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Devotional Summary

Christian Education
Teacher Aurelio Arauz
Student´s Name: Joselyn Gonzalez

Grade: 11

Topic (tema del mensaje): The Prayer

Preacher (predicador): Dr. Nohemy Morales
Bible text (texto bíblico): 2 corinthians 13: 11, Philippians 4: 6-7

Date (fecha): 07/09/21

Group directing (grupo que dirige): 7

Summary (los puntos más importantes no menos de 10 líneas)

The lesson for followers of Christ is clear.

When our partners of faith stumble and fall,
we have to follow the example of these
players. Let's reach out to them .. Let's lift
them up and carry them in our arms. It is a
wonderful opportunity to "minister to
others, as good stewards of the manifold
grace of God."
For all intents and purposes, it begins by
worshiping him rather than worshiping God.

Your opinion
(su opinión del mensaje no menos de tres líneas)

Nothing can satisfy us like God. And

nothing should replace it in our affections.

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