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Professor’s name: Edouard Lebedev

Student’s name:…Emanuel King……………..
Final score: ………………………………….../77

I. Write a REPLY QUESTION and then a FOLLOW-UP QUESTION, e.g.;

- We welcome your iniciative.
- Do you? When could we start then?

- We haven’t received your message yet.

-Haven’t you? when did you receive it?………………………

- We aren’t ready right now.

- Aren’t we? Who is not ready yet?.............………………………

- It has been getting worse.

- has it? Why is that?………………………………………………….

- He would like to have some more information on that matter.

- would he? what kind of information he would like to have?…………

- They will be arriving tomorrow as usual.

will they? when will they arrive……………………………………..
II. Put tug questions to these sentences.

1. It’s not been raining for two weeks, ……isn’t it………….?

2. He doesn’t want to take part in it, ……does he?……………..?
3. You are afraid to launch that offer, ……aren’t you………….?
4. They must have been pleased to receive that help, …haven’t they?…..?
5. I am confusing you, ……aren’t I………..?
6. They refused the offer, …did they……………..?
7. That part is missing, …isn’t it……………...?
8. You haven’t understood much, …have you……………?
9. The delivery was late, ……wasn’t it………….?
10. They are not doing anything about it, …are they………………?
11. Let’s stop blaming each other, ……shall we………?
12. I’m not helping you much, …am I………….?
13. Those things happen, ………don’t they…….?
14. You wouldn’t like to do it over again, ………would you………..?
15. Don’t start it over again, ……could you?………….?
16. It could have ended worse, ……… couldn’t it…………?
17. I am too fast, ………aren’t I………?
18. People like gossips, ………don´t they……….?
19. I missed something, …didn’t I……………..?
20. Let’s meet again next Tuesday ……shall we……………?

III. Fill in the gaps using LIVE (vivir), LIVE (en vivo, vivo), LIVES (third person
singular of the verb LIVE in presen simple), LIVES (plural of the noun LIFE),
ALIVE (vivo, no muerte), LIVELY (vivido, despierto), LEAVE (partir, dejar),
LEAVES (third person singular of the verb to LEAVE), LEAF (noun), LEAVES
(plural of the noun LEAF).

1. People were so much happy that they found him …alive………….

2. The path wasn’t seen because it was drowned in fallen …leaves………
3. I saw that president ………leave………. right in front of me.
4. He…lives………….not far away from here.
5. In that country human ……lives………….don’t matter.
6. Children’s eyes are usually ……lively………………
7. The bus …………leaves…….. at 10:00 a.m.
8. Elephants don’t ……live………….. in Panama.
9. ……leave………….. that file on my desk, please.
10. I found a dry ………leaf……….. in that book.

IV. Build questions from the given words considering the 8 tenses in active
voice: Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous,
Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect
Continuous (there must be 2 sentences per each tense).
1, When/ you/ send me/ that message?
when did you send me that message?…………………………………..
2. How long/ he/ study at UTP/ when they/ invite/ him to work at COPA?
how long he has been studying at UTP when they invited him to work at
COPA? …………………………..
3. that aircraft/ fly/ faster than sound?
…did that aircraft fly faster than sound?……………………………….
4. When exactly/ they/ call me yesterday?
…when exactly they called me yesterday.…………………………….
5. What/ you/ try/ to say now?
……what have you been trying to say now?.………………………….
6. you/ take/ a course of Arabic before going to work in Dubai?
…have you been taking a course of Arabic before going to work in Dubai?
7. that bank/ work on Sundays?
…is that bank working on Sundays?……………………………………
8. what/ you/ do/ when we call/ you?
……what have you been doing when we called you?……………………
9. What movie/ he/ make/ now?
what movies does he make now?……………………………………….
10. you/ work/ long/ on that project by now?
for how long have you been working on that project by now?…………
11. you/ graduate/ from university before moving to Canada?
will you graduate from university before moving to Canada? ……………
12. he/ drive/ along main highway when/ you see him?
did he drive along main highway when you see him?……………………
13. How much they/ do/ so far?
…how much they will do so far?………………………………………….
14. How long/ they live together/ when the Second World War/ erupt? ppc
how long have they been living together when the Second World War/
15. What/ you/ do/ from the morning?
…what did you do from the morning?……………………………………
16. you/ finish/ your test yet?
…did you finish your test yet?……………………………………………

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