efficacy. Based
became negative on CSF WB as assessed by clinical on reported side effects, ponazuril and diclazuril
investigators. In the second, less stringent study, seem to have the fewest reported adverse effects.
81% were considered treatment successes. Side ef-
fects were seen in 22 of 81 (27%) horses in the first References and Footnotes
study and 129 of 416 (31%) horses in the second 1. Johnson AL. Which is the most sensitive and specific com-
study. The most common adverse reactions were mercial test to diagnose Sarcocystis neurona infection (equine
fever, anorexia/reduced appetite, and lethargy/de- protozoal myeloencephalitis) in horses? Equine Vet Edu
2008;20:166 –168.
pression. Twenty-eight horses died or were eutha- 2. Granstrom DE. Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis: para-
nized in the second study, and five of these cases site biology, experimental disease, and laboratory diagnosis,
were potentially caused by nitazoxanide use, in Proceedings. The International Equine Neurology Con-
prompting the following warning: “administration ference 1997;4.
3. Bernard WV. Sarcocystis neurona antibodies in equine ce-
of nitazoxanide can disrupt the normal microbial rebrospinal fluid, in Proceedings. 44th Annual American
flora of the gastrointestinal tract leading to entero- Association of Equine Practitioners Convention 1998;
colitis. Deaths due to enterocolitis have been ob- 140 –141.
served while administering the recommended dose 4. Daft BM, Barr BC, Gardner IA, et al. Sensitivity and spec-
in field studies.”a ificity of Western blot testing of cerebrospinal fluid and serum
for diagnosis of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis in horses
with and without neurologic abnormalities. J Am Vet Med
Assoc 2002;221:1007–1013.
Diclazuril is a triazinetrione antiprotozoal agent 5. Rossano MG, Mansfield LS, Kaneene JB, et al. Improve-
similar to ponazuril with an unknown (but possibly ment of Western blot test specificity for detecting equine
similar) mechanism of action. serum antibodies to Sarcocystis neurona. J Vet Diag Invest
2000;12:28 –32.
A multi-center clinical field study was performed 6. Rossano MG, Kaneene JB, Schott HC, et al. Assessing the
using diclazuril pellets at a dose of 1 mg/kg daily for agreement of Western blot test results for paired serum and
28 days.24 Criteria for inclusion were similar to cerebrospinal fluid samples from horses tested for antibodies
other field trials and consisted of neurologic signs to Sarcocystis neurona. Vet Parasitol 2003;115:233–238.
7. Miller MM, Sweeney CR, Russell GE, et al. Effects of blood
and positive CSF WB tests. Horses were also contamination of cerebrospinal fluid on Western blot analysis
tested for other neurologic diseases and excluded if for detection of antibodies against Sarcocystis neurona and on
abnormal results were obtained. Forty-two horses albumin quotient and immunoglobulin G index in horses.
completed the study; 67% were considered successes J Am Vet Med Assoc 1999;215:67–71.
(negative CSF WB and/or improvement by one 8. Duarte PC, Daft BM, Conrad PA, et al. Comparison of a
serum indirect fluorescent antibody test with two Western
grade) by clinical investigators. Reported adverse blot tests for the diagnosis of equine protozoal myeloenceph-
reactions were not clearly linked to drug adminis- alitis. J Vet Diag Invest 2003;15:8 –13.
tration and included worsening neurologic status 9. Duarte PC, Daft BM, Conrad PA, et al. Evaluation and
and laminitis. comparison of an indirect fluorescent antibody test for detec-
tion of antibodies to Sarcocystis neurona, using serum and
5. Conclusions cerebrospinal fluid of naturally and experimentally infected,
and vaccinated horses. J Parasitol 2004;90:379 –386.
Ante mortem diagnosis of EPM is always presump- 10. Saville WJA, Dubey JP, Oglesbee MJ, et al. Experimental
tive and should be based on the presence of compat- infection of ponies with Sarcocystis fayeri and differentiation
from Sarcocystis neurona infections in horses. J Parasitol
ible neurologic signs, exclusion of other likely 2004;90:1487–1491.
diseases, and positive serology and/or CSF analysis 11. Finno CJ, Packham AE, Wilson WD, et al. Effects of blood
for S. neurona infection. Testing CSF samples contamination of cerebrospinal fluid on results of indirect
(alone or in addition to serum samples) improves fluorescent antibody tests for detection of antibodies against
specificity. Three types of serologic tests are com- Sarcocystis neurona and Neospora hughesi. J Vet Diag In-
vest 2007;19:286 –289.
mercially available to aid in diagnosis. Available 12. Ellison SP, Kennedy T, Brown KK. Development of an
evidence indicates that both the WB and IFAT have ELISA to detect antibodies to rSAG1 in the horse. Int
similar sensitivities (⬃90%). The estimated IFAT J Appl Res Vet Med 2003;1:318 –327.

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13. Johnson AL, Sweeney RW. Utility of two serologic tests for azole and pyrimethamine. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1999;215:
antemortem diagnosis of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis 1317–1319.
(Sarcocystis neurona infection) in naturally occurring cases, 20. Toribio RE, Bain FT, Mrad DR, et al. Congenital defects in
in Proceedings. American College of Veterinary Internal newborn foals of mares treated for equine protozoal myeloen-
Medicine Forum 2009. cephalitis during pregnancy. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998;212:
14. Hoane JS, Morrow JK, Saville WJ, et al. Enzyme-linked 697–701.
immunosorbent assays for detection of equine antibodies spe- 21. Furr M, Kennedy T, MacKay R, et al. Efficacy of ponazuril
cific to Sarcocystis neurona surface antigens. Clin Diagn 15% oral paste as a treatment for equine protozoal myeloen-
Lab Immunol 2005;12:1050 –1056. cephalitis. Vet Ther 2001;2:215–222.
15. Crowdus CA, Marsh AE, Saville WJ, et al. SnSAG5 is an 22. McClure SR, Palma KG. Treatment of equine protozoal my-
alternative surface antigen of Sarcocystis neurona strains eloencephalitis with nitazoxanide. J Equine Vet Sci 1999;
that is mutually exclusive to SnSAG1. Vet Parasitol 2008; 19:639 – 641.
158:36 – 43. 23. Vatistas N, Fenger C, Palma K, et al. Initial experiences
16. Animal Health Pharmaceuticals. Freedom of information with the use of nitazoxanide in the treatment of protozoal
summary, NADA 141–240. REBALANCE Antiprotozoal encephalitis in Northern California. Equine Pract 1999;21:
Oral Suspension (sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine) “for the 18 –21.
treatment of horses with equine protozoal myeloencephalitis 24. Schering-Plough Animal Health Corporation. Freedom of
(EPM) caused by Sarcocystis neurona.” Animal Health information summary, NADA 141–268. PROTAZIL Anti-
Pharmaceuticals, LLC, St. Joseph, MT; 2004. protozoal Pellets (1.56% diclazuril) “for the treatment of
17. Fenger CK, Granstrom DE, Langemeier JL, et al. Epizootic equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) caused by Sarco-
of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis on a farm. J Am Vet cystis neurona in horses.” Schering-Plough Animal Health
Med Assoc 1997;210:923–927. Corporation, Langehorne, PA; 2007.
18. Piercy RJ, Hinchcliff KW, Reed SM. Folate deficiency dur-
ing treatment with orally administered folic acid, sulphadi- Navigator®, Idexx Laboratories, Inc., Westbrook, ME 04092
azine and pyrimethamine in a horse with suspected equine (no longer available).
protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM). Equine Vet J 2002;34: Rebalance™ Antiprotozoal Oral Suspension, IVX Animal
311–316. Health Inc., St. Joseph, MT 64503.
19. Bedford SJ, McDonnell SM. Measurements of reproductive Marquis®, Bayer HealthCare LLC, Shawnee Mission, KS
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